1Thm Stat SaUm. OWm Tueadgy. February 25. 1M7 Injuries Noted In Weekend Car Accidents Injuries to perMtu and .ninor da ma re to automobilea in traffic aciideirta frt reaM-ted by city police over the weekend . Raymond L. W'tlco. 1082 Oak it . charged by city police wUh failure U five the rght-of-way to a pedestrian, we fined $50 in municipal ccurt yesterday, after the car he was operating alleged ly struck Lavl Hess. 1370 Broadway at., at High and Chcme keta street early Monday morn ing. The victim, police aaid, treated for head injuries by the TOXITS ONLY SANTIAM SO CLUB STAGE AND SCREEN SHOWI TO MORROW I Edward AraaU "Tha Hidden Eye" Frettea raster "Swange Trkmaie" 313 - -Opens :4S P. M. Eads Today! (Tne.) Ted Daaaldae "Beturn of Ruaty" Wild Bill Elliett "WaQon Wheel. Wearword" TOMORROW! Randolph Soett "Bandnan'i Territory" nilliaaa Gargaa "Night Editor" Salem first aid squad and was later taken to the Salem Dea coness hospital and dismissed. A one-car accident occurred Sunday afternoon at 24th and Lee streets, when a car driven by Al bert Abe Smith, 2S62 Lee St., crossed the curb and overturned in the parking strip, police said. Police added that both Smith and Mary Nail, who was in the car, received minor injuries. A car driven by Benjamin Up degraff. jr., 1748 S. Cottage St., collided with a parked car owned by E. A. Meola. 1790 S. High st.. at Howard and south High streets Saturday night, police reports in dicated. Wayne Eugene Mahaffey. 1076 Highland ave . was fined $25 yes terday in municipal court on a charge of failure to stop at the i scene of an accident The car he was driving collided Sunday night j on the Portland road with a car i driven by Loren Haley, Valsetz, police said. DDT Lauded As New Spray ' SPOKANE, Feb. 24-rP)-David Brennon, extension entomologist , of Washington State college, said ' today that the use of D. D. T. as a fruit spray may change the en tire spray program. Speaking before 150 fruit tree ; growers at the annual Spokane ! cbunty horticultural school. Bren j non said the chemical's chief ad- vantage is that it cuts the num ' ber of sprays necessary from eight to three. D. D. T. is the most effective spray for coddling moths ever developed. It acts differently from other insecticides in that It des troys adult moths in the orchard and kills the young worms be fore they can enter the apple," he said. "Worms that may have entered the fruit before the spray was applied are also killed." I will prepare your 1946 Fed eral & State Income Tea H. G. EWING llf Myrtle Ave, Hollywood District Far Appointment Can 2-3479 Ends Today I Glenn Ford "GALLANT JOURNEY" and Leslie Brooks "CIGARETTE GIRL' PHONE 3467 MATINEE DAILY FROM 1 P. M. STABTS T0II0BB0W! JUDY INHERITS A HAUNTED CITY ...AND SCARES ALL THE GHOSTS! v The ghoets go wild ' tffrXtJ as Judy goes akoocia' I II fill ...and you go -VJ jJY' J GUM (SIMMS Ml - ra smcik IRDIAI HATES writ iii tJL ACTION I THRILLS! CO - HIT! THE FIRST OF THE NEW n i i jr." , w T,..rv t If 3 2 . "The Devil's ..f.. ,w- Hopalong Cajxidy Pidnres! STARRING uiejlhm bovd WITH ANDT CLYDE. RAND BROOXS ELAINE RILEY PLUS LATEST IIET7S! Permit Given To Begin New WU Infirmary A permit for construction of a $2,000 foundation for the new Willamette university infirmary, to be constructed Just east of the present gymnasium building, was issued yesterday by the city en gineer's office. Robert W. Fenix, university business manager, said last night that a Tacoma firm was now dis mantling the two Camp Adair in firmary buildings to be used in the project, and that they would be moved to Salem in ten-foot sections just as soon as the foun dation is completed. Fenix also said that clearing of the site and adjoining property were under way to take care of the construc tion and to provide a small park facility for patients of the in firmary. Other building permits issued yesterday by the city engineers office were: to Mrs. George Waters to alter the Singer Sew ing Machine company store at 130 N. Commercial st., $1,000; to George H. Patterson to reroof a house and woodshed at 675 S. 19th st., $350 and to Betty Amos to alter a house at 576 Locust st-, $120. Revote Elects 4 WU Students Four student offices were filled by a revote election yesterday at Willamette university after an election last week in which inde cisive number of ballots were cast. The balloting yesterday showed Robert Gray, Portland, elected as senior class secretary-treasurer; George Hurt, Warrenton, sopho more president; Helen Montag, Portland, sophomore secretary treasurer and John Cloudy, Ketch ikan, Alaska, freshman secretary. A second revote is necessary on Wednesday to decide the office of senior class president, for which John Bohnenkamp, La Grande, and Conrad Pavlock, Barosboro. Pa , are candidates. Albania Guilt Debate Target LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y., Feb. 24 -The United States and Soviet Russia took opposing sides today in a four-hour wrangle in the United Nations security council which ended without any progress on the British case against Al bania. Herschel V. Johnson. U.S. dele gate, told the council that this coujntry supported Great Britain in its contention that Albania was responsible for mine damage to two British warships and the con sequent deaths of 44 British sail ors in Corful channel last Oct. 22. Too Late to Classify Robbery Wave Hits Miami MIAMI BEACH, Fla., Feb, 24.-UP)-A weekend ware of robberies and holdups that netted more than $200,000 in cash and jewels caused Police Chief Albert W. Simpson to cancel all off-days for his men today and place the en tire force of 131 men on a seven day week. Biggest loss reported was at the Beachmocber night club where three suave bandits held up four men and fled with $25,000 in cash and jewels belonging to Sophie Tucker, night club comed ienne, which she valued at $75,000. The cash included $700 belonging to Miss Tucker. Ten Initiated Into DeMolay At Ceremonies Ten members were initiated in to the Chemeketa chapter. Order of DeMolay at last night's cere monies in the Masonic temple. Those receiving the initiatory degree were Richard Smith, Jo seph Pettit, Edward Michalson, Wayne Halseth, Robert Brant, Ralph Wilson, and William Paul us. Dick Van Osdol, Wilfred Log gan, and Tom Scheidel. The initiations were preceded by a dinner at Nohlgren's dining room and by a discussion by Wen dell Kelly, state advisory com mitteeman of the DeMolay. Tom my Tomlinson was selected as new chairman of the advisory council for Chemeketa chapter. Telephone Co. Strike Looms SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 24.-JP) -Five independent unions served 30-day strike notice on the Pacif ic Telephone and Telegraph com pany today in a wage dispute and simultaneously it was announced that negotiations would begin to morrow. The unions include the United Telephone Employes of Oregon and the Associated Communica tions Employes of Washington and Idaho. They represent some 16, 000 workers, mainly linemen, in stallers, construction men and commercial clerks, union spokes men said. Broadhurst Murder Trial Opens at Vale VALE, Ore.. Feb. 24 -&)- A marriage license hovered in the background as the first degree murder trial of Mrs. Gladys Lin coln Broadhurst, 40-year-old red headed widow accused of con spiring with a young chautfeur to kill her wealthy husband, open ed here today. Both District Attorney Charles Swan and Robert Lytle, attorney for the 23-year-old chauifeur, held photostatic copies of a mar riage license issued in Reno, Nev., last September 17 to an Elaine Hamilton and Albert Williams. Williams is the name of the chauffeur who police said signed a statement admitting slaying W. D. Broadhurst, 51, last October, and who will go on trial for first degree murder next month. Mrs. Broadhurst' middle name is Elaine. Neither of the attorneys would comment on the license, nor would either deny that it would be brought up during the trial. Mrs. Broadhurst, who had been married at least five times pre viously, was bequeathed $30,000 by the rancher whom she wed last spring. 1 Killed, 3 Hurt in Motorcycle Crash PORTLAND, Feb. 24-(;p)-Mrs. Dolly Mae Schwab. 20, was killed and three other persons injured last night in the crash of two motorcycles from a road. The cyclist, traveling together, had veered to avoid an automo bile. Injured were Kenneth R. Nordstrom, 25; Virgil Madlin, 23fl and Arlene Tenipelmen, 23. Black Dahlia Suspect Held LOS ANGELES, Feb. -(-Police late tonight booked Phillip E. Smalley, 31, Konxville, Tenn", electrician, on suspicion of murder in the mutilation slaying of Eliza beth Short, 22-year-old Medford, Mass., ' Black Dahlia." Det.-Lieut. William Cummlngs, who returned Smalley here from San Francisco wher-j he was ar rested Saturday said he would be held while his story of leaving a bar January 9 wi-Ji a girl an swering the ill-fated movie hope ful's description was checked further. Police School Invitations Out Fifty invitations have been sent to police departments in Clacka mas, Marion, Multnomah, Polk, Washington and Yamhill counties, Salem Police Chief Frank, A. Min to said yesterday, inviting partici pation in a state-wide Oregon re gional police school slated to be gin here on March 4 in the cham ber of commerce rooms. Minto, in charge of arrange ments for the district school, add ed that West Salem. Monmouth, Newberg, Hillsboro, Silverton and the Marion county sheriff's office bad already accepted the invita tions and will send their quotas to the school which will draw instructors from Portland police and the federal bureau of investigation. LARCENY FROM CAR Two hundred and forty-eight dollars was the total value of a suit, overcoat, suit coat, two suit cases, 15 shirts and a hearing aid reported by an out-of-town man taken from his car last night as it was parked in the 300 block on Chemeketa street, police reports indicated. negan will be s patient "for an this physicians said today. The indefinite period" at Massachu-1 democratic national chairman s setta Memorial hospital, one of 1 ailment was not disclosed. H ANN EG AN IN HOSPITAL BOSTON, Feb. 24 -OP)- Post master General Robert E. Han- Oregon Tops Haul In Forest Receipts SEATTLE, Feb. 24 -(jP)- Ore gon makes the richest haul from national forest service receipts last year. The distribution of 25 per cent of the annual income will give $559,280 to Oregon. $414,466 to California and $398,089 to Wash ington, word received here today said. They are the three top states. The states in turn will distribute most of the funds to the counties. VANDALISM REPORTED Mrs. M. Olson, 35? N. Cot tage st., reported to city police last night that while she and her daughter were sitting in the liv ing room of their home a window was broken from the outside by what appeared to them to be shots fired from a gun. Investi gating city police said that they found BB shot to be the cause of the holes in the window. How To Relieve Bronchitis Creomulsion relieres promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way It quickly allays the cough or you sxe to hare your money back. CREOMULSION for Coachs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis WANTED: Dishwasher, night ork. man or rood Manor TED : Dishwasher, night ork. rw i if r woman, steadv employment. I Pfl lrimil VietllllS wa(e Call 5583. Normmd, 1 C" VI tlSlI Til 111119 Names Revealed ENDS TODAY Bob Jaaa Hope Caalfleld ia "Monsieur Reaaeaire Also -Shock- Starts Tomorrow I m u WPnHaiai hrika with ExeJtemeat ? . , -1 I . 1 WS, ,i ft mssm MliatMT IAITIIE Kllfi CO-FEATURE! Johnny Weisamuller l "Swamp Fire SAN DIEGO, Calif., Feb. 24 -(P-The coast guard today an nounced the names of ten killed in the first major mishap of a j plane from the air station here the crash of a two-engined PBM flying boat near Tijuana, Mex., j Saturday night. An investigation was underway i but officers said they doubted if I the cause of the tragedy, after the j plane reported it was "letting ( down" in fog off the Coronado is- lands, would ever be determined. FRANCE CUTS PRICE PARIS. Feb. 24-(P)-A second mandatory price reduction of five per cent has been voted by the French government in its cam paign to cut living costs and sta bilize the franc. Premier Paul Ramadier announced in a nation wide broadcast tonight. Rama dier said the new decree would be effective on Wednesday. ENDS TODAY! (TUES.) Fred MacMurray "PARDON MY PAST- Sasaa Hayward - Bill Williams "DEADLINE AT DAWN- STARTS TOMORROW! "SMOKY" In Technicolor Tom Conway "THE FALCON'S ALIBI" ififilLaLff' I ..f , Introducing the NEW E-l 'larion SINGLEPACK encased in MAGNESIUM L 1 0mlf 7 M. pltH wilt kllrrtn 1 5l MAGMfSIUM the wonder I Only Otarion offers you an all-ia-oa" traasmirter sadbanery case made of magnesium alloy ... so string you can stand on it . . . yet no heavier than ordinary plastic cases. It cannot warp, crack, or bead. Assures greater protection and longer life for your hearing aid than erer before! NtW, THttAD-THlN COtOl . . . alike at both ends can be reversed to distribute and minimize wear. NCW DUPLEX TUSe I 3-tube efficiency at 2 -tube battery econ omy. New plug-in type tubes facilitate service. Twin penlit A batteries easily available always. SOUNOS IN THEIR NATURAL TONES I Finger-tip control of ton and volume. Try the new -1 Otarion . . . heac it, compare it . . . prove to yourself that you hear bettet. lit lErOtl YOU IUY YOU CAN RENT AN OTARION OTARION HEARING AID CENTER OF SALEM Hugh O. Ward, Manager 4fi6 Court Street Phone 2-4000 ' -S. " s t v 1 - ,7 -" 'A ' i - w J4 ,:. '4t t 4tt" Myers Spray Equipment We have just received a limited number of high-pressure sprayers for this season. Silver Cloud Power Spraver Has 9 HP Engine, 15 gallon per minute pump at 500 lba. pressure, 200 gal. wood tank on 4 wheel truck with, rub be rr tires. Silver Cloud Tractor Drive Sprayer With 35 GGPM pump for 600-8000 lbs. pressure, 400 gaL tank on rubber .tired trailer. Silver Cloud Power Sprayer Tractor driven type with 20 GPM pump 400-500 lb. pres sure, two rubber tires 7.50x24". Myers Junior Sprayer 3 HP Engine, 7 gal. per minute at 300 lb. pressure with 150 gal. tank on 4 wheel truck with steel wheels. G. II Slenlz Co. 30 Lana At.. Phona 8533 THE SIGN OF jHppK This Sign Is Your Goarantoo of Skillful Sorvico ot a Fair Price I Our service department is one of the most important parts of our business, and we've spared no expense to make it one of the best staffed and equipped shops ia town. If o matter what make of car you now drive, you 11 find we're fully prepared to give you complete service. The KAlSEJt and Fkazkb. approved service sign means bet ter service at a fair price. Why not bring your car in today for a checkup? Our service manager will be glad to give you a free estimate. It really pays to keep your car in A-l condition, because we'll be able to give you a much better trade-in price on a new ELAISIR or FULZE. While you are in, look them over. They're the cars of the year and with good reason, as you will see. OUt SlftVICI DfPAtTMINT 5 icwWirai tm Motor tune-up, body repair and painting Mention Graham Owners Wa have been appointed by the factory to serve you. IMMEDIATE SERVICE ON ALL WORK TEAGUE MOTOR AIID IIIPLEIIEIITS CO. 355 N. Liberty St. Phone 2-4534 UFJEW CAR Roy Actus!, Star of the "Grand Old Opry" show comes direct from Nashville, Tennessee, to SalemI Next Fri day night February 28. the Senior High School Audi torium. Show starts at 8:30 P. M. Don't miss 111 Almost any day now, your dealer will be callingyou with the welcome news, "your new car is ready!" When that day comes and it may be sooner than you think be prepared to finance your.purchase the low-cost way, through the BANK LOAN PLAN of this bank. You will save money if you insist upon the Bankloan Plan. LOW-COST AUTOMOirU FINANCINO D. W. IYU. Vico rMiaW JACOB FUHtfg. Am. CoaMor W. S. WALTON. Vic fm4 LfO O. PAGf , Am. CnJilw SOT NCUON. Vfe PimMmI LAWICMCI L PISHCt. Am. a. w. MHin, aaw. rnm rwnoam ux eiBSON, Aul. - ""t pwy .mP GaeDosijf2a mm MCMTtU FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION