The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 09, 1947, Page 7, Image 7

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Take ni jraqraut Valentine
And let it speak for me t
It breatiies love in every line.
Love true and pure for iliee.
Good old fashioned sentiment 15 fairly bursting fmm out picty
psges today. Delving into the past, we pulled out a bitcful i f Va'cn
tines of yesteryear and brought them 'tiictly up to !;ile v.ith j.ietlv
jweethcart5 of tod;iy. Every young giiJ is someone's nvcelhi t but
we ''iid to he content with only ;i h;ill dozen
lp in the lefthand picture little I.eity Di;.ne. daughter f the H.,r
ry C'arsons of SiKerton temporarily takes the place of a pieltv htt'
maid with ilferin'7 of flowers, who ha'-s:ood be foi the tnilcy .';
for many years. The old Valentine was one tx-longmg to the lat
enry Meyers and "ov the properly of Mis. Donald Young, (letly's
phoo is by Jcsten-Miller).
At her feet is another of Mrs Meyers' valentines, now the piop
erty of Mrs. l otus Lachmund. It sports a beautiful red fringe P"d
fprav of margrerites.
The va'entine m the epper right hand corner belongs to Mrs. Keu
ben P. Boise and was her mother's manv vears ago It i rm Hv
gold and grav on Irce paner. The valentine girl is Roberta Ti" nt;.
daughter of th Aubrey Tussitigs.
Below, right, is a sentimental alentine of the sweet old many
layered tvpe. The proud ship of love slcnds m.right on a blu- e;i.
,-m; lined" bv two beautiful sailor boys. The sails are gold. (Pi; v ig
nore the rent in the ship's side, caused, no doubt bv a battle wi,h the
elements which evuy ship of Io e must encounter m its ov.,r ).
This and those framing the four girls are from the collection ot M .
James Hutchison. Vancouver. B C . and loaned by her m.tb'.-r. Mr.
George Rodgers.
Sweethtarts at the left are Baibara King (upi)ei) daughter of the
SiriiH v Kings anfl Betty Jo Beardsley. daughter of Mr. and Mr? Juo'd
Beprrislev. Lower light are Beverly Nelson, daughter of M ;miH Mr-.
Ted Xelson and Marianne Bone-teele. dmghter f the Wallace Bonc
steele's. (Photos by Kennell-Ellis. Art work and eoinmenls by M.ixme
Legislative Social Whirl . . .
Bv Irn mf KnIKh
S t ., 1 1 m; n So t . !-; i toi
Soi..l ; If. iits am. i g nv ml,n of tin legi-'atpr of11ingnt i
hold the spoil ghf
i e ii : o.; . I' t o n M i - 1 1., i i n W M;'in. li v. 1 1 1 I ho- !i -
f. i nuil tea .it ti Ki'if-iul Hi i'M' ! m- on t :b..n l.;,i,e In t m
lit m-hei. Miv (IcMiu1 Win-1! v. f 'I'iP.iiix ok. I,ie : itti Sen.'
cuin g t he i' n
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N'c.m.iii Wirslou Mis .iiu- Doiu'liton
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A Huff vt iixr
Kip and Ml- HoH-i t A l'.i M and H i ;.i d Hbeit r r- rAH.Vff
P. itl.ind will be '-. for s ImCi I M"i.dnv r d nt 1 . k it 'h
Maiioii stioet I ( me of M i pah I I., i
("ois a ill be plac ed 'oi Sim ; k( of the Hou-e l.nd Mit Jo H ill, Hp.
and Mis Rj.lf.h Moo.e if Coot Bay, Miss Mirp.di Blali. IU p Stm.1 e 1'ier if
Poilh.nd. Sen. and Mn. Alltn Cji-oii of Salem. Sin .id Mr V. i . B.ildei
i f fir;.nts Pas. Sen i'nd Mis Ki" i e Mai -ii of Mi Mmiiolli- and t h.iM.
I ri v it.'itions weie in the m; il l-'i id..v to the tea ( r which M - l' i' l Snll,
Mis Hi b rl KimII. ii . Mr. Maiiln-ll t'oine't and Mi' .' ' n II. d b ho1-
ss on y, lit'i1- 18 j't the l-i.riell home brlu:ni 3 j.i.d e'l lot k i i lui:of of
ihe legislators' wives.
Wisteria Dance
Wisteria club will entertain with a
valentine dance Friday night at the
Veteran's hall. Many parties are being
arranged to precede and follow the af
fair. Mr and Mrs. Paul Bale will be
hosts for a dessert supper befoie the
dance at their Sagincw street hi me.
The Bales will entertain with another
pre-dance party in March.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Klaus hiive
invited guests to a dessert supper befoie
the dence and to a midnight -upper
party following the affair at their home
in compliment to their dance guests,
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dotson of Portland.
Rep. and Mrs. Douglas Yeater and
Mr and Mrs. John Stark have invited
35 couples to a party at the Yeater
home on Virginia street preceding the
dance. Capt. and Mrs. William Has
kins will assist the hosts.
Mr and Mrs. J. Parker Linborry
and Mr and Mrs. Neal Craig of Cor
vallis will entertain with a supper ear
ly f l!i w ing the dance at the former's
home on Kingwood Heights. Guets
will be Messrs. and Mesdames Eric Al
len, jr . E T. Barnett. Edward Majek,
Walter Snyder. Paul Hale, David Cam
eron. John Taylor and Frederick Klaus.
Town Club Dinner
The Town club's valentine dinner dance w
be Saturday night in the Mirror room of the Mar
ion hoUl.
Mr. and Mrs T. Han ld Tom'inson and Mr.
and M'-s. Robert Sears will be hosts for a party
preceoine the dance at the former's home in Morn
ingsiiie for 40 of their friends between 8 and 9
o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Carl G Collins will en
tertain with a pre-dance party at their Market
street home between 7 and 9 o'clock.
Coming from out-of-town for the dance will
be Mr. end Mrs. William Graper of Portland, who
will be guests of the Robert Needhams, and the
Thorne Hammonds of Portland, who will be
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler English.
Reserve Of f icers Ball
Highlighting the formal dances for the month will be the Marion countv chan
ter. Reserve Officers association ball on February 22 at the aimory. This will be the
first ball for the chapter in five years. The affair is strictly invitational. Claude
Bird's orchestra will play with the grand march slated for 10 o'clock. All officeis
will attend in uniform.
Lt. Col. Eugene Laird, chairman of distinguished guests and patrons, has an
nounced the complete list as follows: Governor and Mrs. Earl Snell. Secretary of
State and Mrs. Robert S. Farrell. jr. .State Treasurer and Mrs. Leslie Scott. Mr. am'
Mrs. Charles A. Sprague. Mayor and Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom, Chief Justice and
Mrs George Rossman, President of the Senate and Marshall Cornett, Speaker of the
House ard Mrs. John Hall. Colonel and Mrs. Carle Abrams. Brig. Gen. and Mrs.
Raymond Olson. Brig. Gen. and Mrs. T. E. Rilea. Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Ralph Cow
fili. Col. and Mrs. George Wahl. Col. and Mrs. H. G. Maison. Col. and Mrs. John D.
McCammon. Eugene. Col. and Mrs. Kern Crandall. Corvsllis, and the following
United States congressmen and their wives, Guy Cordon, Wayne L. Morse, Harris
Ellsworth, Lowell Stockman, Homer D. Angell and Walter Norblad.
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