The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 09, 1947, Page 3, Image 3

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Mid-Willamette Valley News
Studies Plan
For Schools
MONMOUTH The Monmouth
Public School Improvement 4
ftociation, formed and pledged to
carry out the wishes of the peo
ple of this district as expreed in
the ychool election January 20.
when the proposed district con
solidation with Independence wai
voted down, is moving forward
with plans for b Meting con
gested conditions in thi.- schml in
the near future.
Thrjh the effort of C"pt.
T R. Westffall. John . Geary,
field representative of the United
States office of education of
Portland came February 4 to in
vestigate the setup. Gery madt
a surey of school bu lining.- ;ik1
grounds and will make a detailed
report soon. Congestion m the
training school, inadequacy of the
school ground- are major factor
for consideration.
As a preliminary measuie. .1
priority requisition has been filed
for buildmas suitable for class
loom use 1 1 om Camp Adair
These buildings may be pre
empted for school ue. t rnall
cvt. Westfall said. Mo ing. ir.
stallation of lights and plumbing
hml inteiior improvements wiuld
be the m.joi co'ts to the district
WeMfall hrts worked out a plan
to achiew a complete unit of unc
stoiy cla-s room-, each with an
outside door to reduce lire ho
Brd. but the whole lonrected a
ne building. This would I' ade
quate to houe 180 to 2(10 pupils.
Ieamg only 120 pupils in th
training school. Authoiitie !
)iegon College of F.nui ..tion 'ha
itlu..t-d piefeieme for a "mo-
of - I n " l t I 1 ..m
and which wmiln hav
grade- with about 20
each grade.
c I t 1
n t tall.
pupil- to
Salm Heights Teachers
Entertain IVp llul
Teachers of Salem Heights en
tertained the PEP club at Wi
nona chalet Wednesday. Febr
uary .1 Mathilda Cillev. Rieh
mond -chiM.I dua u-.-'d
the elucatio'i bills now in the
legislature Group singing was
led by Mrs A L l.nuik and two
readings weie given by Giace
Others attending were M.onri
F Miller. Ida Mi ( 'tendon. Aneta
Craig. Ethe Ramus. Elsie Car
penter, Indi.i Reavi-. M.ibell
I)rorb..ugh. Gr.iee Ciaig. Hael
Holrxike. Nan Denh;im. Th-lme
Fiose. Genevieve Lovcik. Carme
lit.i Rarquist, Cleora Parkes, Ar
vill.i Royer. Lauretta Martin. S -die
Roth. Emily Van Santen and
Dessic McClay.
Jefferson W oril of the birth
( a daughter. Ruth Irene. Febru
ary 3. to Mr. and Mrs. Lauren
Stettler of Chemawa. Mrs. Stet
tler i the former Marie Kins,
daughter of the Karl Kihs.
MU Angel Annual member
ship meeting of the Farmers Un
ion Warehouse will be held Tues
day. February 11 at St. Mary's
auditorium. 10:30 ajn. Luncheon I
at 12:30. Speakers will include'
L. D Baker. Pacific Supply: R.
N. Ward, National Co-operative
council, and Father Alcuin. Diree- ;
tors will be named to succeed O
J. SchVttman. A. W. Bochsler and 1
A. P. Dud a. whose terms expire. '
Independence Announcement
has ben received here of the
birth of a son. Darel Edwin, jr..
to Mr and Mrs. Dal reE. Ashley
of Sonoma. Calif , December 25.
Mrs Ashlev is the former Thelma
Mae Hall of Inoependence. Grand
parents are Mrs Gerald Gordon
of Dallas. James H. Hall of Sa
lem, great grandparents. Mr. and
Mrs Harry Layton of Independ
ence, who were in California for
the holidays and have recently
returned here.
Rhert Two hundred and
twenty two dollars was taken in
at the Mothers club benefit pie
-ocial Friday night. It is to be
used to purchase equipment for
the school.
Silverlon St Paul s Altar so
ciety will meet all dav. Febru
ary 13 with Mrs Ren Zollfer for
a no hostess luncheon. Mrs L
H Schaibac-h and Mrs Ralph
Francis- will assist Prize w inners
at the first benefit card party were
Mrs. F.d Hammi r of Mt Angel.
L. Pfeifer. Mrs Walter Feel! Mis
C E Highmhotham and Mrs Gim
bles Next benefit card party will
be February lfi
Silverton Mr- T R Hobard
is in Portland helping with the
care of her father. Henry Lynes.
who makes his homo with .mother
daughter. Mr Alvin Hohart. He
underwent major surgery this
Hoy Seoul! Will Annul
Arciilent Victim Kile
bers of Rov Scout troop 20 will
attend the funeral of James Sny
der. 12 year old member who
was burned to death Wednesday
night in a lap which destroyed
his trailer house home
He was a member of the sixth
grade at H-ive-viHe school and
a member of troop 20. Besides
the members of the troop who
will attend the funeral at 2 p.m.
Satuiday in Monmouth Evangel
ical churt h, scout officials and
committeemen who will attend
are Monty Christof ferson, scout
master; Bob Hartell and James
Stettler, assistants; and George
Stiozut, committee chairman.
1 ! I1 '. .i " " '
Valley Obituaries Keizer Grange
Pl Frank Smith T
STAYTON - Funeral seiices f V UlJier Jl&lCtl
WOODBl'RN Mrs. Carrie Yoang
uh recently bfterved her Mth
Idanha Men
At Congress
IDANHA Mr. and Mrs. Huber
Ray and Mr and Mrs Jim Healy
are in Por'land for the logging
Mr. and Mrs Clyde Storey and
four children recently returned
from a three weeks' vacation at
Menu. Ark. where they visited
relatives of Mrs. Storey While in
Arkansa-. Mrs. Storey's family
held a leunion to which 30 mem
bers of the family came, including
all brother's arid alt but one sis
ter whose home is in California.
Mr and slrs Wayne Woodward
and family" went salmon fishing
on the Rig Ne-tucka last week
end. Mrs Huber Ray wa honored
with a suiprr-e birthday party on
the evening of January 29. at the
home of Mr. and Mr.-. Frank Ray.
Those attending the prty werf
Mr and Mrs Wavne Woodward.
Mr. and Mf- Glenn Willis, M:
and Mr, phyl Willis. Mr. and
Mrs Huber Ray clnd the host and
Guest- at the A. G Gates
Wednesday were Gates Ox-hran.
Glenn and Gene McClellan.
Mr. and Mrs. Brai k'on Fouts
leU Tuesday tor several das fish
ing and visiting at Wiliamina.
Mr. and Mrs Matt Geston are
spending a lew days at Milwaukie
Silwrton Population Up
Walr Service Indicates
population h..s jumped more than
5O0 -mrc 1940 is the lelief of
Althea Meyer. city tieasuier
Miss Meyer states that in 19-Pi
there were 1186 water service
and in 1947. 1281. That many
sei vices, would indicate la 5)0
people irn rease. But the increase
is likely much larger. Miss Meye
points out, explaining that in
were held Friday for Paul Frank
Smith, 62. of Lyons who died in
a Salem hospital February 4. The
Rev. R. T. Cookirtfiham officiated,
burial in S he 1 burn cemetery.
Born in Proctorville. O.. Oct. 11,
1885. he had been with the South
ern Pacific railroad for more than
30 years. He was station agent at
Lyons until ill health forced him
to retire two years ago. He was
at Lyons five years when he was
transferred to Shelburn where he
served for some time, and re
turned to Lyons ten years ago.
An Oddfellow, member of the
Masonic lodge of Scio, and of the
Eastern Star at Jefferson, he was
a member of the Methodist church.
Survivors are the widow, Min
nie Smith of Lyons; two brothers,
Charles B. Smith of Memphis,
Tenn., and K. Smith, New Or
leans. La.; two step-sons, T. R.
and D. C. Jamison of California.
Pallbearers were W. H. Johns
ton, section foreman of the rail
road, George Huffman. M. G.
k Brassfield, Clyde Lewis and Dick
Brown, all of Lyons, and Malcolm
Miller of Shelburn.
KEIZER A. B. Black is the
master of Kcizer grange this year
I and committees named are George
Durham, Mrs. Fred Wolf, H. S.
: Keeper, agriculture: W. E. Sav-
l age, Reginald Williams, A. L.
I Mason, legislative: Fred McCall,
Fred Wolf. O. H. Harold, finance.
Mrs-. W. E. Savage, Mrs. Floyd
Lutz, Harry Irvine, relief; Mrs. W.
E. Etner, Mrs. George Durham,
Mrs. W. E. Savage, home econom
ics. Mrs. Fred Wolfe, Stephen
Brown, William Etner, Robert
Diem and Mis. Hugh Shattuck.
Executive committee members
are H. S. Keefer, Fred McCall and
Fred Wolf.
Hal A. Wiley
JEFFERSON Funeral services
were held Friday in Salem for I
Hal A. Wiley. 58. Jefferson drug
gist, who died early Wednesday,
following a stroke Monday night.
The Rev. George Swift conducted
the services.
Pallbearers were Dr. C G. Pet
erson. A. B. Hinz, and L. L. Shields
of Jefferson: Charles Wagner. P.
D. Quisenberry and Verne Suko
of Salem. Honoiary bearers were
James G. Pate. W. i. Jones and
Harold Knight of Jefferson and
Wayne Gordon of Salem. Burial
was in Belcrest Memorial park.
Born April 10, 1888 at Frede
ricton. New Brunswick. Canada,
he received his degree in phar
macy at Delhausie university. A
riuggist in Montana for several
years he came to Portland and
was employed at the Frank Naue
He was with the Central Phar
macy 111 Salem for ten years, came
here in 1937. when he purchased
the Mason drugstore.
Survivors are the widow. Myr
tle Wiley: one daughter. Mrs. Dean
Ellis of Salem: two sisters. Mrs.
Luke S. Morrison of New Bruns
wick: Mrs. W. E CiMiper of Los
Angeles: one brother. Dr. B. E.
Wiley of Beverly Hills, and two
Jefferson business houses were
closed during the funeral and
many friends of the Wiley fam
ily attended the services in Salem.
j Mt- Angel Money turned over
j to the March of Dimes fund from j
I here totaled $400. Francis Schmidt
1 local chairman, reports. Sponsored i
I by the Business men's club the
benefit dance netted $159.09. milg 1
; bottle collections totaled $133.90:
$53 was donated at the theatre, and
$55.20 from St. Marys school.
j Silverton Holy Name society j
men will .ponsor a dance Tues- !
day night at the St. Paul's parish ;
hall to which the public is invited. !
I will pre par your 1946 Fed
eral & Stat Incom Tax
2126 Myrtle Ave.. Hollywood
District. For Appointment
Call 2-5479
Kelier School problems will
be discussed at an open forum in
the grange hall Tuesday. Febru
ary 25 at 8 p.m. No outside speak
er is scheduled.
1940 no house-shortage prevailed
here while at the present lime ev
ery house is occupied and in seme
there are two families hv inc
where only one family lived in
Sorely Bonds
Argo Hotel Bid.
339 Chemcketa
The Statesman, Salem, Oregon. Sunday. Febiuary 9, 19473
Give Baby a Break!
HankM raft Electric
Baby Bollle Sterilizers
No watching no timing
Completely automatic
Hankscraft Electric Baby Botttle Warmers
Pal Baby Walkers. Ball bearing wheels.
Folding "7 Cf Q QC
handle p3U(mdOi79
HIGH CHAIRS Folding Car Seat AF
Padded Seat & Back. "f (?A for Baby 3j70
Red or Blue Leatherette iwV
21x36 Baby Beds
complete with mattress
14 70
Folding Crib or Seat for Baby fastens
on back of car seat.
4.10a 4.65
30x54 Baby Beds
complete with mattress
Visit Our Second Floor
" j
Olumber YARD
PHONE 9163
Remember Next Friday
JvUli ,
Is St. Valentine's Day
Finely tfjilf red flacks in gabardine and
Beafcrd ccrds. Fendleton and McGregor.
Beautiful new spnn-j patterns and ex lots
styled by Arrcw, Bclany, Wembley and
Mfcgif From
Vst-7 I . .11 ' If t X
f! nu SLACKS kwdkm TIES
E 16'50 j i.oow JS
I Jh YV X 7 You'll be lops cn his lict if
io.95UB mmw&:zL-
p-vyl LSJ " Se ,89 ly
Frfjn i new spcrt t'n.rts hy Von Huk-::
M' Grp'cr in ail the wmted styles and .
lie 11 go f' r cne cf thee :n a t '('.
Smart new style? and patterns. This 1?
gift that will be rcyally received.
SlelMn 10.00 up
Disney 10.00 up
Lee 8.50 up
you give
him a Bishcp'e Hat Cer1i::?ate. Th9
new spring fells aie now cn display.