2 ' Oregon, Sunday. Tmbrxtarf t, 1S47 judfe reported to Franzen. Court is held at 8:39 o'clock each morning-. ' Traffic violation lead the doc ket with 170 cases- A propor- i tionately large number of traffic violators forfeited bail, potted, j with the police desk sergeant, by ' not appearing in court. Additional information on acti vities of city departments during , January, as reported by depart ment heads to City Manager J. L. Franzen, will appear in subse quent issues of The Statesman. Report Shows I nter-Relation Of Gty Offices BY ED LEWIS Staff Wr.tr. Tha Statesman CIe inter -relati! of Salem's city rcvernment dlvuitMis are il l'n rated by the first cmbinel monthly activities report of all ci'y rffices to City Manager J. L. Fnnze. The fWst report sJvaws that City ACorney Chris J. Kwit pre pired 3 crmplainU against per s ts rtM in Municffxt Judge W. W. MrKr.y's court on chars.es prefrrrni by a r restarts; city police durinf January. Three i-t were Vt in city I'l'n MtitJcnts. Police Chief F;ank A M.nto retr t. explain in? thf two were reaulU of auto p" 1f?-lr utn accidents eavf that one person was killed when the car in uhiofe nhe was riding struck a ti e 171 AceMeats Iavetiid A U tnl of 17 1 aute accidents v er e inverLfcated by city police Iti January. Seven pertiis incur-in-ti. tal tnjuties in auto rrahes M st were treated by first ancn. wh Umk. several to hospital for further treatment. TweMy-rr.e stolen bicycles were recover f. ring the mMUh and a recnd of cnly 26 were reported stolen Fifteen of H fictiti-MJi check cises were cleared fcjr rreu. five rr-.ek wi iters were convicted, three WHf not prorieuted by the rtrii t the check an-i others lZrcompl ot chargM U. S. Indicts Five 27 1 Cases Tried t w . i . . Munlrepal Judge McKinney iNaZl InUllStTiallStS tried 271 aes reawUm. from ar- r ts try nty police, persons who plea-tied innaetut to charges of ret Bless driving, liquor in volved, -air. vine with restricted driver's Irtense, reckless driving and oruh-n driving will not have trials until the citjr juUge's court room n ready for acc-upa tion, the United Service To China Gets SnelPs Backing The first campaign of United Service to China. Inc., to be con ducted in Oregon and in the na tion since 1942 has the enthusias tic endorsement of Gov. Earl Snell who announced the 1IM7 drive would be held during May. The governor is honorary state chairman. Francis Lambert of Portland, Multnomah county treasurer who recently accepted the state chair manship. Dr. Silwing P. C. Au, Chinese consul at Portland, and Wade Spalding, field organizer, came from Portland to confer with the governor. The postwar program of USC has shifted emphasis from emer gency relief to a long-range plan of assistance, officials said, and the money will be spent in four major fields where China Is de clared in greatest need of outside assistance education, medicine and public health, child care and reconstruction. Lmmm Cmttimfj Prwfrtoass lArnnccM WaWWaJaJa.11 frHaaa LAWN MOWERS nam r r arSar far fatar arllr ary aa a aara mt traaM fr tawa wit- af X"" . Ia la '47. Mowers Sharpened to a Paper Cuttin Edge MOORE'S aMCYCLK SHOP X37 N. Big NUERNBERG. Feb. 8-fP)-Five high ranking German industrial ists were charged by the United States with complicity in the most odious deeds of the Hitler politi cians and generals, and with prof iting enormously from the victims I of nazi aggression. Brig. Gen. Telford Taylor, chief American prosecutor, served a four-fold indictment against Friederich Flick. 63. and four men associated with him in a steel and iron enterprise second only to that once controlled by Hermann Goering. Purebred Gilt Consigners, Buyers Listed (Story also on page 1) Buyers and consignors at the second annual purebred gilt sale held at the state fairgrounds Sat urday were: Poland Chinas. T L Zwlinsk of St. Paul consignor. American Beauty to Leonard Farester of Tangent. SIM. Coldie to A. J. Zielinskt of Sitrerton. $172.54. Orefon State college consign or. Oregon 4S-S3 to June Nelson of Albany at 8120. Spotted Poland China: Arthur Fracke a Son consignor. Oregon a Im prover Lady to Gaorae F. Schmidt of Woodburn. $153 90: Oregon's Improver Beauty to Ray Newton. Cbrvallis. $117.60. timet Stangel. Wilsonvill. consignor. Rita Ann to Alfred Jung krit. Lrbanon, SIM: Rita Ann 2nd to George Guar ford of Corvallts. $136. Wilmer R. Lyon. Junction City, con signor. Bonny to Falmer Bodtker. Bend. $157 30. Berkshire: Oregon State college consignor. Oregon 44-21 to Robert Koch of Canbv. $135: Oregon 46-33 to Rex Dirk of Shedd. $123: Oregon 4S-3S to Reed Volstedt of Albany. $120: Oregon 46-41 to Lee Allen. Bend. $125: Consigned by Warren Creech. Salem. Woodbines Blossom 2nd to Don Roth of Lebanon. $117.50: Woodbines Blossom 3rd to Rex Dick. Shedd. SI 12 SO. Consigned by Bert Denham of Goshen. Hot Rush St pup ta James Swtnson of Lebanon. $227.50. Hampshire: Charles A. Evans. In dependence, consignor. Evansdale Bon nie Fashion, to Paul Nelson of Al bany. $200: Evansdale Bonnie Fashion 3rd to Coni le Ray Larkin. $715. Yorkshires: Elmer Stangel of Wil sonville. Silver Daisy 3rd. to Florence Zlelinski. $145: Snowdrop to Rex Dick, Shedd.' $106. Hereford!: Consigned by Lee Allen. Bend. Miss Mariposa Sensation XV. to G. W. Ray of Salem. $93 50 Chester Whites: Consigned by R. Hornecker a Son of Beaverton. Ban ners Ladv. to Larry Slemp of Dayton. $155: Banner s Best to J M Nichols of Salem. $215. Consigned by A. A. Nofziger. Silverton. Victory Bell to Allan Marshall. Mulino. $12730: Sun shine Lady to Perry Edwards of Har risburg. $125: Lady Lois to Richard Patty. Amity. $100. Consigned by El ton Watts. Silverton. Silver Sue to Ronald Finnicum. Amity: Silver Beau ty to Walter Holt and Frederick Marx. Rickreall. $185. Durocs: Consigned by H. G. An drew. Sandy. Duchess of Way mor to Robert Koun. Albany. $15: Mis Kehl Way mor to Milton Cooley. Albany, $142 50: Princess of Waymor to C. E. Bisbee. Independence. 9150 Consigned by Oregon State college. Oregon 4S-S7 to Ronald Finnicum. Amity. $100; Oregon 4-l to V. H. Harwood. Mo lalla. $130 Consigned by H. A. Barnes 4 Son. Silverton. Still Acres Selec tion to Glenn Dickenson. Eagle Point. $14730. Consigned ay C. E. Spencer. Gresham. Wave Lin Beauty. $152.50. Consigned by Edwin C Ridder. Sher wood. Miss Goldie to Rex Vollstedt. Albany. $285. Realtors Talk At Luncheon Salem realtors were speakers at their own board luncheon meet ing Friday at the Marion hoteL Members who spoke are R. A. Forkner and Coburn Grabenhorst, realtors, and Leo Page of the Ladd and Bush branch, U. S. National Bank of Portland. "Why I Belong to the Realty Board" was the topic of Fork ner's talk, in which he upheld the realtors' code of ethics and their fellowship. Grabenhorst told of the navy's war in the Paci- : f ic and of his experiences as com manding officer of a minesweeper in the Pacific battle area. Page outlined the closeness of dealings of realtors and bankers, e m p h a s i zing the financing of realtors sales by the banks. out to destroy the American sys tem and replace it with cornmu-nlam, LEGION TO INVADE N. Y. TRENTON. N. J Feb. -UP-The American Legion will hold its 194? national convention in New York from August 28 to Septem ber 2, it was announced today by Judge Vincent Carroll, head of the American Legion convention committee. Miller Is Found Guilty in Dallas DALLAS, Feb. 8 Albert Mil ler of Independence, was found guilty by a Polk county circuit jury of negligent homicide here Friday. Time for sentence was set for Monday at 2 p.m. by Circuit Judge Arlie Walker. The charge against Miller grew out of the death of Virginia Lee Fretwell last December from in juries received in an automobile accident in Independence, May 25, 1946. Miller was driving one of the cars involved in the acci dent in which several were in jured and two girls eventually died. Nancy Temple of Eugene died in July and Virginia Lee Fret well in December. A previous in dictment was thrown out of court on the grounds that it did not I cite a specific act of negligence. Have Your Brakes Checked Complete Brake Service In at 8 out at neon; ia at 1 P. M. eat at 5 P. M. Call Today Bon's Ilolor Co. Complete Aatoaaetlve Service Car, High Ferry - Ph. 4598 Woodburn Parking Problem Studied FLATTERY for the 'Junior Miss' Fashionable glasses with softiy colored rims purrly dettined to llatier the facial contours ot tii Junior Misi.' Just ere of many stylas espe CiG.ly adai4d to suit her type of face. FOR SEEING AND HEARING MORRIS OPTICAL State St. SALEM Phone S52S WOODBURN Parallel park ing, the present situation in Woodburn with new marked off spaces for control, was aul pr ized Tuesday night by the citv council. As soon as weather per mits, spaces and safety lant. will . be marked off on Front and First sts., between Harrison and Ar thur, and on side stieets between First and Front. Tha length of Too Late to Claaaify WANTED: Horse-hid rua or cow hid rug. or bear-htdc rug. Ph. TS44. Speaker Martin Fears Communist Activity WASHINGTON. Feb. B-(JP)-Speaker Joe Martin pledged house republicans today to a drive to "remove the red menace from America." Martin said in an interview his party will cooperate fully with the house committee on un-American activities. He reiterated his belief, expressed in a speech last week, that "a powerful and strategically-placed minority has set these spaces will be determined by the street committee after in vestigation. Subsequently, an or dinance requiring that motor ve hicles be parked within the des ignated limits and keeping the alley between Front and First : sts. clear of parked vehicles will probably be adopted. Other business included the consideration of petition re questing improvements and abate- ! ment of an open sewer in tha area north of Harrison st, de cision not to alter the present or dinance limiting card rooms to two and discussion of extending the lease of the American Legion on rooms in the city hall. v Ct Service on Easy 9? . $ Service lor Other Makes 4 HOGG BROS. APPLIANCE & FURNITURE 260 State Salem Pbone 9149 r Young Ilan to Work in Appliance Si ore Tlan your future, with WUlamne VaUey'a leading appllanc daxxler. Substantial wags while learning. IF INTERESTED CALL AT BFJS. 260 S tatai SL Salem. Oregon OdDitllnes Sflnnip 387 Stale Street Salem's Quality Clothiers for Men and Young Men VIZ HOW HAVE FOR YOUR SELECTION The finest quality fabrics and tailoring in men's and young men's 100re wool SLACKS, PANTS & SPOBT COATS SUITS, TOPCOATS RAINCOATS i JACKETS Also A COMPLETE LINE Sport Shirts, T-Shirts, Briefs, Shorts, Neckties and Accessories COURTESY & SERVICE ALWAYS WHEN YOU SHOP AT J. J.' QUALITY (P STYLE (CELOTTDflES SMOIP GREATER CJxxrQTUnanef, A assw VALUE Qfouixj QTUn Itl STATE STKEET S Deors West at Liberty aa State Street Howard H -masker. Manager J. Jasephsesi, Fran. HOTEL WASHINGTON Whert You Can Get A GOOD ROOM 1 UMC tHin Hi vary ! 4 xcawaatcoi. it ia aaviaaW I f irt a4 aW ia . . . ha1 (( far Hol WthH(n wkt yaw arriv ! arlM4t. Ck.l ar M4 w wtM b ! ak aeas ar af m i iiii'in mm '.. r - - a r V V r- r f if r t '7; aatW:slts W t tmkm m mmrm ml vaxi. ROOMS WITH I AT H $250 mm -aao: . ' -: : There's EXTRA SAFETY in tho Tiro that OBTCJEABS PDECrAB TORES While many postwar products are still in the dream stage, one is not . . . the new postwar B.F.Goodrich Silvertown that OUTWEARS PREWAR TIRES. It's been produced ... and what k more ... in the past twelve months it's ben dtlivertd to car owners ia greater quantities than any tire in B.F.Goodrich history. Of course, many car owners have heard about the thousands of extra miles of service from the broader, natter tread that covers more road area and gives greater protection against skid ding. They know about the 35 stronger cord body that gives better resistance to road shocks ad bruising. It's no wonder the factory's out standing production has been taxed keeping up with this extra demand. But this is one product you can take out of your dream book ... it's br. If you'll be needing new tires soon . . . check with us today for the tire that's worth much more but coses no more the B F. Goodrich Silvertown that OUTWEARS PREWAR TIRES. mm FOftSCT CQWslWiaHT TtAMS CAN aa AsKANCC BBBBSBBSSaSsl 198 S. Commercial Salem rim Phone 915S SALES CALENDAR NO. 11 - - WEEK BEGINNING MON, FED. 10, 1947 FOR VETCIANS AND ALL OTHER TYPES OF PURCHASERS, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED Write Portland Regional Office for:' DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL Medical. Laboratory . Dental Supplies A Eqaip Plpa Haager k. Sway Braces Tanks. Scales Steam Boiler. Hand Trucks. Tractors OrindTB. Elec. Hoist. Elec. Slacker Tubes. Stuffing . Terminal Laundry Equipment Paper, Office Supplies. Household Furn , Office Furn . Industrial Furn Bunks. Bunk Parts Fittings Welding Control Stations Fir Protection Equipment Warehouse Trailers, Tanks. Elect. Oyen. Oil Burners. Air Chamber Rope, Sisal Snor Shoes Chain Hoist, Arc Welding Resistor Bank-. Zinc Chromate l"rlmer Steam Pre-heater Units Welding Transformer, Air Drills, Impact Wrenches Lubricating Oil ; Grease Valves - Steam Cleaners. Pneumatic Wrenches D.C Motor Controllers ft Parts Chipping Hammers. Ring Valve Hammers. Etc D C. Welding Machines. Welding Equip.. Controllers Trac tors, Elec. Hoists. TurWnair Hoists, Elec. Winch Welding Rod Valves ft Fittings D.C. Motor Controls, Battery Charging Cords. Motor, Motor Generator Set Cranes. Whirley and Cantilever ... Conduits. Switches Insulators. Transformers, Meters. Jeeps, Trucks, Trailers, Ambulance Misc. Medical, Dental ft X-Ray Equipment ft Supplies. Railroad Flat Cars Low Pressure Blowers Valves ft Fittings Trucks, Trailers. Tires ft Maintenance Equipment.. NATIONAL LISTING: Aircraft INVENTORY IN DOLLARS 15.310 65 16.551.75 17.543 80 202.970.37 29.682.70 17.414 79 44.626 98 63.811.00 21,830 7 19.266 94 20.793.51 70.294 35 25.500.75 20J47.36 SO.S32.00 24.099.00 10,870 63 126.619 19 18.487.14 24.S52.70 43,020.00 112.899.00 17.201.07 16,476 32 S3.03S.11 19,578.06 714.254.37 38.676.27 46.S67.92 11,559.62 7.943 11 80.077. 30 314.284 62 19.480.77 SALE ENDS Feb. 17 Tab. 17 Feb. 17 Feb. 17 Feb. 1 8 Feb. 18 Feb. 19 Feb. 19 Feb. 19 Feb. 19 Feb. 20 Feb. 20 Feb. 20 Feb 20 Feb. 25 Feto. 25 Feb. 25 Feb. 25 Feb. 25 Feb. 25 Feb. 25 Feb. 26 Feb. 21 Feb. 26 Feb. 26 Feb. 26 Feb. 26 Feb. 27 Feb. 27 Feb. 27 Feb. 27 Feb. 17 HOW TO BUY Fixed Price Sealed Bid Fixed Price !aled Bid Sealed Bid Fixed Price Sealed Bid Sealed Bid Fixed Pric. Sealed Bid Fixed Pric. Fixed Price Fixed Price Sealed Bid Fixed Pric. Fixed Pric. Sealed Bid Sealed Bid Sealed Bid Sealed Bid Sealed Bid Sealed Bid Fixed Pric. Sealed Bid SPECIAL OFFERING BY NUMBER ONLY PDO-47-634 PDO 95-645 PDO-65-641 PDO-61-642 PDO-66-640 PDO Sl S44 PDO-32-639 PDO-64-650 PD0 27 641 P DO 66-656 PDO 74-652 PDO-28-649 PDO-64 653 PDO 75-657 PDO-21-W0 PDO 64 663 PDO 73 654 Sealed Bid Sealed Bid Fixed Price Fixed " Pric. Fixed Pric. Fixed Price Sealed Bid Fixed Pric. Fixed Price Fixed Price Sealed Bid PD095661 PDO-67-665 PDO-61-666 PDO -67-667 PDO 64-678 PDO-61-672 PDO 64 684 PDO-95 676 PDO 61-671 PDO 65-668 PDO-6 1-681 PDO 07 670 PDO 47-683 PDO 62 674 PDO-63-675 PD0 95j689 PDO7-682 PDL-C8-669 FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW arvriAL kkqcwemknts ro raioeuT claimant mS ALL MALF.H Frtavftr rtaastasU aaav lasawr r aj Sarsac ih Mssr a, tvsl I their raa aaS ta tas v-m Mtrala braaw, a4 aia aaajr aarrasa aa rasasnrrrtel bajrrrs. Sntm ar selrl mat artMr aafrsaar. L FEDCKAL AUO'CUM saast h n rtUrart af aataaHty CEMMAL BJMrt'IBEMENTS FOB AIX SALE (Incli dino NUN-rsioarrr cwmmkkcial uaorrs) 1. faj aai mt anaat as aiaSa arara vjeteS, ulrsa err alt ha baa catabHtara la aSvaar al H AA caaai Of (Ic. ImIihi csweks, ar apararrs atraaaal cacrha, wtU r S. Vrraaa af Wsrla War O aaast a ccrtlflca 4 acaraat - " ' artKylac Wrtcv. Mail rm aaast ssaw mtlftcatVaa a. "This araar Is MW ta Wit StaaaarS Caaaitiaa aat aaa rmmm - mm larmttea f crrtlfyiac afflca. mt Ni, mm4 ataar a4crtlaca ti in 4 taaSItt S. SMALL Bl fLE!M aaast aa errunmm bf aa4 Frraas mm mm atarr lnai ar rsaallla aaall a alalia mm iiiraut mrv. wm." 4, STATE A.NU IOCAL GOVEBNMCm saast ahaw t. fTmm M fc,.i.f m mt trmmt. mt aataarttr t sarisaaa. . , , . , . . . S. XO.t-rBOrlT INSTITITIOKi aaast a nmrttfU. hatao "" Ma avaltabla at aaarrst W AA ffl. . waaa aaii aaaat ste "Wiiiiann vrJfiau. mrm aakject to WAA ataaaarS CasSIHasa af flafcr. Fawlaass raatatala saalrS aMa awat mt saaraed "Mialil WAA aaajr vrirrt mmj mt mm siasrs ar ar wwaaraa ssatnal atra. aa acavcrsc WJO.m. ImsMs. . 4, NTi I E VETERANS Certification OfTitt roan.AD. oafcoox wa Aaaet ASaslatstratl Ames. Hwaa lalaaa, T. O. Bas fmt. Asaaratiaa far rrrslfirattaa aaajr as abtstarS frssa aaj ffles mt tha HrWtlva Hrrvica tarsacasat Orcaa mmm tas Waastactaa caaaHra mt Clarh. KUcastat, Hfcaaaaala. Cawlats. aaa Wablilaaaaa. ar trasa tha Mm mt las Htata Dasart aaaat af Vatarsa Affair, aa Lart farwarS tasa aaaMea- Maa far aartMlratlaa t ta Bactaaal Of (Ira. Prospective buyers ar. aakad ta ..nfirm si a tas and eemmadities as they ar. subject t. ahang. For further information about any of these offerings contact ... m m hm.i wj-5-srTs-i-r rirrt a sort. tTwrxYZmfirrM