14 The Statesman. Sal in. Oregon. Sunday. Fabruarf 9 197 Mr. Pound A Groom Of interest to Salem friends is news of the wedding in Stockton, Calif., Saturday of Miss Eleanor Anne Maggs, daughter of Mrs. Adolph Beck, to Robert Allen Pound, son of Mrs. Benjamin F. Pound of Salem. The ceremony took place at Morris chapel. Col lege of the Pacific at 8 o'clock. The bride, given in marriage by Mr. Beck, wore a white satin gown fashioned with a high neckline and yoke enhanced with pearl trim and long train. Her finger tip length veil cascaded from a pearl trimmed cap. Mrs. Frank Stacy (Jean Pound) eister of the groom was matron of honor and bridesmaids were Miss Marjery Maggs and Miss Dorothy Maggs. They wore peach and blue gowns and carried pink flowers. Henry Sciaroni was best man and ushers were Frank Stacy, Wil lard Beck, Robert Ward and J. Leroy Johnson. Mrs. Beck wore a pastel blue gown and white orchid corsage for the wedding and Mrs. Pound chose a royal blue gown and white or chid. The wedding reception was held in the White room of the Stockton hotel. The newlyweds went to LaJolla and Palm Springs on their wed ding trip. The bride's going away costume was a pearl grey suit with green coat, grey, and green hat and brown accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Pound will be at home in Berkeley at 2420 Virginia street while he is attending the Univer sity of California. Valentine Tea Will Be Today The Mayflower guild will be hostess to the evening guild of the First Congregational church at a valentine's tea this afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock. Music will be fur nished by Mrs. Vance MacDowell, violinist, and the girls' chorus from Parrish school. Mrs. L. K. Lawrence will pour, -Mxs-Richard Slater. Mrs. Wayne Yocum. Mrs. Leo Graber, Mrs Kenneth H. Waters. Mrs. Edwin Armstrong and Mrs. Forrest How ard will assist in the dining room. CpSuirqflemi3migj TTn)dIaiy Sun. RADIO KSLM (ISM kc) KOIN KGW kc) KEX (lift kc) SO :M : New. CBS Biggs Singers (World News Story 'Words. Musle 14 T:15 f :M T:4S Radio Bible Church Church 'Radio Pulpit Voices Israel Mesa. Israel Mess. ISouthernaires I Southerns ires :1S 1:34 S:4S Dr. Talbot iProphecy 'News Over Jordan 'Tabernacle (Church News I Orchestra I Suhhln Sunshine I Hour of Faith i Hour of Faith :1S :M t:S Pilgrim H-jitheraa Hr. ILearning I Child Books LNews I Garden Talk Advertising jEternai Light ! Radio Chapel Radio Chapel I Sunday Strings - Ray S wing 1:IS U:Je 1:S News Comdr. Scott Juv. Jury (People's Plat I America Unted J Thompson I Melodies Time. Reason ! Round Tablet Sammy Kay Howard Smith I Sammy Kay I1M 11:1 11 :M U:4S Warden Lawes News Review News (News Review Orchestra J To You Pet Shop I Music 'Harvest AmLovsi Warriors Warriors I- Hit Hit Parade Parade N 1I:IS 1Z:J 12:49 News Cunningham Voung People Philharmonic j Car Cavallaro Man's Family I Serenade Serenade Garden Talks Sam Pettingill , ar- DteJ 1:M 1:1$ 1:3 1:S Mysteries Detective I Quiz Kids 'Hour of Charm Orchestra 'Or. Danfield Dr Danfield I Wayne King Wayne King 1:M 1:1 t:M 1:49 Shadow Family Hour NBC QK as a Flash H. Carmlchael !News Sm phony 'Dough Darts Dough Darts Counterspy Counterspy I:M 1:19 IJe 1:49 Websters Nick Carter Hep Chest M 4:lt 4:3 4:49 Book Quia Ambassadors I Gene Autry News I Orchestra 9:9C :19 9:M 9:49 News Sermons Investigator 1st Baptist Ch. The City 'Jordan IN :19 :M 1:M iHildegarde Exploring I I or Nothing Eddy Bracken Fam. Music. 1:19 :49 1:3 1:49 G. Heatter Take or Leave I 4ame of Song : Kate Smith I 1 S:M IS 9:09 9:49 l20 Questions Journal Graham Matinee Dally from 1 P. M. Now! Romantic Revelry! : y 'stV S . -fyvife ''N... Chill Co-Hit! BORIS KARLOFF 'BEDLAM" Continuous from 1 P. M. Now Orson Welles Claudette Colbert "Tomorrow Is Forever Barbara Stanwyck "Bride Wore Boots" M. Continuous from 1 P. Now! Al Pear co Dale Evans 'Hitchhike to Happiness WilHam Boyd Three on a frail" OS 9:19 :J 9:49 News Rex Miller Pioneers Orchestra ISam Spade I 19 :M 19:19 19:3 19:49 Revival Hour use 11:19 11:) 11:49 11:99 K.-sO Sign Off Orchestra IManny Strand lOrgan I New IS I lent Shower Given for Scotch Bride SILVERTON' A miscellaneous shower was given Saturday night for Miss Nan Dowling at the home of Mrs. W. R. Tomison with Miss Nellie Cavendar co-hostess. Miss Dowling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Dowling. bride-elect of Al- 1 bert Rasmussen arrived January i 1 26 from her home at Dundee, Scot- I land. Twenty guests were greeted at j the Tomison home and presented with corsages of Scotch heather. A he;irt bearing the names of the couple with ribbon streamers lead ing to the pictures of the two, cen tered the mantle. A bowl of Scotch heather and acacia centered the dining room Mrs. C. A. Kells of the Salem Camellia and Rhododendron soci ety sends a nice bit of informa tion on camel 1 gathered from) "A -I . v. : . : I f - t committee which 1 -ij-- she tells me, is I V composed ot 4v X Walter A. Bar- 1 JV hf kus, C. L. Mc Donald and Er- nest Iufer. What t.; they tell us will, ; r l. w . . . 1 f A K1IUW, uc U9C1U1 to all who have camellias, and who doesn't have Lillie Madsen at least one? Now is the time (the informa tion says) to disbud camellias. Some early varieties could have been disbudded a month or two earlier. Mulching is one of the most im portant things for rhododendrons and camellias. Rotten logs and stumps are especially good, and also well decayed sawdust of the hardwood kinds, especially alder and oak. Of course, peat snoss is one mulch you can always rely upon. Go Slow If you think your plants need a little fertilizer, you should use well decayed cow or horse ma nure, but go slow on fertilizer products, especially commercial mixtures. In the past, the camellia has been, in most people's minds, a tender plant and many have ask ed how much will it stand without injury. Although some varieties, especially the singles and semi doubles, will stand a little more than others, experimentation over the past 12 years shows there has been no camellia known to have been killed by frost. Camellias will very well stand six sbove zero and probably would stand zero temperatures under certain conditions. Remember, do ntt put your rooted cuttings out of doors in the fall as there might be some injury if they are not well hard ened. This is the moist climate in which camellias seem to thrive. Now is the time to protect a few of your choice camellias, such as Lotus, Villa de Nautes, or Diaga gura, which are showing color buds. In fact, some are blooming. The rain and wind is what does the injury to these flowers. Take some quarter inch rods and bend around in tent form and place ends in the ground, then cover with whatever material you have. Iris at Silverton With Stayton planting petunias, Salem putting out more camellias table where Mrs. Peter Sorenson, , sr., aunt of Mr. Rasmussen, assist- , K T Tt 1 r C 1 i ed the honor guest in opening the, AAU W OpeOKer tO gills, r uiiunwig nuyyxri . uic giuu y-. , rPl was entertained with Scotch mu- Q JVllSS 1 flOmSOn and Portland having a regular rose-planting fever, Silverton has decided to plant iris. Not that there aren't quite a few irises growing there already, but a campaign is going to be put on to have at least one iris in every garden. The cam paign is started by the Silverton Women's Business and Profession al club. Dr. R. E. Kleinsorge, mem ber of the state board of higher education, whose home is at Sil verton, is one of the nation's fore most hybridizers. The national so ciety is meeting in the Willamette valley in May of 1949, only the second time it has ever come to the Pacific coast. Questions and Answers S. E. sends a yellowed stem of a Christmas cactus and asks why that color. Ans. It could be that the plant has had too muc water. While some water is necessary during the blooming season, the Christ mas cactus does not like to stand in water. Also, it might need fresh soil and a little fertilizer. This should be given in early fall. The plant naturally grows a little more yellow as it goes into its rest pe riod, too. R. S. asks how to go about sell ing primroses. She wants to start a commercial primrose garden. Ans. Write the state department of agriculture, or call in there at its 12th street office. I believe a license is required. M. M. wants to top dress his lawn. Asks if he should hoe or dig it up any first. Ans. - - It Ts a good thing to rake off moss and run over the lawn with a perforater but it is not absolutely necessary. February care of the lawn is one of the most important ones the lawn gets, if you would have a nice lummer turf. If you have a good compost which can be 9creened you have I the best top dressing you can get. This may be used two parts (in bulk) compost to one part build erf' stand. Sheep guano or com mercial fertilizer may be mixed with top soil and sand to form a substitute for the compost if the latter is not available. F. M. asks if bonemeal will help lilacs now. lOzzie Ac Harriet Catholic Hour Missing Heirs Missing Heirs Album Great Story I Great Story Oregon Jack Benny (Phil Harris I Drew Pearson Mond. Headlines Music Hall Music Hall i:. McCarthy I Fred Allen ISundav Hour Sunday Hour Sunday Hour Sunday Hour Merry -Go-Rnd I i Walter Winchell Lou. Parsons Jimmy Fidler Policewoman 1 Don Afneche Parky IM Theatre Guild Theatre Guild I Theatre Guild Theatre Guild ICrime Doctor ' Bob Burns ISurpnse Thea jBlondie iSvmphony Hr Pat Novak Pat Novak Masterpiece Masterpiece .Country House Jack Benny Roadside Chapel Cheerv Songs Jack Fina Our Duty !9 Star Final INews Nes I Barry Wood 'Joan Brooks Casino Gardens 1st. Francis Hr Henry Russell Sunday Vespers I Explorer ', Sunday Vespers News lOrchestra Music at Night Dreamland Or chest a I Dreamland I Dreamland News X-Tra Hour ISign Off ISign Off Invitations are in the mail to the marriage of Miss Dowling and Mr. Rasmussen at the Methodist church Tuesday night. Rasmussen served in the army in England and Scotland. He is now employed at the Palace the ater in the same position he held before he entered the service. The AAl'W afternoon literature group will meet Wednesday with Mrs. Raymond Walsh, 606 S. High street for a 1:15 dessert lunch eon. Mrs. Arthur Bone will be the ( assisting hostess. Mrs. J. Vinton Scott will review "The Pavillion of Women" by Pearl Buck. l!MIW.7i1rt Cont. From t P.M . TJL-da F I DoisdiT Cut McGoire Madison Robert Mitchum Bill Williams Co-Featare N'lna Foeh "My Name Is J alia Ross" Boiling, Leaking RADIATORS Nod the. Attention of Our Radiator Expert We have complete facili ties with which to repair, clean and flush radiators and cooling systems. Let us prepare your car for winter driving. In at t Ont at S Satisfaction Guarantesxl Loder Bros 455 Center SL. Salem, Ore. Phone 6133 5467 V J y Extra! I 'A Tale V J Of Twe C Ufl ol fore1 I GARY GRANT II.GRID BERGMAN .AlfRfD HITCHCOCK'S CLAUDE RAINS 16IIIS CAIIEII MAMIE ISISTAJTII fades' 17 AifKO HITCHCOCK Miss Elnora Thomson, until re cently director of nursing educa tion at the University of Oregon Medical school and one of those who established the Marion coun ty health unit here in 1924, will be the luncheon speaker at the Salem branch of the American Association of University Women Saturday. February 15, at the Mar ion hotel. Miss Thomson recently visited Haiti while on leave from the medical school faculty, and will use that as her topic at the lunch eon meeting. Miss Thomson is a popular and capable speaker, and well known in Salem. Musicians to Be Seen on Screen A "motion picture film concert'' will be given under the auspices of Beta Sigma Phi Tuesday night at the woman's clubhouse. The sound film will be shown at 2 p. m. and 7:15. Jose Iturbi, pianist, Margaret Dilling. harpist, yronsky and Ba bin. duo pianists and Igor Gorin, baritone, will be heard in the film. Also included will be a portion of Beethoven's B major violin con certo played by the National Phil harmonic orchestra directed by Frederick Feher. Hospital Meet Changed The regular meeting of the Sa lem Deaconess hospital auxiliary which was to have been Monday, has been cancelled. Instead there ! will be a no-host dinner Tuesday J at 6:30 to 9 p. m. in the new cha pel. ! Friends and guests are being in vited by members. Miss Selma Hilmer will give a history of work done In the past year. An additional program Is being planned for the evening. Martin Mockford of the Boy Scouts will talk to St. Vincent de Paul Mothers club at a meeting Tuesday at 2:30. A skit will be Riv en by Mrs. Lyle Shepard's cub scout den and Camp Fire Girls will sing. The Place to Go Is Shattuc's Chateau lan Fried Chiekea Delielem Steaks Baked Ham Barber ed Crab A Mile from Falrgroands Entraaee Oeea at 1:3 CUoed Mondays Dancing Cocktail Lounge Silverton Pbesse tt53 h How! X iLL. hsL ' ,,M Hvl 2nd Hit " Mystery! Thrilling Saspense! Slfse Basse, Preston Fester -STKANGE TRIANGLE" 4f Diamond of fiery brilliance. $79.25 Lovely diamond solitaire. $67.50 j rz. m t Large center diamond . . . 2 side stones. $137.50 11 I 6-diamond duette. $295.00 . . . DIAMONDS OF OUTSTANDING QUALITY AND LIFELONG , BEAUTY Engagement ring with gorgeous center diamond and finely cut side diamonds. $210.00 Prices include Federal Tax Sparkling diamonds in fishtail settings. $230.00 TAKE A YEAR TO FAY AT . . . Store Hours 9:3 A.M. to P.M. Handsome diamond for Him" $57.50 PAYMENTS MAY BE TIMED TO YOUR CONVENIENCE jYocr you can own a s Table Model RADIO-PIIONOGRAPII v THE aitirr with Big Set" performance and tone! Only 109.95 1.25 per week flSSstCS t til 41 "Park Avenue" Radio-Phonograph with Automatic Record Changer As modern as tomorrow! The diamond-patterned woven-metal grille, inset in a beveled frame, lends a note of classic distinction to this space-saving radio-phonograph. Trve-o-life reproduction at oil volume levels o Long-distance reception IMMEDIATE DELIVERY HEIDER'S 428 Court Street Salem Ans.: Lilacs respond to bone-i had the bonemeal been given la meal, but would have done better October or November. 1 !crr lb tnahai A e Here's a way to make old trucks look new quick. Drive them in and say, "I want an Appearance Reconditioning Job done on these fellows." And you'll get it. You'll get perfect fitting new International fenders, radiator grilles, hood sheets, doors, glass, hardware, head lights, bumpers, bumper guards and seat cushions just what you want to put your trucks in shape. Next, paint jobs if the trucks need them. The cost? Not great. The result? Marvelous. Act now. Get your trucks "Ap pearance Reconditioned." Of T THf Sf TOO. WMtN YOU Off YOUR TRUCKS "APriASJkMCJ MCOMOtTIOtMD" M4 Wr Mr SMt1 tVr stars Unswi Ss4-T- SOS 'fa Owrd Wkis Asmsris Ctismicals Soot LifMi, Fssj Lkr smmI DrMitf Lihrs CUsrawt UMs. FW. rWs, Dirso- James H. (laden Co. 2955 Silverton Hoad Salem. Oregon DENTAL PLATES And Dental Work Use Your Credit! Crowns, filling., hritlgevvork, inlays anil ex traction. Whatever dental vervice you require Dr. I'ainle Parker Say: "Call now for examination. Start your work Immediate ly and pay later. No ap pointment necessary. Ar range with AccepCed Credit to budget dental expense." New Dental I'lateo Are Acclaimed for Close Reseinhlanee to Nature Plates made with the Im proved material all dentists recommend for faithful re production have gone a long way to overcome any plate eonseiousnens. Wearers find the carefully-blended color and the permanent natural form more nearly approxi mate Individual needs. Al though lighter In weight, these plates have a tested balanee and strength and offer added durability. Their graee and beauty and soft surface luster make them difficult to detect. ' ' '''''' ' " f Terms to Suit You for dental plates and den tal work. All branrhes of dentistry. You ean't run the risk of discomfort and ill health because of dental de fects. If you would antici pate dental t roubles call on the dentist tomorrow and have him examine your teeth and recommend what ever repairs must be under taken to safeguard your health. Make Your Own Terms, within reason, for your den tal work. Accepted Credit provides a simple way to take care of all dental needs. Pay in whichever way serves your conven ience, either In weekly or monthly amounts. Start work now. Pay later. Porce lain Jacket crowns and re movable porcelain bridges no fold showing. Immediate Restoration Teeth Extracted and Plates Filled In One Dav Come In early In the morn ing If yon desire Immediate restorations. You will be en abled to wear your plates after the final extraction. Immediate Service For Out of Town Patients No advance appointment re quired. Visitors facing- a need for restorations er dental work ef any kind will be given prompt attention. ML PAINLESS Iffll, DENTIST 125 LIBERTY ST. CORNER STATE TELEPHONE SALEM 8825 Other Offices In Eugene, Portland, Tacoma, Spokane, Seattle And in All Leading Pacific Coast Cities V