The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 09, 1947, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 Th Statesman. Salm. Oraaon. Sunday. Tmbnxaxj 9. 1947
Miss Boyd,
Mr: Thomas
night at the clubhouse at I o'clock
with Mrs. Fred C. Gast in charge.
She will discuss Roberts Rules of
Order and compare it with the
Emma Fox rules now in use by the
Pythian Sisters PLE and Fclob
will be entertained at the home of
Mrs. Eunice Burk, 642 Edgewater
street. Wednesday night at a cov
ered dish supper at 6:30 o'clock.
A valentine gift exchange will be
held and names of secret pals will
In a spring setting of pastel
stock and snapdragons at the First
Congregational church Saturday
night Miss Dorothy Boyd, daugh
ter of Mr and Mrs. Henrv E. Bovd
of Vancouver. Wash., became the j be revealed.
bride of Dean C. Thomas, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Thomas
of Salem. The Rev. M. A. Getz
endaner performer the 8 o'clock
ceremony. Lighting the tapers
were Miss Patricia Miller and
Miss Jean'y Robertson, who wore
lavender and pink frocks. Louis :
Herder of Portland sang and Mrs.
Kenneth Rich was the organist.
The white satin bridal gown was
simply designed, with sweetheart
neckline, long sleeves, scalloped ;
waistline and a full skirt which
terminated in a train. Her lace
edged fingertip veil was made in '
three tiers and caught at each side
orange blossoms. She carried an . Mr Gearin gave his daughter
off-center bouquet of white bou-; ln ar,nae- "er.ow" w" wlte
. . , w:,j w j nylon taffeta designed with a full
vardia and an orchid. Mr. Boyd , . . .
gave his daughter in marriage. sk,rt an train The fitted bodice
tit;.. n,rK,r, ir. rw(,H was made with long shirred
sieeves, a yone 01 net auornea
Miss Gearin
A Bride
St. Joseph's Catholic church was
the setting for the nuptials of Miss
Ann Gearin, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Frederick Gearin of Donald,
and Walter Lewis Smith, Satur
day morning at 10 o'clock. Fath
er T. J. Bernards officiated. The
altar was decorated with white
snapdragons, stock and carnations.
Bernard Smith of Wood burn was
was the maid of honor and brides
maids were Miss Mary Thomas,
the groom's sister, and Miss Ar
leen Boehi of Portland. Miss
Crawford wore a mist blue faille
gown and a crown of flowers to
match her fan shaped bouquet of
pink snapdragons and yellow ros
es. The bridesmaids wore pale
yellow frxks with small hats to
match They carried fan bouquets
of wedgewood iris and white snap
dragons. Attend the Groom
William Reinhart was best man
and ushers w ere Roy Houck. Hen
ry Boyd of Vancouver. Jack Jen
sen and Andrew Zahare.
Mr. Boyd wore a black dinner
gown with pale pink hat and
gloves for her daughter's marri
age. Her flowers were shell pink
carnations. Mrs. Thomas chose a
black dress with white lace apron
effect and white accessories for
her son' nuptiuLs. Her flowers
were white hyacinths.
The couple greeted guests at a
reception at the Chi Omega house.
Miss Minnie Just was in charge.
Miss Margaret Allen greeted
guests at the dorr. Mrs. Robert
Schleeel cut the bride's cake and
Miss Patricia Waters poured. Serv
ing were Miss Nancy Montgomery,
Miss Barbara Tramblay. Mrs. Sen
ton Ford arid Mrs. William But
ler. Assisting were Miss Joyce
Reeves. Miss Janet Gibson, Miss
Shirley Kenagy, Miss Jean Carsh
and Miss Virginia Atkinson.
for going away the bride wore
a grey sua with flared peplum,
balloon sleeves and black accessor
ies. On return from their honey
moon they will be at home at the
veterans housing unit while he is
attending Willamette university.
Parliamentary usage will be
discussed at the Salem Junior
Woman's club meeting Monday
with sequins and pearls, and a
bustle. Her full length tulle veil
; fell from a pearl half hat. She
carried a colonial bouquet of white
roses and pink bou vardia and a
pearl rosary, a gift of the groom.
Preceding the bride to the altar
were Mrs. Charles Coffey of Wat
sonville, Calif., her sister's matron
! of honor. Miss Maxine Coleman
of Portland and Miss Lucille Dur-
; rant of Salt Lake City, brides
maids. They wore identical frocks
, of frosted blue brocaded taffeta.
! They had matching blue gauntlets
and carried pastel nosegays and
coronets of flowers in their hair.
Flower Girl in White
Lindle Pendleton of Stayton.
niece of the groom, was flower
girl. She carried a basket of flow
ers and wore a flowered bonnet.
Fernando Smith of Stayton stood
with his brother as best man. Ush
ers were Paul Reidy, Jerry Mark
ing of Stayton and Ira Stouss of :
Portland. !
Mrs. Gearin selected a grey ,
dress with black hat and accessor- !
ies for her daughter's wedding, j
Her corsage was of pink and white
rosebuds and gardenias.
The wedding reception was held
at the Normandy Manor. Mrs.
Nora Reilly of Portland poured
and Miss Agnes Meyers cut the '
bride's cake. Mrs. Paul Reidy pre- !
sided at the punch bowl and Mrs. !
Frederick Reidy passed the guest J
book. Assisting were Mrs. Louis ;
Hodak of Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Don- j
aid Brown and Mrs. Rudy Kalian- !
der. In charge of the gift table j
were Mrs. Donald Panek. Mrs. i
Earl Pettit. Miss Bernice Misch
ler and Miss Betty Noack.
The newlyweds went to southern
California on their honeymoon. !
For traveling the bride wore an j
avenue grey suit with three-quar- ;
ter length fitted coat and grey but-
Seen and Heard . . . .
By leryma English
Francisco last Sunday lor the
grand opening of the Golden
Gate Kennel club dog show at
the Civic auditorium were Mr.
and Mrs. A. Folsom Hayes, now
of Portland, but formerl y of
Lake Labish and Salem. . . . Ac
companying them were their St.
Bernards inckiding a trio, "Apol
lo," -Gerda" and -Mountain
Valkyr," who flew over from
Switzerland just last month. . . .
At the show they took trophies
in best of breed and best of oppo
site sex. . . . The Hayes also
showed their St. Bernards in the
east in the fall and came home
with several trophies. . . . The
Hayes kennels on Canyon Drive
in Portland are considered among
the best in the country- Be
fore returning north Mr. and Mrs.
Hayes will visit their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
George Sperry (Adele Hayes)
and young son in the bay city.
Commuting. . . . Mrs. Palmer
Dawes (Mildi Roberts), in Port
land this winter with her daugh
ter and mother, Mrs. John J.
Roberts, is teaching violin two
days a week at Newburg and two
at McMinnville. . . . She drives
back and forth from their home
in Laurelhurst.
plicity marked the nuptils of Mar
garet Hardman and Otto Wilson
last Saturday. . . . Several hundred
guests congratulating the newly
weds in the foyer of the Pres
byterian church following the ex
change of vows. ... A stormy
night with guests arriving with
scarfs tied around their coiffures
. . . but inside a spring-like at
mosphere with calla lilies and
pink snapdragons. . . . Margaret,
a sweet, happy bride, wearing
champagne velveteen . . . carry
ing a white prayer book marked
with gorgeous large green or
chids. . . .
From out-of-town. . . . Many
college friends here for the oc
casion. . . Louis and Marguerite
Stutt of HilNboro. . . Edwin and
Barbara McWain. . . . Rosalie and
Leonard Ranton. . . and the Frank
Shepherds, all of Portland. . . .
Mrs. Bruce Baxter, assisting atj
the reception. . . . The Edward J
Siegmunds here from Eugene. . . . i
and Otto's sister, Margaret (Mrs.
Edward Post) of San Francisco;
who flew rioFAh .... She wore :
moonstone blue chiffon with red!
flowers in her dark hair. . . . Dr. !
and Mrs. Carl Holiingworth also j
here from Portland. . . Mrs. Rob- j
ei t Brower of --Seattle, who was i
to have lighted the tapers, didn't
arrive as all planes were ground- !
ed. i
MOVING WEST. . . . Friends
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pickens ,
ton trim. She wore a grey felt
hat, brown accessories and ermine
coat. Pinned to her suit were green
and brown orchids. They will live
in Stayton.
(Mary Yeager) will be delighted
to know they are going to live
in Portland after March 1. . . .
Bob will be superintendent of the
Foundation Worsted Mill in Sell
wood. . . . For the past seven
years he has been with the Amer
ican Viscose Co. in. Philadelphia.
. . . Accompanying them will be
their sons, Robert and Richard.
A new home . . . for Mr. and
Mrs. Frank H. Spears, Jr., and
daughter, Julianne, who hope to
move into their newly built home
in the Green Hills district in
Portland, this week. . . . Their
five-room house, all on one floor,
is ideally situated on a hill with
a grand view overlooking the
Tualatin valley.
BRIEF NOTES. ... On a ten
day jaunt to Denver and Kansas
are Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes
and Mr. and Mrs. Asa Lewelling.
. . . They went east by train and
will fly home.
Her visit means parties. . . .
Mrs. Robert Cosgrove (Hester Da
vis) is arriving in Salem Friday
from Indio, Calif., for a several
weeks' stay with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Rex Davis, and with her
brother and his family, Mr. and
Mrs. Ward Davis.
First corsage . . . for Christy
Buf ick, daughter , of the Harold
Busicks, who celebrated her third
birthday on Wednesday. . . . Just
before the party little Timmy
Meyers, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Meyers, arrived at the
door with a tiny corsage of roses,
complete with miniature pin, for
his hostess to wear on her birth
day. FOR THE PRESS. . . . Gov
ernor and Mrs. Earl Snell were
Mrs. Daniel Fry's black gown
supper in honor of the legisla
tive press Thursday night. . . .
Over forty gathered for the oc
casion. Informality prevailed with
Ralph Watson, Paul Hauser and
Eric Allen -assisting the hostess
during the evening Inciden
tally, Paul has served as presi
dent of the Newspaper Guild in
Portland the past year . . . his
wife, Janet, who is secretary to
Rep. Anna Ellis, wore black with
gold trim. . . .
Other costume notes. . . . Mrs.
Larry Smyth of Portland, a strik
ing brunette, wore black satin
and an open crown hat encircled
with pink flowers. . . . Good-looking
Mrs. Louise Humphrey, also
of Portland, in black and a peony
red velvet flowered chapeau. . . .
Mrs. Ralph Watson, who has as
much vigor as the thirty-year-olds,
in violet, the silk blouse,
which originally had come from
Paris, enhanced with beading. . . .
Mrs. Daniiel Fry's black gown
adorned with wide ice blue satin
cuffs . . . and Mrs. George Flagg
wearing a handsome grey knit
dress, which she made herself. . . .
Regular no host luncheon meet
ing of the junior guild of the St.
Paul's Episcopal church will be
held Tuesday at 1 p. m. at the par-
Miss Avis
To Wed
A number of Salem people will
motor to Corvallis this afternoon
for the wedding of Miss Avis Stei
mer daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry E. Steimer of Salem, and
William R. McBee, son of Mrs.
Dorothy Moser of Corvallis, which
will take place at the Episcopal
church at 2 o'clock with the Rev.
Charles Neville officiating.
Miss Marilyn Powell will sing
and Mrs. Neville will be the ac
companist. The Misses Barbara
and Gloria McClintock of Salem,
wil light the tapers.
Mr. Steimer will give his bru
nette daughter in marriage. Her
gown is of white slipper satin de
signed with a high neckline, fitted
bodice with bustle bow, long
sleeves and a full skirt which ends
in a train. The veil of French net
is edged in lace and is caught to
a pearl beaded headdress. She will
carry a bouquet of stephanotis
centered with a white orchid.
Around her neck will be a string
of baby pearls, the gift of the
Miss Doris Dixon of Salem will
be the maid of honor and will
wear blue marquisette and carry
pink carnations. Bridesmaids will
be Miss Cathy Moran of Salem
and Miss Helen Bunker of Corval
lis, who will wear pink and carry
colonial nosegays. The attendants
will have matching shoulder veils
caught to coronets of gardenias.
Wayne Roberts will be the
groom's best man and ushers are
Mrs. Joe McBee and Brutus Ja- j
cobs. I
Mrs. Steimer will wear blue grey j
crepe gown with matching acces-
sories. Mrs. Moser will attend her ;
son's marriage in a dove grey dress j
with matching accessories. Their i
corsages will be of gardenias and '
The wedding reception will be
in the parish house with Mrs.
James Furchner and Mrs. Ross
Bunker in charge. Mrs. George
McBee will cut the cake and pour- j
ing will be the bride's sisters, Mrs. j
Gaylord E. Felton and Mrs. Law- :
rence S. Chapman. Assisting will
be the Misses Joan Randall, Bar
bar a Sundet, Miriam Shellenber-
! ger and Gloria Myers of Salem,
Mary Sandoz of Astoria and Doro
thy Beach of Corvallis.
For going away the bride will
wear a brown tailleur with match- '
ing accessories and a white orchid, j
The young couple will live in Cor-
. vallis.
j Eastern Star social afternoon 1
! club will meet for a dessert lun-,
! cheon at the Masonic temple at
1:15 o'clock. Cards and sewing
, will follow. Mrs. Arthur Utley
I heads the committee in charge of
Mrs. David Eason will present
her piano students in a musicale
I ish hall. The hostesses are Mrs.
i W. C. Gabriel. Mrs. Cal Patton,
I Mrs. George H. Swift and Mrs.
;R. E. Meredith
'Tuesday night at her South I Assisting will be Mrs. J a m I pa n 1 1 d by Mlf AIlc
Church street home at 7:30 o'clock. Stone, flutist, who will d accom- I crown.
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