The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 26, 1947, Page 11, Image 11

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    Stocks End
Slow Week
NEW YORK. Jan. 25-.4VTh
stock market today concluded its
econri slowest 6-sesston. week
in nearly two years with apathy
and mild irregularity persisting.
The list made scant response
to the overnight news of the steel
wage tiuce.
The ticker tape loafed from the
start nd fractional unevenness
prevailed at the close. Transfers
of 430,000 thares were the small
est since January 4 and compared
with 7VC.000 last Saturday. The
week's aggregate of 4.425.980
shares was a low for six days
since the period ended November
30. Last week the volume was
5.896.120. i
The Associated Press 60-stock
compc-mtc was off .1 of a point at j
65.2 and on the week showed a :
net ls cf two-tenths. Of 749 is
sues registering on the day, 278
ro-e and 246 fell. j
Now York Stock Quotations
NEW YORK, Jan. 25-(P)-Today,s closing quotations:
AI Ch Sc Dye .172 Gen Foods 43 2 Radio Corp 9 !
Amer Can 95 's Gen Motors 56jRayonier 22 ai
Am Pow & Lt. 14 iGoodyear Tire - 54 Rayonier pfd
Am Tel & Tel..172s Gt North pfd. 45 Reynolds Met 37?
Anaconda 39 Int Harvest 72 I Safeway 214
Atchison 9034 Int Paper pfd ...
School News
By Dnnns Cmrr
Over 200 students attended the
all-school mixer Thursday after
school at Leslie. ASB President
I Scars Roeb 37 i Shirley Jones presided over the
Bendix Avia 363a:J Manville 131 iSinclair Oil 15'2 ; party wrucn nad "Junior Can
Beth Steel 824iKennecott 46. So Pacific 42 '2 teen" as its them. Refreshments,
Boeing Air IfliijLong Bell A . Stan Brands 36 I dancing, bingo, free movies and
Calif Pack 29 Maytag . 104 Stan Oil Cal 55'2 a flor snow featured the affair.
Canadian Pac 13 fc Miami Copper 14t4iStew Warner j Leslie students have been busy
Case J I ... 354. Mont Ward 57J4 Studebaker 21T the past week ordering school
Chrysler 91V Nash Kelvin 18V4 Sun Mining 12 ; Pns and pictures of various
rnmwith sii 3.Tiat Dairv ...... 30. Union Oil 21. scnooi activities, me scnooi Dins !
Cons Edison 28 IN Y Central 19 Un Pacific re being sold to raise money for
Cons Vultee .... 16Vsl"lorth Am Co 314 Un Airlines 22s, I the ASB treasury.
Cont Ins 5 14! Northern" Pac .... 19 jUn Aircraft ..." 18l.i New basketball suits have ar-
Crown Zel 30 jPac Am Fish !U S Steel 72i rived for the varsity team at Les-
Curtis Wr S'ii'Pac Gas Elec .... 41i Warner Bros 16''lie. The new regalia includes
Douslas Air 707!P T & T 123 Went Elec 25 I gold pants and jerseys trimmed
Du Pont de N....185 (Pan American 1 2001 worth 51'
Gen Electric 37 Penney J C 45 Ui
Thm Slat mw. Scion, Onqoa, Sunday. Janticay 28. 1917 U
Portland Produce
Grains Slump
CHICAGO. Jan. 25 -P-With
the exception of the March wheat
contract, grains slumped fraction
ally n c,wiet dealings on the
Board -of Trade today. March
wheat n.tplayed independent
firmness throughout the session.
Wheat lir.ished lorer to 5
higher, Mtrch $2.9U-S. corn 4-
lower, March $t.29-$1.29,
and oat unchanged to 1 lower.
Mrch ?4l-4-
The Mrtr.fcth in March wheat
was sttrifcted to report that the
Commodity Credit corporation
would brp n buying export wheat
in the M.rneapohs area within
the next two weeks. In recent
week mot grain for shipment
abroad has been -purchased in the
Salable sheep for week 12S3. total
22S5: market active, fat lamb fully
steady. ewe steady to 50 cents high
er. Good-choice woo led lambs 22 00
23.00. early shorn kinds 23 JO. down:
medium-good Iambs 1S.UO-21J0. Com
mon down to la.lM. few thin feedei
12.00-14 00; odd food yearlinfs 18 00;
(jood -choice ewes 8 90-56. extreme
early top t oo. cull down to 3.00.
Portland Grain
PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. 25 I A P i
Buttcrf at Tentative (subject to
immediate change.) Premium quality
maximum at 35 of 1 per cent acid-ty.
! delivered in Portland S9-70c; first
quality S8-Sc: second quality 4-Coc:
j vallev routes and country points 2c
Iri than first or 6-67c.
I Butter Wholesale F.OB. bulk.
! SS lb. cubes. A 93 score S2r : A. 92
I worr sir-: R an score SOc: 89 score
i sac lb. PORTLAND. Ore Jan 25 (API
! Cheese Sellins price to Portland Wheat: no futures quoted
wholesalers: Oreeon single 44-Slc lb.: fo cash grain quoted
Oregon loaf 4S-53c: triplets 44'i-51c. Cash wheat i bid t : Soft
Ft-.T . tmlulrr A (raw. tarrr. soft w hile (excluding Rex
51',-53'ic: medium. 4',-51'2C: small. ! club I SB. western red 1 SB I
422-43c: B grade. Urge 37'.,-39'c. Hard red winter: Ordinary l.SS; 10
Eegs Purchases from farmer: Cur- Per cent 1J1. 11 per cent 16: 12 peri
rent receipts. 40-43c; buyers pay 3- cent S 02 ,
3'tC doz. below wholesale quotations' ard white Baart: 10 per cent 2 23:1
on graded basis for best hennery eggs. 1 ''PfJ cent J 12 Der crnt '25. ,
DrKinl ijrkrTi Buyers not auotinc I t-r mripu unni ma; pir-
with blue numbers and insignia.
The warmup jackets are blue
with gold trim.
The student body council at
Leslie is considering a change in
a nickname for the school' ath
letic teams from "Missionaries"
to something more "modern,
snappy and easier to use in news
paper headlines." The new name
must be adaptable for use as an
insignia and for cartoons. A name
contest is scheduled to get ideas.
dwhue . Marion County
1 S9; white- 1 J
Health Bureau
Activities Set
Eleven Enlist in
Regular Navy
irirr nn vniino hm No 1 totns. 2Sc ' "VV Hour
lb. loose, f .o b. plants on dresated basis. I milleed 7.
Dressed turkeys To retailers: Uraoe
A. hens. New York style, 49-Slc; toms ,
under 20 lb . 35-36c lb '
Dressed Chickens Sell to retailers: ;
Sprinc broilers. 3 lbs. up. 50c: colored
roasters. 42c: Leghorn fowl. 35c. old :
roosters and stags. 28c. j
Live chickens No. 1 Leehorn broil- i niTTKKFIT
rn, J to 2 loi . 10 . irjris. k
lbs . 29c lb : 3 to 3 lb.. 32-35c lb.,
roasters. 4 lbs. and over. 32-35c lb.;
fowl. Leghorn, under 3a lb-. 17-19c.
over 3'j lbs . 19-ZOc; fowl, colored,
all weights. 27-30c, roosters and stags.
12-15: lb
Rabbits Average to rrtailers. 50c
lb. dressed, prices to producer. 43c
i lb : fryers, live, white. 23 -25c lb . col
ored. 23c lb
Green onions Calif S doz. crates.
00-45 75
Dried onions Oregon yellows. No 1.
3 inches and larger. SI S-I 73 a SO-'b
2. corn 22: oats 3. hay 1: I
Salem Market
No. 1
No 2
Thirty-e.ght enlistments in the
naval iive from January 1 to
22 at the Salem navy recruiting
station were reported yesterday
by Chief Gunner'i Mate P. A.
R.mey, in charge.
DuruDg the same three-week
period the itation aLso announced
enlistments in the regular navy
of the fallowing 11 men:
Donait! Wayne Cotivere. 494
University st.; Oiva; Robert
Rjmt'y. 1240 Fair-mount ave ;
Wiiiim Ealt Badeau. route 7:
Ri.vnvirid Lee Etjerth. 1805 S
12h t ; Robert Eu4-ne Ruyle.
route 6. and Edgar Robert Car
lisle, 712 S. 14th st . all of Salem,
and Vernon Lee Eliioft. Shedn:
Jjmes We!ey Gingridi and Glenn
Wiliiam Mfcnn. both of Silverton : '
Billie Dee Corbett, Wood burn, I
at.i William Jack Lamb. Dallas.:
j 1 1 rr -1 r n 1 1 9i jr i . vim. Willie
Globes 2 66-2 75.
Potatoe Iocal. long white. No. 1
grarte. $2 6j-2 75 100-lb uck. Deschure-.
19-20c lb : bushel hamper?. S3 50-3 73.
No 1 $2(10-2 95: No. 2. 90-S5c a 50-lb
sack; Washington Russets. .No 1. 92 75
2 85; bakers S3 00-3 20
Dressed meats Veal. bet quality. !
28-3c lb ; heavy, top quality, light. I
?8-30c: M. 25-27c: C. 22-2c. cull. 18
20r. Hogs Block butchers, packer stvle. '
175-ISO lbs. 32-33c: over 213 lbs. .W
32c: sows, all weights. 27-.Uc Lamb- ,
A A, 3-37c: A. 35-3fic: B. .32-33C; C. 28
30c lb Mutton 10-15c lb. according
to quality. Beef Best quality. 35-3c;
B. 26-28c; C. 22-24c: canning and cutter.
19-21c bologna bulls. l-27c.
Cascara Bark Green. 8-8'jc; dry. 20c
Wool Vallev, coarse and medium
grarfc-. 4ic lb
Mohair 0c lb on 12-ri!onth growth
Hay Wholesale shipment: Alfalfa.
No 2 or better. $3,1 00-34 50 ton. No. 1.
$34 00-35 50 ton: oats and vetch, mixed
hay Vallev growers' asking price. !
00-25 00 ton: clover hav. uncerti- 1
fied. baled on farms. $24 00-25 00.
Wholesale ..
KOGS. Baying Price
Extra large ..
Pullets, cracks
:;. Selling erica
Wholesale, large
Medium . . .
Colored hens. No. 1
No. 2
IIVKSTOCE (By Vallev Pscki
Tod larr.b Jo (rfl
Ycjrling lamb 14 00
Fr 7 00
Dairy cows . IW 1.1 n Oil
Dairy bulls 9 00 to 14 On
Veal . 12 CO to 19 50
Hog prices 33c per hundred under
Portland prices for each particular
class. Stags bought subiect.
Credit Union
At Mt Anjrel
Has Election
County health department ac
tivities for the coming week in
clude a conference of food hand
lers, with cooks, school officials
and others in terested, Friday
night at the Middle Grove school.
, Dr. W. J. Stone, county health
I officer, announced Saturday. The I
; week's schedule was also an-'
i nounced.
Monday audiometnc hearing .
I tets will be given at Richmond ,
; kchool and immunizations at St.
1 Joseph's parochial school, start
ing at 9 a.m.
Tuesday a school clinic is .
, scheduled at Donald for Butte- I
j ville and Arbor Grove from 9
j a.m. to 3 p.m., immunization at i
Grant school. 1 p.m.. and audio- ;
metric testing at Garfield school. '.
Wednesday Englewood school ,
clinic, audiometric testing at Mc
Kinley and fluoroscopic clinic at ,
Salem Deaconess hospital will be
held, and Thursday there will be I
a baby clinic at the health office 1
and audiometric testing will con-
tinue at Highland school. An t
adult clinic will be at the health ,
department Saturday.
Portland Livestock
Dazzling t
unt HORNE (rwkSlliATRA
fUrt WALKER as JnMM Ktrn
PORTLAND. Ore. Jan 23 -1AP1-1
USDA Salable cattle for eek 2M.i.
total 3870. salable calves 310. total 75";
market slow throughout the week but
steers in relatively best call: prices
uneven, steers stead v to 25 cents low
er, bulls and vcaleri fully steady, coas
and heifers weak to 50 cents lower,
dairy type cows 2 00-2 0 or more he
low early last week Medium-good fed
steers lSno-22 50. one load 22 75 two
I loads 22.90. the top Common down to
1 - Crt ' . .
- uiiiiiHni-iTimiuni neners j z im
18 00. load good heifers 19 25. odd head
to 20 00. medium-good beef cni 13 00
15 SO. young cows tn 1XOO and better
canners-cutters S 00-10 00. onlv odd
head below 8 00 and fat dairy tvoe
cows 10 50-11 SO: good beef bulU HO0
50 good-chotce vealers 20 00-22 00. odd
selects 22.50-23 50
Salable hogs for week 1500. total
SH25: market 25 cents lower at clo
good-choice 1SO-260 lbs. early 25 O0
dosing top 24.75: heavier wrtrhu 30.
I 24 50: 135-ISO lbs 23 00-50 good sows
IS.30-ISW. lightweights to 20 00. heavy
j srars in 00. around 400 lbs. up to 17 50.
I good-cboee feeder pigs largely 23 00.
It's Sensattaaal!
W -m
Today & Moo.
m I' .. m . sr
1 tec 41
wrt ri
aswssibM m- 1
Ken Curtis
Jeff D4MmeU
Mat Dally From 1 1M.
Now! And It's Delightful!
Cl Alii
ifef DvciA,c
I Jwri I V V otfni
&ZH j 6.LIW
Gay Ce-Hlt!
Trudy Marshall
Cms. Froan 1 TM.
Now! Reoc Harrison
Iran Dunn
John Hotiiak
"Socnwhr in th Night"
Cont. From 1 PJVf.
Now Showing I
Ann Corio
Wild Bill Elliott
MT. AISGEL Membership
meeting of the Mt. Angel Federal
Credit union Thursday revealed
the pat year the first the
orr.ization could show an ac
tual profit, and by next year it
is hoped to be in a position to
pay dividend. Primary purpose
is to give financial aid to mem
bers by means of low-cost inter
est loans.
Peter K. Gores, treasurer, in
making the financial report, stat
ed that the union was now in a
position to give loans up to $300
without a co-signer. Since its or
ganization six years ago the un
ion has given 25 loans for a
total of $260(1. none of them de
linquent, six handled in 1946.
Need for loans was neglible dur
ing the money-flush war years
but this is gradually changing and
it was the belief of the directors
the coming years would prove
that the union was a bm to its
members. Latest report showed
89 members. :
Peter Gores, William Biem and
Loretta Dehler were chosen di- !
rectors. Frank Aman and Frank
Hettwer holdovers as director.
Joseph W'avra and Ajine Erwert
were chosen members of the sup
ervisory committee. Theresa Deh
ler is holdover member. C. J.
Bulsch and Joseph Wagner are
credit committee members. Syl
vester Schm:tt a holdover mem
ber. Directors met later and elected ,
Blem president. Aman as vice
president: Loretta Dehler, seer-;
lary. and Gore, treasurer, a po- !
sition he has held since the union
wa organized. i
Demands Noted
NEW YORK, Jan. 25-iPi-Con-sumers
are demanding $2.50
broadcloth shirts. $3 hou;ed reus
es and $1.98 sheets, a National
Retail Dry Goods association sur
vey indicates.
" The general price level sought
by retail store customers is that
which prevailed prior to the war, ;
but retailers find their customers 1
are willing to accept partial pro-
gres to that objective at this !
time.' said David H. Woog, di
rector of the merc handise re-
search division of NRDGA.
The association survey cov- j
ered 1.890 stores through the
country to determine at what pr;- 1
ces the public wants to buy 65 ,
types of soft goods, including 1
men's and women's and children's J
clothing and home furnishings.
The major European languages
are related and are believed to
have originated from a single
language. I
Immsxiiat Sorrics
in ymr home
Guaranteed Work
rhone 373
Hi ft iir
Ilolor Co.
430 North
Commercial Street
Installation of New Kins $20.00
Grind Valves 22.50
Tune Ignition 5.00
Total Labor Charge $47.50
(ParU Extra)
14S Cylistder-Assembly Now Available, $22.1S
Piss Iastallatioa
Cnt. frm S p.m. Sat. St Sua.
Jsrus Payne - Maureen O'llara
"Sentimental Jnrnera
Jsnly Canrs
-Hrt the Hay"
Sal en Trail Blazers
Seallle Bine Devih
Today. Jan. 25, 2:33 P.IL
Prelisa. at 1. K. sf C ti. SL Panl lasftn
General Admission l.: Students, Se
Tax Included
GoniSnass ffi's
loys' Ihvi (Garmenis in Sroken Sizes
Here's your opportnnily to select a new onfil (or that young fellow of yours
for Ilille more more than a $10 bill!
Select yonr garments from these groups
. . . then pay HALF the regular ticket
ed price! The earlier yon shop, the
greater yonr selection. Including sizes
1 to 17.
Reg. 8.95 to 17.50
Pay lA
Not all size in each pattern, but all size included
in the selected groups of Sport Coats, MackinawM,
Jackets, Drett Slacks, Sport Shirts, Topcoats and
many other items too numerous to mention.
Re if. 3.50 to 7.95
Pay Vi
Re. 7.S5 to 16.95
Pay V2
Sport and
Re. 5.95 to 1 1 .95
Pay Vz
Sweaters Raincoats
Re. 2.95 to 7.95
Pay Vz
HATS - Reg. 1.98
Tay Vt
Reg. 4.10 to 10.95
Pay Vz
CAPS - Rejc. 1.59 to 1.95
Pay Vz
Re. 3.95 to 11.95
Pay Vz
HELMETS - Reg. 1.59
Py Vi
leaded with Values
Dress Slacks $1 Bib Pants $1
4 Pair Hose $1 2 Suspenders $1
2 Polo Shirts $1 Sweaters $1
Nn Returns
Nn Refunds
Nn Exchange
r Alterations