4-Th "So Favor Sways Vs, No FearShaU Aw" Trm Wrmt IUUmui. March it, 1SS1 THE STATES MAIS PUBLISHING COMPANY CHARLES A. S PRAGUE, Editor and Publisher Heart er ef th AawccUtesl Frew TTsa AmwUM rrtM 4s lasJvel7 eaUttrsl Ulkittl pablleatlM mi all stews sUsatetft cresUte UIIwm( 4Wrwtsva erasilt la this Guarding Against Fire Itives one pain to read of fires resulting in loss of life. Very often it is children who are caught in the flames or smoke, are unable to get out themselves and those outside are unable to rescue them. We have had many such fires reported this year, though no mere than in former years. Small homes, trailer houses catch fire when the father is away and the mother out of the house -or a few moments. The home bursts into flame and those Kde perish. Fire or life insurance Is no salve for the grief that comes with loss of loved ones. There is this difference between fires and auto accidents, both of which are bad killers. In the former case the controls for prevention lie almost wholly within the family: in the latter case one may be the victim of a stranger's negligence. Ajeain we put emphasis on good housekeeping as a pre ventive of fire. At this season stoves and furnaces ar kept going full tilt to provide heat. The dangers are therefore in creased. An insurance circular lists the following percentages of causes of fires: Per Cent 1. Careless I'm mt Matches aad Smaklng - - t. Defective electric wtric and appliance, ee tnlsase ef saaaa great servant, electricity li.M X. Car arising- frtMsa lack af care, lnattentlaa and eare- kMfM in in mt Maklof and heating staves, etc. 11 (Foiegoing includes the following divisions: Chimneys and fiues, 5.9; stoves, furnaces, boiler, and pipes, 6 3J; f parks on roofs. 9.2Z and hot ashes and eoelji open fires, 4.20.) 4. Carelessness with kerosene lamps, candles, apen light f all kinds; ktfWHK stoves, and natsase al saaallna aad-ather InnaMsssssable Uqaids for cleaning and other -dangera! re 11.4t All ether causes 51 (The ether causes include fires originating off prem 7.74.i: lightning. 6.79i; ignition of hot grease, 3 4)1; spontaneous combustion. 1.77: gas. 1.42; Mtik8 from combustion, .98; rubbish and litter, .hit; miscellaneous, .77; explosions. .76; friction, svrs from machinery. .73; and fireworks, etc, .S4).) iso.ee Hete the heavy proportion chargeable to human careless ness. Why r.ot "double your guard" in your housekeeping? Check your flue, your electric wiring, your stoves. Set a mental monitor over -your hands as you use cleaning fluids, lamps and inflammable. Reflect on what you would do if a fire did -break out to get members of the family out of the house, to pi.t it out with a bucket of water, to call the fire department (the department number is at the top of the first page of the phone directory). Our County Jail The Marion county jail gets a sevtie rap from a federal inspector It is the oldest in use in the state and will be re placed within a few years when the new courthouse is built. Meantime, the county sheriff should do all he can to keep it clen and to enforce discipline among the prisoners without toleration of kangaroo- courts. Thr iiiimd jury has powers of investigation and recommen ds ion which it may employ, and current needs should be re ported lo the county budget committee if additional expen- di'.ure i ifVuired. A jail not a pluwihy place, and with drunks and hoboes as frtMwnl tenant it is not easy to keep it from becoming lousv Bid we do not like to stand away down in the list in a ConipaiiMin of jail. Point of View Hut is what the Salem Capital Press says of the governor s AltoKCtr.er it w a sunI, con&trurtit e. and forthright mes sage thiit .t!t in the mind- of the lawmakers no doubt as to vi -ti ir.e txeeutive of the state stixxi on the major issues to cmt- lx li.rc the legislative assembly. Lik the old grey mare, the C-P "ain't what she used to be." A wifl cting view i given in Monroe Sweetland s Molalla Plo: i - ;vtinr Snell's pvch was 16 pages of acheing void. As a muMei frt. it mrur itely summed jp his past four years, art! ii Oij.cus ot what U ahead for us in this unhappy quad I er.i.itjm. The Ccrvais State bank, still a locally-owned, independent bark. r in :he million dollar class. Its last statement showed deposit ef $1,059,449 and loans of $224,696. As the only bank between Ss. tm and Woodburn along the highway it serves an important firming and trading community. Pahwr Hoyt, now of the Denver Post, has joined the ADA Ameiitans for Democratic Action the legitimate succession to the FLR r.ew deal. Perhaps the condition was that Hoyt's name go n the letterhead. Ccnjrioi-men can't go against portal-to-portal pay very consistently. They draw 20c per mile for mileage getting to Washington and back. Tnw for the native webfeets to start the chant: we're healthier when it raint. Editorial Comment THE BANKS AWAKKtf The Timts is guitdd to observe that after too long a period of uiem r tne two huge Portland banks, who now control 90 per cent of Uc deposit resources of all of Oregon, are breaking down their &nd deposit figures by communities. Thus for the first time inc tvaruh baetRMig was permitted in this state in 1933. does a Io.al inmnity have access to the figures on its own financial atste of heiiltn. Ye i a ago this tws(Mper editorially urged that such informa tion be mie public but the only response was silence from the b-tnks tn a . ttuttal teihn why th information could not be fur nished. As a result a community could obtain its postal receipts, its freight iurgs, ita rets-ti sales, etc. all valuable indices of its general tnmic health but not a word about the cash position of its lititiT.ry. Portland had the figures Out they were distorted as the agfieaates released in the metropolis included all the state the hintetland as wet! ae the main city. We nt knew what has accounted for th change but it is wiee e.n tr.ci.gh much belated. In the 13 years since the depth of th? great iepression ..Oregon has become virtually a two-bank state. Setting wine for the nvmient the fundamental question of the wis dom of rwti concentration of liquid capital in two institutions who d j all ther principal business in the metropolis, the least these banks on do is to recognize that Oregon is a much larger state than Port land ait fie, that the "hinterland' is not just a series of provinces to be ruk-d from the "mpire headquarters" in the big city. Later ally, as ihe LpsUte thrive, so will th central city. The release ef ufsstale figures on banking deposits and loans, coming after 13 7 era ( silence, is at least evidence that the two large insietuUcns are tsesjinning to realize that they ar a part of the entire commonwealth and as such beholden with a duty as good minns 10 ast the state, not stifle its overall economic prog rees. -fCByTIaas.i r- -- ' r -- 1M7 I Frana Oar Contem porar les DtP SCEQDDQS (Continued from Pag 1) of the projects of th separate anna, avoiding duplication. Co ordination of military action in the event of war would remain th duty of th chiefs of staff of several services. The navy, which had feared emasculation under consolidation, seems reconciled to this program, ft gets to retain two segments, the marine corps and an air arm which had been threatened. With a secretary - of th navy, too, it evidently feels Ha service will not suffer. Th fact that all the principals seem agreeable to this compro mise Justifies acceptance of It by th public, but it by no means guarantees its success in opera tion. That will depend largely on the men who ar named to th several positions. The Safety Valve LETTUtS rXOM STATESMAN KKADEatS IN MEM OKI AM To the Editor: - In Tuesday's Statesman I read of th passing of Mary Sterner Denton. Please allow m a rem iniscence. In th -school year of 1888-1889. my brother. Prof. J. T. Mathes, and I batched together in an upstairs apartment of a house owned by an old couple, Mr. and Mrs. Ware, who were very friendly and kind to us, two students at Willamette. It was Jim's senior year and I studied piano under frank ie Jones, and harmony and composition under Dr. Parvin. It was a largo class and Mary Steiner was th star pupil. How well I remember the day when our requirement was a waltz each student was to com pose a waltz and play it to the class. Marx's composition and performance were so far ahead of the rest of them (including mine) that our teacher predicted that Miss Steiner would go far in the world of music. Before the school year ended, the Wares sold their home, with the proviso that their tenants up stairs might stay to the end of th school year. It was the Steiner family that bought the house and immediately moved in, so Mary and I found ourselves living in the same house; it was there that acquaintance ripened into friend ship, which has endured through the years. The list time we met was at W. U.'s commencement last summer. It was a warm hand clasp she gave me and our last. Farewell, Mary Steiner Denton, from your friend. Emma Matthews Whealdon. Calvary Baptist Church Bells to Be Dedicated Calvary Baptist church's new bells will be dedicated at the 11 am. worship service Sunday. Through the kindness of the fam ily of Mrs. G E. Ross, the Schul merich electronic equipment for broadcasting music of the bells, organ and choir, has been in stalled. The bells will be played each day at 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Silverton Churches FIRST CHRISTIAN Park at 1st street Arthur Charles Bate, min'ster. Bible school t 43 a.m. M B. Ford. Supt Morning worship 11 a rr Sermon. "Giace tor Grace" Clirutian Endeavor. 6 p m Evening worship 7 30 Sermon. "The Model Praver " The district Sunday school convention Sunday afternoon. I TRINITY Second at A streeU M J K Fuhr. paitor Sunday school 10 a m Divine 'worship II Sermon. "Daily Miracles' Luther league 7 13 pm Paul Sunset. I topic leader Choir. Thursday. B p m. Confirmation Instruction Saturday. 9:90 am. CALVARY LUTHERAN Jertey street James A Tofte. pas tor Sunday school and Bible classes 10 am. Olga Johnson. Supt. Moining 'worship 11 Theme "The Marriage and the Miracle " Confirmation in- ' IMMANl'EL LUTHERAN j North Church. Sunday school 10 a m . Divine services 11. Sermon: "Jesus i Must Go to Samaria " Luther league 7 30 p m. Topics: "Daring to Be Dif- ' Cerent." and "Daily Crossbeanng " Junior and senior choir rehearsal on Thursday. 7 and S p in. Sen ion and I junior confirmation daises Saturday. ' 9 and 10 a m. SEVENTH DAT ADVENTIST Park at 2nd street A I Beazley. pastor Sabbath school Saturday. 9:30. Study topic. "Love in Action " Morn ing worship 11 a m Quarterly oom munion service. Prayer meeting Wed nesday. 7 30 p.frt ST. MIX'S CATHOLIC Pine at Grant street. Father John 1. Walsh, pastor. Sunday masses B and 10 a m Week day masses SI. CHRISTIAN AND MISSION ART ALLIANCE North Znd street. B A. Franklin, pastor. Sunday school and Bible cLas&es at 10 am Services at 11 Young I people's fellowship hour 7 p m Eve ning service S. Midweek prayer and I Bible study Wednesday. S pm. CHURCH OF GOD Second at A street. C W. Clefham. pastor Sunday school 16 a m. Worship 11. Evangelistic S p m. LATTER DAY SAINTS Modern Woodman hall. Srd street. Sundav school 9:45 a m Worship at 11. MIA 7 30 p m. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Front street. Omar Bailey, pastor. Sunday school Svsj a m. Worship at 11. Christ's Ambassadors 8:48 p m. Evangelistic services 7.45 Bible study Wednesday. 7:43 p m. Prayer service Friday. 7:45 pm. rn.GSIM lOMNESS 942 South Water street. William L McGlasaon. paster. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Worship at II. Evening services at 7 :30. Third at Lewis street SuaaVay school at s:9 am. services 1 1. MARQUAM METHODIST Silverton highway Na. Ill a Mar quam. R. Carbodesi. pastor. Sunday school at 18 a.m. Worship at 11. METHODIST West Main and Pistce street. B P. Brownini. nastor. Church school 9:43. Morning service 11 Youth Fellowship 7 JO. Orchestra practice Wednesday. 1 ra. Choir psoertca srednesdayf son. GRIN AND BEAR -No, I don't hav am appointment If I did I probably wonldn't n here! ainmm (CDnouwIhies CSltCH OF CHRIST North Cottago at Shipping. Jama A. Hr-ott minister. Ribla school IS a.m. Sermon topic by guest speaker. C. R. Nlchol. Evening servica 7:30. Kvangel latic services all week. ST. MARK KV. LITSUAN S43 N. Church stroet. Rev. kf. A. Oetzendaner. DO. pastor. Sunday school :4J a.m. Morning worship 11 o'clock. Sermon topic. "Called of Cod." Fellowship dinner 12:30. Annual con F-gatlonal meeting 1 JO. Luther league 30 p m. MISSION ST. UNITED BRETHREN 1155 Mission. Rev. George Martin, pastor. Sunday school 9:4S a.m. Sun day school tune changed from 1 to 9 43 s m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Evening service 7:30 o'clock. Rev. John K. William, speaker. Mid-week pray er meeting Wednesday. 7 JO p.m. IMMANl'IL PENTECOSTAL 44S Ferry street Clovls Cagls. pas tor. Sunday school 10 am. Morning ervice 11 o'clock. Evening servico 7.30 o'clock Rev. Ronald Slttser. Bi ble class teacher. ! FIRST C HI ICR Or CHRIST. ; SCIENTIST I Chemeketa at Liberty Sunday school ill a m.' Services 11 a in and S pm Sermon subject. "Life " Wednesday meeting at 8 p m . Includes testimonies ! of healing. Reading room 148 S. High. SAI.EM TSl'IH CENTER 282 N. Cottage Lulu Walton Quick leader Morning service 11 o'clock January IS. Subject. "Beauty and Happiness " Evening service S o'clock Tuesday. January 21. Subject. ' Pros perity " Library open five afternoons each week 1 to 4. SCIENCE OF PROGRESSIVE LIFE 460 N. Cottage St Evening service 7 30 o'clock Lecture by Rev Evalyn Bennett of Portland Special music. P1I.ORIM HOLINESS 2740 Cherry. V G. Story, pastor. Sunday school 9 43 am Morning serv ice 11 o'clock Evening service 7 :3S o'clock. Young people's meeting t p m SAI VATION ARMY 241 State St Sunday school 10 a rrv Holiness meeting 11 a m Y P Legion 6pm Salvation meet inn 7 30 p m Ad jutant C Rosnick. Medford speaker Sundav Meetings every night during "Fighting Faith" campaign FIRST CHL'RCH OF GOO Cottage at Hood streets Rev and I Mrs. H. A. Schlatter, pastor. Sunday ! school 9:45 a m Morning service ! 10:43 o'clock, junior church Sermon tubtect 11 a in The Law Given. I When. Where, and Whv " Evening I service S.4J o'clock Youth Fellow ship Sermon subject 7 43 pm, "After Death. What'" cm rch or jesi s hrist or LATTER OA Y SAINTS V F W. hall. Hood at Church. Don H. Wall, bishop. Sundav school 10 a m. Priesthood meeting relief society and primary 11 30 a.m. Evening service 6:30 o clock . BRETHREN 1123 Elm street A A I.oewen. pas tor: A Fadenrecht. associate. Sunday school 9 4S a m Morning ervice 10 43 ' o'clock. Evening serv ice 7 43 o'clock. I 7 p m . young people's meetings. Wed nesday. 7:15 pm. mid-week Bible class under Dr. Houser. I JASON LEI METHODIST North Winter at Jefferson S Ray nor Smith, pastor Sunday school 9 45 a m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Dr. : Elbert Moffitt. Bombay. India, speaks Ion India 3.30. Intermediate Fellow ship S 30. Youth Fellowship. 7:30. Wesley fellowship al parsonage. JESl'S NAME PENTECOSTAL South !2th at Lewis street Wilbur I King, pastor. Sunday school 10 e.m. i Morning service 11 o'clock Evening I service 7:30 o'clock Mid-week service Wednesday, 7:30 pm LESLIE METHODIST South Commercial at Myers Joseph Knotts. pastor Sunday school 9 45 a m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon subiect. "Wells of Faith and Praver 6 30 pm. Youth Fellowship. Evening; service 7.30 o'clock Sermon subject "Choking the Word of God " Mid week service Thuriday. 7:30 p.m. COURT STREET CHRISTIAN 17th at Court street W H Lvman. pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a m Morn ing service 10:30 o'clock. Sermon sub iect. "I Would Be True " Christian En deavor Hour 6:30 p.m. Evening service 7:30 o'clock. Sermon by Tom Courtney. Jr. Mid-week Bible study, prayer. Thursdav. 7 30 a m. BETHANY EVANGELICAL AND REEORMED Nortn Capitol at Marlon Rev r F Otf . pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Young people's instruction by pastor at 10 a m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject. ' Come Unto Me." WESLEYAN METHODIST 15th at Mill. A. G Yates, pastor. Sun day school 10 ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject. "What Is the Chaff to the Wheat? Said the Lord " Youth meeting 6:45 p m. Evenyig serv ice 7 JO o'clock, evangelistic. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Chemeketa at Winter. Chester W. Hamblin. pastor: Francis H. Chambers, assistant. Sunday school 9:45 am. Morning service 16:55 o'clock. Sermon subject. "The Visitor." Evening service I o'clock, vesper musics le. An eve ning of music by the choir 130 S SS p m . Willamette Presbytery youth meeting. Monday. 7 JO pm. Boy Scouts. Thursday. 7 JO pm . mtd-wook service. FOURSQUARE 4M N 19th. Rev. Charles Tate, pas tor. Sunday school 8:45 ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject. "Dead Money." illustrated by Beti Larsen. Evening service 7:45 o'clock. Sermon subiect. 'Trie Stranger ef Ga lilee." by Ben Larsen. Tuesday, 1 Pm.. prayer service. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN North 16th at A street. Rev. H W. Gross, pastor. Sundav school 9:30 a.m. Momtne service 9 38 a.m. and 16 43 a m Lutheran hour at 930 am. with 'Dr. 'Walter A. Meier.- sueeRer. IT By Lichty SALEM FREE METHODIST North Winter at Market. Richard T. Fine, pastor. Sunday school S:4S am Morning service 11 o'clock. Evangelist Charles Kirkpatrick. Sermon subject. "Enemies of the Cross." Young peo ple 7 p.m. Evening serviee 7:4S. same speaker. Sermon subject, "Trie Unin vited Guest." Revival services 7:30 nightly except Saturday. January 15 to M. SOt'TH SALEM FRIENDS Commercial at Washington. J Francis Lowe, pastor. Sunday school 9 45 a rrn Morning service 11 o'clock. Evening service 8 o'clock. Christian Endeavor. 7 o'clock, evening 'worship. Wednesday. 7:30 pm. prayer meeting. Women's missionary meeting Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. SEVENTH DAT ADVENTIST Hood at Summer. G. T Dickinson, pastor. Sabbath school S 30 a.m. Sat urday. Morning service 11 o'clock Sat urday. Young people's meeting at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday evening meeting at 7:30 p m. ran BAPTIST Liberty at Marlon. Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor Sunday school 43 a.m. Morn in a service 11 o'clock. Ser mon subject. -After the Conference What?" Evening service 7:30 o'clock. I Sermon subject. "The Challenge ef ' V. ...... V. II 1 ill. SALEM HEIGHTS MISSION Liberty Road at Madrona avenue. F C. Stannard. pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ser mon subject. "The Supreme Experi ence." Mrs. Clyde Oilman, vocalist. CALVARY CHAPEL r I'LL GOSPEL I27S N Church street Rev. Claude C and Mary W. Bell, pastors. Sunday school 9:45 a m. Morning service 11 o'clock Defenders of Faith. 7 pru. Jack Seagrove. speaker. Evening serv ice 7 4J o'clock Tueiday service p m. Friday service 8pm CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY ALLIANCE North 5th at Gainoa Herman J. Bohl. Pstor. Wyman B Bohl. associate. Sun day school 9 43 a m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject. "Straining Out Ghats and Swallowing Camels Evening service 7.30 o'clock Guest singers and speakers. Rev. and Mrs. Le Parrott Young people 30. Praver meeting Wednesday. 7.30 p m Wom en's mission band Thursday. 1 p.m. FIRST t HI RCH OF THE NAZARENE IJth at Center R W. Coulter, pas tor Sunday school 9 43 am. Morning service 11 o'clock Sermon subject. "God's Answer to Life's Problems." Youth groups meet at 6:30. La Von Parnell. president Evangelistic service 7:30 o'clock Sermon subject. "The Supreme Danger " Mid-week praver and praise service Wednesday at 7 30 Teen-age Miisionary group will meet Thursday evening at 7.30. CHRIST LUTHERAN State at 18th. C. R Schulz. pastor Sundav school and Bible classes 9 43 am. Morning service 11 o'clock Ser mon subtect. "The Christian and His Brethien " FIRST SPIRITl AI.IST 248 N Commercial Services 1:30 and 7 JO pm Rev Maxme Robei ts. speaker. Subject. ' raith." Circle at 6. FIRST EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN Marion at Summer street. Rev. Wil mer N Brown, pastor. Sunday school :3 a m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Dr Fred Tavlor. guest speaker. Ser mon subject. "A Pioneer Preacher's ; (raver Evening service T:4S o'clock ; Sermon subject. ' The Ageless Theme." ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL Church at Chemeketa Rev. George H. Swift, rector Holy Communion at 7 JO ijn. Junior church and classes 9:45 a.m Prayer service and sermon II am. Young people's groups 5 p m. CALVARY BAPTIST 1230 South Liberty. Rev Charles Dsjrden. D D . pastor Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11 am Dedication of the bells at this service Sermon subject. "Give Me a Mountain Top far Prayer." Evening service 7-30 p.m Sermon subject. "The Angel and the Shut Gates " Baptist youth fellow ship 6:30 pm Wednesday at 7 30 pm midweek service FIRST CONGREGATIONAL North Cottage at Marion. Rev. S R Huntington. D D . pastor. Sunday school 0 45 a m Morning service 10:55 o'clock. Sermon subject. "Worship's Amen" College age at house. 715 N. Capitol. 7 pm. Pilgrim Fellowship at the church. 7 pm No host dinner for the entire church Wednesday. 6:30 p.m.. January M KNIGHT MEMORIAL CONGREGATIONAL South 19th and Ferrv T-rui w. 1 White, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m! aaorning service 11 o clock Sermon subtect. 'The Authority of Jesus." Junior church and church-time nur sery at 11 a m 8 p m . the Pilgrim Fel lowship for Junior high and Senior high young people Meets at church. College age group meets at parsonage. The Church Council meets Monday. 7:30 pjn. Midweek service Wednesday. 7:30 pjn.. song and prayer service and Bible study. CENTRAL LUTHERAN Hood and North Summer. Rev. R. A. Xrueger. pastor. Sunday school and adult Bible clan 9:45 a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject. "The First Miracle." Evening service 7 JO o'clock. Ca tech iza Hon of the con-flrm-aUon class. Junior league will pre sent part of the program and eonfir manda will serve rtirashmenti Mon day, annual business meeting. 7:36 p m. Tiiairtay. choir reherasaL. 7 JO p m. Wednesday. Bible study. 7 JO pjn. Fri day, senior league skating party. 7 30 FIRST METHODIST Church and State. Joseph M. Adams. Sunday school 9.4a a.m. Morn- DA17CE TOinGHT! Silveiion Araory Wa4sry'a 14-Pieea Oreisestrm PresByteraaii " Youth Meeting Here on Sunday Junior high and high school Willamette Youth Presbyteries will hold winter meetings at the First Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon and evening. The exe cutive committee meets at 3:30 pjn. and registration and busi ness meeting will follow at 4 pjn. Don Douris will direct recrea tion and refreshments will be served by women of the church. Among the leaders of the con ference are Douris, Marion Sparks. Jane Jefferioa, Pat Pear son, the Rev. Earl Benbosw of Dallas. Dr. Wilbur Simmons of Corvallis, th Rev. Marvis Kaiser of Waldport, the Rev. C. C. Barnes of McMinnville, Dr. Ches ter W. Hamblin and the Rev. Francis H. Chambers of Salem. Les Parrotts Come to Aid Youth for Christ Local . Workers Group The Rev. Les Parrott and his wife. Lor Lee Parrott, will be guests Sunday at both services at the Christian Missionary Alliance church, 5th at Gaines. The Par rotts are new regional represen tatives sent out by th Youth for Christ in' the Pacific area to strengthen and help towns al ready functioning and also those towns which do npt have a Youth for Christ but are requesting on. Mr. and Mrs. Parrott are tal ented young people, both in song and music, and he is a speaker of ability. Fifteen minutes of music will b furnished by the church band before the night service. The Rev. Herman J. Bohl is pas tor. Ing service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject. "Every Man's Work a Calling From God." dedication of WS.C.S. officers. Also at 11. youth church. "A Steward of His Talents Roland Hayes" (Con't). Evening service 8:30 o'clock. "Which Way Out?" James Warne Sanders, speaking 7 p.m.. evening Fellowship groups. Junior high. "Growing Up Accepting Responsibility." Richard Scott, leader. Senior high. "Looking Forward." led by Janice Middleton. Barbara Smith and David Turnbull. Wesley Fellowship, adult. "Grounds for Belief in God and How Can One Know God?" led by pastor. Tuesday. (JO p m.. McCormick pot luck dinner. 7:30. training school Scout Troop 13. Wednesday. 1 :15. McCormick women's desserthome of Mrs. Herbert C. Rahe. 1038 N. Winter. 8:30. ChrisUjn Education dinner. Miss Pearl Sher lock, speaks on "The Stewardship of Teaching" Thursday. 7 :30. choir re hearsal. Friday. 2 p m . women's Bible class party in the Fellowship room. REORGANIZED CHURCH OP JESl'S CHRIST OP LATTER DAY SAINTS Corner N. 17th and Chemeketa. Clias H. Asher. pastor. Prayer 9 a.m. Sun day school 10 a m. Morning service 11 o'clock. preaching services. Dinner served at 12 noon. Evening service 2 p m. Branch organization with elec tion of officers following. All members requested to be present. I WEST SALEM METHODIST Third and Gerth. O. Leonard Jones, pastor. Sunday school 9 45 am. Morn - ! ing service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject. ! "Creative Living." Evening service I 7:30 o'clock Sermon subject. "Paths to Abundance. HIGHLAND AVE. FRIENDS Church at Highland. Cora E Greg ory, pastor. Sunday school 10 am. Morning service 11 o'clock. Christian Endeavor 8 JO p m. Evening service 7:30 o'clock with C.E. gospel band In charge. Prayer meetings Wednesday, 7:30 pm. and Friday. 9 a.m Women's Missionary union Friday. January 24 with Geneva Biles, Silverton road. Valloy Churches PRINGI.E SUNDAY SCHOOL School building Sundav school 10 a.m. Max. J. Pemberton, Supt. SWEOLE School house Rev. Emil Kraft, pas tor. Sunday school 10 a m. Morning service 11 o'clock POUR CORNERS BAPTIST Stat street at Flma avenue. Rev. Frank O. Ferrin. pastor Sunday school 9:45 am. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject. "The Great Physi cian" 6:30 training unions Evening service 7:30 o'clock Sermon subiect. "Excuses." Wednesday. 7:30, midweek prayer meeting. H A YES VII.LE BAPTIST School house. Rev Henry Bar net. pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a m. Morn- , Ing service 10 45 o'clock. Prayer meet- : in". Bible studv Wednesday, a n m ! PRITTLAND EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN Rev. H. J. Vlx. pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning service end Junior church 11 am. KEIZER COMMUNITY Rev. David Hamm. pastor. Sunday school 9:45 am. Classes for all ages. Morning service 11 o'clock. Young peo ple's meeting 7 JO. Evening service S o'clock. Immediaie Delivery Gas: Furnaces Floor 25 M - 35 M 50 M Wall 25 M - 50 M 150 M Air cond. Units Oil: Furnacf? 100 M Air cond. Units D. E. Cooper & Son 540 Hood SL Ph. 3603 UARREII'S Radio Service NEW LOCATION In the HEART OF HOLLYWOOD ZtIS Fairrrsmssds MA. ) CaJl 7CS1 Ross Grif fetlf -" Speaks Sunday Dr. Ross J. Griffeth, president of , Northwest Christian college in Eugene, will be the guest.preach er at the First Christiarf church Sunday morning. With him will be the male quartet from the col lege, who will sing at the church school assembly period and at the morning church service. Dr. Griffeth was formerly head of the department of religion at Butler university in Indianapolis. He brought to Northwest Chris tian college a program of campus expansion and of academic stan dardization, and this year's en rollment is larger than any pre vious year. The Rev. Dudley Strain will preach at night, and the adult choir will sing. District Convention Meeting in Silverton SILVERTON District Sunday school convention will be held at the First Christian church this week with the Rev. and Mrs. Ar thur Charles Bates, official hosts. Trinity Sunday school teachers meet at 8 p m. Tuesday with Eve lyn Torvend ki the Bethany dis trict. Naomi society of Calvary Lu theran meets Tuesday night at the church. Senior guild of Im manuel will be hostess to mem bers of Immanuel Ladies Aid and Junior guild members at the church social rooms Wednesday ! at 8 p.m. Dr. Fred Taylor WiH Speak Sunday Morning Dr. Fred Taylor will be the speaker at the First Evangelical United Brethren church Sunday at 11 a.m. He will speak In the I At stftir iAjr watch repair Z clinic put new Jife m your old watch with factory guaranteed crafts manship . . . ot mod est charges. 13 J COURT STREET i .... s3 ,..' j 13 J COURT STREET y. PURE THREAD SILK HOSIERY $1.59 LEON'S Clinic No Costs - No Liability - Come Early Welder Manufacturer and the Pacific Supply are com ing to our Community to conduct a one-day Welding clinic. All farmers are invited to bring eastings and-or equip ment to be welded. You may do the welding yourself or put on a mask and watch the operation. Purpose is to help Farmers help themselves. Time: Today, January 18th Place: Oregon Farmers Union Co-op Association Location: Salem, Oregron Comfort Plus Economy That's what you get tvith fiOCK WOOL H0I2E IIISULATI0II and "FT FVn CP A I " The Metil1 Interlocking f .LlAUO.U.Hi4 Weatherstrip O Comfort Warmer, more even heat through out your home no "hard-to-heat" corners no drafts. 10 to 15 degrees cooler in sum mer. O J iiorny Saves up to 50 on fuel bills heating systems last longer be cause of less work Not a luxury, but an investment that pays big dividend). Fr sstfmatss No obligation Campbell Rock Wool Co. USt Bra war -Otaly ajssaUtjr af sstatarlal service honoring the "retired rain J isters on the subject MA Pioneer Preacher's Prayer." Dr. Taylor supplied the pulpit of this church during the month of November in the absence of th minister. The Rev. Wilmer N. Brown, pastor, will speak af7:4S pm. on "The Ageless Theme." Four Corners Cub Pack Reactivated Thursday FOUR CORNERS The cub scout pack was reactivated at a Thursday night meeting in th community hall. In charge wer W. G. Brown, troop committe chairman. and R. M. Payne, in stitutional representative of th Four Corners businessmen's as sociation. F. J. Schrecengost is cubmaster of the pack, which meets Tues day afternoons. New cub will b accepted at the next meeting, on February 22. Den mothers ar Mrs. Schrecengost and Mrs. Dal Jeffries. INCOME TAX RETURNS Business Farm Corporaia Let Me Prepare Years! ELMER M. AMUNDSON rh. Mil Fr Applatnaeat mm Effective Mon Jan. tt The WEST Throach lrtland-Ls AafsUs) train will leave SALEM 11:50 P.M. tnst4Mt4 11:S P. M. Na c ha rues In schedules ef other S4MitherH PaeirU traliM s . P The Friendly SOUTHERN PACIFIC Sales Phasa S49 and workaasiahli -THE BEST mm Vl i.4 SdiSM) G&S? i