The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 18, 1947, Page 3, Image 3

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    Miss Ross
Now Mrs.
Mis Roherta Catherine Pres.
daughter of Mr. end Mr. .Tames
M. Ross, btmf the bride rf '
Frank J. Carruth. jrn cf Mr. and
Mrs. Frank L. Carruth of Los An-J
geles. Friday night at the First
Congregational church.
It was at 7 o'clock that the Rev.
Seth Huntington officiated before
a ?ettinn of chrysanthemums and
candle Miss Beverly Kenney was
the soloist and Miss Betty Ross.
Sister of the bride, lighted the ta
pers. She wore a powder blue
wool suit.
Mr Ross g&ve his daughter in
marriage, and for her wdding 'he
chose a winter beige dressmaker
suit embellished with Rf 'd buttons,
a brown and gold hst and acces
sories. Her pure and shes were
of ;illigiitor. She carried a praver
book maiked with an orchid For
going away she donned a choco
late brown top coat.
Miss Rocabelle Ross was her
sister's only attendant, and wore
a steel grey suit with cerie and
black accessories. She carried a
pastel colonial bouquet.
James Lance stood with his
brother as best man. and seating
the guests were James White and
Norvil Cruzon.
For her, daughter's nuptials Mrs.
Ross selected an olive green suit
with luggage accessories and a
corsage of yellow and white shat
tered carnation. The groom's par
ents were unable to come north
for the ceremony.
The newlyweds greeted their
guests at a reception in the fire
place room. Miss Shirlev Post cut
the bride's cake and Miss Bonnie
Barton presided" at the coffee urn.
Serving were Miss Patricia Mac
namara and Miss Lois Burris.
Miss Jean Doolittle was in charge
of the gift table and Mi.s Claudia
Suchy passed the guest book.
After a wedding trip the cou
ple will return to Salem to live,
lie will enter Willamette uiiier
sity in February.
Visiting in Salem a few days Is
Mi s Robert E ans of Portland,
who is registered at the Alarion
hotel. The young matron former
ly made her home in the capital.
Here's One Of The Greatest
You glrla and woman who suffer so
from simple anemia that jrou rrpale.
weak, "dragged out" this may be due
to lack of biood-lroo. So try Lydla E.
Plnkhm i TABLKTS one of the best
home ways to build up red blood to
yet more strength in such case.
Plnkham (Tableusxeoneuf the great
est blood-iron tonics you can buy I
Society Clubs
Women's Editor
The Home
Society Editor
A Pre-dance 1
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Coyner
were hos-t for an informal party
Friday night at their home on
Bioadway street preceding the
Mimi Triad formal dance at the
Marion hotel.
Twenty guests were bidden to
the The hostess used the
Sigma Chi colors, blue and old
I gold, and arrangements of spring
I flowers for decorating.
Vows Read
PF.RR YD ALE Before an altar
hprked with hite chrysanthe
mums. Miss Marie Alice Norris
nr.d Vernon Iewis Maxson ex
changed wedding vows at a double-ring
ceremony January 12 at
the First Christian church at Mc
Minnville. The bride is the daugh
ter of Mr and Mrs. Claude Norris
and the brideeroom is the son of
Mr and Mrs Frnest Maxson. The
Rev James Osborne officiated.
Preceding the oeremonv. Mrs
Wanden Lindroff played the wed
dan? music and Mrs. Richard Lor
elsen sang '"At Dawning "
'Given in marriage by her fath
er, the bride wore a dusty rose
crepe dress and carried a white
Bible marked with white garde
nias. Miss Roberta Hackworth, maid
of honor, wore En aqua crepe
dress with a gardenia corsage.
Wanden G. Lindroff was best man.
Robert Ncrris and Newton Asch
im were ushers.
The bride's mother chose a
black dress and her corsage was
white carnations and rosebuds.
The groom's mother wore gray,
and a corsage of white narcissus.
At the reception. Mrs. Olive
McConnell. grept auflt of the bride,
cut the cake and Mrs. Bertha
Kollas, aunt of the bride, poured.
Assisting wore Mrs. H M. Sin
nelt and Mrs. G L. Nixon. Mrs
Robert Scharf passed the guest
book and Mrs ' Newton Aschim
had charge of the gift table.
Following a trip to Washington,
the couple will be at home in
Amitv. The bride Is employed by
the Interstate Tractor company
in McMinnv il!e.
Mrs. E. J. Scellars' friends will
be interested to know that she
has returned home after three
weeks in hospital.
AAl'W luncheon meeting. Marion
hotel. 1 p m.
St. Anne's Guild meet at St. Paul's
EpimtocmI parih house. 2 p m.
Gamma Phi Beta alumnae with Mrs
Ivan Merchant. 30 o clock dinner.
! Spinsters, witn Anne Huston. 2125
North River Road. p m.
PEO Founders Day dinner at First
Christian church. 6 SO pm All visit
ing PEOs welcome. Reservations with
Mr? G L Weaver. Z-19SS. or Mrs. R.
W. Fenix. SST.6
Jace1tea at 8 p m. at 2045 Maple
Past Presidents club. United Spanish
War Veteran' covered dih luncheon
12 o'clock itri Mrs. Roy Pajge. ISO ave
Etokta club with Mrs William En
tress. 163 S Commercial st. 1:15 des
seit luncheon.
.Mrs. Nelson, Chairman
' ROBERTS Twenty-one mem
bers attended the January meet
ing of the Roberts home econom
ics club Wednesday night at the
home of Mrs. Leonard Zielke on
South River road. New officers
installed by Mrs. Albert Blank
enship. retiring chairman, are:
Mrs. Chet Nelson, chairman;
Mrs. Roy Rice, vice chairman:
Mrs. Floyd Plank, secretary;
Mrs. Glenn Bidgood. treasurer.
After the business meeting a
play. "The Wedding of Home
Economics to Aggie Culture," was
given by Mrs. Bidgood. Mrs.
Harvey Schubel and Mrs. Myr
tle Johns. Mrs. Lee Kyerely gave
a talk on her reoent plane trip
to Hawaii and displayed souve
nirs. A contest was held and a
prize awarded Mrs. George Hig
gins was assistant hostess.
The Salem Writers club met
Wednesday with Mrs. Jessie C.
Singleton. Members present were
Mrs. J M Devt-rs. Mrs. William
Merriott. Miss Edna Garfield. Miss
Renska Ladd Swart. Mrs Flora
Thompson Enders. Mrs. Blanche
Jones. Mrs. William Fordyce
Fargo. Mrs. N. F Anderson. Dr.
Morton E. Peck. Robert Rawson.
Perry Reigelman and the hostess.
Or. and Mrs. John R. Wood
have as their house gut for sev
eral months her mother. Mrs. R.
H. Allen of Yankton, South Da
kota, who arrived on Sunday.
Also at the Wood home
for several days is Mrs. Allen's
sister. Mrs. Elizabeth Grant of
Decator. Nebraska, who is en
route home from a stay In the
A Surprise
Shower on
Mrs. William Townsend was
complimented at a surprise party
Friday night when Mrs. John A.
Ritchie entertained at her South
18th street home.
The evening was spent infor
mally and a shower honored the
young matron. A late supper was
served by the hostess.
Honoring Mrs. Townsend were j
Mrs. James McHonc. Mrs. Wil-)
Ham St. Clair, Mrs. James Stev- !
enson. Mrs. Hillary EUel, Mrs.
Gordon Graber, Mrs. Ciaybourne
Dyer, Mrs. Charles Musser, Mrs.
Raymond Houfley. Mrs. Frank
Crawford, Mrs. William White, :
Mrs. Norman Hamilton, Mrs. :
Mark Neary, Mrs. Marion Hen
dren. Mrs. Frank Smith, Mrs. Er
win E. Batterman. Mrs. Claude
Townsend. Mrs. W. B. Coon. Mrs.
O. L. Scott. Mrs. Betty Buell and
the hostess.
Mrs. Hewitt to
Head Guardians
On Wednesday, January 15. Sa
lem Camp Fire Guardians asso
ciation met at the First Presby
terian church. Officers v?re
elected as follows: chairman,
Mrs. George Hewitt; vice chair
man, Mrs. Lyle Shepherd: treas
urer, Mrs. L. W. Megquier; sec
retary, Mrs. Paul Holloway. Mrs.
Frank Bell is chairman of the
hospitality committee. Mrs. C. S.
McCollam is retiring chairman.
The Guardians association lat
year sponsored a grand council
fire, vesper services, cook outs, a
Christmas party, a broadcast, an
orphans project and carolling at
the Old Folks Home and other
Leadership training courses are
held locally and each year rep
resentatives attend summer train
ing course for guardians at Camp
Sealth. Washington, sponsored by
the Seattle Camp Fire council.
Plans for the annual Camp Fire
birthday observance are being
St. Anne's Guild of St Paul's
Episcopal church will meet Mon
day afternoon at 2 o'clock in the
parish house instead of the home
of Mrs. William Burghardt as
previously announced. Hostesses
will "be Mrs. Burghardt. Mrs. Paul
Hale. Mrs. William Dolf. Mrv
Lawrence Osterman and Mrs.
Ralph Moody.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin McEwen
will be hosts at dinner and bridge
Sunday night at their home on
North 16th street for members
of their club. Mrv and Mrs. Ralph
Nohlgren will be additional
Convalescing at Home
riage by her brother Francis. She
wore a white wool suit with
white accessories, and carried a
pink orchid on a white prayer
Mrs. Dick Whitman- of Eugene
was her .sister's only attendant.", SILVERTON-Mrs. Frank Bros
She wore a beige wool suit with , ci kh . qmv t .
G. Salter and granddaughter, I pink . accessories. Leo Quesnel, ' . . . . at .
Genene Hull, of Keizer district. I brother of the groom, was best ' ls ""proved and is at her
man. music was piayea by Airs. nome on jn. seconci st. nrossig
Marie Donnelly and songs were j has been ill several weeks,
by Bernard Smith. Mrg j E Qverfield is conval-
Following the ceremony, a wed- csci following a long siege of
ding breakfast was held at the , . . .
WOODBU RN The wedding of Laurel cafe. A reception was held j uie pneumonia, one nas oeen
Miss Beatrice Alice Beck, daugh- ' from 1 to 3 p.m. at the home of , cared for at her North Second st.
ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Beck, I the bride's parents. home by her sister, Mrs. George
and John O. Quesnel. son of O. D. ' Mrs. Walter Scarborough, jr., ' Kautz of Salem.
Quesnel, was solemnized at a ! cut the wedding cake. Pouring
nuptial mass conducted by the j and assisting were Mrs. Leo Er
Rev. Francis A. Hanley at St 5 wert. Miss Sheila Hanrahan, Miss
Luke's Catholic church on Janu-; Saralee Ferguson, Miss Delores
ary 8. j Thompson, Miss Helen Strouse.
The bride was given in mar- Mrs. Frank Bentlcy and Mrs. O.
Swegle Tuesday Bight dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Salter at their home on Swegle
road were the Rev. Robert Coul
ter, Dorene, Wilson and Wilma.
Other recent guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Tompkins from Flan
drau. S. D.. and Mr. and Mrs. O.
Vows Are Said
Thm Slat man, Salem. Orocjon, Saturday, January IB, 1947 3
Silverton Women Are
P. Miller.
The young couple will live In
Woodburn after a trip to California.
If your nose some-'
times Alls up with stuffy transient con
gestionput a few drops of Va-tro-nol
In each nostril. It quickly reduces con
gestion and makes breathing easier In
a hurry . . . gives grand relief froea,
snlffly. sneezy, study distress of head
colds. Follow directions In the package.
uiccic UA-7no-r:oL
4 w r-
i t. V. J. , .
1 Y'ihr:
ILaidlnes Apiroous
Colton print aprons in several etlej, antl colors
Hol Waler
2-Quart Size
1? IT
Eaayon Klose
Sizes 8i to 10' '2
Ke,:. $1.05. (3(SC
Special, PR. CQ3CQ3
100 (o all wool coat sweater in
colors to match any skirt. Sizes
range from 34-40.
I , ' , . m , f1 . ; ; J 1 I
BE AE-M Qfl TJ A Q n 7 C3
Thick, Fluffy Woolen
Blankets by 4Orrlaskan'
Here for Tliese 6Cool'
Onlaskcm is a fine Orr Health blanket cf the deep texture which
promotes warmth without too much weight! A "must" in cold
weather ... a delightfully cozy covering in mild weather. Come see
these in all the vari-colored stripes ycu'l need for rooms cf varying
color Echemes. Size 72x90.
Here's another famous brand vool blanket that may be your
favorite! Beautifully designed and trimmed with extra wide salin
ribbon, it is gifty for weddings, birthdays, anniversaries.. In white
end all the pastel shades you'll need, such as rose, pink, blue, Ikjht
green, etc. Size 72x90.
Faribo ... a 100 wool blanket which rur.s average of live pounds
cr mere. A real winter weight blanket for coldest nights! Faribo
ccmes in both plain and cmbre stripes in different color tones. Ccme
eee this special display of fine wool blankets today while assort
ments are complete.
Fine pillows, bedspreads, down
comforts, wool comforts are
her In abundemcel