Thm Statoaanan, Solom, Oraxyon. Tudaj, Januarf 14, lt47 IllE YOUNG II)EAW By Mossier The:Natioh's Top Comics in Tues. RADIO KSLAl cm k) KOUS (tit kc) - KCW KEX (lit t ! Yoiir'Home lVWWper M INw (Morning News lJumptit' Jaclu IBugler X I Music Timkpr IWevtrrn Star Soni iBulr X f 30 j March Tim KOIN Ktock IKneasa Nawa IBulr X AS lNwi I iSonna Bulr X News I (tiie Shin (News Rise 'n Shin iNews News Tact finder Farm Time Th Old Soncs Sara Hayes RoUndup Boys M. Acrontky pames Abbe IMJtt Reorta til 1:4S M Haven of Rest I User News a:l I Haven ol Rest 'Art Bakef iM tPloneers I Grand Slam t AS ILindlahr IRowmtry iTred Warlnc (Jack Berch I James Abb IBreakfaet Club Breakfast Club I Breakfast Club I Breakfast Club WiLBUQ I f2 I , " SAYS I'M ) I I ( N, " H .. ' HIS BEST N 1 1 MAMA, ge ( COM BACVf) , FRIEND" J ITS NCE Ct& t NOW ME S. vT ( N ABOUT ) f J HE SAVS C TO HAVE VJbT ( WANTS TO h if'" FIFTEEN iVLf BLOND IZ "" " r""" " - " J - tnsxlsj i - .. w i I IaID SO INFLUENCE I lCIVE TWEMAYEAfi'S FrWEN THIS AFTERNOON VOO - "TAmfr ano TM P r SEVERANCE rxv that ) WILL go to nour bank ano VES, IN ORDER TO REHEARSED 1 CLOOEWCnLAliE I WILL KEEP THCM FROM GET ANOTHER SS.OOO THAT PROPERLY WHILE WE ARE 15KIQI0 ASKING FOOUSH WILL BE A STARTER J LOCATING A THEATER. IT ISj , V QUESTIONS, .I TOWARD THEATER rV BEST THAT WS MOVE 7 FIRST, FLORENCE, I WANT YOU XSIW&a-r-g I RENTAL, SCENERVJ vis- w to dismiss youR satrr etre THAT MAN AGAIN A-SETTlN IN FRONT OP THE LIVERY STABLE AMD A-WHiTTLIM ALL DAV L0K6' 5 J SS A TOUR DUTY! J I - ' I ABUUI 1 1 1 OFFICER NUT A ( v "jg SO! eft nid( TWO STEAL MY yZr V i5l! w Cf L y BUZZ SAWYEH II N L- , t ( XXVy K weH-WCMMADPA. KNOl JUJ I I I Tf r BUT... EE WHIZ. UNCX Ei1 gjlg MICKEY MOOSS "- - ,a THE FUJE WE'LL SOON) 7 IY fS k(9J4f i -t j a" 'ftV GASCiLEY I - I HOMO me ,f rf ViHY.SHORSj I I ii ? 1 SWOW! sk:h MV SAX3RO, 1 ' I eSoTHEft lW OOARE LOOK IABNEY GOCXSLI I-1 OOMT HAVE NO CHOICE, MFLN BARTON. THAT MASKED AAAM MADE AAE SWEAR HIM IN A& DEPUTV. ii io i v.. w fxi"jr no i a LONE RANGES AN'TMEQEME SETS- MHITTLIN a UP GOOD LUMBER, AN' LIKELY FK56ERIN' UP WAYS ID MUAOEQ US ALL IN OUR 8EDS-SWQlFf T5 TIME YOU DOHm YOUR OUTY ! I JUST DROPPED BY POTTER, TO TELL YOU THAT VOU AND NOUR NEW DEPUTY HAD BETTER GIT OUT OF TOWN FAST.' J7TZ 7 : NT I i KALI IN OUQ RFDS-SUf OlFF A PEACEFUL-LIKE r I KNOW WHAT U I I LUMSEff THAT CALLS FOR A I J I IT5 TIMF YOU DOM Jl - I I 1 I I II . . mm ' -J I L Jm W SETS AN A A-TH1NKIN -f WHlTfLES, SJOEMAKOTO PEACEFUL-LIKE? KNOW WHAT YOU AIM TO 00 ABOUT IF' SHERIFF POTTER WANTS LAW AND ORDER IN GOPHER CITY! I'M GONG) TO HELP HIM GET IT. NOVW er cut.' we have OUSAYWE JUSTl WHlTTUM'ANOj iii WORK! MOTHIN'1 HE'S ACriN PEACEFUL t I AIN'T A MIND KtAOtK AND AS FOfl IS WHITTUN UP 6000 UJM8EP. THAT CALLS FOR A FOREST CONSERVATION OFFICER NOT A SHERIFF! YOUUHEARy SIT DOWN, 1 FROM ME r:l SHERIFF. WE AGAIN r'f HAVE SOME be WARRANTS TO , PREPARE V fl ROa K WHITTUN UP GOOD t M (Orchestra IKate Smlto Ore. Caravan Kenrtejr Baker t:lS Coke Club lAunt Jenny Knaas News Kenney Baker 3 Pastor's Call (Helen Trent I Words, Musla Breneman's B'st t -49 Art Baker I Our Gal Sunday, Breneman's BCst IS 0 News I3i Sister 830 Time IG. Drake 10 IS Btng Sings Ma Perkins BiU Lanf H JO Orchestra IDr. Malone Tropic Echo My True Story 10:45 Harmony Hse I Road of Ufa J Jordan IMy True Story 11:00 Organ IMri Burton Today's Child Hymns I 11:1 Day Dreams Perry Mason (In White jMelodtes 11:30 Queen for Day (Lone Journey (Masquerade Listening Post 11 4S Quieen for Day I Rose lit, ol World Itthel at Albert Noon Pioneers News IKneast News W. Klernan 11 IS Newt Come tt Get It Ma Perkins SUrs of Today 12 30 Hillbilly Rhythm iPepper Young E. C. Hill 12:4S ShrockTs iTo Happiness I Dave Rose ' 1 00 (Jamboree House Party IBackstage Wife T. Bartlett 1:1 News House Party Stella Dallas T. Bartlett 1 30 Orchestra Air Newspaper ILorenzo Jones Kay West 1 4S Air Newspaper IWidder Brown Kay West 2 00 SIS I 30 1:43 iward Gen. Air School Bradley I- (Heart's Desire Meet the IHeart s Desire I 3 00 WiUi Music News Road of Ufa Be Seated MS With Music Alcohol David Harura Be Seated 1:30 News SUte Tratfle Aunt Mary Dorothy Dl 1:43 Orchestra News (Dr. Paul Music 4 rOO 4:13 4 30 4:43 Fulton Lewis Rex Miller E. Johnson Buck Rogers 00 SIS 3 JO 5 45 News IKnox Sunerman Music leapt. Midnight IFlannery Tom Mix ICarred 8 -0 IG. Heatter IVox Pop i Amos "p." Andy 'Range Riders IS (Orchestra I ' Hey. Motorist JO (Forum 'Les. Brown Or. Fibber McGea (Symphony 43 I Forum "Lea Brown Or. Symphony I 7:00 7:13 7:30 7:43 IForum I Upton Close Red Ryder Red Ryder 1 World 1 World Hearing Hearing 00 IS 30 43 1 County House County House Falcon I Falcon AO 13 30 4 INews IJ. Crowley (Sports 'Orchestra 10 00 10:13 10 30 10 43 F Lewis News News Orckestra (Five Stir It 00 11 13 11 30 11:43 11 53 12 00 Open House Open House Open House News Sign Off iSerenade 'Serenade !Air-Flo INews Air Flo Silent KOAC TUESDAY Ke. 10 00 News: 10 13 For Women; 11-00 Concert Hall; 12:00 News. 12:15. Farm Hour; 1:00 Ride 'em Cowboy; 1:13 School of Air; 1:30 Medlev Time: 2 00 World Is Our Affair: 2:30 School of Air: 2:43 Memory Music: 3 00 With Editor: 3 15 Masters: 4 O0 Oregon Reporter: 4 15 Favorite Hymns; 4 30 Behind the New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Jan. 13-VToday's Gen Foods Gen Motors Al Chem & Dye 172 93 American Can . -Am Power it Lt Am Tel Sc Tel Anaconda Atchison Bendix Avia Beth Steel Boeing Air Calif Pack Canadian Pac . .. Case J I Chrysler Comwlth Sou .... Cons Edison . .. Cons Vultee C'ont Ins Crown Zel Curtis Wr Douglas Air 12S 'Goodyear Tire Gt North pfd Int Harvest Int Paper pfd !J Marrville (Kennecott Long Bell A ... 'Maytag Miami Copper !Mont Ward 1 Nash Kelvin ... Nat Dairy N Y Central ... North Am Co . .Northern Pac . Pac Am Fih ... Pac Gas Elec . ;pTiT 'Pan American Penney J C . 171 38 i 884 35 90 Vi 18VS 28",. 34V: 86 3. 27 K4 15 48 30 54 70 182 36 Dupont de Ne Gen Electric . Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore. Jan. 11 (APi Butterfat Tentative Isubject to im mediate rhinfri premium qualttv. maximum of 33 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered in Portland. 82-BSc lb: first quality. S0-S3C lb, second quality 78 79c vallev routes and countrv points. 2c less than first or 79-lc lb Butter -Wholesale FOB. bulk SS-lb cube AA 93 score. 72c. A 92 score. 71c lb B. 90 score 9c lb: C. 80 score 86c b Cheese Selling price In Portland retailers- Oreeon stneles. 48-W lb: Ore gon loaf 49-57P lb triplets 43'i-5V Ett To wholesalers- A grade, larre. S2',-S4',c: medium. 49', -51',: B grade laree 3T2.-39'2C Ees Purchases from farmers: Cur rent receipts. 30-33c: buyers pav 3 3'iC doz below quotation? on graded basis for best hennery eggs. Dressed turkeys Buvers not quot ing prices on voung hens: No. 1 toma. 28c lb lose. FOB plants on dressed basis D-esed turkevs To rtailers- grade A. hens New York stvle 40-31c lb: toms. over 30 lbs. 35 -38c lb Dressed chickens Sell to retailers Sonne broilers. 3 lbs up. 50: colored roasters. 42c: Leghorn fowl. 35c: old roosters and stags. 28c. Live chickens No 1 Leghorn broil ers. 1 to 2 lbs. 2c lb: frvers 2 to 3 lbs 2c lb: 1 to 4 lbs. -3Sc lb: roasters. 4 lbs and over. 30-32c lb; fowl. Leghorn under 3't lbs. I7-19c: over 3'j lbs 19-20c lb- fowl, colored, all weights. 27-30c: roosters and st'. 12-lSc lb Rabbits Average to retailers. 5oc lb: dreaxed prices to oroducm. 43c: frvers live, white. 23 -25c lb: colored. 23c lb Dried onions Oreeon vellows No 1. 3 Inches and larger. SI 85-1 73 a 50 Ib sack' mediums. SI JO-140 Idaho vellow Soanlh medium. SI 25-1.35: larger. SI 85-1 75: white. medium. SI 00-2 00 Potatoes Local. Ion whites. No 1 grade S2 85-2 75 lno-lb sack: Des chutes No 1. 12 00-2 90: No 2 90 5t a 50-ih sack: Washington rtisets. No 1. $2 75-185: bakers $3 00-3 "m Dressed meats Veal Bet quality. l-30c lb heavy : top Quality light. 28-30: B 23-rTc- C. 22-24e: cull. 18 20c: hoes block butchers packer style 125-160 lbs. 32-33c: over 213 lbs. 30-32c lb: sows all wts. 27-28c lb, lambs AA. 36-370:. 35 -36c: B. 32 33c: C. 28 30c lb: mutton lo-13c lb. according to quality: beef best qual Ity. 35-36c: B 26-5So: C. 22-24c: can A THE DEST in Radio Repairing Two lo Three Days Service Pick-up and Deliver Phone 59S5 MORROW RADIO CO. 153 South Liberty IWhat's Doin I races Lifa IWhat's Doin' Missus Just Plain BUI Bride m Groom IFarreil (Bride at Groom iSlrl Marries Range Call ( Woman's SecretlRhythm 1 for the Boob INews of World ! North west Melody Hour Uf Can Be (Today's Hits I Chuck roster I Tennessee Jad Manning Stars of Today (Terry tt Pirates IG. Moorad Sky King News 'Date with Judy Jack Armstrong News I Ktiytnms Flight flight Bob Hop i : Red Skeltoa I- fMuslc News Views Lowell T nomas 'Supper Club J Smith Show 'F. Lawton I Mel Blanc 'Rudy V a llee I Mel Blanc I ILum 'n' Abner ICheer Songs lUark Venture Dark Venture I Big Town 'City Quit Big Town ICity Quit Blue Barron (Theatre I l (Boston Black lO'Neills O'Neills Final News Flashes 'McCall News Milton Charles Sports Time C. Spivak Orchestra 'Concert Hour Rangers Songs IConcert Hour 'News Biltmore Orch. (Hotel Orch 'News 'Sun Off IConcert Hour Concert Hour Orchestra Orchestra IX-Tra Hour 'News News: 4:45 Children's Theatre: 5 00 On Upbeat. 5 53 Spotting Sports. 00 News: 4 li American Pageant, 4 30 Campfire: 7:13 Evening Farm Hour; 00 Band Concert. :30 Songs to Re member: 43 News: 00 Music That Endures. 30 News. S 43 Eve. Medita tions. 10 00 Sign Off closing quotations: ... 43 Radio Corp 8'- .. 534 Rayonier 2 I'm .. 53 V Rayonier pfd 36 1 4 ... 43 i Reynolds Met .... 33 . 70 Safeway . 21 .Sears Soeb 357 130 iSinclair Oil 15-j" ... 47, So Pacific 40T, ... 19 S Stan Brands 35 .. 10 Stan Oil Cal 55 ... 14 'Stew Warner 164 ... 58s Studebaker 19'j ... lS'-i.Sun Mining 114 ... 327s Union Oil 21 '4 . 167s L'n Pacific 127 ... 934 Un Airlines 21 4 ... 18" 4 Un Aircraft 17'- ... 12 "-4 U S Steel 69H 41 2 Warner Bros . 15' i 127 West Elec 24 ... 12 'Wool worth 494 45 V i ning and cutter, 19-21c; bologna bulls. 26-27c (ascara bark Gieen. '.- dry. 20c Wool Valley, coarse and medium I grades. 45c lb Mohair HOc lb on 12-month growth Hay Wholesale shipment alfalfa No I 2 or better. 33 00-34 50 ton No. I Itimothv. $34 00-35.50 ton. oats and I vetch, mixed hav valley growers' ask , ing price. $23 00-25 00 ton. clover hav. 'uncertified, baled on farms. $23 00 . 25 00 Portland Liven lock PORTLAND Ore. Jan II (API ll'SDAI Salable rattle 2.200 total 3.0O0: salable .calves 2O0. total 500. market active fullv steady with some good steers young cows and good heifers 23-50 cents hieher; medium -good steers mostly IS 75-22 50 top 23 00 for load 1 074 lbs: common grades 15.00-18 00: common-medium heifers 11 00-18 r0 few good heifers 19 50 to 20 00: few head to 2150 new high: canner-cutter cows 10 00-12 50: fat dairy type cows to 14 00; medium-good beef cows 14 00-16 00: good young cows up to 17.00 mixed cows and heifers to 17 50-11 00 good beef bulls U 00 50: sausage bulls 11 50-13 00: cood choice vealers 20 00-22 00. few 23.00 Salable hogs 1.000. total l.VW mar ket active: butchers around 1 25 higher: sausage and fe.-der pigs 50 cents up: good-choice 18O-280 lbs largely 23 00. 290-325 lbs 23.50-24 50 140-180 lbs 23 00- 24 00: good sows 1150-19 00 light weights to 20 00: good-choice feeder pirs 22 30-23 30 Salable sheep 330. total 700: fat lamb strong- ewes 100 higher; good choice wooled lambs 22 00 to mostly 23 00- medium-good grades IS 00-21 on; good-choice 99 lb shorn lamb 22 00; medium - good yearlings 1100-15.30. good -choice ewes $00-30. Portland Grain ! PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan n(APl Wheat futures not quoted Cash grain: Flaxseed 7.25 Cash wheat 'bid': Soft whit I $0; soft white lexcluding Rex I 189, white club 1 89: western red I SO Hard red winter: Ordinary 1 89; 10 per cent 192. 11 per cent 1 : 12 per cent 2 04 Hard white Baart- 10 per cent 23S: II per cent 2 2$: 12 per cent 2 10 Today's car receipts: Wheat 33. bar- ' ley 13. flour 4. corn IS oats 4. mill I feed S. "Can Brr4 sUf UUr UnUhL the Salem Market Quotations BCTTEKFAT Premium . SJ No. 1 - .OS No 1 7 PRINTS Wholeeala 7 Retail B4 KO;S. Bar lag Prtra Extra large 30 Medium 45 Standards . 44 Pullets, cracks M riii. BeHtag Prtre Wholesale, large 34 Medium SO POULTRY Colored hens. No. I 17 No 2 22 Fryers Jl LIVESTOCK (By Valley Park) Top lamb 20 00 Yearling lamb M 00 Ewes IWi Dairy cows 00 to 11 On Dairy bulls ... 9 00 to 14 l Veal 12 00 to 19 50 j Hog price 13c per hundred under i Portland prices for each particular 1 class. Stags bought subject. Stocks and Bonds (Compiled by the Associated Press) I Jan 11 ITOCK AVEKAtiE mi i is an Indus Hails Util tii I7J 34 0 43 2 83 .... MS 34 7 46 8 S3 0 91 4 347 48 ? 887 SvS 37 5 43 8 88 0 Monday Prev day Week ago Month ago Year ago 104 49 7 33 4 79 0 BOND AVEtAOM Monday 96 1 103 S Prev day . B6 103 Week ago 96 4 103 3 Month ago 94 103 I Year ago 104 104 3 104 8 104 104 1 103 7 109 2 Bids on Grain iShow Contrast j CHICAGO, Jan. I3-0P)-A con ! trasting attitude of traders toward grain, was illustrated today when near-by contract advanced and , deferred deliveries decliiifd on the board of trade. In all cere 1 al, the cloe was mixed Buying of January and March deliveries of wheat and corn was based on indications that the gov ernment was trying to ktep-up its exjxjrt program In contrast. May and July deliveries weakened i i the prospect for a good wheat crop and large corn supplies At the clone wheat was n low er to 14 higher, January $2 IB, i corn wa. 's lower to 'i higher, 'January $1 314, and oats Mi low er to higher. March 76-S. Moderate mill buying and con siderable shoi t-covei ing featured old crop whest options. The Jan uary delivery reached $2 1 7 1 , or j 4 under its 26-yeai high, i Announcement that the Kan , sas City office of the comm'dity I credit corporation had paid $2 07 i a bushel for wheat Friday at Kan sas City for delivery by February 10 had considerable influence on previous short-selling Analysts figured this was equivalent to $2 17', to $2.18 at Chicago During the week ended Janu- (HamofThoida) and othar Rac ial disorders endanger YOUR HEALTH which It so important. Loss of time from work, suffering and the danger of serious compli cations isn't a pleasant situa tion. Patients who have suffered for years from such physical distress as; NEURITIS, STOM ACH and COLON DISOR DERS. SHORTNESS of BREATH. SLEEPLESS VIGHTS. NERVOUSWESS. FE MALE DISORDERS and many other physical conditions have been completely cured after the CORRECTION of: FISTULA. FISSURE, PRO LAPSE. ITCHING. CRYPTS and INTERNAL PILES OR OTHER RECTAL CONDI TIONS WHICHEVER was the underlying cause of the infec tion, in that particular case. Such physical defects are taken care of without Hospital ization. Dr. II. Reynsldx Clinic Nalare-rreeieleglst til Ne. Liberty IL. SaJesa. Ore. -'5 satis SyaaWa. las. pap? He bronht KU owa roal far farnaca!" ry 10 trre CCC bought 4.S33.S74 bushel of wheat. Trade advices aid that on Saturday, January 11, the Kan a City office took 2,503, 000 bushels. This indicated a aharp steppiri-up In purchases. In line with Washington reports, that such action wti planned. Flour trade circle salJ moat of the large mills had teceived telegrams from tha production and marketing administration re questing the mills to give priority to PMA floor contracts over tho next week or 10 days. This fur ther emphasized the trong gov ernment demand. Prukly pear, a species of cac tus common to rential and aouth ei n Arizona, bears a purple, pear hap-d fruit that ia edible to man and is eaten by coyote, foxes and other desert wild life. Livestock and Poultry BULL Service by artificial insem ination Sires from trie best of blood lines Reasonable fee All work per sonally supervised by licenced vet. eiinarians. Salem AMIfical Insemina tion Station I'h 6585 FOR SALE I Jersey heifer, just bred 20 months old. excellent de velopment very gentle 1 Jersey row be fieh in Anul vri v high test, milks 32 pounds when fresh, now milking over two gallons daily. W Ktotr. HI. 6 Box 388 Sllverton Ro NeiU to Little Pudding river bridge FOR SALE: 18 Rhode Island Red 'pul lets ready to lay. reasonable. W. Klolz. Rt Box 380 Silveiton Rd. Next to Little Pudding Hlver Ji idge. (VSlOM Killing beef. hogi. lamb, gnats, sheep. We do cutting, wrapping , and quick free re Bat em Meat Co. i Irwin Kiaghter House). Ph. Mill. 25h a Turner Rd EORSaLE: i year 'old black geloTng, broke, very gentle Ixtta of slyie mnd life Priced right I) Young, Rt. 1, Bog ME. C roisan Cr Rd WANTED: All kinds' of eattland hogs WU1 call at farm. Write E I. -nethen. ISM Incasler Drive Ph. 21343 morn or eve. FOR At. Christie NH biy rhlcka every Wed Boyingtona. $710 Slate 84. Prion 4HM0. WAN1ED Eat and tsnnti lumi IN beef Dairy cows heifers bulla. veaC Fat bogs, sows, stags, boars Market once C afcCandliah. rt set 171. Ph 8147 aerosa from ball park S nth BABV CRICKS, wee iyna ten new Hampshtie at bar vartetiea. ris. ltl Umi Httrhnr C'U-fGM dreeatng of chicaena aay umber Prompt servica Dressed poul try wholesale pur apectally Prteoa 1-28l lees Hafrhery WANTED AM kinds mt fat ""rWi stock valley Packing- C Phona Stevens And Son invites you to join tht fun and lioftis in a house in the country story of newiywtd ..ven tures in a rural setting K-SL-II Tues. at 8 p. m. ey.s i La , i DBS. CHAN . . LAM Mr t T lasX.D Or O Cbaa.M M CHINESE flEKISALISTS Z4I Nertb Uberty I stairs aftiand Oeneiai BUectrH o Of flee opts Saturday enly u a m Va I p .nt . te 1 m Con .nation Blood pressure and urtm 'ests are ftea ef eharge rractlced inee 111 9L -mmm.mW- mWk