The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 14, 1947, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 Tha S tatman, Salam. Oregon, To daf. January 1 37
Mid-Willamette Valley News
From Tfcr Stm1mmm' i'ummmmily ilrmfti drmtt
Hayesville Property owners of
Hayesville school district will hold
a meeting Wednesday, January
15, at the schoolhouse to discuss
advisability of consolidation with
Salem district 24. W. J. J arms is
chairman of the board and other
members are Marc Saucy and Ev-
erett Brown. j
Turner Clover Leaf home ex-
tension units meets Wednesday,
January 15, with Mrs. E. E. Ball.
The landscaping project will be ,
presented by Don Rasmussen. as- '
sistant county agent. Mrs. J. B.
Powell and Mrs. Ball will assist.
Oak Grove The Oak Grove j
Gardeners will meet at 2 p.m.
Tuesday, January 14, with Mrs. I
Rida Allen. J
Gervais The Clara Jones Mis- j
ionary society meets Wednesday j
at the church parlors at 12 o'clock '
noon for a no-host luncheon. Mrs.
B. B. Barner will lead devotions
and a book review will be given.
Print le Ken Mather was elect
ed president of the Pringle Com
munity club last Friday. Other of
ficers are Robert Kimble, vice
president; Mrs. George Settlemier,
secretary - treasurer; Mrs. Del
Binkley, press chairman; Mrs.
Kimble, Mrs. Warren Calloway,
L. Norton and E. Wooldridge, 4-H
committee; Calloway, Hazel
Thomas and Carl Bartruff, execu
tive committee.
Gervais- Mr. and Mrs. Leroy
Gardner are the parents of a
daughter, born January 10 at Sa
lem Deaconess hospital.
Four Corners Rickey Garden
club meets Wednesday at the
community hall. Hostesses will be
Mrs. George Weed ard Mrs.
George Fletcher. Flower arrange
ments will be discussed by Mrs.
Jess Mcllnay and vegetables which
do well here will be discussed
by Mrs. Doyle Moore. Members
are asked to bring a tea towel for
the school kitchen. Mrs. M. E.
Walters. Red Cross first aid
chairman, will speak to members
on accident prevention.
Dallas Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Dal
ton have returned from San Ra
phael, Calif., where they visited
their daughter, Mrs. Cleo Mueller
and family.
Mt. Anxel Francis Schmidt
has been elected president of the
Business Men's club. Other offi
cers are C. J. Butsch and Loretta
E. Dehler. secretary. Walter Smith,
retiring president, was given a
vote of thanks. The March of
Dimes campaign dance will be
January 30 at the auditorium and
the new president will be chair
man and plans were made for a
big program to be presented when
the new trucks is received by the
local fire department. Prospects
for a hospital were discussed by
Father Damian Jentges, pastor of
St. Mary's parish.
Dallai Mrs. Ethel Hadley ft
spending a month vacation with
her brother and sister-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. V. R. Ballantyne, at Val
lejo, Calif. Ballantynes spent the
holidays in Dallas and she ac
companied them south.
Gervais Argument on the clos
ing of the Southern Pacific depot
in Gervais will be held Wednes
day, January 15, at the public
utilities offices in Salem.
Pedee Property changes here
recently include sale of the Will
iam Cooke place to the son, Al
bert Cooke. The older man lives
in Albany. The Bev Freer ranch
has been sold to Louis Potter who
will take possession at some later
date. Mrs. Alice Wing has pur
chased the Dyer house here.
Dallas Mr. and Mrs. F. M.
Dunham of Fail banks, Alaska,
who are spending the winter in
Dallas with a nephew, J. O. Price,
are visiting relatives in Rockaway
for a time.
Liberty The Liberty Woman's
club will meet at 1:30 p.m. Thurs
day at the Community hall. Don
Rasmussen, assistant county
agent, will speak on landscap- j KiftllS
ing. I
Lincoln Consolidation of three
5chool districts, Zena, Spring Val
ley and Lincoln is being discussed
by property holders in the various
districts. Lincoln Goodwill club
has a committee of three. Mrs. L.
I. Mickey, Mrs. T. L. Hicks and
Mrs. Ted Muyskens to work with
a similar committee from Zena
which includes Mrs. Lawrence
McClure, Mrs. Walter B. Kime
Bid one to be named from Spring
Valley. Possibilities of the merger
and advantages which would ac- ,
crue to the district will be in
vestigated, j
Hayesville The Arnold Over- ;
mans have sold their place ini
Xt0Ak.l 111.11 IV I U1IU EU IU IJO-
lem. Their daughter is in the
sixth grade.
Lincoln Goodwill club will
hold an all day meeting Tuesday,
January 14 with Mrs. Walter
Brog when two quilts will be tied
for Mrs. A. D. Clark, left home
less in a recent fire. Mrs. Dot
Walling and Mrs. Fred E. Mc
Kinney donated the tops for the
quilts. The Community club will
meet January 24.
lin of Falls City January 5 at the
Bartell hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wood of
rout 3, Salem, announce the
birth of a daughter, Maisel Joan,
at the Dallas hospital January 5.
A daughter, Vickie Ann, was
born to Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Rob
inson at the Dallas hospital Jan
uary 5.
A son, Herman Russell, was
born to Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Hubbard of Monmouth at the Bar
tell hospital January 6.
Union Hill Plans for an an
tique display at the January
grange meeting were made by the
Home Ec club last week. Those
in charge will be Mrs. W. M. Tate,
Mrs. W. F. Krenz and Jeanne
Darby. The new year book com
mittee includes Mrs. M. M. Gil
mour. Mrs. Byron McElhaney and
Mrs. Tate. Hostess was Mrs. Mc
Elhaney at whose home the group
met; Mrs. A. N. Doerfler was assistant.
DALLAS Mr. and Mrs. E. L.
i Parish have received announce
1 ment of the birth of a son, War-
ren Elbert, to Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd
i B. Makinson of Eugene. Mrs.
Makinson is their daughter.
Mrs. Myrtle Betts has received
announcement of the birth of a
daughter to Mr. and Mrs. James
Maxwell of McLoughlin Heights,
Wash. Mrs. Maxwell was the for
mer Ruth Betts.
A daughter. Donna Rae, was
born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jos-
VFW Has Meeting
Windus, department president,
made her official visit to the aux
iliary of the West Salem VFW
Thursday evening. She was ac
companied by Mrs. Arvin Stray
er, department conductress and
Mrs. Leon Hansen, district presi
dent Other visitors present were
Mrs. Ivell Haley, Mrs. Edna Prince
and Mrs. Genevieve Olsen.
Mrs. Doris Patterson will be
replaced as secretary by Mrs.
Georgiene Wiesner. Other officers
installed were Mrs. Lena Osborne,
treasurer and Mrs. Elsie Note
boom, trustee.
A benefit pinochle party will be
held Jan. 23. Mrs. Eleanor Miller
and Mrs. Avona Osborne will be
in charge of arrangements.
Pedee Fanners Union
Hears County Report
PEDEE The Farmers Union
met Thursday. C. L. McSherry is
president. Richard Birchell was
accepted as a new member. A. L.
Bell of Salem led a discussion
about frozen food lockers and
home freezers. Mrs. Sidney How-
Hayesville Resident
Called to Portland
vey was called to Portland by the
serious illness of her sister.
Robert Cooley and George Stro
zut attended the Order of the Ar
row conference at Smith Creek
camp this week.
I Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Frey are
the parents of a daughter, Judith
Anne. This is their first child.
George Morley is convalescing
ard reported on Polk county quar
terly meeting in Dallas. No host
supper was served with venison j
: furnished by Sidney Howard.
Word has been received of the '
j death of the infant twin sons of '
i Mr. and Mrs. Lin wood Bush of ,
Tillamook. Bush is a former stu- !
I dent here. 1
from a major operation at a Port
land hospital and will be brought
home next week.
How To Relieve
n I x
Creomulsion relieves promptly b
cause it goes right to tha seat of tba
trouble to help loosen and expel "
svrm laden phlegm, and aid natura
to soothe and heal raw, tender. In
named bronchial mucous mem '
branes. Tell your druggist to sell yott
a bottle of Creomulsion with the un
derstandlnc you must Ilka tha way It
to have your money back. '
for Courhi, Chest Colds, Bronchitis
off mm fi brows ara m oo(?
fV7 ("73
mm mm go mm podgecos
O Groceries O Heals O Toiletries O Fresh Frnlls and Vegetables
O Lunches and Soda Fountain
Open Evenings and Sundays for Your Convenience Store Hours: 10 a. m. to 8 p. m.
Honey-Saving Values - Effective Tuesday and Wednesday
&3ormel's Spam
Spiced Luncheon Meat
2-lb. loaf
Canned Milk
All Brands
Potato Chips
25c pit;
Fancy Corn Del Mais Km. t ean 15c
Veg-All unoni... Km. t ean 1 5 C
Sliced Beets Bine Taj No. t can 10c
Spinach Stokeley Fancy No. li can 17c
Kraft Miracle Whip, 8-oz. jar 19c
Or French Dressing
Krafl Cheese Spread . . jar 19c
Fimiento - Olive-Pimiento Relish
Chef Boyardee Spaghetti Dinner
Serves 3 or more. Contains spaghetti, OCl9
cheese, sauce I.g. pkg. aJ
Macaroni - Spaghetti
Best Bet,
large 22-lb. pkg. ..
Grade A Fresh
utter, lb
Grade A Medium Freeh Local
&ggs, doz. . .
Large - 57c
Minced Razor Clams
Four Bells.
No. Vt can
No. 'i can
ShriHipS Bayou Queen Tall
Medlam Slse Shrimps
Fancy Bed Salmon taU
Deaaiag Ked Alaska Sockeye
JAHfl uenco fancy
aipia vvi
uyaitua whole
Sveet Cider
.No. t tall can
Hood Klver
Gallon jug
Tomaio Cocldail E?J2t 31 0
Beans 2 . 370
Pinto or Great Northern
Sperry Pancake Flonr
tNo. 10 7Q
bag afiP
Kellogg Corn Flakes fc1! 100
Golden West Coffee
d 4
Drip or
1-lb. jar
Libby or CHB
14-oz. bottle
Grapefroii Juice
Texas Valley,
large 47-oz. can
m o
uomaio jiuice
47-oz. can
No. 2 can 12c
i wvi
Jest Uorih
cf Underpass
on Portland
Sale Starts
9 a.
, w,d.1!d.y HaVe you Heard?
Are Really
Having a
100' i All-Wool 'Wvi J
Coverts (cravenetted). Come Wednesday, -See
and compare you can't beat this '
coat in style, quality cr OO C A
price. Specially priced at mZjJ J
Good Sportsmen j
I Handsomely Tailored, U
i cut for accurate fit, j
1 Nationally Advertised
Brands. Were 12.50 St s
A up, s'v
Sale Starts
9 a. m., Wednesday
i I p
A "Must for your
Suit Wardrobe
Smart men make smart investments that'a
why emart men vill lose no time in get
ting down here Wednesday lor thia pre
cisely tailored, all
wool euita
1.95 7.95
Soft, 100 Wool and beau
tiful Rayon for chilly morn
ings or evenings. All dras
tically reduced. Formerly up
to $35 Now
8.95 22.50
100 pure wool,
coat sweaters, slip
ons - V neck with
long sleeves and
sleeveless. Many
Values to 5.95, Now
Smart well-fitting pigskin and deerskin
gloves. Values to 7.95 Now
295 to 595
Smart, warm coats that
are water repellant. Val
ue to 19.75. Now
These hose are valued" at 79c, P Ck(
buy them Wednesday lor only
Attractive ties many
patterns and colors.
Values to 1.50.
l Oolhea j '!f
All leather, Vol- C
ues to 2.95 DW''
4.95 Valtwa. 1X0