1 Thw Slcrt man. SoUm. Ort. SahirdaT Dctmbw 28. 194S THE YOUNG inKA" By Mossier C . 144 fey 0- Iwwn, 1 2-2S I v decide. P a which college I'm going ta. but I can't makt my mind an which fraternity to Join! New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Dec. 27 -(A) Today's closing quotations: A I (hem & Dye 174'.. Gen Elec 35'4ienny .1 C 42 American Can 894 Gen Foods 42 ' Radio Corp 9'z Am Power & Lt 13-"' Cen Motors . 52 Rayonier 25!4 Am Tel At Tel 167' Goodyear Tire 53 Reynolds Met 38 Anaconda 40 C.X North pfd 47 4 Safeway 22 Atchison 9Hi Int Harvest 74l4 Sears Rocb 38 Bendix Avia 36 Int Paper pfd Sinclair Oil 40 Beth Steel 91 .1 Manville 131 1 a So Pacific 452 rWmg Air 12 . Kt-iint-t-utt 50 3 Stan Brands 35 '4 Calif Pack 284 U.njj Bell A 22'4 Stan Oil Cal 56 Canadian Pac 12'-. Mayt;g Stew Warner .... 167s C:ise J 1 Hi Miami Cupper ;;14's Studebaktr 202 ChrwUr 90 Mort W. id . 60'4 Sun Mining .. 124 Comwlth Sou 34 Nash Kelvin . 14' Union Oil 214 Cons Edison . 33- V;it Diury 37 L'n Pacific 1324 Cons Vtiltee lfi Y Cent 18 Cn Airlines 23 font Ins 49'. North Am Co 31' l'n Aircraft 18'4 Crown Zel . 32 V N'ort h-i n Pac 207 V S Steel 71 Curtis Wr 6 Pac Am Fish It '2 Warner Bros 18's Di.uglaa Air . 72 P T T 123s4 West Elec 25's I hi punt de N Pan American 12 1 4 WfKilworth 4634 Portland Prtxliire KIHn AND Ore. Dec 17 1AP1 Rutin fat itentauxc sutcct to im mrdiate ctiangei - Pifm i.ni qualltv fMliinnin' of 35 of I oer cent acclitv Jrlieied in Portland !:Jc lb. first quil 11 HK lb iet-oixt qudi.lv Rk lie route and counlrv po;n(. 2c les t.ian flint or ac lb Ruller -- Wholesale FOR lt cubes AA SJ wmf 8lc A lb . B 90 score. 7c lb J. b.i'k 68 92 score W VlTt . 7?r Cheese Selling price to Poit'and relailen Oregon singles 49-Stlc lb Oregon loaf. S2-Mc lb. triplets. Sl'j-S.V- lb F.ggs To wholesalers' A rrade Ur(r. M'-Mc: ntd.um 54 56'jC small Wj-tJ'jC. B grade. large. :w , - 4i ' ac F.tiKS Purchases from fanners Sui rent receipts 52-W buvers pa J.J',t' do brlow whilesale qtioia lion on giaded basis for bet he n nr rggs Di ess-d turkevs -No 1 voung hens liK.e FOB plant 4-47i- lb 1 inn's 19 ,-jot lb AdVdnit bais uuim .c lb rn loins Ok-v--(J iurkf" Hurr r.ot l ns i.rt miiiif tier,-- No 1 t n l..sr FOB plaMt. on I .1-1. ltrtt Ui kf To ii-'j.it-T A l.i-n- e A .11 k -t ir 49- No 1 to pio qui'tinn (1 : e-r:l ( i r adr -5 It lb . I.. 1 t i .Ml lb , .SS-.tHc lb l)'e' f! rincken-- .Sell to rrtailris hi" tv J H Ilu 5ik- f-olo ri 2r , I egl'o n fuu 1. :i5 ( ll ...'! v tags. '-' .. I r i ., ir, . I i ir i i 1 Ikfin - .No 1 I.eiM.o'n bioll to 2 lbs. 3i-:ic lb lirti? .IO-.iJc lb .) t.i 4 li - .'!.'.' Ih 4 lb arid n-i lb I.4- olri t lb- IH-iia.' Il o-r 2(1 22c lb fo i I. . .. !oi . l all in- t- . I.'i nxntrii and -ta.s 12-ISc Hjfi'iil" A erase 1., It i i ed p i ires I r -. It e aite. t.i u : DT (M ' 11 -c 11) 43c jii'ittl nt l-v Nil i, rl l.ltkf si ::5- 2.:.' it' l ; i m . i ion - $1-1 111 a il" 1 i I)' 1 Onions- Oi rK"M li llov 1 tlK.-17 a 50-In -ak Id.ii vn.i, ttvn niedi.rii. $1 4(J, 1 a3-1 75 a JO-lb sack i-.. .i.if. I : l:.lho ellovt Sp.ir i .i. mrtlimii. : 25-1 .l.ri lai- $1 (V.i-1 '.' Itlatio wrvite. i 'l HI M tl l-2 00 I'i. tail s - 1 .oca I long Oitte No 1 f a.ir $2 65-2 7J 100-lb sack Iot.utes No 1 2$S-29S No 2 9nc.$lim a Sii-lh ack Washington iussts. No 1 II 75-2 5 Veal Best QUaUt. 27-;fc lb DRS. CHAN LAM Dlt TlaluND t ". fKn S H CHINESE HERBALISTS 241 artb Liberty lilairs Portland General tlevtrw OffK-e open Saturday only -:0 am to I p m . to 7 o m Con dilation Bloori otfuif and utint e are free a? rharie Practiced nre II7 Why Suffer Anv Longer Whea atbert 'tall, axe our ( hires remedies. Amaftag ncre for JM tear la t hlaa. Na ma'ter with what allaaeats vau are afflicted dlsarder. tiausttls. heart. Inng. It rr. kiaaeym. gas. constipation, ul sers . diabetes, rhenmatlsm. gall and bUdder fever, skin, feaaala toni- lainas. CHARLIE CHAN t'allNtSB NIRB CO. Offtra Hoars to 6. Tan aad Mat. only. t4 N Caoaaaerrtel. raone t-lM (AI.IM. OBK. we've GorraG pikseg (you bring Warners' "JicWic&lor Msisicl Warners Elsinore heavy to top quahtv. 28-30c lb. B. 23-24C. C. 21 -22c cull. 18-20c lb Hogs block butcbeis. packet tle. 125-lfiO lbs. 33-4c. over 213 lb 30-:i2c. io. all eights 29-S0c lb Lambs - A A 37.18c A. 3S-36C B 30-Xic C. 25-27e mutton 10-12c lb according to quality Beef Best quality. 30-22c; B. 25 26c. C". 22c: canner and cutter, 17-19c; bologna bulls 25c t'ascara bark Green 8-8'3c: drv 20c Wool Valley, coarse and medium grades 45c lb Mohair 40c lb on 12-month f H'Wth llav Wholesale shipment' alfalfa. No 2 or belter. 33 00-34 50 ton; No 1 timoth. $34 (10-35 5(1 ton. oats and vetch, mixed hav. vallev giouers ask ing price $23(10-25 00 ton: clover hav. uncertified. $23 00-25 00 ton baled on farms Portland Grain PORTLAND Ore. Dec 27 -iAPi-Wheat futures and cah grain un quoted lash u. irate ibid Soft ' ite IRS cft white i eluding Rii 189; white club 1 Sft flnn led 1 RM Hard red v. .nlc Ordr.a: 189 in p r rent 191 11 pt-r cent 196. 12 per c nt 2 ti." Hard while Bart Unnuoted T(1a s car irceipt Wheat 92 har lev 4 flour 7. corn 20. millfeed II. Stocks and Bonds 'Compiled bv the Associated Press I Dfccnher A V FRAfi V. S 27 STOCK 30 15 15 60 Indus Ra'ls Itil Stock"- Frid..v 90 2 36 8 45 9 65 0 Pitvinus ca 90 1 36 6 45 9 65 9 We k aeo SI 6 38 2 46 2 67 2 M rth :o 8o 4 35 5 44 1 63 4 Yar a.-i) 99 5 47 7 51 1 75 3 BON U All RAt.fS jo io io io Rails Ind. I'til. Fgn Fi .iliv 94 8 103 1 104 1 74 7 Prev.ous (1t 64 8 1U3 1 104 0 74 6 Week ago 95 2 103 1 103 5 74 5 Month aco 93.1 102 7 103 8 74 8 ar ago 103 9 103 r 108.3 75 7 Salem Market Quotations Rl'TTFBF AT Ft ennum No 1 HITTEK PRINTS Wholesale Retail (.: Kux Inc Prire K'xtia Lai n' Med lutn Stamlmdi Pullets Cracks Wholesale, large Medium Standard fOl I.TKY Colored hens No 1 No a Fr ers 84 89 .79 85 59 .55 52 38 J8 66 63 65 27 22 .33 LIVESTOCK (By Top Ian b 'arling lambs F.wea Dairy ro s . Oary bulls Veal - Valley Park) Hog prices 35c per hundred under Portland prices for each particular rt a?s h'nifl' uhiec Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore. Dec 27 (APl-iUSDAl- Salable cattle 100. total 250: salable and total calves 10: around 150 I cattle ordered in market very active, lullv steady at Thursday's sharp ad vance: supply mostly cows and heif ers: only odd medium steers at 17.00; cutter -common heifers 11 00-15.50. med ium grades 16 50-18 00: canner-cutter cows 9.50-12 00. fat dairy type cows to. ' 12 50; heavv Holsteins to 13 50: medium teef cows 13 00-14 50; bu!l scarce; com- ; n on-medium vealers 14 00-17 00; good grades ta 18 CO Salable hogs 10. total 600: no test of wBm:i Marvel p2nj New Year's Eve 39s Theatre market since Monday wt lafe under tone lower In line with sharp price break at midwest markets; Monday top 24 00. odd. hood MS lb. weights to day 21.00; good light sows up to 11.50. Salable and total sheep none: market nominal: good-choice lambs salable 21 .00-22 00 or above; good ewes salable around ( 00. The North Portland Livestock mar ket will be closed New Year's day. Legal Notice NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed in the Circuit , Court of the State of Oregon for the ' County of Marion. Probate Depart j ment. his duly verified Final Account. ' as administrator with the will annexed i of the estate of W. T. Rigbyr deceas- ed. and that said Court has fixed Mon : day. the 20th day of January. 1947. at the hour of 10 00 A.M. of said day as the time, and the Circuit Court Room at the County Court House in Salem. ! Marion County. Oregon, as the place i for hearing said Final Account and all 1 objections thereto i Dated at Salem. Oregon, this dav of December. 19441. 21st I 1 RONALD C fil.OVER Administrator with the will annexed of the last will and testament and estate of W 1 T Rigby. deceased. D 21-28-J4-11-17 Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the Circuit Court of the State of Ore'gon. for the Countv of Marion, sitting in probate, as executrix of the estate of Sarah L. Chase, deceased, and has duly , qualified as such executrix: all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same. duly verified as lequired by law. IO me at 205 Oregon Building. Salem, in Marion County. Oregon, within six 161 months from the date of this notice Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 14th dav of December. 146. ALT A M. CHASE. Executrix of the estate of Sarah L. Chase. Deceased, i Ronald C. Glover, j Attorney for Executrix. 205 Oregon Building. Salem. Oregon. D 14-21-28-J 4-11 ; Livestock ami Poultry S YOUNG Cows. 1 Jersey. 7 Guern sey Cbtne fie? hsoon.Inq. 268 N. 17. WEAKER Pigs $10. Mike Lowerv. Rt. 1. Box 224. Brooks. FOR SALE : Brood sows with Rt. 6. Box 425. Phone 2-2939. Pigs. FOR SALE' Registered Jersey cow )us fie.h. out of good stock. Rt. 2. Box 324 Phone 2-2439. FOR SALE Registered Red Poll hull calf 3 months old. good stock. A R. Gordon. Rt. 1. Box 408, Salem. Phone 23260 WANTED: All kinds of cattle and hogs. Will call at farm. Write E. I. Snethen. 1550 Lancaster Drive. Ph. 21345 morn or eve RED FRYEBS packaged "for home freexer. 6 or more wholesale price de livered. Dillon Jones. Rt 6. Box 445. 'Market Street Phone 22296 evening FOR SALE: Christie N H bahv chicks every Wed Bovingtons. 3710 Sta'e St. Phone 49C9 WANTED Fat ana rs.".nei iuwi tuf 3eef Dairy cows heifers bulls veal Fat hogs sows stags ooars Market orice t C McCandlish rt S Don 373 h !7 actoss from bill park S 25th BABY CHICKS weekly natcnes new Hampshire other varieties Ph T28fil Lee's Halche rv CUSTOM dressin of chickens anv lumber Prompt service Dressed ooul rv wholesale our specialty Phone ?8l l ee" Hatchery WANTED. "All kinds of fat live stock Valley Packing Co. Phone 5935 Help Wanted Male Top Salarv and Bonus For a 1st class journeyman painter and heet metal man. You will like w oiking conditions here. Ask for Van. Teafiue Motor Co. 355 N. Liberty Ph. 7001 I MAN or rxsy driver for invalid wom an car Must be a good careful j driver Room, board and laundry, $20 a month. Ph. 902 Jefferson. Help Wanted FemIe EXPERIENCED The Spa WANTED Full over 18 Apply Waitress wanted. time candy clerk in person. Grand Sweet Shop WANTED Irr.m Bookkeeper for ph sioans office Inc some secre tarial wink. Write 895 Statesman AGE 30-45. married, local refer., responsible, supervising ability, non smoker, on dutv Sundavs. retail ice cieam See Mi. Klaus. The Pike. 138 S Ltbert EXP. Waitress Mu't be neat in ap pear a'ice Good wages steady rm nlovment. Ph. 2-l?89 Boucanitr. 3795 State WANTED Housekeeper for mother -lers home, modern conveniences. $100 a month. M. C. Thompson. Shedd. Oie. YOUNG LADY Stenographer to woi k in teal estate & insurance office Some knowledge of bookkeeping essential. 875 co Statesman YOUNG Woman tor general house work. Board, private room A waees. Good references, also health certifi cate. State age. Write Box 861 Statesman. Situation Wanted ! PRUNING and peach spraying. P. W. Beilke. Ph 1208 PAINTING services, competent work- manship reasonable rate. Ph. 24895. ! I WASHING : Standard rates, quick , service. 126 Carlton W'ay. j " WILL care for pre-school age chil dren. days.1571 Mission. WOMAN will care for children eve. Write Box 911 Statesman. TOPPING & taking out trees. 423 S. 20th. J C Murphy. Ph. 7678. WANTED Odd jobs, by 15 yr. old bov during vacation, after school and Sat John Burger. 1047 Fir St. ABLE to keep few more sets of books and compute taxes In spare time Final estimate income taxes are due Jan. IS. Experienced in di versified businesses, taxes, payrolls. Call 24948. CARE for vour children while you work. 2210 Hazel. WILL take care of children in your home dav or night. Mrs. Elsie Har rah. 40 Williams Ave. 19 00 MASTER WOODS Cabinet Shop. Ma lt 00 i tenals on hand for built-ins. replace 5 00 I ments. repairs, drawers, doors and 10.50 ! production work. 164 S. Comm. Ph. 13 50 ; 5596 Free estimates. 1 -90 i LIGHT Hauling Reas. rates. Ph. 8272 I GENERAL Cement Contractor. Joe i E. Wilson. Phone 24371. Salem. CARPENTER & REMODELING. Cab inets & millwork built to order. REUBEN PASCHKE Rt. 4. B421. Orchard Heights Road Septic Tanks Cleaned K r. Hamel. 1143 Rth. West Salem Phone 7404 OIL Circulators' paired. Ph. 24963 serviced nd re A M before 7:30 j or 5 P M. ' PAINTER and Paperhanger. Reason able prices Free estimates. H. J. Woodworth. Ph 3015 BUU-DOZING. Large and tmall equipment Land clearing;, road build. ' ing. logging. Call 21367 or write Geo. Wirth. 840 Plymouth Dr.. Salem. PAINTING & Paperhanging W. Q. Crowly.57Shipping Phone 9513 WEST'S water well drilling Depend able sehvice In Salem area for 23 yrs -Write Rt. 6. Box 449 A. Phone 2-2290. BILL'S GARAGE General auto repairing St welding i lblk S of Pen 4 Corners Ph 8235 GENERAL C E M E N T contracting . Stanley ragg. Ph. 2-3043. Interior Decorating I Our specialty Better homes, offices ' and apartments One to five men , available. ! Dick Orey j Painter and Decorator Phone 25444 or 6265 ALL WORX guaranteed Windows walls, woodwork cleaned floors waa- I ed Insured workmen Professional Cleaning Service Phono 4497. Situations Wanted PreSchool Playschool. 13S1 Pb Stat 8430 Ages 2 - Part or aU For Sale Miscellaneous FULLER Brushes. 1745Grant P 8357 SHEETROCK. Firtex. txr. IB In. x . iw d r : Ave. off Silverton Road. WSSTSTHl"Hll ol. r.nsa A hum. er, with trash burster. Grover Alver- ! son. 1441 N. Commercial. m j BED ROOM set.' breakfast set. liv- ; ing room furniture, sacrifice. R. Here- ; ford. Rickreall. Ore. PRE-WAR Overstuffed chair, ex"- i cellent condition, also bed room rock- j er. 435 Kearney. Sat. P.M. TYPEWRITER late model portable Royal like new. 150. J. D. Fretwell. I Rt. 1. Scio. Ore. vvtjuu Heater, good com!. zza is. 5J" S . 4 TWO-PIECE dresses $5.00 each. 2 coat drese-s $4 50 each. 1 skirt 11.00. 1 jacket $2 00. all fize 15. I pr. brown gold cross oxford size (. $2.50. New $80 00 black cloth coat, silver fox collar, size 38. $30.00. New hand cro- ""P" vw. umrr , articles. 825 Madison St. NEW table model 6 tube Gilbert radio onlv mn 4 hours. $26 75 cash. Preston Dueger. 435 S. 20th. Phone 21981 aiter5. P.M. 8" TUBE Philco console radio $3V W'alnut extension table, buffet it 6 chairs $100. Ph. 3588 VVH F.F.I. Chair, prac. new. $25 . 321 D St.. Independence. ELFC. Refrieerator. excellent ronr1. 321 D St . Independence. Fh. 108J. lnH( - nnHiini ' ELEC. Ranee, good "condition Small gas stove Kadiant eas heater man gas heater. Elec. heaters. circulator mi-c. articles. MACS 145 S. Church 5 FT. Crosley elec. refrigerator, car heater mink cages. Rt. 2 Box 240. j 7 mi N. of Salem on New berg hiw av. 1 2 DRESSES. 1 chest of drawers. 1 dressing table. 1 breakfast table and two chairs, dining room table ' and 5 chair, davenport and chair. . library table. 171 N. 13 St. LATE Model Westinghouse electric range $100. Elec water heater $50 ' 3 new Hurd cat;ng rods with built in reel, rerular $45. sell for $30. Best qualltv new nylon lines, half price, and 3 Shapespeare level wind star drag reel regular $15.95 sell for $12.50. Spmners. teel leader, etc . less than half. Single eggs a jar 10c. Rt. 5. i Box 59. Salem. ' mile South of 1 Walling Sand and Gravel office. 1st house -on right. COCKER Spaniel pups $3 50 each, all females. Ph. 2-3052 BABY Bed and mattress in good shape $16 00: also vellow gold ladies diamond ring $50 00. 965 N. 15th St. Ph. 2-5C40. WOOD Furnace complete with all pipes. A good one. Will heat 7 rm. hou5e. $30 Ph. 5467 or 8498. LIMITED SuPDiv Italian chestnuts 1790 So High St Ph. 2-4433 NOW in stock, concrete drain and building tile. ff and culvert pipe OREGON GRAVEL CO. 1405 N Front St. Ph. 3417 UNIVERSAL Electric range Good condition, with new elements, $50. 2425 Center. USED floor gas furnace cheap. Inquire 1505 Jefferson St. GRATE for fireo'ace $4. Used short time only. Ph. 5778. FOR Expert clock repairing try The Clock Doctor. 190 S J4th. 1 GERMAN Shepherd pups from blue ribbon winning sire. They are of excellent type and temperament. Black It silver, and black L tans, j Mr. and Mrs. M. Johnny Gunnel). 1080 Lancaster Dr Ryer Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX AND FILL DIRT ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Bulldozing Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 2-1966 2-3100 TRASH Burner, coils and hot water tank. 2 wheel trailer 4x7'. babvs maple bed. 30"x54 ". elec. butter churn. Rt. 3 Box 591E. ' ml. from Liberty on Rosedale Rd. south. PHILCO Radio-phonograph used one month $75. at Liberty Radio Shop. Ph 22102 BLACK Sealine coat like new. sire 18 to 20. Wool coat. blue, hardly worn, size 40. $25 Ph 23360 1946 Zen:th portable radio. Call 7158 SIX Piece living room suite. Ph. 5278 LAWN Mower $10 Ph 8406 "Bl'SCHER E Flat Alto saxophone. Good cond. Rt. 2. Box 91. ' mile west of Kcizer school. AUTO. elec. iron. ironing board. Crosley radio. Salem Hugiits Grocery. NEARLY NEW David Bradley spray er with bean pump Brigjis Stratton 6'j horse motor. 150 gal. steel tank. 600-16 tires on factory built trailer 100 ft. of pressure hose, spraver capable of 400 lbs pressure, hitch and tongue fo; ' truck, horse, or tractor Ray Andrews Rt 6. Box .154 Ph. 2-2505 "WASHING machine $50. 1 40 Roberts Ave. Off Silverton Pd I Eola Lumher Co. I Rt 4. Salem Lumber. Red Cedar , Shingles and building upplies T C ! (Tedl Muller P.ione Salem 2-1196 Yd J mi west of town on Salem-Dallas ! Hwv ! GUARANTEED RADIO SERVICE I FREE PICKUP DELIVERY. PHONE 24728 ROD and Gun repair M Micken ! - ham 2365 N. Liberty St . Ph 2-5652. EXPERT wasbina macbina service and wringer rolls all makes See Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros Furnitura S'ore 315 N Liberty GOOD used radios as low as $10 at Liberty Radio Hospital, opposite United Growers cannery. Nvlons S2.2S 3042 Portland Rd. WE buy and sell furniture, tools stoves, dishes, motors, radios. Electric aopliances household goods KLIG MAN'S 285 N Commercial Ph 96S5 ALWAYS a big fioc' WoodrVs Furniture Mkt Ph 91 10 .GH 57 GALION Hist 505 Cenlei St ' DOES your roof leak? Use lOO'-c j asphalt shingles. Unharmed by any weather, rain or shine. Installed bv experienced men. For FREE estimate Phone7177. WesternAutoSuppl.vCo. FOR SALE: Used washing machine. good condition . $40. 481 N. Winter. New Recap Tires Sizes 600x16. priced at $10 For sale at Will's Service Station, 837 S. Com mercial Phone 7167. NEW Oil heater. Winchester 30-30 rifle, two wheel trailer. 2640 Port- lana a. NEW 20 gauge bolt action shotgun I?5 Pn 214.4. G. E. Console radio 4 auto radio record changer. Plays 12 ten "at 10 twelve" Ph. 5912. WARD'S ALL-STEEL HAMMER MILLS have big mill features ttrength. and capacity yet are priced low! Grind up to 9000 lbs. ear corn per hour with 2 or 3 plow 1 tractor? I Swinging hammers. self I aligning bearings. See them Now! 1 Priced from $142.50. WARD'S FARM STORE Trade It High Sts. Salem , Oregon LUMBER 2x 8s. 2x10s. 2x4s and 1x6s. All planed. About 8000 ft. Rt. 3. Box 587, or Ph. 7118 after 5 p. m. STOVX St Diesel Oils Prompt met ered delivery service Any time. LARRY'S FUEL OIL Ph 2-1917 , ml N of Pen 4 Corners WILL BUY for casn. seU or trade guns, pistols, ammunition, boats or trailers Don Madison. BOO No High Concrete Buildings Blocks and Bricks BOOCK BUILDING South River Rd BLOCK CO. ghone 5961 SEC NEW studio tone Sentinel ra dios at Juod's radio shop, opposite United Grow ers Cannery. FOR Better Custom Cabinet work A furniture building SEE WES ELY MFG. CO.. 3760 Garden Rd. Phone 5874. BULLDOZERS Custom made. See ours before buy ing. All makes repaired. Grubbing i teeth for dozers. Holt Welding and Machine Shop. Independence, Oreg. For Sale Miscellaneous J. R Watkins Co products. 1717 Cen. ter St.. Salem. Ph. 5395. STOVL repairing a, parts woocry s Mtu loos n t Wanted Miscellaneous WANT to buy or rent cash register. UNIVERSITY Instructor and wife. both veterans, urgently need an apt. Fize elec. stove and refrigerator. 991 No. Cottage or Ph. F Fisher. 3842 USED FURNITURE PhoneSflQ WHY TAKE less for your furniture? See Russ Brig-it Ph 7511 WANTED PIANOS Will 1 Wills Music Store 432 Stale Vt cash DISHES over 25 yrs old Upstairs Antique Shop 39 Court Ph 2 1443 USED FURNITURE Ph 9184 want iu Buy useo rameias M'?BlShoo43S State CASH lot used oiano & othei mu sical instiuments Call 4641 davs Of 9537 evenings or send description to laquith Music Co 191 S High CASH tor voui used turnituie Ph 1596 State St Furniture I9O0 State AUTO painting nt Rar ETTER Co $503 lust a shade bettei Call Shrock Motor Misrellaneou ENROLL now in our dressmaking classes. A complete course in home 1 sewing $10. Rent a Sincer or have . vour old one repai-ed. Singer Sewing Center. 142 S Hieh. Plv 3512. ; PIANO TUNING It RECONDITIONING 1 Prompt, efficient service to local and outlying districts. All work guar anteed. Free estimates. JAQUITH MUSIC CO. 136 So. High. Salem; Ore. Ph. 4641 Oil ami Gas Burner j Service Repair I AND INSTALLATIONS AIo hot water heater installations. ! D. C. "Gene" Brimm. Ph. 5596. i HEAVY Hauling. Excavator) and "? "'.'I'" Land Clearing LKizei Wor Ditchin Basement Excavation Crushed Riek Mason Mix Cement Sand. Gravel Concrete Sand Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 1405 N Front St Salem Oreeon Phone 94o8 or 21924 XTMORAYS. Ozone Good health Rent-sell. H. C. Pugn. 684N17 4692 Mattresses Capital Bed Co P40f WELL Drilling. 4 and 6 in. wells. , Van Buren, 150 Fairhaven. Ph. 9636 j Unfinished Furniture Bunk beds, chests, desks, etc. Any thing for the home Made of solid '4" ' hemlock and knotty p:ne. Picketts Furniture. 13th andState LET Us cut and wrap your meat reauv for locker. 2c lb. Prompt serv iceJ2th Street Food Market. Ph. 533. SIGNS AND SHO' CARDS , ELDON SCOTT. PHONE 3635 Guitar Studio. Banjo. I Ukulele, etc. 1533 Court Ph 7569 CHARIS CORSETTIES. Guaranteed fitting Nice line dresses. Ph. 9495 WATER WELL drilling Domestic 01 irrigation Duffield Bros Rt 4 Box 80 Phone 2-1313 WEATHER strips Pullman Ph 5965 DRAWING and designing house plans. Phone 9621 BULLDOZING. EARTH moving 4047 drainage, ditches dug Ph Dental Plate Repair TWO HOUR SERV1CI" IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repatt DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Rirfg State K Cc.m - Ph 331 1 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked 75c LES SPRINGER. 464 Court St Monev to Loan General Finance Corp. offers money at once on cars, trucks furniture. trailer houses. livastock farm marchinerv. contracts refinanced 'and additional money advanced No co-signers General Finance is locally owned and officered, was organized in 1927 and therefoie knows and cad help , throughout the repaying of a loan Ap ! plications for loans made by phone 136 South Commercial Sts.. Salem Phone 9168 License S-irW & M -33$ SEE HUDKINS FIRST Monev to loan on good first mortgages. I Houses-Lots-Acreages-Farms I Low interest rates CHAS. HUDKINS & SON 275 State St. Phone 2-4129 FARM and "ITY LOANS 4' ' and 5 ' Your own terms or repayment with , in reason Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 207 Pioneer Trust Rldg Phone 7161 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 5TH rLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LJCENSEN M 159 $ MONEY $ REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contracts. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS Lie S-216 M-222 153 S High St, i Loans Wanted WANTED to borrow from private party. $5000 at 4. secured first rhort gage 54'r of aluaticn. Bank refer ences. Box P91 Statesman. Room and Board VFT wm 1ilra rnom anH f rraal a day. Near hieh school. D. W. Ram- sever. P. O. Box 464. Salem. For Rent Houses VACANCY 3 miles west on Dallas Highway. Box469. 2 RM. Cabin, not mod;, partly furn. Inq. 62 Williams Ave. For Rent FOR RENT: Small store. 944 NCnVl. BENCH Saw! paint sprayer, power cement mixer. 1140 S.22nd. Ph. 2-4546. GOOD Usert Piano H L Stiff FLOOR SANDER tor rent eomery Ward Hont- f RA1LEKS toi rent Wnodrv's Mkt 1U5 N bOc per br Summer TRUCKS for rent Vnu drive Mc 1 Cine A Lovell Phone 9600 . U-DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT ; Blankets furn 197 S Liberty PI. 9062 I floor Sander.-elec floor polisher j nd Uwn roicr Rawlins Hardware ! tn. Marshall Wells Store. Ph 6T77 ( Wanted to Rent I 13 CANS OF SPRY shortening" re ward, for information leading to suit able apt. or small house for rent. No children or pets Veteran Box 48 2 VETS & Wives wish 2 B"R. hse. Call Mrs. Campbell. Ph. 3512 bet. 9 A.M. ar 5:30 P.M. MIDDLE age working woman wants to share apt. with working woman, but cook separately. Must be near N. Capitol. Write Box 892 Statesman. 2 or 3 BR. house, furn. or unfurn. Vet Ar amily being evicted Jan. 1. Contact at 1240 Wilbur. Salem. YOUNG Couple "needs furn. apt. Will redecorate. No children or pets. Ph. 8357. 3 or 4 RM. Fum. apt. or house for employed couple and 16 yr. old high school bov. D. A. Saimdon. Stan Baker Motor Co. Ph. 4119. GOOD 2eftdrm. home to rent. Fur nished or unfurnished. Ph. 25089. TWO bed room house, town or i country, adults only. Will take good I care of property. No pets, liquor or ' tobacco. Ph. 2-2077. M. E. dapper, ; Rt. C. Box 390. Salem. FURN. or unfurn. home. Ph. 4577. QUIET respectable family would like to rent 5 rm. apt. or bungalow. A 1 references. Ph. 170M. Independence. Wanted to Rent TWO Employed young ladies must have 2 rm. turn. apt. Phone 4171 Ext. 405 between S and 5. For Sale Real Ettate FINE INVESTMENT WELL BUILT 2 story building 40x60 feet on choice lot 100x100 ft. Room for parking. 3 large well arranged apart ments upstairs: best of plumbing, hard wood floors, closets and built-ins. Oil furnace, steam heat. Downstairs. 3 rentals. Income about $325 per month. Priced right at $36,000. SEE LeoN. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9261 $1800 Furnished 4 rooms, nearly new. X lot. Immed iate possession. Owner leaving. C. E. Coville Real Estate Turner, Ore. Real Estate Ph.22 G. I. HOME This home is brand new. Well lo cated near Silverton road. 2 bed rooms. Furnace. Fireplace. Attached garage. Large lot. Full price $8400 00. For appointment to see call Mr. Mur- ; phy today. j D. Harold Murphv ' 208 N. High Realtor Phone 6026 1 Eve. 9785 i BARGAIN DAY j O'd fashioned 4 BR home located , In East Sa!em. very large lot w ith : fruit trees Priced to sell Immed iately $6250.00. Very reasonable terms. Call Allen Snyder for appointment. j D. Harold Murphv ! 208 N. High Realtor Ph. Dav 6026 ' Eve. 9785 i $1500 Full Price New 3 room house Just completed. Move right in. Some terms. C TP r,.I.;i. T 1 in , . ; .. 1.. -0lIlf reai ILMaie Turner, Ore. Real Estate. Ph. 22 HURRY $79c0 Good modern 4 bedroom house, with fireplace, wired for lange. full basement . furnace, dble. garage. N. on paved St Call Kay Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Phone 3793 341 Chemeketa St. Eve. 9441 To Be Sold This Week Pre-War Better Built. 2 bedrooms, attic. Elect. Water heater, wired for lange. large lot. Will carrv G.I. Loan $7575. 4 Bedrooms. Liv. Rm. Dining Rm. Good Kitchen. Nook. Full basement Double Garage For Imm. Sale. $8750. North Side: Duplex. 2 Bedrooms each apt. East: Duplex. 2 Bedrooms and fire place in each ipt South: Duplex: Well arranged. Full basement. Auto. Oil Heat. R. E. Meredith. Realtor 176 So Commercial Ph 8841 $590 NEW 5 room house, large lot. Nortri. electric hot water tank, parage, septic tank. Readv to move into. Call Ed. Smith. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Ph. 2-1549 341 Chemeketa St Eves. 9441 G. I. Si a - ST.r.oo pecia 2 B R. extra large lot. Several cherry Ax walnut trees. Close to bus & store Elec. range inc. Call for Mr. Isaak. M. O. HlinmhreVS & Co y. I nealtors 3035 Portland Rd Ph. 7820 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-4596 $13.C00. MODERN 2 BR home. Waf- nut Park Addition. Auto Oil Furnace : Beautiful Yard. Outside fireplace. Lots of Fruit. Sprinkling system in Yard. This is a wonderful home. Call Stanley Brown with Mate Finance Co., Realtors 153 S. High Phone 4121 i. Eves: 2-5561 I FOR efficient and effective sales service ca.l the Salem Realty Co NQWi I 3 B.R. on Creek Walking distance from city center. Hardwood firs. Basement, auto, heat Only $7775. Call Baron. j Reimann Real Estate ' "Listings Skillfully Handled" j 201 SoHigh Ph 3722 or J7836 MONEY TO LOAN cn rirst mort ; gages 4 to 6 Call for details Ed Bvrkit & Co. 339 Chemeketa Street Phone 5981 I $78003" BEDROOM home, fireplace. bath, shower, bsrr.t auto gas furn.ice. wired for rar.ee. close in. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St Phone 3793 Eve. 9441 INCOME PROPERTY i A nice home with income in a "splendid location, close in A reason able down payment, the income will pav out the balance. Full price $li 000 00 See Vick Bros, or F. G. , DelanoJ290 N. Church St. Phone57H). 2950 CLEAN New 3 Room home on ' large corner lot. Kitchen, builtins. Liv- : ing room. 1 bedroom. Immediate pos session Call Stanley Brown with ' State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S. High Phone 4121 Tvef 2-5561 NEW 3 rm. bungalow. acre culti- ' vated. best of soil, east of town, fur nished $4600. unfurnished $4100. See Gerger for details. Ph. 6472 2543 Portland Rd. Burt Picha. Realtors i TODAY'S SPECIAL I'i acre. 4 room house. 3 rooms corn- ! pletely furnished Has an elec. rerrig- i erator. bath. New. neat Ac clean. Price $4500. See Allen Jones or Mrs. Needham 341 State St.. Room 4 1 ACRE, new house 24x28. LR.. kitchen with built ins. wired for range, elect. H W. tank. ldy. trays, good well with pressure system. $6450. McGlauflin Reimann Real Estate "Listings Skillfully Handled"' 201 So High Ph 3722 or 7836 125 A. S.E. Ideal Stock Ranch. 40 A. in cultivation. 85 A. pastuie. good bottom soil, vear stream, family or chard. 4 RM house, elec, 30 days poss. Onlv $8000. Beautiful All Elec. 5 Rm Home lo cated N on a 63x146 lot. 2 BR. LR. Dr. Bath. Citv water. Bus by door. Onlv $13 500. 4 RM hse, shower, bath. Good 50x120 mt fenced in. Located N. 30 day Pois. $5000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service. 164 S. Com I St. Ph. 838. Eve. 7440 BY OWNER: Late built modern 2 bdrm. home. Nice built-ins. auto. heat. garage. 1505 Jefferson. $2000bOWN 2 bedrooms $5000. $5500 2 bedrooms South. $5750 new, 1 B R. cement brick const. $6300 new. Ca hi. style, hollow tile const. 1 bedroom. $6350 3 bedrooms. North. $7500 Apt- house $100 month in come. $7900 2 bedrooms. N.E.. very nice. $8750 4 bedrooms. Hwd. floors. $9250 3 bedrooms, full basement. $9450 4 bedrooms, fireplace and basement. $11.000 S room house. Hwd. floors, basement. $13.900 English Colonial. 2 bedrooms. Rosedale dist. 425 St 12th Eve. 7829 Phone 4855 BY OWNER: 6 rm. hse. 3 BJl.. re- ! modeled inside it out, Elec. range A j elec. water heater. Furn. or unfurn. Sacrifice price for quick sale. Leav ing state 1047Fir St.. Salem. i HOUSE with 2 partly furn. 4 rm. flats, one rented at $40 per mo. Bus ; at doorNear Set. Ph. 2-5282. "50xl24 LOT in No. 3 rone. S. 12th. j $800. Ph. 5695. 3 CHOICE Building lots 72xl3r. one lot 72 x237". Rl. 2. Box 9L U ml. west of Keizer school. For Sale Real Etate j To Buy or Charles DELFEL CHECK THE TURKEY PRICES Then invest in tiis 48-acre turkey ranch. All cultivated. Water piped on range. 3-rm. caretaker's house. Place is all fenced- Good water system. $10. 600. Terms. Sal 11 MILK CHECK EVERY MONTH About $250 monthly milk check from ihia 15-acre dairy set-up. 6-room hse.. 21 stanchion bam. large chix hse . hog shed, garage. 10 cows. Jersey and Guernsey, pure-bred Jersey bull, about 60 chix. 6 miles S. Amity. $9i00. Good terms. Sal 121. RUN SHEEP RUN And 129 acres to do it. SO acres pas tures. IS A. fescue. 10 acies oats. Sorre good timber. 4-room modern house. 12 stanchion barn, machine shed, chicken liouie Located near Mill City. $14,000. Terms. Sal 125. PAYS FOR ITSELF In 3 years this 15-acre bean r-r.ch can pay for itself. Nets apprcx. $6000 yearly Comfortable "-room r.uur. fa n ily orchard, chicken hse.. tractor ar.d other farm implements, some houe'-e'd furniture, many other attractions. $13 -500 Terms. Sal 131 SMALL TRACTS NEAR SALEM 5 acres trellised for beans, no bild inRS. Netv approx. $1500 ycarlv fro-. bean crop. Ideal lor part time farmer. $1600. Sal 133. 5 acres all in prunes and walnuts. No buildings. $140 net last year. Soil good for berries. $1100. Sal 134. DELFEL YOUR RENT RECEIPTS AND 5c will get you a ride on the svibway. Own this 3 bedrm. home and have some return for vour monev. House has been completely refinished inside and out. Richmond District. $8500. Sal 128X. YOU'VE BEEN WAITING for this. A small house, new. lots of built-ins. partly furnished. Near Four Corners. $6300. Terms. Sal 122X. DELFEL BUSINESS POTENTIAL ROADHOUSE New 2-story attractive buiid:rg on Hiway 99 just south of City Lt:i..: Two 5-rm. apts. upstairs. Laree rii:..ns room to seat 150 downstairs. Also priv ate dining room and bar. Could be cocktail lounge. Excellent buines in vestment. Call Mr. Ben ham for de tails. Sal 119 Inc. A MILLION TOURISTS Mill vi-it Oregon this summer. Be ready for the-11 with tus exceller.i 9JE location 4 modern cabins. 3'j acres beautiful g:ound for more cabins or trailer park 3 pump gas sta 37 ir.nr national truck, so ng fuel oil del;e-y business. 20 COO gal gas and f uel o .l monthly. Good fou--room ownei's home 20 miles N. ol Salem. $24i4.. Sal 20 Inc. CHARLES DELFEL, Realtor 615 N. Capitol St. - Phone 7002 Open 8 30 a .. to C j0 p m. On the Musgrave Market $5250. I M M E D . PO. A good plastered home, only 1J T D f-nmh Vil-DR 1 BR 4 Yrs locat- ed 101J 7th St . W. Salem. S68T5 Attractive 2 BR. W. Salem hone Unfinhed upstairs. Large fenced ir. lot. nice shrubs. -S8S00 Finished OLir turkey? Here is an otner treat." You'll netr s a r.eat?r new home than this Recently fims-.ed it imiklix from Hdw fleers up 2 N:ce BR s. lare LR . Attracme Kit would like to show it to you We So. Salem. $9500 Furnished. 1mm. Poss. Nearly new 2 BR. home nice Kit . DR. LR . Fire place lots of built-ins. Attached ga rage. You'll get a big new refrigerator, a large Zenitri Comb. Radio, a daver.- nort & chair, cne nice oeoroo pius an extra bed. a dining set T-ere 's an oil fir. furnace too So. Saie:r.. SI 0.500 Let's move out Wallace Road jut a little was to anotner nrariy r.c 2-B R hoir.e. ' Acre lot. E er ir..r.g electric in ti.is hoir.e SI 1 500 A modern tanch house designed io. easv living. 2 Loxcly Dearooms. la living rm . big w.ndows. dining r-r . kitchen, electric heat. Up to four acres of finest soil can be had. Walter Musjrrave. Realtor 1233EDGEWATER PHONE 5!0- ha an inco- t sir? czn b ctr - $14.500 -THIS HOUSE as 3 rooms upt veited into an A pa: tit y.: . !u. plumbed, dow nsta;rs'?j-eie i Ttie bedioon.. hv.ng rcd-ri. u.t -ing room, kitchen atij r.nok with half bath. There - a'. a sleep. ng porch, attractive va'd with a earage Possessitm w.t.i in 30 das from date cf sale Transportation' and st're close bv We have a client who ov. - 30 acres all under culm a ior. small hou.-t. well is 90 ft deep, close tn school Would li'e to irade for a 3 bedroom hou-e in Salem $8000 A 2 storv house with 3 bed:oorr.s upstairs and bath, down-ta rs vou v. ill have a living roon.. dining room, kitchen, wood fur nace and an enclosed back porch Tnere is quite a lot of furniture that goes with the place. On a thru street, excel lcpt coiner lot with fruit tree shrubs. Shown by appointment onlv. P. H. Bell. Realtor 510 Gua iji . an Building Salem. Oregon MAGNIFICENT VIEW OF CITY & SURROUNDING MOUNTAINS SEVEN year old home with four lare bedrooms, ail w ilii walk-in closets 2 baths, 3 linen closelJ. spacious iiv.r.a room, fireplace, dream kitchen ar.d dinette combination. Full base -re: r witfi automatic oil furnace. Double ga rage Beautifully landscaped Shown b appointment onlv $16,000. Call JAMES B. HARTMAN with Leo N. Child, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 92S1 YOU CAN'T 3Ut sit still and get a home, come in and see how we car. help you to a farm, city horre. or acreage. Luse Realtv , f Dl 1 VJregOn rJUl , $2000 DOWN and $35 per month buvs this 2 bdrm. house in desirable no:ir location. Deep lot. Heating and cook.r.g units furnished. Drive by 1175 Spruce St.. then call us lor showing. Full pr.ee. $4900. Salem Realtv Company REALTORS 149 N. HightStreet Phone 7660 Our Best Buy ! 9 Reasons Why! 1 Centrally located 2. Close schools. State House. North 3 Below prevailing prices. 4 An extra lot $15001. , 5 3 BR. all first floor. Living Ac dining, comuinea. imv Full base., auto. heat, f place 8 North front, shade, double gar. 9 Ideal home for entertaining. There are other reasons why. Only $9450', cash. C. . H.S ANDERS 231 N. High 5838 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION on tms 5 rm. 4 year old home north. Redec orated In Ac aut. wired for range, large lot. plenty of room for that spring garden. $6850. $2850 down. Sullivan Realtv Co. 3369 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255." Eves. 2-3103 1 For Sale Real EUte Sell See Delfel FARMS RAISE MOO JHCI On this 27-acre potec. a da ry AO under cultivation. 12 nnnc-KW bar. chicken house and o:h: o bu.id.rs- 6- rm. moaem bouse wired for- e'-ert. rarj.e. Could be a fire da.ry. Priced b!o average at $U-5:c. Loca'ed just north of Gervai Sal 13C SUNN YS IDE FRUIT FARM 10 acres of old orchard 25 cr.er rr . M prunes. Z appVr. Has a'wav r-ai good cover crop. F-51 ir. -a e $3ie crop No buUaings. Priced to sell a' $3150. Sal 140. CREEK DRAINS SOTX See t:e 35 acres of W::a-r.elt siht loam. 29 acres in red cUiver Aro iut United Growers contract for strater tis. 7-r m. modem r.cuse. wall to wall carpet 36x42 barr. 5 rr-.le eat of S lerr.. SIS.OOC Sal 142. ANOTHER DAIRY BUY Grade A barn. 1 steel starcr.iorts. 4S acres good soil a'l unit- cv:t: at:ofv. 7- rir.. modern house. Year rijrd creek and a (cod duck lke Vau 1! I:ke ifti or.e. 2 mi:.. S E of Fo-r Corners $23. 0t0 Sal 144 IF YOU NEVER BELIEVE ADS Call us on ln one. T-.:t cs teaiiy a sacr-fice Potent a 1 ir.come of $44M yearly on this 40-arre crt.cken ranch. Gooo plastered 3-bef t"0"!' .lur. rr.od e. r 4 large c.icke". rour. brack hatchrrv. 6 brooder roue. Excellent condition. $13,000 Sal 144 HOMES SUBURBAN HCMC On la acres, good room modera cottage. 3 fcedrms . 2k2S ham. ctira: hse . double garage, a.l fenced, good wattr svstem v.: from cifv limita. $11 PC Sal 145 SUBURBAN CHICKEX FARM J'.- acres Willamette sit aarr- Oid S b-iiooni house dene over ins-ae New 24 x 50 chicken house 2 tanciKci barm. On Lancaster Dne Sal 144 $7SOa. OPPORTUNiTTES FAINT ERS ONLY Have sleazy year arc jnd proposittoet fcr a painter. Pare', trjek. tra Wr. spray guns, a.r ar.d pa.r.t -ore. com-pr-or. tank brushe ar-3 Vher e-flutp-p.-t Cor.tract cove::r. Soutnern Or. :rs.res steady work. gd pro:t Ail goes foi 4 Sal !'.$ Irc FLY BOYS ATTENTION " Here an a ppor? u :-. . v lo car. oei yo.r war time trair.-r.g We ha local flying service cor.pjete w : . a oale:r.ir and several new tt.r Near ly 1 tidy for the G I program, fona in ri gc ever the de:a:r As for Mr. Niiscn. Sal 117 Inc. $7500 00 A coenfortab'e hornr m W-st Sarr.. c)oe to tx' and kt1. Living room, k tctten 2 rvo looms .and ta-.- garage Will trade Tor acreage w:tr..n 10 nuirs of Salens. S7S0C 00 Orr Kingwood Drive we offer a home w ith 3 fed rourm lr ing iwm. kitchen and nooa bath roe m and ga-aaje. Immediate; possession. $7650 00 Heie is a god home, north, clew to bus line. cnool and Mere 2 bed room living tccoi,' c nir.g loom, k .tenet, bath rooon. basement ca water heater, f.uit trees, the la: ts 120x50 W can give m r-ta:e posve-ssion. $775 i North I7ih Srree w.: i a lot 48x15. bura-c pe Tr 2 led rooms. living room, din.ng room, kitcKen ana r.x-ii oejs ..ne and school c!ose b'- s'eep.cji pr in. toe 1 house. greennouse. f : jit tiet-s oil heater range mciuoett in the price $58CO 0U An older t; pe hoei&e w ith 2 b-d rooms !:v r.i rirr.. !:n:r.r lotm kitcher. a-d panrrv. Q;te a 1 ttle fru.T. 8&:o N E just c Girder Read, a g 2 sto: hwe w :?r. an ' tcte of grou: J 1 bed rt-em,- lth. living dining rocm. kitchen and ?-! down and I bed looms up VMeiarj bl.rjs. oil circulator. H '. P-:nt rr included ;n t - pr -ce U::.it-r lot-m and ga:ae This is a gci buy. $9"1 w In Hrmsfcd DtriCt the "ict is 5tri0C' a 4 hd room he s. 1 ving room d.n ng room kit chen and bat: ju'o gas heater arxj trash bur. -For complete dfi piea.se call P. H. Bell. Realtor Phil Bell H P Gi;tafsoo H A Lammers Geo Sundlw 510 Guardian Building Saietu. OregMi Leo N. Chiltls. Inc., Realtor YEAR END BARGAINS UNFINISHED NEW :;o,ise Wir.dows ar-.c crors in. cemen: f oundatton . sr.in e'.e :ct Almost 2 a-:es .rxeellen: st.iL Located in fast developing ecto. Price $360C rs all for tr.:s lovir new home. Laise l.vir.g room, kir-hen and din ette combination. 2 -edrcooi La-ge unfinished attic; uti :r roorr. Auto matic o'l furnace A-'ached ga--re. Lots of room frr a garden Call us for an icpointment CORNER DISTINCTION Lovely S or 4 bedroom home. I;v:n room with f. replace, dining tco:r. kitchen w ita built-ns Venetian blinds full tase mert. Garage Lar.dscaoed to perltc Uon. Price $12 000 CALX JAMES B HARTMAN or K N VOORHEES with Leo N. Child. Inc. REALTORS 344 State St Phone Wl COMMERCIAL A IXD"STRXAL SITES 60x100. North $12 51x100 South $2Jj l5.rl0S close in STiH 8ixl40 near State B de $3"7T0 r')so. rloM in S42UM 1874e4 N of cr-. MOO Walter Soeolofskv Re a 1 Estate ph 83? TO BUY OR SELL SEE THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N High St Phone 2-473 rr ftonfilatrsmaa ADVERTISING Western Advertising Rep rese r. U li v e Ward-Griffith Company. Inc San Francisco Eastern Advertising Represents ti re Ward-Grtffrth Company. tne Chicago New York. DetrorC Boatoei. Atlanta Member Pacific Coast Division Bureau of Advertising; E-atrred at ta. PosroffVe at Sa. lam. Or toon as 5ecod Claas Mat ter Publiisisd rrTv 0 aaav ex cept Mowdey Bwaraesi fftce tl$ South Cooasmercaai Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mail SubKnpuoo Rates ta Ad ance: WHBM Oregon: Ooily and Sunoay. sao ceeiU; oaaav C3 25; I year S oa raw stiiri mo or fTM for I tear I Per ropy i cents By City Carrier. 73 cents a anonta. $9 00 a year fen adrancs) and adjarexst count: ea.