The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 27, 1946, Page 9, Image 9

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Invitations are in the mail to a
pre-dance party for which Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Bell and Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Hamilton will be
hocts on New Year's eve before
the Subscription club dinner
dance at the Marion hotel.
The affair will be held at the
Bell home on Leslie street with
forty guests bidden to attend.
Mrs. Althea Drillon of Port
land has arrived in Salem to
spend the remainder of the holi
days at the home of her brother
in-law and sister, the Kenneth
A Holiday
Mr. and Mrs. Norval Edwards
will be hosts for a holiday party
Saturday night at their State street
home for twenty-eight of their
The evening will be spent in
formally in the hosts new game
room and later a buffet supper
will be served. The table will be
centered with an arrangement of
twin rd plass vases filled with
red carnations and white fern.
OES to Install
New Officers
Salem chapter. OrdeF of the
Kastern Star, will hold an open
Installation on Saturday night at
Masonic temple. The hour is 8
o'clock. A buffet supper will fol
low the installation.
Installing officers are to be Mrs.
Ben Felger. installing matron;
PhMlip Schweitzer, patron: Mrs.
William Merriott, marshall; Mrs.
E. E. Bergman, chaplain; Mrs.
Pear Speer. organist.
Elective officers to be installed
re Mrs. William Newmyer, wor
thy matron: Charles Boyer, worthy
patron: Mrs. Mana Yoder. assist
ant worthy matron: William Mer
riott. assisting worthy patron;
Mrs. Claude Pott, conductress; Mrs.
lUiisell Beutler. assistant conduct
ress; Mrs.. Robert Keudell. sec
retary; Mrs. Elmo McMillan, treas
urer. Appointive officers are Mrs.
Nellie Hiday. chaplain: Mrs. Dora
Wallace, marshall;. . Mrs. James
Darby. Adah; Mrs. Ilarrv Lucas.
Buth: Mrs. Robert Keudell. Esth
er: Miss Helen Fletcher. Martha:
Mrs. Charles Boyer. Electa: Mrs.
John Oraybill. warder and Wil
liam Newmyer, sentinal.
Majeks Holiday Hosts
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Majek
and daughter JoAnne are hosts to
members f f the family during the
holidays at their home on King
wood Drive. Present for the fes
tivities hiie been Mr. and Mrs.
M. E. DeGree cf Vancouver. Wash,
parents of Mr. Majek. Mr. and
Mrs. George Kellogg, her brother-in-law
and sister, and Miss
Frances DeGree of Spokane, an
other sister.
Mrs. Hubert duBois Lewis en
tertained a buffet supper on
Christmas Gifts were exchanged
during the e-. ening. Guests were
Mr. and Mis. L. C Van Winkle,
Nancy and Lewis of Corvallis. Mr.
ani Mis. Herman W. Lanke and
Jan. Mr. and Mrs. Geoi e B.
Hager and Anita. avd Marie
Loui-e j-.nd Herman duBois
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Long are
the parents of a little Ixiy. Gary
L" born on December IS at the
Salem General hospital. Mrs.
Long is T:;e to; mer Doris Hannon.
The baby, who weighel eisht
pounds nd five ounces, is the
grand-on cf Mr. and Mr-s. Tom
Jf-nnon sr.d Mr. and Mrs. Ches
ter Lorg. ail of Salem.
Today's Pattern
McCormick Women'! class rt lunch
eon with Mrs. Roy fedje. 2460 S.
Commercial St.. 1:15 p. in.
Women' Bible class. First Metho
dist church, with. Mrs. Merlin Estep,
8SO E st . 2 p. m.
' Chadwtck chapter. OES. Installation.
Masonic Temple, p.m.
Leave for
Mrs. John H. Bagley and her
: son. John Reid. are entraining to
night for New Orleans, from
I where they will either sail or fly
! to Panama to join Major Bagley
on January 3.
Major Bagley is commanding
officer of the 660th topographic
battalion at Fort Davis. Panama
Canal Zone. He has already se
cured officers' quarters for his
family near the post.
Mrs. Bagley and her son have :
heen in Salem for the nast civ '
months at the home of her moth
! er, Mrs. Cora Reid. awaiting or
j ders. The Bagleys made their home
here before he entered the serv
ice. Tea to Honor
' A farewell tea is being planned
j for Miss Ruth Field, missionary,
: who will leave soon for Calcutta,
j India, at the First Methodist
church. The affair, set for 5 to
6:30 on Sunday, will be in the
Carrier room of the church.
The party is being sponsored
by the Woman's Society of Chris
tian Service and the Pierian
; class, with Miss Laura Hale as
; chairman. All friends of Miss
' Field are invited.
A Christmas Baby
A little boy, Carl Evald. Ill,
was born on Christmas day to
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Hultenberg.
Jr. (Jean Webb-Bowen) at the
: Salem Deaconess hospital.
The baby, who weighed seven
pounds and fourteen ounces, is
the grandson fo Mr. and Mrs. E.
C. Webb-Bowen of Klamath
Falls and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hul
tenberg of Pacific City, formerly
of Salem.
A pre-Christmas dinner was
served to several out-of-town
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John J. Doerfler at McAlpin
Sunday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Doerfler of Tacoma. Mr.
and Mrs. Marvin Bunold. Sacra
. mento. Mr. and Mrs. John M.
Doerfler and Mrs. Lucy Lichty.
Salem. Miss Mae Butcher and
Russell Lichty, Portland.
By Rural Reporter
:5A 4J4
Stayton Honor
Roll Pupils
Are Listed
STAYTON-Pupils of St. Mary's
on the honor roll for perfect at
tendance, having been neither ab
sent nor tardy for the first six
weeks period:
First grade: George Beitel, Al
len Boedigheimer, James Parrish.
Robert Stuckart, Kenneth Van
Djyesche. Ai-drey Darby. Louene
Fery, Maryanne Freres. Rose Ma
rie Freres. Mary Alice Godfrey,
Donna Mae Rubel, Donna Welter.
Second grade: Allen Dozler. Le
Roy Foltz, Donald Murphy, Dan
iel Pietrok, Joseph Purdy, Gerald
Schmitz. Alan Silbernagel. Thom
as Wolf. Thomas Mack, Rita Beit
el. Darlene Boedigheimer, Arlene
Bye. Jo Ann Fery. Eileen Klamp.
Darlene Klamp. Lola Ann Kline,
Linda Van Handel.
Third grade: Alan Bell. Mar
garet Bischoff. Ronald Boedig
heimer. Darla Darby, Mary Ellen
Fery. Mary Ellen Hoffman. Alvin
Lambrecht. Robert Lindeman,
Marcella Minten, Nancy Nielson.
Marcella Parrish, Harold Pietrok.
Dale Rubel. Gary Spaniol. Betty
Jean Tomjack, Urban Van Han
rel. Christine Wechansky, Roy
Welter. Shirley Welter.
Fourth grade: Joanne Albus.
Lanita Boedigheimer, Carole
Frank. Duane Hoffman. Gerald
Klamp. Gerald Lindeman. Shar
on Meyerhofer. Patrich Murphy.
Francis O'Connor, Frances Peters,
Charles Pietrok. Raymond Pie
trok. Charlene Schmitzs, William
Fifth grade: Gary Boedigheimer,
Gerald Darby. Rose Foltz. George
Gisler, Gerald Kintz. Geraldine
Kline, Mary Lou Kremer, Wayne
Minten, David Neitling, Roger
Nielson, Lois O'Connor, David
Parrish: Shirley Robl. Ronald
Silbernagel. James Thoma. Nestor
Van Handel.
1 Sixth- grade: Caroline Bischoff.
Helen Fery, Kathleen Fery, James
Frichtl, Lylia Mae Kline, Doris
Lambrecht. Maxine Lindeman,
Bernard Minten, Shirley Minten.
Virginia Pietrok. Marvin Sand
berg, Sherry Spaniol, David Van
Handel. Gladys Van Handel.
Seventh grade: Douglas Bar
row, Richard Boerigheimer, Dav
id Meyerhoffer, Edwin Nielson,
George Peters, Jeanette Kintz,
Rose Mane Kirsch, Carol O Con
nor. Marilyn Palmer, Roe Pie
trok. Jean Stewart.
Eighth grade: Gordon Burns.
Elmer Klamp, Donald Minten,
Donald O'Connor, Darlene Doz
ler, Marlene Frank. Eleanor Gor
man, Marlene Odenthal.
When the talk turns to beaus,
and bov. and How to Acquire a
Squire just tmile dreamily and
think of your new basque-dirndl
with its bow-bustle. Pattern 4948.
This pattern, easy to use. sim
ple to tew. is tested for fit. In
cludes complete illustrated in
structions. Pattern 4948 comes in teen-age
sizes 10, 12, 14. 16. Size 12 frock
takes 3 yards 39-inch fabric.
Send TWENTY-FIVE cenU in cotm
for this pattern to The Oregon States
man. Aim Adams. IS Fst St.. San
Francico S. Calif Print plainly NAME.
Just out the new Anne Adams
FALL and WINTER tMS-47 Pattern
Book! Send fifteen cents more tor
your cop? now I It will bring you
fashions for Lb who la familv
(On All Hakes )
All Wark Gwar&atee
A group of Portland wool deal
ers and textile manufacturers,
worried over the drop of Oregon's
wool clip from some 19 million
pounds to less than 8 million
pounds within the past 10 years,
have organized the Portland Wool
Trade association and elected
Harold G. Russell as president.
Roy Ward was named vice presi
dent; James Coone, secretary
treasurer, and Clarence Bishop,
Roy Bishop, and K. H. Pickens,
The aim of the new organiza
tion will be to develop a long
range program which will give
Northwest wool producers an in
centive to re-enter the sheep bus
iness and boost this section's an
nual wool clip to its one-time
Oregon's sheep population is es
timated to have been reduced some
80 per cent.
Turkey men say that one thing
is certain in this uncertain season
of turkey raising. The one certain
thing is that growers will keep
far less breeding toms and hens
than they did last season. Includ
ed among the factors contributing
to the reduction are high feed and
labor costs, a drop of poultry pric
es below the high level received
during the meat control period,
and recollection of the losses prev
iously sustained by beginning
breeder flqck owners who kept
birds to February IS without sell
ing any eggs. Most of the hatch
ery plants plan to go into action
around February 1, they reported
this week.
Valley poultrymen said Thurs
day "they thought that the chicken
market would strengthen follow
ing the Thanksgiving and Christ
mas turkey buying sprees. But
turkey men report that their "Eat
More Turkey" is a yea r-a round
campaign from now on. Geese and
ducks were reported very diffi
cult to obtain during the past
SILVER TON William Kar
bel has bought the Par ton Ap
pliance company and moved his
plumbing lisplay into the base
ment of the building. The Spen
cer Speciality shop will continue
Guests at
Brooks Homes
BROOKS Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Davis and children Lavern and
Doris Anne, and Mrs. Davis bro
ther left Sunday morning for Un
derwood, Iowa, to visit relatives.
They will also visit Ha r land, la.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Ramp have
gone to Bremerton to spend the
Christmas holidays with their son
and daughter-in-law and Mrs.
Earl Ramp.
The Hospital of Jesus Naxareno
in Mexico City was founded by
Hernando Cortes in 1524.
to occupy the other part of the
building with Karbel.
The Stat man. Saint. Oregon. Friday. Dsctmbw 27. 19489
Boys Inspect
Salem Plants
On YM Tour
More than 63 boys took part In
the YMCA's first open house edu
cational tours Thursday through
the Vat ley Packing company and
the Salem Linen Mill. An unde
termined number were conducted
through the Cherry City Baking
company last night.
As part, of the annual holiday
program when boys in Salem are
invited to use the Y's sports and
I educational facilities as guests, the
tours will be conducted each
morning on Friday and Saturday
of this week and Monday mod
Tuesday of next.
This morning the tours will go
through the state prison and stale
forestry building and Saturday
through the Kay Woolen Mills.
Monday's tour is unannounced and
Tuesday the boys will be conduct
ed through the Oregon Pulp and
Paper Mill.
Lawn Sprinkling System
C S. Wbitcomb and Co.
Free Cstisaates
Aak about our Special Winter
Rates. We also have materials.
Phone 21619
money at
Z&atxii Ccfi. l-Ib. can43
neb EUl Ccffte 39 77
BAG 37' lV1.10
ELI. B. Caffee cj5 44 87
Oust & Sta&exa Ceifee 44
Salted Peanuts
Mixed Nut Meats
m art 1
(Ja&newr or AimonasT-o. t
Shelled Vecanti&SZSn 39"
Large Filberts '-. 39
Large Pecans8"
Routed Peanuts " Aca 29
Fresh Almonds 'XL i-'bpkg. 42
Mixed Nuts in i 39c
We reserve
the right to
Umtt quantities
When you consider that nearly 1100 meals will be prepared in your
kitchen next year, buying food for the family takes on new impor
tance. Even a small saving on each day's purchases can add up
to worthwhile amounts. Your Safeway offers you an opportunity to
make the kind of regular savings that will do wonders for your bank
account. And you'll enjoy the finest in foods guaranteed to please.
Just a 30-day test at Safeway will prove you're on the right track.
Buy all your food at Safeway and see how you save.
"mt 27
oxI'tim 49s
Miner's 5-lb. $.39 Milter'! 1-lb.
Valley Pail X Orange Blossom jar
Dill Pichles ae. 3.'or- It. 15c
Cheddar Cheese wEffk ,. 59
Grapefruit Sagn2 20c G'ire- 22c
Canned. JaacU.
Choice Prunes taono.,cah 19
Sweet Potatoes '""olmcsM 25
Spinach Rocai 18 & 15
Tomatoes btanoarid" no.ican 25
Crab Legs nosMmD 39.
Smoked Oyster Slices &7S? 39
Baby Foods Heinz, stromed tin 7e
Baby Foods Ccrbr, rr. par tin 7
Baby Foods Clopp's, troined tin 7e
UU Cracks rs TA-TT "fli ox 39
SwtU Crackers 0000 33
Gratia Crackers Hotl9riD 2S
Bits Crackers
Cfceez-it Crackers
Q-tlt Crackers
Mb. box29
6-oz. pkg. 4c
1-tb. box 27
Apple Sauce
All prices ore subject to change without notice
Redwood Empire
No. 2
1-Ui. JAR Oil
fon mars ta fortv-seveu
Be sure of quality . . . serve Safeway guaranteed meats
Hen Turkeys
Tom Turkeys
u. 55c
Vi Tom Turkeys nru,
Picnic Hams
Smoked Whole,
Bone-in LB.
45 c
Grade A
lb. pkg-.
Beef Roost
Pork Roost
Pork Chops
Pork Roost
Fresh Fv$ted Eteermte ChUKens!
Grade A
Cut up
Grado A Fowl
Cut up for stew
fricassee Lb. 59
iHcuML boon. Hsducxid. !
No. 2
q While it
Grapefruit Juices
Town House Natural
No. 2ffc 46-oz.
can I I con
TIP No. 2 can
Raspberry Preserves
Plum Preserves , ,b or23
Chopped Olives UBBT"- no. tih 13
Hamburger Relish NA"o. jar 25f
American Cheese WVLVK&. M.15
Red Hill Catsup 1 3 !-. bottle 20
Vegetable Juice, V-8 1631
Tomato Juice l lc ot 25
Tomato Juice L,bbv 47"z con 25
Canned Milk OR DAItlOOLO CAM a 13
Variety Pack Kellogg cereoU pkg. 24
Post Tens cereal assortment pkg, 24
Old Dutch Cleanser 2 15
Floor Wax.??oi r59 0 9f
t.n nr.
Blended Juice
Blend o' Gold
Orange and Grapefruit
No 2
A Ac Whileit
I losrs!
Always farm-fresh, always-at the peak of goodness
b. 6c
ib. 13c
Apples Fm- 12
15 ck" !P)C
25-lb. )C
Mince tviecii
None-Such 28-oz. jor 41
Volomont 2-lb. or 4fc
English Moid 30-oz. 2t
Collins 5oz 'tor 2Je
White Flour 5.ib.
White Flour io-ib. Cc
Cone Sugor
10-lb. paper sock
Beet Sugar
10-lb. cloth bog
Pitted Dotes r-c
Pork Row 6-oz. pkg. IX)
Apple Rings r-c
Empire, dried. 8-oz. pkg. 3
Dried Pears -c
Empire brand, 1 2-oz. pk. i
r I r ' " "
dddd rn
"I'm sure you won't mind waiting. They aay it
just take a jiffy to shop at Safeway .
ana bag set Drtriea rum
f Ornww SU Call HP
plus a FREE pattern for f "Ts liat