8 The Statesman, Salem. Oregon. Fridar. Decsmbf 27. 1948 College Set Hosts for Parties The college set is busy enter taining with numerous gay holi day parties. Tonight George Alexander, who is home from the University ot Oregon, will entertain infor mally at the home of his parents, the senior George Alexanders. The party will be a farewell for Lt. Mack Maison, who leaves Sat urday for Norfolk, Va., and Lt. and Mrs. William Earl Snell, who also leave Saturday to return to San Diego. They have been here at the homes of their parents during the holidays. Ah-o sharing honors will be Lt. and Mrs. Stuart Nelson, who are here from Pensacola, Florida. A Birthday Luncheon Patsy Nickens, an Oregon State college co-ed, will be hostess for a dessert luncheon Saturday aft ernoon at her apartment at the Royal Court for a group of co eds home from college for the hol idays. The affair will celebrate Miss Nicken's birthday and the cake will center the table. Guests of the hostess include the Misves Peggy Paxson, Cathy Moran, Peggy Sears, Barbara and Gloria McClintock, Midge New ton, Jane Carson, Delores Ham ilton, Delores Clement, Dorothy Bergsvik. Harriet Huston, Joan Fitzmaurice, Doris Dixon, Joan Randall, Barbara Sundet, Joan Lochead, Mariann Croisan, Avis Steimer and Madeleine Keene. Shower for a Bride Mrs. Robert Greene (Beverly Davenport), who is home from San Mateo Junior college, will be honored at a miscellaneous shower tonight when Mrs. W. H. McCune and her daughter, Mrs. Leonard Odom, entertain at the formers home on North 19th street. A dessert supper will be served with an evening of con tract following. Holiday greens and candles will provide the dec orative note. Honoring Mrs. Greene will be the Misses Janet Kirk, Elizabeth Nelson, Roberta Meyer, Carroll Gragg, Margie Cooley, Addyse Lane, Carolyn Carson, Marjorie Tate, Connie Cocking. Darlene Gardner, Betty Zoe Allen, Jo Ann Tweedie, Mrs. Ronald Craven and the hostesses. Holiday rueste at the Georre Xlooi head home on North Cottage street are their son Van, home from University of Oregon and a Delta Upsilon fraternity broth er, William Eeal of Lanikai, Oahu, T. H. Today's Needlecraft C UL.Q. Keep Spring in your home all year! Embroider these floral de signs roses, tulips and pansies on linens. Crochet pineapple edge. Three-way crochet motif. Pat tern 795 has transfer of 6 motifs about 42xl2 inches; crochet di rections. Laura Wheeler's new, im proved pattern makes needlework so Miiipie hiiu iu nidi i., yntjmj, concise directions. Send TWENTY CENTS In coins for thu pattern to The Oregon States man, Laura Wheeler, First and Stev enson Sts.. San Francisco 3. Calif Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. Fifteen cents more brings you our newest Needlecraft Catalogue the 194S edition 112 illustrations of de signs for crochet, knitting, quilts, em broidery, toys, handicraft a free pattern for cuddle toys printed right In the catalogue. Mrs. Edna Haaland, Owner iff Specializing in Swedish Hassage ALSO Scientific Reducing - Zone Therapy -Hydro Therapy - Colon Therapy A Society Clubs Music .... The Home MAHNE BUREN JERYME ENGLISH Woman's Editor Society Editor 1 r. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harmon of Fruitland, who cele brated their golden wedding anniversary at their home in October. (Kennell-Ellis photc). Visitor Feted At Dinners Mr. and Mrs. Ira Fitts have as their house guest during the hol idays her sister. Miss Lucy Staples of Alhambra, Calif .. formerly of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Fitts were hosts for a family dinner on Christmas day in honor of the visitor. Thursday night Colonel and Mrs. Eugene Foster entertained at dinner at their apartment at the Deveraux for Miss Staples. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Irwin have invited guests to a fireside sup per tonight at their home. Guests will be Mrs. Zoa Van Winkle, sis ter of Mr. Irwin, who is here from Moscow, Idaho, for the holi days, Miss Staples, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Fitts and Mrs. Mabel Staples. Mrs. Van Winkle is house mother at the Delta Gamma house on the University of Idaho campus. Dinner Party I For Employees The Martin Bros. Neon Sign Co. recently entertained their em ployes at dinner at the "Hub" res- j taurant. Albany, in the Coral j room. Later the party motored j back to Salem to the home of Wal- j ter E. Martin where games and ; dancing were enjoyed. At mid night. Mrs. Martin served a buf fet lunch assisted by Miss Wanda Tanner and Miss Jeanette Mar tin. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. H. Tanner, Mr. and Mrs. Marlowe Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Fish Day Post Christmas Appetites Invite Fish Menu for a Day or Two By Maxioe Bur en Statesman Woman's Ed. tor Circumstances including the feeling of comfortable repletion which follows a feast day, and the fact that it is Fiiday would suggest fish for today. Looking in the fish man's window we find that lute fisk is again with us, a casualty of war years. and in case you are a Scandina v ian you'll enjoy a good mess of this delightful food. If you are not of Scandinavian blood, and have never indulged in lute fbk. I'd suggest making the acquaint ance t a good Swedish or Nor wegian cook and hinting for an invitation to a lute fisk dinner. You really have to be Scandi navian, or else a layman of epi curean tastes to appreciate this fish. For myself, I love it and would be willing to change the name to Bjoren to have the pleasure of dining on it occasion ally providing there's a pound of butter in the audience. But there are other fish of fered by the man who specializes in same. Finnan ljaddie is a fish not known to a large number of cooks, but very much appreciated by those who do know how to prepare it. Simplest way is to poach in milk for about 25 min utes, drain off liquid and spread with butter and bake a few min utes in a moderate oven. Poach ing means keeping it below the boiling point. Some follow the poaching routine by adding cream sauce and hard cooked eggs and bake until well heated through and browned on top. Still others like You Are Cordially Invited to attend the Grand Opening Saturday, Dec. 28th OF THE Scientific Heallh Sludio (Formerly McAlvins Health House) 543 N. Chorch St. 1 V, f . f. . ii Banning, Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Pearce,, Mrs. Nettie M. Smith Miss Roberta Ross, Evelyn Martin, Al G. Dillabaugh and Dennis Dixon. Will Fly to Germany Mrs. Richard Beyers and her two-year-old daughter, Jane, are leaving Salem Saturday morning by train for New York City, prior to leaving by plane for Heidel berg to join Captain Beyers. The young matron and her daughter plan to arrive in Ger many next weekend. Since Cap tain Beyers left for Europe in the summer his wife and daugh ter have been in Salem at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gardner. Cosmis Dance Is Tonight The Cosmis dancing club will hold its emi-formaI dance tonight at Mayflower hall, with Sunny St. Clair and her orchestra fur nishing the music. Hours for dancing are from 9:30 to 12:30. Hosts for the affair are Mr. and Mrs. James Pike and Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Daue. Members are asked to come early for e'.ection of officers. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne F. Smith entertained at a family dinner pn Christmas day. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Warren Smith, Miss Myrtle Rorden of Portland, Mrs. Pearl Carter of Corvallis, Mrs. Nettie M. Smith, Miss Doro thy Fredden, Carolyn and Roger Smith of Salem. to soak the fish in milk for an hour, then bake in a moderate oven for 30 minutes, then make a sauce by sauteeing chopped on ion, chopped green pepper, sea soning with salt, cayenne and paprika and adding flour, then milk to make a sauce. This is cooked a few minutes, the finnan haddie is then added and the fish is put in a baking dish. The sauce is poured over it, crumbs are added and the dish is put into the oven until top browns. Though finnan haddie is smoked and salted, the flavor is mild. Often the milk in which soaked may be used for sauce. Steelhead salmon coming from the Columbia river is also in the market. Baked or steamed, it's good for post Christmas meals. A sweet sour sauce is excellent as a topping. Red snapper and fillet of sole are also on the dealer's list of fresh fish. Each is good baked, or can be fried or broiled. r t9. .cravat!? Tonight ... do what most mothers do to relieve mis eries of children's colds: Simply rub warming, sooth ing Vlcks VapoRub on throat, chest and back at bedtime. Results are so good because VapoRub special relief-bringing action starts instantly ... and keeps on working for hours during the night who the chad sleeps. Often by morning most misery of the cold is gone. Remember, Mother . . . be sure you get the one and only Vlcks VapoRub. 7 4. V - Km M -i. i I RAfl Hostesses to Give Party Tonight Jeannette Martin, daughter of the Walter E. Martins, and Lou ella McClellan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. McClellan, will be hostesses for a holiday party tonight at the Martin home on South Church street for a group of the high school set. Dancing will be enjoyed during the evening with refreshments served by the hostesses, assisted by their parents. Bidden are the Misses Betty Carroll, Evelyn Bishop, Betty Brinkley, Dolly Davidson, Joan Jaqua, Diane Perry, Lila Parmen tier, Delores Ammann, Ann Brown, Elizabeth Apple, Ro Jean Boehm, Barbara Simms. Shirley Karsten. Barbara Byerly, Joan Buell, Barbara Johnson. Walter Wesley. James Houck, John Ericksen. Don Ray, Glenn Wagers, Wade Carter, Jerry Hale. Tom Paulus, Ritchy Hall, Keith Farnum. Dyle Fussell. Allan Gil christ, Bud Michaels, Ronnie Cum mings, Dave Chamberlain, Rod ney Beals. Bob Seamster and Dar rel Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Ellis of Eugene are visiting In the capital at the home of Mrs. J. Lincoln 1 Group Reo;. up to 29.75 11 1 Group Reo; up to 34.75 IF quit -TirSflin mm eall (Cmits as00 1 Group Reg. Price 29.75 200 1 Group Reg. Price 4S.7S Several i raoii? . 1 Gill? . They are Super Values and You Will Want Several of These Better Dresses to Supplement Your Ward robe, v I SWEATERS 1 Group VsL to 4.IS art 1 Group VaL to S.M at 1 Group VaL to OS at 1 Group VaL to 7 .IS at 1 Greap VaL to S.M at "'J Seen and By JEKYME ENGLISH HOLIDAY PAKTTE8. large and small, simple and elaborate, but all with the gay holiday spirit, have kept the young ones, as well as their parents, in a social whirl dashing from one to the other. . . . A p re-Christmas party . . . last Sunday the Edgar Pierces and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jones were hosts for one of the larger holi day at-homes . . . the elegant af fair held at the Pierce home with several hundred calling afternoon and evening. . . . The decorations something to talk about. . . . Ad mired by all was the wreath above the buffet which Mrs. Jones made. . . . It was white and glistened with sparkles . . . tied with cones and pale pink, blue and silver balls. . . . The handsome buffet table and a grand colla tion . . . whole hams and turkeys and trays of hors d'oeuvres. . . . The table covered with a blue satin cloth. ... A silver basket filled with silvered sprays . . . pink, blue and silver balls . . . white tapers in silver candela bras. ... A lovely note on the Ellis. He is professor of economics at the University of Oregon and she a professor of English. They will be here until Saturday. jpnDitDD)sitt S)00 1 Group Reo;. up to 00 1 Group Reo;. up to 1 Group Reg. Price 1 Group Reg. Price Groups Slightly Higher 2B00 S00 UDIMESSIES . 7 . 9 2,3 SKIRTS 1.00 1 Group Odds & End Sixes. VaL to 7.98 1 Group Reg. 6.98 - 1 Group Reg. 3.98 1 Group lUg. 7.88 1.87 2.87 3.87 4.87 SALLY'S Ike Heard . . . piano. . . . Mrs. Pierce's original Christmas tree of spun glass cob webs and colored balls. . . . Ameng these present. . . . Col onel and Mrs. Carlton Spencer. . . . She stunning in a winter white dress with black print and large black picture hat. . . Greet ing old friends were the John J. Elliotts and Palmer McDonalds, who motored down from Port land. . . . Mrs. Paul Hendricks, who was a holiday hostess her self the following evening, was smartly dressed in black. . . . Mrs. Ralph Hamilton wearing a be coming Christmas green wool jersey gown with bustle back and black velvet hat . . . and Mrs. Walter Kirk in steel grey with steel cut beads on the bell sleeves. A REAL SURPRISE . . . was in store Christmas morning for Anne Woodmansee, daughter of the A. D. Woodmansees . . . after opening her gifts under the tree she was told to go out to the ga rage for her last package . . . and there was an eight-months-old colt with a red Christmas bow tied around his neck. . . . Dr. Woodmansee, earlier in the month, had gone to eastern Oregon to get the colt, and on Christmas morn ing rose at S a. m. to go out to the ranch to bring the colt in be 39.75 49.75 1 Group Values to 29.75 1 Group Values to 3 1.75 1 Group Values to 39.75 1 Group Values to 49.75 54.00 59.75 BLOUSES 1 Group VaL to 4.8 at 1 Group VaL to S.f S at 1 Group VaL to OS at 1.00 3.87 1.87 4.87 BAUICOATS 1 Group VaL lt.75 1 Group VaL OS 1 Group VaL 7.M Capilal's Sfyle Cenler fore Anne awakened ... all was quiet without even a "whinney" from the garage. . . . Anne was breathless and promptly set out on a walk around the neighbor hood with "Sugar Foot" for his first preview. . . . Thursday morning Dr. Woodmansee took Anne and Gerry Keene to the ranch for the day. . . . Among Anne's gifts was a small halter for the new colt. A MANTEL OF NOTE. . . . Most effective and showing much originality is Mrs. Frederick Deckebach's mantel. ... A back ground of white paper with the words, "Noel, Noel" written in red and white candy (resembling candy canes) and the musical notes also made of the candy and gum drops ... on either side a pop corn Santa Claus. IN THE SOUTH ... for Christ mas are Dr. and Mrs. William Parker, who are now living in Ann Arbor while he is attending the Universit of Mifiigan dental school studying oral sur gery. . . . Bill and Dorothy drove south with friends to San Antonio, Texas, to be with her parents, Colonel and Mrs. NeLson Myll, at Fort Sam Houston. AN INVITATION to sit in the coaches' box at the Rose Bowl game has come to Prof, and Mrs. James Drury. . . . Her cousin. Ray Elliott, is coach of the Illinois team and his wife and family will also come west. . . . En route home the Elliotts plan to stop in All Sales No Exchanges Several Groups Slightly IFtLTIffi (CdDATTS 1GB0DP . 58)-D) 1GB0DP 7SMQKd I GROUP . S)S)B 1 GROUP . HBuW (Several Creeps Slifhtly Ili(her) Musk rats Rquirrel -r-Poneys Kldskins Ceneys Beavereltes. ete. These are the most utstandins values ever offered for fine quality furs and Is In line with our usual standard of nationally adver tised quality merchandise at the lowest prices possible. Purses. 1 Group Values lo 10.00 Jewelry Values to 5.00 .... Fur Mittens Values to 4.98 .. Hats. 1 Group Drastically Reduced 1.00 1.87 2.87 10.87 5.87 3.87 Court and Liberty. Rites Read At Home Mr. and Mrs. Walter Under wood are announcing the mar riage of their daughter, Miss Vera May, to Dale Francis Martin, which was solemnized Christmas day, at 10:30 o'clock. Mr. Martin is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Martin of Sa lem and Miss Underwood is a graduate of Salem high school. The bride wore a dress of aqua blue with black accessories and a corsage of red rosebuds. The attendants were Mrs. Lauren Underwood, matron of honor, and Gene E. Martin, brother of the groom. The marriage vows were ex changed before a group of rela tives and friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Freeman. Hol iday decorations were used and candles and Ivy decorated the fireplace, where the ceremony took place. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Martin will be at home in Salem after a brief honeymoon. Salem for a visit with the Drurys. ... If plans can be arranged the Drurys will go south as Profes sor Drury has his ticket to New York routed through- the south. Final or Refunds 00 400 g)00 Higher 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 SPORT JACKTS 1 Group. f- gfk Values to 14.98 OiVlU HOUSECOATS. 1 Group Drastically Reduced