11 Tbm Statesman. SqUm. Owyac Friday. Pcmbr 27. 194S SPEED STREPTOMYCIN OUTPUT 7 I kklll kiiuli - iMl I w JUT !'. vV"". Skilled Mads boost oatpnt ( ttrrple-ayrin I achieve 5 per cent price redaclia in mw drug far civilian atve. Top. dreg weighed on prescrip tion balances in air condi tioned rooms where controls developed or Hones w ell en gineer hold temperature and hamtdity to precise level; bot- II il rooms da lighted by Ther- I mo pane insulating windows which prevent entry of dut. A Keeps Brboch UIIHVILU Kf. Dee. 25 Marrws Raberta UbsTt), 39. war elera. legal rvstexlT I a 5S4) dUarvaad breach he feaMLgbt la fVermany frvaa aa ker Gl. Raberts uid asi leader llerasaaa C'.oering aace waef IL. Federal aalhclUes traced Its arte in Geramaav. AP Vlrepht t The SUles is Stork Leaders Sustain Drop NKW YORK. Dec 26 iA' Chritm. rhter f-rlct from th limit m-irkct tlay and leader with ttrrrd exceptions, turn) the lo-ing fide without beinj; iitjjetri to a gre.tt deal of pres sor r Trw ilirectmn was downward after a fjuly active opening Dealing Uiwei a a few recov eries arii-;i red then picked up ljter when piotal industrinls an.i rit retracted ir.ictmr to 3 or more point Isc were well in the majority at the cloe. Trans fer i f 1.150 000 hjrr compared with 950. 0OO Tuesday which were the evond m..llc-t f The month Prumi-m over growing portal-to-lrtal wtge uit ifui a little Hjrrhrn ion regjrrlir.g the course, f bu-mes in 1947 ir.sj.ircd the trimming of accounts A sharp' f'-ip in butter and egg price ac en'utcd rtnei at im Ta yelling for regular delivery ended arrl. while this wa n t ippies ie. it Still w a- a rrstr.iimng fac tor Such ale to establish piof its mut be tin a "cash"' bai for the rest tf the ear A little bid ding again was attributed to hope for a late Dtcember or, early January ralljr due to rein-' etment demand. The As- ocia led Press 60-Mot k average was off 8 if a p itit ut 65 9. In last ear's pt-Chrit-mas session the composite w-iis up .' on volume of about 1. 400.000 harts. Of 993 iue- registering. 65 fell and 202 advanced Among casualties, Eastman Kodak was off 3', at 224, Johns Manville 3 at 130. Union Carbide 2 a 93. Southern Railway 2 t 4f. Montgomery Ward 2' at 1. Chrysler Is. at 90' j and Beth lehem P at tl7 Mahoncy Crime Trials Prosecutor ASTORIA. Dee 2-P-Wtllin II a None? . executive assistant pro e-cutoe of war crimes trials In To jo. baa become chief U. S. pmeecvitoc. his daughter. Mrs. L F Van Dusetv. Astoria, said today. ! Mrs. Van Dusen said her fath er was pe denoted when Joaeph B , Krenan. Wastvmton. D. C . re turned to this country. Mahorvey formerly lived in Klamath Falls. A apsked helnvet was atandard J Kradar foe U. S. Marines tn lt3 i "J LiV- 1 , LXX I 'il -1 j J ) s I m i. K Grains Suffer Small Losses CHICAGO. Dec. -After moving within a narrow price range throughout the session on the Board of Trade today, grains closed with small fractional losses. Nrws which could have any in fluence on prices was absent, al though after the close it was re ported from Kansas City that the Commodity Credit corporation there had purchased nearly 1,000.000 bushels of wheat at $1.88 a bu.-hel on Monday and Tuesday for delivery in May. Wheat futures closed 's-'z lower, January $2.101. corn wa unchanged to lower, January $131L-I4. and cats were -7 lower. March 751. Domestic flour -business was reported as dull by the North western Miller, a trade publica tion The publication said, "Buy ers, including some if the largest bakery account, apparently are ho'ding r.ff in the belief that ptices will he lower after the turn cf the year." In its weekly crop report, the weather bureau -aid recent cold weather had caught wheat with out mow piotection but that the low temperatures "apparently did not persist long enough to cause any material damage" Wheat condition was termed "good to ex - nt " Device to Note Millioiitlis of Inch Variance Br HOWARD W. B LAKES LEE AM--iatrd Pie Science Reporter , BOSTON. Doc. 26-t'i New in-, truments for measuring amazing iy tiny things were shown to the American A-o'iation for the Ad ancement of Science today. With the aid of army gauge J you can tun vour fingernail over a piece of glas and tell w hether its invisible roughness is two millionth. of an inch deep or, four millionth.. Actually the smoothness of plate glass is rough by these tests, amounting u'unlly to more than two mil- ' lionths of an inch The meaning of this may be realiaed by the fact that the , smoothness of the world's largest telescope mirror, the 200-inch ! xn to go into operation, is not gte.itly under one millionth of an inch. I The trick is that smooth sur- I faces are never smooth and a hu- ! man fingernail ran feel the j roughness, but until the new gauges were ""ids this oual'tv of touch was of little practical use. The gauges wete niuue during the! war by the Watertown (Mass.) 1..Y Pea?4? Potter rualasbed Uua nUi im II Us $-aea aal mm re4y fee wr4 wU4 dimUihmli. UUs 44aefsl aMff la Use Sr4 ha a erics wkJca UJ be released ana Bail y ,y Um I'aHed Natl4ss. Free copies are applied. reaesi. l aeboel. rk. cbartSMM and kndrvidnabv s ' . T New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Dec. 26-;P-Tod ay's closing quotations: Al Chem Ac D....174 !Gen Foods 424!Radio Corp . 9-S American Can 88'i;Gen Motors 534Rayonier 254 Am Pow St L. 13VGoodyear Tire 54 Rayonier pfd 354 Am Tel & Tel ...167VGt North pld. 46 j Reynolds Met 38s Anaconda 40', Int Harvest 74 Safeway 224 Atchison . fi64!lnt Paper pfd ... !5ears Roeb 38i Bendix Avia 37 IJ Manville 130 'Sinclair Oil 15 Beth Steel 1 li Kennecott 51 i So Pacific - 46's Boeing Air 21 Long Bell A 22 Stan Brands 35 Calif Pack 28iMaytag lO'Stan Oil Cal 5 Canadian Pac 12'j Miami Copper M'.s Stew Warner 17 Case J I 35'Mont Ward 61 Studebaker 20 Chrysler 90"j!Nash Kelvin 14'i Sun Mining - 12s Comwlth Sou . 3s" Nat Dairy 37 jUnion Oil 22'.4 Cons Edison 26 N Y Central 18'i Un Pacific 133 Cons Vultee ...... lo'i'North Am Co .... 31VUn Airlines 22s4 Cont Ins 50 i Northern Pac 20'i Un Aircraft 173,4 Crown Zel 32 Pac Am Fish lPi,U S Steel 72 i Curtis Wr 57, Pac Gas FJec 432'Warner Bros 173 Douglas Air 73 P T Ac T 123 West Elec 25s Dupont de Ne ...185U Pan American 1234.Woolworth 457s Gen Electric 35H, Penney J C 42' arsenal. There are twenty-four. each with a different roughness. starting with a low of two mil lionths. WITHDRAW FROM FIRM SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Laird Julien have sold their in terest in the New System Clean ers to R. G. Smith and will with draw from the organization. The Juliens and Smiths opened the cleaners here several weeks ago. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 26 (AP) Butleilat I tentative, subject to im mediate change I Premium quality, maximum of 35 of I per cent acidity, delivered in Portland. 93c lb: first qual ity. 90c lb.: second quality. 86c: ailry routes and country points, 2c less than first or 88c lb. Butter Wholesale. F.O.B. bulk 68 Ib cubes: AA. 93 score. 81c: A. 92 score. 79c lb.; B. 90 score. 76c lb : 3. 89 score. I 72c. Cheese Selling price to Portland : retailers: Oregon singles. 49-56c lb: i Oregon loaf. 52-58c lb: triplets. 51 1 a -55c lb. I Eggs To wholesalers: A grade. ! i large. 56'1-58'ac; medium 54-56'jC: ' small 42'j-43'3c; B grade. large. ! 39',-41',c. : Eggs Purchases from farmers: ! , Surtent receipts. 52 -53c: buyers pay j 3-3' jc doz. below wholesale quota- , lions on graded basis for best hen- i nery eggs. ! Dressed turkeys No. 1 young hens. , loose. F.OB plant. 46-47c lb: No 1 1 toins 29 -30c lb. Advance basis to pro ducers. 25c lb. on loms Dressed turke s- Buyers not quoting , ririces on young hens: No.'l loms. 28c I b. Loose. FOB plants, on dressed ' basis. Dressed turkeys To retailers- Grade i A. hens. New York style. 49-51c lb.; toms. over 20 lbs . 35 -36c lb. I Dressed chickens Sell to retailers: Spring broilers. 3 lbs. up. 50c: colored ! roasters. 42c. Leghorn fowl, 35c. old roosters and stags. 28c. , Live chickens No 1 Leghorn broil- j ers. 1 to 2 lbs. 30-32c lb ; fryers. 2-3 lbs . 30-32C lb : 3 to 4 lbs. 35c lb ; Roasters. 4 lbs and over. 35c lb : Leg- horn, under 3'2 lbs.. 18-20c lb ; over ; 3', lbs.. 20-22c lb: fowl, colored, all wts . 26-30c; roosters and staRS 12-15C Rabbits Average to retailers. 50c lb ; dressed prices to producers. 43c: 1 frvers. live, white. 13 -25c lb.: colored. ! 23c lb Green onions SI -1.10 a dor. bunches. Dried Onions Oregon yellows. No. ! 1 (1 65-1 75 a 50-lb sack: Idaho vel- ; low Spanish medfum. (1.35-1 40; large. (I 65-1 75 a 50-lh sack: medium. (1 35- j 1 40. Idaho vellow Spanish, medium. (1 25-1.25: large. $1 65-1 75; Idaho white. rr.edium. (1 90-2 00. Potatoes Local, long whites. No. 1 grade. (2 65-2 75 100-lb sack. Deschutes , No 1. (Z65-Z 9S: No Z. 90c -SI 00 50-lb sack: Washington i ussets. No. (2 75-2 U. Veal Best quality. 27 -28c lb heavy to top quality. 28 -30c lb. B. 23-;c c 21 -22c cull 18-20c lb Mogs block butchers packer style. 125-160 lbs. 33 -34c: over 213 lbs. 30-32c o. all weights 2-30c lb Lamb - A A. 37-3c: A. 35-36c. B. 30-32c C 25-27c: mutton 10-12e lb according to quality. Beef Best quality. 30 -32c: B. 25 26c. C. 22c: canner and cutter. 17-19C bologr.a bulls 25c j Citrjra hark flreen 8-g(.r: drv 20o Wool - Valley, coarse and medium grades 45c lb Mohair 40c lb on 12-month growth Hav Wholesale shipment: alfalfa. No 2 or better. (33 On-34 50 ton; No 1 timothy. (34 00-35 SO ton: oats and vetch, mixed hay. valley growers' ask ing price. (23 00-25 00 ton: clover hay. uncertified. (23 00-25 00 ton baled on fa rmi Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore. Dec 28 ( AP) Wheat futures unquoted. Cash grain: Oats No 2. 38 lb 63 00 Barlev No 2 45 lb. B W white 63 00. Flaxseed 7 25. Cash wheat (bid)' Soft white 188: soft white (excluding Rexl 188: white club 1 88: western red 1 88. Hard red winter: Ordinary 188: 10 per cent L91 : 11 per cent 1.96: 12 per cent 2 05. Hard white Baart' 10 per cent 2 25: 11 per cent 2 27: 12 per cent 2.29 Today's car receipts' Wheat 101: barley 6. flour 11: corn 30: millfeed 6. i ?I(JLKS UI1U OOllUS (Compiled by the Associated Press) Dec. 26 AVERAGES 30 15 Indus. Rails STOCK is an L'til Stocks I Thursday Previous day Week ago Month ago Year ago 90 1 366 91 2 37 4 91 2 38 1 85 7 34 9 99 6 47 4 459 46 0 46 I 43 5 51 0 65 9 66 7 67 0 62 7 ! 75.2 ! BOND AVERAGES 20 Rails Thursday 94.8 Previous day . 95.0 Week ago . 95 2 Month ago . 93.3 Year ago 103 8 10 Ind 103 1 103 0 103.0 102 7 103.9 10 Util 104 0 104 0 103 6 103 9 108 1 10 Fgn 74 6 74 6 74 7 74.7 75 6 Salem Market Quotations BUTTERFAT Premium . No 1 No. 2 Bl'TTEI PRINTS Wholesale - Retail i. EGGS Buy tag Prtca Extra Large Medium Standards Pullets 0 .89 .85 JO .58 J5 52 .38 8 .86 .83 A3 n XI ja 19 oo 14.00 $00 Cracks Wholesale, large Medium Standard POULTRY Colored hens No 1 No. S Fryers LIVESTOCK (By Valley Pack) Top lamb . - Yearling lorabs Ewes Dairy cows -Dairy bulls Veal 10 50 13J0 1858 Hot prices 35e per hundred under Portland - prices for each particular rim taes hwiYbt tihtect Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 2 (AP) (VSDAI Salable cattle 125. total 300; salable calves 2$. total 73: market very active on urgent demand for small supply: moat sales 1 00 or more higher than Monday on kinds avail able: odd medium steers 17.00-20.00: no strictly good steers available: common - medium heifers 12.50-18.00: canner-cutter cows mostly 9.50-11.50: medium beef cows 1308-I450; med ium sausage bulls 14-00-50; good- 17.50-18 00. odd head medium grades 14.00- Salable hogs 25. cnouph offered to scatteied clean-up total 1400: not attract buyers: sales unevenly lower at Z3.oo. Salable sheep 50. total 1250: market active, strong: good choice lambs mostly 22.00: common 75 lbs. 18.00: 56 lb. culls down to 12.00; common ewes 4.00: good ewes salable around 6.00. The North Portland livestock mar ket will be closed New Year's day. Legal Notice ' NOTICE OF EXECUTOR'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY j NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned executor of il e es tate of Sarah A. Lowery. deceased. '.- i virtue of the power in said dependent's i last u - i 1 1 m nrl lctamnl BnH hv virtue i of an order duly issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County on the 27th day of November 1946. will sell at private sale at 511 Pioneer Trust Building. Salem. Oregon, from and after De cember 30. 1946. according to the man ner and terms hereinafter set forth, all the following described real prop erty in one tract: j House and lot at 1549 South High Street described as Lot 2. Block 15. George H. Jones Addition to Salem. Marion County. Oregon. (See Volume 1. Page 29 Record of Town Plats for said county and state I Such sale shall be for cash payable ten per cent of bid at time of sale and balance at the time of confirma tion of such sale and delivery of ex ecutor's deed to said real property. Said land shall be sold free and clear of all encumbrances except pro rated taxes, and the executor will furnish to such purchaser either a complete abstract or a standard policy of title Insurance, at the executor's option, showing a marketable title to said land, as aforesaid, and any such sale hall be made subject to confirmation of the above entitled court and subject to full payment of the purchase price bidden by the purchaser. Dated, posted and first published November 29. 1946. JOHN A. HELTZEL As such Executor. 511 Pioneer Trust Building Salem. Oregon. - N 29-D 6-13-20-27 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOl'NT No. 12304 In the Circuit Court of the ate of Oregon for the Countv of Marion PROBATE DEPARTMENT In the Matter of the Estate of Albertina Priem. deceased. Notice is hereby given that Henry J Priem and Leona V. Kayser. co administrators of the estate of Alber tina Priem, deceased, have filed their final account in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion. Probate Department, and that Wednesday the 15th day of Jan- 1 uary. 1947. at the hour of 11:00 o'clock ! court room of the said court in the Loumy court nouse. aiem. Oregon. has been appointed Dy saia court as ine time and place for the hearing of ob- I jections thereto and the settlement ! thereof. HENRY J. PRIEM. LiU.-NA v. KMSIK Coadministrators of the Estate of Albertina Priem. deceased. Address: Salem. Oregon. Roy H. Wassam. attorney for coadministrators. i Residence, ialem. Oregon, 1 Date of first publication of this no 1 tice December 13. 1946. Date of last publication of this notice ' January 10. 1947. D 13-20-27-J 3-10 NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned Executrix of the Estate of Ellen Edes Meyers, deceased, has filed her Final Account and Report in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, in probate, and that Saturdav. the 11th day of January'. 1947. at ten o'clock A.M. at the court room of said court, in the courthouse in Salem. Oregon, has been set as the time and place for hearing objections to said Final Account and final set tlement of said estate. First publication. December 13th. 1946; Last publication. January 10th. 1947 HENRIETTA KAHLER CASEBEER Executrix. Estate of Ellen Edes Meyers. Deceased. D 13-20-27-J 3-10 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE: Registered Jersey cow lust ftesh. out of good stock Rt. 2. Box 324 Phone 2-2439. FOR SALE: Registered Red Poll bull calf 3 months old. good stock. A. R. Gordon, Rt. 1. Box 408, Salem. Phone 23260 3 YOUNG Jersev cows. One fresh. $135. 2 heavy springers. $150 ea. E. B. Hatfield, opposite Sudtell Auction, Sil err on ko WANTED: AU kinds of livestock fox horses. R. L. Beckner. Rt. 2. Box 242. Ph2-3423 WANTED: All kinds of cattle and hogs. Will call at farm. Write E. I. Snethen. 1550 Lancaster Drive. Ph. 21345 morn. or. eve. RED TRYERS packaged for home freezer. 6 or more wholesale price de livered. Dillon Jones. Rt. 6. Box 44S. Market Street. Phone 22296 evening. FOR SALE: Christie N H baby chicks every Wed. Boy trig tons. 3710 State St. Phone 4969. WANTED. Fat and car.net cows tot beet Dairy cows, heifers, bulls, veal Fat hogs, sows, stags, boars Market price I C McCandlish. rt 8, box 373 Ph 6147 across from ball Dark S 5th BABY CHICKS: weekly natcnes new Hampshire other varieties. Ph 12861 Lees Hatchery CUSTOM dressing of chickens, any cumber Prompt service Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty hone $-2861 Lee's Hatchery WANTED! All kinds of fat llve tock. Valley Packing Co. Phone S93S. Auctions Salem Community Auction 3610 Stlverton Road, auction every Saturday at 10:30 a.m. Lots of good merchondise, heaters, ranges, blankets, sheets, bed spreads, table clothes, window curtains, towels, etc. LIVESTOCK Several good heavy springers, heif ers coming Saturday; also pigs and calves. CHICKENS AND RABBITS ALL KINDS Or FARM MACHINERY S ton 193S International truck with stock rack. We have some of best calf and cattle buyers. This barn is run by disabled veteran. If you have no way of hauling your consignment we are equipped to do it for you. MILLER. Manger Phone 2-5424 ALDERMAN. Auctioneer Kelp Wanted Male MAN or boy driver for Invalid wom an's car. Must be a good careful driver. Room, board and laundry, $30 a month. Ph. 902 Jefferson. choice vealers 18 OC; common 16 00 Help Wanted Male ACE 30-45. married, local refer, responsible, supervising ability, non smoker, on duty Sundays, retail ice cream. See Mi. Klaus. The Pike. 138 S. Liberty. Help Wanted Female EXP. Waitress Must be neat in ap pea. ance. Good wages, steady em- olovment. Ph. 2-1589. Boucanier. 3"95 State. s WANTED: Housekeeper for mother less home, modern conveniences. $100 a month. M. C. Thompson. Shodd, Ore. YOUNG LADY Stenographer to work in real estate St insurance office. Some knowledge of bookkeeping essential. 875 co Statesman. YOUNG Woman tor genera I "house" work. Board, private room 4 wages. Good references, also health certifi cate. Slate age. Writ Box 861 Statesman. Situation Wanted TTlDDtwr 4.1.:.- -...A , At. S. 20th. J. C. Muiphv. Ph. 7678." WANTED: Odd jobs, by 15 yr.old boy during vacation, after school and Sat. John Burger. 1047 Fir St. ARTS' t V. ..t. a! more time final etimale inmmr tayK are due Jan. 15. ExDerienced in di- versified businesses, taxes, payrolls. Call 24948. CARE for vour children while you work. 2210 Hazel. v 1 1. 1, take care of children in your home dav or night. Mrs. Elsie Har rah. 40 Williams Ave. MASTERWOODS Cabinet Shop. Ma terials on hand for built-in?, replace ments, repairs, drawers, doors and production work. 164 S. Comm. Ph. 5596. Free estimates. LIGHT Hauling. Reas. rates. Ph. 8272 GENERAL Cement Contractor. Joe E. Wilson. Phone 24371. Salem. PRUNING and peach spraying. P. W. B?;:k Ph. 21208. i PADTli-'X v competent work- nidiicii i c3uiiduic late i i o- CARPENTER & REMODELING. Cab inets & rrillwork built to order. REUBEN PASCHKE Rt. 4. B421. Orchard Heights Road Septic Tanks Cleaned K. F. Hamel. 1143 8th West Salem Phone7404 OIL Circulators serviced and re paired. Ph. 24963 before 7:30 A.M. or 5 P.M. . PAINTER and Paperhanger. Reason able prices Free estimates. H. J. Wood worth. Ph. 3015. BULLDOZING. Large and small equipment Land clearing, road build ing, logging. Call 21367 or write Geo W i rt h 840 Ply mouth Dr.. Salem . PAINTING St Paperhanging. W. Q Crowly. 857 Shipping Phone 9513 WEST'S water well-drilling Depend able sehvice In Salem area for 23 vrs Write Rt. 6. Box 449A. Phone 2-2290. BILL'S GARAGE General auto repairing St welding l blk S. ofPen 4 Corners. Ph 8235 GENERAL C E M E N T contracting Stanley Fagg. Ph 2-3045. Interior Decorating Our specialty Better homes, offices and apartments One to five men available. Dick Orey Painter and Decorator Phone 25444 or 6265 ALL WORX guaranteed Windows walls, woodwork cleaned Floors wax ed Insured workmen Professional Cleaning Service Phone 4457 PreSchool .Playschool. 1381 State Ages 2-8 Part or all day Ph 8430 For Sale Miscellaneous JUST RECEIVED Carload of FIELD . FENCING Size 9-39-12-12'j gauge Size 9-39- 6-12'i gauge Size 8-32- 6-12'a gauge And Barbed Wire Sears Farm Store 173 S. Liberty Ph. 6333 .r 9194 USED blower gas furnace cheap. Inquire 1505Jefferson St. GRATE for fireplace $4. Used short time only. Ph. 5778. FOR Expert clock repairing tryj rne tiocK uocior.iW 5.nin. GERMAN Shepherd pups from blue ribbon winning sire. They are of excellent type and temperament. Black 4 silver, and black lr tans. Mr. and Mrs. M. Johnny Gunnell, 1080 La ncaster Dr. River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX. AND FILL DIRT ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Bulldozing Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH. 2-1966 2-3100 1'RASH Burner, coils and hot water tank. 2 wheel trailer 4'x7', baby's maple bed. 30"x54". elec. butter churn. Rt. 3. Box 561 E. ' mi. from Liberty onRosedale Rd. south. PHILCO Radio-phonograph used one month $75, at Liberty Radio Shop. Ph. 22102; BLACK Sealine coat like new. size 18 to 20. Wool coat. blue, hardly worn, size 40.$25Ph.23260. MONTAG Range $65. 1445 'i Ferry. 1946 zenitn porta Die radio, tail 7158 SIX 5278. Piece living room suite. Ph. LAWN Mower 10. Ph.8406. BUSCHER E Flat Alto saxophone. Good cond. Rt. 2. Box 91. mile west of Keizer school. . AUTO. elec. iron, ironing board, CjUoSal HigtsGy. NEARLY NEW David Bradley spray er with bean pump. Briggs Stratton 6'i horse motor. 150 gal. steel tank. 600-16 tires on factory built trailer. 100 ft. of pressure hose, sprayer capable of 400 lbs. pressure, hitch and tongue for truck, horse, or tractor. Ray Andrews. Rt. 6. Box 354. Ph. 2-2505. WASHING machine $50. 140 Roberts Ave. Off Silverton Rd. Eola Lumber. Co. Rt. 4. Salem. Lumber. Red Cedar Shingles and building supplies. T. C (Ted) Muller. Phone Salem 2-1196 Yd. S mi. west of town on Salem -Dallas "GUARANTEED KADtO SERVICE" FREE PICKUP DELIVERY. PHONE 24728 SOD and Gun repair. M. Micken ham. 2365 N. Liberty St. Ph. 2-5652. EXPERT washing machine service and wringer rolls, all makes See Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros Furniture Store 315 N Liberty , GOOD used radios as low as $10 at Liberty Radio Hospital, opposite United Growers cannery. Nylons $2.25 3042 Portland Rd. THER(5YALrOUR- w a. ouy ana sen iiirnnure, stoves, dishes, motors, radios. Electric aopliances.' household goods KXIG MAN'S 285 N Commercial Ph 9885 -ALWAYS a Dig Sloe' Woodrv's Furniture Mkt Ph $110 G H 57 GALJON Hwtst 505 Centei St 3' x 8' NEW plywood, Inch thick. 985 McGllchrist. DOES your roof leak? Use lOOri asphalt shingles. Unharmed by any weather, rain or shine. Installed by experienced men. For FREE estimate Phone 7177. Western Auto Supply Co. For Sale Wiseellaneona TUMBLE BUG SCRAPER 5 ft. $119.90 SEARS FARM STORE 173 S. Liberty Ph. 6333 or 914 New Recap Tires Sizes 600x16. priced at $10. For sale at "Will's Service Station. 837 S. Com merciaI;Phqrie 7167. NEW Oil heater. Winchester 30-30 rifle, two wheel trailer. 2640 Port land Rd. NEW 20 gauge bolt action shotgun ' 7. Z1SIS. I G. E. Console radio auto radio -ChS"i?iay " ,e" " 10 ' '-w'-lv- .-- 1 MAYTAG Washer. 2 beds. 1 gas range nearly new. oivmpon m ciiair, dining table and chairs. 1160 Union. ' 1 S098. i WARD'S ALL-STEEL HAMMER. MILLS have big mill features. s.renfth. and capacity yet are priced low? Grind up to 9000 lbs. ear corn per hour with Z or 3 plow tractors! Swinging hammers. self aligning bearings. See them Now! Priced from $142.50 WARD'S FARM STORE Trade HighStS; Salem. Oregon LUMBER 2x 8s, 2x10s. 2x4s and 1x6s. All planed. About 8000 ft Rt. 3. Box 587. or Ph. 7116 after 5 p. m. Automotive Test Equipment Weidenhoff Motor Analyzer Test Unit. Weidenhoff Gas Analyzer. Wei rin!toff Geni pjt Ti p-ff Tt quette Baliery Cnarrei. $1250 CASH. All brand new. never been uncrated. Owner leaving city Friday. 1295 D St. STOVE St Diesel Oils Prompt met ered delivery service Any time LARRY'S FUEL OIL Ph 2-1917 mi N of Pen 4 Corners WILL BUY for casn. sell or trade guns, pistols, ammunition boats or trailers Don Madison. MO No High SPEED Clean wash, machine. Ph. 2580. Concrete Buildings Blocks and Bricks BOOCK BUILDING South River Rd BLOCK CO Phone 59f8 SEE NEW studio tone Sentinel ra dios at Juad'a radio shop, opposite United Growers Cannery. FORBetter Cur torn Cabinet work & furniture building SEE WESELY MFG. CO . 3760 Garden Rd. Phone 5874. BULLDOZERS Custom made See ours before buy- I lng. All makes repaired. Grubbing teeth for dozers. Holt Welding and Machine Shop,Independence. Oreg LIMITED Supply Italian chestnuts 1790 So. High St Ph. 2-4453. NOW in stock, concrete drain and building tile, sewer and culvert pipe. OREGON GRAVEL CO 1405 N. Front St. Ph. 3417 UNIVERSAL Electric range Good condition, with new elements, $50. 2425 Center J R. Watkins Co. products. 1717 Cen ter St.. Salem Ph. 5395. FULLER Brushes. 1745 Grant P 8357 STOVE repairing St parts Woodry s Hit. 1605 N Summer St Wanted Miscellaneous WANT to buy or rent cash register. Ph 25190. UNIVERSITY Instructor and wife. I both veterans, urgently need an apt. ksize elec. stove and. refrigerator. 991 No. Cottage or Ph. F. Fisher. 3842. USED FURNITURE Phone 5110 WHY TAKE less for your furniture? See R uss Brig nt Ph. 75 11 WANTED PIANOS Will pay cash Wills Music Store 432 State St DISHES over 25 yrs old Upstair Antique Shop 439 Court Ph 2 1443 USED FURNITURE Ph 9185 WANT TO Buy Used cameras St lenses McEwanPhoto Shop 435 State CASH for used otano 8r other mu steal instruments Call 4641 davs or 9537 evenings or send description to faquith Music Co 191 S High CASH for vour used furnltute Ph 7596 State St Furniture 1900 State WOULD Like to buy all kinds all kinds of Willis Kelley. burlap and cotton bags. 9860 S. Com ) St. AUTO painting by Ray ETTER Co 8502 lust a shade better Call Shrock Motor Miscellaneous PIANO TUNING ft RECONDITIONING Prompt, efficient service to local and outlying districts. All work guar anteed. Free estimates. JAQUITH MUSIC CO 136 So. High. Salem. Ore. Ph 4641 Oil antl Gas Burner Service Repair AND INSTALLATIONS Also hot water heater installations. D. C. "Gene" Brimm. Ph. 5596. HEAVY Hauling. "Excavatron and Koad Building: Land Clearing Ouzel Work Ditching Basement Excavation Sand Gravel. Crushed Rock Mason Sand. Concrete Mix Cement Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 1405 N Front St Salem Oregon Phone 9408 or 21924 ATM RAYS. Ozone. Good health Rent-sell. H. C. Pugh. 684NJ7 4692 Mattresses Capital Bed Co P 406 WELTI-Drilling. 4 and 6 in. wells. Van Buren. 150 Fairhaven. Ph9636 Unfinished Furniture Bunk beds, chests, desks, etc. Any thing for the home. Made of solid 4" hemlock and knotty pine. Picketts Furn i ture. 13th and State LET Us cut and w-rap your meat readv for locker. 2c lb. Prompt serv Ice. 12th Street Food Market. Ph. 4533 SIGNS AND SHO- CARDS EL DON SCOTT. PHONE 3635. Guitar Studio. Banjo, Ukulele. etc. 1533 Court. Ph 7569 MODERN Piano and boogie woogle Instruction. Private lessons. Guaranteed results. L. J. Edgerton Studio. 1820 N. Cottage. Ph 9502. CHARIS CORSETTIES. fitting Nice line dresses. Guaranteed . Ph. 9495 Domestic or Rt 4. Bos WATER WELL drilling irrigation Duf field Bros 80 Phone 2-1313 WEATHER strips Pullman Ph 5965 DRAWING and designing house plans. Phone 9621. B DOZING. EARTH moving drainage, ditches dug Ph 4047 Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Vour Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST" Adolph Bldg State Com Ph $311 " MEN 5 HATS cleaned and blocked 75c LES SPRINGER. 464 Court St Money to Loan " "General Finance Corp. offers money at onee on cars trucks, furniture, trailer houses, livestock, farm marchinery: contracts refinanced and additional money advanced No co-signers. General Finance Is locally owned and officered! was organized In 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans made by phone UM South Commercial Sts- Salem Phone : 9168 Licenses S-138 8c M -338 SEE HXTDKINS FIRST iv to lot Houses-Lots-Acreages-Farms Low interest rates CHAS. HUDKINS & SON 27$ State SL Phone 2-4129 For Sale Heal Estate To Buy or Sell See Gharles Delfel D ELF EL, EXCEPTIONAL. BROODER SETUP 10 acres. 3', in grain. l' pasture. I' cherries. 20x214 brooder house with 19 separate rooms, overhead trolley for feed St refure. 18 briquet stoves. Many labor saving device. 4 room house. $10,600. half cash. Sal 122. 8650 MONTHLY MILK CHECKS From this 120 acre dairy Ax general farm. 85 acres in grain. 35 acres in 2nd growth and pasture. Good 3 bedrm. home. 17 cows, 2 bulls. 2 horses, John Deere tractor, tpringtooth. manure spreader, binder, mower, rake, drill, silage cutter, other equipment. (44,000. Good terms. Sal 147. CLIP OUT THIS AD This ad and 916.500 entitles you to purchase this 46 acre top shape orchard complete with exceptionally comfort able 8 room house, barn, large chick en house, pickers' cabins, garage and workshop. Income about (7500 yearly. Sal 118. MAKE AN OFFER On this 40 acre farm. 7 A. prune. 4 A. walnuts. l' A. gooseberries. 1 A. blackcaps. Balance in oats and vetrh i Cute little hruvc with lawn and half : moon drive 5 stanchion barn ti at'r. ; disc, drill, mower. Ak for Mr. Da is j Sal 129. DELFEL SUBURBAN HOME On I'i acre, fine 6 room modern cot tage with a kitchen to make a woman happy. 20x20 barn, (new) good chick en house, double garage, all fenced, excellent well and pump. '", mile north of city line $11,000. Sal 143 RICHMOND DISTRICT 3 bedrm home, newly refinuhed and redecorated inside Larre lan'twsn-'l lot. Lo'l of uOt ln $ t'tl'.'.l. leal tMis at sl I28X. DELFEL BUSINESS A MILLION TOURISTS Will visit Oregon this summer. Be ready for them with this excellent 9E location. 4 modern cabins. 3' acres beautiful ground for more cabin or trailer park. 3 pump sa tla .17 Inter national truck, going fuel oil delivery business. 20.000 gal gas and fuel oil monthlv Good four room owners home. 20 miles north of Salem. $24, 500. Sal 120 Inc J FLY BOYS POP TO" Here's an opportunity to cah in on I vour war time training We have a i local flying service complete with a , dealership and seveial new ships. Neai- CHARLES DELFEL, Realtor 61 f N. Capitol St. - Phone 7002 Open 8 30 a rn. to 6 30 p m. Money to Loan FARM and TITY LOANS 4'i and Your own terms or repayment with in reason Cash for Real Ett Con tracts antl Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg Phone 7162 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN PUILDINO LICENSF N M IM $-MONEY-$ REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS W Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contracts STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS Lie. S-21 M-222 153 S High St. For Rent Rooms FOR RENT: Modern room with kitch en privileges Phone 2-4546. " SLP Rm for legislator: heated prl bath. $12 week. Write Statesman Bx 87$ Room and Board VET would like room and two meals a dav. Near high school D W. Rarn seyer, P. O. Box 464. Salem. For Kent Apartments CLOSE IN 2 room apt unfuin wuh I elec. rg . refr . pi I. bath. Adult . Box 890 Statesman. For Rent Houses 5 RM. he.. 2 bdrms . full bmt . furnace heat, garage. Ph. 2148S or 21880. For Rent BENCH Saw. paint sprayer, power cement mixer. 1140 S. 22nd Ph 2-454 GOOD Used Piano H L Stiff FLOOR SAND H toi rent Mont omerv Ward TRAILERS foi rem SO.- per br Woodrv's Mkt 1105 N Summer TRUCKS foi rent You drive Mc Cune St Lovell Phone 908 U-DKfVE TRTfCKS FOR BENT Blankets furn 197 S Liberty PI. 9062 FLOOR Sander, elec floor polisher and lawn roller. Rawlins Hardware tha Marshall Wells Store Ph 6877 Wanted to Rent YOUNG Couple needs furn apt. Will redecorate. No children or petn Ph. 8357 3 "or 4 RM. Furn. apt or house for emploed couple and 16 yr. old high school bov. D A Saimdon. Stan Baker Motor Co Ph 4119 GOOD 2 bdrrn. home to rent Fur nished or unfurnished. Ph. 25089 TWO bed room house, town or country, adults only. Will take good care of property. No pets liouor or tobacco. Ph 2-2077 M E. Clapper. Rt. 6. Box 390. Salem. FURN. or unfurn. home Ph 4j77 QUIET respectable family would like to rent 5 rm apt or bungalow. A 1 references. Ph. 170M. Independ ence. 12 CANS OF SPRY shortening re ward for information leading to suit able apt or small house for rent. No children or p Veteran. Boa 848 For Sale Real Estate 50x124 LOT in No. S lone. S. 12th. $8O0. Ph. 5095. 1 CHOICE Building lota 72 x130 one lot 72x237'. Rt. 2. Box 91. ml. west of Ketzer school. $3600 Full Price Unfiri. hse. with S A. Some msterial to finish. Doors V windows all in. Ex ceptionally good tfuy. M. O. Humphreys i Co., Realtors 3038 Portland Rd. Ph 7820 2286 Fairgrounds Rd Ph 2-4596 1 BID ROOMnouae In choice loca tion, extra large Jot. bearing wal nuts. $5750. 4 room cottage with furniture, quick possession. $400 Good lot Northeast $750. E. B. Perrine or Alfred Dumbeck 370' a State St. FULL PRICE $4500. ' 1 bdrms. plas tered. cement foundation, needs paint and general cleaning. $800 down, $4$ per month. No phone information. Ask for W. W. Sloan with M. 0. Humphreys & Co., Realtors S284 Fairgrounds Rd. $03$ Portland Rd f For Sale Heal Hatate FARMS GOOD STOCK OR DAIRY RANCH 116 acier. 46 A timber. 0 A. feM-u St mustard. room modernired horne, 18 stanchion barn, sear roiid ci. food soil. mile IE ot Station. $ou0. al 141. HAVE YOU A BIG FAMILY Then live in t le wi'o kits of el bow room In this comple'eiv modern 8 room house on Ihli 61 tS arte Imm, All cultivated, in oats, vetcn. bailey, and other grains, good daik biewn loam soli. 48x32 barn, tool hs, rhi hse. double. 8(6 ail n etal shed shed, tractor, disc, other equ pn ent. All guea for $22,008 Ak f r r a' 141 THINK THIS OVFHt 21.12 acre, all rult . walr.ut. prunes, blackcap. Fine 8 nor hom 2234 barn, machine slied, etc $11,500. Hal 151-A 6136 actes. 25 A In !;..' A. filbert. 17 A p. ur - in A 2nd giowth timtxi. good soil IH'.N'O Ha! 111-H Or entite M .'18 A ii'imn above, at 82J.OO0 l IJ' PAYS FOR ITSELF In 3 rai lhi IS atie bean ranch can pay lor n lf NeU i j,n un $ yrarlv t'omlnt table imin huutf, lin llv diehard, rhirkeriv tractor and lif film Implements, wi furniture, mane other attraction ree'leit aoil. will grow anything. $1J.MK. Terns teal lil. 1IOMFR SUBURBAN IIK'KFN RANCH 2'. Acres Wll'a, !, H It Lu.n oMef title J bedrm houif drne ei tnMlr, brand new 24h50 rhu-Aett h . 2 0imn rhion bain On I.anca-ter Uni $iM0. Terms. al 146 vouve nrrN for !., A trv" ' ' .,.-iii pain fuit.i WAITINT 1 tl ll et in new view site development paved load. $6,100 , a. ie lei rt a fmrwr lot I Kal 12ZX. OPPORTUNITIES Iv leady for the G I program foriie lit ar.d let Mr Nilxn gite ju all ttie de tail Sal 117 Inc PAINT 184 OM.Y Have Ma ady rr muni pritiwwitlnfl for a painter Panel tiuik trailer). Mine gun, air and pair t I . compress, tnk. brushes. nd o'rer equipment. Contract covering Sou'irern ftem In ure steady work, tmtd pi jfit. All goef for $40410 l 118 lr i RF THE LANDLORD 8 unit apartment hnnae. good loca tion, no vacancies $2'm rnniiitilt in rorr r All apartment fuinmhed mp4 owneis $18,000. feai 104 Inc. T For Sal Real Kslate ! 2950 CLEAN New 1 Room home M large corner lot. KiU'hfi. huil'irn l.lv nig morn, I bedroon Immediate poa 1 session Call Stanley Br in with State Finance Co.. Healtors 1 151 S. High Phone 4111 i Eves' J-JVII NFW $ r m bung aV.v , atrd. best of soil. eat act tultl- r' town, fur ruslied 4MKI. unfil'nUl ed $4100.. fej Grriri for details. I'h. 6472 Vli Portland Rd. Burt 114-1 1 a . Hrallors TODAY S HPEt'lAL Ji acre. 4 room hwo, J ruoint fin j pletel furnished Ha an ntiig. eiator, bath New, neat l clean. PimO $4500 See Allen Jone or Mr. Need 1 1 a in 541 Ptate iV , Rm 4 1 ACRE new lioua 24x28 Lit, kitrlun with built ins wired log inye lrl II W tank Id' trats, rood wll with piriiu i system. I MM). McGlaufiin Iteimann Real rlafe "l.irtings Ski:ifj!'v Handled' 201 So High Ph 17-"2o r 125 A P f Ideal StiM'k Itimh 49 A rn cultrvatlon 8 A paaluir goad hottirrn Mil year s'ream family t-liard 4 KM liou.e ete-. 30 dayO pix Only giKKXI Heaullful All Fler $ Rin tlnn.e ! rated N on a 6.1s 1 44 lot 2 HN I M. Or Hath City wa'er Una by dir, Onl fl.'lVltl 4 RM hM shower h.'h Good 81120 '(I fenrd in. lnaied N XI oy Port $5UNI I. a reii Home Sl Ioan Co. Exclnoive Listings - Perwmal Seivne. 164 S Com I Rt Ph 4.MW Eve 7440 BY OWNER built modern S bdim home Nice lm It-ins, auto heat, garafe 150$ Jef fer son $Tr, MODERN 1 HN litne fliM in North 6 Hlk fiorn al i I lie place. Hardwood f !. Oa merit, fur nace Garage Imn.frjtiif pae ion. (all ftanlei Brin wiMt Stale Finance (o.t Reallori 1S3 S High Phone 4121 Fvet M VII ?(KKi DOWN 2 be 1' nnri- $VXrl. IJMilr - b-droiri ruin t7Mi-r.w IRH rernent br n U const. new. Calif style hollow tile roiil. I lieiirmim 86:t.VI $7!MK corr.e $'Jtni $S7M) $25(l $l4Mi 3 bedrnftT Apt house N.rth IIJU mioith ln bedroort N K . v ry 4 liedroon Hwd H Fr riice. 3 Ix (IfiKirr i full hKrnent 4 tedroirtf fireplace and bafterrtent $1 1 (XHi t room liui Ksd floors, baerri rrt $13 MKi Fngllfh C oinnial Rosrclale drt $ bedrooms. "C" Kilp.re Real F-talc 42S S l?tn Fse 7H2S Phone 4iS$ IMMFDIATF P)i4ESSlON on this S rm 4 yar old home nirh Hedee orald in At aut. w ; ed for ranee, large lot. pUnty of room for thai piiiif gkidtn $S850 $28Vl down Sullivan Healtv Co. 3365 Portland Rd f'r 325 F.ven JBI01 BY OWNER 6 I rr he I MR. -modeled inside A oi. Flee range elec water heater Furn 'tf unfurn, Sarrlfue priee foi niuk sale. Leav lng state 1047 Fir St , Salem. v )tt Aon5laltf nan ADVERTISING , Western AdvertUinf Representatives I Ward-Griffith Coinpenr, Ins. San Franciace Eastern Advertising; Representative Ward-Griffith Com pan, f n. Ch K ago New York. Detroit, Boston, Atlanta Member Pacific Coast Divlaton Bureau of Advertising rniere! m tht Postofflee at fa lent. Orepmi as SertXMt f leas Mill ter PttbuaHed every mesrlf er. cept Mrmdai tfasifoss el 'ice $Jl Sotsllt CoeameeeUti Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mall Suharr lotion Rata, m Ad. vane: Within Oregon: Daily a4 Sunday. Mo M wtili: mia. $1 IS; 1 year. $4 80 Flo where SO aents pt mo. or $7 $se I rose sa advance. Per copy $ rents. By City Carrter, Tl Sawta a month. $SW a year tn advanoa ha Mar iua and adjorewt oownuoa.