5 ';y Thedatiori's.Top Comics . fc 1 l li ID .f ' "Yojur Home NepaperJ 1 n,nl'. I I 7r7771 STEADY -I WANT TO PCESsJ It THAT WAS THE SUPOEME K ABOUT READY y WAV, CUP k&JL C(C T, VT I I F r TO UNDERTAKE VOUR MANOS Cfc , CWV r-KS ' V ttnF THE TASK I TOCETHEP IWA- (iST if j teSL"i V "Af- HAVE IN MIND I AND KEEP JJf' CvSl- XV W fi?I, sL O J g FCgAT ! p I f'BEAft WATCHING IS 1 'j " II rM LOOK AT THE KIDS ACROSS fl IfcOMEOfJ. ZERO -I'M SCARED ,rc,,.n, ccn.cx- ruATuAuu,,,.) COOfiECT-RIGHT NOW V " THE STREET-THE WAY TWEYf IF THAT MAN SEES US LOOKlH arao rruf MOST EVERYONE IS f STARE AT THAT MAN, AT HIM. HE MIGHT GET f Z, r., r ... rV AN A-T WATCHING AN' 7 ; YOU'D THINK HE WAS A P (TERRIBLE MAO AT US" J MIGHTY FUNNY TO ME -j WONDERING VPCUS PARADE -p V 7 ' "----- C . ABOUT MJ jjyj -.-I)r LITTL l" l ? , f '... 7 .. I KIOOCN EEN TMEE5 CAVE 1 fkow Tut amion CONQUERORS. UA9 BUZ 5CCM SUCH r" 1 WMY, THI6 STUFF 15 POOF! TME THINGS OF I BUZZ 8AWYEB I I v w. w . iT?V- Kacixnr Mown 7 : ; - -- ; j allet 4 bobble f thev staitth? ftbom! P skeezdt has got 11 Itmpt can apfok? S5.T r. 4CC. rv- I vohfT wvy rr. but f scratch a year acq fl himsq-F a hcsuse 1 1 hae a notioisi JrZrt mi m J ITS A Bbl ltC HACE I HME. KEPT BUSY. HMEED D ANP SEVB4 PEOPLE j TO MAKE IT 65 M fH3 m ot- nr K- VTO DCKER FROM. TWO HELPERS AM? I KVE UVED OFF L M " JTSr V BOUGHT A TgUCX. jTHE gUStMeSS vW " G ASOUT(X ALLCT L r'te I I 'TT rowwy X f yore techeo (E?555 shjuxagge is "--- I TMOUC3HT SUR6 WW HAIO. S SOCIABLE AS X r h mf coroe M6e 1 V cousin jfWf 155 a fiakft o' 2f A LAWSY, NO A to oestpov vou no 1 VL-f AW W V kitten OWJOURLiFE VOWAJI.. J QiAVJNQ " BAEHZT GOPGL1 jn. ..grH! ' 1 1 1 jt'Sr vmmsctI "W -That waI 1 1 turew him ojr because mis 1 1 you and i are gong id I M NOT GONG TO WURtN TO TALK. S BOSS BARCM GANG WRECKED THE NEWSPAPER PROVE THAT HE'S NOT, OU.SHERFF POTTER' J TO TOJ J f OU THREW OPFJCE BAPTON "UlNKS HE'S BiG- l S 1 . ENy- LONE RANGES hftAH!EVS - - I Th Stalman, SaUm. Ofyon. Tridaj. pmthm 17. ltitH S Uriii; viii rTV' incAtv n.. m i Fri. RADIO KSLM (ISM A) KOLN KCW e k KEX (ItM M) C:IS News TtiTif kteper !Orrt!etr I News Wet Stars IKOIN Klock I IJumpin' Jacks 1 Bugler X 1 T Uf. I D.i.Ur Y iKoeass. News Busier X Busier X Bu)r X T:IS 1:4S INews (Rise o Shin INews INews IBob Garred "March Tim tract Finder farm time The Old Socuts (Sam Hares Buffer X Acronskjr James AMt Stock Market (Dr. Talbot (User News S:1S (Dr. Talbot I Art Baker 3 Silverton Pr. 'Grand Slam :44 " iLindlahr I Rosemary Fred Waring pack Berch James Abbe (Breakfast Club (Breakfast Chib I Breakfast Club IBreakfast Club t:lS t:M :S Camera Club IKate Smith Coke Club lAunt Jenny Pastor's Call Helen Trent (Art Baker (Gal Sunday lOre. Caravan Kneass. News Words. Music Words. Music IGlamour IGlarrtour Breneman iBreneman (News Big Sister It:lS iBing Sings iMa Perkins 1:M iHorn o' Plenty I Dr. Ma lone 1:S Woodry's I Road of Life 620 Time I Home Edition Ted Maione Tropic Echoes ! True Story J. Jordan (True Story II :M 11:13. 11 :M 11:41 Waltz Time Mrs. Burton IToday's Child J Hymns Day Dreams Perry Mason I White Woman (Melodies Queen for Day 'Lone Journey (Masquerade Listening Post Queen for Day IRose - (Light World (Ethel. Albert Neon 12.1S 12:3 12:43 (Pioneers News (Hillbilly (Variety Show News Come Get It Wheeler Melody Trail Kneass, News Ma Perkins Pepper Young Happiness W. Kiernan Stars Today E. C. Hill I Come Get It 1 : INews House Party 1:13 ILum 'n Abner Tops Today 1:3 (Turner Prog. Newspaper 1:5 ITurner Prog. ( IBackstage Wife Tommy Riga I Stella Dallas Tommy Riggs (Lorenzo Jones I Kay West iWidder Brown 1 Kay West 2:M 2:13 2:3 2:43 ITeU Neighbor jj. J. Anthony lOrchestra lOrchextra School of Air (Meet Missus Girl Marries What s Doin' Portia. Life What's Doin' Just Plain Bill I Bride. Groom (Farrell I Bride. Groom 3:13 1:49 With Music lArt Kirkham With Music I Wash. Report Santa Claus (Serenade Four Corners I Robert Trout IRoad of Life I David Harum lAunt Mary I Dr. Paul I Be Seated I Be Seated I Dorothy Dix (Music 4: 4:13 4:3 4:43 !Fulton Lewis (Rex Miller E. Johnson I Buck Rogers (Range Call One for Book Linger Ruas Morgan iThis Woman News Life Beautiful IC. Foster Rhythm N. W. Today Santa Claus Tenn. Jed 5:M 3:13 S.J 3:43 INews 'Superman I Knox Manning SUn Today I Music u. Moorad ICapt. Midnight Nfw (Sing. America 'News (Tom Mix Bob Garred (Pirates iSky Kuig 'Jack Armstrong !Cin. Bear : IS C:43 IG. Heatter 'Kay's lOrchestra lOrchestra ' IGinny Simms (People Durante (Waltz Tim I I Range Riders I Newsletter (The Sheriff IThe Sheriff 7: 1:13 7:3 7:43 News News Cico Kid Cisco Ktd (Sports I Strang (Maisie Theatre Sports Rhythm (Sports 1 Sports Mlwic Moods (Music Moods t: George Do It L- Thomas ISupper Club !Me!ody 3:13 George Do It Jack Smith ILawton (Cheery Songs S:3 Burl Ives Sparkle Tim I Alan Young Your FBI 45 Orchestra I I (Your FBI 9:M 9:13 9:3 9:43 !News I Fanny Brie IKing's Men 'Break the Bank Pictorial B. Grayson 'Break the Bank Sports (Thin Man 'Public Interest N. W. Skies H. J. Taylor 'Ona Munson I IN. W. Skies 1:M 19:13 l:3 10:45 Fulton Lewis 'News INews lOrchestra 'S Star Final I Ignorant ITex Rangers News Flashes 'Sports lOrchestra Band Wagon ! News !U Time (Concert Hour i Concert Hour 11: 11:15 11:39 11:43 11:33 12:99 (Open House JSerenad (Open House (Air-Flo I Open Hous ! News (News 'News (Speaker (Ron Salt ISign Off ISilent (News I Sign Off (Concert Hour Concert Hour lOrchestra 'Orchestra IX-Tra Hour KOAC 559 kc 10:00 News: 10:15 Es pec tally for Women; 11 :00 Concert Hall; 12:00 News: 12:15 Noon rarm Hour; 1:00 Ride 'Em Cowboy: 130 Melody Time; 1:45 Paris Premiere: 2 00 The Clubwomen's Half Hour; 2:30 Mem ory Book of Music: 3.-00 News: 3 13 Music of the Masters; 4 Xi Oregon Reporter; 4:15 Song Time. 4:30 Stnct- ly Jazz: 4:43 Children's Theatre: .3:00 On the Upbeat: 5:55 Spotting the Sports: :00 News: 6:13 Weekend in Town; 6:30 Music of Czechoslo vakia: 7:15 Evening Farm Hour: I 00 Here's to Veterans; 8:15 Youth and Their Music: 8:45 News: 9:00 Music That Endures: 9:45 Evening Medita tions: 10-00 Sign Off Vet Deprived Of Climb Up Capitol Dome BOISE. Idaho. Dec. 26 -(JP)- A professional steeplejack today Henri vp-d an ex-Daratroooer of the dubior- opportunity of clambering over the lofty dome of Idaho's capitol to replace burned out electric lights. Bank Clerk Garland Drewrey, 25, former paratrooper, volun teered yesterday for the job after Statehouse Custodian Martin Garvin said members of his staff from 60 to 77 years of age were "too old" for the job. Two hours before Drewrey was to begin, state officials de cided to let the task on a con tract to Steeplejack Charles H. Chambers and his helper, Cecil V. Martin, jr., 22. Officials explained they thought it was advisable to employ Cham bers in view of his professional experience. He and Martin ex pected to finish the job tomor row. Two strings of lights that encircle the dome like separate necklaces were the object of their attention. On the upper string some seven stories above ground the' steeple jacks tip-toed along an 18-inch ledge, utilizing a long pole to reach the light sockets. For the lower strand they manipulated the pole from ladders lashed to stone columns that support the crest of the dome. Long-Missing Sardines Back In Bay Area SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 26-Pi -Succeeding where elaborate scientific detection devices had failed, the skipper of a recon verted navy vessel brought Fish erman's Wharf the glad news to day: The sardines are coming. But no matter how heavy the long awaited run, this will still be the worst season in Bay area history, fishermen said. The run usually starts in mid-July, and the season will end on February 15. John Mladinich, master of a suiplus navy destroyer escort he brought from Seattle for a Cali fornia purchaser, spotted the gieat schools off the Farallone islands December 24. He said he couldn't get a minute's rest un til he had brought the good news home. Sound Detectors Failed The purse seiner Pearl Harbor, equipped with anti-submarine sound detectors, sought without success last April to locate the elusive school i. Less than two months ago a navy blimp tried with no better luck. Where the sardines have been hiding all this time no one knows, Dan Bohne, marine insurance man who had aocompanied Mladinich, reported. He said somebody ought to do some scien- "Why eouldal y have heea lnstesMl T havisuj to a.Usfle4 with a few flg-ar etghssi aak fifty la a wwr It's a $3,000 Steak L t 4 irV4 ' w:, ' Ly-i :" y fj Wawrr? , ' ; J .ft- BATON K.OUGE. La.. Dee. t.-Gv. Jlnml Davts ( a steak. 9ackael like a jewel. Into the refrigerator at the tier's mansion at Baton stooge, la. The steak la a perttoa the grand champloai steer, T. O. Pride, sold at the Americas Btoyal stoekshaw at an all tiaae record price f t4S.&0. The stoah weigiM at at S3,00. accenting to Ed Williams, preside I f 4h WUIaajsts Meat ('.. af Kansas City, who boaght the steer and sent the steak to Gov. Darts. (AP Wlrephoto to Th SUtosaman). Airlines to Ask More Pay for Flying Mails By James J. Strebig, WASHINGTON, De 26 (?) Many of the nation's airlines were reported ready today to ask the government for a pay hike noon to hHp meet rising cost in flying the mail. i One airline is aLo expected to ask a 10 per cent boost fur pas senger fares. Airline officials pictured the various companies' overall finan cial situation as probably the tific research and find out. j Canneries Get Up Steam San Francisco's small -era ft fleet, which went south soane time ago seeking larger catches, I meanwhile headed for home for' the kill. And -some 40 sardine ' canneries and reduction plants are getting up stesun. blackest since the civil aeronautics act was passed in 1931, with oper- atmg costs already exceeding ln- rome for some carriers. Tht' officials said labor and material costs have rioen sharply and heavy commitments have ben made for surplus wartime transports and new equipment, de livery of which has been delayed by labor difficulties and material shortage. Meanwhile, pay load have dropped below estimates fr the usual seasonal decline. BACKACHE, LEG PilIIIS T.1AY BE DANGER SIGH OTTkrWIGdWrt ir Senators in Spotlight BW i- ? x.$j G O. AIKEN VT. 6 tobor. Welfore . 't t mum hi la a 4m a ta a. Wafrss sk arala swt F Mr kiMFS 4 alfUiia. Tkkl4MTlraMMara laMrfnfrfbiUt rseass aeta a4sMa ui awt mm Mead. Ibey a4s aa-et .pU pas abli BHeta a ay. Ulatli atiba W kkftwer tatos mmm Baassa Saa't wrk wat, mmtammmmm mmmm mmmrmtmmm atawkawd.Tai sue ulaa. kt aalaa. I af , eUae aaskaa,! pslaaasairthsra.liaa4srtiss d aa hwialli nliinsill I i s I ! wraasj wna yew hiaae mr aaaav lM't waMt Aafe I mmr nrHt Imr U m l PIBs. a Miamiaat MraUa. a4 awaeaaf ' by aaiiiiona for 49 yeaj. tiaa'a a hmpwr raihaf aad wig aJ sk 16 aaka mi Mmt iukaa Saah I l'Sl S. BRIDGES N. H. 10 Appropriation A. CAPPER KAS. 21 Afjricultwro H. FERGUSON MICH. 4 Exec. ExparaditMro QfryJt?i nil in., -fr C. GURNET S. Dl Arwaad SWvka Ql. LjlJ LjllJ L. I Uii L R. H. TAFT OHIO I Finonc C. W. TOBEY N. H. 8 B4UtfcilMj A. VAN0ENBERG MICH. 19 Foreign Relations W. H. WHtTI ME. 16 Intorsf . Coerinrc A. witir WIS. JiKfkiary These axe the GOP veterans who hy vlrtae of seniorUy in committee are In Une to Uke orer ehalraaan- shift of headline committees in the Itth eo nxresa tnere o y naring a eeiaiTe say on wno wiU be taken ap oa the floor for action. Their states, n amber of years serrlec la the senate and pro bable committee ehalmtanshlps are shown. Should the new congress go along with earlier streaaa linlag plaits, there wenld be teleseopinc eotnanitteeo. Several of the senators shown haee sen iority on amove than osm committee bat Capitol HiU observers beUeTC that the committee shown nn der each name is the one each man will refer to direct If existing proeodmro eonUanes. Flnorexcenl, Commercial and Indnilrial Ligkiing Fixlarci For InmedUU Delivery Salen Ligblicg and Appliance Co. Ttnaartrt leallaai- V 11 N. Liberty. Salens, Ore. I rhetwa 4I 9 DBS. C3 IAN 9r TlaaJi . . LAM 9f O raaa.M 91 CHINESE HatK RALI ITS S4I North Uborty Uf stairs Port Ian Oaaarai stlartrn Cm Offsos as a Saturaar only I am U I imi I tol ia Cmm MiltatMMt Sllaoa or as air an ttrMM tts are Br of Wiirn fri sine 1911