The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 25, 1946, Page 9, Image 9

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Seen and
Bv lrym
IIIGHLIGIITS of the holidays (or
the younger set . . . the anuual
Rainbow Christmas formal . . .
this year held Monday night . . .
Crystal Gardens transformed into
a "Blue Prelude" theme with blue
apun gl&M and blue crepe paper
streamer . . . Hardly dancing
room ms over five hundred at
tended . . with dozens sitting out
between (toners to allow room for
others . . .
Krfrrhia sight ... to see so
many ycung lovelies and their es
cort, vi ho looked even younger
. . . Charlotte Alexander was at
tracts e in her full skirted black
taffeta rires with black and white
bodice sprinkled with black se
quins and red carnati'ns in her
brunette curl . . . Suzanne Hug
gins weiring a pale orchid and
yellow striped taffeta fnxk with
halter bodice . . . anl her i-o-hostes
before the dance. Carol
Fallin. in a striped tjffeta. one
boulder bare . . .
Sailed . . . Virginia Huston in
quaint off the shoulder rhe-
of biack with red horizontal
tripes ... a rhinestone choker
and her blonde hair done in cutis
with white carnation in the back
. . . Jc-n Adolph in an unusual
(own of bronze brown ben valine,
halter bodice with scalloped neck
line . . . Dunn a Lochead in a pret
ty Chrilmas ted velvet frock . . .
Ha viae Imu . . . Barbara King
m a black and white tiny check
taffeta . Patty Wilson in a
portrait tier satin dre with
certe btw fct the waistline . . .
Worthy am i for. .Joyce Smith, in
white organdy and blu taffeta
bow at the waist . . The Hale
girls. PatrKia and Dim is, in identi
cal frocks f black witii char
treue unti black print draped
girdles with butle in bjck . . .
Sophisticated Cynthia Needham in
m striking off -the-shoulder gown
of silver brocade with .w torso
and full krt if white tsffeta . . .
lon milt (1 the brocade and an
orchid ir h i' long, blonde tresses
. . Car. I Cam in M k with
pink in.-et in back and bustle . . .
Donna Lw;em-e in bls.k com
biner! witn fold pretty Pat
Burrell in a inai1 frock . . . young
Elizabeth Jane John.son in white
with a line ruffle at the
Croghans Have
Anniversary j
Th -; i ft wfxUi-ni Hnnnpr
jiy M: ;,i.d Mr Willi im D
t'togt:;.!) elfiir .1 1 1 n
nrd.iv mgit when j inui of
fri-rid.- ir.l rol.ifives surprised""'
-them -t th-,r home on North 21st'
Btretd The guests and hosts sarwi
and pied chrds, with refie--h-irtPir-.
eied later in the evening.
Pii-.-ent were Mr. and Mrs.'
R iland Hfper. Mr. and Mm.'
Gro n Ncuman. Mr jnd Mrs
A H DiiVi.v Mr and Mis. Bruce
Ci .in. Mr and Mrs. S D.
(iII.'A.iy Mi. and Mrs. B E.
Cm (.' ;ind d.mhters. Lu;da
an. I Suj-,,11 Holn-rt Nf'.im.m.
l.niei.n "..iloway and the Wil
liam i "r'-gh.r:.
Coed at Fircwide
A Ki"up if coeds who havf re
tuii.ed l.r the holil.iys from
rimpi in Oregon. Washington
an i I t;h w es e entertmud at a
Ch!.-'m;s f.rride Morvliy even
init Kiven tv Mim Janet Miller
a' 'he oome of her piicnN, the
C. i S V Mers. Those bidden
w-re th N!;-es G Ion nit Allen.
Bonnie B. ton. Lim Burns,
Jf-sr"ie D ..'tie. Jewel Gurltroy.
B-'irne Iru m. Pat Minumar.i.
Shirlrv Ptt Mjry Eh'at.f'n
n-in.,it. Beina Wall an 1 Lola
Wmdf ker
llt I. CITY Mis Nadiar Hurt
and J.n k D.-ggan were mar.n-d
IhM'mcci 't at the Kirs! C mcte
ga': .nF chi.rch in Sal m Mrs
Ilo'tv Husyt and Vein Sha at
tet. .led the couple. Mi. Fvclyn
Cliui li il w j.j. solois' Tt:e Kcv
I)a . I f i rrii.rn perf rm -1 the
ct'irmoij srd a rovefi'-.u fol
io a i'iI
Tle viunn couple ar. ijradu.ites
of Mill 'My high scho ' Mrs
D'.iKtti'n h;.s wt n empl ivol ii Sa
lem . t me -;ate hou. jnd Mr
Dtinunn i itnploye.1 ir. Lyons
wheie th y v. ill make-tli-'i! home
Agard ia..t;nter of Mr and Ntrs.
J W. Agird of M'mm lulh be
rime -the tnde if C'htrle W.
Whelchel. Mn of NeUr. Whcl
chel f lrnier ndetice. Sondjy. De
cern! i 13 :n the Presbyterian
chinch at 1 roe(H-ndence The Rev
J .hn W Hood read th double
rmj m :v irr. John Airl jr. was
beT rrviifi and Mis- B-"rnice R.ha
ot Sa'.-m was bridesm ii 1 After a
short titp to the if i, the
couple will he at horn- r. Intle
pendeiur where the : om i
employed the M & H store
Riiiis Observe
LYONS A group from Rebck
ah lodge me with Mr and Mi
Allrt Rinf on ther 52nd wed
ding anM'fdrjr. Cards were
pUved ht refit party r.ored
br tie Alta Society was held at
Rehekah br :l ThursJ jy niht
Mr anl Mrs. Get ith and ihd
dren went to Lou Angeles to pen i
C"hr:-tnrvar with relative. The E.
L. Roy family visited relsties in
Ctta;e Gioe Sunliir
The Lyn school Friday
for thr holiday sein. with a
Christmas party and gift ex
ch ange
Mr and Mn. George Kimery
and chiiilren of Portland visited
his patents, the Jamesj Kimerys.
hi brotlier Fillard Kimery 'and
hi Mter Mrs. Art Ayer and
Mr. nt Mrs. Jack Thayer of
Albany visited friendU here Sun
dy. They are former residents.
ternll Rrassfield wis in Hills- last week, railed there by
sertrtt tHneswW-tM methr.
. . . the florists must have really
done a rushing business Monday
as we're sure nearly every girl
(over two hundred of them) had a
corsage ... and the benches in
the downstairs hall laden with
corsage boxes . . . the flowers
pinned on after arrival.
Town club's holiday dinner dance
at the Marion hotel Saturday . . .
Many out-of-town guests glimpsed
. . . From Portland came two for
mer Salem couples . . . Dr. and
Mrs. Louis Schoel . . . she is stun
ning in a black velvet suit and
one sleeve at the shoulder
I brilliant colored sequins . . . the
j Virril Dunkins . . . the latter in
i black velvet with a white lace
I yoke . . . Captain and Mrs. Win
j ston Williams greeting old friends
Chinese silk gown and real Chi
nese .slippers . . . Winston leaves
the end of the week for Washing
ton. DC. prior to receiving final
orders to Frankfurt for foceign
duty . . . Mr. and Mrs. Courtney
Johns were here from Albany . . .
he now associated with Melvin
Goode . . .
OaUtaadiag . . . Mrs. Vernon
Perry so striking in an off-the-shoulder
model of black satin
with draped skirt and bustle . . .
Mrs Clayton Foreman in a soph
isticated gown of peony red crepe
with flowered decollete and one
flower caught low on the skirt
in back and long gloves to match
. . . Especially liked the red poin
settias on Margaret Hardman's
I black gown . . . Marjone Cooley
j very Chri.stmasy with a sprig of
white holly in her updo hair style
... Mrs Harry Gustafson wear
ing a saun paisley print sprinkled
with bright colored sequins and
' short gold nieh mitts . . . Mrs.
Robert De Almond in a dashing
brown and aqua striped taffeta
I frock with bow at the hipline
I and halter bodice ... So becoming
I was Mrs. Ralph Purv ine's up-
sweep hairdo and her blue steel
I creoe gown with draped skirt and
gold belt . . . Effective were the
gold sequin fans on Mrs. Jack
Price's full skirted black gown
. . .and Mrs Glenn Stevens win
ter white wool frock with gold
I sequins Mattered on the bodice.
Pupils Present !
PR INGLE The annual s, h . 1
Christmas program was given
Tuesday night The operetta
"Hcigh-ho-Holly was presented
by the pupils of all the grades.
Parts were taken by Jimmy Elli- j
son. Joan Filter, Patricia Patton. j
Harry Arthur, I!a Bennett. Karo
lina Kampstra.
Marilyn Settlemier. Gwen
Zimmerman. Gaynell Helstrom.
Louann Johnson. Jean Patton and
Loui e Thompson, Billy Matteson.
Kenneth Brown. Buddy Foster.
Dale Haley. Larry Wood, Gary.
Williams, Merle Young. Irene
Feriley. Robert Gant. Manlee
Man. Ramona Haley. Sally Jones.
Shirley Zimmerman and Esther
Fer.ley. j
Janet Bohnstedt, . Billy Mann.
Sam Ryikman. Harlan Wood-:
ridge. Eugetie Busch' Robert Kim-
hie. Dale Ellison. David Johnon
.uid Rnb.n Williams. '
Leo Kenyon. Gene Anda!. Mur
ry Conklm. Biuiv Buzzcil. M.iri
Ivn Settlemiet. (iSynell Hel.strom.
Joan Patton. Louise Thompson.
Louann Johnson. Gwer. Zimmer
man. John Thompson. Jimmy .
Ccrklin. Darold Smith, George i
Springer. Gerald Smith, Wilfoid
Haley Call Bartruff. Dale C'alla-!
way and Jimmy Kottek
Wilma Fenley. Gloria Black
well. Darlei e Eler. Joyce Thomp
son, Ruthann Pa' ton. Judith Bink
!ey. Linda Kendnck, Baibara'
Bu'ze!!. Janet Ashcraft. Judith !
Lynch. l.eona Else! . Joan John
son. Judi:h FostO' . Richard Bar
rett. Robert Barrett. Cla'y Mc
Callister. Winona Lynch. Patty
Gray. Roberta Heckman. Gaynell
Helstiom. Jean Patttn. Marilyn
Settlemier. Louann Johnson. Jim
my Kottek. Darold Smith. Irene
Fenley. Dje Callaway. Jimmy
Conklin and C.eorse Springer. !
Later Santa CI ius appearel
with a sack of candy for each
youngster present.
Friday e ich room had a Christ
mas party with exchange of gifts.
School will resume Jamiaiy 6
The sale of Bangle Pins in the
school brought $3 52.
Jimmy Heath enrolled in the
4th grade, coming from Engle
wood school in Salem
MUkfon Bottom The school
Christmas program was given
Saturday and directed by the
teacher. Gladys Brov.-n. Notable
were the accordion solos by Nancy
Burford and Dolons Townscnd
ai d vocal solo by William Smith.
Santa Claus arrived and ciiMiib
u'ed treats and gifts to the chii
d ret l.
Narth Hawell Christmas pro
gram presented by the North
Howell puoils Friday night feat
ure.! accor dion music by Let a
Stevens, accompanied by Ellen
Sika: piano solo by Janice Jack
son. ' The Fames' Chnstmas par
ty", by the primary pupils and
the pantomime. "O Haly Night"
by the upper grade pupils with
Earl MeCollum as reader. School
will resume December 30.
Falls City The community
Christmas tree and program was
held at the IOOF Hall Thursday.'
The churches and schools gaee
the program and drew a large
crowd. I
Clear Lake Boys and girls of j
Clear lke school presented a(
Christmas program Friday night, i
I Later treats were distributed by ,
I members of the school board. '
School will bclosed until Decern- j
I br M. ---
which has been looked forward to every year at
PRICE'S. An event unsurpassed in the whole year.
This is when rwe clear all merchandise from our
Broken lots and sizes in fox
coney, dinner lanb, opossnn
and skunk. Degnlarly priced np
to $395X3 to close on! quickly
at one price.
y i
For lbe
Come and see all the pattern hats and finer ex
clusive millinery offered in this gale at the fol
lowing ridiculously low prices:
$10.00. $10.95 &
$12.95 hats to go
$14.95 and $16.
95 to go at
$lS.t5 to J20.95,
to pro at
Two large modern storage vaults
right on the premises where' you
can get your furs in a minute's no
tice. Cleaning, glazing, and remod
eling. In fact, complete fur service.
03 & OKI
Bed, bine and green. All sizes.
Only 20 lo go. Degnlarly $19.
50. While they last at only
Wool and crepe; broken sizes;
all styles; beautifully designed.
Bgnlarly np to $19.50 lo go at
To $25.00. Most all
Come and see them
first time in live years
we are. placing on sale ten doz-
en beautiful Nylon Hose. First
come first served. Two pair to
a customer, bnf yon will have
to coae early. Only
at only
$r nn
$22.95, $24.95
I me . .
ana io.ra io
I go at
I $28.95, $30.95
1 ind $32.95 to
go at
. $34.95. $36.95
and $38.95 to
$n ftrt
Pre -
Thursday, Dec. 26, 10 A. M.
sizes. Many late arrivals
while they will be offered at
' i r ii ii ii i
Odd lots; blue suede and kidkin;
broken sizes; priced to SI 0.95, to
close out at
Visit Our
Beauty Salon "
Managed by
Miss Vivian Enyeart
We cater to exclusive hair styling. This service
is truly a revelation to any one of our friends
who has not already become a regular visitor to
this beautiful shop. Come in when you. want
something special.
shelves in order to assure our customers of only the
newest in women's wear for the spring season.
just "fl C AA
only ZD aZbW
. i
Ihm SicrtMman. Salem, Oregon. Wdnsdar. Dc. 25. IMS 9
- - I
Fur Trimmed
eg AT
to be completely closed out. Only odd loU and
sizes. Some of our most outstanding numbers
still in this lot. Priced from $99.95 to $250.00.
Get them now at
Broken lots: most all sizes; some of our finest
fabrics and styles. Regularly sold' at $35.00 to
$79.95. Get them now at onlv
Some of our finer
$35.00 to $79.95. To
Come and get it while it lasts. All kinds to select
from. Regularly sold up to $3.95.
Now sold at
in brown and black w ith
While they last
O l95 pirn.
suits. Broken lots. From
close out quickly at
Thev Last
cuban heels. Regularly
. $4S00