p J! .' J or 'if- A X t. fez? s-ys r fk far w! I- t" T6 TftS?r- S.-J 'B&B!- Holiday Guests . . Highlighting the Christmas day events will be the many happy family reunions, some getting together (or the first time since before the war. Relatives have come from afar to be with their families for the Joyous occasion. Mayor and Mrs. I. M. Doughton will have as their Christmas guests their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Doughton, Jack and Shirley of Centialia, their other son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Doughton, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Wilson and Elaine of Albany. Tonight Mayor arid Mrs. Doughton will b hosts for an informal at home at their North Summer street residence for relatives In Salem and the alley between 7 and 10 o'clock. Gathering at the home of A N. Bush today will be Miss Zulette Pointer, Miss Ella Mt Bride of Seattle, David Jordan of Ban Francisco, Mrs. Alley Cornish, Mrs. Asahel Buh and Jodey. Here from South Dr Marv B Pur ine is entertaining at Christmas dinner today for her daughters and ycni-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ham mond Burnett of Santa Barbara. Calif . Mis MdiKan t Purvme of Berkeley, her son and his family, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Purine and Billy, and the latter- parents. Mr and Mrs Guy E. Raymond of Winona. Minn . who are here for the hlid.iy. The California visitor villi leturn smith by pl.ne Utter In the week. The South Huh street home of Dr and Mrs K t". Lee Steiner wi'l be the scene of a gay family gathering today as it will be the first time then children have all been together on Christmas in twelve years. In the group will be Dr and Mrs. Milton Stemtr, Jean. Ann and Lee of Portland, Colonel and Mrs Karl C. Flegel. Earl, jr. and Lee Mr and Mr. Daniel J. Fry. jr., Daniel Fry. III. Lt. and Mrs. William Snell, D.mn.i and William Lee of San Diego. Mr. and Mr Milton L Meyers and Mrs. Walter Denton Mr and Mr Carl E. Nelson have as their Christma dinner quests Lt. (jg) and Mr Stuart Nel.-on ..iwl Genevieve Ann w no arrived hv plane Sunday fn m Pensacola, Florida. Mis Janice N'eKon and Reed Nel son, home from :he I'fuversity of Oregon, Dr and Mrs K. I) Johnson of Klamath Falls, parent of Mi. Stuart Nelson, and Mr ami Mrs William Hopper of Portland. Families Gather Mr and Mrs Conrad Paulus will en teitaiu ;it ilinner tod.iy for mem hex of her family .ncluding Mr and Mrs. Thomas A. Llv ! v, Mr .did Mis Stuart Bush and Asah. I, Thomas DeBei k Li. esley of Van couvc. B C . R dei-n-k Li v esley. Miss L. A. DeBeck of San Franc iscn, Larry. Peter and Tommy Paulus Mr. and Mrs John Caughell will be hosts for a tamily dinner today for her aunt. Mrs 11 II Stapleton of Roseburg. who is here for the holiday. Miss Josephine Baum gartner, Joseph Baumgartner, Mrs. Harry Waite. Kenneth Caughell and Mrs. L. A. Westacott Holiday guests at the home of Mr and Mr A V L'tley and Dr. and Mis. C. L. Blodgett will be the former's son. William l'tley. who ai lived hy plane Tuesday from New York City, Mr and Mrs. Corydon Rlodgett. the Rev and Mrs. Victor Phillips of Kli mUh F..IL. Mr Ralph N. Allen, Mis Betty Zoe Allen and Miss Shirley Durand of New Yoik City This ,s the first gathering cf the fam ly at Christmas for eight years. Daughter Home Mr and Mrs Alfred A Schramm are entertaining at dinner today for their daugh ter. Sus..nna, who is here from Denver, sen, Phillip, who is home from Oregon State college. Mr and Mrs Kenneth Schramm, Sally and 1-a .v i t rie e, and Mrs. R. A. Schramm of Oak Grove Mr and Mrs Roy H Simmons will be dinner host today at their country place for their family including Mr. and Mrs. James B. Halev. Mis. Fmma Haley. Mr ,nd Mrs Charles Barclay. Mr and Mrs. James L. Barclay. Mr and Mrs. Forrest Simmons, Bland. Forrest and Audrey Simmons. Dr and Mrs. Floyd L. Utter will enter tain at dinner today in honor of their mius nd daughters and families for the first lime In six year. Guests will b Mr. and Mrs. Robert Utter of San Franc isco. Mr i nd Mr. Fred Campen, Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Liter nd Richard of Portland, Collins Utter and Mi Patricia Gatton. Guests of Mr. and Mrs William J. Busick toda) will be her mother. Mrs. Randa Mc Donald, and Mrs. Agnes Halett. Miss Bar tara Halett. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hi"zlett, Jimmy and Susan. Mr and Mrs I L. Howe, II of Portland, and Miss Jeanne Busick. Guests at Matt llme Gathering tcKlay at the country home cf Mis. James W. Mott are her family in cluding Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Stewart of Cwego, Mrs. Fva Purvir.e. Mr. and Mis. Harold Walling and Jerry, Mr. J D Wall ing. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sullivan and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Whisenand and Beverly Mott Mr. and Mrs, William C Dyer. jr. will be hosts at Chi istmas dinner for Mr. Gei -trude Walton and William W.. Hon of Port land, Be;t Ellis. Bennet Ludden. Mr. and Mis. Claybourne Dyer and Shannon, ;.nd Mrs. William Cornell Dyer. Mr. and Mrs Robert Gaston Brady, sr. will preside at Christmas cimner today for Miss Winifred Ingraham of Seattle. Mr and JUrs. Charles Dodge of Astoria. M. S Barker of Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Brady, Jr and Michael, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sid doway and Miss Carolyn Brady. Dr and Mrs. Chester A Downs are en tertaining at dinner today for Mrs. M B. Parounagian. Miss Mary Paroun.gian. Miss Carrie Matthews and Miss Mabel Downs, all of Portland. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Young today will be Mr. and Mrs. Archie Holt. Miss Pattie Holt of Portland, and Miss Beryl Holt. The Social Whirl It is a gay holiday season this year with parties slated for nearly every hour of the afternoon and evening. Friday afternoon Miss Elizabeth Lord and Miss Edith Schryver will be hostesses for an informal holiday at home at their Mission street resi dence for twenty-five of their friends. Calling hoursj are from 3 to 5 o'clock. Mrs. Keith Powell will assist the hostesses in the dining room. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Roth are entertaining with two holiday, at homes at their North 21st street residence. On Friday night the hosts have invited sixteen of their friends to fall after 8 otclock and Sunday night will be hosts for a similar affair with thirty invited to call during the evening. Dr. and Mrs. Paul Wolfe will be at home to a few of their friends Thursday night at their East Center street home. Bidden are members of her bridge club, their husbands and a few additional guests. Dr. and Mrs. Roscoe Vilson, Dr. and Mrs. Tom Dunham and Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Smith will be hosts for a progressive dinner party Saturday night at their homes for members of their bridge clubs, husbands and a few guests. Miss Jane Walsh and her brother. Raymond, both home from college for the holidays, will be hosts for a party tonight preceding the Spinster ball at the borne of their mother, Mrs. Raymond Welsh. Tea to Fete Coeds . . . Calendared for Monday afternoon, December 30 is the informal Christ mas tea for which the Salem alumnae of Kappa Kappa Gamma will be hostesses at the North Capitol street home of Mrs. George Rossman. The affaii is given annually for active Kappas and pledges attending school and their mothers. Calling hours are from 3:30 to 4:30 o'clock. Presiding at the tea urns will be Mrs. Douglas McKay and Mrs. P. H. Schnell, mothers of active members. Arranging the tea are Mrs. Rossman, Mrs. David Eason and Mrs. Harry U. Miller. Rose Bowl Bound ... Four Salem couples are leaving by car Friday morning for the Rose Bowl game in Pasadena. In the group will be Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. McMillin and son, Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. Maoc Allen. Dr. and Mrs. Waldo Zeller and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lee. The McMillins will visit with relatives while in Los Angeles and the Zellers will be with friends in the southern city, where they formerly lived. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Phillips, sr. are among others going south for the Rose Bowl game. They are leaving by train Friday and while south will visit ixi Los Angeles and San Diego. Coming Events Cast Their Shadows 11 1 11 1 1 11111 1 1111 111 - IIIIJ ' """ '" " i. mi i ' ' . i,m ii I ila ; ii , . J 'JU-- P v -4 ;'. '''- 1 4 -.. " I mil ii ii "'" ' f . , - if iM'ZI n TTTu VAl ! A'xi - c Al-v Hi k k'f s.; VI?; ' k vrTl T F V i - i VJ .v' . . - I; , - . - ; i - , . -4 V - ; ; 0 i V u j r;;i J , 'S, ,- i yT . i . : S s. ( i ii, -n; r-iiriiMwiiMnm.nr- -- A--3.' Timothy. Mary arid Cathy, children cf Dir. and Mrs. Charles Campbell, find anticipation a very important thing these Christmas holidays. j (Photo by Maxine Buren.) On Christmas -Eve . J . Christmas eve was the occasion for many family jcelcbrttioiis and dinners. Mrs-. Iuis Lachmund was hoctofs for a buffet supper Tuesday night at her South High street home for 12 nf her intimate friends. A Christmas eve gatherihg was he'd at the hom of Dr. and Mrs. Charles Wood. In the group were Dr. and Mrs. John R. WoodjMary, Allan and Robert, Mr and Mrs. Conrad Paulson and Tommy, and -Ric ky, John and Chris Wood. Do.-in and Mrs- Melviri Heist were hosts for a CHHstmas eve suppfr p;.rty at their home for Mr. and Mrs. Rov S. Keene. Madeleine and Geraldine, Mrs. Clifford Biker of Berkelev .and Mrs. Charles Winttrmute nf Seatt'e. sisters of Mrs. Keene who are here for the holidays, Mr. fnd Mrs. Howard .Maple and Marcia. I Mr. and Mrs. Dav id H Cameron entertained teir family at Christmas eve dinner. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Nafeel and Larry David of Co'-v allis. Mr. and M-s. Johrt Strirkfaden pnd John ee. Mr. and Mrs. Vinnie J Bell, Robert dnd Janie of Portland, and Mrs. Minnie Jane Bell of Farm ing ton. Wash. I Mr. and Mrs Stewart Johnson and David W. Evie entertained at Christ mas eve dinner for Mr and Mrs. Dav id W. Ev re. Jr.. and children Com ad and David Lawrence of Portland. j Relatives (father j - I Gathering at the Rue Drapers on Christmas evel wee their children and their families including Mrs. Rubv Mirhler mid Nan cf Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Drager of Ibaon. Mr. and Mis Robert Dragtr. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Nicholson, jr . Mr.' and Mrs. Clarence Ifamilton and David and Dougl.:s. j Mrs Lewis Griffith was: hostess for a Christmas; eve dinner for Mr. and Mrs John CoDenhaver. Dr. and Mrs. John Griffith Sand children. Mrs. J. C. Griffith and John Griffith. S Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Brown entertained at dinner for their family Christmas eve at their Fail mount Hill home. j Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vr. Comoton presided at Ch1"'111138 ev dinner at their home for their daughter, Barbara, v.iio is here! from San Franciso for the holidays. Stuart Compton, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Breakey, Donald and Bettv Ann Brtakev. Mr and Mrs. Robert If. Hair.il ton and Mr. and Irs. John Waters enter tained their families at Christmas eve dinner at fheir State street home. Guests were Mr and Mrs. Hugh Hamilton and Misi Mary Lou Hamilton of Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. D D. Olmsted. Mrs. Lena; Waters, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Waters and Miss Viola Holme? of Seattle, i Mr and Mts Lloyd Riches entertained their fafnily at a Christmas eve parlv at their North Summer street heme. 1 Mr. and Mrs Glenn Wilbur's guests on Christmas eve were Mr. and Mrs L D. Pettvjohn of Portla-id. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cannon. Cathy and Christy. Mrs. W Ludd Read,. Donald Canncn and daughters, Susan and Jean, Mr and Mis C C Cannon. ?!is Patricia Cannor. Miss Lorraine Kinzer, M rv ?nd John Wilbur. The C. C. Cannons w ill be jfiosts at dinner today tor the family. Dinner at Wallace Orchards . . . i Mr. End Mrs. Paul B. J?allace will be hosts fofij their annual Chi istmas day dinner tl i afternoon at 5 o'clock at their Wallace Orchards home. The bullet table vvi'l be arranged in the dining room and the long dinner table will be set in the liv ing room before the fireplace. The rooms will be festive with arrangements of mistletoe, Oregon grtstns and red tapers. Guests, who gather annually each year at the Wallaces, include Dr. and Mrs. G. Herbert Smith. Sally and Margie. Bishop and Mrs. Bruce R Baxter of Portland, Miss Edna L. Sterling of fjc-attle. Judge and Mrs. James T. Brand and Tom. Mr. and Mr Keith Powell. Mrs. Chester Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Johnson, David W. Eyre. William S. Walton. Miss Mabel P. Robertson. Miss Elizabeth Lord. Miss Epith Schryver. Mr. .and VIrs. Charles A. Sprggue. Robert W'. Spragne of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gormsen, Miss Pauhe Wallace land Mark Hatfield- Spend Yuletide Away . . . Christmas day will find a number of Salem families away to be with other relatives for the joyous yuletide. Secretary of State and Mrs' Robert S. Farrell. jr., and daughter. Joan and Sally, will be in Portland today at the home cf hersparents, the Homer V. Carpenters, former Salem residents. The Ransom Carpenters and son, Stephen, will also be in Port'and at the home of his parents. Mrs. Taylor Hawkins and daughter. Harriet, will be in Portland this morning for Christmas breakfast at the home cf her brother and sister-'n-law, the Robert McMurrays. Tonight the two fr mi lies will be guests at a formal fhristmas dinner at the home cf Dr and Mrs. Edward St. Pierre. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCargar and children. Larry and Elizabeth, are in Portland for the holiday as guests of her brother and family, the George (.Lawrences. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar T. Pierce and Miss Barbara Pierce will fpend Christmas in Portland with the former's son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ri r aid Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hammond and dauehter. Constance, will be in Oregon City today as guests of his parents, the William Hammonds. To Be in Portland Mr. and Mrs. George Weller and sors. Gordon and John, will be Christ mas guests of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Elton, at their Portland home. Mr. and Mis. C. W. Parker and Miss Mary Parker are spending Christ mas in Portland as guests of Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Endicott. Mrs. Curtis Cross will be in Lebanon for Christmas with her daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Peters. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cross .-md daughter, Cordelia. rwill spend Christmas in Eugene at the home of her father. Austin Dotids. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heltzel and children, Kathy. Tommv. Charles and Timmy. wi'l motor to Portland this morning to spend the holiday with her mother, Mrs. W. W. Gabriel. Mr. and Mrs.: H. L. Braden are in McMinnville for the holiday with their son-in-law and daughter, the William H. Drshneys. Mrs. Ellen Fisher is spending Christmas in Portland with her daughter and family, the Junior Joseph E. Harveys. Mr. and Mrs. Coe Roberts have left for White Salmon. Wash., to spend the holiday week with her parents, Mr. and Iv'rs. George Gladden. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Boardman and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mefford and daughter. Carol, are in Portland today to be with Mr. and Mrs. Thome H. Hammond. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hendricks are spending Christmas in Portland as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Kern, who formerly resided here. In Southern Oregon Dr. and Mrs. Frank V. Prime, sr.. are in Eugene for the holiday to be with their son ancj family. Dr. and Mr.--. Frank Prime, jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huggins and children, Suzanne and Charles, have left for Coos Bay to be with her sister and family, the Laird Thering.s. for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. John Carson and daughters, Ann and Jane, will be with the Rex AllbripU in Silverton today. Dr. and Mrs. A. T. King" and children. Al, Jimmy and Carolyn, are spending Christmas in Portland with his mother. Mrs. Albert King. Mr. and Mrs. Claude M. Johns, sr.. were in Albany Christmas eve to be with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Johns. Today the four will motor to Kalema, Wash., to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs Claude M. Johns, jr. This will be the first gathering of the family in six years. ; Mrs. Carl Davies of Portland has come to Salem to be with her sister, Mrs. Charles McCargar, for the holiday. Also coming from Portland for Christmas are Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Bartley, who will be with their daughter and family, the Robert Herralls. For Dinner . . . Br Jeryme English Society Editor, The Statesman Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Lamport will pre side at a Christmas dinner today at theii Ben Lomand park home for ten of their friends. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Campbell- and their children wi'l have as their guests his par ent. Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell of Dallas,, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell of Port land. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Gillette will be hofts for thHr annual Ch istmas breakfast and dinner for their daughter and fam ly,. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Shaffer and daughters, Marv Gale and Margaret Ann. of Kent,. W;ich and Mr. and Mrs. Maon Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. Brazier Kma'l are entertain ing as their holidav g"ests her sister and j---r,:iv. t - and Mrs. Russell Swai! and daughters, Mary and Carolyn, of Portland. At the Drvrxs Prof and Mrs. Jame Drury will be hosts for a fprpilv grthfrint toda ?t their coun'rv b'me. "H.-iK A Hi'l . Th;-- ruets w::! he Mrs. Ednn Scbwprf nf .Ip'fe r'n. J pn H. C rwford. Mr. and Mrs. C N. P-.ggles Mrs. .Trmes Stee'e, and Miss Joan N'ev.comb of P - hurp. Dinner pvs cf Mr. a"rt Ms Clirer.ce H' "rnilrn vi" b Mr. Mrs y S'inn. M-- r. S H-.rr-i!tnn. . -d M- Rilph JT billon. SKinn aid NVrmn. '''r iind M'"S M-rr'" Ol hf 1'R- r hosts to-"- v f. Mr r-d M C -r!es n-'i-g nf Po'1 rd Mr' Mrk 5rv.i?i Misses "h Ann ad j,;'"e Iri,:; 0'-1:ig. ""r. and Mrs. '. C. H;-e 'vi"l ent-3in 1" r fpnri''" vt Hirrier to-"- Gr"s4. wl' he t- Pnd M- WVsVv r.jfice r.-- M " a of PrMinrH T-. and M"-. I.vr.n TI-ise I ,n rnH Lvnn. and Mr. and Mrs. St.isrt '-'-lilchrist. r-'thppr" p t R' " A' l'c hnme -sv " 'II b th";r f-milv- irrli'd ar" Tr. V--t TT-.pc'--. ;,-d fh; - w M- srw V'S. F"i'tt Pricf T 'irnb Jr. t-j.-.,-; r,,ns ,1 cf Camas. v-a.i, t,-s t -...is Grif ih -md John, and Mr a"d Mrs. John Copenhaver. Here from C"1ifornia T. and re. T.. O Aren? w1'! prid-1 at C'-rist'nr0 d;-rer tor'r-v for M- and !rs. F'-n I. Per"e" of Ti'v'."i" r 1 f . V- --d Ttfrlrt 4 r(.nc r" a-- A "'1 Of rico. Cal;f. rrd Mr rnd .'ns. Fr -'n P. 1-b'"-", son-in-lnvv and daughter cf the Rent iers. Mr. and Mr--. Urlin S. Page w:!! h hests ft '- fojr.'l- r' T" f t 'J s i i 1 1 1 ; 1 , .- ""Tr- s. B'-e;stein. Tr. a"d Mr?. Hl'-t"rt I Stiff. M- .- i?.rbrt ;r- ?.'r. ard Mrs P D Ouisenlvrr- n . .'-t, T--s TT Sco't rt.., a pr Pntj Vpr- V.. Mi'ler and f-pr daughters, and Miss Vljrie Brr:tenstein. M-. ard M-. Home- mi'V a V 8 S tcir Christ'-''"; ovcts -T- pi-d M's. nTe p ,ff0rd. -Ti-; riMrprl Ro'-i'Tcrt--. r.f Ore gon PMv. T--. r"H M'-s. j rr;'i',.i Thop-in md .Tpiio -r nf Astoria, and Mr. and Mrs. Hr"ipr H. sr. Mr. and M-- Wnvne H.:dl- wil! be Pfc-t-rr-s r';nner hos-- n Mr. p. Mrs. P E d l5". T.T-il' n " Hrbe- r' Ionpv- ? W-sh. M- -md Mrs. Doualas MpK.iv and Miry Loi McKay. f'r and Mr- Howard Tmjlp nr:'n'f a Phristm-- HJnner fr trc. W '"3m r'.e, P'Mv prid S'even of Portend. Mrs Gr?e Cc nstrble. rorp Ponst;ihle. jr and Dean ard Mrs. Mlvin Ge'st. Dr. and Mrs. C nl W. Fmnons will h?ve as their dinnp- guests trda" Ann Ti"Me of Portland, ''ks T Ulian ?"d Mis Iss Mc Donald and Miss Margaret Jane Enunons. Leholds Are Hosts Dr. and Mr. Edward A Lehold are enter taining at dinnr todav for Mr. and '-s. Ssmuel Schwartz and Lou Ann. and M-s. George Marners of Prrtl.-'n.d. Father T. J. Bernards. Frank and Bob Lebold. Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Wrodmar.s?? wi'! t-e heists at dinner to Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hein lein and Bill. Mrs. H. K. Stockweli and Anne Woodman see. Christmas dinner guests of Mrs. Frar.k Mogan today will be Mr. and Mr3. Lloyd Riches. Patricia. Robert and DavLJ Riches, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Riches and S'Jsan, Mrs. J H. Farley. Mrs. L. M. Nickerson, Eugene Woods and Ben Ames. Dr. and Mrs. Harold Olinger will enter tain at Christmas dinner for Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Olinger. Mrs. Gertrude Shisler and Miss Frances Shisler, Mr. and ?vlrs. Doug!as Drager of Lebanon and Mrs. Kate G. Beli- Guests at the Kenneth Bell home today will be Mr. and Mrs. Harry Esch. Verne and Dale Esch, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barnett aud Bob by, and Miss Betty Woodard. At the Paulson's The Conrad Paulson home on Court stieet will be the scene of a gay to mil y gathering today. Guests at Christmas din ner will include Mr. and Mrs. Richard Adams and son. Richard Allen, of Corvallis, Mr. and Mrs. James Kinersly of Eugene, Mis. Earl Olson, Stephen and Niki. Mrs. Thomas : Watson of Poitland, Robert and Tommy Steeves. The occasion will also cele brate the birthday cf Mrs. Watson, mo trie r of Mrs. Paulson. A Christening In the morning the group wil! attend the christening of month old Richard Allen Adams, jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Adams, at 11 o'clock in the ehap?I of St. Paul's Episcopal church. The Rev. George H. Swift will officiate. The little boy will wear the christening dress of his aunt. Mrs. Conrad Paulson. The baby's godmother will be his aunt, Mrs. James Kinersly. and his godfather will be his uncle, Harold Adams. The grandparents will also be present including Mrs. Watson nd Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Adams of Eureka, Calif.