1 The) Skrteernan. Salom. Oregon, Wednesday. Doc 25. 1943 Power Firm Merger Gels Final Appypyal OLYMP1A, Dec.- l-WVMerf er ot the Northwestern Electric com pany and Pacific Power and Light company has received the approv al, of fbe federal power commis sion. Oregon public utilities com missioner and Washington direc tor of public utilities. Announcing this today, Wash ington Director Andrew J. Zim merman said that when company savings resulted from the merger he wouM expect a proper portion of .thesn to be passed on to the public in reduced rates. Northwwtern Electric serves Clark aaxt Skamania counties, Washington, and the Washington cunties served by Pacific include Benton, -Columbia. Franklin, Gar field. Kittitas. Klickitat. Walla Walla and Yakima. Both firms have been under control of the American Power and Light Co.. nation-wide hold ing company, since 1923. Portland. Dec. 24 The city council today revoked a motion tht prevented Jttpane.se aliens from boMing business licenses in Portland. Now I Your Merry XMAS PROGRAM 1 r J"- rf y I U Two wumX ' Kit cucrtf J OOMNCLl 0y KIM( Owmi WIU.IAMS AND A Shack Htarr f a DooMe-Creas! Willtaaa Oargan. Jaais tarter. Jeff Dm sell IN "Nigh! Editor" 'Merry Chriptmas' Cuts Routine Police Calls ' "Merry Christmas' interrupted routine police calls to quell fights, watch for ' prowlers and thieves and everything that goes with keeping a city well-ordered, when yuletide greetings from Police Chief Frank A. Minto and the Sa lem department were sent to "all police departments' on police ra dio frequencies, at midnight, Christmas eve. by Ray Morris, Salem police radiomar . Joe Curran Resigns CMU NEW YORK. Dec. 24-jP-Jos-eph Curran resigned today as co chairman of the CIO's committee for maritime unity and urged joint organization of all CIO, AFL. and independent maritime unions for protection against "vicious anti-labor maritime" legislation he said was threaten ed. Curran, president of the CIO national maritime union, said the direct cau.se of his resignation was an "intolerable situation" in which he charged that four small craft unions on the Pacific coast together with the International Longshoremen's and Warehouse- I men's union, headed by Harry ; Bridges, were using CMU as a ; "stooge." In a statement explaining his resignation, Carran said all mari time unions also must "organize jointly against the activities of the coast guard, now becoming vicious against the seamen." Ships Reach Antarctic Ice ABOARD THE U S S. MT. OLYMPUS. Dec. 24 -(A',- Three western-group ships of this polar ! expedition reached the edge of the icepack north of Victoria land Monday, and a scouting helicop ter found that the pack appeared solid, with no leads or openings in ! toward the continent. ! Rear A dm Richard H. Cruzon ; gave this report this afternoon as ' the western group reached a po sition to begin operations, skirt ing part way around the conti nent and sending out long range ' PBM planes to photograph and ' map unknown areas Victoria land is south of New Zealand and borders the western edge of the ' Ross sea on the opposite side from the Little America area. Chtistmas in Bethlehem r 1 "V, ) -l t ( v BETHLEHEM. Dee. 2S Accompanied by geTenuneat leaders, Rerssaa Cathalie Patriarch Leals Barlassina (weaxiiuj white ermine eape, right center, background), head of the Latin clergy la Palestine for 28 years, leads the traditional procession from Manger square U the Charch of the Nativity la Bethlehem. (Story page 1.) This picture, takea by Associated Press Photographer J. Walter Green, was transmitted directly from Jerasalem U New York by radio, with aaUmaUe relay la London by radio signals, thea by wirephoto to Saa Francisco and air express to The Statesman. Yuletide Mail Sets Record, Holiday Today During the period from Monday, December 9 to and including Tues day, December 24, 1,128,700 con ciliations were made in the Sa lem postoffice exclusive ef postal meters in,- various local business and state offices. Postmaster Al bert Gragg said. This is 184,100 more than in 1945 when the total for the same period of time was 9S2.600 can cellations. Handling of the holiday mail was, exceptionally well done ow ing to the experienced staff of 126 which was agumented by 80 extra workers, Gragg said. All members of the staff who have been on military leave during the last three holiday seasons are now back. All mail and parcel post was cleared out of the office and de livered last night. BVWAJJGOOOaCH a a - "Okay, so sVs only your step - motW. f still don't likm wr Black Cows Too Easy to Identify; They're Returned Coatinaoas from 2 P. M. Kay MllUnd OHvU DeHarilland The Well-Greemed Bride" Joel McCrea - Manreea O'Hara "BaffaU Bill" - Technicolor Over Oregon By the Associated Press Portlaad. Dec. 24 The Bon neville administration said to- Because of their unusual color. ! day that approval had been re- , five Black Angus heifers, stolen I ceived for immediate con,tniC. om the Mark Jourgensen ranch . i near Astoria on December 18, tion of a substation west of Cor- . were returned Monday, the state vallis to provide additional pow- ! agricultural department reported, er delivery to the Benton-Lincoln i Officials said ordinarily un- ! ,,, . j branded cattle would have a bet- K let trie cooperative and tie into . . . . .. K , , ter chance of eluding the investi tive Albany-Toledo 115.000-volt g,tors than branded or earmarked une- cattle, but these happened to be black and there are few cattle of Klamath Falls. Dec. 24 Dwight ; that color in western Oregon. Tolliver. 13, Merrill, and several . companions celebrated the Christ man school holiday by going on a hike yesterday on Stukel mountain. His playmates found him at the base of a high rock, his skull crushed by a fall. L2ERRY Our wishes for the most glorious Christmas ever and for a JS'etv Year filled with health, happiness and prosperity are unlim ited. Ttoj. Kay Woolen Hill Co. MM &r 12th St. AlFOiotr Banks In Insurance Plan All Ovgon banks now carry, depositors' insurance with the fed eral government, A. A. Rogers, state superintendent of banks, an nounced Tuesday. This in contrast to some other states, he said. This insurance covers a depositor up to $5000. .. Under high pressure. Ice can be made at temperatures so hot that it will burn a man's hands. : Lawn Sprinkling Syatem by C 8. Whltcomb and Co. Free Estimates Ask" about our Special Winter Rates. We also-have materials. Phone 21819 1 so s lllXi A our Prescri ptioaDepartmenC Here, fresh, potent drugs ia endless variety the latest specialty and the oldest await the special needs of our community; the prescription of your trusted Physician. Paracelsus, lsst of the an cient alchemists, sought in vsia an elixir vitae, a mystic medicament that would give snan a longer span of life. Where alchemy failed, modern science has suc ceeded. Not with a mysterious cure-all concoction, but with scores of correctives for hu-,' Coasvf fur PhytUioa man ills, each being based on wMmi to it painstaking, patient research vca-ia coaoo ob4U and accurate knowledge. And these recent discov eries of the great laboratories of the world are centered in a siagle high-walled room "lTf3o gatioa. Coaialt year HtmcUo. Hod hi - Tj w ko rea wilt bcia ht praacriptioa bar for carcfal coipoaodias or oar skiUoi phtrancists. WILLETTS Capital Drug Store Corner State and Liberty- Phone 3118 -AIIOTHER BIG HOLIDAY- SHOW STARTS THURSDAY Too Ijite to Claaaifv IX)ST- PURSE with money Si ldn tiflration St kry. front of Capitol Bids Phona 4324 REWARD SHi PAID NOWOMAM SHOULO NAVf TO pay! f' h -MM I f, I j fat Wvnfftff' CO-FT ATI RE Year Favoritea Are Back! -BJondie Knows Best" rrrrr, ,xr. .rr-rr:t,..T. rmmrr. a sag msatsssi mmi Coatiauoas Today rroas 1 P. M. o f OAKF1EXD - 2 a i i Ends Today! Waraer's Tkrlil Actioa Hit! GEKALDINK rTTZGEKALO "NOBODY LIVES FOREVER ALSO -PILGRIM LADT" and Sundar. Dec 23 and tt PI10 BASEETDALL SPECTACULAR ! SENSATIONAL! SALEM TBATLBLAZERS vs. CAD. BISHOP'S BELZJNGHAM ITACRESTS PrellzBilaanr at 7:45 P. Bf. Diatrom'a vs. VaOey Motor AO Seals 83c plus Ux gtadeats Ate alas Ui - Mat. Daily From 1 P. M. NOW SHOWING! ROARING FIN! with APPEAL A jjsc-v ATOMIC THKMLX. CO-HIT! 4 fMM" - XT' rnrrnff CONT. FTtOM 1 P. M. NOW! MORE FUN! Dennis Morraa Jack Carson "TWO GUYS FROM MILWAUKEE Osa Masse n "Gentleman Misbehaves CoaUnaoaa rrans 1 F. M. NOW! THRILLS! Johnnj Wciamuller TARZAN AND THE LEOPARD WOMAN Joknny Mack Brown -UNDER ARIZONA SKIES GREET 1947 AT THE GRAND! FREE HATS! HORNS! FUN FOR ALL! I I I I t I I I 2 lt 2 2 8 II I 8 n s i i i i I I 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 I 8 8 8 I . kMrit -r life; Joyous Christmas to All May Christmas joy prevail in your home this glad Christmas day, when all your loved ones will be gathered together with happiness and contentment. I. ;.f,:n lit' 1 1. HAMILTON FURNITURE CO. 230 CHEMEKETA SALEM. OREGON