r Life Size Crib Featured MT. ANGEL, Dec. 24 The life line cnb scene which ha featur ed in Kt. Angel Christmas decor ations for a number of years has again been erected on the spacious lawn fronting the Unger mortu-! ary. A group of large firs, gleam-, ing with many colored lights, has 1 been arranged back of the picture and a large star in electric lights j sparkles above the crib. transmit Christmas music to the town and countrywide, beginning mid-aftefnoon on the day before Christmas and continuing through Christmas eve. Ed Unger has pro curred special chime and Vienna choir boy recordings for the event. The music will be repeated ear ly Christmas morning and then every night during the Christmas week. I -i Pedee Family Visits ill South Ijma Linda. CaliX-Jlrjother daugh ter, Eveline. Yunfblood and her family will sail soon for the island of Borneo, as missionaries. - Guests of Mrs. M. Lacey Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. W. Clarence Kearns; Mr. and. Mrs. Howard Fox (Bettey Kearns) Mary and Wayne; Mr. ond Mrs. Eugene Kearns of Springfield; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Siddall, Emme and Violet; Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Dart (Helen Siddall) and Joan of Dallas; Lois Siddall of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Howard and Margaret; Mildred Maddux of Pedee. Mrs. W. C. Kearns, Mrs. Sidall and Mrs. How ard are daughters of Mrs. Lacey. Mrs. T. E. Brassfield entertain ed her granddaughter, Judy Kil mer, on her fifth birthdajr Sunday. The Statesman, Salem; Oregon. Wednesday Dec 23. 194811 '3 i s i i i e I I A Merry Christmas From here loud speakers will PEDEE Mr. and Mrs. Joe O'Neal and Bobby are on a two weeks vfrsit to their former resi dence. South Gate.. Mrs. Anna Gibson of Portland is visiting iher daughter, Mrs. Ar thur. CLark and family. Former residents visiting here Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Woods and his mother. Mrs. Jane Woods of Unalaska, Wash. They report their son Bill, recently dis charged from the army after three years duty in a medical unit in the Pacific, 1 is now assisting on the farm as is also their son Delmar. Their daughter, Earlene, is con tinuing her nurses training at I I I FROM HARTMAN BROS. ! ,U rendleUa, Dec. 24 The east ern Oregon weather was too much for Dill Smith, 34, Clay county, JCy, who escaped Satur day from the Umatilla county jail. He! telephoned state police from Sian field td come and get him: "I'm cold and hungry." Po lice obliged. Smith is held on a rape charge. I I I My I I I I I I I I I I I SEASON'S GREETINGS! Birthday cake, sandwiches and banana splits were served to Kay Francis Wells, Darnelle Cates. Pt&J Hubbard, Judy Maddux and the guest of honor. I Margaret Howard spent the first of the week with Margaret Berry i at Valsetz. 8 Tailor and Furrier Boraardiy, FROM SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE 8RRVING THE CITY FOE SI TEARS rbec lirT 7tS l$ S. Commercial St. m. eA 43 &i I - , - "v - 9 . hats 99c W "ere l o .. H Vere ' nr.,. ... e 1 Co ,WM' Hot 79c - ' DRESSES VIere 8.75 TIere 7-75 3" ' -rf - at. VIer 5.SS . 183 t . t ! S) . 4t M -Hk J i 3 wish their many friends and customers A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year 2C3 First national Bank Bldg. Oregon Purchases 17,000 Pairs of Shoes For State Institutions j The state of Oregon Tuesday . announced the purchase of more than 17,000 pairs of shoes from the war assets administration for use at the Oregon state hospital, state penitentiary and other state institutions. The shoes came from Camp Adair and the purchase will save the taxpayers of Oregon approxi mately $30,000 over a period of five years, it was declared. Pur chase price was $3090. The shoes ! weighed 25 tons. our great annual savings 49c Her H Is vent that brings you big reductions on smart, warm needs for all HSe family. Odd lots, some items sliahriv tailmd. Kiii All nPACTIfAl I Y PPrl irtni I it COTTON DRESSES V?ere 4.83, How t89 Were UO, How 2.99 Were 33. How 2.49 Were 3.S3, How 1.99 Were 3.20. now 1.89 Were 2.20. How 1.89 i, 4.. IS- pi r n 3.98. 3.49. Hi 55 0r 149 to 6.9s I 5 , AtrtES GLOVES XJere U9.: 19,1 . r7c HOW C -all.DREs !VtENS 159 uovt S3e Wert " ri-T KITTENS 3.39 USQ t.99 .V v IT f FA; 434 Stale Si. I I I X X X X X X I X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X y c We extend to one and all our sincer est and best wish es for a Merry hristmas and a happy New Year a glorious 1947. Hartman Bros, Jewelers of Salem Liberty at State c wmcim sfissexcex SEASON'S GREETINGS All of us at the Fashionette, extend to all our friends the varmest of Yule tide Greetings. May your Christmas be a very merry and joyous one. Thea Bolsted Nina Coffey Loretta I. Gillis Inez Mingle Marguerite Simon Carol Smith Ola I. Warnick Jean Adler Herbert Adler Fashionette 429 Court St. I i