The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 21, 1946, Page 3, Image 3

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    Miss Ball
Now Mrs.
In a setting of whit chryvan-j
themuim and tapers at the First
Congregational church Friday !
night Miss Frances Alberta Ball, i
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam- !
net C BjII of Raymond. Wash..
became the bride of Warren
Blame Biown, son of Mr. and'
Mrs. Blaine Brown.
The Rev Daniel Taylor, pastor
of the First Methodist church.
Vancomer. Wash, performed the
nuptial t 8 o'clock. Mis Betty
Louise Sinkola was the soloist and
Miss A I ice Rose the organist
Lighting the tapers were Mis
Maijoiie Grenfell and Mis Veriui
StK k. who wore pastel blue
govt ns
Mr R.ill his fiaujihter in
ni.irii.iKe and ht r bridal gown
was of white .itin with a lull
tram of lace. The bodice was Jit
ted with a high, pointed neckline
atul long sieees Her fingertip
length eil cascaded from a cor
onet of homardia and she rir
icd a w hite Bible a shower
of boiivaidi:i.
Mi F'jtiicia Brown, sister of
the grom. w;is the matt f
horfoT and bridesmaids were Miss
Flla Louise Ball, sister jf the
Society Clubs
Music .... The Home
Woman's Ediloc Society Editot
Staff Feted
At Party
Pupils Give Pageant
bride, and Miss Joan Kathan of
Rogue River. The girls wore mist
blue net frocks with gathered
kirt.. cap sleeves and sweet
heart necklines. They carried net
bouquets to match their dresses
and centers of flowers.
honor attendant's was of magenta
and the bridesmaids' of yellow.
Attend the Groom
Kenneth Bartley stood with the
groom, as bet man and seating
the eue.-ts were Robert Busick.
couple will live in Albany while
he Is attending Oregon State col
lege. The bride has been attend
ing Willamette university.
! Husbands to
Be Guests
The children of St. Vincent de
Paul school presented a pageant
at a meeting of the mothers club
recently. Roger Kerr, Mark Gun-
Staff members of the Marion i ther and John Raney provided
roontv deoartment of health and I stage decorations and setting;
Marion county public health as- I James Flowers and James Heenan open
ociation were entertained at a were in cnarge oi ugming. anu
Christmas party and turkey din- stage managers were Frank Frot
ner Thursday at the home of Mr. zie and Teddie Perenbloom.
, and Mrs. I. G. Lermon on Sunny- 1 Plans are being made for a
i view avenue. After the Christmas party January 6 for children in
j tree colored films of scenic spots , the afternoon and adults at night,
r in Oregon were shown. Mrs. James Heenan was in charge
Attending were Dr. and Mrs. j of the tea hour at the mothers
, W. J. Stone. Jackie, Jean and i meeting.
I Mike, Mr. and Mrs. Batty Coo- I
At Home
Th Statesman. Salem. Ow. Saturday. Dcmbr 81. 194S 3
; per, Mr. and Mrs. Koss Coleman,
i Mrs. Nora Wood, Mr. and Mrs.
I Harmon Yeary, Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Krueger and Beverly, Mrs.
Ruby Bunnell and Joan, Mr. and
j Mrs. Austin H. Wilson and Sue,
j Miss Lenore Headley, Mrs. Val
Lenier, Miss Eleanor Swedenburg,
, , v . Mrs. Portia Conway, Miss Helen
and Mrs. Harry Fredericks.,,. vtk. ,,. arfJa r,ie
Tom Morley. Charles Foster and bridge club
Elmond Decker.
Mrs Ball and Mrs. Brown both
wore black afternoon dresses and
their cottages were purple or
chids. A reception was held at the
bride's sorority house. Alpha Chi
Omeea after the nuptials. Mrs.
William E Kirk
presided at the coffee urn and
Mrs. J M Ball of Longview.
Wash . cut the bride's cake. Serv
ing were the Misses Janie
invited members of her !
and their husbands '
MLs Betty Schlapkohl, Miss
to a holiday party and gift ex- ; Joan Schneider, Miss Ardith Eck
change Sunday night at their steirl) Mjss rnna Baker, Miss
home on Browrung avenue. Vera Wood Miss Rutn stover.
Cards will be in play during Miss Merwyn Darby, and Mr. and
the evening with a late supper Mrs. Norman Schuetz.
Bidden are Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- !
house mother. Ham Bush. Mr. and Mrs. John M. '
Ritchie, Mr. arid Mrs. Richard
Hauge. Mr. and Mrs. Richard i
Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fer
ris. Mr. and Mis. Emery Hobbs
Silverion Armory
W dry's 14-Piece Orchestra
Mathers. Betty Ann Dutton. Pa- and Mr. and Mrs. Roger K. Put-
truia Mansfield and Shirley nam of Portland.
Brown, v ho passed the guest
book .
When the newlyweds left on
their hncymoon the bi id'e
donned a chrome grey suit with
black hat and accessories and a
short buigandy red coat. The
Campfire Girls
Heard on Air
While They
- Golden Harvest
1 lb. . . .
2 lb.
IMck wick. Rum and Brandy
Fruil Cake , ,b. 49 C z b. 95 C
A half-hour program will be
heard on KSLM this afternoon at
2:30 o'clock, given by various
Camp Fire groups. Auditions were
held last week and numbers chos
en for the broadcast.
On the program will be: "White
Christmas." sung bv the WeYah- . .
Nah Camp Fire group, accompa- Past P reSlCleniS
nied by their guardian. Mrs. Rich-
ard Kriesel; "Angels We Have A CTClCin Home
Heard on High.' sung bv the Saca- 1 -M 1 1UliiC
Zellers Will
Be Hosts
Dr. and Mrs. Waldo C. Zeller
will be !.osts for a holiday party
tonight at their South Church
stieet residence for a group of
their friends.
A late supper will be served by
the hosts. Holiday greehs and
candles will provide the
tive note.
Guests of the Zellers will be
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Acton. Mr.
and Mrs. Llovd A. Lee. Mr. and
Mrs. H. D McMiliin. Mr. and Mrs.
Emmett O. Welling and Dr. and
Mrs. Herbert Rahe.
Lucille Bair
News of the engagement of
Miss Lucille Bair. daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Archie Bair, to KenVieth
Eilert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Eilert, all of Salem, was revealed
Friday night at a party of the
Youiig Peoples class of the First
Evangelical church. Guests
learned the news when a poem,
telling the betrothal, was read
during the refreshment hour.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Ram-
age were hosts for a pre-holiday
house at their home on
South 22nd street on December
15 for a group of their friends.
Guests called during the after
noon and evening. The rooms
were festive with holiday greens
and candles.
Bidden were Mr nad Mrs.
Ronald Rossner, Mr. and Mrs.
Carroll Ford, Dr. and Mrs. John
M. Ramage, Mr. and Mrs. Rjdg
ley C. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. E. B.
Embrey of Portland, Mr. and Mrs.
Elmo Lindholm. Mr. and Mrs. R.
F. Lockard, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin
Kent. Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Fred A.
Davis, 'Mr. and Mrs. William E.
Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. John
Scharff. Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Braun. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lip
pert. Mrs. Emma Ramage. Mrs.
Frances Pulse. Mrs. Louise Ed
lund and Ralph H. Denham.
From Sacramento, Calif., comes
news of the birth of a son, Theo
dore Eric, to the Rev. and Mrs.
Frank Lebold. sob of Dr. and
Mrs. Edward A. Lebold, ( and
Anita Becker, daughter of the
Anthony Beckers, were hosts for
a Christmas party for fourteen
of their friends Friday night in
the recreation room of the Le
hold's Kingwood Heights home.
Refreshments were served after
several hours of games.
No plans have been made for j Theodore A. Youngquist (Marion
the wedding.
Miss Bair and her fiance are
graduates of Salem high school
and he sei ved in the army. Mr.
Eilert has been attending Cas
cade college in Portland.
Spanish War
Auxiliary Meets
Horn) on November 29 at Sut
ler Maternity hospital. The lit
tle boy weighed nine pounds and
his grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
R. A. Horn of Salem and Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Youngquist of Glen
dale, Calif.
Salem friends of Mr. and Mrs.
John Kelly (Lucile Brainard)
will be interested to learn that
they are the parents of a daugh
ter. Jill Beverly, born on Decem-
For Immediate -Delivery
Aulomalic Radio-Phonograph
Regular Tf 10.50,
Jaquilh Music Co.
136 South Hinh
Salem, Oregon
jawea group under the leaaersmp
of Mrs. Howard Houston: a skit.
"Christmas Fun with Santa Claus"
by the Niwauna. Camp Fire group
led bv Mrs. Joseph Kelly; Mrs.
Hal DeSart's Blue Bird grouD.
sincing '"Jingle Bells:" "Santa's
Little Brother Philip." a skit by
the Tanda group, led by Mrs.
George Hewitt; "Silent Night."
sung bv the Okihi group, led by
Mrs Charles Hagemann; "Jingle
Bells" played on tonettes. led by
Mrs. John Allison: "The First
Noel." sung by the Teckawitha
group, led by Mrs. O. F. Coffel.
ard "God Rest Ye Merry Gentle
men." a piano and violin duet by
Patricia and Elaine Mcaquier.
Other groups participating in
the audition were under the lead
ership of Mrs Leslie Morris, "Jollv
Old St. Nicholas:" Mrs. L. S
Hornschuch. 'Silent Night:" Mrs
Jasper Button. "Little Town of
Bethlehem" and "Awav in the
Manger:" "Com All Ye Faithful."
Mrs. P. C. Anderson: Mrs. Ray
Westphal. "Little Town of Beth
lehem:"' Mrs. Edwin Pease. "We
Three King? of Orient Are;" Mrs.
W. C. Cavender, "We Three
Kings" and "Oh Holy Night:"
Mrs Roy Wright. "Father Christ
mas." a plavlet: Mrs. Martin
Schmidt. "Silent Night." Mrs. A.
P Sprague. "Marv s Lullaby." and
Mrs. Ralph Steele, a skit.
Beverly Reakey will entertain
a group of her friends at a Christ
mas get-together and exchange of
gifts Sunday night at the John
Be;ikey h. me on East Rural. The
group meets each year at Christ-mns.
The home of Mrs. Albert Gragg
was the scene of the annual
Christrras party of the past pres
The United Spanish War Vet
IS uu . . . . , rr-..
decora- u m,,' - mel V- inf- vr w, 17 in Bingen. Wash. The lit-
;VT" ."T "'ici;0U l tle g'rl weighed nine pounds.
fr nl-ZVr V D twelve ounces, and has an older
Mrs. Hazel Gordy. a transfer from brother Jeffrey.
membership. Mrs. Emma Bohnet,
past department president of Ne- ;
braska. was a visitor.
Following the meeting the vet- ,
erans joined the auxiliary in a
social hour, visiting and singing'
Christmas carols.
Next meeting will be January
6. with a covered dish supper at !
6:30, followed by a meeting at 8
and joint installation of officers.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Fry. Jr..
arrived in the capital Friday night
from a two months' plane trip of
South America. They were met
at the Portland airport by their
son, Dan. a student at the Uni
versity of Oregon.
idents of Capital unit. American For the third consecutive vear an
Legion auxiliary, Thursday. She OSC student took first place in
was assisted by Mrs. Florence the women's division of the state
Ames. Mrs. James H. Turnbull extempore speaking contest held
and Mrs. Stanley Krueger. recently at Pacific university.
Christmas carols were sung. Anjelia Kleut, Reedsport, won
with Mrs. Earl T. Andresen at first this year when she drew the
the piano, and Mrs. Don Madison subject "No Tresspassing" from
told the history of several carols, the general theme of "World Mi
Mrs. W. S. Ankeny gave a book norities " Roberta Meyer, daugh
review of "Papa Was a Creature." ter of Mr. and Mrs. Q. A. Meyer,
Mrs. Krueger was named chair- Salem, was second in the inter
man to purchase Christmas gifts class speech contest,
for patients at the tifberculosis
hospital. Gifts were exchanged. Miss Kay Barnjrover will leave
Also present were Mrs. Huldah on the streamliner today for her
Waters. Mrs. W. W. Woodruff, home in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to
Mrs. Bess Watkins, Mrs. Paul , spend the Christmas . holidays.
Gemmtll. Mrs. H. G. Kottke,:Mrs. She is a member of the Parrish
Minnie Gregory. Mrs. Frank Mar- junior high school facultv.
shall. Mrs. Blain T. Hubbard. Mrs.
A. M. Johnson. Mrs. Mem Pearce.
Mrs. Hattie Cook, Miss Jessie
Rodman. Mrs. O. E. Palmateer.
Mrs. Ella Voves. Mrs. Malcolm
Cameron. Mrs. William Drew,
Mrs. Lulu Walton Quick, Mrs.
Austin H. Wilson, Mrs. Faye
Kuensting of St. Paul, and Mrs.
I. N. Bacon, president of Capital
unit, were guests.
Mrs. Madison, president of the
group, is making arrangements
for them to conduct the initiation
ceremonies at the meeting Janu
ary 6 at the Womans club. The
next meeting will be at the home
of Mr?. Frank N. Waters with
Mrs. H. G. Kottke and Mrs. Aus
tin Wilson as hostesses.
The Meadoulak auxiliary and
post. VFW, will entertain with a
Lhnstmas party tonight at 8
o clock at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Norris, Jr., 205 Salem
Heights avenue.
Salem's Only Exclusive
Unfinished Furniture
Has the larrest assortment and
best made obtainable. Every
thing for the home. Useful
things for the kiddies at re
duced prices.
State and 13th Street
from Alexander's! l
phecious , y$i !K J
- 0tstandirC Soli-
: k K yM 1 ,aire Rin I-
.'Engagement Ring I Jif, IJ
.with 3 diamonds Lj&l?f
- Pay CQ85 J2,Z'lt:Xl''
'i i. iL: Stunning 3 diamond
Engagement Ring "
Kgemeni King l -rJlriM
Choose yours .
with complete
We guarantee
diamonds in
ejuality, in
style, in value.
i44t COURT ST.
Rededicate at
Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Davis of J oddP MeetinQ
utell. Kansas, are visiting their 1 lVlcrtlil
g r
jnn and family, Mr. and Mrs. O
G Howard at Jefferson. The vis
itors will be here for the winter
.iff' :$fwtr?r rr;..wssi,
Plastic and fabric garment baps are,
indeed, appropriate Christmas jfifts! In
42", 5.1", 60" sizes.
$3.49 lo $6.98
Also of plastic or fabric . . . shoe baps
to attach to the closet door or wall will
keep shoes in much better condition.
Eight, twelve and sixteen pocket sizes.
Also child's size.
$1.25 lo $2.98
Give these good quality manicure sets
in both real leather and simulated. Made
of finest tool steel. Priced from
89 c lo $17.50
Make it an apron gift for Christmas
this year. She always needs aprons.
Kitchen aprons, hostess aprons apron
for every use . . . hand-blocked organ
dies, prints and many other fine fabrics.
89 c lo $4.98
SILVERTON : Homecoming
night was observed by 90 Try
Dhena Rebekah lodge membe
December 12 with Florence T
ele. noble grand, as official host
ess. A re-dedication ceremony
given under the direction of the
good of the order chairman, Mrs.
Nettie Larsen.
Mrs. Larson has been appointed
state good of the order chairman
by the assembly president. Mrs.
Marion Wilson. Presentation of
a gift to her was made by Mercy
S lvester.
In charge of decorations were
Irene Giroux. Tekla Rue. Thelka
McClure, Daisy King and May
belle Gay.
The refreshment committee was 1
Clara Moser, Velma Thompson, I
Edith Grace, Marie Thomas, Ida !
Davis. Grace Taylor and Jos-
ephine Hartman.
Holiday Party
For Auxiliary
The Nebraska auxiliary held a
Christmas party at the Mayflowe
hall Wednesday with Mrs. t-lla
Rolpon and Mrs. Gladys Dagen
hardt as co-hostess. A covered j
dish luncheon was served at noon, j
Members present were Mes- j
dames Ida Knight. Ella Worm.
Clara Stirniman, Billie Scherrer,
Hattie Cameron, Clara Schleich-
ardt. Josephine Austin, Lura j
Hary, Blanche Stewart, Clara j
McDerby, Julia Ideen. Mabel
French. Nelle Osborn. Katherine I
Schwynach, Fleda Helmhout, La j
Vira Severns, Lucile Garner, Ma
rie White. Florence Holuet, Hazel
Runkle, Ella Rolpon and Gladys
Rehearsals Stop
During Holidays
Reg. $4.79
Today Only
Bright red finish. Rubber tires and handle grips.
Stand for parking.
Reg. $1.98,
Today Only
Red Metal
Pump Truck
Rubber tires, handle
for dumping.
Plastic Toy
Reg. $1.49.
Today Only
Rehearsals for the Willamette
university players production
"Blithe Spirit, will be suspended
during the Christmas holidays
but other work will continue in
order that all pre-playnight work
can be completed by January 25
when the comedy will be present
ed at the Salem high school au
ditorium. Tickets are in the hands of
printers- and will go on sale
downtown about two weeks be
fore the play.
Carl Ritchie and James Elliott,
wno are in cnarge oi ine con- j i
struction of the set, are work-
ina rn uniietigt harVflmnff -
In Cream, Red, Haple colors.
Beg. $2.79,
Today Only