The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 21, 1946, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 The SkriMUKO. Salem. Ore-
Sunday Music
To Be Feature
Christmas Sunday at the First
Christian church. Center at High
at., will be a full day, rich in
great Christmas music and with
the familiar Christmas story be
coming the background of sermon.
Sunday school lessons, youth
meetings, and services of wor
ship. At the morning service of
worship the youth choir, directed
by Gilbert Clausman, will sing
the call to worship and a response.
The adult choir will sing the an
them "There Were Shepherds."
by Vincent, and Monette Moiling
will sing the solo "The Birthday
of the King." The pastor's morn
ing sermon will be "The Christ
mas Story Again."
Sunday at 7:30 p.m the 30-voice
vested choir of the First Christian
church will present the cantata
"The Coming of the King," by
Dudley Buck. Soloists for the oc
casion will be Betty Hagen and
Monette Moling, soprano; Delight
Skewis. mezzo-soprano; Vida
Floor, alto; David Bates and Ches
ter Douglas, tenor; Fred Bates. ;
baritone; Gilbert Clausman ana
Victor Wolfe, bass. Lois Plummer
Schmidt will provide the organ
music and accompaniments for the
service, a special feature of which
will be an organ-piano duet with
Harold Kanton assisting at the
piano. The presentation will be 1
under the direction of John '
Schmidt. "The Coming of" the.
King" picks up the Christmas 1
narrative in Old Testament pro
phecy, carries it on to its fulfill
ment in the nativity scene, and
culminates with the visit of ' the
magi. Dudley Buck has interwov
en the story with organ music.
Following is the order of ser
vice: Noel, prelude for organ:
prophecy "O Jerusalem. Look
Silverlon Armory
9 lo 12
AdmW.slon Tie
Plus Fed. Tax He
Total gse
Every Sat. High!
Claude Bird and His Music
"Swing and Sway"
The Velvet Rhythm Way
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Church Streets
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Satnrday. Dtctmbw 21. 1948
About Thee," soprano solo; ad
vent "Awake! Put on Thy
Strength. O Zion!" choir; annun
ciation, mezzo-soprano, tenor and
choir; across the desert, Melchoir,
Caspar, Baltasar and retainers;
the plains of Bethlehem, women's
voices, soprano and choir; the de
parture of the Shepherds, men's
voices, soprano and choir; the
virgin's lullaby, mezzo-soprano;
the questioning of the magi Her
od, the magi and their retainers;
the adoration, soprano and the
magi; Adeste Fideles, full choir.
Service Plan
The choir of the First Presby
terian church, directed by Vir
ginia Ward Elliott, will present
its annual Christmas Vesper Can
dlelight Musicale Sunday at 4:30
p. m. The program because of
the unusual charm of the num
bers and the beauty of the special
Christmas setting has grown in
popularity each year.
Raich Dobbs at the piano and
Mrs. Dobbs at the organ will be
featured in two numbers which
they will play together. They wijl
play "Vallay of the Bells" by
Ravel and "Sheep and Lambs May
Safely Graze," Bach-Biggs.
The program is as follows:
Jul Song Luvul
Carol of the Wind From Silesia
Clear and Calm . .. Nikotky
What Can This Mean? . Staley
I Wonder As I Wander
Appalachian Carol
Jesur Tnou Dear Babe
Divine . From Hayti
Lost in the Night Christiansen
On This Good Christmas Morn Cain
He Came All So Still Strom-Harris
The Shepherd's Story Dickinson
Silent Night. Holy
Night Old Bohemian
Leslie Church Plans
For Cantata Sunday
The Leslie Methodist church
will present the choir in the can
tata "The Story of Christmas Ac
cording' to Scripture," by Ellen
Jane Lorenz. Sunday night. The
cantata uses, besides the full
choir, a -hymn choir, men's chor
us, duet, soloists and narrator.
Soloists are: sopranos, Alice
Adams, Bern ice Boyce and Mrs.
A. L. Mason; alto. Mrs. V. E.
Burson; baritone, Ralph Ohling;
bass, Louis Johnston. Narrator is
Mrs. Letty Genoe; organist, Mrs.
Merwyn Gilson; director, Karl
Silverlon, Dec. 21
Sponsored by Lion'srOub
Every Sot. Nita KJ. Hall
Music Wayne Strachan's
You Folks
Who Like
Like We Vsed to Dance
Every Saturday Nifht
Special Request Program
New Year's Eve
Come and put your request in
for tunes you forgot.
Over Western Auto
219 Court Street
Paul Winslow's Gang
1 2 5 4 5 6
S 9 10 11 12 13 14
IS 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 74 B 26 27 2
29 30 31
Only 3 Shopping
Days Till Christmas g
If S
$Do your shopping early. 2
Gills For Hin f
lAray & Navy Store
Ml 4. - vvannrriTMi
that the amount of cold
air that enters the ave
rage home through the
cracks around doors and
windows is the same as
leaving one average size
window wide open all the
Slop Those Oralis
Save on Fnel
fee CoxnlotiaLle
Weathers tripping
rbene S4M
Church Plans
For Children's
Holiday Party
Children of the church school
will be entertained Saturday af
ternoon, December 21, at an in
formal party in the First Con
gregational church. All members
of the church school, including
cradle roll babies and their moth
ers, will meet for a time of fel
lowship and good will. During the
afternoon the children will go
"carolling" at the Cottage home
and will return to the church for
several reels of Christmas movies.
This party, sponsored by the Pil
grim Fellowship of the church,
will, in the spirit of the Christ
mas season, bring small remem
brances to each child.
Regular Saturday night "open
house December 21 at the First
Congregational church will re
member the Christmas season.
Decorations and thinking will all
point the day of special signifi
cance, December 25. Open house
is made a time and place jwet to
go and mingle in good fellowship
with other people who like to
have a good time.
Members of the Senior Pilgrim
Fellowship of the First Congre
gational church will meet in the
' youth room of the church after
I the evening Christmas service,
December 22. to "carol" in the
town. Following the singing the
group will gather at the parson
I age for refreshments,
i A service of reading, poetry,
' kodachrome slides, and music will
be presented at the First Congre
I gational church Christmas Sun
I day night. December 22. tat 8
o'clock. Reproductions of the
great masterpieces portraying the
message of Christmas will be in
terpreted through choral and or
gan presentations and through
poetry and reading. Among the
j musical numbers will be carols
j both old and new, together with
organ interpretations of old fav
, orites. Ushers for the evening
service will be members of the
i Senior Pilgrim Fellowsh;p.
"The Angel and the Star" is
the name of a one-act play to
be presented by children of the
junior department of the First
j Congregational church Sunday
morning, December 22. at 9:45.
; This play, in which all the child
1 ren of the junior department have
a part, will be the high light of
the church school observance this
! Christmas season and is being
presented for the others of the
church school, their parents and
friends. This play, under the di
rection of Mrs. S. R. Huntington,
will be presented at the church
school hoisV before the regular
morning service.
Silverlon Churches
310 Jersey strett. Rev James A.
Tote. pastor. Sunday school and Bible
class 10 a m. Morning worship at 11.
Thetr.e 'The Faithful Herald" Sun
day school Christmas program 7 p m.
Christmas service Christmas day. 11
a m. Confirmation instruction Satur
day. 10 am.
Sunday school and Bible classes at
10 a m. Divine worship at 11 a in. Ser
mon. "Make Straight the Way." Spe-
' cial music At 8 pin. the Sunday school
will present annual program: "Christ
mas Everywhere." A new Christmas
back drop depicting the Christ child,
mother and Josepr. Shepherds and the
wisemen will be used for first time.
Christmas day services at 11 am Ser
mon subject. "A Savior Which Is
Christ the Lord " Chustmas music by
the Trinity choir Luther league
Christmas party at the Silas Torvends
i Friday night. Confirmation instruction
at 9.30 a m.
S. L. Almlie. pastor. Sunday school
10 a m Divine worship 11 am. Sermon.
Preparation for a Blessed Christmas ''
Sunday school Christmas tiee program
Sunday at 7 30 p m. Christmas festi-
val worship Christmas day at II a m.
! Sermon. "The Chiistmas Gopel." An-
them by senor and Junior choir. Car
i oling by the luther league Thursday
i nnd Friday mhts with Christmas par
; ties at the Conrad Johnson and Lu
' ther Hatterberg homes respectively.
I North 1st street. Arthur Charles
I Bates, minister Bible school 9 43 am.
Morn in? worship at It am. Sermon
topic, ' Pondering Hearts. " a Christ-
mas message. Christian Endeavor at
; S p m. Evening services given over to
Bible school's Christmas program, 7 30
P m
Valley Churches
Hayesville school house. Rev. Henry
Barret Sunday school 9:45 am. Morn
ing service 10 45 o'clock. Prayer meet
ing and Bible study on Wednesday eve
ning at B o'clock.
State at Elma avenue. Rev Frank O.
Ferrin. pastor. Sunday school 9:45 am.
Ben Swinford. Supt. Morning service
11 o'clock. Sermon subject. "The Word
Became Flesh " Young people's train
ing union 6 30. Evening service 7:30
o'clock. Christmas program by the
Sunday school.
I Tvio miles west of Lincoln. Sunday
j school 10 a m Message at 11, "The
j Birthday of Our King."
j Third at Gerth avenue. O. Leonard
Jones, pastor. Sunday school 9 43 am
: Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon
subject. "Wise Men Follow a Star."
West Salem grange will lead the mu
: sic. The mixed quartet will lead the
siniring. accompanied by the violin
and cornet. Evening service 7:30
j o'clock. A nativity program consisting
! of scripture readings, slid pictures
and carols, depicting the coming of
Jesus. Audience participate in com
munity singing.
( Oa All Ila&es"")
All Work Gearanteed
2S Ceert SI Call 7SZ2
Choir Presents
Holiday Program
The choir and Sunday school
at the First Evangelical United
Brethren church will present the
cantata pageant. "Pilgrims to
Bethlehem." by Nolte, Sunday at
7:30 p m. The pageant will portray
the story of the nativity with col
orful costuming in an eastern set
ting. The first part depicts the
ancient pilgrims wending their
weary way to Bethlehem, while
the second part is built around
modern day living and our quest
for the Christ of Bethlehem.
The choral music is inter-woven
in the story. .The cantata pageant
was presented last year to a
packed house. Before the cantata
pageant, William Fawk, organist,
will present a 15-minute concert
of Christmas music, plaving "Cho
rale: A Rose Bursts Forth," by
Dligendesch: "Christmas in Sici
ly." by Yon: "The Nativity." by
Hokanson: "The Cradle Song." by
Brahms, and "Gesu Bambino," by
The minister. Rev. Wilmer N. I
Brown, will bring the Christmas
message at 11 a.m. on the theme: !
"God Rules and Over-rules." The !
choir will sing "Behold, I Bring
You Good Tidings," by Ruebush.
Rev. Millen will sing "Oh Holy
; Christmas Cantata
: Planned on Sunday
"Carols of Christmas," a carol
j choir cantata for mixed voices by
: Ellen Jane Lorenz. will be present
i ed at the Englewood Evangelical
United Brethren church. N. 17th
j at Nebraska. Sunday, December
j 22, at 7:45 p.m. The choir of 20
; voices is directed for the cantata
: by Evelyn Kent. Solo parts will
! be given by Mrs. Hazel Westphal,
. mezzo-soprano: Mrs. Grace The
, len, mezzo-soprano; Pala Hearth,
alto; C. O. Goodman, tenor, and
J. M. Goodheart, bass. The com
munity is invited to attend.
Sunday morning the pastor
Rev. J. M. Goodheart. will bring
a Christmas message on the sub
! ject "Good News from the Stars."
Members will be received into
the church.
Sunday School Plans
For Holiday Program
The Christian Missionary Al
I liance church. North 5th at Gaines
St.. will give its annual Christ
mas program Sunday at 7:30 p
m. Special numbers by some of
the Sunday school children have
rehearsed for this occasion.
The church band will present the
, first part of the program and the
! choir will sing two Christmas
i numbers.
j An exposition on the verse re-
-V SS. iS
This attractive 2-bedroom home for your inspection. From
1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. Saturday, December 21. Located
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BURT PICHA, Realtors
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corded in Luke 1J2 will be the
theme in the morning by the pas
tor. This will deal with the throne
rights of the Lord Jesus to a
world Kingdom and His reign
over the Jewish people, aside
from His desire and right to be
King of our lives in this present
At the morning service the
choir will sing "Angels, from the
Realms of Glory." Rev. Herman
J. Bohl is the pastor.
Central Lutheran
Plans for Holiday
The Central Lutheran Sunday
school will present the Christmas
program at 4 p.m. Sunday, De
cember 22. The primary division
will be in charge of Mrs. I. G.
Lermon; the junior division, in
charge of Evelyn Halvorson, will
present a pageant, and there will
be recitations and carol singing.
Richard Melum, tenor, will sing
"O Holy Night." There will be a
special treat for the children at
the close of the program.
At 6 p.m. the junior Luther
league will go caroling to the
shut-ins in the hospitals, old peo
ple's homes, and around the city.
Later a party will be held at the
parsonage, 1405 North Summer
st.. for games and refreshments.
Monday, December 23, at 7:30
p.m. senior Luther league and
choir plan a carol-sing and party.
Carols of Christinas
Cantata Is Planned
The cantata, "Carols of Christ
mas" by Ellen Jane Lorenz, will
be presented at the annual can
dlelight vesper service at 4:30 p.
m. at the Calvary Baptist church.
1230 South Liberty. The senior
choir. E. D. Lindburg. director,
and the youth choir, Mrs. How
ard Houston, director, will be
featured with many soloists. Mrs.
D. B. Kleihege will be at the or
gan. The cantata is a carol-fantasia
and it combines 21 familiar car
ols in a beautiful and effective
way. At the beginning of the
service the junior choir will carol
in the sanctuary.
The Christmas story will be
told by Dr. Charles Durden, pas
tor. Rev. Howard Houston, asso
ciate pastor, will lead in prayer.
At the 11 o'clock worship
service. Dr. Durden will speak.
His sermon subject is "On Christ-
For Delicious
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Limited Supply
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For Service"
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77 voini
Salem, Oregon
mas 0y." The senior and junior
choirs, combined, will sing "Beth
lehem," by Goldsworthy.
Community Yule
Program Set for
Gervais Monday
GERVAIS The Community
Christinas program and tree will
be held at the high school audi
torium December 23. at 8 p. rrl.,
for all members living in the
Gervais Union high school dis
trict. The program will consist
of parts from the grade schools
of Gervais grade, Sacred Heart,
Eldreidge and Pioneer. All schools
were invited but Parkersville and
St Louis did not accept. The high
school 38-piece band will make
its first public appearance and
the Glee club under the direction
of Mr. David Cavett.
Santa Claus will attend with
treats made oossible bv the Dro-
ceeds from a basket social spon-,
sored by chamber of commerce !
and Community Card club.
Four Corners Traffic
Patrol Is Organized
Officer Hunt addressed the Rickey i
pupils Monday on "Safety." Traf- j
fic rules and regulations were ex
plained, and he said "as good j
citizens, they should obey these i
rules, not only for their own sake '
but for the safety of the car driv- ,
er." i
As a result, a safety patrol at I
the school was organized, with j
Roy Gepner, Jack Cardwright i
and Donald Chastain the first on j
duty. It is expected that hats and
arm bands will be supplied. Both j
the state and the county have j
been approached for proper
markings on the roads where the j
children cross. It is hoped that !
these markers will be in place j
when school resumes after the I
TmMy toft
Prices Good
We Have a Good
Bui They Will
So Come
The Supply Is Limited.
Don'l Wail Too Long!
We Have Plenty
Prices Good
H Ck lartk f
Pringle Sunday School
Plans Holiday Program
Pringle Sunday school Christ
mas program will be presented
Lale Toy Arrival
For the Young Boy's Christmas
Saw, hammer, square, chisel, 12" ruler, screwdriver,
hand vise, level, and pliers. Packed in handy tool chest.
Special Price,
Wile They Last
Just right for that young carpenter in your family.
t y out, mMf Jack" mMLU)
Saturday, Sunday, Ilonday and Tuesday
Go Fast
as Early as Possible - Also
m viimm
Also Plenly of Bacon and Cored
Regular Size Cans
of This Item
ar&e, Crisp,
Tender Stalks
All Flavors
Saturday, Sunday, Ilonday and Tuesday
At BWctjki
at p. a. Sunday -night at the
school house. Gifts for overseas
will be presented and a Christ
mas pageant will be given by the
Sunday school pupils.
State Street
Cut - up Turkey
Fender, Sveei
dJiD ea.