-Th Stat man, Salem. Orew Thursday. December 19. 194S A Formal Dinner Dance The Sojourners will b hrust es for a my holiday Dartv Frblav night when thy entertain at a iormai dinner dance at the Nor mandy Manor. The lounge will be open at 7 o clock and dinner will be served at 8:30 o'clock. The dinner tables will be festive with arrangements of evergreens, holly and tapers. Covers will be placed for 120, including members, thir husbands and guests. The directorate for the affair includes Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hag en, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dann, Mr. and Mrs. Dent Reed and Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd L. Sanders. Bidden as guests to the dinner dance are Mr. and Mrs. Parker Gies, Mr. and Mrs. T. Harold Tom Imson, Mrs. Helen Kelmer. K. LaBranch. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Kertaon. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Smith, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cum mings, Mr. and Mrs. Urlin S. Page, Mr. and Mrs. Ted M. Medio rd, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Colgan, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. DeLashmutt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nickens, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin SJuhr, Mr. and Mrs. James Pike, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ste wart. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Erick on. Mr. and Mrs. Bjame Ericksen. Mr. and Mrs. James McFarland. Robert Jacobsen. Mrs. Elda Brad field, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hale, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Simkin. Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Boring and Robert Kilham. Mrs. Paul Harvey. Jr enter tained members of her club at a dessert supper and bridge party Wednesday night. Mr?. A. Kinman cf Portland was an additional guest. Society Clubs Music .... The Home MAUNE BURET! . JERYME ENGLISH Women's Editor Society Editor Luncheon at Cameron Home Mrs. David H. Cameron will preside at a holiday luncheon this afternoon at her Center street residence for a group of her friends. Contract bridge will be in play during the afternoon. A silver and blue color scheme will be carried out in the holiday ap pointments on hte tables and mantle. Silvered leaves will be arranged about the rooms. Mrs. Cameron's guests include Mrs H. Lawrence Lister and Mrs. William Palmer of Portland, Mrs. Charles E. Stricklin, Mrs. Karl Kugel, Mrs. Donald Madison, Mrs. Claude H. Murphy, Mrs. Francis Wade, Mrs. Arthur Jones. Mrs. Paul Hale, Mrs. Robert Stanley, Mrs. Floyd Baxter, Mrs. T. Harold Tomlinson, Mrs. Har ris Lietz, Mrs. Harry V. Collins, Mrs. Ralph Wirth, Mrs. John Strkkfaden. Mrs. Estill Brunk and Mrs. David Wright The KrulnrUn rlnh mill tv entertained at a Christmas party Th l a f trnvin at 4h pirtm ef M i-c- H CI. rarl B5 V. ctr at sert luncheon at 1:13 o'clock. CLUB CALENDAR TBl-mSDAT OAV auxiliary chapter and families. Christina party, SaJacn Woman's cjub houaa. 7 JO p.m. Klnxwood Garden club with Mrs. Don Kuhn. 1316 Plaza St.. Christinas party. 1 P m. Pioneer Poet 149. American Legion Christmas party pja. Sunshine Sewing club of Haxel Green with Mrs. HattM Van Cleave, S p. m. Willamette University Faculty Wives club. Carrier room, first Methodist church. 3 p. m. Hajresvtlle Woman's club with Mrs. A. P. Harvey, rout 1. 1 o'clock lunch- LJLLIE HALL'S GIFT SHOP Featuring Gifts for Horse Lovers El Vaquero Boot Jacks Remove any Western or English boot with dispatch An Ideal Family Gilt CI A CA This Week Only lUtOU Signed Salon Prints by H. H. Sheldon Nationally famed photographer of animal life Ready to frame This Week CLatt E?aft Only DiDU Books Ash Trays Note Stationery Figurines Gift Cards Plaques Post Cards Jewelry Bill Folds Compacts Calendars Pictures Across from Elsinore Theater Open 4 30 P. M. to 8:00 P. M and All Day Sat. Fidelia class. First Baptist church, with Mrs. L. G. Piescott. 245 S. 15th St.. 1pm. Keiaer Ladies sewing club Christ mas party and (1ft exchange with Mrs. Nick LeRud. route S. 1 P-"- Uoni auxiliary with Mrs. Virgil Golden. p rn Merry Minalcrs annual Christmas party and gift exchange with Mrs. Dan Scharf. FK1DAY Salem Council of Women's Organiza tions meet at chamber of commerce. 2 p m. Cbadwick chapter. OES. Past Mat rons association, dinner meeting. Gold en Pheasant. ( 30 p.m. Yomarco class Christmas party with Mrs. H. G. Carl. 963 C St.. dessert luncheon, 1:14 p.m WRC. Sedgewick No. 1. meet at VTW hall. 1 p.m.. Christmas party and sift exchange. Barbara Frietchie Tent No. 2. Daugh ters of Union Veterans of Civil war. homecoming dinner, Salem Woman's clubhouse. 30 p.m . gift exchange. Golden Rule class. Evangelical Unit ed Brethren church meet with Mr. and Mrs. Nick LeRud. Keizer district. S p.m.. Christmas party. Bon Heur Club Party Members of. the Bon Heur danc ing club will entertain with their semi-formal Christmas party on Friday night at the Veterans hall. Hours for dancing are from 9 to 12 o'clock. A midnight supper will be serv ed and hosts will be Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Selander, Mr. and Mrs. Denver Young, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Slentz, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bal- lantyne, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jenks and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mil ler. Mrs. Ralph H. Cooler was hostess for an Informal bridge party Wednesday night at her North Summer street home in honor of her husband's birthday. A few friends were bidden to the affair with a late supper served by the hostess. Thursday AAl'W Lieratsre group will meet tonight at the home of Mrs. Clifton Mudd, 1715 N. Capital street, at 8 o'clock with Miss Helen Fletcher, assisting hostess. Mrs. Eric J Allen, Jr., will give H. L. Menckien's Christmas story. Mrs. Elbert W. KaberU will en tertain members of her club at a Christmas party this afternoon at her South Commercial street home. A 1 o'clock luncheon will be followed by an afternoon of contract. Garden Glub Show Event Of Today One of the largest events of the pre-holiday season will be the Salem Garden club's annual Christmas greens show this after noon at the homes of Mrs.' William E. Anderson, 1577 Court; Mrs. Conrad Paulson, 1694 Court; and Mrs. A. A. Schramm, 165 N. 17 th st. The interested public is in vited to attend and hours for the event are from 2 to 5 o'clock: One ticket will admit a guest to all three homes. Featured at the Anderson home will be a dining room table by Mrs. Stewart Johnson; mantel ar rangement by Mrs. Lester Barr; hall and buffet tables by Mrs. Henry V. Compton;t a Christmas breakfast table by Mrs. R. E. Cart wright; holiday arrangements on piecrust tables by Mrs. Frank Dur bin; a door wreath by Mrs. Wal ter Smith and a Madonna arrange ment by Mrs. Anderson. During the afternoon Mrs. Mar jorie Le thine will sing Christmas carols and hostesses at the door of the Anderson home will be Mrs. William Burghardt, Mrs. Os car Cutler and Mrs. Margaret Rosecrans. Mrs. Hall Lusk will decorate a table and buffet at the Paulson home. Mrs. Morrell Crary and Mrs. Clarence Zielinski will arrange coffee and occasional tables. Mrs. Paulson's son. Tommy Steeves, has decorated a Christinas window. Tea will be served at the Schramm home where Madonnas and mirror decorations will be featured. All of the, homes will be I festive with holiday greens, gar I lands and wreaths. Pouring will be Mrs. L. H. McMahan, Mrs. Clara Brunk and Mrs. W. C. Franklin. Mrs. Carl Nelson heads the tea committee. Mrs. J. B. Van Cleve is chairmain of the director ate for the show. Middle Grove The Emory Goode home was the scene of a pre-nuptial miscellaneous shower Saturday night, given in honor of Miss Gene O'Lee Masterson, Cas tle Rock, Wash., bride-elect of Murray Lee Dow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dow of this community. Mrs. George Plane assisted Mrs. Goode. A shower center under a parasol with pink and white streamers was arranged on a lace covered table. Yvonne Goode pre sented Miss Masterson with a cor sage. Mrs. Vern Shulz of Portland and Mrs. Lee Dow were in charge of the entertainment. Also attending were Mesdames Clifford Chaffee. Raymond Jef ferson, Roy Rutchman, John Van Laaner, Kate Scharf, Mary Her ridan, Paul Bassett, August Ot jen, W. H. Scharf, John Cage, George Klotz, Harris Ault, Lester Dudley, William Massey, August Wirsching. Fred Scharf, Ray Scofield, Gerald Jaffee,' Lawrence Hammer, John Koch and Vernon Van Cleve. The wedding will take place at the home of Miss Mas ter son's parents in Castle Rock, December 26. At the Salem Woman's elub meeting Saturday the annual Christmas tree for the Children's Farm Home at Corvallis was held by the members. Mrs. Walter Spaulding. president, will take the gifts to the children in Cor vallis today. Will Waesaskl kigk-cut Oim Itmmdtd wtk a 0a QaraJa juste Umck rrhmt Otmpun uuk clttrd Acs! as le. 8 v ruanifia 0ml t ara i aa dm4 rerea wak kngki aatag. MUrk ar reyW Mae muk gdt Iftmi ar paatai Mae mmk Oomphie sre just full of the Qiristma spirit. They're pretty enough to use for tree decoration o you know how petty they'll be.on her foot. Wonderfully "comfort able, too under all that fancy eye-catching flitter and smartness is. the famous Oomphies cushion sole com forUhle as an old friend 1 8 8 8 A Christmas pageant, entitled "The Christ Child," based upon the story- told by Maud and Miska Petersham will be present ed at Fairview Home tonight at 8 o'clock. The cast will be com posed of school children who are especially interested in dramatics. The public is irivited to attend. Visitors Will Arrive for Holidays Visitors are begining to arrive in the capital for the holiday sea son to spend Christmas with their families. Captain and Mrs. Winston Wil liams arived in- Salem Monday from Washington, D.C., where he has been stationed. They drove west by way of California. The visitors the guests at the home of her mother and aunt, Mrs. Thom as Holman and Miss Helen Litch field. Miss Susanna Schramm is ar riving in the capital Friday to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Schramm. Miss Schramm, who will be here a week, is coming from Denver where she is occupational therap ist at Fitzsimmons General hospital. Mrs. William Dick of The Dalles is expected in the capital Saturday I to spend Christmas with her mo ther, Mrs. Dan Johnston. Mr. Dick ! will join his wife here the first of the week. Mrs. Johnston's son, .' Dr. Robert Johnston of Portland, j will also be here for the holidays. : Mr. and Mrs. William Shinn , (Miriam Becke) of Corvallis are : home for the holidays and are guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shinn and Mr. and Mrs. Karl Becke. Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Haag are also here from Corvallis for the ! holiday vacation to be with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Haag : and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Berwick, j Shower Will j Fete Couple I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dobbs will be hosts for an informal pre-nup- 1 til party tonight at their North ! Winter street home in. compli- : ment to Miss Kathryn Donaldy and her fiance, Frank Fisher, who will be married Saturday. Mrs. Maurice Brennen will as- sist the hosts informally. Holi- j day decorations will be used about the rooms and a late sup- per will be served. A shower will ; honor the engaged couple. Bidden to the affair are members of the : Willamette university music fac- j ulty of which Mr. Fisher is a : member, and a few friends. Vounr Matrons elnb of YWCA will meet tonight at the YWCA ! at 7:30 o'clock. Miss Betty Dot-! son will give Christmas read-1 ings and Miss Shirley Dean will give a group of Christmas solos. ! The home of Mrs. Arthur Bates was the scene of the Christmas party for members of chapter BC, PEO, Tuesday night. Twenty-four attended the costume party and gift exchange. Girl Scouts Go Caroling Girl -Scout troop 4 will enter tain with the . annual Christmas and caroling party Monday after noon in the Carrier Room of the First Methodist church. The Girl Scouts have invited their mothers to tea. and will sing carols in their honor. A feature of the afternoon will be the Judging of the miniature table gardens by Mrs., George Rossman, Mrs. Walter Spaulding and Mrs. Arthur Jones. Mrs. Ross man will give a reading The Black Madonna." After the Christmas, tree gift exchange the Girl Scouts will go caroling, to the Deaconess Cottage Home, Methodist Old .People's Home, Boyce Convalescent Home and last to Mrs. Armin Berger's home, where supper will be served the girls. Mrs. Hal Randall and Mrs. Mark Astrup are arranging: the affair. j Chest (Colds Act promptly tai relieve muscular soreness and tight fits of coughing in the night.' Tonight, at bedtime. HCtttl rub on time-tested V aetf aw THE GAS RAIIGE OF YOUR DREAI1S! frf- I) ..ill I ; L,-l III G45LM FOUR-BURNER GRIDDLE RANGE This trim new Western-Holly Gas Range has a built-in criddle which is light In weight and easily removed for cleaning. It also presents an all-white cook ing top which enhances the clean, attractive appearance of any kitchen. Th top grates have an improved design which provides more efficiency, and they are more useful in holding cooking vessels and easier to clean. A minute minder clock is another new feature, on this Westem-Holly range, and a newly designed lamp illuminates the cooking top. Downstairs Appliances 340 Court 8L m r.i-i-nroi a. : 1 1 1 er Qet a "Longster" Inner spring MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING 27.00 Down Are you too long for your bed? D you double up? Sleep catty corner? Here's sound, relaxing sleep. Get a "Longster" mattress and box' spring 6 ft., 8 inches long. Innerspring con struction with 242 coils. Softly cush ioned, matched ticking. vNjr Longboy" Bedrails Extend Bed Six Inches Beef Extensions S1T. o.oP You don't have to buy a spe cial length bed for your longboy mattress and box spring. No extra expense like that! Just get a set of these rails. They fit any wood rail bed. You need no special tools. There's no adjustment to make, no damage or alterafion to your present bed or rails. You just get the mattress and box spring, attach these rails to your bed, and presto! You have full-size bed comfort for your extra size! Arbuckle's Inc. 8 vi 481 State Salem, Oregon 484 Slale Si. If rienfM