The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 19, 1946, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 Tha Statos man. Solin. Ort-
'Blazers, Seattle
Dn Local Series
Armory Opener Tonight at 8:30;
Locals Eye Hike to 4th Place
The fast-breaking, quick-shooting Seattle Blue Devils, studded
with former U of Washington stars, tonight open a two-game Pacific
Coast Pro basketball league series with Salem's Trailblazers in the
Ferry Street Garden, a series which could see the up-and-coming
'Blazers wind up in fourth place
in the standing. Now perched on
the fifth rung, but a vastly im
proNed quint against the leading
Vancouver earlier this week, the
Len Yandle crew is pointing for
a pair of wins over the Devils and
the step up in the standings. The
rtiond game of the series will be
played Friday night. Both games
Mart at 8 30 p. m.
Tonight's prelim at 7:15 will
feature City league quint. R. L.
Elfstrom's vs. Pajce WMlens. Fri-
W L Pet.
fori land
laI nnht i result
4 1 SO
5 2 7 SO
4 .600
2 3 4110
2 S 3M
1 5 11
0 1 000
At Long view:
Portland 48. Spokane BS
day's prelim sends the Knights
of Columbus ugam.t the Talbot
Seattle's quint, much like Sa
lem's in that it is uften outscored
but never out-hustled, is led by
a pair of remembered Husky
treats. Wally leutk and Norm
Dalthorp. Bill Fleming, another i
ex-Husky at 6-feet 5-mches: Bob
Parson, former Nebraska U star,
and Johnny Katic;i. onre the ace
of St. Martin's college, round out
the starting Seattle five Again-t
this five Coach Yandle intend
starting the follow in five: Ernie
Ma.skm ich and Jai k Vaughn, for
wairls; Bill (Stretch) 0terhaus
ot tenter and Sharp-eyed Don
Stitt and Dave Teyema at guard. I
Whiit with gents like Vaughn and
(Hterhaus in the lineup. Salem
will enjoy as light Height advan
tage Mii.okoN ich and Stitt are ex
pect d to match any shooting ca
pabilities boated by
Leask and Du I thorp also. j
BOSTON. Dec 18 With
only IT seconds to go. big Milt
Schmidt, center on the famed
Kraut's line, whacked in a puck
from the crease to gne the Boston
Bruins a 3-2 National Hock'y
league triumph o er the New York
Bangers tonight before a packed
13.900 crowd at the Boston Gar
den. '
Bv Jerry
r,L 7-
iiiir iWYii'fi'f: iiQif ivinifiiWTrifiin'nr)iirM
"Li9ten. pal. it'll be worth S25e
on the tame for you how about it?"
relayed by phone somewhere in
an. wee . -v.- K..I ih.i'. lA
For onre again (ambling thrusts Its nasty head into sport. This
time Its professional football. And
rireuUtinc about from the Big Town and environs
with dtftclooure that Merle Hapes and Frank Fil
rhok. two of the New York Giants top offensive
cogs, were propositioned propositioned about
"throwing" the ftlants pro title
eaco Bears. The plug-uclies who made the contact
weren t sufficiently convincing Bl'T the offer was
The insidious element, not alone In New York
but all oer the land. Is awaiting
erurlfv the entire sports foundation
If sufficient safeguards aren't set
II a-ball Watchful
Baseball's alwas had the bet'Jng band pretty well hog-tied. For
the professional diamond men have had the good fortune or the
Milan la nlea mn at h k,lm u hi. tk- m-.- .,rl
enoughand ho acted promptly enough to stamp it out. Judge
Brasnham. in hi retiring; speech the other day at the minor league
convention. WARNED the assembled moguls to beware and to fight
with r hold, barred the easy money boy. f whom dough in the
pocket Is easily worth the reputations of a bunch of kids. ...
New this gUT V hom the CODS nabbed as the "fixer" on the
GUnt-Bear deal-he,, probably get off a stiff fine and if
there s a Jail sentence at all it won t be more than a year. He s the
-front" man: he's got pals bark of him who still have bright ideas j
bussing about in their bonnets. These mugs always operate under j
a calculable risk. One goes up the river but that one's expendable. !
Tne show goes on. A N 1) to some kids who ve never had much, big
dough is sometimes awfully tempting. . . .
Pair of ideal guards: Slats Gill's Beck and Silvers. How those
lads drive and handle that ball. And you have a smaller edition
of them In Salem high's Roger Daseh and Dick Hendrie. . . Heavy
Brain load: Charley Trippl. Georgia's unanimous All-America back
fielder (he's niif every lauid ihua far), rarrie IS ahnlmaii haan
this year. Ciaess what they are! It
- " "w "
rertainlr. but he'll never develop
Mare Snub a
Bringing up GiU's Beavers once more, the Corvallis quintet Is 1
bviously a club with POTENCY this season and the same might 1
be said for Howard llabson's Oregoas. But do you find either of j
these teams mentioned Tn the basketball ratings which have appeared '
In some of the recent periodicals? No! Oae list by. Dick DunkeL so-
called "expert." included teams among them I'CLA. but nary i
uwa w savu w 1 1S3 mm
and Webfoots make those eastern -know-alls" eat their words when
the time comes for the Oregonians to appear in Madison Square '
Garden. Just another ease of being outside the orbit or. If you !
choose, the spheres of influence.
In fart th entire Paeifi
0iCs BiU Gray's hand for having made ONE All-America the
WUliasnson. Bill has the roods but roiuiderlnx the handle ana of ner-
formiag in this corner of the I'nited
sent. Recognition she's an elusive
Illini's Young Plans to Show
CHAMPAIGN. I1L. Dee. 1.-(P-C1aude
(Buddy) Young, who
streaked to 28 touchdowns In
144 and 194S. but was a scoring
flop this season with three pal
try pay-off prances, is fixin' to
bust the Rom Bowl game wide
pen. Coaching decorum pre
vents Mentor Ray Eliot of Illin
ois front saying so, and Buddy, a
Mr. Flve-by-Flva with mercur
ial heels, eatgily comments only
that "California air Is fine Uis
I yaax."
Thursday. DocombooT 19. 184S
f ""1
CHALK TALK: Coaches Andy Kerr (left) af Colgate and Bernie
Bierman (right side of blackboard)
their East All-Star football squad a chalk talk at Northwestern V.
Evanston. III., before the team left for San Francisco to play in
the annual Shrine East-West classic New Tear's day. (AP Wire-photo.)
Web foots off
On Trip Today
El'GENE. Dec. 18. WPV- A
12-man 1'niverslty of Oregon
undefeated hoop squad will take
off by plane tomorrow for Buf
falo. N. Y.. to play Niagara uni
versity Saturday night.
The Webfoots then go to New
York to meet New York uni
versity Monday night and re
turn to Oregon for Christmas.
The Webfoots have won all their
seven p re-season games.
bucks with an extra grand bet
Fateful words those which were
Manhattan a few davs tic The
- t
what a stink is
tHt with the Chl-
the chance to
of the country
hours of football theory and five f
" j " am .
Into a nuclear scientist. ... ,
WBfT gMIlfS. tl c UffrT tga-E S-Wos V CW
rihxl amhti lean n nil .hsk !
States. It was quite an achieve- j
and tesapermental dame. ...
Bat yea get the feeling that
a hepped -up mini team will give
its all to shake Young loose
against undefeated I'CLA at
Pasadena. New Year's day and
that Young Intends to run like
be has never scampered before.
Young has been the hardest
worker mn the Illinois squad,
which starts rolling for Pasa
dena Friday. Every free moment
he has before practice Buddy Is
working out la the gymnasium,
play lag . basket ball a aa offart
Catts lOrop 50-45 .
. Modi fro (Humboldt
Californians Take Rough Battle
From WU's to Even up Series
ARCATA, Cal., Dec. Special) -The Humboldt State Teachers
college quint, losers to Willamette U last night, tonight evened up
their two-game series by grabbing a 50-45 victory in as rough and
tumble a basketball game as has ever been seen on the local court.
af Minnesota, give members of
City Grcuit
Set for Start
I Salem's annual City basketball
derby is now poised for a full
takeoff as a result of last night's
meeting at the chamb'r of com
merce. The league schedule was
, announced, along, with other plans.
One of those plans involves a pre-
' season jamboree at Leslie junior
high January 6. in which all nin
loop teams will take part. A tro
phy will go to the winner of the
elimination-type "jam." Each team
is to play one quarter.
I The first round of the jamboree
will find the following pairings:
Warner Motors vs. Salem Steel,
Talbot Mintmen vs. Elfstrom's.
Willamette Frosh vs. Master Bread.
Knights of Columbus vs. Page
Woolens and Valley Motor vs. win
ner of the Warner-Salem Steel
The league schedule, to end on ! Skopil will likely start the fol
March 10, is as follows: i lowing for Willamette tonight:
January Salem steel v Warner ' Haynes and Fedje, forwards:
Motors Page Woolens vs. Knights of j
Columbus. January 13 Willamette
Erosh vs. Talbot Mintmen. Master
Bread vs. Elfstrom a. Valley Motor bye
January li Salem Steel vs. Willam- j
tte. Warner Motors vs. Talbot. Jan-'
uary 20 Page Woolens vs. Vallev Mot- ',
or. Knights vs. Elfstrom's Master
! Bread bye. January 22 Salem Steel
; vs. Talbot Warner Motors vs. Knights,
i January 27 Willamette v. Vallev Mot
or. Page Woolens vs. Master Bread,
i Elfstrom's bye. January 29 Salem
I Steel vs. Page Woolens. Warner Mot
l ors vs. Willamette
j February 3 Talbot vs. Elfstrom's.
; MaMer Bread v. Vallev Motor.
Knights bye. February 5 Salem Steel
vs. Knights. Warner Motors vs. Mas- '
ter Bread. February 10 Talbot vs
Page Woolens. Elfstrom s vs Vallev
Motor. Willamette be February 12
Salem steel vs Master Bread Warner
Motors vs. Elfstrom's February 17
Willamette vs. Page Woolens, knights
vs Valley Motor Talbot bve Febru-
ary is Salem steel vs Eifstrom s
Warner Motors vs Valley Motors. Feb-
ruary 24 Willamette vs. KnuhU Tal-
..VVb"V Wsa'ltm'stUl V.U
ley Motor Willamette vs. Master
Brd Warner Motor bye.
w L nv." t-wVr! '
ner Motor v. Page Woolen.. Willam-
tte vs Eifstrom s. March 10 Talbot
- V.lWy Motor Knight, v, Mas-
The Netherlands East Indies
extend over a distance of more
than 3000 miles.
capital .neacung cs. (Z) '
Poulin ..: 167 168 180 515 .
rriesen 171 147 170488
214 223 168605
. 177 163 156 498 ,
. 195 174 206375 ,
1 I
. 184 171 191546
171 181- 178530
177 191 168 436
15S 191 181527
. 192 177 162531
Rotten" J
Valley Motor Co
Nuber . Z.::
189 195 175 559
- 182 197 162541
. 167 169 174510 I
. 164 172 112 448
... ;59 2C3 171533 !
Salens. Hardware C. 2)
Thede 219 185 139543 I
w Vaidei
so ij i2 aB
215 175 165 555
155 198 169 522
Ukes Heels
to accelerate his lightning-like
take-off and Improve his wind.
There Is ao prima donna tn
Young, who was the work-horse
ball carrier of the "big nine"
champion Illinl this- year, hust
ling leather ti times more than
any other team mate, and gain
ing 153 yards the hard way. Eliot
says Yaaag has worked off all
the leg ailmenU which "slowed
him up aa important step" moot
at- tW'gawalar.j'i ia I aa. fr -w
Last night it was 39-34 for Wil-
lamette in an overtime period.
Although the Bearcats led to
night at half time, 31-28, the
home team surged ahead late in
the last half. The Bearcats, minus
the services of Wes Saxton, who
went out on fouls, faded near the
end. Al Brown, Humboldt center
who was quite a basketballer dur
ing his days with the St. Marys
Pre flight quint, was red hot to
night and scored 24 points. Wil
lamette's Frankie Page, high
scorer -in last night's game, again
paced the Cats with 11 markers.
Willamette now extends its
barnstorming trip further south
to San Jose where the Spartans
v 111 be played Friday and Sat
urday nights.
Willamette (43) (M) Humboldt
McR (61 F (9) Moses
Saxton (51 F (6) Eshelrrvan
Ragsdale 4) ... C (24) Brown
Sebern (8) G (0) M aloof
Page (11) G (0) David
Willamette subs Graham. Medley 4.
Barbour 2. Runyan 5. Humboldt
KJinginford I. Johnson 0. Longhorn 3.
Oliver S.
Beavers Trip
Brunos, 68-31
CORVALLIS. Ore., Dec. 1S-(JP)
-The Oregon State Beavers
romped to a 68 to 31 victory over
the independent Bruno Studio
cagers here tonight with big Red
Rocha switched to forward spot
and grabbing the scoring honors.
Coach Slats Gill put the big
Hawaiian, who headed the north
ern division Coast conference
cage scorers last year, from his
customary center position to for
ward all the time Rocha was on
the floor. At center was Doug
Martin, who has been subbing for
Rocha previously this season and
doing well on the tip job.
Bruno Studio (31) (SS) Oregon State
Harvey 4 . F 4 Anderson
Warren 5 F 13 Rocha
Mulder 14 . C 8 Martin
Jeffrie 0 G 10 Beck
Ellis 1 G .8 Sliver
Bruno subs Hollingsworth 5. Patzke
2 Oregon State Crandall 8. Carrv .
Torrey 4. Roelandt 2. Peterson 3. Half
time Oregon State 37. Bruno 15. Of-'
ficials: Coleman and Emigh.
Bearcat JV's
Face Vanport
Coach Otto Skopil's Willamette
university junior varsity quint
hits the road tonight for a game
with the Vanport quint at Van
port. The Cat s-econds hope to re
gain the win column after their
narrow loss to Oregon State's
Jayvees last Saturday night.
Bryant, center; Lakie and Cline
anarrU '
THl " 0 1
H , r I f k Mr 4t TCk
W --IVtl tvl S
Nudee Seattle
SEATTLE. Dec. 18 -(JF- In a
wild scramble in front of the Se
attle nets with Phil McAtee, Se
attle goalie, flat on the ice. Pat
Desbiens pushed in a goal ihortlv
before the final gong tonight to
give the Portland FjjdIm u 7 ir. 1
K r-oruana regies 8 i to 1
wln ovr the Seattle Ironmen in
a Pacific Coast Hockey league
clash DhienV tallv rn an n
. :, f !oi k
sist trom Jim Planche. came two
minutes, 13 seconds before the end
cf the third oeriod
ARCADIA Calif Dec 18-i!v
Xrainer Graceton" Philnot nf
Uul. B. Mayers tabled to-'
day he had signed leading jock-
evs Eddie Arrarn nH Racil Tamoc
J s, foTr
the movie magnate in the $50 000
added California Breeders' stake
Santa Anita opening day feature'
December 28.
194 196 160-452
Cupboard Cafe (J)
159 177 165501
167 181 181529
179 165 159503
175 196 176547
161 156 212529
Coe .
Glodt .
Colonial House (t)
Mir ich .
169 165 181515
149 150
193 ISO 178551
202 167 161530
139 155 190484
Chock's Tavern il
160 180 171311
160 208 154522
197 160 168525
186 183 201569
AdolDh IRS I'M 117 111
Clime's Coffee Shop (2)
ttartweu . 179 179 198 556
Lutz 168 179 122 469
Evans 201 203 201 60S
Clme. Jr 149 180 201530
Keel 178 145 154477
Saw logs 16 feet or longer;
will pay ceiling prices.
Stum page with 200,000
feet or more in a piece, on
or near graveled roads. "'
West Salem Lumber
West Salem. Ore. Th. 593
NEW YORK, Dec IS -(Jf)- Je
rome Zarewltx, IX, was held to
night aa a material witness in
the Investigation of the alleged
attempt to "fix" last Sunday's
Chicago Bean-New York Giants
championship football game
the second person taken into
custody in the' ease. Assistant
District Attorney George F.
Bfonaghan, describing Zarowlts
aa an employe of "a combina
tion of gamblers and bookmak
ers," asked General Sessions
Judge Francis L. Valente to fix
Jenkins Named
I-Walton Boss
Local Club Conducts
Regular Meeting
Harold H. Jenkirrs was elected
president of the Salem Chapter.
Izaak Walton League of America,
during its regular meeting at the
Dairy Co-op building last night
Jenkins will serve for the next
( The new vice president is Em
ory Lebold and the new secre
tary Don Harger. Monroe Cheek
was voted in as treasurer. Direc
tors for a two-year period are
Wayne Doughton, M. F. Baker.
J. L. Loder, Monroe Cheek, L. C.
Reinholdt and Chris Kowitz, sr.
The sportsman's group also dis
cussed various fishing regulations
during the meeting last night.
Parrish Taps
Leslie Boxers
Parrish junior high's boxing
team copped a 12-6 victory over
Leslie yesterday in the Parrish
ring. The Parrish Ninth . graders
won six bouts to two. the Eighth
graders were held to a 2-2 tie and
tho Seventh graders grabbed a 4
2 win. The Leslie-Parrish swim
ming meet will be held today at
4O'clock in the YMCA pool.
Winners in yesterday's bouts
were as follows:
7th Grade: Parrish winners Shaff.
Brown, Christenson. Ryland. Leslie
winners Cobb and Papenfus.
8th Grade: Parrish winners Devine
and Irish. Leslie winners Tussing and
Muller. Draw between Raymond of
Leslie and Fowler of Parrish.
9th Grade: Parrish winners Bress
ler. Boggs. Rushin. Sohn. Bacon and
Ullman. Leslie winners Eshleman and
Sexton. Draw between Berger of Les
lie and Olson of Parrish. Vcrn Gil
more referee.
Academy Quintet
Tops Falls City
academy quint, led by Center
Mikkelson's 24 points, Wednesday
night drubbed the Falls City high
squad in basketball. 49-37. The
Academy quint. still seeking
dates with any "Bee" squad, plays
Amity at Amity Friday night. The
next game for the West Salem
court is with Chemawa on De
cember 30.
Falls City (37)
D. Bowman (3)
J. Bowman (9)
Regele 8l
Richards (5) .
A mes 1 1 )
(4 Academy
i3 Friesen
8 Goertzen
24) Mikkleson
. (7i Vier
4) Billings
Falls City sub
-Russell 8. Crawford
3. Academy Shaff 2. DeLapp 1.
Golfers Plan Meet,
Feed at SGC Today
Men's clubbers at Salem golf
course will bang off a Match vs.
Par nine-holer as their regular
Thursday outing today, and will
follow it up with one of the pop
ular evening stag dinners in the
clubhouse. The dinner was to
have been a losers-pay-for-the-winners'
deal, but the "Mallard"
and "Mudcat" teams have been
unable to get together ' for a
match because of the bad weath
er in the past few weeks. So to
night's feed will be dished up
on a four-bits-a-plate basis to
all. Pro Jim Russell urges a full
turnout both for the tournament
and the subsequent feed.
Church Results
In "C" league basketballing at
the YMCA last night the Pringles
defeated First Methodist, 50-21.
The Y" junior varsity downed
First Presbyterian A's In make
up game, 21-17. Tonight's sched
ule in the "A" league: St Mark's
vs. Salvation Army, First Evan
gelical vs. Salt Creek and Court
Street Christian vs. United Breth
ren at Leslie. "C" league: Jason
Lee vs. First Baptist, St. Mark's
vs. Leslie Methodist and First
Presbyterian vs. Presbyterian
Juniors at Parrish. C" league:
First Christian vs. Deaf School at
the deaf school. "B" league: Deaf
School vs. Presbyterian Seconds
and First Baptist vs. Salt Creek
at the deaf school.
CORVALLIS, Dec. 1 8-iA3)-Junior
varsiey letters will go to 28
members- of the Oregon' State
college squad which won three
games and lost two during the
gridiron season.
( On All Hakes )
AH Work Guaranteed
428 Court St. Call 7523
Witness Picked
bail af S5M09 bat the amount
finally was set at $1M0.
Zarowlts was unable to pro
duce the ball and was lodged
in Tombs prison. Earlier. Judge
Valente had denied bail to Al
vin J. Paris, Indicted on bribery
charge in the ease, on the
ground that Paris' life might
be endangered if he were re
leased. Detectives said Zarowlts was
mentioned in telephone conver
sations on Paris' line, which was
tapped last week as part of a
potwd back, shot by Miss Mar
garet Whelpley of Psrtland, Me.
(above) is claimed to be the
year's biggest kill by Game
Commissioner George J. Stopie
of Maine. She bagged the back
with one shot.
Basket Spoit
Spreading Out
EUGENE, Ore., Dec. .18-UP)-The
American sport of basketball
is fast bursting out of its native
national . boundaries. University
of Oregon Coach Howard Hob
son decided today. Hobson had
letters from Italy, England and
Uruguay, asking him to recom
mend Americans who will go to
those countries and train their
citizens how to coach the game.
The Oregon mentor, who con
ducted basketball schools in Eu
rope during the war. foresees in
ternational corftests between col
leges in the near future.
Huskies Await
Ohio Staters
SEATTLE, Dec. 18-()-The
University of Washington basket
ball team began tapering off in
its workouts today as the Huskies
prepared for the two-game inva
sion by Ohio State's Buckeyes
here Saturday and Monday.
Coach Hec Edmundson de
clared his quintet was perform
ing sharply in practice so "we
might as well stop while things
are going well.' The Ohio State
series will be Washington's first
tough pre-season test.
w HI
Christmas Suggestions!
? vt?n af
FOOTBALLS: While They Last
If Wilson's D36 A ilF
K 20 left JmVJ
If Wilson's D34 "7 yTJ f"
II 17 left .43
W Wilson's D32
ir 19 left
Wilson's D30
if 9 left
vft Spalding's 124B -7 IJ?
If 10 left .D
Spalding's 133
af aTf-
Wilson's Ob79 and up
r Boxing Platforms 6.50 and up
V. Spalding's 148L 5.95 Was 6.60
Spalding's 114 9.95
Complete line of skis, ski waxes, goggles, ski poles,
ski boots, sH dolhing
riAPLE-insinr sponmiG goods
372 SUte Street
Up in Football 'Fix9 Case
general boekmakfhg investiga
tion. Monaghan told the court
Zarowlts "admitted that be
knew Paris. In my conversa
tion with him. he asked me if
well known gambler was back
In the city, and I asked him
what his Interest was, did be
expect that man to pat np bail
for him if he was held. He re
plied. 'Yes'."
Jadge Valente, in denying
bail to Paris, said "release of
the defendant on bail at this
time way be fraught with grave
Cardinals Picked
As 'Team off Year-
Redbirds Nose Out Notre Darners
In Poll by Sportswriting Crew
NEW YORK, Dec. 18-CP)-Eddie Dyer's St. Louis Cardinals, who
upset the heavily favored Boston Red Sox to win the world series,
were named the team-of-the-year for 1946 today in the annual
Associated Press poll of sports editors. In danger of being tabbed the
. I "flop of the year" when they trail-
. -swr -s-s o tne Brooklyn Dodgers by sev-
famed Valley
To Open Soon
SUN VALLEY, Idaho, Dec. 18
-P)-A motion picture star who
joined ten years ago in :un vai-
ley's opening festivities and who
later married a ski instructor she
met here will take part Satur-
day In the Idaho mountain re
sort's postwar opening.
Norma Shearer was one of the
first guests when Sun Valley
opened in 1936. She returned near
ly every season until war closed
the resort, used for the past sev-
eral years as a navy convalescent
General Manager W. P. Rod
gers said 80 per cent of the pre
war employes would be back Sat
urday. As they did before the war.
waiters on ice skates will serve
tea at the skating rinks and bus
boys on skis will provide refresh
ments for guests enjoying the re
sort's ski courses. Alaskan Hus
kies will pull bob sleds and
sleighs; St. Bernard pups will
romp in the snow just to add the
proper atmosphere.
Torgeson Runs
Afoul Court
BELLING HAM. Wash- Dec 18
;P)-Earl Torgeson, young south-
paw first baseman sold this year
by Seattle to the Boston Braves
for a reported $100,000 in players
and cash, was convicted here of
disorderly conduct. Police Court
Judge Bert Kale suspended the
$25 fine, but ruled Torgeson should
pay the $2.50 costs. -
Torgeson was arrested by police
e?ri-y Sunday morning on a charge
of fighting on a downtown street.
The baseball player testified he
attacked a man who used foul
anguage in the presence of Mrs.
Torgeson. A few hours before Tor
geson's arret he had been releas
ed by the Bellingham club of the
Pacific coast professional basket
ball league.
Loggers Even Series
WALLA WALLA. Dec. 18. -Y.-P
The College of Puget Sound Log
gers handed Whitman college a
convincing 47-26 defeat tonight to
divide their two game northwest ;
conference series here after los
ing last night.
CPS (47) Pos. 2) Whitman
Angeline (2 . F (81 Pennington ,
Hoff i7i F 1 21 Portch i
Button 18) . C (Sl Anderson'
Huntington 18) . G ... (11 Estrada.
Stivers (61 G (2 Wall 1
Substitutes: CPS Slalatino 2. Finch
am 8. Richey 2. Sawyer 4; Whitman j
Tompson 2, Tovrnsend 2.
at a vr a a
10 left
Was 75
Was 8.65
Was 10.00
Was 12.00
Was 8.65
Was 10.65
Was 11.95
Spalding's 132 10.45
Wilson's 34RL 11.95
Wilson's 32RL 9.95
Wilson's J4V 7.50
Voit CB 2
Wilson's 42RV
Striking bags
Striking bags
Was 11.95
Striking bags
' Salem, Oregon
danger to him." Monaghan had
said yesterday that police hod
received telephoned threats
against Paris' life.
However Paris' attorneys de
clared the Judge's decision was
based on "the flimsiest kind
of testimony. William V. Breo
lin. an associate defense attor
ney, said if witnesses were tn
danger. Merle Ha pes and Frank
Filebok, the two Giants' back
field stars to whom bribes pur
portedly were offered by Park,
also shoodd be held in JaO.
eral lengths in mid -season after
most of the "experts" had picked
them to win the flag, the Red
Birds staged a game stretch drive
to nose out the Brooks in the first
modern day playoff.
Their world series success was
capped by Enos Slaughter's dra
. matic dash for home while Short-
; stop Johnny Pesky of the Sox
t momentarily hesitated in relaying
; an outfield throw to the plate. The
Cards' ingenuity in stopping Ted
. Williams, their spirited team rlav
in September and October and
their opportunism in the series
earned them the "vote of partici
pating editors and sports writers.
Although the Notre Dame foot
ball team was a close second to
the G?rd,s n the final point touL
compiled from the. votes of the
62 participants, the baseball
champs earned 24 first place bal
lots to 19 for the Irish. Army's
unbeaten Cadets, who had won
the team-of-the-year prize the
last two seasons, picked up only
nine first place votes and a total
of 66 points. The Cardinals had
110 points to 105 for Notre Dame.
Despite their world series fail
ure., the Boston Red Sox. who
made a runaway of the American
league race in bringing Boston its
first classic since 1918. earned 23
points for fourth olce. Ta OVi-
roma Aggies, NCAA basketball
champions in the 1945-46 season,
were only a point back of the Red
Sox in fifth place, followed by
the Chicago Bears, national foot
ball league playoff winners.
OSC Plans Return
TV riQPintr
" L,1C" .IAaCIIl
Dec. 18-(Special)-Oregon Stata
may return to varsitv crew racing
competition on the Willamette
here next spring, according to
Crew Coch Ed Stevens. Crew
was ju;-t coming into its own at
Oregon Slate before the war with
Steven' men competing against
Washington, California. British
Columbia and UCLA. The Bea-
, i-e .,,;
,042 Rnu imr W1 k.ih
this fall and Stevens says a num
ber of likely candidates for a var
sity crew have been developed in
these classes.
The Opening; of
Leo's Welding Shop
.1790 N. Front St.
Are ft Acetylene Welding
Leo Deutsch, Owner
BASKETBALLS: While They Last
Was 12.25
Was 13.75
Was 14.75
Was 12.75
Was 8.95
Was 11.95
n-r -wr- H
m i 3 Was 10.45 A
.... 5a45 Was 7.00
.... 9.45 Was 11.95 M
9.75 Was 12.95 y