18 Thm Skrtman. Salm, Oregon. Friday. Dcmbf 13, 1946 Additional Classified Ads on Page 17 Situations Wanted OLSON WASHER repair. Ph. 2-5100 Auto Painting -Drive a Little Save a Little" BASSETTS PAINT SHOP S ml out on Ph 2-230$ Silverton Rd Salem. Ore. LOCAL A- Ion distance hauling. R. L Phillips. Rt. $. Box 11$. Ph. 68F22. Standard Cleaners & Dyers Rui and drapery cleaning. Pickup and Del. Service. Phone tl9 BILL'S GARAGE General auto repairing St welding 1 blk S ofPen 4 Corners Ph 8235 Pre School PtavSchol. 1381 Stale Ae 2-8 Part or all day Ph 8430 GENERAL CEMENT contracting Stanley Fagg. Ph. J;304J. . Interior Decorating Our specialty Better home, office nd apartments One to five men available. Dick Orev Painter and Decorator Phone 25444 or 6265 ALL WORX guaranteed Wuidows walls, woodwork cleaned Fluor waxed- Insured workmen Professional Cleaning Service Phone 4457 For Sale Miscellaneous ELECTRIC Chime, long and short tubes, motor driven, and mechanical chimes Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY G H 57GAL10jl H'mt 505 Centei SI WALL TYPE can openers, citrus fruit juicers Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY TABLE and pin-it-uo lamp. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY INDIRECT Floor lan-.ps and torchiers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY DECORAfiNG Holly, holly wreaths and boutnnniprr Ph 58FJ2 evenings. COAL or briquet circulating heater New wood ranjje YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY SAVE ON Walnut Meats LIGHT DARK 85c Hi. 75c lb. DELIVERED-PH 2-1158 Christmas Trees All H7ff. vpiaved to order Mniyd from lit hik. S. Com 1 . to Wash. and S Com 'I. Antiques Pre-inventory rale 25". reduction on every arric'e in stock Lamps, clocks latum claf fine cr.ina. vsw?. f-had-cv hoe ar.d some furniture. COME FARLY & GET lOIR PICK Old Wagon W!;e'. 1375 Ivy. Hlway 89 Junction Cit. Ore SPINET PIANOS Shipment of Betsy Ross spinets in transit Sample- on riisplav Order now being taken Tallmans. 35 S. 12th WHITE ErisnieT v.ood "tcnff. flipht'v' U'-ed. Wood U coal circulator heater vith Duo-Theim fan Like r.ew. Af tti S p hi- 495 S 2tith. PRF-WAR tilt-back davenport $50 1125 S 19-li Apt 1 WASHING Machine Breakfast sets $18.5i Larce kitchen cupboard Writ ing dt?k End tables Single and full fie beds Coil springs and mattresses. Daveno $20 00 Davenport and chair New clour cover inp. Dandy bedroom set $9 50 MARTINS FURNITURE CO. 420So Comu.eicial St. POW ER Too's. some hand tools, soap lumber bath tub k sink fix tures, few c'ectiical supplies, few lbs. .f assorted nails and paints. Call at 411 Oregon B'dc . Salem 3 TRICYCLES $2 00 $3 00 and $5 00. K45 Monioe Ave. Phone 2-278 BEDROOM It living rm. furniture, also iuk. cr b lan'ps etc Ph 6431 IVORY wood unw w.th coils. nod Cond and 3 burner gas plate Ph. 2-3142 PLAYER P ano. upiiplit. Bi h and ljrf 'Fairar.cli make, fine tone, lea sonablc Plinr e .':i83 or Rt 7. Box 37X. FISHING Tad:! and pun repair shop. Have oui fishing tackle and guns rt-r.ditd for new reason now. S e M Micken.iaii.. 2365 N Libertv . Ph. 2.S652 LIMITED Supply Italian chestnuts. 1790 So High St Plr 24453 GUARANTEED Recap Tires Si7e KOttxl6. at Will's Service Station. 837 S Com 1 " GUARANTEED Forever, flashlights requiring no batteries. 2 and 3 cell f lasnlirhts YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 2.5 N LIBERTY STOVE St Diesel Oils Prompt met ered dtliverv service Anv time LARKYS FUEL OIL Ph 2-1917 'j mi N of Pen 4 Corners UFA TING Pads leleCtrici Plastic clothes lines. iionir.-g pads and cov ers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 23-i N LIBERTY "SINGLE and two burner hot plates YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY LATE C!stei hop loots for sale Box 2t4. Onlai io Oregon ORIENTAL run 9x12. rose" bark f iiiund excellent condition 365 D St COFFEE Maker sets. 4 to 6 and cup coffee maktr with stoxes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY FERTILIZE ea.lv Rich barnyard and Chicken Call bT.E22 for delivery Filberts Hi. 25c DELIVERED TO YOl'R DOOR Ph.2-1158 DECORATIVE and lighted house numbers YEATER APPI IANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY CHRISTMAS TREE HOLDERS YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N LIBERTY FLUORESCENT kitchen fixtures and single tube brackets for use near our mirror YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY ELECTRIC room heaters, circulat ing steam and reflector tvpes YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY KITCHEN and bathroom light fix tures. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY WATER Heaters for imn.eo.iate de livery: 30 gallon Westinghouse $93 75. 42 gallon Collins (9625. 56 gallon West inghouse .$115 50 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ' 55 N. LIBERTY FULLER Brushes. 1745 Grant P 8357 FIGURINES and small gift item YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY "CUTLERY AND TABLE WARE. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY AUTOMATIC Electric record plavers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY FLUORESCENT Dessi lamps. Ideal for student or office YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY DOCTOR'S Scales for the home. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N.LIBERTY PIANO Bencnes. iiumin t, 395 S. 12 "TWO WAY and intercomm tele phone sets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY WE buy and sell lurniiure. tooia rtuvea. dishes, motors, radios. Electric aophances. household goods KLIG MAN'S 285 N Commercial Ph WW5 ALWAYS a Dig sloe WoodrrFurnlure Mkt Ph $110 " AUTOMATIC Electric gnll. 18x36 Inches with double thermostat Ideal tor small restaurant or club house. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY For Sale Miscellaneous BEAUTIFUL. heaflTiy." registered Collie puppies, champion blood line. Blues, tris and sables. All very good ones, all wormed. Excellent Christmas gifts. Com and see them any time. Virril Diehl. DEE-EL KENNELS. Rt. I. Box 124 Downs Road. Mt. Angel. Oi egon. SWING IN SASH. 14 are 20x2. 1 Is 20x36. 477 Court St. Phone 403S. TRASH Burner. 40 ft. of coils, excel, cond.. A treadle sewing machine. 1595 Roosevelt. Ph. $026. I SET new radiator grills for 140 Buick Super. Sahle-dyed muskrat coat fize20. Reasonable Ph. 3943. REDMOND No. 1 potatoes $2.75 per 100 lbs. 2 or 2 doz. New Hamp. pullets $1.75 each. bantam hens 75c each. L. G. Phillips. Rt. 3. Box 588 K. Salem. FIRST $15 buy second hand RCA Victor cabinet Victrola. mechanical, food condition. Call evenings after 6:00. Ph. 5013. 2705 Portland Rd.. Salem COMBINATION freezer refrige rator. Art Ritchie. 25 Chi Ids Ave. Ph. 6900. GOOD Alarm clocks $L50 each. Ex pert dock repairing. Open 8 30 A M. to 5:30 PM. Closed Wed. 190 S. 14. Clock Doctor. GREEN enamel wood range with water tank, coils and pipe length In good condition. Ph. 3557 after 6 P.M. BL'ESCHER Saxophone. Kihg trom bone, table radio, half inch water pipe fittings. 180 So. 19th St. Ph. 24413. WASHING Machine, davenport and chair, bed room suits, sprints, floor lamp and misc. article Inquire 2140 Maple Ave. days, or Ph. 8838 evenings. RED Cocker Spaniel puos. Purebred. Not registered. $15-$20 Ph. 7314. PIANO.' Goodcond. 1310 Mission CHRISTMAS Trees delivered 50c- $1 00 Ph. 4333. TRAILER : 6'ax8 flat bed 616 tires. $75 1 045 N Church. , PR. of girl's figure ice shoe skates. size 6'a Pr of bov's clamp roller .skater Call 6550 after 5 P.M. ' FRESH California naval oranges 50 . for L00FreeDe! Ph. 602 l GOOD tan camel hair coat, just ! cleaned, size 16. 1663 Court. COOLERATOR ho'ds 75 lbs. ice. A 1 rhape Price $35. 510 Beck Ave. Ph. 2-1125 7 PIECE walnut dining room suite. Good cond. $75 Albert Ieilh. Wood burn. Ore . Rt I. Box 284. 2nd house , across from St. Louis school. FUR "Coat, blue fox. size 16. Also portable radio, band new batteries. Ph. 5393 after5 PM. RL'G 9"xl0 made from heavy plain eggplant cat pet. also 4 small ones to match. $40. Iarge oak sideboard $25 Nice 44 steel enameled bed $10 Nice white enameled one panel inside door 27"x78 " with good hardware com plete $9. Several wheel cha:is $10 to ! $40. Call between 1 and 6. 745 Court 1 WASHING Machine. 2425 Center ZENITH Console radio with pick-up attachment for record player. 1875 Market Ph 8030 HOLLY Wreaths $l"25 Christma greens of all kinds, formerly located across from Highland school. Now at 1035 Highland Ph 3595 or 8994. River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX. AND FILL DIRT ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Bulldozing Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH. 2-1966 2-3100 CHRISTMAS TREES. Fairgrounds id at Highland ave FUR Coat size 14. practicallv new. cost $15o. sell $80 1405 N Cnml J R Watkins Co. products. 1717 Cen ter St.. Salem Ph 5395 GUARANTEED RADIO SERVICE FREE PICKl'P DELIVERY. PHONE 24728 ELECTRIC Pants presiers. curling and soldering irons YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY KITCHEN and industrial exhaust fans YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY CAR Hot water neaters 40 Chev radiator 29 to 33 Chcv radiator. 40 Ford truck tadiator. Keizer Garage. Keizer Corners. Joe's Radiator Shop WILL BUY for casn. sell or trade guns, pistols, ammunition boats or trailers Don Madison. 690 No High pr diape Ore niahogany home bar. One set of fa Ueton sugar a ci earner. Sun nyvale patteir.. Ph 24101. FOR SALE Slightly used sectional lime green furniture. Call 7337 after 5 15 pm. CHRISTMAS Trees, priced reason ably while they last 2096 State st CHRISTMAS Trees, large variety- to select from. 3042 Poitland Road METAL and plastic bed lamps YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY RADIOS. Table and console. 10 mod els from which to select. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY USED Lumber WiM's Service Sta tion. 837 S Com 1 Ph. 7167 AUTOMATIC Electric sidearm water heaters YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY "OVERSTCEEED chair 4 stool. Ph 5397. -CHRISTMAS Trees, spravrd to or der. Mai ion Capitol St Pli 24248 EXPERT washina machine service and wringer rolls all makes See Ed i Ellis at Nelson Bros Furniture Sor 1 315 N Lihertv NEW camel hair man's top coat size 40 1067 Sixth St . West Salem FOR SALE Modern RCA comb, radio St phonograph Phone 2-1094 GOOD used radios as low as $10 at I.ioerty Radio Hospital, opposite United Growers cannerv BULLDOZERS Custrm made See ours before buy ing All makes repaired Grubbing teeth for dozers. Holt Welding and Machine Shop . I nd e pe nde nee. Ore g STOVE repairing & parts Woodrr I Mkt 1605 N Summer St TWO SLICE electric toasters $2 10. 4 slice $3 85 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY Eola Lumber Co. Rt 4. Sa'em Lumber. Red Cedar Shingles and building supplies. T C 'Ted I Muller Phone Salem 2-1196 Yd 5 mi west of town on Salem -Dallas Hwy ATTRACTIVE. Aluminum, kitchen step ladders and step-on iefue cans YEATER APPLIANCE CO. , 255 NLIBERTY Concrete Buildings Block? and Bricks BOOCK BUILDING BLOCK CO South River Rd Phone 5968 CHRISTMAS Trees, nice ones, small to large 18th and State Sts FOR Better Custom Cabinet work tt furniture building SEE WESELY MEG CO. 376 Garden Rd. Phone 5874 65LD English dinner knives, gen uine pearl handles, sterling mountings, never used: fireplace andirons, fine condition. Call before 10 mornings or eyenings after5. Phone 7862 NOW in stock, concrete drain and I building tile, sewer and culvert pipe OREGON GRAVEL CO 1405 N Front St Ph. 3417 48 BASS Accordion. In good condi tion Ph. 5008. CHRISTMAS cards. fancy work, gift wrap tree icicles, aprons.. Bun galow Gift hpp.1148 N.Com'l ENGLISH Walnuts. Ph. 24256. j WALNUT bed room set. fluorescent floor lamp. 9x12 rug and 2 matching rugs 36x63. chen. bed spread. Rt. 2, Box 262. Phone 23414. 100" GAL. oil drums. Ph. 7205. j VARIEGATED Holly. 635 N. Summer. HOLLY Holly Wreaths. Pember- ton s. 1980 S. 12th. CHOICE Myrtle wood GifU. Pern be r- ton s. 1980 S. 12th. SEE Us for Christmas Gifts. YXATER APPLIANCE CO, 255 N. Libert)' For Sale Miscellaneous LATE Model Refrigerator. 1519 Franklin. W. Salem. TOP Coats. Master Cleaner. West ' Salem. I " 7 " FT. Deluxe Refrigerator, never used. Pete Sproed. Rt. 1. Box 149. Brooks. 4'a mi. N. E. of Brooks on i Hayes Ranch Don't call Sat. i BEAUTIFUL Urge walnut antique ; table with gallery. Original drawer pull, leather top. newly finished. 755 1 N. Capitol. I 4 SIZE Violin A case $15 00. Pea I Jacket sue 38-40. $10 00 window I shades & brackets. Rug $40 00. t end i tables $4 a $5.00. Fireplace screen. 2 chandalier. Door $5.00. I29U N. Win : ter. Ph. 7025. HOLLY, plain and variegated. 50c lb. Ph. 85F24. r-J INSULATE and Weatherstrip now and save fuel. Phone 362. i SMALL Stock trailer 4 x6 Box trailer. Hammer mill. Cement mixer. 1000 lb. small potatoes. Ph. 4421 Sil ' verton. '4 mile No. Brush Creek Schl. SCOTTISH TERRIERS. excellent i breeding. popular prices. Travelon Kennels. Rt. 2. Hy. 90W. McMinnville i WASHING Machine. 2420 N 5th. WASHING Machine. Remington standard typewriter and desk. 665 ! Edina Lane, 11 to2. ' "ONE 12" cutoff "saw . 4 h p. motor $140.00. One 6" bench saw. ' hp. 1 motor $45 00. or will rent. Ph. 8678. ! 2345 Garden Rd. ; ELECTRIC Sandwich grill in per fect condition $18.00. Baltery radio good as 'new $15.00. New marine top coat $8 00. Phone 2-4858. PRE-WAR child't tricycle, like new. $15.00. Child's large size panel bed complete with spring and mattress, pre-war V in good condition. $12 00. 3 small iturdv wagons $5 00 each. Also mistletoe & Christmas tiees. all sizes, pi iced from 25c h ip. E. Hendrickson. 3660 E. State St Phone19F23. BROWN Pfuh couch, good condi tion. $35. Ice ref i lgerator $5. Com mode $4. Pedal sewing machine $10. Six old chairs $10 Kitchen table $5. Electric lion $2. Toaster $1.50. Mirror framed 2T'x39" $2 .So Fancy octagon mirror $1. Bamboo what-not stand. 4 shelves Phone 2-2407 . TYPEWRITER."!.. "C. Smith secre tarial model, perf. cond. $70. 1591 Bi oad w a GENUINE Muskrat coat. slightlv used, size 32 libust First S30 takes Fri eve or Sat. 325 S 14tTi ELEC Refi lgerator. table model gas range, wash, niach . bed room et. dinette set. sewing, niach.. vacuum cleaner home canned fruit ves. with sugar. 364 N 21st. Ph. 21818 Grocery Store G I CLOTHES, shirts sizes 15-32. 29-31 Ph 21260 ALUMINUM ROOFING Heavv pau:e Immediate Delivery SEARS FARM STORE 173 S Liberty Pli 6133 and 9194 WALNUT Meats 70c lb 1965 S Church St. Real Furniture Buys! ! ! 4 pc bedroom suite complete with coll spr:ng it mMti-s 119 75 8 pc walnut Queen Ann bed- I nun suite . 79 75 A beautiful pit-war Montag wood range .7100 Daveno in excellent condition . 65 (Ml Full iir Hollvwood bd. box sprinK ic mattres.s . 59 75 Bunk bed set complete with springs Jt matt rc-ses 34 50 Full fi7e metal bed. spring t, niatti ess 29 75 Rollawav bed and niatliet& . 19 75 Davenpoi t . 19 75 Set of 4 walnut dining chairs,.. 1575 Ci.linished 4 drawer ihesl 1 1 75 Walnut victrola in mcq' condition 9 75 BRIGHT - FURNITURE 453 Court Phone 7511 CHRISTMAS Specials 50c i. $1 hou-e primroses 25c ferns Peinbe: ton s Flower Shop. 1980 S. 12th ELEC MIXER Ph 4546 THOR Wah. oak dinette. (Javen poit. 2 chans. oak twin beds. 1 bed room set. Wedgewood 3 buiner gas love bov s bicvcle. ladio IES lamp 1115 Oxford. 2 blks. So. 12th st. Mai ket " PLYWOOD cons 1 1 ucted row ' boats -now in stock at Wards Faim Store. Tiade and High Sts. 22 Al'TO rifle 12 gauge double New 21 jewel Swiss. Micromalic man's wrist watch 17 jewel ladies Bulova w i ist watch Ladies grey raincoat sie 14 Oak din. table. buffet. Iibiary table, occas. orial table. Wicker daven port. See Allen Jones, first duplex rear 776 N Com I WASHING Machine $40. large safe gas water heater with tank. $15. in stantaneous gas w.iier heater $25 neariy new plav pen and pad A bar gain at $6 Drive to HolUwood thea ter. eaM 1 block to McCov St , then south 1 block to 1085 Ei ion St WADE 4 H.P draw, saw neailv new Extra blades. J S. I'ndeiwood. Sil veiton. Ore . 7 El 11 CLASSICAL Record library. Victor. Columbia. Neatly new 12'. discount. J S. Underwood. Silverton Orc7jnn. NEW Tire. 5 50-16 765 Mai ion Phone 25223 STAMPED and hand embroidered pillow cases, children s dresses, aprons, crocheted pot holder, numerous other article-s suitable lor gifts. 534 N Winter DAVENPORT $20 round walnut din. jng table Ph. 2-1238 River Silt MASON SAND FILL DIRT PIT RUN GRAVEL KEIZER sand & Travel co. Phone 2-1749 MISTLETOE For commeicial. and home decorating Phon21583 . PLASTI-KOTE. the curabie paint with the celophane-like finish YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 23$ N LIBERTY 7 FT Cedar posts, good quality Ph 68F22 or write R. L. Phillips. Rt. 6. Box 118 SUN LAMPS (ultra violet and infra-red i portable and stand models with timers. - YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 25$ N LIBERTY ELECTRIC desk, mantle and wall clocks YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY RAILROAD TYPE LANTERNS YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY HEAVY Bronze smoking stands YEATER APP' IANCE CO. 255 N LERTY ALUMINUM sauce pans, well aoi tree platters. fring pans, cookie sheet, clothes hampers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY ORGANIC FERTILIZER Very good for lawns and gardens Also very good mulch Delivered anywhere in Salem 6 sacks $5.00 1 ton $10 00 Phone 8127 WEST MUSHROOM CO Morrison Thompson Electric Co. 244$ Fairgrounds Rd. Salem. Oregon Phone 2-4428 Electric . water heaters, all sizes Chromalox Ian type, air heaters, ap pliances. HOUSE WIRING INDUSTRIAL WIRING S A WM ILL EQUIP . FOR SALE FOR Your holiday dinners and parties drink and enjov pure apple juice, made daily from selected ap ples. (No preservative.! Puritan Cider Works. West Salem. CHRISTMAS Trees; all sizes. 18 years at this same old place Our prices are right. Puritan Cider Works. West Salem. 25 GAL. in 5s. good quality outside pai.it. light ivory. $100 00. Ph. 22306. NEARLY New bunk beds, springs j and mattresses. Ph. 25689. WOMAN S deluxe Columbia "bicycle. 1 almost new. $40 00. Conn clarinet, good, i $75.00. Phone 3817. For SaleMiseellaneous PURINA FEED POULTRY TURKEY DAIRY SEARS FARM STORE 173 S. Liberty Ph. $133 or SIM ATTENTION Sportsmen-Hunters AVOID THAT LOSS OF DOWNED BIRDS Registered Chesapeake Bav Retriever Pups Whelped Nov. 24th. 'For Christmas Delivery." six generation pedn'ree Carrv such famous names as "Skipper Bob." "Delwvne Bohemia." Maior Bud Parker. "Sou West Sal." "Husky." "Queen of the Water." "Water King Diver." "Lassen Water Queen" and many othert R A WHITE r. Ramp fc?White Store. Brooks. Ore.1 GAS Range $25. 2325 Mission. Ph 7072 NEW Fur coat. 395 N. 23rd after 5 P M . DIAL Telephone. uod cond 22702 2 PUPPIES to give aw -a v. Ph 938 SMALL P ano. 52 inch. Mahogany upright. Relmished It reconditioned Call 2-5578. J C. Stone, distributor Baidwm Pianos HOTPOINT Elec ranee . $75 One vacuum sweeper $15. 1645 -Berrv. Ph. 6513 BENDIX Home laundry, 1374 Third Si West Salem. ELECTRIC Steam heater 110 volt, like new. 1630 Roosevelt St Trath -Miacellanroim TO TRADE Electric refrigerator for apt. sie electric tange. 194 S Cot tage St. Wantetl Miscellaneous ! Wanted: NO GOOD lineleum. T. Herman. 55 Madrona - OIL Circulator. Call r6072 ; USED FLRMTURE Phone 5110 WANTED Burlap or cotton bags Any kind, quantity or condition Vei v ! small lots not wanted Give good di rections to lour place and number of baits ou have Schuepbach Bios. Rt. 3. Beavertor). Ore. WHY TAKE less for vour furniture? SeeRuss Brig-it Ph 7511 WANTED PIANOS Wilt pav casri Wills Music Store 432 State St DISHES over 25 vrs old Upstairs Antioue Shop 439 Court Ph 2-1443 USEDF! r R N ITORE Ph I85 WANT TO Buy Used cameras & lenses McEwan Photo Shop 435 State CASH for used piano St other mu steal instruments Call 4641 davt or 9537 evenings or send description u laquith Music Co 191 S High CASH for vour used furnltuie Ph J596State St Furniture 1900 Staje WOltt.D Like to buy all kinds of burlap and cotton bags. Willis Kelley. 2860 S Com "I St AUTO oamting lust a shade better n Rav ETTER CaU Shrock Motor Co 8502 Wantetl Furniture WANTED Furniture. Mason's Fur nltuie. 2446 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-4595 Miscellaneous WELL Drilling 4 and 6 in. wells Van Buren 150EairhavenPh 9636 l.'nfinislied Furniture Bunk beds, chests, desks, etc Any thing for the home Made of solid J" hemlock and knotty p.ne. Picketts Furniture. 13th and Stale p your Prompt readv for locker 2c lb Prompt serv icel2th Street Food Market Ph 4533 SIGNS AND SHO CARDS ELDON SCOTT. PHONE 3635 OIL Circulator Call 6072 " (uiitar Studio. Banjo. Ukulele, etc 1533 Court. Ph 7569 ATMORAYS. Ozone Good health Rent-sell. 11 C Pugh. 684 N 17 4692 BULLDOZING. EARTH moving & drainage, ditchesjdug Pti4047 MODERN Piano and boog-e woogie Instruction Private lesons Guaranteed results L. J Edgerton Studio. 1820 N Cottage Ph 5o2 CHAR1S CORSETTIE.S "Guaranteed fitting Nice line dresses. Ph 9495 WATER WELL drilling Domestic or irrigation Duffield Bros Rt 4. Box 80 Phone 2-J3J3 WEATHER strips Pullman Ph 59G5 DRAWING and designing house pjans Phone S62L HEAVY' Hauling. Excavat on and Hoad Building. Land Clearing Duzei Work Ditching Basement Excavation Sand Gravel Crushed Rock Mason Sand Concrete Mix Cement Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 1405 N Front St Salem Oregon Phone B4U8 or 21924 Mattresses Capital Bed Co P 406 Dental Plate Repair TWO HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mali Youi Plate for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolph Bldg State A Com Ph $31 1 MENS HATS cleaned and blocked 75c LES SPRINGER, 464 Court St Financial YOUR SURPLUS MONEY WILL EARN YOU PER CENT INTEREST BUY A REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE EXAMINE THE SECURITY YOUR SELF MORTGAGES AVAILABLE IN AMOUNTS OF $500 TO $7500 V. E COLLECT ALL INTEREST AND PAY MENTS FOR THE INVESTORS. NO EXTRA CHARGE. STATE FINANCE CO 153 S High St Monev to loan SEASONAL CASH The Holiday Season may bring an extra need for CASH. If A does, phone Personal for loans. $25 to $300 Equipment On Furniture. Salaiy, Business $500 on Auto Take up to IS months to repay and for fast, simple service, phone 3191. ask for E. Gallinger, Mgr. Personal Finance Co. Of Salem 51$ State St.. Rm 125 Phone 3191 Lie. S-122. M-165 FARM and tjTY LOANS 4a and S Your own terms of repaement with in reason Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO ZQ7 Pioneer Trust Bldg Phone 7162 General Finance Corp. offers money at once on cars, trucks furniture. trailer houses. livestock, farm marchinery. contracts refinanced and additional money advanced No co -signers. General Finance la locally owned and officered, was organized in 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans made by phone 13$ South Commercial Sts.. Salem Phone : 916$ Licenses S-138 St M-33 " $ MONEY $ REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contracts. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS Ltc S-216 M-222. 133 S. High SU For Sale Real Esfate HOLLYWOOD McKILLOP BUYS SOUTH $5250 1 Bedroom home, living room, dining room. Kitchen. Ntce lot. ' NORTH $5500 Two houses on on lot. owner live in one. the other Rented for $-M month. ENGLEWOOD $960 3 Bedroom modem horn Basement, nice yard, close to schools. EAST $M50 3 Bedroom home, all modem, full basement, cloge to State House Nice jard. SOUTH $10,5002 Bedroom fully modern home, hardwood floors, basement, oil heat, large lot. This is a good buv ENGLEWOOD $12.600 Lovely 4 Bedroom modern home close to high school, beautiful yard Paved streets. Salesmen to Serve You John Herr - Ferd Zeeh - PHONE 2-5224 HOLLYWOOD McKILLOP , REAL ESTATE 207S Fairgrounds Road. Salem Open evenings John Zeeh Money to Loan Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M 13 For Kent Rooms SLEEPING Room with home piivi lees Phone 7260. BASEMENT Sleeping room, gentle man. Shower. Private entrance. Phone 73H7 SLP Room for man or 2 bos. Ph 7558 Sip i m. close In. emp gent Ph 21449 ROOM for 2 woiking girl. 1880 Cehter SLP Rm JS35 N. Summer. 'SLEEPING loom for rent, 635 N ? U 11 M ie r. FRONT RmT for business nian. cUse in b32 N. Winter. Ph. 7054 after 6pjii. SLP. Bm. for man. close in. pi ice leasonable 790 N Church SLEEPING Rooms 1040 N 17th SLEEPING room for two employed youm; men in private home. No dnnk eis 677 So. Commeicial. Room and Boartl WILL Biard 2 cluldien by month. an aide. Ph. 4518 For Rent Apartments NICELY finished apt. Linhts and watei. 2 blks South of Liberty Sch 2nd he on -right. Rt 3 Box 588K PARTLY turn bachelor apt. $50. Kinxwood Dr. Rt. 1. Bov 47. For Rent Houses SHACK for bachelor. $5 weak. 3580 S Com I. WHY Rent or build when prices are hiKh You can buv and furnish a beautiful little movable house for lesr than $2000 Possibility of terms D-l fiee up to 10 miles On S 25th St acioss from Wateis Ball Paik. Open tni io oo p.m WILL Exchange rental of 5 room unlurn or partially fuin house in Pitlar.d for rental In Salem. Write Box 864 Statesman. LARGE Modern cottage Day and weekly rates 3590 S Com I WILL Exchange attractive leased 2 bed room home for sn.aller house Must have automatic heat. No apt. please Box 130 Statesman 5 RM furn house in Salem in ex change for a furn or partiall furn. hse or apt in Portland. Cll Mr. Coitz after 5 3o. EA 53O0 Pol Hand. For Rent Elec welder, paint sprayer, power cement mixer. 1140 S 22nd Ph 2-4546 GOOb'Useo Pia no H I. Stiff FLOOR SANDER foi rent Moot gomerv Ward r R A ILERS tot rem sue pet nz Woodrv's Mkt. I6QS N Summtt TRUCKS foi rent You drive Mc Cune Loyell Phone 9600 I U-DRIVE TRUCKS fOR RENT Blankets furn 197 S Liberty Ph 9062 FLOOR Sander, elec floor polisher ' and lawn roller. Rawlins Hardware the Marshall Wells Store Ph 6877 , Wanted to Rent WANTED: Small furnished apart mtnl Miss Gr is wold Salem 8628 I "" RESPONSIBLE Couple desires small fuin apt No children. Can give best j . refer Must have bv Jan 1st. Mr. Gallagjier Ph 4171 Ext 470 BUSINESS Girl would like fuin. apt noil smoker and dinkei Ph 8290. , BY Elderly couple. Brother It Sister 4 5 or 6 rm urifuin. hse or 3 or 4 ini apt. near crKy bus Call21243 I 12 CANS OF SPRY shortening re waid for information leading to suit able apt or small house for rent No children or oets Veteian Box 948 PERMANENT emplove desires small ' model ri home in good district w ith I automatic heat Foiced to move after I 6 eais occupancy because of sale of house Best of references Call 9101 ' WANTED TO LEASE By "permanent emplote. a small NEW home with a little CHARM Must have automatic heat Prefer Fairmount Hill distilct ( Call 9101 . NEWLY Married veteran and wife in urgent need of 2 or 3 room apt. Both ir.ployed No children or pets Ph. 3433 until 6 PM. 4088 eve.- For Sale Real Kstate I EXTRA nice home Northeast. Pos ' session 15 days. j W. W. Goodwin j with T. A. Roberts Realtor Phone 4108 After 68713 ATTENTION $800 00 2 nice lotT one coiner lot On graveled street. Gas. water, electricity b lots $40D oo down, balance monthly pa menu. 140 Han sen Ave BY OWNER 2 days only Engle- wood district 2 bed rm. home, Vene tian blinds. Iiv rm . din rm . kitchen with lots of built-in.i and bar. bath im. utility rm , fluorescent lights, oil heat. elec. hot water tank close to 3 schools, bus at door shopping dist rict one block, garage, glass green house, variety of fruit trees. $7800 Ph 2-4425 1255 N 17th CABIN partly furn Inq office Flr- crest Trailer Park on N River Rd. i BY "OWNER: 3 bed room house, all ' on one floor, completely redecorated inside and out. Venetian blinds. Ben dix washer included. Easy terms. 1125 Norway. Ph 4518. BY OWNER : Late built modern 2 bdrm home Nice built-ms. auto. heat. j garage. 1505 Jefferson. i FOR efficient and effective sales service call the Salem Realty Co NOW I 2 BDRM. tuburban. weather strip ped 4 insulated, garage elec water mi, elec. range, oil heat. $7000. Sec Mr. Bishop. General Real Estate. Rm. 10. Ladd Bush Bldg Ph7770 $3S50-NEAT 1 BR home, auto water htr. Nice builtins in kitchen. Corner lot with both streets paved. 1 Block from bus j Call O. V. Hum with j State Finance Co., Realtors ' 153 S High Phone 4121 j BARGAIN by Owner leaving town: : 3 BR home Best location, corner lot. East front. Basement. Oil furncae. or I trade for farm. Price $8150. 1005 I N Cottage St. i BY OWNER : Lovely 4 bed room ! home built in. 1940. Fireplace. Pecan ! floors. S D furnace. Bus every IS mm. Don't wait! Phone 3097 for de. i tails No agents please. Will accept ' smaller house in trade. BY OWNER: 3 rmi. with bath. Comp. fuin. inc. elec. stove, piano, oil heater elec. hot water heater. Close to rch. A 1 blk. to bus. Can be seen anytime after 10:30 A.M. Price $5950 or will sell unurn. 1173 Colonial SL For Sale Real Ettata Rov Hancock For Sale Real Estate Anomalous. ! Very well located. 3 bdrms. all floors lhaidwood. double plumbing. Venetian , blinds ti drapes, ipi inkling svstem. en tire yard in grass, desiiable thiiibt ; Now vacant earl) possession. $5000 I dou n. bal. at 3V ! Reimann Real Eftate 201 So. Hirh Ph 3722 or 7836 Eves it Sun 3621 (8850 1600 Blk Jefferson st Large living room and dining room 2 nice bed room H W. floors thiouKhoot all over carpet. Venetian bhrid Bathroom modernistic coloi and de-ign. Well ar ranged kitchen. Good lot Garage Small down payment Bal like lent R. E. Meredith. Realtor 176 S. Commercial . Salem. Oirfon 2 BEDROOM HOUSE $38O0 I-aice front room & kitchen, on good strett bus b poor Si 't tod ' 2 BEDROOM HOUSE $6500 Hwd f I r all pljstered. all modern. garaKe. tine location Exclusive JiMm BRAND NEW $8H50 This fine houw lias hwd firs, all plastered, fir furnace, fine large lot. bus bv door. HardcrV Real Estate 971 Edgewater. West Salem ph 9f,0 MR BUILDER SEE US BEFORE VOIT BUY We have lots pr .c-d $450 and up Also 4 A with approx 3o filbert trees on bus line Price $20KI I). Harold Murpl IV 208 N High Ph 6026 Ev 9785 IMMEDIATE Possession 2 bedroom plastered house Just Ea-1 of city Inn. lis on Center Stieet Wired for lanyc electric water heater I arr lot 87 ft. j frontane on Center St Pi ice $7950 00 2 bed loom house 3 blocks S of Slate St Full basement fireplace fur nace wind for ranre Extra room In lernent A well built house for $3900 00 2 bed room, modern house located North Full basement, automatic oil fuinace wired for range Driutiir a rafe This house is in excellent con dition Price $10 000 00 Income property located North in rone 3 diMiict 2 furnished apait n.ent and s,,,all 'lore building. Good rental income Pi ice $75410 00. Rostein & Adolph. Inc. 110'j N. Commercial St Phone 3030 Eves 8314 or 34908 THRIFTY - NEAT NEW Substantially built one bed room home nestled among the oaks, on bus line, l-arxe Liv R. Dinette and Shower, and Kit. Only $5750. A. E. Daniclson. Realtor 168 N 12th Street Ph 24483 THREE FOR ONE 1-2 bdrm house on corner lot' 1-2 bdrm house on adjacent lot' 1 -Small bldg for repair shop' FOR ONLY $11,000 These houses in unexcelled location north, within 3 blocks of school can nery, grocerv lestaurant a- bus. Call Connally Reimann Real Estate 201 So High Ph 3722 or 7836 $10 500 SOME TERMS Liv 14x22. diniriK loom, fireplace. 3 bed room H W floor, elec water heater basement, furnace, double fca ifcge Possession very soon. Can be show n moinings. See Allen Jones or Mrs. Needham 341State St Room 4 Phone 6963 BEST BUY IN TOWN $10,600- 3 BR home N Nice LR. D im with Hwd fits Krplce. lg kit A Br nook, full size bsmt. (urn Call OMKH Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors i4 1 Chemekela Phone 2-1549 Eves 2-5091 3 BR house with garage attached clote in. lovelv oak floors elegantly furnished $79541. f urnlliin cxlia LUSE HEALTYj Oregon Bldg 7952 2 Redrooni $4500 Living room and kitchen, cement foundation, celled with plywood. 2 bedim up. '2 acre House rearl com pleted and Is livable Good well. North Call Ruber Reimann Real Estate 201 So High Ph 3722 or 7836 TO BUY OR SELL SEE THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N Hh St Phone 2-4793 MONEY TO LOAN on first mort- i gages 4 to 6' r Call for details I Ed Bvrkit & Co. 339 Chemeketa 'street Phone 5961 j 2 Bedroom $6250 I ' Liv rm . kitchen, nook and bath ceiled with firtex. auto gas water . heater, new gas range and circulator ' included, attached garage witruutilitv .double construction. Located Noith Call Ruberg. i Reimann Real Estate 201 So High Ph 3722 or 73 Yes, We Have It All that you ever wanted In a home for downright comfortable living, new Spanish tpe with a combination rambling ranch de sign, sunken den all finished In knotty pine, two large bed rooms, extra large living room, a nice kitchen with plenty of windows l double garage Let us show you i this fine house Ask for Baron I Reimann Real Estate 301 So. High Phone 3722 or 7836 ! Sun. or Eve. 24113 or 3621 J-BR house, edge-of "city wired for range. Holpoint H. W. heater, a nice set-up, $8)JU0. half cash. LUSE REALTY. Oregon Bldg 7952 LANDLORDS! KEEP OUT! OWN YOUR OWN HOME! 1 Bm. hse. completely St newly furn. Nice tkMubs. fruit trees. Price $5750 I Unfin but. livable. 1 A. 3 Bm hse I yr old. Finish it. while living in it. Price $3500. Furnished. $4000. INVITING! 4 Bm. home. Excel, floor plan. 2 Bm down. 2 Bm. up. dbl. plbg. Good ! basement Fine location. Lawn and I garden. Puce $10,000. I Salesmen : "Habby' Habarnlcht Myles Henderson I Joe Hutchison, Realtor 455 Court Phorie 7696 Res 2-4662 FOR SALE to G. I. $8500. New mod ern five rm. house at Hayesville Gardens, north Just off Pacific High way. Hdw floors, electric beat, in sulated and weatherstnpped. Really a fine home in the finest of districts Ph. 5583 or 410X For Sale Real Estate ' To Buy or Charles HOMES YOUR RENT RECEIPTS AND 5c built-Ins. partly furnished, near Foul will get you a ride on the subway. Own Corners. $6au0 Terms fcal IttX, that 3 bedrni. home and have some hUMCHBAN HOME leturn for your money. House haa been on l' aciea, good 6 room modern eot completely refiniahed inside and out. tage. 3 bedrni.. M2tt barn. cM rise,. Richmond District tSSofl sta 2X double gaiage. all fenced, good water YOU'VE BEEN WAITING system. Mi. Iron) tlt lini.t. $ll.tW0. for this. A small house, new. lots of Sal 14$. FARMS CLIP OUT THIS AD This ad and $lf.5oO entitles you to purchase tins 46 acre top shape orchard complete with exceptionally compil able $ room house, barn, laite chicken blouse, pickers' cabin, garage and workshop. Income about $iMAI yeaily. Sal 118. EQUIPMENT INCLUDED 43'i acres, all in grain, small newly constructed S room house on paved highway.. Tractor, McCormirk Deei ing combine, disc, seeder, plow, mower. last, approx. 40 hens ml. S. of M - i Minnvilie. $8000. bal 126. I SMALL TRACTS NEAR SALTM -S acies ticllifced tor beans, nw build ings. Net appiox. $15O0 yeaily fium bean crop 'Ideal for part time faimei. j $1600. Sal 133. S acre all in prunes and Walnuts No buildings. $140 net lt year. Soil good lor bellies. $110(1. Sal 134 I $60 AN ACRE ! 23 acres all in giani, no buildings I i miles from St I .ours on giavrl load Sal. 135. MAGNIFICENT FRUIT RANCH I 320 acres. 225 acre, cultivated 116 .acies piunti. 31 acres cliei i irs. 4 acies I walnuts, 15 acie peais. 63 acies grain. '010 aiic timbei, t5 acies pasture. Well, I elect wli. syileiri. 8 i ooiik I anch hon e, 2 fnt plates. 4 laige bedrms , lull bae I merit, furnace. Has just been lemodeled and ledecoialed inside. 5-room modern' house. 5 room older farm Iioun .R) "Hi bain. 30x30 shed, gianary, other build ing. Chevrolet truck. Model 15 Catei pillar, duster, hariuws. other n.achin 1 1 this farm glossed $30,000 fiorn f 1 u it tl.it suiiiir.ei. $80,000. 3 n. lies from Salem. Sal 139. INCOME INCOME P AINTERS A n ENTION ! Have tead ear around piopM!lon loi a painter. lJanrl tiuck. tiailer, piay guiih. air and paint ho, co.n pieor. tank, bruile. and other equip ment Coiitratt coverinr Soutiiei'ii Oie insures steady- woik. i okI profits All goes for $4oO Sal 1 1H Inc FLY HOYS--ATTENTION'! Here's an opiioitun 1 to tash in on our w at. time tiair..iig We have a local fixing service complete with a CHARLES DELFEL, Realtor 6 IS N. Capitol St. - Phone 7002 Open 8 30 am to 6 30 p in HOLLYWOOD 4 bed room, living loom, dining room, kitchen, bath Full basement. Garage. Aulo heal. Close to Catholic i school, shopping' arid bus All this for $iMi0 XM Call ll. I. Gustafron 46 Acres 8 miles North of Salem All In ciojp Willamette, silt soil 4 bed room. 2 htory Imuff' large bain 2 poultry luuht-. Not an idle acre on this propetl Will tiade foi mod em 3 bed loom hon e in Salem. $17 500 See H Lammt i s. V. H. Bell. Realtor 510 Guardian Bldg. Phone 4896 $7950 REDUCED fiom t85! Nue 4 Bdrm home in good lux ation N Or bMiit. fuinace heal. Iiwd. His. dining rm. 6, Br. nook, (.all Mr. Walteis. j Huff Real Itate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa 1 Phone 3793 Eves 2-5260 Leo N. Chillis. Inc., 1 Realtors VALUE SEEKERS. ATTENTION SEE this coy home with living loom j dining room, kitchen. 2 bedrooms, au tomatic hot water heater Attached gat aye and a 'j acre of of good soil Look at tins pi ice' $4300 DON'T MISS THIS $0000 never did moie 5 well arranged rtms and at tached garage. Readv for your furni ture Walking dir-lance to duwntovtn SMART NEW At VIEW. $88410 home- , site 83x235 Here is one of the most attractive ranch tvpei- on ttie uiai ket today. lively living room, dinette 2 ppat-ious bedrooms with waidlohe t los I ets Utilitv room Attached g.naye Built to KHA .pet ificationr- (JPPOKTUNTTY OPEN TO YOU 11 you can usr 4 btdroorns let us show you thi hivelv hoti.e lotated in Ens'l wood tin a beauliTuI lafidcaped t oi lier ltit It has evt-rxthins foi corn fortable livmi; Oni $12 600 '30 eais deiiendahle Keivite to huir.e ovt ne i ' CALL 9261 JAMES H HARTMAN oi K N vtwHiirrs vt ith Lei N. ( IhiMs. Inc. 1 REALTORS 344 .State Si Vonf 2el Sound Like A Fairv Talc Exceptional location. near bus school and grocery ioie Iirge $ rm houre at a sat i if it e of $6txr0. Call Connally. Reimann Real Estate 201 So High Ph 3722 or 7836 A DEI.IGH I EUL HOME CHOICE location on North Church Stieet Cheerful living room with fire place, dining room kitchen with plen ty of built-ins 2 Ik d rooms snd bath 1st floor. I bedroom and sewing room 2nd floor Full ten. ent basement with furnace Beautiful landscaped comer lot Owner leaving town. Pi Ice oril $12,000 (all K. N Vooittees with Leo M. Child, Inc. , REALTORS 344 Stale St Phone 9261 Little House Work Little Yard Work A very very neat but small, modern home with one bedroom, but with a high attic now used for a second bed loom Good gaiage. well improved vaid Paved stieet Gas and elettrlcit) $6950 tall McGlaufhn. Reimann Real Estate 201 So High Ph 3722 or 7836 Sunday St Eves 24113 or 3621 SILVERTON. Ore Partly furnished Nice 2 bed room house, large front loom with fireplace, kitchen, large bain room, utility room, Z garages, good garden spot, nice shrubbery. 2 lots Paved street. 4 blks. from Safewav store By owner Price $5O0li its 8. 2nd st ,Silverton. JJ e. ' Holiday Special $4000 TWO 121 bedroom plastered house, good location, giood Lot. Terms. $7950- Good Uu bedf-ooin home, newly decorated, neat as a pin. Lotat ed on Center St , corner lot. A leal good buy $8800 Brand new t bedroom home. H.W. floors modern ioiner kitchen Large windows, good view, gas heat, located on acie land, attached' ga rage $5950 New two bedroom home In Keier district. Good lot, rommumO water sstem. $8500 Furnished 2 bedroom home lo cated in West Salem view propel t . large lot plenty of -limbs and flowers Morris Realty Co. 970 S. Commercial St. Phone 4217 Walnut Park Lot Very desiiable location on Rose St "''(GENERAL REAL ESTATE CO Phone lill Evas. 341 ( For Sale Real EsUU Sell See Delfel cows are run. or moo 11$ acies. 40 acies limber, 40 acre oats, balance In pasture. room mod ein house. 10 stancnlon barn, sear round cietk. good soil. 7 cows all milk ing and bred $ miles ME of la)ton. IIS.WU !ai Ml OPEN FOR AN OFFER, 21 acres all cultivated. Approx. $4O0$ ily MM'ome apples, plums, steals. ler( lies, nearly all fenced 6 loom model house. ?ox40 barn, brooder hse., chick en hse.. gaiage. Mi. . of Mutirniuth. Sal 143. EXCEPTIONAL BROODER SrT-t'P. 10 acres a'a in in.ir, 1( pastuie, I'k then ,s 20x214 brooder hunts with 10 separate rooms ovrinraJ trolley lor feed 4k lefuse, 10 briquet slaves. Many labor saving device. 4 rm. tenant house. $IOsOtl half cash Hal 122 IF YOU NEVER BELIEVE AD Call us on this one T ns la icalle a sari if ice Potential income of $42oO erl on this 40-acir chicken ratlin. Good platered 3-bedioom home, ri.od ein. 4 large chicken liouses, brick hatcheiv. bioodei house, Excellent condition $13 000 Ka' It $650 MONTHLY MILK (HECK) Kiom this 12U acre dairv tt (etieigl farm 85 acies in giain. 15 A In 2nd Kiowth tlintxr A paatcie tiuod 3 bdirii. home. 17 cows. X bulls. Z huiM. John Deeie tractor. spi ingiuon. manure spieader. binder, nuwer. lake, drill, silage cullei, other eqmpir ent. $44, 000. good teui.s. Sal 147. HAVE YOU A BIG FAMILY - f Then live In style wnn lot ot elbow room in this modem g room house in II. is bei acre lain, All cultivated in ojt. eti-h. barlet . ier sjiains, .ud dalk In own loam ni', 4x IJ barn, fi-il he , ciilx hse. double garage. 1x8 all metal hd. tractoi on r'lhbel a ri J jttl er ecU,pn. ril AH got s loi $22,000, .sk Ml 7-Ml lW dealeit-hip and severs! new Mps. Near Iv iead loi tin (i I iijin.hg piograin. ' ( ome in arid go mr: tne Jeta'ls. Asst lor Mr Nil-en Sal II" Inc. IMllMIAl. HOAUilOL'ME i New 7-tlinv altiacuve building on Hiway 4n jut south of city limits. Two .Vim aplt upMairs l.arie dining tot. in to seat 150 ilow li.lalT i A :.) pllvale. dininir loom and ha CoIJ be cot k " tail ioimse Excellei t li'Kines lnvrt ri.ent (all Mr. I4etiha'ii for details. Sal 119 Inc $2000 DOWN, i Hdi m t jme with I. H , Kit. batlK tneplace. $4750 full pi lie. Call Hay T)avis. Huff Real Estate Co. Rraltois 141 Chemekeul Phone 3793 NICE 4 H Rm hone nurtn tj gcif. City wait i, lull b.ii t , furnace, f.ie plate. oak floor . doub.e plumbed. Ilu mediate ptssessitjii W. ( rood win -a ith T. A. Robert . Realtor Phone 4106 A'ter h-I; II ( MORE Moiruiig. de 'a1' iffll Ideal Spot f. a Nice Hon.! Tv A Good 2 Begrjiv li jrr.e $ t a." I old. on fgf Keier Acre. Com pletely" fuiTTshed $.6Ju Late huilt I ' III a-n ojern 1-Bediui in Home ( lore In Norlleat Wui th li. IS) ' th.n II4 0O0. 240 Acitf good IsnJ 11 mile East, No bl'lss at $60 pel acre Call Harold McMillan with State Finance Co., Realtor! 153 S High Phorie 4! 21 Eves- 8!F21 I dining i ins nice k roller nook, 1 bed ims. basement 4 furnace. MeKin JoluiMin 540 N Cottage St Ph i'l $I5(K) DOWN liuii t;.fnew2 hH home Nice Ig kitchen Full pi ice $4750. (all (IM t rt Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemektt Jf"S 2-154B Eves 2-5t:l DO S or HAVE A HOI SING PROBLEM? THAT 8 our bus, nes lei us Lrlpv m i ol e it i VETERANS Sevetal home lead to move fyito, oiljtrs urlder count' u. ti.jn, ! $l0.5tio ' 4 BDRM berrft 3 lots excellent con dition iiniible plumiiirg north. Imhie diate I ,( I i I75O0 f New 1 btlrrn, son-e fuHrnturt ejec trie saiil heater or. 'i acie. Ke er oist. $5tM New 2 bdrm la' ire lot, subuiban, north iali to h-( i.;s , Ahrani & Elli Inc. 411 Masonic Hldg Inuii ant t- Phone Ml Mortgage Ltia MR AND MRS HOME SEEK I N WHY NOT fHFND Xu41 IN YOUR -NEW HOME We Have Small home Northeast on bus llns). Price $54Nit Small home just east of city on bust line 'i it e $42ltO Small home ne sir decvra'ed on 9 i A. 3 blot ks to tin. Pun $7150 G I SPECIAL 5 B R with I. R K.i and dinelt. . fueplace auto, oil lies', on bus 'lin. Pi ice $8400 I). Harold Murphy ReaMo- 2m N High Pli WI24 Ev f7(a ONLY 7?VlfJ0"" "T Three Ijed room h.inn with full Iish'ii.hiI automatic oii heat. Garage, lots of Sill libs ' OLA I HIONSTAD REAL ESTATE K41 N. tapitol Phone 74 ADVERTISING ! WMtrrn AdvertUinf He p r tMse n t a t i v ea Ward-Griffith Comnany. ban Francisco In. Faftfrn Advertising Kcprrnentatl vet Ward-Ortffith Comoany, Ine. Chiewgo New York. DSrUull. Boston. Atlanta Member Pacific Coant DIvUlon Bureau of Advertising Enlrred at Che Postofftrg at So lent. Ortnon as Second CUsas Mat. Ier Published everv morning r rent Mowdau Busmen ou 111 StnUh Commercial Street. 3 SUBSCRIPTION' RATES Mall ftubacrlptlon Rates , In Ad vance: W lib in Oregon: Daily and Sunday. Mo 00 cents: mo. $3 25; 1 year $8 00 Cusrwhers M cents peg mo., st 124 lor I year Us advance. Per copy $ cents Bv City Carrier. 7$ cants a month. $00 a year in sMtvanc la Markoai and adjacent counties.