10 Tli Start man. Sahm. Oregon. Wdn daj. Pc 11, 1948 For Sale Miscellaneous For Sale Miscellaneous Miscellaneous For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate Additional (laM.fied Ails on Page 9 Help Wanted Female Pleasant, Profitable EMPLOYMENT For younf wonwn representing our company in business office dealings with our customers. I. SALARIES . . Start at $33 for a 40-hour ftt. Frequent, scheduled in crease through the first year. I VARIETY . . Several different fobs to be filled. such aa service rp reaentative Mo handle business office dealings with our customer . tenon -raohers. clerks, typists, etc. 3. TRAINING . . . You will be paid while learning 4 PLEASANT . . . Attractive, clean surroundings, likeable fellow workers. nd the best of working conditions 5 FUTURE . . . Telephone service kt always essential. That means steady employment and room for advance ment INTERESTING . You deal with the public in a helpful, friendly way that la satisfying. Grasp this opportunity offered you In telephone work Come in ana iai ft over with the folks In our business office. The Pacific Telephone 4 Telegraph Company 740 STATE ST. "PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC ; CO wants clerk for geneial office , duties Perm emp 40 hr wk. See Mr Cross land. 237 N Liberty. WANTED: Experienced (tenogra pher. some figures and filing Good salary. Write Statesman Box 862. Salesmen Wanted REAL Estate salesman wanted. Hard- ! r Real Estate 871 Edgewater. West Salem. Ph. sSeO Situation Wante! - Auto Painting First person answering this ad gets weir car pamica iree. uw jvt s"-' Vi r. This nflmr l to adv tnis-new shop. Oakhill Paint j Shop Ph 2-2922 i YOUNG" Man w ants fulTtime work Ph 21452 1585 Roosevelt SERVICEFord s draft burners and all kinds of oil stoves. Ph. 7206. j BOY Will put In sawdust after school and Sat Ph 4SA2 ' HEAVY And light hauling anywhere. I Ph. 24270. CURTAINS Washed and stretched. So. 22nd st Salem. Oil and Gas Burner Service Repair AND INSTALLATIONS Also hot water heater installations D C Gene Brtmm. Ph. 5596. 164 S Commercial. YOUNG Man wants job on dairy farm. 215 Chemeketa. PRACTICAL Nurse Private duty ;arl Johnson, lows Ji 5th. HAULING wanted: New equipment for heavy hauling, lumber rool or -flat bed semi. trailer 26 ft. bed Box 849 Statesman. DRESS MAKTXG A alterations at 159 N River Rd. Ph 2232 EXARMY Officer. 24. be asset to anyone Write Box 847 Statesman. Septic Tanks Cleaned K. F Hamfl 1143 8th. West Salem Phone 7404 OIL Circulators serviced and re paired Ph. 24963 before 7 30 AM or$PM WELL Drilling Ph. 9364 2075 N 5th SPECIALIZED wedding dresses, for mats, maternity dresses. Out sizes. Ph 7074 LIGHT Hauling Reas rates Ph 8272 PAINTER and Paperhanger. Reason able prices. Free estimates. H. J. woodworth Ph 3015 PEACH, curl leaf, spraying P." W. Beilke Ph. 21208 able sehv.ee In Salem are. for U vrs j Write Rt 6. Box 449A Phone 2-2290. BULLDOZING Large and fmall equipment Land clearing, road build ing, logging Call 11367 or write Geo. Wuth. si Plymouth Dr . Salem. " OLSON WASHER repair Ph.2-5100 PAINTING & Paperhanging. W Q Crowly. 857 Shipping Phone 9513. MASTER WOODS Cabinet Shop. We have material foi your lob Kitchen built-ins. repairs, replacements Will accept production contracts. 164" S. oml Malhis Bros. Roofing location Phone 5596 Auto Painting "Drive a I ittlc Save a l ittle" BASSETT S PAINT SHOP 3 ml out on Ph. 2-2306 Silvertun Rd Salem. Ore LOCAL k long distance hauling R. L Phillip. Rt. 6. Box 118 Ph. 6Bra 1 1 9 Manrianl t.leanersi Livers Rug and drapery cleaning. Pickup and Del Service Phone 87"9 BILL'S CARACE General auto repairing at welding 1 blk S of Pen 4 Corners Ph 8235 PreScnsMM piavSc-hooL 1361 State Ave J-8 Part or all day Ph 8430 GENERAL CE MENT contracting Stanley Fagg. Ph 2-3045 Interior Decorating Our specialty-Better homes offices hn-'n'?h.- h - m. -, CHRISTMAS Trees, nice ones, small and apartments One to five men N' T"rt- ho r ,5Pfu" to Ur-' 18,h and Sut Sl - - -av. liable roedicme b.netch rome k.tche n f.u- - roBitt",,' Caiblnet work & n- I A ! r'-.'mk U"P 'TlL "i;-..rv snk furniture building SEE WES ELY MFG. DlCk OrCV "egree bend Lsed J"'7- 'r'k ; ; CO.. 3760 Garden Rd. Phone 5874 I one 34x48 one 48x48 ia i and irame , , . - Painter and Decorator Phone 25444 or 6265 XII WOftX guaranteed Wlrxlows walla woodwork cleaned Fkjors wss Professional ed Insured workmen Cleaning Service Phone 4437 For Sale Miscellantn BULl-DOZERS Castom made See ours before buy ing All makes repaired Grubbing teeth for dozers. Holt Welding and Mn:h ine Shop. Independence, Oreg. sfovl reoairuig Jk parts Wnodrv's Mkt I SOS N Summer Si TWO SLICE electric toasters $2 10. 4 slice 83 85 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY Eola Lumber Co. Rt. 4. Sale! Lumber Red Cedar ilding supplies. T C Shinelee and bu Ted I Muller Phone Salem z-nsa to. $ mi west of town on Salem-Dallas Hwv ' ATTRACTIVE! Aluminum. Kitchen atep ladders and step-on refuse cans YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N LIBERTY Concrete Buildings Blocks and Bricks ftOOCK BUILDING BLOCK CO South River Rd Phone 5968 FULLER Brushea, 1743 Grant P 8357 "FIGURINES and small gift Heme. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 155 N. LIBERTY CUTtFRY AND TABLE-WaRET YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY AUTOMATIC Electric record players. YEATFR APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. LIBERTY FLUORESCENT Desa lamps. Idea) for student or office. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. LIBERTY "HbOCTOR'S Scales for the home. YEATFR APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY ""PIANO Bencnes. laiiman s. 395 S i "TWO-WAY and intercomm WW ahoat sets YEATFR APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. LIBERTY SVE buy and sell furniture, toots Wvea dianea. anoOra radtoa Elecirtr popuanrea, bouP9ld (uo0a T K14G For Sale -Miscellaneous "ALWAYS a big Stoc " Woodrv's furniture Mkt Ph $11$ AUTOMATIC Electric grill, 18x36 inches with, double thermostat. Ideal for small restaurant or club house. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY DECORATIVE and lighted house numbers Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 251 N. LIBERTY CHRISTMAS TREE HOLDERS. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 154 N. LIBERTY - Rivet Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX. AND FTLL DIRT ALL KINDS Of GRAVEL Bulldozing Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 2-19641 - 2-3100 rCt'ORESCENT kitchen fixtures and single tube brackets for use near your mirror YEATER APPLIANCE CO. -r-rZ. S . 71 - rr , ENTTRE Cabinet shop equipment ttt tvT IOPOTV w l"c. c. I - . r , inlndeTlertor tCoes ing. steam and reflect or types YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY tcfTfUm and bathroom "light-!!- turea YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY "WATER Heaters for immediate de livery : 34 gallon Westinghouse 893.75. 42 gallon Collins 89625. 50 gallon West inghouse $115 50 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY LTMTTED Supply Italian chestnuts, 1790 So. High St. Ph. 2-4453. r.tTlRiNTITn Rfrin Tires Sire snovia t Will s Service Station. 837 S Com L tton. 837 S. Com'l. Ph. 7167. REGISTERED A K C. Irish Setter puppies Call 7673 after P.M. or I Sat arM Sun ' "rilfAHANTrrrrForever-flashliehti ' . .-....-- rMuinnf no batteries: 2 and 3 cell flashlights YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 5 N. LIBERTY PLASTI-KOTE. the durable paint ith H ?lrZh?"t,U,-A'i YEATER APPLIANCE CO. "3Ni LIBERTY FT Cedar posts, good quality Ph 68F22 or write R. L Philupa. Rt. 6. Box 116 SUN LAMPS (ultra violet and in I fra-redl portable and stand models with timers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY ELECTRIC desk, mantle and wall clocks YEATER APPLIANCE CD. 255 N LIBERTY River Silt MASON SAND FILL DIRT PIT RUN GRAVEL KEIZER . .m ,,.rr t. SAISD & GRAVEL CO. Phone 2-1749 MISTLETOE For commercial and home decorating. Phone 2-1583. RAILROAD TYPE LANTERNS YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY HEAVY Bronrre smoking stands. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. : 255 N LIBERTY ALUMINUM sauce" pans well an tree platters. frying pans. cookie sheets, clothes hampers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY STOVE at Diesel Oils Prompt met ered deliverv service Any time LARRY'S FUEL OIL Ph 2-1917 'Lmi N of Pen 4 Comers HEATING Pads electric I. Plastic clothes lines, ironing pads and cov- YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY SINGLK and tw-o burner hot plates YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY LATE Cluster hop roots for sale Box 204. Ontario. Oregon iPJJ:., ground, excellent condition. 3863 D St COFFEE Maker sets. 4 to 6 and 8 cup coffee makers with stoves. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY FERTILIZE early Ricn barnyard and chicken. Call 68F22 fqr delivery. SHOWCASE, plate gUss top and shelves Ph. 22047 Filberts lb. 25c DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR Ph.2-1158 ANTIQUE Hand woven coverlet 1 Over 100 years old. 835 Electric ave, , -. capital portable pnonograph never been used. r"h zao.J. ELECTRIC Trin (Mar) with block stop signal $22 542Waterst "HOLLY WTeath $125. Christmas greens of all kinds, formerly located across from High'and school. Now at 1035 Highland Ph 3595 or 8994. L nnls 1 MAa IHLU, airgrounu i u at nigniana nr. CHRISTMAS Trees. 1214 West Clay Dallas. Oregon. Birl Robinson. st v ull MDift nmuup v""i'"i"'. '- sgany finish Ph. 21976. one .iio mis -o-.- complete with pulleys, weights screens . . . .... . ,, Mr, ii . and shades $155 00 for all ill inn sell separately Call after 6 p ( I - . nw S IftU , , WORLDS Bicvcle $35. Columbia bi- rvcle $15 Both good condition. Sturdy built hich chair $4 00 Route 1. Box . w s 171. Brooks, ore. 2 mnes easi uon Center store. ORGANIC FERTILIZER Very good for lawns and gardens Also verv good mulch Delivered anvwhere in Salem 6 sacks IS 00 1 ton $10 00 Phone 8127 WEST MUSHROOM CO. 3TC11STLETOE. 150 Falrvtew ave. TREADLE Sewing machine. Improv ed Eldndge. B . $35. in good cond. 335 S 19th. txlS MOHAWK Rug like new $123. Call 2206 before noon. TTTHLS Balloon tired bicycle. Inquire 3133 Sunnyview ave. MODEL 94 WWinchester 30-30 cal. ,,2 boxes shells and case. 55. Ph! . w"," 9521 LADY'S Bicycle. Ph. 2-4186. ITALIAN And Pettit prunes, any amount. Also hand picked Baldwin ap ples. Ph. 2-2232. j OIL Circulator, medium size, and i sofa. 360 E Lincoln. - . . . . . i .A sts An 6 p.m. Z363 Maple ave. FUR Coat sire 14. practically new. cost $250. sell 801405 N Com ! 37R. Watkins Co. products. 1717 Cen ter St.. Salem. Ph. 5395. . Guaranteed radio service free pickup delivery. PHONE 24728 COCKER-Spaniels, golden, minia ture Dobermans, other types puppies Salem Veterinary Hospital. Portland Road. ELECTRIC Pants presaers. curling and soldering 'Irons. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY KITCHEN and industrial exhaust fans. 1 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY CAR Hot water heaters. 40 Chev. radiator. 29 to 33 Chev. radiator. 44) Ford truck radiator. Keizer Garage. Keizer Corners. Joe's Radiator Shop. WILL-BUY for can. sell or trade, gwae. ptstols ammunltioaL boats or trailers. Don Madisoau $M o. High. Lad all woolrow-n pr.TdV,.Tello Wreath,. Pember iT Sift. Apt. size gas range $75. After j "" 1980 S. 12th. WALNUTS, Franquettes. 35c lb. Good color quality. Ma vert es 25e lb. Apples. Ernest Anderson. Orchard Heights Rd. 1 mi. off Wallace Rd. ONE pr. at biegef frosted figured drapes. One mahogany home bar. One set of Castle ton sugarlti creamer. Sun nyvale pattern. Ph. 24101. GRAY Caracul fur coat S7S. Boys sport Jacket.' wool trousers, size 10. Call t to 3. 1244 N. Winter in rear. NEW Elec. -washing machine. Rt. 7. Box 203. Salem 1 ml. east on Hood view Rd on p9E north. STORM Cylinder boring bar with motor, hydraulic press. 13 ton and heavy duty paint compressor outfit. Opposite Southern Pacific depot. Fred E. Anderson, 753 Mill street. Sheridan. Oregon. - 4 NEW Oak chairs with leatherette scats, 790 Breys ave. MONT AG Range with coils and water tank, two 600x16 tires. Ph. 5332. FORMAL. Size 12. $10.Ph. SILVER Leaf Haviland chin, serv ice for 12. Ph. 22098. ROUND Oak dining table good con dition Phone 23420 , GARAGE DoorsT100 new-brick, (36 N. 23. i ' BREAKFAST Table and 4 chairs I $18. Phone 3-2631. - " TWO Wheel trailer, steel frame. No t un nan w - wr . - T radio. After 6:00 p.m. 1755 C St. CHRISTMAS" Trees.-priced "reason- . . .... ;,., ., CHRISTMAS Treei. large variety to " irom.-m i-orriana Koaa. SCOOP fat Christmas: 2 boys' bikes, one full size. 1945 model. One size. WHITE Enamel wood ranee. sltghtlv both perf. cond. 1130 N. Cottage. used. Wood k coal circulator heater OIL Circulator, large size." Norge. with TXio-Trerm fan. Like new. Af Thls beautiful piece of merchandise I ter 5 p.m.. 495 S. 20th. mar be seen at 3042 Cortland Rd. WASHING Machine. 2420 N,51h St?, Salem. Ore; METAL and plastic bed lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 165 N. LIBERTY RADIOS. Table and console. 10 mod- els from which to select. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. AUTOMATIC Electric sidearm water nal,A - Knr . YEATER APPLIANCE CO. Z53N. LlOEJITY 3 FORMALS. black seal formal jack- . M tvoe tvnewriter Ph 70S - oiaeT JP iypriwr. rn.iu. NEARLY New horse shallow well pump, tank and pipe complete for $65.00. L. S. Chrivtiion. Rt. 1. Box 414. 4 mile South Brush College Sen. OVERSTUFFED chair a stooL Ph. 5397. MAN S pre-war bicycle like new j $45. Ph. 5437. SMALL Gas range, good condition. $22. Also ' Monarch wood and coal i range, exc. cond. or any morning Ph. 5211. Sun. eve 32 WINCHESTER rifle. 1210 S. 16. Apt. semi-automatic 1. WALNUT dressing table, all wool 6x9 rug and pad.Ph. 2-4948. STOP Burglary T Install one of our new insulated Steel Safes. 1700 degrees for 1 hour. Roen 456 Court. USED Electric Meat Slicer $90. Roen. 456 Court. CRAMER steel posture chairs $16 to $35 Roen 456 Court St. NEW Computing Scales and Slicing machines. Immediate delivery. Roen. court , . 100 e an wool macKinaw. jum nice new. Size 14 Also sport coat size 14 at raincoat size 38. fh. jstxt CHRISTMAS Trees, sprayed to or- ! der. Marion Capitol St. Ph. 2424. ( USED hot water tank $15.00. 433 N. High St. ; FEMALE Cocker Spaniel pup aged 6 months, open for registration Ph. 8410. A. n. Tartar. 343U Uarden Rd SPITZEKBERG : Apples, no w orms, $1.00 bu . bring boxes. Ph. 8410. A. R. Tartar. 343(1 Garden Rd. 1946 TAPPAN gas range, chronium lined oven with glass door. Used only few months. Cost $190. will sell for $125 Ph. 7346. EXPERT washing machine service and wringer rollls all makes See Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros Furniture Sore 115 N Ulbert NEW camel hair man's top coat size 40. 1067 Sixth St. West Salem. rnn SAI r U.m RP mmh radio Sc phonograph. Phone 2-1094. ! GOOD used radioaT lowasTlrit i Liberty Radio Hospital, opposite United ' Growers - cannery Bed Buvers Attention ! ! Here's good news. Just received 30 single bleached finished beds, coiled springs and mattresses, new value. $5150 Yours for $29 50 while they last. Sea them at the Woodry Auction Market.. 1605 N. Summer. (The Store That Bargains Built 1 4 PC ."bed room set $50.girls World biocle $35. new wood Lathe $15. law- I dust burner with auto, thermo. $25. ! 1590 Norway. OIL Circulators, new. used. Priced from $32 50 to $95 00 12th St. Furni- ture Store. 705S. 12th street. $1 do TAK15 nice group or Bantam chicken, some laying, if taken this week Box 202 Statesman 4 BURNER Western Holly gas range with incinerator which will burn , wood or coal. Grover Alverson. 1441 : N CorfVI. i AIR Compressor. i h p., elec.. $245. Stub kalsomine brushes suitable for plasterers $3.00. F. O. Repine Co.. Ph. 4783. 2585 Portland Rd. LADY'S'Persian Paw-fur coat, large i. AntOv SIS KlArth Cnni.r Qt Telephone 21088. , . nv Q onA wrkl -lr4i innlv SIS Nortn Sumrner St Telephone 21038 - Hifi7T rWV be seen at 2165 Berry, , riro!CTio -r, J, i-r T-, !.... J . , inn. opifl httnrtles sterline rnnnmmM ---- v ; " . nvr iisyI- 4tTnmc . s nti i rntif fine condition. Call before 10 mornings or "Jl " " ' , - PRACTICALLY new man 17 jewel en ns wrist watch $30. Write Box alMl siZ ff ss tam Ski rt ' SLIGHTLY vsed Teddv Bear coat to ft 12 yr. old$6 1650 S. High NOW in stock, concrete dran and building tile, sewer and culvert pipe. OREGON GRAVEL CO 1406 N Front St. Ph 3417 GOLDENCockerpupt Inq. 1290 Fir. 11 SQ No. 1 shingles. 2000 ft. No. 1 2x4s. 20x36 streamlined window frame and sah. 5.50x17 pre-war tire. 150 ft. No. .1 scrap 2x4s. all new. Inquire .2054 Hazel days. 1925 Maple evenings. 48 BASS Accordion. In good condi tion -Ph. 5O08. CHRISTMAS cards fancy work. gift wrap k tree Icicles, aprons. Bun- ' 6'w Gift Shop. J148 N.Coml. ! ENGLISH Walnuts. Ph. 24256 WALNUT bed room set. fluorescent floor lamp. txl2 rug and 2 matching spread. Rt. 2. Box 262. Phone 23414. 100 GAL oil drums. Ph. 7205. VARIEGATED Holly. 635 N. Summer. CHOICE Myrtlewood Gifts. Pember ton's. 1960 S. 12th. SEE Us for Christmas Gifts YEATER APPLIANCE CO . 255 N. Liberty ELECTRIC Chimes, long and short tubes, motor driven, and mechanical chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY G H S7GaTJTQN Hoist 5QS Centet ST WALL TYPE can openers, citrus fruit juicers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ' 255 N LIBERTY TABLE and pin-it-up lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY INDIRECT Floor lamps and torchiers. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. , - 255 Nj LIBERTY ' DECORATING Holly, holly wreaths and bou tonn iere . Ph. 58F12 evenings. COAL on briquet circulating heater New wood range. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY ALUMINUM ROOFING Heavy gauge Immediate Delivery SEARS FARM STORE 173 S. Liberty Ph 6133 and 9194 SAVE DN Walnut Meats LIGHT i DARK 85c lb. 75c lb. DELIVERED PH. 2-1158 Christmas Trees All sizes, sprayed to order. Moved from 1000 blk. S. Com'l, to Wash, and S. Com'l. Antiques Pre-inventorv sale -25'- reduction on every article In stock. Lamps, clocks pattern glass, fine china, vases, shad ow hoxr and some furniture. COME EARLY Sc GET YOUR PICK Old Wagon Wheel. 1375 Ivy. Hiway 99. Junction Citv. Ore. SPINET PIANOS Shipment of Betsy Ross spinets In transit. Samnles on disDlav. Orders now bring taken. Tallmans. 395 S. 12th BABY Buggy. basinet. stroller. Otto Nelson. 6 miles South of Aums ville at North Santiam. 1 SET new radiator grills for 1940 Buick Suoer. Mlv'f.a.vM muKrn coat file 20. KeaspnaDie.r'tv xnj. PRE-WAR tilt-b?ck davenport $50. 1125 S. 19th Apt. 1. WASHING Machine. Breakfast -sets $18.50. Large kitchen cupboard. Writ- ing desks. End tables. Single and full I size beds. Coil sorings and mattresses. Daveno 820.00. Davenport and chair. ! New veiour covering. Dandy bedroom j set $69 VI MARTINS FURNTTURF CO. 420 So. Commercial St. , WASHING Machine, good cond $65. Wed. onlv. 753 N. Winter. TABLE model Crosley combination radio and record player, black and cream enamel Montag wood rne with coilf . small black and white range, new B'ot Botanv wool mn's suit size 38. 86 Williams Ave., off Sil verton Road. POWER Tools.1- some hand tools, scrap lumber, bath tub & sink fix tures, few electrical supp'ies. few lbs. of assorted nails and paints. Call at 1 . Oregon Btdg .. Salem. 3 TRICYCI.ES. 1? 00 $300 and $5.00. 845 Monroe Ave. Phone 22792. BEDROOM It living m. furniture, alfo rug. crib. lamp, etc. Ph 6431. WALNUT Church St. Meats 70c lb. 1965 S CHRISTMAS Specials 50c 1 house primroses 25c fem. Pemberton's Flower Shop. 1980 S. 12th. ELEC. MIXER. Ph. 4546 THOR Wa5h.. oak dinette, daven port. 2 chairs, oak twin beds. 1 bed room set. Wedgewood 3 burner gas Move, bov's bicvcle. radio I E S. lamp. 1115 Oxford, 2 blks. So. 12th. st. Mar ket. PLYWOOD constructed row boats now in stock at Ward's Farm Store. Trade and High Sts. 22 AUTO, rifle. 12 gauge double'. New 21 jewel Swiss. Micromatic man's ; wrist watch. 17 Jewel ladies Bulova wrist u-atrh ' T .r.v riimvui i7 ! 14 Qak din. table, buffet. Iibrarv j table, occasional table. Wicker daven- port. See Allen Jones, first duplex , rear 776 NConVl. SPANIEL pups $5 1930 Highland. Ph. 21404. WASHING Machine $40. larpe safe. 1 gas water heater with tank 15. in- stantaneous gas water heater $25. nearly new plav pen and pad. A bar- gain at $6 Drive to Hollywood thea ter. east 1 block to McCoy St.. then south 1 block to1085 Erixon St. 8'' SAW Blades with 'i' hole: new f ''rio head with 'a'" hole. Reuben r vhke. Rt. 4. Box 421 Orchard Heieht Rd. WADE 4 H'P. draw saw. nearlv new". Extra blades. J. S. Underwood. Sil verton. Ore.. "Fill. CLASSICAL Record library. Victor 9LuT.b, Nearly new. 12". diseot.nt J. S. Underwood, Silverton. Ore..J7Flll. 3 RM. furn. apt lights and fuel in yi ' W Pnal hln fn sive IS Alsrk I eluded. 838 50. No children or oets. ! portable radio, brand ' new batteries. -"sl, ELECTRIC Steam heater. 110 volt. like new. 1630 Roosevelt St. Tradt? Miscellaneous ' TO TRADE Electric refrigerator for apt. size electric range. 194 S. Cot- tage St. Wanted Miscellaneous TRAILER Size oil circulator. Ph. 5667. WANTED. Fir stumpage for wood. Box 855 Statesman. OIL Circulator. Call 6072. USED FURNrrUREPhone S110 WANTED- Burlap or cotton bags. Any kind, quantity or condition Very small lots not wanted Give good di rections to your place and number of bags you have. Schuepbach Bros.. Rt. 3. Bea vert on . Ore. WHY TAKE less for vour furniture? See Russ Bright Ph 7511 WANTED PIANOS Will pay cash Wills Music Store 432 State St , L ! AH DISHES over 25 rrs old Upstairs tioue Shop 439 Court Ph 2-1443 USED FURNITURE Ph 9185 WANT TO Buy. Used cameras St lenses Mc-Ewan Photo Shop 433 State CASH for used olano 8t other mu steal instruments Call 4641 davs or 9537 evenings or send description to laquith Music Co.. HI S High CASH for voiir used furnttuie Ph 'mfn Slate St Furniture 1900 State ' WOULD Like to buy all kinds of nunap ana coiion oags. muB ncuey. 2860 S. Com ! St. AUTO painting lust a shade better nv Rav ETTER Call Shrock Motor Co .8502 Wanted -Furniture WANTED: Furniture. Mason's Fur niture. 2446 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-4595 Miscellaneous WELL Drilling. 4 and 6 In. wells. Van Buren. 150 Fairhaven. Ph. 9636. Unfinished Furniture Bunk beds, chests, desks, etc. Any thing for the home. Made of solid " hemlock and knotty pine. Picketts Furniture. 13th and State. SAVE"Monev on Auto Painting. Best i work. Quick service. Oakhill Paint Shop. S. j mi. on 99E. Ph. 22922. LET Us cut" and wrap your meat j redy for locker. 2c lb. Prompt serv ice 12th Street Food Market. Ph. 4533. SIGNS AND SHO CARDS ELDON SCOTT. PHONE 3635. OIL Circulator. Call 6072. Guitar Studio. Banjo, Ukulele, etc. 1533 Court. Ph. 7569. ATMORAYS Ozone. Good health. Rent-sell. H. C. Pugh, 684 N. 17. 4692. BULLDOZING. EARTH moving Sc drama ge. ditches dug Ph 4047. MODERN Piano and boogie woogie instruction. Private lessons. Guaranteed results. L. J. Edgerton Studio. 1820 N. Cottage. Ph 9502. CHARIS CORSETTTES. Guaranteed fitting Nice line dresses. Ph. 9495. WATER WELL drilling Domestic or irrigation Duff le Id Bros Rt 4. Box 80 Phone 2-1313 WEATHER strips Pullman Ph 5963 DRAWING and designing house plans. Phone 9621. HEAVY HaulihT Excavat on and Koad Building. Land Clearing Dozei Work Ditching Basement Excavation Sand. Gravel. Crushed Rock Mason Sand Concrete Mix. Cement Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 1403 N Front St Salem Oregon Phone 94Q8 or 21924 Mattresses. Capital Bed. Co. P- 4068. Dental Plate Repair TWO EOUR SERVICE Dt MOST CASKS Bring or Mall Youi Plats tor Repatt DR HARRY SEMLER. DUMTIST Artoloh Bldg State at Com Pn-3311 - MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked 75c. LES SPRINGER. 464- Court St. Financial YOUR SURPLUS MONEY WILL EARN YOU 5 PER CENT INTEREST BUY A REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE. EXAMINE THE SECURITY YOUR SELF. MORTGAGES AVAILABLE IN AMOUNTS OF 8500 TO $7500 WE COLLECT ALL INTEREST AND PAY MENTS FOR THE INVESTORS. NO EXTRA CHARGE , STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S High SL Money to Loan SEASONAL CASH The Holiday Season may bring an extra need for CASH. If it does, phone Personal for loans. $25 to $300 Equipment On Furniture. Salary, Business $500 on Auto Take up to 15 months to repay and for fast, simple service, phone 3191, ask for E. Gallinger. Mgr. Personal Finance Co. Of Salem ' 518 State St.. Rm 125 Phone 3191 Lie. S-122: M-165 FARM and ?ITY LOANS 4"a and 5 Your own terms or repayment with tn reason Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 2Q7 Pioneer Trust Bldg Phone T162 General Finance Corp. offers money at one on cars, trucks furniture, trailer houses. livestock. farm marchinery: contracts refinanced and additional money advanced No co -signers General Finance is locally owned and officered, was organized In 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans made by phone 136 South Commercial Sts . Salem Phone: 9168 Licenses S-138 M -338 8 MONEY 8 REAL- ESTATE LOANS ' PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS Wa Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contracts. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS Lie. S-216 M-222 153 S High St. Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N U IN For Rent Rooms FRONT Rm. for business man. close in. 632 N. Winter. Ph. .7054 after6 p.m. SLP. Rm. for man. close in, price reasonable. 790 N. Church. SLEEPING Rooms. 1040 N. 17th NICELY Furnished sleeping rooms, j 650 Marion St. FURNISHED Sip. rm. for 2 boys or men at 395 N. 14th. HEATED Room, running water, kitch en privileges to middle aged woman alone. No freaks. Phone 21903 between 11 and 1 weekdays. TWIN Beds' for employed couple, also single room. . kitchen privilege. Close in. Ph. 2-5460. CLOSE IN sip, rm. Emp. gent. 2-1489. rm for ladies onlv at 1940 E. Nob Hill. Call 7866 or 3927. Breakfast and dinner if desired. 4 NEW lafge bed rooms. 692 So. Capitol, now aval table. SLEEPING room for two employed young men in private home. No drink- ers. 677 So. Commercial. Room and Board HAVE Room to board m 1 children. Ph. 8360. For Rent Apartments PARTLY furn. bachelor apt. $50. Kingwood Dr.. Rt. 1. Box 47. Ph. 6573. Monmouth. For Rent Houses EXCHANGE house by Mill City for house in Salem. Write Kenneth Hill. Mill City. LARGE Modem cottage. Day and weekly rates. 3590 S.jComJ. WANT Middle aged emp. woman to ' rhare my home. Pb. 7056. WILL Exchange attractive leased 2 bed room home for smaller house. Must have automatic heat. No apt. please. Box 130 Statesman. 5 RM- furn. house in" Salem in ex change for a furn. or partially fum. hse. or apt. in Portland. Call Mr. Cortz after 5:30. EA 5300 Portland. For Rent Elec welder, paint sprayer, power cement mixer. 1140 S. 22nd. Ph. 2-4546. GOOD Used Piano H L Stiff FLOOR SANDER tot rent Mont- eomerv Ward TRAILERS foi rent We per M Wnodrv's Mkt. 1605 N Summer TRUCKS for rent You drive Mc- Cune St Lovell Phone 9600 U-DRTVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets furn J97 S Liberty PI. 9062 FLOOR Sander, elec floor polisher and lawn roller. Rawlins Hardware the Marshall Wells Store. Ph 6877. Wanted to Rent SMALL Unfurn. house In or near Salem bv couple, no children. Neither drink no'r smoke. Can give references. Box 853 Statesman. 12 CANS OF SPRY shortening re ward for information leading to suit able apt or small house for rent. No children or pets Veteran Box 948 8fF TO 160 Acre farm. Wilbur Wy more. Rt. 2.Box 335C. Ph. 25135. VETERAN wifeTbaby need 2 or 3 rm. furn. apt. Ph. 5609. URGENTLY needed. 2 or more bed room unfurnished home within Salem vicinity. Permanently employed parts manager. Please call 41 19. VETERAN, wife It 3 yr. old son desire furn. or unfum. house. Excel, care. References. Employed LAB. bank. Ph. 8658 or 8879. PERMANENT employe desires small modem home in good district with automatic heat. Forced to move after 6 years occupancy because of sale of house. Best of references. Call 9101. WANTED TO LEASE: By permanent emplove. a small NEW home with little CHARM. Must have automatic heaL Prefer Fairmount Hill districL Call 9101. NEWLY Married veteran and wife In urgent need of 2 or 3 room apL Both employed. No children or pets. Ph. 3433 until P.M. 4068 eve. For Sale Real Estate BARGAIN by Owner leaving town: 3 BR home. Best location, comer lot. East front. Basement. Oil furncae. or trade for farm. Price $8150. 1005 N. Cottaee St. . FOR SALE to G. I. $8500. New mod em five rm. house at Hayesvilte Gardens, north Just off Pacific High way. Hdw. floors, electric heat, in sulated and weathers tripped. Really a fine home in the finest of districts. Ph. 5583 or 4103. SMALL 2 B.R. home, lights, water. wired range, lot 50x175. Price $3800. $2500 down. C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 5838 BY OWNER: Lovely 4 bed room home built in 1940. Fireplace. Pecan floors. S.D. furnace. Bu every 13 min. Don't wait! Phone 3091 for de tails. No agents please. 3 B. R home, corner, paved both w-avs bus at door. Oak firs. Lovely kitchen range goes with place. Near school ft stores. vroo. LUSE REALTY. Oregon Bldg. 7952 VERY nice home on city limit east. yrs.. old. t bedrooms, large living room, lovely kitchen with breakfast bar and nook. h. w. floors, garage at tached, unfinished ' upstairs, oil floor furnace, front and back yard in lawn. 410 acre, all in cherries. 8700 income this yr. $9450. "C" Kilgore Real Estate 423 S. 12th Eve. 2482 Ph. 4853 A DELIGHTFUL HOME CHOICE location on North Church Street. Cheerful living room with fire place: dining room: kitchen with plen ty of built-ins; 2 bedrooms and bath 1st floor: 1 bedroom and -sewing room 2nd floor. Full cement basement with furnace. Beautiful landscaped comer lot. Owner leaving town. Price only $12,000. Call K. N. Voorhees with Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9261 LATE MODERN ALL ELEC. See fnis 2 BR. home located in choice dist. All hdwd floors, fireplace, ven blinds, lovely rugs, draperies It elec range. Full basem't. beautifully land scaped grounds. Convenient terms. $9500 this week onlvt $12,000 4 BR. home North, basem't. furnace, fireplc. 60x80 lot. This is good. $14.00 4 BR. home overlooking creek. Fire place, basem't. furnac. gas water heat er. 3 mod all elec apts over garage. Well located east bus at door. $0800 3 BR. plastered, redecorated home North near school. Basem't. furnace, trays. 50x100 lot. Ige garage, tarn. poss. $10,000 2 BR. Mod home. Ige kit. built-ins. elec hot water heater Sc range, auto heat, fireplce in basem't. 45x88 lot. 1mm Poss. $14,000 2 BR. home. Ige DR & LR. carpeted, ven blinds, auto oil heat, outside fire plc, sprinkling system. Located east on nice 60x90 lot. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Cora l. St. Ph. 8389; Eve. 7440 Very Modern Close to Public Ar Parocial Schools $8700 Oak Floors fireplace Full base ment, pipe furnace, paved street, con venient kitchen. 2 bedrooms and bath down 2 bedrooms up. Call Mc- Glauflin. Reimann Real Estate "Listings Skillfully Handled" 201 So. High Ph. 3722 or 7836 2 Bedroom $4500 Living room and kitchen, cement foundation, ceiled with plywood. 2 bedrm up. 'i acre. House nearly com pleted and is livable. Good well. North. Call Ruberg. Reimann Real Estate 201 So. High Ph. 3122 or 7836 fO BUY OR SELL SEE THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St Phone 2-4793 $21,500 BEAUTIFUL 3 Bedroom home South. This home is modern throughout Oil heat. Double plumbing. 2 car garage. Beautiful lawn and 3IU Willi tyi iiinniis jiiciu. Call O. V. Hume, with StateTinance Co., Realtors 153 S. High Phone 4121 See This Lovely Rose Street Home Provides Gracious Living 3 bdrms. double plumbing, all hard wood floors, sprinkling system. Auto heat. Call Baron. Reimann Real Estate "Listings Skillfully Handled'' 201 So. High Ph. 3722 or 7836 Eyes. Sc Sun. 3621or 2-41 13 BY OWNER: Corner lot 50x100. RdsVdale addition. $1500. Inq. 1825 N 5th. ET I. HOME Ready to move in. 2 bedrms. down, finished upstairs, auto. heat. $7850. See days or even ings. Also lots for tale 70x120. 35 Lansing Aye RM. hse. unfln. upstairs, 'i A. ground. Elec. water syst. Keizer Dist. fartiy rum. iww. tn. a. doi iju Gordon Uettis NEAR PEN 4 CORNERS GARAGE HOUSE 20x30 Double construction, concrete floor, good well, sink, showers, etc. Lot 60x 468 plus another garage home foun dation and floor 16x20 with material to finish. $3000. Reimann Real Estate "Listings Skillfully Handled" 201 S. High Phone 3722 or 7836 Sun . Sc jeve. 2-4113 or 3621 $8750 NEW 2 BR home East. Oil floor furnace, oak floors throughout, attached garage. Large lot. Immediate possession. Call O. V. Hume, with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S. High Phone 4121 PARTIALLY finished home just off SUverton road. $2450. W. W. .Goodwin with T. A. Roberts, Realtor Phone 4108 After 68715 NEW SUBURBAN HOME Two large bedrooms, large liv. r.. dining room. h. w. floors, wired for elec. range, elec. water heater, auto matic heat. Modern. Price $8800. See Allen Jones or Mrs. Needham 341 State. Room 4 Phone 6963 2 Bedrm. South $5900. Paved street, close to school and store. Very clean. Call for Mr. Isaak. . M. U. ilUmpnreVS & V0.. I - - Realtor Ph. 7820 Ph. 24596 3035 Portland Rd 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. $9200 ATTRACTIVE 2-b e d r o o m i home. Oak and fir floors, fireplace. double garage. Lot 68x120. $10,500 LAKCiE 6-room nome. laeai for apts. Double garage. Large lot. $12.000 IMMEDIATE possession of 7 room house on N. Summer St. Full basement, furnace, trays. Garage. P. H. Bell, Realtor 510 Guardian Bldg. Ph. 4896 OWNER moving to Pendleton. Im mediate possession modem 6 room home. Hardwood floors, full basement, furnace heat. Price reduced to $10,000. Beawtiful lawn, shrubs, nuts, fruit. 1675 So. Winter MONEY TO LOAN on first mort gages 4 to 6. Call for details. Ed Byrkit & Co. 339 Chemeketa street Phone 5981 2 Bedroom $6250 Lv. rm.. kitchen, nook and bath. ceiled with firtex. auto, gas water heater, new gas range and circulator included, attached garage with utility, double construction. Located North. Call Ruberg. Reimann Real Estate 201 So. High Ph. 3722 or 7836 3 SMALL houses. 2 are nicely fin ished. tt. 5. Box 142. 12mi. E. LOT 50x125. Close to Hollywood. Nice home location. $950. Ph. 7443 MONEY TO LOAN on first mort gages 4 to 6. Call for details. Ed Byrkit & Co. 33 Chemeketa Street Phone 5981 Firr.I. C. I. ArjDralsal 5 room con temporary design house At carport wadl to wall carpeted. Large lot. fruit trees. Price $8100. Shown by appt. Phone 2-5390, owner. $85005 ROOM home on S. Liberty St. Home is in food repair. Large cor ner lot. Garage. Call O. V. Hume, with State Finance Co., Realtors 15J S. High Phone 4131 rnlt efficient and effective sal service call the Salem Realty Co. NOW To Buy or Charles HOMES YOUR RENT RECEIPTS AND 5c wL'ill Sal x.-Aa s.8. ..w... Own this 3 bedrm. home and have tor A ,mn hous- new- lot " f""1.'. return or your money. House built-ins. partly fumisfced. near Tour has been completely refinished inside - and out. Richmond Distract. $8500. Sal Corners. $6300. Terms. Sal I22X. -128X. FARMS CLIP OUT THIS ADD OPEN FOR AN OFFER This add and $16,500 entitles you to 21 sc'es all cultivated. Approx. $4000 purchase this 46 acre top shape orchard yrly income apples, plums, pears, ber complete with exceptionally comfort- ries. nearly all fenced. 6 rooan xnedersi able 8 room house, barn, large chicken house, 30x44) barn, brooder rise., chick house, pickers' cabins, garage and en hse garage. Ml S. of Uoo workshop. Income about $7500 yearly, mouth. Sal 143. Sal 118. EXCEPTIONAL BROODER SET-CT EQUIPMENT INCLUDED 10 acres. 3", in grain. 1', pasture. 24 43' acres, all in grain, small newly cherries. 20x214 brooder house with 16 constructed 5 room house on paved separate rooms, overhead trolley for highway. Tractor. McCormick Deer- feed tV refuse. 10 briquet stoves. Many ing combine, disc, seeder, plow, mow- labor savHng devices. 4 -rm. tenant er. rake, approx. 40 hens. 6 mi. S. of McMinnville. $8000. Sal 126. SMALL TRACTS NEAR SALEM 5 acres trellised for beans, no build ings. Net approx $1500 yearly from s-am Viwiy. lucai a vy faaa s. . $1600. Sal 133. 3 acres all in prunes and Walnuts. No buildings. $140 net last year. Soil good for berries. $1100. Sal 134. MAGNIFICENT FRUIT RANCH 320 acres. 225 acres cultivated. 110 acres cherries. 4 acres walnuts. 15 "t""''"- Si,2rV , w. ' "clJnl acres pears. 65 acres grain. 100 acres TOnd,UoAHRnwxlhrr timber. 65 acres pasture. Well, elect. ,, ? . Jj wtr. svstem 8 room ranch home. 2 68 95 acres all cultivated, oats, vetch, fireplaces. 4 large bedrms.. full base- bar'iyi.Exc'",,t room modem home, ment. furnace. Has just bee remodeled 48x32 bJn- hse . chix hse, double, i and redecorated inside. 5-room modern ar.t' all inetal s:ied. tractor on house. 5 room older farm house. 30x56 b,LrVri2 c: TJaeqUlpm'"t- U ,oe" : barn. 30x30 shed, granary, other build- J' V, o kth i v ' xfrt v r-vr-v lngs. Chevrolet truck. Model 15 Cater- 50 iST K ctcks . pdlar. duster, harrows, other machin- , From this 120 acre dairj- Sc general : er. This farm grossed $30,000 from farm. 85 acres in gram. 35 A in 2nd ; fruit this summer. $80,000. 3 miles from Frowth. timber, l ,, 9?d 1 ' c.i,m s-1 130 borm. home. IT cows. 2 bulls. 2 horses. ?. - John Deere tractor, spring toon, man- . COWS ARE FULL OF MOO ure spreader, binder, mower, rake. 116 acres. 40 acres timber. 40 acres drill, silage cutter, other equipment. : oats, balance in pasture. 9 room mod- $44,000. good terms. Sal 147. ern house. 10 stantchion bam. year $60 AN ACRE around creek, good soil. 7 cows all 25 acres all in grain, no buildings. ' milking and bred. 5 miles SE of Stay- 2 miles from St. Louts on gravel load, ton. $10,000. Sal 141. Sal 135. INCOME PXINTERS ATTENTION! Have steady year around proposi tion for a painter. Panel truck, trailer, spray guns, air and paint hose, com pressor, tank. brushes, and other equipment. Contract covering South- ern Ore. insures steady work, good Hiway 99 just south of city limits. Two profits. AH goes for $4000. Sal 118 Inc. 5-rm. apts. upstairs. Large dining room FLY BOYS ATTENTION ! ! to seat 150 downstairs. Also private) Here's an opportunity to cash in on dining room and bar. Could stoe cock- your war time training. We have a tail lounge. Excellent busuiesa invest- local flying service complete with a ment. Call Mr. Benham for detail, dealership and several new ships. Near- Sal 119 Inc. CHARLES DELFEL, Realtor 615 N. Capitol St. - Phone 7002 Open 8:34) a.m. to 6 JO p.m. Wonderful View Home LIVING RM AND DINING RM WITH LARGE WINDOWS, fireplace. 2 Bedrms. with beautiful bath between. All hardwood floors. Very modern kitchen, wired for elec. range. Elec. hw heater. Basement, oil auto furnace. . . . . . This home 6 yrs. old and very well taken care of. A home you wui appre ciate. $13,500. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 2-4793 1 Acre. $4900. 3 b. r. compact house on Cherry ave. 7 Acres, $4500 House and bam, $ mi. out Dallas Hi-way. $6900. 2 b. r. plastered home. Lot 50x205. Only years oio. vwu " -""' ' location Walter Musgrave, Realtors 1233 EDGEWATER STREET PHONE 5109 - . price 4!sju. Sounds Like A Fairy Tale ; Wants , Jjgo; h f Exceptional location. near bus. rooms and ttaired attic, fully furnnh school and grocery store Large 5 rrri. ed except washing machine. Gaa for noure at a hciuiis mm. Connally Reimann Real Estate 201 So. High Ph. 3722 or 7836 G. I. SPECIAL $8800 New 2-bdrm. hse. Salem Heights. $9200 New 2-bdrm. hse.. N. E. $9350 2-bdrm. hse.. full bsmt.. piped furnace, dbl. garage, centrally located. $9500 New 2-bdrm. hse.. N. E. Each of these houses will be sold at or below G. I. appraisals to vet erans. Abrams & Ellis, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone 9510 Insurance Mortgage Loans $8250 NICE 4-bdrm. home N. Bsmt.. furnace, hwd. floors, pv. St., near sch. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St Ph. 3793 Eves. 25260 WELL Built, four bedroom home. Hrrllpnt business location on Fair- j grounds Rd. Phone 3689. Little House Work Little Yard Work . . .. W.,4 mw4r-n n. veil vwzij irem " ; home with one bedroom, out w high attic now used for a second ith a ! bed- room. Good garage. weU improved I vard. Paved street. Gas and electricity j SS950. Call McGlauflin. n . T 1 T- . . . neimann ieai rsiaie . Ml So High Ph. 3722 or i Sunday & Eves. 24113 or 3621 7836 BY OWNER: 2 bed rm. house, bsmt.. auto, gas furn., attached garage, large lot with fruit, nuts, and shrubbery. W am V.i i. Im. rx a r 3 .rAlle u-hnols and high school. $7500. terms, casn. Immediate possession. Ph. 24045 days. SILVERTON. Ore. Partly furnished. Nice 2 bed room house, large front room with fireDlace. kitchen, large bath room, utility room. 2 garages, good garden spot, nice snruDDery, z iois. Paved street. 4 blks. from Safeway store. By owner. Price $5000. 516 S. 2nd st.. Silverton. Ore. $4750 NEW 2 b. r. home. Nice kit. and liv. rm. Terma $1500 down. Call OMER. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 ChemeVeta St. Ph. 21549 Eves 25091 3 G. I. Specials Two at $9800 each. 2 bdrms.. unfin ished upstairs, elec. heat, insulated. One suburban at $8000. driving dis tance from town. 4 bdrms. Call Mr. Isaak. M. O. Humphreys & Co., Realtor 3035 Portland Rd. Phone "820 Ph. 24596 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. 817.500 LOVELY home on Fair- mount ave. 7 lg. beautiful aircond. rooms. Double plumbing. Lot 150x150. Stately trees. Truely a home of dis tinction. Can be bought for $5000 down. bal. easy payments. For partic ulars call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3793 Eves. 25260 EXTRA nice home Northeast. Pos session 15 days. W. W. Goodwin with T. A. Roberts, Realtor I Phone 410S After ft $715 Sell Sec Delfel YOU'VE BEEN WAITING house. $10,600. half cash. Sal 122. SUBURBAN HOME on l'i acres, good 6 room modern cot tage. 3 bedrms.. 20x20 bam. chixTise double garage, all fenced, good water system. , ML from city' limits, $11.. fjijsj J-13, IF YOU NEVER BELIEVE ADDS Call us on this one. This is really a sacrifice. Potential income of $4200 yearly on this 40-acre chicken ranch. Good plastered 3-bedroom home, mod ern. 4 large chicken houses., brick ly ready for the G.I. training pro gram. Come in and go over the de tail. Ask for M. Nilsen. Sal 117 Inc. POTENTIAL ROADHOUSE New 2-story attractive building on IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 2-bed-room plastered house just East of- crtx limits on Center street- Wired for range: electric water heating. Excel lent condition. Price $7950. 2-BEDROOM house. 3 blocks S. of State street. Full basement, fire place, furnace, wired for range. Extra room in basement. A well built hous tor 00- Rostein & Adolph, Inc. HQ's N. Commercial St. Phone 3030 $1300 will put you in' possession of this) nice modem 2-bedrm. house, fur- . nished. 916 acre of rich WillamettO silt soil. Large chicken house. Lawrence Real Estate Loans and Insurance Phone 7506 520 y. Higfr IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Its vacant and readv to occurV at i once. Clean thruout. two bed rooma. wired tor range. electric water neat- 87x123. east at edge of city. $7950. SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 149 N. High St. Phone 7600 i MODERATELY PRICED 2 bed room home. North Salem, ex- cellent tarden space, family fruit, additional building could be convert ed into rental at small expense. Full cooking ana water heater. Its a good ouy at 74ou. tm vs. one-ha!f acre lot. SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 149 N. High St. Phone 7666T $77255 RM. cottage on creek. Hwd. floors, fireplace, bsmt.. auto, gas fur i - c . m it vmui. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Ph. 21549 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 25Q91 Walnut Park Lot Very desirable location on Rose St. $1350. GENERAL REAL ESTATE CO. Phone 7770 Eves. 3037 landlords: keep outi own your own home! Nice shrubs, fruit trees. Price $5750. Unfin. but. livable. I A. 3 Bm. hse. t yr. old Finish it. while hving in rt. Price $3500. Furnished. $4000. INVITING ! 4 Bm. home. Excel, floor plan, t Bm. down. 2 Bm. up. dbL plbg. Good basement. Fine location. Lawn and garden. Price $10,000. Salesmen : "Habbv" Habarnicht Myles Henderson Joe Hutchison. Realtor 455 Court Phone 76oa Res. 2-4683) FOR Sale by owr.er. $19300. Large en wrtn f bed m and hath aown. partly finished upstairs. ampM for 2 bed rms.. bath, full basement wiin automatic 'sawausT pipe furnace and enough fuel for remained est winter, elec. water heater, wired for range, rockwool insulation and metal weather strip throughout. venetiaa) bunas, narawooa lioors. completely re decorated, large lot with fruit, nut trees, garden spot, garage, one blac - i loiuni awncx. c we in. east. Paved streev sidewalk. Im mediate possession. Ph. 2-4303. BY OWNER: Late built modern : oarm. nome. wice oun'.-ms. auto. heat. ' garage. 15Q5 Jefferson. ADVERTISING Western Advertisinc Representatives Ward -Griffith Company. Ine. San Francisco Eastern Advertising; Representatives' Ward-Griffith Company. Inc. Chicago. New York. . Detroit. Boston, Atlanta Member Pacific Coast Pi vision r Bureau of Advertising: Entered at the Postofffce at Stm lent. Oreoow aa Second Class Mat. ter. PwbiuHed etrery nwnms cl. cepC Monday B names i office - UJ South Co sag n.iu I Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mall Subscription Rates tn Ad vance: -Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday, Mo. CO cents: tnos. S3 2S; 1 year. $S 00. Elsewhere AO cents per mo or $7 2 for 1 year tn advance. Per copy 5 cents By City Carrier. 73 cents a month. . $9 00 a year tn- advance In aiarioai and adjacent counties. .