10 Th Sliitoainiiii SoJ u Qroqon. Sgtardorf. Demmbmr 7. 1348 For Sale Miscellaneous Mone to Loan For Sale Real EsUle For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Ertale For Sale-Real Estate Additional nassifiril I Ails on Page 9 For Sale Miscellaneous PACIFIC wood furfit Mwiwt burner. 3073Cner Ph. $78. TIRES: $ fx It wooa circulator, lilt 3rd Sti. W. Salem. HOUSEHOLD furnishings Including wond ranee, circulating neater. ieu C St. ELECTRIC" Pants presaers. curling and soldering irons V EATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. LIBERTY . SMALL pressure cookers. 3 types Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty KITCHE$ and Industrial exhaust f B)fM Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY " FERTILIZE early. Rich barnyard and ehM-ken. Call 68F22 for delivery. ANTIQUE Dishe coffee table. I mart buffet, oak library laoie. so i Gaines S CAR "Hot water heaters. 40 Che. radiator. 20 to 33 Chev. radiator. 40 Ford truck radiator. Keizer Garage. Keizer Corners. Joe 1 Radiator Shop 2 TWIN Slxe ma4tresses. 1 new. 2150 Chemekeia.Pt 21408. 1 750x17 plv new ttre. 1040 Harkry nvtrfori 3 wheel motorcycle. 145 S. ; Church. Ph. 4711 illuminated globe. Good as new. Rind MeNally Atlas 4 guaran tee 14 si diameter, mounted on base. Retailed; at 123. offer for 113. 530 Cross St W1Y S BICY $22 .90. or trade for girl s bicycle. 1403 N Summer St. Phone 3530. Call or prion between 1230 and P M . USED Stenno Chairs $7 50. Typing Desks $01 Used desks $4 00. New Walnuti finish students desks $16 00. War surplus desk, estra large draw- j clock $125 Rand Carde. 4x0. 1430 ao counts. $125. Roen 454 Court. GRAY tatlormade overcoat m 40. ."V.r.f ?er! Commercial I WAi-nci sfiaui jw m up. w 8 14ta St. SELL Argus "C3" camera with case and accessories, like new, $53 00. 145 Wander Way. 6046. GOOD used furniture for sale by owner. 3 pr. eastern walnut bed room set: tnraseye maple bureau. twin spool bedsteads, mahogany secretary, washing machine and misc 795 N. Summer. 10 A M to 4 P M. Thiur.. Fil. and ?st only BULLDOZERS Custom made See ours before buy ing Ail makes repaired Grubbing teeth (or dozers. Holt Welding and Machime ShogJ Independence, Oreg. STOVi-repairing A parts TWO LICE electric toasters $2 10. I 4 slice $3 85 Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY Eola Lumber Co. Rt. 4. Salem Lumber. Red Cedar Shingles and building upplies T 1 -r 1 . u ..11. okm c.i.m 9.itaa vh s m. in on i.m.oll HT WILL BUY for can sell guns. pitois ammunition. or trade I . . trailers Don Midimn. $90 N u. t. I ATTRACTIVE a liimimim ffiti-hn i Aluminum, xitcnen ...n ijrfrf-r, and tpD-on refuse cans Step iaooer sno irp on rr ium taos , YEATFR APPLI PLIANCr LU. ! 253 N LIBERTY iOnrreie IUII41in'IS D10rk I r and Bricks P.OOTK BUILDING BLOCK CO South River Rd Phone 5908 STOVF. J Dieiel Oils Prompt met ered deliver rvice Any time LARRY'S FUEL OIL Ph 2-191 7 'i mi N of Pen 4 Corners HEATING Pads I electric I Plastic clothes lines, ironing pads and cov ers. YEATFR APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY SINOI E and to burner hot plates YEATFK APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY GOOD ueU radios ax low js $10 at I iberty Radio Hospital, opposite United Growers cannery EX PC Hi nasnina macmne service and wringer rolls all makes See Ed Ellis' at Nelson Bros Furniture Sore 3J 5 N Linertv River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX. AND FILL DIRT ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Bulldozing Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 2-1966 - 2-3100 Fresh Christmas Trees All size sprayed to order Open Dec I0O0 bik S Commercial WOOD Furnace with sawdust at tachments incl .all hot air pipes com plete $75. One double 50 gal. oil burn ing stoves on frame, cost $39. price $10. 1 want to sell lhre and 1 am going to sell 'hem Clifford Harold, co Luder Bros. 46j Center St.. Salem. Oreg Phone 5467 , River Silt MASON SAND FILL DIRT PIT RUN GRAVEL KEIZER SAND 4 GRAVEL CO. Phone 2-1749 A t e Vnu ttin rvmr ridu recen- tion' Then try the powerful 8 tube Tropic Master Standard broadcast and, shortwave bands Ideal for locations where reception is ordJnarilv poor. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty MlSTtlTOE For commercial and home decorating Phone 2-1583. ; RAILROAD TYPE LANTERNS YXATF.R APPLIANCE CO. 253 N LIBERTY HEAVY Brome smoking stands. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY ALUMINUM sauce pans, well and tree platters. frying pans. cookie sheets, clothes hampers YEATFR APPLIANCE CQ. 2j5 N LIBERTY SMALL Sire upright piano tt bench Walnut finish Excellent condition 11M th. W Sa'.em "KROMfX cake "covers $2 95. YEATFR APPLIANCE CO 253 N l.ltxrrty LIGHT Trailer. 4 rail glycerine Brooms 8 mop 960 N Commercial HAND fillet crocheted nquet cloth and rn.se crocheted items nice f..r Christmaa. Set tt IN Jerris. Ph. 24721 , U,. . i r nfinished rurniture Salem's exclusive unfinished furnl ture large assortment or made to or oer Pickett Furniture 13th and State RtnieTTBtn AKC Irish Setter puDOiri Call 7873 alter $ P.M. or Sat and Sun : t!0,ra- . . FOR Your recreation room we have DAIRY FARMERS Cool milk FAST . r.H .TV,- Rumou. Master I that PR- BETTER, at LOWER cost with ran really reach out and will stand abuse YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty , GUARANTEED Forever, flashlights requiring no batteries: 2 and 3 cell flasnlights YEATER APPLIANCE CD. M3. N LIBERTY "STEAM-" Irona," .limided quantity.! 2 , YEATER APPL1ANCX CO. 255 N Liberty I PLASTI-KOTE. the 'duraoie paint ! wtitrt the reloohane-llke finislt. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. LIBERTY lar pmtt. good quality Ph 88F23 or wMte R. L. Philiipa. Rt. 4. Pox 118. KIMBALL PUno. solid oak finish. A-l condition. 558 S. 19th. SOT" LAMPS t ultra violet and in-fra-red portable and standi models with timers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY , ." ELECTRIC desk, mantle and wan locks. YEATFR APPLIANCE CO. 25$ N. LIBERTY For Sale -Miscellaneous r CRAFTSMAN bench saw: Skilsaw Radial saw: Floor model drill press; '" Electric drill. Reuben C. Paschke. Rt 4. Box 421, Orchard Heights Rd. GOLDEN Cocker pups. inq. 1290 Fir. MODEL A coupe, rood tires. Heady to go. 17S. Phone 4XJB APTTSlxe white porcelain table top i rinft ISO. pn. 421. ONE 32-420" tire, tube and wheel for Chev. truck $25, and dual chains for track tie. One 29 in. car tire and tube tin. Ph. 7248. REFRIGERATOR $80. Ph. 2-5140. LATE Cluster hop roots for sale. 1 Box 204. Ontario, Oregon. DARK Cornish. 1 cockerel 7's mo. old $7 50, or trade for another as rood. 1 cockerel $ mo. old $5.00. 1 cockerel 4' mo. old $2.50. $ pullet? 4't to 7', mo. old $3.00 each. L. S. Patterson. Rt. 5. Box 110F. Salem. West of penn annex by SJ. railway. ONE nearly new front quarter horsehide leather Jacket. One two tone brown sport jacket. One navy raincoat. One navy peacoat. an size one set child s boxing gloves. One pr. shoe skates size 3. One Remington ejee razor. tS5 N. Front. 4 MI out Silverton Rd. to McCain Av, ,3 m No Furniture, good table. buffet, very good S piece Calif, living rm. set. dresser, vanity set. easy chair, bed. box springs, mat- tress, very good ranee, folding cot. rocking chair. Priced to sell. Call after 1 P.M. Sat RADIO in good condition. 140 E. Bush St. NEW camel hair top coat. 1067 Sixth , 51 . west Salem. ONE Girls bicycle. Good Reasonable. 2055 N. Church. cond. ONE boy s used World bk-vcle One pr. of biege frosted figured drapes One mahogany home bar. One set of 1 Castleton sugar 4 creamer. Sunny- , vale pattern Ph. 24101. WOOD Circulator imn.t n.w i 378 . fit , i,11 ' P?y P? Pf ' tricycle Phtlco radio, oak table, dry . wood 419 S. lOtltf ! er Ask for MV. BOY'S balloon tired bicycle, spee- Hills at Keith Brown Hardware. 1 MAN'S Boulevard Elgin pocket ' watch. Ph. 21560. . WASHING Machine. Good cond. $40. ma Ftrnadwxv PIANO.-Cable. Small, excel, cond , Call at 993 Shipping bet 2 4 $ p.m. I vTe-r crii-.Tnvrv Tv.., -.v, ing machine, copper cvlinder. copper body, electric drive and gas heitcd l Boil laundrv while washing. Reduced THOR IRONER. 44 inch cylinder. Electric drive and gas heated. Re duced to $25.00. Address Box $10 Statesman. ORIENTAL rug 9x12. rose back ground. excel!entcondition. 3885D St. OIL BUHNER and statnle-v te-I firebox for furnace $90 FRIGIDAIRE $125. 1545 N. 17th. Ph 24877. NEW 2 burner hot plate $8 50. 1230 Elm. w Salem. 2 WHEEL Tiailer. 600x16 tires. $V Small davenport with cover $15 13th. TUXEDO, blue suit. Pendleton bath irh 1 . both size 40. also tuxedo size 36 Ph. 4908 23 GAL. in 5s. good quality outside paint. Iisht Ivorv. slOO.00. Ph. 22306 H( IW ihAiit . I? .an. W inhMtr ' u'omic ior uja ana a sio gaue . M I. ' m"n. w ntns ,h nw rk.. ion ij -J-l. uuntL t-iecxric train inciuoing trnWnrm.r tUTl Ha rh.r tknn Ur .. , " HI A I K Knit with u hlt. mn itrin. size 38 440 Mill St. GAS Range, apt size Lange wood range Elec heater. 2260 Claude St FIR TEX 4x8 $3 50: 4 xlO 84 00: I6"32" 45c Rt 7. Box 434M. McCain Ave off Silverton Rd LADY'S bicvcle. I,eedy snare drum. 1674 Court. SEE Us for Christmas Gifts Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty ELECTRIC Chimes, long and short tube, motor driven, and mechanical chimes YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY TWO 300 " amp. Westinghouf e D C. welding machines. 4 ft. metal brake, ceiling type gas heater, post type trip hammer. 40 ft. boom crane, trash burner hot water heater, metal elbo machine Ph.2-4135. Ci H 87 GALION Hoist 505 Cenlei St WALL TYPE can openers, citrus fruit juicers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY TABLE and pin-it-up lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ' 255 N LIBERTY INDIRECT Floor lamps and torchiers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. LIBERTY DECORATING Holly, holly wreaths and hou ton mere Ph. 58F12 evenings. COAL or briquet circulating heater New wood range YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY ALWAYS a big stoic' Woodrv's Furniture Mkt Ph $110 AUTOMATIC Electric grill. 18x36 inches with double thermostat. Ideal for small restaurant or club house. YEATFR APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY METAL and plastic bed lamps YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY RADIOS. Table and console. 10 mod els from which to select YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY AUTOMATIC Electric "sidearm water heaters YEATER APPLIANCE CO. r 255 N LIBERTY S BLK. Wlnt leather upholstered "dining chairs. 895 Thompson. 19 IN. balloon tire girl's bicycle $25. E. B. Page. Brooks. Ore , Rt. 1. Bx 248 DIAMOND ring, two burner electric ; Pj"1- '"A00 suit. electric razor. rnqn 1 MAN'S all wool gabardine shirt med sue I $5 50. 1 woman's all wool gray suit pre-war) size 14 or 15. 12 615 N. 14th St. ijiwi r-ersian xnien. rrione iuu. GULBRANSEN player piano, ex cellent tone Call 4737. WEDDING 4 Engagement ring set. Diamonds A rubies. Ph. 8956. "BABY Stroller $4. 2 light poles 40 ft. long. 2-wheel grain truck $5. Trailer axles $5. Ph. 24373 2 t of oats 8 vetch hav $2s per ion box spring a manress. gooa ilun. falrlv nw t?S I Imi f'l.rk Rt 1 7. Box 339 Ph.2298L " DECORATIVE and lighted house numbers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY ! CHRISTMAS TREE HOLDERS. ! YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY FLUORESCENT kitchen fixtures and single tune oracaets ior use near your , mirror. , . vr-- nn , EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY . SMALL Philco portable radio Air- i line raoinei raaio. rn. s.jo. ins i nira st.. w saiem. eve USED console radio. S. Com'l. CaH at 1234 LARGE Coolerator. cement mixer with motor, half sack batx-h. Chev. j overload springs, trailer hitch. 925 I WARDS famous Agitator Circulator Low price, low operatmr cost, out standing features, scientific construc tion. See them at Ward's Farm Store, Trade andHigh Sta. ENTIRE Cabinet shop equipment. 1940 Ford 'a ton pickup, will trade for car W. L. Chapman, Corvallia. Ph. 945W. ELECTRIC room heaters. circuUt- ing. steam and reflector types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. " N LIBERTY , KITCHEN and bathroom light fix- lures. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY WATER Heaters for immediate de Hvery: 30 gallon Wesflnghouse 993.75. 42 gallon Collins $96.25. 50 gallon West tn (house $11550. YEATFR APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY , "FRIGID AIRE I cu. ft Used rugs. Ph. 2231. "NORTHERN sealskin coat. Excell cond. Size 18. 1824 N. Church. "LIMITED Supply Italian ehestnutsw 1790 So. HjghSt.Ph.l-453. SQUARE Grand oiano in eood cond. Roaewood caae. 2094 Center. Ph. 3S58. 1 ALUMINUM ROOFING Heavy gauge Immediate Delivery SEARS FARM STORE 173 S. Liberty Ph. 0133 and 9184 : MR-MOTORIST WHT not for your CAR'S CHRIS- MAS chrome mated insioe control uies. CHROME plate fog driving lites. HOLLYWOOD SPORT hub caps. WHITE SIDEWALL wheel rings. SEALED BEAM conversion lites. SEALED BEAM replacement lites. OIL FILTERS WHEEL JACKS. KIM WRENCHES TIRE PUMPS. BACK-UP LITES POLISH ANTI-FREEZ REA VIEW MIRRORS TRAILER HITCHES. FELT BACKED rubber floor mats. We expect 50 more 1" new Penn sylvania TIRES 8- TUBES the 10th. Also 25 WILLARD BATTERIES. RADIATOR STOP leak. DON MADISON 590 No. High GAS 4 Elec heaters, mahogany knicknark shelves. STATE ST. FURNITURE 1900 State St. - Ph. 7596 VETERAN'S: Single beds, blonde wood, comolete with springs and cot- l ton mattress $12.50 each. Salem Hous- i Ing Authority. 10th and Cross. I nflAniMTI'ITi Tires Si7 400x16. at Wills Service Station. $37 S. Com 1. USED Lumber. Will's Service Sta tion. 437 S. CoitVI. Ph. 7167. DOUBLE Bbl. 12 ga.. steels bbll. - -J 1 a a J '""isoi sHTs. Ph 6074 is rirtex 1S09 j h it.h.g B " New model 37 Ithica 12 gauge 30" WWl . . 1M . b. 1 1 hABllliftlllv n graved pump model for only $100 00. Ncw 3tM16 Spr. Sporter. with King Pike mount K2.5 Weaver scope 4 a Mauser action with a 30-08 Enfield Khl nxtrltr stock converted bv John- son Automatics, either gun for $140.00. 30-30 model 94 Win. LR. B. 4 L. Spoting scope with stand 4 case. Model It Rem . 12 Kaiige pump with Nvdsr sight. K2.5 4 K4 Weaver scopes. Redfield mounts. Peep sights. Weaver cno55?i, , . DON MADISON 590 No.High ONE 2 wheel trailer. 1$ inch tires, One dark colored dmine. room set late model Several brkrt. sets and wood heaters or call at 1694 N Com ! RABBIT -Hutches. your pick $3 each. Ph. 21234. Trade Miscellaneous 1 KITCHEN Sink and Lumaline light fixture for bathroom wash bowl. 128$ 6th St.. W. Salem. Wanted Miscellaneous OIL Circulator. Call 6072.. USED FURNITURE Phone 5110 WANTED' Burlap or cotton bags. Any kind, quantity or condition. Very small lots not wanted Give good di- irviiuiw u uui aitu iiuiiiuvi - 7 o. a RMVerton Ore . . . -i : : HHV T A KV Ixi for tour furnitira . i; b' ', D: idT , unwn r . tVANTtT) PIANfM Will Ul r.lh I ;;;"-7- . ; DISHES over 25 vrs old Upstairs AntiaueShoo 439 Court Ph 2-1443 USED FURNITURE Ph 9185 WANT TO Buy Used cameras St teiwes McEwan Photo Shop 435 State CASH for used oiano St other mu steal instruments Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description tc laquith Music Co.. 191 S High CASH lor vour used furnltuie Ph 'm State St Furniture 1900 State "WOULD-"Tike to buy all kinds of I burlap and cotton bags. Willis Kelley. 2860 S. Com'l SL AUTO painting lust a shade better lit Ray ETTER Co 8503 CaU Shrock Motor Wanted Furniture WANTED. Furniture. Mason i Fur- niture. 2448 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-4595 MiuolUnnn I t1US4?eiianeOU ' an zi munri nuw .ii"im. pcti . e.tv A . . T3 i n ;n . work. Quick service. Oakhill Paint Shop. S. 'a mi. on 99E. r fh T7yf' DRUM Lessons. Dance Swing. New method teaches you quickly. Learn modern jazz technique. Skid Johnson. Leonard s Supper Club. Salem. Ore. LETLTs cut and wrap your meat ready for locker. 2c lb. Prompt serv ice 1 2th Street Food Market. Ph. 4533. LLOYDS AUTO PAINTING Satisfaction guaranteed. Priced to , fit your purse. Come in or call for : free estimate. 805 N. Liberty Phone 8411 SIGNS AND SHO' CARDS ELDON SCOTT. PHONE 3635. "OIL Circulator. Call 6072. Guitar Studio. Banjo, Ukulele. etc. 1533 Court. Ph. 7569. ATMORAYS. Ozone. Good health Rent-sell. H. C. Pugh. 684 N. 17. 4892. , BULLDOZING. EARTH movuig & ! drainage, ditches dug Ph 4047. I MODERN Piano and boogie woogie ! imttrurtinn Private mfotu cuaranteed j results. L. J. Edieerton Studio. 1820 N Cottage Ph 9502. CHARIS CORSETTIES. Guaranteed fitting Nice line dresses. Ph. 9495. WATER WELL dnHingDomestic or irrigation Duf field Bros Rt 4. Box 80 Phone 2-1313 j dRA"WTNG and" designing house Plans. Phone 9621. HEAVY Hauling. Excavation and Hoad Building. Land Clearing. Docer Work Ditching Basement Excavation Sand. Gravel. Crushed Rock. Mason Sand Concrete Mix Cement Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 1405 N Front St Salem Oregon Phone 9408 or 21924 1 MEN1,S HATS cleaned and blocked 75c LES SPRINGER. 484 Court St , r: "f f7 r f Dental rlate Kepair rnni cnum n unsf CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repatt DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST ArtolpH Bldg tte A Ctm - Ph 3311 Mattresses. CapitaTBed Co. P 4060 Financial vsittn cttddi ire unierv nrrt I , EARN you 5 PER CENT INTEREST BUY A REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE, EXAMINE THE SECURITY YOUR- SELF MORTGAGES AVAILABLE IN AMOUNTS Or $500 TO $7500 WE COLLECT ALL INTEREST AND PAY MENTS FOR THE INVESTORS. NO lYTH A CHARGE. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S. High St Monev to Loan Seasonal Cash The Holiday Season may bring an extra need for CASH. If it does, phone Personal for loans $25 to $300 On Furniture. Salary Business Equipment $500 on Auto Take up to IS months to repay. And for fast, simple service Phone 3111. ask for E. GaUinger. Mgr. Personal Finance Co. Of Salem 51$ State St.. Rm. 125 Phone 3191 Lie. S-122; M-165 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. jTH : FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M 134) rTARM and TITY LOANS' 4'. and Teur own terms of repaement svtth in reason Cash for Real Entate Con tracts and Second Mortgage fAPITOL SEtrURITIES CO 101 flop r TrtMt fnooe ii a- General Finance Corp. I offers money at one on cars, trucks furniture trailer houses, livestock, farm marchinery, contracts refinanced and additional money advanced No co -signers General rlnance is locally owned and officered, was organized la 1927 and therefor knows and can help throughout In repaying of loan Ap plications for loans made by phone 130 South Commercial St. Salem Phone: ltt Ueenses S-134 A M -330 $ MONEY $ " REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS PAR lUN We Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contracts. STATE FINANCE CO, REALTORS Lie. S-214 M-222. 153 S. High SL For Rent Rooms NICE Sip. room for gentleman. Heat, hot. cold water. 255 Center. LOVELY large room for gentleman. Running water CaU after 5 P.M. 424$. DESIRABLE Sip. rm. to Christian gentleman. prefer business man. Write Statesman Box $48. HEATED slp. rm. for gentleman. 1210 N. Front. Jh. 6304. SLPING rm. for man. 1505 N. Cap itol. Ph. 3425. LARGE sip. rooms. 1417 N. Liberty. Ph. 21576 4 NEW large bed rooms. 692. So. Capitol, now available. SLEEPING room for two fmnlnvfirl 1 young men in private home. No drink- era. 67? so. commercial. "SLEEPING-robmrsteam-heat-1185 N. Commercial. ' I rvpiwri T irun t' it.i. SLP. room for man or 2 boys. Ph. 558. Room and Board HAVE Room to board children. Ph. $360. For Rent Apartments APT. over garage, nicely furn. Elec. heat. 2 blks. S. of Liberty Sen. Bus service everv hr. from 7:20 A.M. till 6:20 P.M. Alfo trailer hse. parking with elec. 4 bathroom privileges. L. G. Phillips. Rt. 3. Box 588K. Salem. For Rent Houses 2 RM. Cabin, not modern, fuel free. I on main higHway 6 mi. out. Will sell range and studio couch write Box i 646 Statesman. ; WOULD like to exchange leased , modern 2 bed room home for one I small enough for a sinele person. -Must have automatic heat. Box 841 Statesman. For Rent " SERVICE Station. Lube room and ' shop, at 496 S. Winter. Inq. 2320 Fair- , groundsKO. , Elec welder, paint sprayer, power cement mixer. .1140 S. 22nd. Ph. 2-4546. ; PLUMBING Tools, electric power tools, belt and disc sanders. etc. Call for voitr Tool needs. Howser s mni-A-iooi. avogewaier. - .. ..-r. .. uwu men rune n i. j.ih - - .. . rr r-r ruuviit sajnuui ror rem sac gornerT ward . .. T ZTTT TZ iiuiu.u ii rem p Wood re Mkt 105 N Si Timer i TRUCKS foi rent You drive Mi i Ctine 8r Iivell Phone 9600 U -DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets furn 197S Liberty PI. 9062 FLOOR Sander, elec. floor polisher and lawn roller. Rawlins Hardware the Marshall Wells Store. Ph 6877 Wanted to Rent URGENTLY needed. 2 or more bed ! room unfurnished home within Salem vicinity. Permanently employed parts manager. Please call 4119. PERMANENTLY em p. veteran des perate for house or apt. Will keep up repairs. Ph. 4686. NEWLY WED V.t.rsn and wife desneratelv need furn. apt. Both emp. No children or ! pets. Ph. Smart Shop. 5623. . 2 B R. hse for family of 3. All emp ,duits. No smoking or drinking or pets. $25 reward Ph. 21891 after 5 P M. ... . , w aim i tu: iraiier space connecting It a iiviiic iift k i n luuui j leges. No children. Can give refer ences. Box 843 Statesman. EMPLOYED woman lr daughter need unfurn. apt. or hse. Both away all dav. Ph. 3750 or 4571. VETERAN, wife 3 yr. old son desire furn. or unfurn. house. Excel. care. References. Employed LIB. bank. Ph. 8658 or 8879. . . ,v Z r " ii PERMANENT employe desires small ; modern home in eood district with : automatic heat. Forced to move after 6 years occupancy because of sale of house. Best of references.Ca!l9101. WANTED ITO LEASE: Bv permanent employe, a small NEW home with a little CHARM. Must have automatic heat. Prefer Fairmount Hill district. Call 9101. NEWLY Married veteran and wife in urgent need of 2 or 3 room apt. Both emploved. No children or pets. Ph. 3433 until 6 P.M. 4088 eve. TINY 1 or 2 rm. furnished apt. need ed by working girl. Close in. 825 States man. VET. Native of Salem wants house or apt. No children. Ph. 4171 Ext. 250 or 8647, 8 a.m. to 5 p m. i 12 CANS OF SPRY shortening re- wara ior iniormaiion leaamg 10 sun- able apt. or small house for renL No children or pets. Veteran. Box 948. For Sale Real Estate A NICE HOME for the money. New 4 room house just finished besides howeI' ,t1")' !J..v.W,U han - die. Price $3750. Pay by month. M. D. LOONEY. with Wm. E. Moses 3312 SUte St. Phone 4993 MONEY TO LOAN on first mort gages 4 to fi. Call for details. Ed Bvrkit & Co. 339 Chemeketa Street Phone 5981 WOOD Furnace with sawdust at tachments incl. all hot air pipes com plete $75. One double 50 gal. oil burn ing stoves on frame, cost $35. price $10. T u- n 11 tttfA .nH f m omn. tn ull them Clifford Harold co Loder Bros.. 465 Center St.. Salem, Oreg. Phone 5467. DANrtheTeal estate man. offers a well built countrv home with four bed rooms. tile bath and drain i- ,i. .... 1 and a beautiful view, on paved road. j 4 miles to Ladd & Bush Bank. $9000.00. A. E. Danielson, Realtor 168 North 12th Street Phone 24483 GARAGE. 16' x 21'. Sealed inside. Would make nice 2 rm. hse. $300. 653 N. High it. , 79 ACRES with 55 acres ot Dottom land located 14 miles from Salem. 6 good milk cows. 8 head young stock. milking machine, z norses ana norse implements. 5 room house with full basement, plumbing, electric water system, wired for range. Large, older barn. About 70 acres in cultivation, bottom land can be irrigated. School bus and milk route by the door. Will consider home in Salem on trade. A good farming setup for $15,000. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. 110'i N. Commercial St. Phone 3030 Eves. 8314 or 2-4908 G. I. HOME. Ready to move m. 2 bedrms. down, finished upstairs, auto. heat. $7850. See days or even ings. Also lots for sale 70x120. 35 Lansing Ave. DUTCH Colonial 4 bed rm, house. 2-3 acre all landscaped, double plumb ing, auto, oil heat, elec water heater, large finished party rm. in bsmt. Dble. garage. $19,000. Ph. 5460. FOR efficient and effective sales service call the Salem Realty Co NOW' FOR Sale or trade for house in Sa lem. 46 A. Central HowelL Ph. 22785. GRABENH0RST COUNTRY HOME Beautiful country home, modern auto-oil heat, hdwd. floors, i replace, dble. garage. 1$ acres in orchard. 2 miles out. Wonderful view. FOR AP POINTMENT Call Richard E. Grabenhorst HOME BARGAINS Modern 2 bdrm. home, located South. Fireplace, furnace, garage, dose to schools. Price $8950. Modern S rm. home, located North. Auto-oil heat. hdwd. floors, fireplace, unfin upstairs. See this today. CaU Richard E. Grabenhorst N. SUMMER STREET TWO OF SALEM'S FINEST HOMES 7 spacious nns. dble. plumbing, rum. pus room with fireplace. BRICK CON STRUCTION, hdwd. floors, beautiful yard. THIS IS TRULY A FAMILY HOME, Close-in 7 lge. rms. 2 bdrms. 2 up. dble. plbg. maid's quarters, sprinkline syrtem in yard. Outside fireplace. SEE THIS TODAY. Call Dale L. Shepherd. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty SL Phone 4131 HOLLYWOOD McKILLOP SPECIALS KEIZER $9950 New 2 bedroom home. Garage. nea. -. KEIZER $750 New 2 Bedroom modern home. tvijiuiittri $7850 Nice modern home. 2 Bedrooms. MIDDLE GROVE DISTRICT $8500 10 Acres. New barn. Deep well Fruit, peaches, apples, cherries, pears. FOUR CORNERS DISTRICT $8500 5 Acres, Good house. Electric Water System. Barn. Poultry House. Salesmen to Serve You John Zeeb - John JJerr - Ferd Zeeb - Rov Hancock Phone 25224 HOLLYWOOD McKILLOP REAL ESTATE 2075 Fairgrounds Road. Salem Open Evenings Best Buvs in Salem New garage house 20x30. foundation Disced for extra garage. Enough new I . . : . i T 11- I iumoer to "nun acr J.pluInb'n for house but not in- stalled. $3100. See H. E. Corey $5250. 3 Bedrm. Home On 99E, 3 mi. from center of Salem. Good lot. 2 garages. See H. E. Corey M. O. Humphreys and Co. Realtor 3035 Portland Road. Phone 7820 2286 Fairgrounds Road. Ph , RM h unfin. upstairs. 2-4596 i A. er(IUnd. Elec. water svst. Keizer Dist partly fum. $3400. Rt. 2, Box 130 r.ordon Gettis Bargain $4000 2 bedroom plastered house, good lot. This place is located on S. 16th St. Brand New New 2 bedroom home located in the Keizer district. Price reduced to $5950. Christmas Special Well built new 2 bedroom home, view property, modern corner kitch en H W. floors, large lot. Priced to sell. $9000. Be sure and see this. Morris Realtv Co. I , , . i c fTi , V i II 7. I .OmmerCiai Jl. t J Phone 4217 SPECIAL $80002 BR HOME. LR. Dinette. Hwd firs. Frplce. Bsmt. furnace. Call OMER. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 2-1549 Eves. 2-5091 LOT 50x125. Close to Hollywood. Nice home location. 3950. fH. 43 SEE THIS Nearlv new 4 room home in North Salem. A good buy at $5000 00. VICK ft DELANO. 290 N. Church St. ..... . T m t Iilrp A h 31 TV lale r Fxcentional location. near bus. school and grocery store. Large 5 rm. house at a sacrifice of $6000. Call Connally. Reimann Real Estate 201 So. High Ph . 3722 or 7836 ITS NEAT This laree size garage house parti' . - j - " m i,, iioneu .o. ..: i,u Sr rou"'- S;Zl T m It' There is. a drilled well over 100 It. riwi) 4 in. casing. Also slab and 1 foundation for second building plus all needed materials: over ' acre 1 good ground, yet the price of the ! whole thing is only $2850. Let us show you today. Salem Kealtv Co. Realtors : 149 N. Hih St. Phone 7660 LOOKING FOR INCOME PROPERTY? 5 Brm. house, close in. Will soon pay for itself. Price $7500. 4 Brm. house, close in. Wonderful possibilities. Priee $7750. Call Myles Henderson Joe Hutchison Realtor 455 Court Phone 7696 Res. 2-4682 A HONEY. A BARGAIN $8000 if sold this week. 2 Bdrm home. -- : v.,, v i. r-n bsmt furnace, beautiful creek lot. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3793 Eves. 9441 2 Bedroom $6250 t : 1 nnnlr k nH hath 1 ceiled with firtex." auto, gas water heater, new gas range and circulator included, attached garage witn utility, double construction. Located North. Call Ruberg. Reimann Real Estate 201 So. High Ph. 3722 or 7836 MONEY" TO LOA on first mort gages 4 to 6. Call for details. Ed Bvrkit & Co. 339 Chemeketa Street Phone 5981 $8900. 5 rms. Jr floored attic, hdw. firs., basement, furnace, fireplace. MELVTN JOHNSON ' 549 N. Cottage St. Ph. 3723 j NEW Small Cottage. Wired for Elec. ranee water heater. Plumbing in. Walls inside unfinished Living and ! dining room, bed room, kitchen bath, utility room laundry tray. Cloe to . bus ar school. Approx. acre. A real I huy at $2800.00. 147 N. Elma. Pen 4 V.OI iiyi s. GOOD mod. 7 R. Eng. type home, basement. fur fireplace, double ga rage, good location. Poss. soon. $10,500. terms. Nice mod. 5 R. home N. $7950. terms. About an A. fine land, nice loca tion, 3 M. ouL half in berries, nice , bldg. site, for quick sale $850. Valley Land CO.. 370 State St. Ph. 9679 JUST Reduced price for quick sale. $6500. $2850 down, new 5 rm. mod. home. App. ' A. Fruits h nuts. Poss. in 2 wks. Turn W. at Keizer Sen. First rd. on left. 4th hse. on left. LAST CALL Very nice 2 bed R. house, living room, nice kitchen at nook, small base. fruit room, 2 lots, corner, both streets paved, garage ft fruit trees. .W. Salem. $6800. cash. C J. JACKSON. 341 State St.. Salem CABIN for sale. Ph. 24270. "FOR SALE or Trade, my equity of $1600 in unfinished but livable house. .Will take pickup at part payment. 1 35 Fa lrhaven Ave. Reduced $1000 New 3 bedroom home . N.E. Fire place, electric heaL $5000 down, bal ance $60 monthly at 4a int. Posses sion immediately. See Allen Jones or Mable Needham 341 SUte SL. Room 4 Phone 6963 SPECIALS MARKET ST. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION fine rooms. 3 bdrms. full basement, fur nace, fireplace, hdwd. floors, home re decorated. THIS PROPERTY IS A BUY AT $10,000. -..' Call Cobum L Grabenhorst LESLIE SCHOOL DISTRICT IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 3 bdrms. 1 down. 2 up. English type, fireplace, hdwd. floors, basement, excellent lo cation close to schools. Call Coburn L Grabenhorst MR. INVESTOR LOOK THIS OVER!. 12 acres lying between Cherry Ave and N. River Road. 4 acres of walnuts, 2 acres of timber, bal. open. Would make a real sub division. Call G. H. Grabenhorst, Jr. KEIZER DISTRICT Approx. i acre with good late-built 4 rm, home with unfin attic. Price $7000. Call G H. Grabenhorst, Jr. RIVER PROPERTY 29 acres .located on S. River Road. Good 4 rm. home, fireplace, finished in knotty-pine. River frontage, viey property. FOR APPOINTMENT CaH Dale L. Shepherd DISTRICT Electric cooking and water hearing, oil DISTRICT Garage. Fruit trees. Avenue Garage. $69502 BDRM Hse. Full Bsmt. Fire place. Piped furn. N. $93502 Bdrm. hse. Full Basmt. Piped Fum. Will go GI. $9500 2 Bdrm. hse. Hip roof. Fireplace. Gar. Utilitv Rm. GI only. $10,000 New 3 Bdrm. Hse. attached Gar. Lge. lot with fruit trees. S. $12.000 1 story 4 bdrm. hse. Full bsmt. Piped furnace. $12,6003 Bdrm. hse. Full Bsmt. Pip ed Frun. Fireplace. Centrally located. $14.500 t Bdrm. h.e. Full Bsmt. Fire place. Dbl. Gar. Rental in rear. Abrams & Ellis, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone 9510 Real Estate Insurance sug. Loans A PRIDE TO OWN Brand new 3 BR home, all plastered. HWD floors, automatic floor furnace, fine large lot. edge of Salem, bus by door, reduced to $8950. See it! BEAT THIS FOR $7500 House with 2 apts and small busi ness bldg on good street in Salem. 2 HOUSES FOR $10,500 A large house with 3 apts and small house beside. 3 lots, on corner. Everything for $10,500. 24 UNIT APARTMENT HOUSE Close to city center, mostly fur nished, income is over $700 month. Full price $46 000. Harder's Real Estate 971 Edgewater. West Salem. PH. 9580 BY OWNER: New moaern home. rly possession, two bdrm. down one UP Plus one unfinished. Attached gr. and utility rm. Oil heat. Hdw. floor. Modern throughout. Inquire 1870 N. 22. Ph. 7667. A FINE HOME DOUBLE PLUMBING Hollywood district: three- bedrooms, automatic oil air conditioning furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace, large din ing room. You will appreciate the love ly kitchen with electric dishwasher and garbage disposal. And you mav have IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Price $12. 750. Mr. Holmes will show you. Salem Realtv Co. realtors" 149 N. High St. Phone 7660 3 New Houses ti.;.i... i. automatic heat, hardwood floors. Price $9000. G. I. SPECIAL 4 bed rms. out of town but driving to Salem. Immediate possession. Price $8000. SUBURBAN EAST Brand new. 3 bedrms with unfinish . eu upsiairz. z ai ed upstairs. 2 acres. Lots of trees and ! shrubs. Good view. School bus only i 2 blks. Electric heat. Full price $14,000. K ,-,,h i B M. O. Humphreys and Co. Realtor 3035 Portland Road. Phone 7820 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2-4596 I POPULAR LOCATION 2 bdrm. home, all modern, full bsmt. furnace heat, garage, 1 block to bus. $8000. BUY AND SAVE $4000 full purchase price. $1000 down, neat 1 bdrm home, large liv. rm., nice kitchen, lots of built-ms, modern. " CLOSE IN North 3 bdrm house with rental. $5500. LOW IN PRICE Considering location and productiveness.- 35 acres with new 2 bdrm house. 10 acres in cultivation, rest in pasture and timber. 2 large poultry houses, garage, year around creek, 4 acres in blackberries located near Woodburn. $8250. NEAR ALUMINUM PLANT 910 acre with nice 2 bdrm home, other bldg. which can be turned into rental. Lawrence Real Estate Loans and Insurance Phone 7506 520 N. High McKILLOPS 3 Good Lots East, sewer 8c City Water. 50x125. Price $600. 50x110 lot with Alley. Faces West. Price $925. Large oversize lot well located south. Price $950. Nice lot 50x100. North East, best of location. Price $1050. Near New High School. 56x128 lot on corner. Price $1100. North close in lot 50x120. Price $1100. North East corner lot 50x100. Price $1150. A very good location NE. Faces North. Price $1450. Beautiful view lot 100x235 in Pio neer Heights. Price $1750. McKillop Real Estate Agency 169 South High Phone 5-1-3-1 Phone eves. 2-4263 - 6901 - 7163 - 4937 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $7500 3'i A. 3 Br home about 6 vrs old. Elec Range, oil circ. included. Call OMER. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 2-1549 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 2-5091 Very Modern Close to Public 8c Parocial Schools $8700 Oak Floors fireplace Full base ment, pipe furnace, paved street, con venient kitchen. 2 bedrooms and bath down 2 bedrooms up. Call Mc Glauflin. Reimann Real Estate -Listings Skillfully- Handled" 201 So. High Ph- 3722 or 7838 83400 Garage Hse tt " A. LR. K. 1 BR down. 1 BR up. Concrete floors, well, septic tank. s mi Bus 8c Grade Sch. Call Eward Smith. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 2-1549 341 Chemeketa St Eves. 2-1731 To Buy or Charles HOMES MOVING TO DALLAS MODERN HOME ON 1 ACRES We have a 4 bedrm. home, partly . , , , - . . 1 furnished. Located 3 blocks from busi- 3 bedrms, living, dining room, kilch ness dist Close to school. $7200. Sal en. large breakfast nook. I'm acres. 36 ' 20 bam. pig pen. chix hse, double ga- Living rJorn0", "ro kitchen r Wh with lots of built-in, wired for elect, appearance. Close to city limits. $11.- range. elect, water tank, carpet wall 000. Sal 145. to wall. Oil circulator. 2 bathrooms, good lawn, flowers, shrubs. $8500. Sal 128X. ' FARMS 4$ acres. 2 bedroom house, barn, ma- ROOM FOR CHILD REX HERE chine shed, other smaller buildings. 35 A.. 29 cult. $ A. pasture. 4 A. Turkey range equipment. 50 or more strawberries going in this spring. Good large shade trees in bam yard and 4 bdrm. hse. 36x42 bam. chick, hse, around house. Good buy. fine Iocs- hog hse.. 18x30 shed. 3 ML east of tion. $10,600. Sal 119. Capitol Bldg. on school rte. $1C.008. Sal 142. THERE'S A BULL TO SLING HERE GRADE A DAIRY 15 acres, all cultivated, good pas- 43 acre,. 3C under cultivation, good ture. large chicken house garage. 10 f.rmiy orchard. 7 room houseT fire- V X. un.it milkmg machine winter supply ox wgw, ygjuv. ail lii. GENERAL AND STOCK FARM Bordering open range. About 40 head of sheep. 129 'i A.. 55 under cultiva . ; n v. . L. - im w - Could be subdivided. Nice 4 room house. $14,000. Sal 125. 40 A. IN THE RED HILLS Orchard and grain farm. prunes, walnuts. gooseberries and room house, full basement. 40x00 barn. blackcaps. Oats and vetch. 1 bedroom 45 to 50 tons- of hav. 6 brooder houses house. Price includes tractor and ma- and several other buildings and equtp- chinery- $13,000. Sal 129. ment. 3 miles N. of Albanr. $13,000. Sal 148. NORTH OF GERVAIS WHEAT 8c STOCK 28 A., all cult. Modern 3 bedrm. hse.. 767 A.. 175 A. cult. Fenced. 2 weUs. " lots of shrubs, family orchard. 30x40 Spring. 7 Rm. Farm hse. S otr.er house barn, chicken he.. 3 garages. 2 cows as rentals. Eastern Oregon. $16,000. No. and feed. $11,500. Sal 138. 337. COMPLETELY FURNISHED 10 ACRE ORCHARD 10 acres, 5 acres cultivated. 5 acre 25 cherry. 60 good Petite Prunes. 20 2d growth. Family orchard. New 2-bed- good apple trees. Soil has been dyna- room ranch house, nice la An. Kelvm- mited. ha had cover crop for past 30 atcr refrigerator, rad-.o. otrer furn- - years. $3150. Close in. Sal 140. ture. $5500. Near Hubbard. No. 432. INCOME AIRPLANE DEALERSHIP Flying service, office, parts and equipment. A real buy and good future, to be sold at list price. Sal 117 Inc. 8', YEAR LEASE on comb, service sta.. garage, grocerv. 2 cabins 8c trailer space. Includes some tools, furniture, sta. equip., inven. of 6 unit apartment house, furnished. 8230 groceries, and 2 welders. Good loca- monthly income, good location. Sal tion. $8975. Sal 105 Inc. 104 Inc. CHARLES DELFEL, Realtor - 615 N. Capitol St. - Phone 7002 Open M-JS0 a.m. to 8:30 p m. Forkner-Bourne Immediate Possession New small 2 bedroom house, on con crete foundation, house is plastered . throughout, option to purchase addi- , tional lot. Total price $5000. Terms. Kingwood Drive Home Nice 3 bedroom home, oil heat, splen did view, well located for schools and transportation, east frontage, good size lot. house is $ years old, only $7500. Immediate Possession New 3 bedroom home, large modern kitchen, big living room, attached ga- range, plenty of room for garden. Priced right at $7950. Suburban Special 4 it old three bedroom house, hard- ' wood floors, large living and dining room, fireplace, full basement with ad- ditional kitchen, large double garage. poultry house, about 2 acres of blacK i rich soil, with walnuts and filberts, i paved street. 3 blocks to school. City bus line. A first class suburban proper- i ty. $12,750. ! Immediate Poss. East New exceptionally well bui!t. two bedrooms, oak floors throughout, mod- i ernistic design, with a wee touch of old fashion, automatic oil furnace, well located, large lot 75x150 1 block to bus. $9000. it tnese ao not meet your neeas. e stl hav . lr' Section worthy of your consideration. Forkner, Bourne Realtors Phone 3031 1853 N. Cap.tol 7 Acres, House & Barn Eola district. Level topography. Am itv Silt soil, all tillable. Year-round creek thru property. 3 BR. house. 4 stanchion barn with hay loft, garage Ac workshop. 2 poultry houses. New 147' w ell. Full pi ice $4500. House & 1 Acre, North Clean 3 BR home with city water At several cherry trees. Facing paved road. Has chicken house, woodshed &. only $4900. j New, Modern, North New home on comer lot in fine : district of N. Salem. 2 BR. LR. DR. Kit. ; Nook. Hdw. floors, wired for range elect. Wtr. heater. Elect heat, double v.. it V. . . . L. . V. n . . Klingv. run u.iurui wuit r i m er and toilet. Completely insulated. A fine buy at $11,950. Grocery Store, Living Quarters For a fine investment to bring you better than 20 on your money call us about this deal. This store is equip ped with the best in equipment. Also a small butcher shop with large walk in refrigerator. Also a 2 BR home with LR. DR. Kit. Ac bath. Has auto, oil floor furnace. House is complete! v fur nished in every way. Only $25,000. $3000 Down New 2 BR home on Acre close in on Wallace Rd. Has Comb. DR-LR with large wintodws. Kit. wired for range, has elect, water heater and elect. Trier modor heaters. Attached garage. Full price $10,500. Walter Musgrave Realtors 1233 EDGEWATER ST. PH.5109 2 Bedroom $4500 Living room and kitchen, cement foundation, ceiled with plywood. 2 bedrm up. 'i acre. House nearly com pleted and is livable. Good well. North. Call Ruberg. Reimann Real Estate 201 So. High Ph. 3722 or 7836 Special $3500.00 2 bedroom house reduced for quick sale. Inside city limits. M. O. HUMPHREYS 8c CO.. REALTOR 3035 Portland Road Phone 7820 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2-4596 TO BUY OR SELL SEE THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 2-4793 See This Lovely Rose Street Home Provides Gracious Living 3 bdrms. double plumbing, all hard wood floors, sprinkling system. Auto heat. Call Baron. Reimann Real Estate "Listings Skillfully Handled" 201 So. High Ph. 3722 or 7836 Eves. 8c Sun. 3821 or 2-4113 $7500 North. Best Location Spacious living room. Well arranged kitchen. 2 nice bedrooms. Plenty of closet space. Full basement, automatic piped furnace. Large lot- Plenty of ihrubs. R. E. Meredith Realtor REALTOR .76 S. Comm. Phone" 8841 Sell Sec Delfel place. Bam has steel stanchions ee- ment floor, and good milk house. 1 miles sooth of Pen Tour Corners. Sal 144. $24,000. SUBURBAN CHICKEN FARM !' acres Willamette S:!t loam Old - 3 bedroom house done over inside. New J4x5 chicken house. 280 laying hens. 2 stanchion barn. On Lancaster Drive. Sal 146. $9000. CHICKEN OR GENERAL FARMING 40 acres, all under cultivation. 3 bed- NATURAL SUBDIVISION 88 acies. already surveved for sub division. Cross-fenced Wa'er at 18 feet; 1 well now in. Adjoining Gervaia. $10,750. Sal 109 Inc. DO NT SLEEP IX THE PARK Here's a place to lire AND an income. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON LITTLE GEM Attractive 4 rooms, bjlth Jk garage. Newly redecorated inside and out. Close to bus 8c school. Tnis h'srr.e certain ly should be reallv comfort able for a small family. Chi circulator-stars. $5 5 00 SEE HUDKINS FIRST! CHAS. HUDKINS & SON POSSESSION TODAY 2 bedroorrrs. auto, r.eat. lire place, full basement. It's in nice shape art J you can pur chase it on terms for cq " n n J v VF SEE HUDKINS FIRST! IT c TJT TTVT"VC: C?1M V -1 1 A 3 . Ilb uaLt 0. CVS, HOLLYWOOD S cheerful rooms of just pre . I lUII-H . i-w.tVJII. K IU1 ment. furnace. Laundry trays. The back vard is a pleasure) ' to see. Roses 'and shrubs a plenty. Ycj can buy this neat home for $2500 down, even tho saie price is $9450 SEE HUDKINS FIRST! CHAS. HUDKINS & SON SMALL ACREAGE Only 5 years old3 bedrooms. Full baseir.ent and furnace. Double garage, chicken hous . and best of soC Close to school 8c bus line Right org hard surface road. Here cculdl be eal security for family who would Uke to raise wmt of their own needs. It's a : rifice even at $12,7 50 SEE HUDKINS FTRST? 275 State Street Phone 2-412$ Leo N. Childs, Inc., Realtors OUTSTANDING VALUES MOVE IN NEXT WEEK. Small 4) room home. Brand new roof. Lot about c n - . . u'.ii i . i . i , juAiitf, ncu Hiyatcu on city E7U line. Act now or never on this one. $3800. $8000 Buys a beautiful new home with two bedrooms and an unfinished room upstairs. Automatic oil heat, at tached garage, large lot with room for good garden. This is a quick acting; kind. BEAUTIFUL corner home located in a very nice neighborhood. Close to schools. Living roc. d:r.in room, kitchen with built-ins. 3 bedrooms and full basemenL We recommend this for $12,000 30 ACRES good soil. All cultivated. 20 acres fruit and nuts. 1 acre berries. 5 room house. All t.-.: for only $7000. "3C years of dependable service to home owners' CALL 91 K N VOORHEES or JAMES B. HARTMAN witr. Leo N. Child. Inc. REALTORS 344 State St Phone 9281 WHY BE CROWDED' EXTRA BEDROOMS EXTRA BATH 4 bedrm. dbl. plbg hdw. ' firs, fire place. LI, D R. K. Good basement Jk utility rm. Call "Habby" Habemicht . - Joe Hutchison Realtor 455 Court Phone Its ADVERTISING Western Advertising: Representatives Ward-Griffith Company. Inc. San , Francisco Eastern Advertising Representatives Ward-Griffith Com pane. Inc. Chicago. New York. Detroit. Boston, Atlanta Member Pacific Coast Division Bureau of Advertising Entered at the Posf office at Sa le. Oreposi as Second Clam Hotter- Published every nonms f r cept Monday Basrnett of ace 215 South Commercial Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mail Subscription Rates in Ad vance: Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday. Mo 80 cents: $ mot. $3 25: 1 year. $8 00 Elsewhere SO cents per mo. er $7 20 for 1 year a advancw. Per copy S cents. By City Carrier. 73 cents m month. $9 00 a year in advance sa Marioa and adjarent count: ra.