Stocks Suffer Small Decline NEW YORK. Dec 5,-UP)-Stock market leaders, with scattered ex ceptions, suffered moderate re verses today despite Wall Street's continued wishful thinking re garding a possible coal truce which touched off Wednesday's rally. The list was down at the start, came back around midday, dipped again and reduced losses running to 2 or more points in the final hour when President Green of the ATX. - proposed a conference of mine operators said union of ficials to settle th fuel dispute. The belated recovery failed to follow through in most cases. Dealings slowed at intervals and transfers of 1.060 ,000 shares com pared with 1 .440,000 the day be fore which were the largest in a month. KEKK AWARDED MEDAL. PORTLAND, Dec 5.W-Maj. Robert M. Kerr was awarded the legion of merit today for his serv ices as chief prosecutor in the war crimes trial of the Japanese gen eral. Yanvashita. Normandy Manor PRESENTS Al George & Band (Five Merry Musicians) DANCING EVERY EVENING, 9 TO 1 Extra Special Attraction Every Friday Sarsrday Nights ENTERTAINMENT Betty Dixon, Songstress Bringing to Salem - - new and deliciousty intimate songs & piano compositions. Composer of I Found Paradise. "Bob by Sox Serenade." You will enjoy bearing her aing -LITTLE RED WAGON -AROUND THK CLOCK" "OUTSKIRTS OF TOWN AND MANY MORE CLETER TUNES Popalar Priced Dinner Starting at H Cents, Every Evening. S-9 p. bl. Except Saturday Bandar - - Closed Mondays PHONE 5585 Wheat Stages Big Advance - CHICAGO, Dee. 5.-0P-Wheat advanced as much as XVt cents a bushel on the board of trade today n response to heavy de mand for flour from foreign coun tries. 'Mills were on the buying side of the grain, lifting hedges against flour amies. Near-by corn and oats futures were firm, but deferred contracts were unable to stage any advance. Largest gains In wheat were also scored by near-by contracts. The disparity was based on present strong; demand for grains and a feeling more supplies will be available later next year. Wheat closed higher, January 2.0fl, corn was lower to XVt higher, January $1.32 4. and oats Vi lower to higher, December 814-. Touching off the flour demand was the overnight agriculture de partment announcement that 6. 000 000 sacks of 100 pounds each will be allocated to 10 countries during the first quarter of 1M7. Allocations to other countries were expected to be announced later. i " Foreign baying missions step ped into the market immediately after allocations were announced. Trade reports aid sufficient sup plies to fill the allocations could have been sold today if the flour had been available. When Robert Louis Stevenson built a home in tropic Samoa he included a fireplace costing more than $1000. r y-.i. .. ANNIVERSARY STEAK- skiapy iu pertly at a .table decked with a candle and slrfteia steak all for him m Hh Ms little ewner. Ana De Lesze. 4, eX Chicago. Just en year after the let fees and adapted the dag. MM M THIS IS YOUR OLD FRIEIID cJJH Back in Lly Dpsiairs Store Again After being closed 14 months due to the critical shortage of men's quality clothing asd sky-high prices. . Beginning This Horning Friday, December 6lh, al 9 A. II. Jo offers you some Bono; Up Money Saving Opening Specials in men's superfine qualify clothing. Furnishings and Hats For This Great Re-opening Event Joe Gives You Old and New Customers Alike a Straight As a Christmas Gift on any article in the shop Everything is plainly price ticketed at regular O. P. A. prices or less. You deduct 10 - from these prices. Following is a list of many hard to find clothing and accessories. DOIIT DELAY - SHOP EARLY STS&S- 103 Wool Slacks Expertly tailored to Joe's Specifications in just the color and fabric you've long waited for. Gabardines. Coverts. Tweeds. Whipcords. Cavalry Twills and Doe Skin. Sizes 28 to 42. 100 Wool Spori Coal and Leisure Coals Also Water Repellant Lined and Unlined Jackets. All Sizes 100 Vool Topcoats Stock is still incomple'e but we may have what you want right now and don't for get, 10 reductions. 100 Wool Sails Stock is incomplete right now, mostly double breasted tweeds, but wonderful values with 10 reductions. T SHIRTS Vhite 2 ply combed yam. 10 -reductions. BRIEFS Double crotch saddle seat, double pleated seams, rayon and cotton knit. In a well known style. 10 reductions. HATS Famous Ghelson America's finest Fur Felts. Exclusively hand made, newest shapes and colors at 10 reductions. RAHICOATS Cotton gabardine full lined in raglan mod el and cravenetted. Also officer's style civilian coats. At 10 reductions. ACCESSORIES National advertised makes Socks. Hand kerchiefs. Belts. Suspenders. Sweaters, Wool Vests. Robes, Ties. Sail Cases 10 Oil Sporl Shirts 2-Way style dress or sport wear. 10 reductions. SHORTS Button, snap and fly fronts. Also elastic waist, band boxer style. Broadcloth, bal loon cloth, in white, solid colors and fancy stripes. No finer shorts made. All sizes up to 44. 10 Reductions Your Inspeciion.lnviled Wilted ObligaHsss Open TCI 9 o'clock Friday and Saturday Night Walk upstairs where low overhead costs make great servings possible on young men's superfine quality clothes. 's and JOE'S UPSTATES CLOTHES SHOP 442 STATE STOEET Above The Morris Optical Co, Walk Up One Flight ol Stabs J" LI DEER LIKE CANDY - Mrs. LiirUa Bennett and laanter. Lrota. 7. as San Carlo. Calif., feed candy to rwe lama doe dear Is Kedwead Bi Basis Stat Park near Santa Crux. Calif. Miniature Replica of X-Ray Unit I -v-'. i. -,Tge : 4- a. (GI Photo J This saodel la a small-acaW rrprodaetloa of a raobtla X-ray snlt of th Xjv used bj tabercaloaia asaodauona in mass cawe-iinaing prosrama. n... n u.iniii hiiKi mm ha drifm from nlaca to nlace for BDacdr chest Z-rays of lase troops of people. Christmas Seal rands an p port maaa caae-Andlns work of tuhercaloela aasociaaons. t'ortlsnd Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. S (AP) Butterfat (tentative, subject to im mediate change! Premium quality, maximum at Xi of 1 per cent aodrty . delivered tn Portia ml. 93-93c lb.: lt quality tl-ftSet lb : second quality. 7 SHc; valiey routes and country points 1c teas tban first or It) Se lb. Butter VTholesale. fob bulk 6S lb. rtltvest : AA. 93 score. 4c: A. 93 score. U-S3C lb.: B. M score. 90-lc lb.; C. 89 scote. Tic Cheese Orenon singles 55-57c; Or egon lofa. f7-59c: triplets M'i-5flc. EKs Aarade. large. SO'i-l'ic: medium. f5'i-54Wc: B grade large. 4T-40C: smaU (pullet). 41Ii-UiC. t Egs Purchases from farmers: Cur rent receipts. 4-s5e: buyers pay ji ,c doz. below wholesale quotations on graded basis tor best hennery eggs Dressed turkeys No 1 young hens, loose, f o b plante. 46-47 c lb.: No. 1 iortis. 29e lb., advance basis to pro ducers. 25c. Dressed turkeys To retailers, grade A hens. New York style. 53-4c lb.: torn, under 20 lbs. 39c lb.; ever SO lbs.,. 38c lb. Dressed chickens Sell to retailers: Spring broilers. 3 lbs. and up. 53c-. col ored hens. 37c: Leghorn fowls. 33c; old roosters and stags. 2sc Uve chickens No. 1 Leghorn broil ers. 1 to 3 lbs. 3S-36C tb: fryers. 3 to 3 lbs. 37-38C: 3 to 4 lbs. 37-40C lb ; roasters. 4 lbs. 37-40c: fowl. Leghorn, all wts.. 23-I3e: fowl, colored, all wts. 27-30c; roosters and stags. 13-17e lb Rabbits Average to retailers. Mc rn dminl nrices to producers. 43c: fryers, live, white. 13-25c Ib colored. 23c lb. Green onions $1 -1 OS a dok. bunches. Dried Onions Oregon yellows. No. . 1 31.3A-1.4 a M-lb. sack: Idaho yel 1 SI 05-1 73 a 5a-lb. sack: Idahe yel low Spanish, medium. 31-25-1-35: Urge. SI .63-1.73: Idaho white, medium. Sl-90-2.90. Potatoes Washington Russets. S3 95 2J3: M lbs.. No. a. Oee-41-10: local long white. 3243-2,63 cwt iOamath Ru aets. .No. Y. S3 JS-1SS: Deschutes. No. 1. S2.73-3.09-. Bakers. S3 1 J. Veal Best quality. 2-37c lb.: B. 23-2tc: C 21 -23e; cull. M-SOc lb. Hogs block butchers, packer stele. 155-213 lbs. S3-34c: ever 113 lbs SJc-. sows, ail welghU. SS-Mc lb. Lambs AA. 34-35c: A. 32c. B. rr-sac-. C 23c; mutton 11-lSc lb. ac vordarg to quajsty and weight- Beef Best quality. 39-32ci B" SCc. C 23c. rsnaer and cutter IS-SOc: bologna bulls 25c. Ceaeara bark Creen S-tWc; dry 2e. mI Valley, cwexae and medium arades 45c lb. Mooafr 40 lb. on 12-month The climate on Easter island in the Pacific is healthful but the soil's fertility hax been destroyed bj volcanoes. The only water found in craters and that i brackish and shell fish are the only obtainable marine food. Order to Speed Grain Relief WASHINGTON, Dee. 4-vT- The inters tale commerce com mission has , ordered ernersency measures, effective next Monday, to speed the movement of train to foreign countries to meet critically urgent needs. In one order, the commission directed the railroads to give priority for grain loading in? Ore son, Washington, Idaho (except ail points on the Union Pacific railroad company east of Hunt ington, Oregon, and except all points on the Utah Idaho Central The Stalssangit, Salem Ogottl Friday, December 8. 133 13 Railroad ' corporation la i Idaho and at Paradise and Troy, Mon tana, or points west. , This order sffects Commodity Credit . corporation bulk grain, consigned to the agriculture de partment end grain intended for the foreign relief program. - Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore., Dee. t (AP) Caab grata: No. 1 flu 7-23. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white l.SO; oft white (excluding "Real 1 JO; white dub ISO: western red 1.90. Hard red winter: Ordinary 1 90; 19 per cent 1 l: 11 per cent IM. 12 per cent 2.91. Hard white Baart: 19 per cent 2X7; 11 Per cent 2.29: 12 per cent 2.31. Today's ear receipts: Wheat ifl. bar ley 0, flour 4. corn S. oaU 1. bay .2. millfeed f, Pmsrliand ' Uvealock i rOKTUbra. Ore, Dec S (AP)- (USnAlSalabla cattle 150. total 223; salable and total eahrea T3; market fairly active., about steady; one- Jot good 113 lb. steers 2SM: M head ilea; ceanmeai - Medium gyailsa M M. ! www m sit una better M.0O; nam cutter cm Tja-9J: fat dairy type cows 1O.OO-11S0; beovr Holsteina to 12 DO; medium good beef cows 13.00-13 90: common'- good sausage bulla 10 JO-14 JM; good choice vealers 17.00-40: good 175 lb. calve IS-SO; eommon down to 12.00. , Salable hogs 59. total 330: market slow. 23 cents lower; good -choir 200 249 lb. weights 23.23: food sow largely 23.00; rwoq-ehoice feeder, pig quot able 2i.0O-23.0O. Salable sheep 100. total 100; market active, steady; : good-choice w noted tombs 21. 0O: common 63 lb. 14.90: medium-good ewes 3.609-50: commotv- rwea quotable to 1M. (J j0D (SKB (3in83IZ&& i ... , n in i iBi MllssauwassoSCr- A .l'7lVi'rVy f- i:sse Ina Ibfse Ike IhlhnDy izrxi XltlA Ercis EXPANSION WATCH BANDS YeUow Gold Filled . . . 7.50 White Stainless Steel . . 4.75 " i CC3MK3WM9 StUCT THE IKMGS TOUTft JUWiTS WIXTED! 0. see' rW. HO r rTJL-ffi n - tl I esarw - aVIafetl Ns, i or better. 32 99-33 M tea: No. 1 ttmotfay 33M-3SM toau eats and vetch, mixed hsy. vsDey giowess' .asking price 22 00-433 too: clover Swy. un certified 21 -54-23 5 ikaled est terms. PUPPIES FOR SALE Order now for Xmas. registered A. K. C. blacks and white cockers. Sire Fetton's ravorite Fellow; dam Fa ye. J. . Petersori, Rt 1, Box 237, Salem. Phone 23277. yi Hand Brushe Mirrors, all sizes and prices. Jewelite Hair Brushes and Baby Sets 0r it I Frnmiain In peM S5 I Sheaf fere, I if li Parkers, I J . II Wstennsns. C Vf V Eberhards & Sj m I A am; i 1 1 1 II I i u it mm Dreaaer Sets from $2-00 to $35.00 Tuya Sets ior the Ladies, $6.30 ami up BflUolds, large assortment Handmade Ladies' Purses Evanina In Paris Sets Colonial Club Sets Xmas Cards Compacts SocUte Candy Wins tela. Chocolate Pipes ior Dad and Brother Electric Clocks (no alarm) Odette Razor Sets Fancy Stationery Heating Pads Cntox Sets Perfume Lamps Sharing Brushes Jxok over our Christmas assortment of gifts none better. sU DcpeeJt Will Hols' Till Cnrtstaaas Iff;; CHOCOLATES St 8 ar t . OB w f to 7 al Pinanl's Shaving Seta Williams Shavin; Prep Sets 135 N. Commercial St. e.r c . au 5 se AV Cedar r!L jf H ft fl Filled T YA. SUtWry Jji J. r! - f Sale Aceats far rraslar Kcsoediei far ftlsriea Cematjr Prescriptions Filled 1899-1946 Phone 5197-9723 , A. KM KM i. a VA1UUIV1 K S 9W ft wav j.-av w m aa " j