The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 04, 1946, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 Th Statesman, firrlam. Ow,
Mills Coeds
Home This
First of the college contingent
to arrive in the capital for the
Christinas holidays will be the
Mills- college girls, who "are ex
pected home this weekend for the
month long vacation. The (irk
will be here until after New
Miss Georgia Roberta, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Rob
erts, will arrive in Salem Saturday
by plane to spend the month at
the Morningside residence of her
parents. She is a sophomore at
Miss Carmen Campbell, daugh
te of Mrs. Van Wieder and a sen
ior at Mills, will be home Satur
day. Miss Jeannette Wieder went
south last week to visit with Miss
Campbell and is accompanying
her north.
Miss Margaret Bellinger, daugh
ter of Mrs. Allan Bellinger, also
a senior student, will be home
December 10. She is spending the
weekend in the bay area with her
Brother, Allan, who is aoon leav
ing for overseas duty.
Joy Randall, also a senior, is
expected home this weekend to
be with her mother, Mrs. L. E.
Randall, for the holidays.
Committees Named
At the Rebekah Lodge meeting
Monday night Mrs. Thomas Mc
Leod, deputy president, reported
that eighty-five dollars was in the
fund for the I OOF home in Port
land. The hostess committee for
December includes Mesdames
Jennie Chalmers, Ida Hochstet
tler and O. L, Scott.
Christmas committees were ap
pointed as follows: program, Mrs.
Loren White, Mrs. Virgil Parker
and Mrs. Mae Hill; refreshments,
Mrs. William Gardner. Mrs. Mary
Staats, Mrs. Clem Ohlsen, Mrs.
Mabel Corwin and Mrs. Mary
Dunn. Ladies auxiliary of the
Patriarch Militant will decorate
the tree. Initiation will be held
December 9.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geerre
H. Standley of Garden Road are
their son-in-law and daughter
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh E. Riley, jr.
(Pauline Standley), who were
married November 15 in Seattle.
The Rileys are here on leave from
their duties at the naval air train
ing station at Sand Point, Seattle.
Sweetheart Sets
Sweetheart Set.
10K cold Locket
and Chain and Ex
pansion Brac let.
;,ay 1985
i They're needed today,
more than evzrfcforcj
Women's Ed&o
Tea Friday
At Findley
. Mrs. M. C Findley wil be a tea
hostess Friday afternoon at her
North 20th street residence. She
will be assisted by her daughters,
Mrs. Roy Lockenour, Mrs. Robert
F. Wulf and Mrs. P. H. Brydon.
They have asked a group of their
friends to call between 2:30 and
During the afternoon musical
selections will be given by Mrs.
Ronald Gillson, pianist. Mrs. E.
T. Barnett and Miss Edith Fair
ham, soloists. Arrangements of
autumn flowers will provide the
decorative note.
In the evening Dr. and Mrs.
Findley will be hosts for an in
formal at home in compliment to
an additional group of their
Miss Larkins
Is Engaged
Miss Fay . Larkins, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn ' M. Larkins,
revealed her betrothal to Don
Bowers, son of Mr. and Mrs. O.
B. Bowers, Monday night at a
dessert supper party at the home
of her parents. Miniature fans,
bearing the engaged couple's
names, disclosed the news.
Miss Larkins attended Wilra
mina schools and her fiance, Sa
lem schools. He is now attending
the Oregon College of Education
after serving three years in the
Guests at the party were Miss
Betty Steer. Miss Betty Van Os
rel. Miss Rita Harr, Miss Marge
Henery, Miss Donna Lovre. MLS
June Johnson. Mrs. Gerald De
Sart, Mrs. Thomas Hubbard. Mrs.
George Davis and Mrs. Jack Fin
den. Miscellany
Readers Send in Ideas, Writer Passes
Them On; Winter Dishes Featured
By Maxine Buren
Statesman Woman's Editor
Miscellany of ideas.
For an easily prepared main dish and vegetable combined, stuff
r,lf acorn or Danish squashes with canned, highly flavored meats.
Apples may be cut finely and added to the mixture, too.
Fresh pears, just a bit on the
underdone side, make good pie j and luscious, without the grainy
when treated just as other fruits, consistency of cooking pears.
Merely squeeze a little lemon juice
over them and sugar to taste,
make with top crust or lattice
Last of a turkey, veal roast or
chicken might appear as a meat
pie, bolstered up with onion, car
rots and potatoes. With a bowl
of combination salad and some hot
biscuits it makes a pretty good '
Grate a little cheese into the
dough that covers the apple pie.
it will provide interesting flavor.
Don't forget prune whip as a
dessert that requires little su-,
gar to make sweet.
A Statesman reader writes that!
"Prunes are very nice to cook
without sugar. Take out seed and j
slice, cook slowly down until very ;
thick and seal." -That's for fresh t
prunes, and it also goes for dried j
prunes as a breakfast fruit. A ;
compote of several dried fruits re- j
quire little sugar and if spiced i
mildly and served hot for break- j
fast they make an excellent break
fast dish.
Apples and sweet potatoes make
an excellent casserole dish, espe
cially when a few nuts are added.
French onion soup, recipe for
which may be found in any good
cookbook, is an excellent Sunday
night supper dish.
Now that whipped cream's here
again, it can make simple dishes
rather dressy. Fold broken up
peanut butter into the whipped
cream to top baked apples or
Remember fresh pears as a
breakfast fruit, either with cream
and sugar or sprinkled with a bit
of salt. Winter pears are creamy
! J l
- "w"histles while you
work ... or play! Tells you
when the water's boiling! No
watching needed. Water
level always in sight; avoids
"boil-drys." So simple to
clean. 2-qt. size.
Special 1.95
a oua aiummum" raooucr
Allen Hdwe. Co.
U N. Csssi rreJal
Salens. Orrreai,... . i -
The Home
Society Editor
Girt Scout council. Santiam Area.
Met at chamber of cum a urii, P-m..
board meeting at 130 p m.
Royal Neighbors, VFW haO. PJ-.
WRC businoas meeting YWCA. t p.m.
Pythian Sistets. Initiation and elec
tion. 14 N. Commercial St.. pja.
Orel No. 1. first Methodist church,
with Mrs. A. A. Schramm. It N. 11th
it .. 1J1 p.m.
Sons of Union Veterans auxiliary at
Salem Woman's clubhouse. T.M p.m..
election. .
Past President dub of VTW auxil
iary. Christmas party with Mrs. Ar
thur Davis. SM N. 20th t.. pjn.
Woman's auxiliary and St. Paul's
guild of St. Paurs Episcopal church
Christmas bazaar and tea at parish
house, bef Inning at 12 p.m.
Salem Weavers guild at YMCA. 1 pjn.
Sunshine Sewing club of Hazel Green
with Mrs. Rudolph Wacken. 2 p.m.
First Congregational Church Ladies
guild annual bazaar and tea at church,
all day. jitney dinner. 9 30 p.m.
Neighbors of Woodcraft Thimble dub
with Mrs. Claude Townsead. Ml D at..
no-host dinner at noon.
Raphaterians with Mrs. Nora Thomp
son. 4M N. Winter st 2 JS pjn.
DAV auxiliary at Woman's dub
house. S p.m.. social hour with chapter
to foUew.
Pioneer Post. No. 1S. American
Legion, at Legion hall. S p.m.
Friendly Neighbors Garden dub no
host dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Coon. Fairview avenue. S30 p. m.
Hollywood Merry -Go-Round, with
Mrs. Milton Rice. Hollywood drive. 2
p. m.
Kingwood Garden dub. with Mrs.
A. r. Goffner. 1390 Elm St.. 1:30 des
sert luncheon.
Highland Mothers club, 1:11 at school
Kappa Alpha Theta alumnae with
Mn. W. Wells Blum, assisted by Mrs.
Roy S. Keene, S p m.
Pringle-Pleasant Point Social club,
with. Mrs. George Grabenhorst, noon
Merry Minglers with Mrs. R. J. Wa
gers, afternoon meeting.
Keizer Ladles Sewing club with Mrs.
W. E. Savage. 1413 N. Church St., all
dav. covered dish luncheon.
DAV auxiliary all day bazaar sewing
with Mrs Stuart Johns. X7SU Monroe.
Sedgwick Woman's Relief Corps,
covered dish homecoming luncheon.
noon, at VFW hall.
Englewood Woman's club Christmas
; party with Mrs. Tyler Morley. 1714
Nebraska. 1 p. m.
Salem Heights Woman's dub, com
1 munity hall. 2 p. m.
club HLummum
Juwpnetotegt watiueis cooiwaie
For better hot cakes -sandwiches,
meat pat
ties - or other fried fa
vorites, try this Club
No greasy odor
0-inch size
31nb Hanmercrail
Vill add joy to all your
ian frying and broiling.
Food browns quickly
and evenly without
10 '2 -inch
Formal on
Social highlight on the Willam
ette Suniversity campus this week
end 'will be the annual fall Pan
Hellenic formal dance- Saturday
The affair will be held in the
Mirror Room of the Marion hotel
with dancing from to 12 o'clock
to the music of David London
and j his band from Portland.
Hostesses for the affair are
members of Delta Gamma, PI
Beta Phi, Alpha Chi. Omega and
Chi Omega. Over a hundred cou
ples; are expected to attend the
firstl formal dance of the year.
Patrons and patronesses will be
the four house mothers, Mrs. Des
seret Schaeffer, Mrs. William
Kirk, Mrs. Denise Murray. Miss
Minnie Just, and Dr. and Mrs. G.
Herbert Smith. Dr. and Mrs. Law
rence Riggs, Dean and Mrs. Se
ward Reese, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph
E. Purvine and Prof, and Mrs.
James Simpson.
SILVUtTOK Dorothea Seartfc
reported at the Tuesday night
meeting of Ramona chapter OES,
on the Willamette Valley Matrons
and. Patrons meeting in Albany
andj on Rainbow activities.
Mrs. J. E. Stoy reported that
she! and the worthy matron, Gert
rude Bachman, had "taken the an
nual fruit shower to the Masonic
home at Forest Grove.
Puring the evening initiatory
degrees were conferred on Harry
L. Riches and Edward A. Finley.
Special guests were Rex Hartley,
Jefferson, grand sentinal of grand
chapter, and Mrs. Hartley.
Mrs. R. A. McClanathan and
Mr. L. C. Eastman "were hostess
es. j
SjTAYTON A shower was beM
honoring Mrs. Doris Roberts
Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Ag
ness Albus.
Present were Mesdames Edith
Alfcus. Bernice Roberts, Agnes
Heiiberger, Bernice Heuberger,
Olivia Heuberger, Pauline Barks
meyer, Mildred Tullius, Lucie
Heuberger, Anna olf, Regina Al
bus, Mary Heuberger. Amelia
Albus, the Misses Ruth Lulaq.
Ann Albus, Rosemary Albus, Mrs.
Maxine Browning, Mrs. Roberts,
the honored guest and the host
ess, Mrs. Albus.
1 Oregon
j Bob
t'a Smart
It's New
j If Made
i For You!
Machine Perm orients 6-50 up
i We Also Have Machineless
1 and Cold Permanent Waves
' Room 7.. Miller Building
Elevator Service Conrt Street
Eatrauee Fheae 7SM
For Full
I Flavor
Cooking !
42-Qt. Size
With Cover
Club Alunintua
Cob fresh vegetables the
"waterless way."
ltt-01. size 3.15
2-Ql. size 3.45
Complete with sneistare.
Seal covers.
bers in Court Queen of . Peace,
Catholic Daughters of America of
Stayton. was held Sunday with
Court Marion of ML Angel con
ducting: the ceremony. New mem
bers received were: Mrs. Abbie
Bell. Miss Rosella Bell, Mrs. Mary
Boedigheimer, Miss Patricia Gor
man, 'Mrs. Hilda Maertz. Mrs.
Clara Rohwein, Miss Marie Thie
len and Mrs. Christian Tomjack.
A banquet followed.
Bill Stevenson
Has Birthday
Bill Stevenson, son of the R. J.
Stevensons, was honored tin his
second birthday Monday after
noon when his mother entertained
a group of his friends.
Honoring Bill were Steven
Moniz, Michael Hilfilker. Barbara
and Jodell Herberger, Nancy and
Bill Walker, Buddy, Cathy and
Becky Goodrich, Bobby and Patsy
Stevenson, Connie Ritchie, Mar
ilyn White, Verity Lynn Pet re,
Douglas Fletcher and Danny Mc
Home. Additional guests were Mes
dames Virginia Moniz, Reuben
Hilfiker, George Herberger,
Maurice Walker, Wesley Good
rich, Glen Stevenson, John
Ritchie. William White, Willard
Petre, George Fletcher and James
Eagleweed Woman's dab will
hold a Christmas meeting Friday
afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home
of Mrs. Tyler Morley, 1724 Ne
braska. The program will include
vibra harp solos by Mrs. S. P.
Neufeldt, readings by Mrs. Addie
Curtis and a gift exchange. As
sisting hostesses are Mesdames
E. A. Collier, Paul Nieswander,
John Barker and B. C HaU.
9 rC
m4 Tuck tsverol under her
i ir0- wifh Chrislmos cords for
Yi XLS'Z 'pcic( "MrrV Chrijt-
mas"t We've a hogs $
lection 'o choose from
' aoy P, on coHon
r , or linsn . . . petitpoinf or
f ' hond-dofe Madeira om-
i J '" broidries...loc edged
My V(3 vO , V " I linens. Get som today!
m w seJ
Bridge Clubs
Several bridge club gatherings
are on the social agenda this week.
Mrs. Oeorge Weiler will preside
at a one o'clock luncheon and af
ternoon of cards today at her
Shipping street home for her club.
Mrs. William L. Phillips, sr., will
be an additional xuest.
A hostess tonight will be Mr
Dean Ellis when she entertains
her club at bridge at her home
on East Lefelle street home. A
late supper will follow an eve
ning of contract.
Mrs. Kenneth Sherman has in
vited members of her dub to her
home Thursday night for bridge
and a late supper. Additional
guests will be Mrs. Parker Gies,
Mrs. Dean Ellis and Mrs. Edwin
STAYTON Miss Mareella
Nettling, daughter of Michael
Neitling of Sublimity, became the
bride of Gilbert Bindel, son of
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bindel of
Aumsville, in St. Boniface church
at Sublimity. Thanksgiving morn
ing. The Rev. Joseph Scherbring
Miss Lorraine Bickler and Miss
Angela Kropp of Salem sang a
duet. Miss Bickler sang after mass.
The choir sang the nuptial high
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore white satin,
fashioned on princess lines, with
sweetheart neckline, full skirt and
court train. Her fingertip-length
veil of French tulle was held in
place with a coronet of seed
pearls. She carried a white prayer
book, topped with rosebuds and
white orchid.
Miss Jean Neitling of San Fran-
May be spent as Cash
for any item at Wards!
daco was , her sister's maid of
Mrs. Robert Gorman of Corval
lis and Mrs. Herbert Bindel of
Carlsbad, N. M., were brides
maids. Herbert Bindel was best man
and Robert Gorman and Jerry
Neitling. brother of the bride,
A dinner was served to rela
tives and friends. A reception was
held in the afternoon. Assisting
were Miss Maxine Kintz. Mrs.
Joseph Bindel of Stockton, Calif.,
Mrs. Andy Kintz and Miss Grace
LYONS Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Taylor celebrated their golden
wedding anniversary Sunday at
their home on the little North
Fork, with open house from 2
to S. Pouring and serving were
Mrs. lvie Tsylor of Silverton and
Mrs. May Pat ton of Mehama.
Calling to congratulate Mr. and
Mrs. Tsylor were Mr. and Mrs.
El vie Tsylor, Mrs. Remoh Moser,
Mrs. Keith Phillips. Mrs. T.
Try This Old Home-Mixed
Cough Relief, Surprising!
ChUd Could Hake It
No Cooking. Big Savins.
You may not knew K. tout. In your
m kttehon, you cm aallr praporsj
a roally surprising: ruf for ceushsf
duo to ootda. It's oid-fashioood your
saotber profaoJily wood It but for
results. K'a hard to swat.
Ktrat. make a syrup by atlniiur
cups si Ululated susar and ono cup
mt water s law momenta, until dls
solr4. Or you can uso corn syrup or
liquid hooey. Instead of sugar syrup
No rook lac nordod. It's no troabto.
Tben st t on too of I Inez
Flannel Robe
Solid comfort fox his leisure hours . .
that's what he'll get In this hcsndsomoly
tailored robe. Warm, 52 wool flannel
In a popylar wraparound style) with full
shawl collar, 3 pockets and fringed belt.
Small, medium, larae. '
-. coupon COOKS...
War. Mr. sad If rs. Lloyd SUlla,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Helneck. Mr.
and Mrs. Rossel King. Maria
King. Mr. and Mrs. Giles Wagner,
George Carter, Mr. and Mrs. El
mer Taylor, Betty Vonne Taylor,
Mrs. Jennie Bohannon, Mrs. May
Patton, Lillian Pat ton. Lucille
Carter, Ruth Patton, Jayne and
Butch Patton. Bill Mtnten, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Welker, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Johnston, Mr. and Mrs.
Ted Frerea. Bud and Larry Frer
es. Mr. 'and Mrs. Charlie Day,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Julian. Mrs.
Catherine Julian. Re Julian, Mr.
and Mrs. Olln Spivs. FJla Will
lams, Lois Williams. Mrs. Jack
Ryland. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jul
lan. Glen Justin Julian, Mrs. Joe
Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Percy
Hiatt, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Jltatt,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wodtly, Shir
ley and Nancy Wodtly, Mr. and
Mrs. Luther Stout; Mrs. Floyd
Basaett. Cecil Baasett Mrs. Alts
Bodeker, Mrs. Clyde Bressler, El
mer liiatt.' Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Elmer and Gail Elmer.
say drucsist. This Is a sportal com
pound of proven Inrrodlonla. la eon-
Irontrsvtod form, well kstewa for quirk
actio la taroat aad broacbial Irrt-
Put the Ploex late a plat bottlo.
and Btl up with your ayrup. Thus yon
rsaliaaake a
full pint of splendid cough
ayrup. and you st about four time
aaurh for your anoaey. it never spotta.
aad children love Its pleasant taato.
And for quick relief. It's a wonder.
It loosen the phlesam, soothes the Ir
ritated membranes, eases the aoro-
aadmakesbreathlDreasr. If not
your saoaey wlU bo refunded.
May be spent as Cash
Cap afwMfkaT AemVa a Aae-l I
r y jajc