The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 04, 1946, Page 3, Image 3

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    Mies-Willamette Valley News '
' J
F rmm The teiMMi
Middle Grove
Holiday Guests
Are Numerous
MIDDLE GROVE Entertaining
with Thanksgiving dinners were
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hatfield who
had as guests Mr. and Mr?. Orval
Cooley and Michael and Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart Shastnack and Alan.
Mrs. Louise Paulson and fata
lly had as guests Mr: and Mrs.
Alfred McAllister and family: Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas were
guests of the Edward Johnson?.
Lee Dows entertained for their
children, Mr. and Mrs. Vern
Shulz of Portland. Jeanne OLee
Masterson of Castle Rock and
Murray Dow.
Mr. and Mrs. John Van Laanen
shared their festive board with
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Van Laanen.
Portland, Mrs. Kate Scharf. Dale
Van Laanen and John Van Laa
nen. Family Parties Popular
Family dinners were arranged
at the Irwin Wagers and Leonard
Malms, Mr Earl Malm rnd in
fant son having returned home
from the hospital Wednesday
r, i i u. tr r;,u ..wi
i . aiu .'ii . . no liuiciu i iw
welcomed the Scofield's son Gene,
and his guest. V. Van Kessler of !
Santa Barbara, Calif, home from
Hill Military Academv, for the
holiday weekend.
Three Anniversaries Feted
The Walter Fisher home on
Hollywood Drive combined three
anniversaries, the birthday of
their daughter, Mary Jean Fisher,
recently discharged from WAC:
the 40th wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ward, and
Thanksgiving. Other guests were
Mrs. Latta Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. i
Lennox G. Bright, daughter Glor- Was born to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer itej n.s mother, Mrs. M. J. Chance
ia and Lennox jr.. and Mr. and Hanson early Thanksgiving. No-j Tuesday whi is ill at an Albany
Mrs. Lloyd Solid of Bremerton. ember 28. Mrs. Hanson is at the convalescent ' home
The Walter Davie had as home of her parents in Wood-f Mrs. Minnie Gilliam of Mon
guests the Alex Munsons of Brush , burn. mouth was the guest of her daugh-
College, sharing the feast at the j ; ter Mrs j c, Keiber, Wednes-
Theodore Kuenzis were Mr. and' Brok Sewing club Christmas . d snd accomoanied them to
Mrs. Bert Bye. Dick and Darlene party will be Thursday. December l'COTnh Thank:giving where she
cf Central Howell. 5. wMh Mrs. Elmer Conn, who will ... . niltn rfailhtr
v . - . . i , .
Donald had as guests Mr. and
JJrir? Portl,d
Several Go to Portland
unving to roniana lor xne aay
were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Barker
Joyce rvuenzi nas oeen aoseni t uj ni. n. i
from clas-es at Parrish junior 1 und Mrs. Walt Brutka. Christmas
high for a week because of an in- tree and program and gift ex
fection in her hand. , change will follow 1 o'clock lunch-
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bassett and i eon.
and Lynn, who were guests of jrwn-warner sjore nere, aie
Mrs. Barker'. sister. Mrs. ! vensIT 1,ves ,n Portland and both
Jack Hogg; Mrs. Mary Herndon j are University of Oregon students.
who will spend some time with
her son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. William O'Donnell; Mrs.
Lena Bartruff who also remained
for a j-isit at her daughters, Mrs.
Joe Schwaab, and her sons, Da
vid. Robert and George. Mrs.
Helen Walker, Jarnes Maddox and
Mrs. Clara Wilson at the Leo Den
xel home. Mrs. Walker also re
mained for several days.,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Satter. Betty I
and Donald joined the rest of Sat
ter's family at Glen Tadinas. Mr.
and Mrs. Gerald Joffe joined his
twin brother Gordon Joffe and
family, in Albanv for the day.
Relatives Visit
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barker went
to Mrs. Barker'.- parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Hicks in Eugene. Mr.
and Mrs. John Woodburn were
with the Gale Foxes and the Cleo
Keppenger family with relatives
In Salem.
The H. F. Spricks spent the day
with relatives in Silverton; Mrs.
Floience Wright of Salem and
Mr. and Mrs. John Cage and Mar
vin were guests at the Emory
Goode home.
Farthest from home were Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Scharf. who were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Davies in Santa Monica, Calif.
The Scharfs have been on a two
weeks trip to San Francisco.
Pedee Family
Visits Coast
PEDEE Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam Condron. Marlene and Coleen
were at Gold Beach last week vis
iting her brother, Cecil Bush.
Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Bur bank
and their daughter. Vivian, of Sa
lem visited with relatives in Port- '
land last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fain Simpson vis
ited their son, Joe Simpson and
family at Corvalljs Thanksgiving.
The E. AJ Burbank family of
Portland were guests of their son-in-law
and daughter. Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Dyer. Other guests
were Mrs. Dyer's sister. Mr. and
Mrs. William Clark, Terry and
Michael, Vancouver, Wash.
Swegle Pupils Plan to
Attend Aladdin's Show ,
SWEGLE All teachers and
many of the pupils of the schoel
are planning on attending the play
"Aladdin and the Wonderful j
Lamp," which is to be given De- I
cember 4 in the high school audi
torium. The principal, Mrs. E. M.
Banks ton has made arrangements ;
for a bus to take those attending. .
The play is presented by the'
children's theatre of New York '
and sponsored for Salem bj the !
American Association of Univers- ;
ity Women.
For Sale
Pumilile Concrete
Block Co.
One Mile West of Bridge.
West Salem
f'Mmmmmity (ltrmpintlet$
Inion Hill Mrs. Ray King un
derwent a major operation at a
Salem hospital last week and is
recovering satisfactorily.
Spring Valley Mr. and Mrs. S.
B. Dodge and Bob and Betty spent
Thanksgiving with his brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam Pittman of Newberg.
Union Hill Mrs. Douglas Heat
er of Fern Ridge will entertain
the Union Hill Woman's Club
Thursday afternoon, December 5.
Lincoln Lincoln Community
club is sponsoring a carnival, fish
pond and pie sale at the local
srhoolhouse Friday, December 6
at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
Muyskens are in charge and have
arranged a miscellaneous program
and ask that articles and pie be
brought fcr the sale.
Falls City The Falls City fire
men are giving a benefit dance at
the I OOF Hall Saturday, Decern-
ber 14.
I'nion Hill Henry Peters, Benj
Brown and George Van Handle I
have returned from Klamath Falls i
where they went duck hunting. j
rr,Unt t..., t I
Monitor Elliot Prairie Ladies
a; ...sii ki i i,-,, 1
Aid will hold its annual bazaar at ;
,.. Kti r io ,
the community hall December 12. i
n 1 i u .. 4:i ...;n 1
iviciiiv nuuruuiu di-Liutrd win
I'nion Hill Mary Grossman of
Gervai has been a house guest of
Mr5- Morris Johnston.
Dallas Marjorie Frederickson j
of Mt. Shasta, Calif, visited friends J
in Dallas and w ith her mother, i
Mrs. Nettie Fredeiickson of Salem!
last week. She moved to Mt.
Shasta with her brother-in-law
and sister. Mr. and Mrs. B. Bean !
the first of October.
Monitor A son. David Loren.
k. . 4 u.. R It U T Tl.. . . : .-
Dallas Harold Rohrs and Hugh
Stevens of Eugene spent their va- !
hunting with Dean Enstad I
. , . ,
nrs wa xo.meriy empioyea ai
Monitor Tommy, small son of :
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tweed was tak-
en to a Portland hospital where he
is seriously ill with pneumonia.
Dallas The Advance Council of Committee Appointment Glenn. Dell. Lyle, Ray and Nor
Polk county, composed of all prin-; man Yergen and a niece, Noma
cipals, upper grade and one room SILVERTON, Dec. 3 Mrs. Ole Kister, all of Aurora,
schools teachers will hold a joint Meland, president, has announced Funeral services were held
meeting with the Intermediate her tea committee for the Thurs- Tuesday In Aurora with inter
Teachers of Polk county at the day afternoon of the Parent- ment in Butteville cemetery- The
Junior High school Thursday, De-
rem ber 5.
fTfljnip fTfT1 CnV
If llXl JL Iff JLl iJ1 1
Just That
Our ground meat products
unni yod see it in
Mill City Folk
i TT J?iL "111"
most ipr many
Over Holiday
MILL CITY; Many Mill City
folk entertained with larpe
Thanksgiving : dinners for friends
and relatives! while others were
guests out of town.
Mr. and Mils. Lloyd Woods and
son, Donald bf Bend were with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mr. and Ms. Philo Potter and
daughter. Alice were with her
grandmother, Mrs. Alice Brad
shaw. j
Mr. and Mrji. Clayton Baltimore.
Jimmy and Bobby were in Port
land with her sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson
and daughters, Joan and Frances
entertained Portland relatives.
Mr. andMfy. Lester Hathaway
were hosts at! a large dinner with
a number of their children and
families present.
Mrs. Grace Dart and grand-
j daughter. Valeda Moberg were in
j Salem with Valeda's mother and
t Mrs. Dart's daughter, Mrs. Joe
Railes and family.
Mr. and Mr. Louis Verbeck and
family were! in SUverton with
Mr and Mrs. Lowell Cree and
family were at Salem Heights
... r . , n r
with her sister. Mrs. O. W. Gorton.
m. , r , .
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gnusche
. , . ., ... . ,
wereai idiiicuu niui ivu "r-
, . . ,-i 1
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kerber and
Rose were at Lacomb with her
sister. Mrs. Clifford Mark.
Calvin Hale, who is spending
the winter With J. C. Kerbers
went to Noti for the holidays with
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Darwin. j
Ronald Swan of Portland was
at the home; of his parents. Mr.
and Mrs. John Swan. Billy Swan,
U. S. navy, was also home.
Verna and: Frances Caraway of
Portland werie with their parents,
Mr. and Mrsi Frank Caraway.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Chance vis-
" o
Mrs. Anna! Swift spent Thanks
giving with Mrs. Rose Daly.
Mrs. Charlie Powelson and three
children were with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Keiser at
FrankDCa:,aW2y 8nf J3
Caraway of Portland visited Mr.
ant Mrs. Murray Strawn and fam-
ily at Coquille. Mrs. Strawn is
the former Lois Caraway.
Wayne Cox. U. S. air corps, sta
tioned at Geiger field, was at his
fathers, Cloyd Cox's home.
t :
SilvertOIl Woman Makes
Teacher association to include
Mrs. Blanche Farmer, Mrs. Oscar J
Salem's Retail Packing Plant
About our meat may sell you
will make of you a regular
1 nl
Mild and sweet with that old
IPr?& (Stog)
AH Pork
are prepared fresh, selected cuts
! - ' t V - I': - ! :
. 'sh; ;
8 t - ' i
- , " ' - , j - J 4
i ' - - v.
DESERT YULE TREEMirun Elrod (left) and GlorU
Eikner h&nff Chrtetmas decorations on . lahuaro eactns ia Ari
toaa's VaUey of the San near their home at Phoenix. The giant
cacti grow 4 feet high, often lire for 150 yean.
Starnd, Mrs. Harold Toft, Mrs.
Ray Boe, Mrs. Victor Grossnickle
and Mrs. Herman Gottchalk.
The meeting will be held at
the Eugene FieW building at 2:30
with a program to be given by
the first three grades of the school.
New first grade mothers will be
special guests and singing of
Christmas carols will be feat
ured. Valley Obituaries
Frank Elmer Yergen
AURORA Frank Elmer Yer
gen, 81, of Wilsonville died Sun
day in an Oregon City hospital
after a short illness. Born April
1, 1865 in the Union Hill district
he had lived there and in Aurora
and Hubbard communities until
moving to Wilsonville three years
He was a member of a pioneer
family of the Union Hill district
and had been a farmer all his
Survivors are five nephews,
Rev. Pope, pastor of the Molalla
Methodist church, officiated.
the first time, but it's your
Our meats are
time home cured flavor
.0 lb.
of inspected meat. USELESS TO PAY MORE
aim ad, its so
Julian C. Fidler
JEFFERSON - Funeral services
were held Saturday for Julian C.
Fidler, 60, brother of Bliss Fid
ler and Mrs. Maud Epley of Jef
ferson, who died at Dallas, No
vember 26, following a heart at
tack. Another brother, John Fid
ler of Portland also survives. The
Rev. Dudley Strain, pastor of Sa
lem First Christian church of
ficiated at the Jefferson Christian
church. Mrs. Gilbert Looney sang,
playing her own accompaniment.
Mrs. Hugh Bilyeu and Mrs. Scott
Hawk were in charge of the flow
ers. Bearers were James Black
well, jr., Lloyd Bilyeu of Jeffer
eon: Mervin Fidler of Salem; Her-
shal and rJimmie Fidler of Ocean
Lake-, and Melvin Dungan of Al
bany. Burial was in the Jeffer
son cemetery with the Hinkle
Bollman Funeral home in charge
PrawntJj RafevM CmcJis Fraai
experience with it that
Tasty Treats
S51 State St. QR E.S.P.A.
Council Seeks
To Rebuild Its
Suburban Line
SILVERTON, Dec. 3-nrst steps
were taken Monday night by the
city council to raie funds suffic
ient to rebuild the water lines to
services outside the city limits.
The question has been hanging
fire for the past two years. May
or George Christenron, in dis
cussing the matter Monday, said
that it was evident that the lines
could not be rebuilt with city
The council authorized the city
attorney. Rex Albright, to draw
a resolution increasing water rates
for out of town users one and a
half times that paid by those with
in the city limits. The resolution
which will embody this, will also
ask that the title of the water
meters be turned over to the city.
Indications weie that the new
rates might become effective by
February 1.
City Manager Robert Borland
reported that a survey he had
completed showed 277 services
outside of Silverton. Rebuilding
costs were estimated at $18,071,
figuring $65 24 to each service. A
ten-year plan of payment was
favored by the council. The mat
ter was brought before the city
council by a recommendation
coming from the city planning
commission, with Dr. P. A. Loar,
commission member, presenting
the recommendation.
Mayor Christenson also asked
that Borland, R. G. Allen, council
member and Albright, meet with
Anton Dahl, chairman of the rural
fire district, and members of the
city fire department to work out
definite plans for rural protection.
Holiday and
Is Observed
MONITOR Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Stenger entertained his par- !
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stenger
and Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Goff
Thanksgiving. It was also the
Kenneth Stenger's second wedding
Elvira Roner of Lebanon and
Evelyn Roner of Scio spent
Thanksgiving with their parent,
Mr. and Mrs. John Roner.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Rockafellow
and daughter, Shirley of Salem
and Claude Norton were Thanks
giving guests of the LaVerne Nor
ton family.
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Scherich,
Room 751 Plttock Block. Portland 5. Or agon
Th Statosroon, SaUm. Or, Wdn day . Pcmbf 4.
Mae Bowman, all of Salem, Mr,
and Mrs. A. E. Scherich and Mr.
and Mrs. Ray W. Baker and fam
ily were guests of Mrs. Scherich'
fister, Mr?. Claia Halt and sons
in Vancouver, Wash, for Thanks
Silverton Library Has
Increased Circulation
SILVERTON Circulation In
the Silverton public library was
upped 27 In November over Oc
tober, the report submitted to the
city council Monday night khowed.
Total circulation for Novtmliec
was 1134. New borrower who
registered number 15 and 18 books j
were added to the shelve, but 27
were removed Trom circulation
during the month.
Donors during November were
Mrs. J. Althius. Betty Kleinsotge.
Mrs. O. E. Lee, Mr. Gilbert An
derson. Mrs. Clay Allen, Dr. and
Mrn. R. E. Kleinnrge. Mr. H. II
Paget. Mr. and Mrs. II B. Latham.
Hannah OUon, Elsie Rilov,
id?' Aiviii
aith. Dr.
and Mrs. Glenn MrDona
rUT.i.lhu William K.-
and Mm. C. W. Keetie, Peggy
There in no uniting: liht for thece cabinets
now. New aliinientM arriving weekly.
141 N. Commercial
wA , ft! a w ts
(Yes, holiday time is travel time! It's a time to
visit friends and loved ones ... a time to basic
in the warmth of old associations ... a time to
renew one'syouth ... a time to relax at year end.
(The Union Pacific, with its connections, will
take you in comfort to any part of the country.
,This year, make it a real holiday!
Valley reopens December 21st.
is gkAlLmf
If4f 3
Scott, Mr. and Mri. George Walk
er, Mr. and Mrs. Holman Terrln,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Hartley, Mrs.
K. Oddman, John Lwls, Olga
Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Loyal
Reals. '
I J 4 I
$ 9 10 II 11 11 14
JJ 21 14 f 1 17 IS
n to ii
Only 18. Shopping;
Days Till ChrUtmas
your chopping rly.)
Gills For Him
tf Amy & Havy Slorc
tjj s. Commercial
' cw m
Ph4) 4IS4