The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 01, 1946, Page 9, Image 9

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    I JSSS BS jj",-- ' 5 T" .'V ' ''v -flMfc
3 Pc. S pus Fe. fox
A high-fashion ensemble in choice of
2 smart colors: platinum-dyed gray, or
wild mink-dyed shade. The new short tuxedo
coot comes with smart bell sleeves or
push-up sleeves. This 3-pc. set is an
outstanding value at such a low price I
lEAas suppers1 I
on every gift r
"Ufe Soft Sole Opera 2.69
si, 4r" vXJ - -. ft-w-ts' Brown leather, plaid lined. A
S8S T'.TT O real lift for tired feet.
a. Maximum comfort from a
soft leather romeo style. Leath
er soles, rubber heel, tc
elastic gusset w.fw
b. Handsome lounging slipper,
the right gift for the man you
want to please. ffQ
Brown O.fJJ
484 State Street
Fell Everett 2.49
Wine felt upper with leather
sole, rubber heeL Gift-wise.
404 Siaio EircsJabn
Heinleins I
Are Hosts I
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Heinlein
were hosts for a smartly arrang
ed dinner party Wednesday night
at their West Miller street resi
dence for i group of friends.
After the dinner hour contract
bridge was in play. The autumn
motif was carried out in the dec
orations. 'I jf
Guests of the Heinleins were
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Armstrong,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Riches. Mrs.
William G. Stacey, Mrs. Ralph H.
Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. :, Edgar
A. Linden, sr. and Mr. and Mrs.
F. Ivan Brown.
Navy Auxiliary
Plans Ceremony
Institution of the auxiliary to
Roaver Navv Post will take Dlace
Tuesday at 8:15 at VFW liall on
Hood street with Battleship Jre
eon auxiliary of Portland in
charge of ceremonies. ;
The Beaver Navy Post nas been
organized since June, the second
all-navy post to be cnarcerea in
Instituting officer will be Mrs.
Leon Hansen, district president
Following institution of auxiliary,
officers will be installed by Mrs.
Harry Windrus, Oregon depart
ment auxiliary president-
Officers - elect are: president.
Mrs. Irvin F. Bryan; senior vice
president, Mrs. Joe Hopkins; Jun
ior vice - president, Mrs. Wallis
Atkinson: secretary. Mrs.; George
Dunsmoor; treasurer, Mrs. Wil
liam Hyder; chaplain, Mrs. Ches
ter Tucker; conductress. Mrs. Le
roy Johnson; patriotic instructor,
Mrs. James R"-hie: euard. Mrs.
Leroy Hornschuch; trustees: Mrs.
Jessie McNeil, Mrs. Lydia Case
and Miss Naomi Hornschuch.
The public is invited to this
open meeting. Special guests ex
pected are Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wil
cox of Portland, Mrs. H. D. Peter
son of Dallas, department senior
vice president VFW and members
of Salem posts and auxiliaries.
Shower Given
For Bride-Elect
Miss Anita Strickland, bride
elect of Miiton Nygaard. was hon
ored Friday by Mrs. Russell Zink,
Miss Virginia Cannon and Miss
Dorothy Zerzan at a shower at
Mrs. Zinks home.
Guests bidden were: Miss Rose
ann Hanks, Miss Artie Phillips,
Miss Dellora Doerfler, Miss Velle
Felton, Miss Peggy Gabriel, Miss
Margaret Forsythe, Mrs. Aaron
Dumbeck and Miss Strickland.
Wesley an Service Guild of the
First Methodist church will hold
its annual installation meeting in
the fellowship room at the church
Monday night. A 6:30 o'clock din
ner will precede. The Rev. Joseph
M. Adams will be in charge of the
installation. Miss Elva Boone will
lead the devotions and Mrs. U. F.
Hawk will be the guest speaker.
Mrs. Joseph E. Harvey. Jr.. and
her children, Joey and Joyce, of
Portland are weekend guests at
the home of her mother, Mrs. El
len Fisher.
United Spanish War Veterans
and auxiliary wNl hold a business
meeting at the VFW hall Monday
night at 8 o'clock. Election of of
ficers will be held.
Leather Opera 3.35
Pig-grained leather with leath
er sole, rubber heeL
Felt Slipper 1.39
Soft sole style in warm wine
colored felt. Corduroy trim.
r ' ' r
Unttad Spanish War Veterans and
uxlHary. mt at VrW ball. p.m-.
PEO reciprocity luncheon. 130 at
Salem boteL .
Daughters of Nil sewing- meeting
10 a.m. and luncheon. 12:13 p.m.
WSCS Leslie Methodist church with
Mrs. Louis Lorens, 34s North 17th
Drama croup of AAUW with Miss
Eleanor Stephens, 135 Chemeketa St..
Wesleyan Service guild. First Meth
odist church meet for dinner, fellow
ship room-at church. M pjn.
Yomarcos covered dish dinner, first
Methodist church. 0:30 p.m.
Missouri club, with Mrs. A. W.
Broylea. 1SSO North Winter at- 1 p.m.
dessert luncheon.
Salem Central WCTU. with Mrs. L.
G. Prcscott. 243 South 15th street. AU
day. Sack lunch at noon.
Silver tea. Knight Memorial church.
2:30 P-m.
Salem General hospital auxiliary
meeting at YWCA, 10 a.m.
Chadwick chapter. OES, Masonic
Temple. p.m, election.
Woman's auxiliary and St. Paul's
guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church
Christmas bazaar and tea at parish
house, beginning at 12 p.m.
Salem Weavers guild at YMCA. 2 p jn.
Sunshine Sewing club of Hazel Green
with Mrs. Rudolph Wacken. 2 p.m.
First Congregational Church Ladies
guild annual bazaar and tea at church,
all day. jitney dinner. 920 p.m.
Pioneer Post. No. 149. American
Legion, at Legion hall. p.m.
Family Dinner
At Illert Home
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Illert were
hosts Thanksgiving day at a din
ner for the fololwing: Mr. and
Mrs. Homer Plunkett and Shar
on, Mr. and Mrs. Herl Burch and
Terrie Gay. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Crowder, Mrs. Elnora Burch, Mrs.
Edward Becken, all Salem. Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Bracken, Doris,
Marjorie and Joyce, Indepen
dence. It was also a'farewell party for
Mrs. Edward Brecken who will
leave December 10 for a three
month stay in San Diego with her
l son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
I Mrs. Herman Bpntrager and fam
ily, a granddaughter. Mrs. G. H.
I McMahon and a grandson, Wil
I liam Edward Johnosn, now on the
; USS Badoeng Strait and stationed
' there. She has received word of
the birth of a great grandson,
Charles Herman at Corpus Chris
tie, Tex., to Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Douthit (Eileen Bontrager) on
Thanksgiving day. Both the par
ents are former Oregonians.
A PEO reciprocity luncheon is
scheduled for the Salem hotel; at
1:30 o'clock Monday. The no-hbst
luncheon is in honor of all unaf
filiated PEO members in the city,
l and all PEOs are invited. Mrs.
! C. W. Parker, 3060 and Mrs. G. L
Weaver, 21959, will take reserva
Yomarcos will meet for a cov-
' ered dish dinner Tuesday night at
, the First Methodist church at 6:30 :
i o'clock. A program will follow
; including a puppet show by four i
! Leslie Junior high school boys, j
i pictures to be shown by -Walter B. '
i Minier and special music. j
! Mrs. Josephine Parrish Stewart
1 , , 9 Tm-tiwA ii'.r in tha genital nn '
Thanksgiving at the home of her
son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard D. Slater. Jack Sla
ter, Oregon State student, is . also
home for the holiday weekend.
The Congregational guild meet
ing for December will be held all
day Wednesday at the church.
During the annual bazaar tea will
be served. Beginning at 5:30 the
annual "jitney" dinner will be
erved, public invited.
I The Drama ars-up of AAUW
j will meet Monday night at the
I home of Miss Eleanor Stephens,
! 855 Chemeketa street, at 8 o'clock.
! Mrs. W. E. Kirk will read "The
Valley of Lost Men" by Alice Hen-
Election of officers will high-
j light the regular meeting of Chad
! wick chapter. OES, Tuesday night
at the Masonic temple at 8 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Davis will
be in charge of the refreshment
j committee.
Regular monthly meeting of the
Salem General hospital auxiliary
; will be held Tuesday morning at
the YWCA at 10 o'clock with Mrs.
Chandler P. Brown presiding.
Alpha Chi Omega mothers club
will meet at the chapter house,
Tuesday at 7:30 o'clock. Hostesses
will be Mrs. Glen Hoar and Mrs.
M. Stephenson.
Silver like now
in 10 seconds
is :,'
Dip. riaae, wipe! Thafs alll la 10 1
oads Dtppo maxes your duIL taratthed
silver as clean as the day you got it
Dippo has beea crowd 26 times
safer for silver than leading cream and
liquid polishes! It is the safest, fastest.
eassest way to cleaa
silver. Dippo costs only
a few pcaaies, yet it
saves time, eaexgy and
mess, and also prolongs
tha Ufa of your silver
for many years.
Get Dtppo today!
Miss Middlemiss
Is Married
MT. ANGEL Miss Helen Mid
dlemiss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Middlemiss of Silver-ton,
became the bride of Gilbert Hof
fer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hof
fer of ML Angel, at a double
ring ceremony in St Mary's
church November 27, at 8:13
o'clock. Rev. Vincent Koppert
read the vows and sang the nup
tial high mass.
Miss Helen Keber. played the
organ and St. Mary's choir, Miss
Pauline Saalfeld and Miss Eus
telle Bauman singing the solos.
The bride was given in mar
riage by her father. Her gown
was of white faille in princess
style with long train, round neck
line and long sleeves. Her short
veil was Victorian style and edg
ed in lace. She wore a single
strand of pearls, a gift of the
bridegroom, and carried an arm
bouquet of white carnations, roses
and bouvardia.
Miss Regina Hoffer and Miss
Rosemary Schaecher were brides
maids. Miss Hoffer wore blue taf
feta and Miss Schaecher wore pink
net lace. Both carried nosegays
of pink and white carnations.
Russell Aman acted as best man.
Arthur Hassler, Paul and Victor
Hoffer were ushers.
The bride's mother wore a fig
ured black dress with a corsage
of yellow carnations while the
groom's mother wore a two-piece
black dress with yellow carnation
A wedding breakfast for the
bridal party and the immediate
families was served at the Hoffer
A reception followed in the af
ternoon at the Legion hall. Pour
ing and assisting about the rooms
were Miss Elizabeth Unger and
Mrs. John Hassler. Mrs. Kenneth
Kehoe cut the wedding cake. Mrs. !
Victor Hoffer was in charge of
the gifts and Miss Jean Middle
miss passed the guest book.
Serving the supper were Miss
Amy Lou Espe. Miss Betty Hook,
Miss Janet Hoffer and Mrs. Jo
rome Epping.
Spending the holiday weekend ;
at Neskowin at the Viesko sum- I
mer home are Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Viesko, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Everitt,
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Viesko and
Mrs. Bert Jones.
Salem Daughters of the Nile
will meet at Masonic temple Mon
day morning at 10 o'clock to sew
for the Shrine hospital. Members
will bring toys for the children of
the hospital at that time. Lunch
eon will be served at 12:19 by
committee including Mrs. Robert
McEwan, Mrs. Virgil Golden, Mrs.
Fred Klaus. Mrs. Ethel NUes, Mrs.
Lillian Carlton. Mrs. R. A. Tish
and Mrs. W. L. Lewis.
Mr. and Mrs. E. ftafcert Brysoa,
Jr. (June Greg son), are the par
ents of a son, Leslie Jay, born
November 24 at the Salem Dea
coness hospital. The baby weighed
six pounds and fourteen and a half
ounces. The grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Ed R. Gregson of Salem
and Mrs. L. G. Damewood of
Maultrieville, S. C, and E. R.
Brysan. Sr., of Charleston, S. C
The little boy has four great
grandmothers, 'Mrs. Louisa Greg
son and Mrs. Ida C. Clemetson of
Salem and Mrs. Minnie E. T rues
dale of Maultrieville, S. C, and
Mrs. G. D. Bryan of Andrews,
S. C.
The Salem Weavers Guild will
meet at the YMCA on Wednesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. All those
interested in weaving are invited
to attend.
Thw Skrtaomoai, Sol au Ogos. Sunday. Doctmbsr I,
Si. raad's OslU ui Wamaa's I ChrUtmai bazaar and Ua at the
auxiliary of St. Paul's Episcopal parish house on Wednesday be
church will hold their annual I ginning at 11 o'clock. ,
CHRISTMAS ax the lovely NORCROSS catJi-WV
whimfic!, sentiment!, formal or relijiou. If yosi prefer
NORCROSS Boxed Awortmentf, they r here, too. Come.
veAy tomakc your selection.
Ileedham's. Book Sloro
Greatly Reduced!
est her foster
260 North High
. . in the new manner,
for the new season!
Givo her a precioua ERMINE, a natural SQUIRREL or a
PERSIAN LAMB to glorify hr winter waidrob lor
Christmas! Demonstrate- your fondness with th iamoun
ED HAMILTON furs . . . and know positively your
Judgment will b appreciated!
Other Furs We Recommend Are:
rAnd Those Precious "lAttle" Furs . . . Scarves!
Give her a Mink, Kolinsky, or natural Squirrel corf to
compliment her suit or coat ... era crlurln7 adjunct fo
tailored chic . . . come In and se our lar?e coTlecllon
of truly fine furs . . . furs which carry the lowest prls
on the present fur marketl
Remember, our Ed Hamilton furs are new . . . Tiafint'd
In every detail ... you cannot losl
As a complete surprise to her,
hcrva her "fur gift" placed In our
""confidential" lay aw ay derut
ment until Chrlstmasl
designed ro you
with th real