14 Thm Sfcrtman. Salem. Ortqon. Sunday. DKtmbw 1 1948 Adlitional Classified Ads on Page 13 Livestock and Poultry WORK HORSES SADDLE HORSES Bar K Stock Ranch LARGE ASSORTMENT on hand -at all times at very attractive price. Credit Riven any one. Discount for cash. Guaranteed as represented. Free deliverv. Harrv Kuehne. Carlton. Ore. Located 6 miles west of Newberg. WANTED Beef and ciniwi cuwi bulls and veals Will call at farm E I Snethen 1860 Lancaster Drive Ph I345 Morns or eves BABY CHICKS, weekly hatcnes new Hampshire other varieties Ph $2861 Lee's Hatcnerv CUSTOM dressing of chicaens an number Promo service Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty Phone t-2861 Lees Hatchery Help Wanted COUPLE In Portland horn. Perma nent positions: for husband as butler chauffeur ; wife to cook. .References required. Write Box 837 Statesman. ' OPPORTUNITY WANTED: A couple to raise An goras and lease my acreage with new small house, approx, $1500 required to buv stock. Start your own Job and be independent. See M. Otten. 3405 Cherry Ave. Help Mauled Male BOOKKEEPERS Be in business for yourself. Full, part time. Free infor mation. Lee Stern. 11 Niagara. Buffa lo. N.Y. SALESMEN - Represent established line of personal leather foods. "Liberal commission. Forstenzer 4c Frank, Inc.. 170 Broadway. N Y. SALESMAN Opportunity to build food paying permanent business. Year round demand, no off-easorii-. Nation al organization. Unlimited earnings on commission and bonus. Write: United Laboratories. Inc.. Cleveland 12, Ohio, for full details. Help Wanted Female WANTED: Housekeeper for place in country. Work not heavv. R. W. Tav enner. Rt. 4. Box 418. Phone 17F2. Exp. alteration yoman. ' Mut have shop experi ence. Highest wajies. Ber- j nardtv, tailor, Rm. 200, ! First Nafl. Bank Bhl?. HOUSE Parent to care for children in boarding school. Ph. 8891. Salesmen Wanted j MANUFACTURER and associated , Companies want several Experienced ; Road Salesmen to call on established ' VARIETY. Dept . Furn . Hardware. Gift Store and Photo Studio accounts this territory. Largest Imp Pictures, Mir rors. Cabinet. Plaques, and Metal ! Photo Frames. Full tune, not side line 1 Must have car in good condition, stand ricid investigation Drawing against high commission. Send recent photo , full particulars to APCO. 2509 W. Cer mak Rd.. Chicago "-a'es Manager will be in this territory for interview. i RAWLEIGH Dealer wanted at once in ! City of Salem. Ac southeast Marion , countv Good opportunity Write at ' once Rawleish's. Dept. ORL. 156-116, Oakland. Calif. SALESMAN: Permanent position selling high-grade buildmg and ma chinery maintenance products this vi cinity.' National firm, complete line, high commissions. Writie Box 2383, Dallas. Tex. Situations Wanted WEST'S water well drilling. Depend- able sehvice. In Salem area for 23 vrs. j Write Rt. B.JBox 449A Phone 2-2290 i CURTAIN'S Washed At sti etched. 395 ! 6 22nd St. I CARE for your children in my home ! by the dav Phone "829 ROOFING We specialize in repair work. Call 3702 j BULLDOZING. Large and small I equipment. Land clearing, road build- i ing. logging Call 21367 or write Geo. Wirth. 840 Plymouth Dr . Salem. ' FAMILY Washing and ironing done In mv home, also dressmaking and alterations. Ph 7129 before 12 noori. CARPENTER. Cabinet finish work. Reuben C. PaschVe. Rt. 4. Box 421, Orchard Heights Road. MOTHERS: Baby sitters. Call 24483! CATERING service. Call 24483. EXPERIENCED lube Ac tire man wishes employment with auto dealer In Salem. Good references. M. D. Sev erns. 2013 Hazel. Phone 2:5601. J OLSON WASHER repair. Ph. 25100. MASTERWOODS Cabinet' Shop. We have material for your job. Kitchen built-ins. repairs, replacements. Will accept production contracts. 164 S. Cnml. Mathls Bros. Roofing location. Phone 5596. PAINTING At Paperhanging W Q Crowly, 857 Shippi ng. Phone 9513. Auto Painting "Drive a Little Save a Little" BASPETT'S PAINT SHOP S ml. out on Ph 2-2306 SilvertonRd : Salem. Ore LOCAL A- long distance hauling. R. L Phillip?. Rt. 6. Box 118 Ph. 68F22. preschool" PiavSchooi." 1381 Stats Ae 2-8 Part or all dav Ph 8430 WOODWORK And windows cleaned". Floors cleaned and waxed. For prompt service call 2-5564 for estimate, by rb or month. Herb's W indow Cleari ng A Janitor Service. P. O. Box 84. : Ealem j Standard Cleaners & Dyers Rug and drapery cleaning. Pickup and Del Se ryicc. fnont biih BILL'S GARAGE General auto repairing Ac welding. J blk. S. of Pen 4JComers. Ph. 8235 DRESSMAKING A alterations at 3155 N. River Rd. Ph. 22562. " GENERAL C E M E NT contracting Stanley Fang. Ph.J-3045 L W CAUDLE, spraving. pruning. 130 Roberts ave. Ph. 7900 Interior Decorating Our specialty Better homes, offices nd apartments One to five men available. Dick Orey Painter and Decorator Phone 25444 or 6265 ALL WOR.' guaranteed Windows walls, woodwork cleaned Floors wil ed Insured workmen Professional Cleaning Service Phone 4457 For Sale Miscellaneous ELABORATE SIAMESE TWIN SUIT CABINET- Built by fixture manufac turer as ! display piece for exhibition t World's Fair to advertise skilled ' craftsmanship. Rich dark oak twin cabinets with six drawers and roomy compartment between. Clever roller slide device permits suits and dresses on hangers to be drawn out for easy removal. Two full length bevel plate panel mirrors, one on each door. Six feet wide: 5', feet high. It win be necessary for heavy truck with train ed husky crew to remove it. "It's' big and beautiful: ornamental and use ful." We've sold our home, and must vacate first week in December. Will ell at sacrifice price of $85.00. Actual ly worth more than double that mount. Address Statesman Box 810. AUTOMATIC Electric grill. 18x36 Inches with double thermostat. Ideal for small restaurant or club bouse. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. LIBERTY . METAL and plastic bed lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. - 255 N. LIBERTY RADIOS. Table and console. 10 mod ls from which to select. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY For Sale Miscellaneous KIMBALL PIANO. A-l condition. 556 S. 19th. - VAUGHN drag saw. good as new. Also circle saw with air cooled motor. Arnold Phillips. Box 261. Turner. Ore. LARGE Variegated holly tree, to be removed. 425 S. Winter. FALL la nature's planting time. Plant bufibs now. Ward's have a huge assort ment, reasonably priced. Ward' Farm Store. ELECTRIC? White sewing machine. Reasonable. 1771 Market St. AUTOMATIC Electric sidearm water heaters. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY ALWAYS a big siock WoodVv's Furniture Mkt Ph 9119 STEAM Irons. limited quantity. $12.85. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty ORDER BETTER HOMES AND GAR DENS and American Home at the pres ent low price of 3 yrs.. 83.00. Made moiselle, one yr . $3.50 Ph. 7829. Mrs Paul H. Hauser. 925 Sagjnaw St PLASTI-KOTE. the durable paint with the celophane-like finish. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY 7 FT. Cedar posts, good quality. Ph. 68F23 or write R. L. Phillips. Rt. . Box U8. "C" MELODY Buscher saxophone 825. 1 wood range $22 50. Call after 6 P.M. or Sunday. Ph. 21217. BENDEX" Auto, wasner. good cond" needs minor repairs. $145. Marvin Van Cleave. Rt.: 7. Box 246. North on 99E to Totem Pole, turn right l'i mi. east to Van Cleave rd.. mi. north to mail box. V ml. east. Ph. 22907. DRIED Prunes, won't require sugar, 20clb. 490N. 2st. LADY'S Tailored suit, practically new. Gray mixture. Size 36-38. Ph. 25460. 1940 FORD 4 yd. dump truck, new tires. Ph. 3021. 4 SECTIONAL book case $8: chest of drawers $8: mahogany bed room set $150: 2 upholstered chairs $12 each: leatherettes chair $4.50: Phtlco cabinet radio 45: Chinese laquered desk $60: Duncan-Phyfe dining set $150: bov'r bicycle $10: 9x12 Wilton rug $50: Oriental ,9x14. $100: 75 lb ice box $10: miscellaneous children's books, dishes, etc. 2505 S.ConVl. MODERN gas range, clock, light. 1240 S. 15th St. ENGLISH Bone China hand painted cups and saucers Ph. 7630. LARGE Circulator, burns oil. $40.00 Rt. 8. Box 593. Avburn Rd. Ph.22081. PIANO, first class condition. $200. 340 Liberty Rd. after6 P.M. GLEN WOOD wood circulator. 265 W. Wilson. PRACTICALLY new casting rod reel $25. Sleeping bag. never been U5ed. 6 00 Box 834 Statesman 1946 SIX Tube table model Philco. Call 24669 after 5. WE buy and sell furniture, tools stoves, dishes, motors radios. Electric aophances. household Roods KLIG MAN S 285 N Commercial Ph 9885 ARE You getting poor radio recep tion? Then try the powerful 8 tube Tropic Master. Standard broadcast and shortwave bands. Ideal for locations where reception is ordinarily poor. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255N. Liberty MISfLTffbE For commercial and home decorating. Phone 2-1583 RAILROAD TYPE LANTERNS. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY COFFEE Maker sets. 4 to 6 and 8 cup coffee makers with stoves. -YEATER APPLIANCE CO. . .255 N. LIBERTY HEAVY Bronze smoicing stands. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255N. LIBERTY ALL Hardwood unfinished furn. Desks, beds, chests, nite stands. Finish to match vour set. We.eley Mfg. Co. 3760 Market. Phone 5874. DOLL BuggV, toy electric stoveT child's table chairs, doll dresser, cupboard A slate blackboard. All in excellent condition Box 833 Statesman PUPPIES: Male lemaie. Soringer. Cocker. Doberman Salem Veterinary Hospital. Portland Road ALUMINUM sauce pan . well and tree platters, frying , n. cookie sheets, clothes hampers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY SMALL Size upright piano At bench Walnut finish. Excellent condition. 1534 6th. W. Salem. " $250 WEDDING ring set. Sacrifice for $130. Need money. Box 821 States man. KROMEX cake cover 12 95 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty River Silt MASON SAND FILL DIRT PIT RUN GRAVEL KEIZER SAND & GRAVEL CO. Phone 2-1749 DOCTOR'S Scales for the home. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N.JLIBERTY PIANO Benches, ialimans. 395 S 12. SHRUBBERY, flowers for all occa sions. Pemberton's. 1980 S. 12th.., TWO WAY and intercomm tele phone sets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY ELECTRIC' desk, mantle nd wall clocks. YEATERr APPLIANCE CO. 255-; N . LI BERTY FULLER Brushes. 1745 Grant P 8357 FIGURINES and small gift items. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 255N. LIBERTY CUTLERY AND TABLE WARE. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY SALEM WASTE" pa per Co We buv magazines and news papers Cardboard sheets and boxes, any size, for tale. 1790 N Front. AUTOMATIC Electric record players. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY FOR SALE: Pacific a -Adust burner Ac furnace with coils. $50. Phone 3991 FLUORESCENT Desk lamps. Ideal for student or office. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY DECORATIVE and lighted- house nil m ber YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY CHRISTMAS TREE HOLDERS. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY FLUORESCENT kitchen fixtures and single tube brackets for use near your mirror. -YEATER APPLIANCE CO. I 255 N. LIBERTY j ELECTRIC room heaters circulat ing. steam and reflector types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY KITCHEN and bathroom light fix tures. V.EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY STOVE repairing Ac parts Wood rvs Mkt IHOS N nw WATER Heaters for immraute u -livery: 30 'gallon Westinghouse 893.75. 42 gallon Collins $96.25, 50 gallon West inghouse $115.50. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY ELECTRIC Pants pressers. curling and soldering irons. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. LIBERTY SMALL pressure cookers. 3 types. YEATER ArfLlAM.! J. 2.V5 N. Liberty K ITCHEJ and industrial exhaust fans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY FERTILIZE early." Rich barnyard and chicken. Call 68F23 for delivery. BLUE Concord grape vines 4 for 91.00. Dill pickles $1.00 per gallon in Sour container. M. C Madison, 453 ;apphahn Rd.. Salem. Ore. "WORLD bike ndWhlzzer motor, practically new. Ph. 31 10 after 4:30 P.M. POWER Saw in good shape $100. N. off Silverton Highway, 65 Fair haven Ave. Call after 5. Lt5RIASEWTNG MACHINE; rol tary shuttle. Dark oak. six drawers. Drop head, leaving top flaC-wben not in use. Only $40.00. Address States man Box No. 810. WOVEN WIRE COTwith hard wood frame, folding legs. $3X0. Address Statesman Bant No. 810. j por gale -t Miseellaneons ALUMINUM ROOFING Heavy gauge Immediate Delivery SEARS FARM STORE 173 S. Liberty Ph. 61 33 and 9194 APPLES, good Rome Beauty and Spits. $1.50 delivered anywhere in Sa 1cm. Ph. 2-4280. WALNUT buffet. Baby buggy like new . 420 Evergreen ave. TREADLE cabinet sewing machine, record player. Young man's suit, size 38. qyJlting hoop. Phone 2-4316. DO YOUR Christmas shopping By phone Order gift subscriptions for Reader's Digest now. Phone 2-4280. ENGLISH Walnuts. Phone 2-4256. FREE: Prune tree wood close in. Phone 2-2632. 6:30-7:30 a.m.: 8-10 .30 p.m. STUFFED TOYS: Ph. 2-5597 Sunday or after 8 p.m. weekdays. 2 CRIBS, springs At mattresses, I bassinette. play pen. 1920 Berry. WOOD circulator stove, in good con dition. Call at 2235 N . 4thSt. CHILD'S tricycle and pedal car. good cond. Phone 6317. GOOD used radios as low as $10 at Liberty Radio Hospital, opposite United Growers cannery. GIRL"S bjcyclef $25. 2349jrherry jvt. STOVES: Two small size ranges. $10 for the 2. 171 N. 13th. WOOD range, breakfast set. large mirror. Ph. 5709 or 415 N. 18th. PAIR of garage doors, also table model radio cheap. 136 N. 23rd. COLEMAN oil stoves (6 only) $37.50 each. R. L. Elfstrom Co. HOT POINT elec. range. 3745 Monroe, j 240 FT. best florring. Tom Murray. 1 block sputh of 12th St. Junction on 99E. NEW .22 automatic. 12 gauge double. New 21 jewel mieromatic Swiss wrist watch. Lady's grey rain coat size 14. Oak dining table. Oak buffet. Oak library table Wicker davenport. Oc casional table. See Allen Jones. 9 A M -1 P.M First duplex rear 776 N. Com'l. BOY'S 1941 World bicycle $27.50. I Lady's dinner ring. Spinel stone with I 2 small diamonds. Sacrifice. 2380 Fair- ; grounds Rd. Apt. 1. : REFRIGERATOR, late model, excel lent condition. $175. Turner Rt. Rt. 2. Box 28A. 1 mile south Pnngle school. SEWING machine. Child's bed for I six year old. Cabinet radio. High chair. ! all in excellent condition. Rt. 2. Box 28A. Turner. 1 mi. South of Pr ingle school. LADDERS- 16 ft. extension and 8 ft. extension. Two 5 ft. step. 171 N.- 13th. COLEMAN oil stoves (6 only) $37 50 each. R. L. Elfstrom Co. WOOD Circulator, excellent condi tion. Phone2-5n5. EXPERT washing machine service and wringer rotls all makes See Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros Furniture Store I 35 N Liberty TWO SLICE electric toasters $2 10. 4 slice $3 85 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. L 255 N LIBERTY Kola Lumber Co. Rt 4. Salem Lumber. Red Cedar Shingles and building supplies. T C Ted) Mu'ler Phone Salem 2-1196 Yd 5 mi west of town on Salem -Dallas Hr WILL BUY for can. sell or trade guns, pistols ammunition boats or t ra i le rs Don Madison. 500 No H igh ATTRACTIVE. Aluminum, kitchen step ladders and step-on refuse cans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY Concrete Buildings Blocks and Bricks BOOCK BUILDING BLOCK CO South River Rd Phone 5968 STOVE Ac Diesel Oils Prompt met ered delivery service Any time LARRY'S FUEL OIL Ph 1-1917 mi N of Pen 4 Corners HEATING Pads lelectrici. Plastic clothes lines, ironing pads and cov- YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY REGISTERED Chesepeake Bay Re trievers. Prize winning stock. $50. Vir Peebler. 3171 Dish St . Klamath Falls. GUARANTEED Forever, flashlight requiring no batteries; 2 and 3 cell flashlights YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY , SINGLE and two burner hot plates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY WALL TYPE can openers, citrus fruit juicers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255N.LIBERTY TABLE and pin-it-up lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255N. LIBERTY 2 ICE Cream freezers. 40 gal. cap. Good cond. priced right. Can be ued for home freezer. Eola Inn, 4 mi. west of Salem on Dallas Highway Ph. 9003. INDIRECT Floor lamps and torchiers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY DECORA TINGHollyr holly wreaths and boutonniere. Ph. 58F12 evenings. JUST Received new shipment of sinks Limited quantity available. Cap ital Bargain House. 145 Center. COAL or briquet circulating heater. New wood range. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY USED Elec. hot water heater, ex cellent cond.. $60. Capital Bargain House. 145 Center. COMBINATION Chromium kitchen sink faucets limited quantity. Capital Bargain House. 145 Center. River Silt MASON SAND CON C RETT MIX. AND FILL DIRT ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Bulldozing Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 2-1968 - 9-3100 Unfinished Furniture Salem's exclusive unfinished furnl ture large assortment or made to or der Pickett Furniture 13th and Stats REGISTERED A K C- Irish Setter puppies. Call 7973 after 5 P.M. or Sat. and Sun. i FT5R Your recreation room we have a radio f The Rumpus Master) that can really reach out and will stand abuse. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty 3 AUTO. Hot' water heaters. Ketzer Garage, KeUer Corners. Joe Radiator Shop. SUN-LAMPS ultra violet and in-fra-red) portable and stand models wiUt timers, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY ONE TON Trailer. Body size 4 by 6 feet and 19 inches deep. Completely equipped, all new construction. Tim ken Roller Bearings, new 6.-00 by 16 tires. See this value at Ward's Farm Store. , CHOICE walnut meats afl perfect halves in pound packages. 'Quantity limited. Call 5778. SIDE ARM gas water heater. Ph. 3778. RABBITS, young, and 7 does, one buck; also hutches. Most of does arc bred. New Zealand breed. RL 2, Box 129. H. A. Estes. KEEP our chicken house DRY. Odorless and free from disease. It is not necessary to clean weekly to ac complish this if you use Ward's Chtck Bed. the perfect poultry litter. A size for every purpose. A $3.60 bag covers 50 sq. ft. Ward's Farm Store. Trad a High St. ' 4 SHEETS 72x102. $19. Gray over cooL size 40. $5. Gray hat. size $3. Black Oxfords, sue T. $4. 1595 Ferry. For Sale Migcellaneona GAS S wood comb. rang. Kneebole desk. B. R. set with Innerspring mat- STATE ST. FURNITURE 1900 Stat : Ph. TSM EI -EC. sewing machine, cabinet mod el. Two 616 tires. Bench vine. 410 re peater gun. Misc. 1115 E. Rural. BOY'S Bicycle $18. 2349 Cherry Ave. LADY'S bicycle. Leedy snare drum.' 1874 Court. JR. size bicycle $15. 210 Broadway. 20 GAL. auto gas water heater. Good cond.. reasonable. 1771 Market. REFRIGERATOR: $80. Phone 2-5146. FRIG IDA IRE. 9 ft- good for borne or small restaurant. Phone 4820. HDAVENPORT. chair. Elec. refriger ator. Lamps, beds. etc. 1710 Yew at Wilbur St. . - AUTOMATIC gas, elect, and side-arm water heaters for Imm. dcNvery, NELSON BROTHERS FURNITURE 315 N. LIBERTY OUTDOOR Christmas light. Complete, in good condition .Phone 4536. WOOD HEATER, side arm gas heat er. 4 burner oil stove, barber pole. Weekdays before 3 p m. 1548 Bellevue. MONTAG Wood circulating heater. Good cond. $30. 181 Senate St.. w Salem. . SEE Us for Christmas Gifts. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty ELECTRIC-Chimes, long and short tubes, motor driven, and mechanical chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY 55 ES Your roof leak Use 100"i asphalt shingles. Unharmed by any weather, ram or shine. Fireproof. In stalled by experienced men. For FREE estimate phone 7177, Western Auto Supply Co. BATH Tubs and fittings, rmall num ber only. Capital Bargain House. 145 Center. 100 WHITE Leghorn nens. Phone 2j2808. Rt7, Box178. GIRLS Bicycle, like new. niu r. Summer after4andon Saturdays. TWO Trailers, one good stock trail er. 16" wheels. One small trailer 18" wheels. One Urge cabinet radio wnn phonograph attachment. All kinds of used furniture. Ph. 6821 or call 1649 N Com 1 WHITE ice skates size 4. $7.50. Ph. 8150. BED Room set complete with twin beds, breakfast set. 4 chairs, other items. See Mrs. Matten. Sun. or week dav .602 N. Winter. VIOLIN: Reasonable. Also 3 dress shirts size 17. Ph. 2-1004 after 5 CHILD'S new push-pedal station wagon $1$ 00. 2405 Center. Ph. 24849. PIANO, small size, with bench. 1690 S. Cottage Nvlon & Silk Hose 2-PR." NYLON Ac 2-pr. pure silk hose. All first quality. 5-guage. 4 pr . $8 25. Postpaid. Send money-order or COD. JACK'S HOSIERY SHOP 330 locust St. Reading Pa i STEVENS'tarset rifle. .22. new. Ex. i tra clip. Also 2 boxes of shells. $50. Ph. 2-2424 , ELECTRIC Hot Point range. R L Phillips. RL 6. Box 118. 2 mi. East Pen 4 Cor. RICH MAHOGANY EXTENSION TABLE. Pie-War quality. Inlaid : stripes on margin and edge, aod on dividing pedestal leg. 54 inches wide. ' Makes round table 4'2 feet in diame ter when closed. Extends to 8' feet with five fully matched leaves. Five ' plain leaves extend it to 12 feet, for large groups. Cloth covered folding asbestos top-protectors for daily use match each section for entire 12 ft. length. Will sell for $95.00 complete, if taken before Dec. 5th. Worth dou ble price aked See it today, at 325 North Capitol St. ' i DARK OAK BUFFET Oft SIDE BOARD. Bodv 48 x21 . 39" high; v. ith 3 drawers 4 2 cabinets. Back top 79" high, with 3 bevel plate mirrors, and two pedestal f helves for vases A real bargain for onlv $45 00. See it todav , at 325 North Capitol St. Must sell i before Dec. 5th. ! DARK OAK HALL SEAT, with hieh back and storage compartment 52 x19 ' , and wall hat rack 52 x27" with orna I mental bevel plate mirror 36 xl7". ' complete for $35 Ou. See it at 325 North Capitol St. GLOBE - WERNIKE "MISSION" STYLE BOOK CASE. Slack of book i units, with, drawer in base, and top finish unit. 34'i"xll". 67" high. Only $35 00 at 32S North Capitol St LARGE KTTCHEN RANGE. South Bend "Malleable": wood and gas com bination. 58" wide. 29" deep. 32" high. Six lid wood range, large oven below and 2 warming ovens above. Water coils. 3 joints pipe and 2 elbows. Gas range has 4 burners and simmerer Baking oven below, and broiling oven above. Would require plumber to de tach water A gas pipes. Take com bination at $40 00 if removed before Dec 5th. See at 325 North Capitol St "AIRTITE" "HEATING STOVE, with II Joints pipe and 2 elbows. A good heater and economical. See at 325 North Capitol Street. A bargain at $13 00 ASSORTED DARK OAK STANDS from S2.50 to $5 00 Convenient for manv uses. See at 325 North Capitol Street. ADJUSTABLE O V E R H A N G ING SICK BED STAND. Oak. with metal support. $5.00. See at 325 North Capi tpl St. BEAUTIFUL BROCADED POR TIERS. Rich luster green and gold combination, with tassels. ' They're , lovely. You'll want them on sirht. Onlv one pair. $35.00 per pair. See , t 325 North Capitol St. GUARANTEED " RADIO SERVICE FREE PICKUP DELIVERY. PHONE MM. i rOURPT tires with Inner tubes. Just recapped once. No. 816s. Call 5J5 Judson. Ph.24881. 4-PIECE bdrm. set with mattress A springs. 1242 6th St.. West Salem. SHOTGUN, double barrel 16 gauee hammerless. 935. Mr. Whitehead. 1391 Court St. TYPEWRITER, Underwood. good condition. $35. Mr. Whitehead. 1391 Court St. 2 POLESHW ft. long $3 each. I silage cutter -blower $5. Model A transmis sion and housing $10. Trailer axles $5 each. Ph. 24373. BICYCLE, man's pre-war Colson. good rubber. BOO Rosemont. W. Salem. GREATLY reduced finished and un finished furniture. Steward's Dept. Store. 263 N. Com'l. ALL WOOL Blankets. Steward's Dept. Store. 263 N. Com'l. HEAVY canvass cover tarps. var ious sizes, 15c per square ft. 960 N. Com'l. BULLDOZERS Custom made. See ours before buy ing AH makes repaired. Grubbing teeth for dozers. Holt Welding and Machine Shop. 'Independence, Oreg. G H 57 CAUON Hoist 505 Center St TradeMiscellaneous FOR TRADE Only: 1944 Western Holly gas range, deluxe model, for fairly new electric range. 350 Belmont St.. downstairs apt. Wan ted M iseell aneous WANTED: Largo wicker doll buggy. Phone 21721. WANTED: H inch wheels for Ford. Will pay cash. Ph.. 21507 for Ken. OIL Circulator. Call 6072. USED FURNITtfitE Phone SUP WANTED: Burlap or cotton bags. Any kind, quantity or condition. Very small lots not wanted. Give good di rections to your place and number of bags you have. Scnuepoach Bros Rt. X Beaverton. jOre. WHY TAKE less for your furniture? See Russ Brlgot Ph. 75 11 WANTED: PIANOS Will pay cash Wills Maste Store 439 State St DISHES over 23 yrs. old' Upstairs Anttoue Shoo 439 Court Ph 3-1443 USED FURNITURE Ph 9185 WANT TO Buy. Used cameras At senses McEwsn Photo Shop 433 Sta te CASH for. used otano At other mu steal instruments Call 4641 days or 537 evenings or send description to Jaquith Music Co, Ml S High CASH tor your used rurnituie Ph 1596 State St Furniture 1900 State WOtlLD Like to buy all kinds of burlap and cotton bags. Willis Kelley. 260 j Com'l St. AUTO painting, lust a shade bettet v Ray I, ITER. Call Shrock Motet Co 950X , For Sale -Real Estate LARSEN HOME FARMS $39,800 600 Acres. 150 A. bottom. 1.000 .600 timber, rm 4Mod hse. barn, spring, creek, gravity water to bldgs. Cater pillar tractor At equipment. $35,000 320 Acres. North, nearly all in crop. Modern 6 rm hse. basem't. furnace, lge barn. 3 silos. Netted $10,000 this year. $26,000 54 A. choice loam, close in North, berries, alfalfa, timber. 8 rm mod home, very good barn bldgs. Stock. At tractor 8c equipment. $20.0CO 148 Acres, North, good loam, nearly all in crop. 3 BR. hse, 12 stanchion barn, well located. $16,500 322 Acre stock, ranch. 120 A. bottom, yr. stream, good timber, good hse. elec At phone, lge dairy bam. gravity water. On school, mail, milk, rte. $19,750 100 Acres level silt loam, edge of town, good hse, elec heaV pltry hse. garage. V. 913.500 31 A. Ilowell loam on Pudding River. 10 A. 7-ps, 5'i A. berries. 6 rm mod home, basem't. furnace, 8 stanchion barn. ' $12,000 40 A. close in, 5 .. strawberreies. 3 A. filberts. 27 A. seeded crop, good hse, 10 stanchion barn. $11,000 28 A. Willamette loam, boysens Ac filberts. 3 BR hse wired for rge. New barn, pltry hse. stock and equipment. $6025 10 A. near Hubbard, Willamette loam, nice 3 BR house. $9000 10 A. pltry. dairy Ac berries, ) BR. home, good barn. 2 garages. $10 PER A 2028 A. stock ranch. All fenced, hse Ac 2 lge barns, seeded to grass. Yr. stream. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EVERYTHING GOES ! Well located cafe Sisters, Oregon. New equipment, good bldg. Lot 40x11$ $11,500 919.300 LARSEN HOME & LOAN CO. Exclusive Listings 164 S. Commercial Wanted Furniture WANTED: Furniture. Mason's Fur niture. Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-4595 Miscellaneous Oil and Gas Burner Service Repair AND INSTALLATIONS Also hot water heater installations D C. "Gene" Brimm. Ph. 5596. 164 S. Commercial. SIGNS AND SHO' CARDS ELDON SCOTT. PHONE 3635. OIL Circulator. Call 6072. TOILING And removing trees. Hour or contract. J. C. Murphy. 425 S. 20. Ph 7678 PRUNING shrubbery and fruit tree All kinds of landscaping. Phone 2-4249 Guitar Studio. Banjo, Uku!ele. etc 1533 Court. Ph7569 ATMORAYS. Ozone! Good health. Rent-sell H C. Pugh. 684 N.17.JIS2- BULLDOZING. EARTH moving At drainage ditches dug Ph4047 MODERN Piano and boogie woogie instruction. Private lessons Guaranteed results L. J Ederton Studio. 1820 N CottaRe Ph 9502 CHARIS' CORiETTIES Guaranteed fitting Nice Imedressei. Ph. 9495 WATER WELL drilling Domestic or irrigation Duffield Bros Rt 4. Bos 80 Phone 2-131 3 WEATHERstnps Pullman Ph 5965 DRAWING and designing house pla ns. Phone 962 1 . HEAVY Hauling. Excavat'on and Koad Building. Land Clearing Duzei Work Ditching Basement Excavation Sand. Grsvel. Crushed Rock. Mason Sand. Concrete Mix Cement Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 1405 N Front St Salem Oregon Phone 409 or 21924 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked 75c LES. SPRINGER. 464 Court St Dental Plate Repair TWO HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Youi Plates for Repslr DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adoloh Bids tate Com Ph 1811 Septic Tanks Cleaned K. F. Hamel 1143 9th. West Salem Phone 7404 Mattresses. Capital Bed. Co. P 46 Financial YOUR SURPLUS MONEY WILL EARN YOU 5 PER CENT INTEREST BUY A REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE. EXAMINE THE SECURITY YOUR SELF. MORTGAGES AVAILABLE IN AMOUNTS OF $500 TO $7500 WE COLLECT ALL INTEREST AND PAY MENTS FOR THE INVESTORS. NO EXTRA CHARGE STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S. High St. Money to Loan Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M158 rARM and TITY LOANS 4,'a and 5 Your own terms or repayment with in reason Cash for Real Estate Coo tracts and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg Phone 7182 General Finance Corp. offers money st once on cars, trucks furniture, trailer bouses, livestock, farm marchinery: contracts refinanced and additional money advanced No co -signers Genersl Finance Is locally owned and officered, was organized In 1927 and therefor knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans made by phone 136 South Commercial Sta. Salem Phone: 9168 Licenses S-138 At M 338 $ MONEY $ REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contrscts. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS Lie. S-216 M-222. 153 S. High St. For Rent Rooms SLP. Rm. for emp. gentleman. Close in. Ph. 7054. 632 N. Winter. SLEEPING room employed gentle man. Close in.354 N Winter LARGE Sip. room. 1417 N. Liberty. Ph. 21576. LARGE Slj. rm. for men. 755 Union. SLP. RM. 2131 Center. SLP. rm. f or gentleman. Ph. 9449. SLEEP, rm. for gentleman. Ph. 7559. For Rent Apartments 3 RM. Apt., employed people. Ph. 7235. COMFORTABLE sip. rm. A apt. 345 S. Winter. For Rent House SOME furniture for sal and 3 rm. house for rent to purchaser of furni ture. Rear of Ma pie tree Cafe, west end of bridge. West Salem. For Rent Farms WANT to lease good 49 acre hop yard to reliable man with hop exper ience. Mr. Laxseiv b car of Hawkins and Roberts. , For-Sale -Ileal Estate & LOAN CO. HOMES $14,000 t BR. lovely home Walnut Park. ONE BLOCK TO HOLLYWOOD t BR. modern brick home. 100x100 lot. fireplce; basem't. furnace, dblc ga rage $11,000. $19,000 J BR. home, hdwd floors, fireplc. elec heat, very nice North. Terms $4204 down, bal. me. 4 4. 99800 3 BR. hse. furnace, basem't. wired for rge. Well located North. 8W0 Two family horse, separate entrances, well located. $5750 9 room furnished, located North, a good buy at this price. $6650 ' 2 BR. home West Salem hdwd floors, ven blinds. Wired lor elec or gas. 95500 Extra rental property, furnished. Imm poss. West Salem. $4500 1 BR home all furnished West Salem. 98000 New 2 BR. home. auto, heat N.E. tit. 000 4 BR. stucco home, hdsrd floors, fire plc. 50x125 lot. North. $4000 7 rm hse, wired for rge, 50x100 lot East. 93750 Completely remodeled and redecorat ed, located S I. 91000 Small bldg, 50x100 lot N E. 99O0Q 2 BR. home automatic heat, large lot N X. 96650 7 room hse. on Union st., near school. Lot close in $2100. In Turuer. 3 B.R. furnished home. $3450. Personal Service Ph. 8389; Eves. 1440 For Rent SMALL STORE. 944 N. COMMERCIAL ST. Elec welder, paint sprayer, power cement mixer. Il4tl 5. 22nd. Ph. 2-4546. , PLUMBING Tools, electric power ! tools, belt and disc Sanders, etc. Call j 3646 for your tool needs. Howser's 1 Rent-ATool. 1 132Edgewater. ) GOOD Usee Piano H L Stiff i LIGHTjirailer 960 N Com'l. I FLOOR SANDER for rent Mont ' gomerv W ard fKAlLKKS lot rent mm. per ni Woodrv's Mkt I HQS N Summer TRUCKS lot rent You drive Mc Cunt At Lovell Phone SOPS) u-dhive Trucks ro rent Blankets turn 197 S Liberty PI. 9062 FLOOR Sander." elec floor polisher and lawn roller. Rawlins Hardware the Marshall Wells Store. Ph 6877 Wanted to Rent YOUNG employed couple want 1 or 2rm.apt., furn. orunlurn.Ph. 6"9 EX-NAVAL Officer with wife Ac 2 yr -old child desue furnished or un furnished apt or house. Permanently employed. Call 6227 between 5 Ac 7 j m. EMPLOYED woman and daughter de sire a 4 rm. unfuin apt or house, -botn gone all day. Phone3750 WANTED : Small furn! apt. by cou ple, no children or pets. Ph. 7730. SLEEP ING R ooiu . 1 040 N . 1 7 1 1 h . FURN. or unfurn house 3 BR. or moie. Adults Write Box 835 Statesman " 3 WILLAMETTE students, ex-service-men. Quiet A studious Mut have apt. so as to finish schooling Ph. 4518 TINY 1 or 2 rm. furnished apt need ed by working girl. Close in. 825 States man VET Native of Salem wants house or apt. No children. Ph. 4171 Ext. 250 or S4-47. B a.m. to S p m. 13 CANS OF SPRY shortening re ward for information leading to suit able apt. or small house for 'rent. No children or pels Veteran Box 948 BY DECEMBER 1st Permanent employe of The States man needs two-bedroom house or apartment, furnished or unfurnished, by Dec. 1st Call Bus. Mgr. Statesman. For Sale Real Estate MONEY TO LOAN on first mort gages 4 to 6 Call for details Ed Byrkit 4 Co. 339 Chemekcta Street Phone 5981 NEW 2 B Rm. unf. attic, fireplace, elec. heat. Post. 10 das. W. W. Goodwin Phone 4108 with After 6 8715 T A. Roberts. Realtor $2850 A really good, new garage house with material for another building Plenty good water from deep drilled well. Over 'i acre lot. in excellent east location. Good garden spot We believe this is a buy. See it TODAY. VERY MCE Furnished 1 bedroom home in good West Salem location. We consider this worth $4500 See "Cleave" Bartlett. Jr. INCOME AND HOME Family fruit on deep lot. close In. 2 bedrooms in mam part of house, fire place, auto. heat. APT. in back has separate entrance; RENTS for tSO. $3500 will handle. Asking price, $7950 NICELY ARRANGED 9 bedrm. house, large living and dining room with hdwd. floors. Has nook, fireplace, full basement El. cooking and water heating. The price is $9500. See "Art" Holmes Salem Realtv Co. C. W. Bartlett. Realtor 149 N. High St. Phone 7660 "List With Salem to Sell Vm" Open House at this exquisite 555 Rose Street homo 3 to 3 p.m. 3 bdrms. double plumbing, all hard wood floors, sprinkling system. Auto heat. Call Baron. Reimann Real Estate "Listings Skillfully Handled" 201 So. High Ph. 3722 or 7934 Eves. At Bun. 3621 or 2-4113 Will Be Vacant Soon Besutiful 2 bedroom home. V. blinds, h w. floors, fireplace, wired for elec. range, air conditioned, full basement. 7 ft. ceiling garage. Price $11.00 See Allen Jones or Mrs. Needham 341 State St.. Room 4 Phone 6963 ANOMALOUS A new unusually well built white shake home. Pleasant living room with view window. Well appointed kitchen and nook. Wired for range and elec tric beet. Two bedrooms plus an ex tra room ovet the attached garage. Beautifully located on two acres north. $8500 only. Call McGlauflin. Reimann Real Estate "Lirtings Skillfully Handled" 301 So. High Ph. 3722 or 7939 Eves. Sun. 24113 or 3624 For Sale Real Estate To Buy or Charles HOMES 3 BEDROOM HOME Living room, dining room, kitchen With iocs Af K.i i If -Ina Mlvrf M range, elect, water tank-, cement fruit room, carpet wall to wall. Oil rlreu ! la tor. 2 bathrooms, good lawn, flow n. snruos. sucio. rval 12SX. NEW 1 BEDROOM HOME On 'i Acre tract. 5 minutes from Sa- em. completely furnished, for sale or traoe on 2 bedroom home In Salem. Sal 122X. S6300 NEW 1 BEDROOM HOME On acre tract. 8 minutes from Salem, completely furnished, for sale Sal 122X. $S30Q. FARMS TURKEYS ARE AGAIN PROFITABLE You are all set to go on this fine ranch of 54 A . 52 in cult. Fam. oi chard. 9 room home, 9 turkey brooder houses. An A No. 1 farm. Nr. Jeffer son. $25,000. Sal 120 SET UP AND READY TO GO 10 A . 3' cult. Black loam soil, fine 2' A. orchard, elect, water system 4 loom home, lawn Ac shrubs. 20x214 feed Ac brooder house, 30x34 tile in cubator hse., double garage. 9 miles from Salem. $10,600. Sal 122. BEEF. LAMB. LUMBER Plenty of room for stock, plus I mil lion board feet of timber on this SOS A. ranch 23 miles from Salem. 100 A. cleared, over 100 A. grazing In the timber. 4 rm. house, large barn, cabin, brooder, hen house, 1 good roads. $19, 000. Sal 124. WILL YOU BE THE LUCKY ONE? 43 acres. 9 miles south of McMinn vilie. Fam. orchard. Amity soil. 2 wells, 5 room house. 40x40 bsrn. woodshed, large mach. Tractor, combine, disk, other equip. $8000. GUARANTEED TO PLEASE Perfect condition, excellent location, 6 acres. 4 bedrm. home, hdwd. floors, plastered. Small barn, excellent hnuae, patio, fireplace. Close In. Terms. $19,000. Sal 128 REFRIGERATOR AND GAS RANGE FOR SALE In fact this completely trellised 1$ A. of beans. 7 room houe. barn, row, horse, tractor and equip., trailer, chick ens, and modern Irrigation system, all go for $14,000. 9 miles out. Sal 131. INCOME DON'T SLEEP IN THE PARK Here 1 a p'ace to live AND an In come. 6 unit apartment house, fuin ishtd. $234 monthly income, good lo cation. Sal 104 Inc S'j YEAR LEASE On comb, service sta . garage, gro cery, 2 cabins A trailer space. Includes some tools, furniture, sta. equip . inven. of groceries, and 2 weldeis. Good lo cation. $8975. Sal 105 Inc. CHARLES DELFEL, Realtor 615 N. Capitol St. - Tlione 7002 i Open 8 30 a m to 6 .30 p m. ' IlIRMSHKI) DOUBLE PLUMBING I Makes this house a home and an INCOME PROPERTY. I'pttaiis ail , rents for $55 per month Front hall I makes entrances private to either up or down living quartets. Newly re i decorated. 2 bdrms down, and 1 in up stairs apt. G.is cooking and water healing. Lg. lot witii family fruit ' f!2.5Xl is the atking price, but MAKE ' AN OFFER ! See Cleave' Bartlett. Jr. Salem Realtv Company C W. Bartle'tt. Realtor 149 North High St. Phor.e 76 "Lint With Salem to Sell em THE LITTLE OFFICE ' WITH A BIG BUSINESS $4S0O 1 B R. futn. home. $6500 2 B R. new. Kcizcr dit. $711110 2 H R. attractive new. $7500 2 H R. new. North E. j 890UO 2 B R new. bus. school $10,5003 B R. strictly mod. 10 rs $12,000 2 BR. mod. Nl rth. New. FAIR MOUNT HILL Completely furnished with nice fur niture, 2 B R . glassed porch for 3 B R . large living and dining comhin- 1 ed. nook, utility, gas. Extra nice iet ling. paved streets Lot luUxlOO. Only . S10.5OU Call Mr. Estep. 1 C H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 5838 Full Price $4,300 CIOSE IN 5 rm. home. Piactically completed. On lot 10(1x125. This house is well constructed. -See H. E C'oiey. M. O. Humphreys & Co., Realtors j 3035 Portland Rd Ph 7820 or 3816 SALE OF DWELLING AT JEFFERSON Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned an heir of Lemuel ". Miller, deceased, will offer for sale to the highest bidder Lot 3 Block 3 Institute , And Jefferson. Or., well situated near school in town. 6 room dwelling, new paint and roof 1946. ample grounds with orchard and small fruit, garage Abstract of title or title insuiance will be furnished showing free of liens and merchantable title, right re- i served to reject any or all bids Bids should be presented in writing at the office of Clvde C. Bryant. Attorney. , First Nat Bank Bldg . Albany, Oregon, , prior to December 3. 1946. FRANK MILLER : BY OWNER: 3 BR. mod home.! base , oil furnace, cor. lot., east front. 88150 1005 N. Cottage. NEW 4 room and bath room. fin. or unfln. Rex Stewart. Jefferson. Oie. , HOME At INCOME . $7950 VERY NEAT 5 rm home with 2 rm apt in rear. bsml. sawdust fur- nace. fireplace Apt renting at $35, close in. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Comnanv Realtors Phone A VjUCIIirnriaj -J $ Eves. 2-5260 S6750 4 BEDROOM HOUSE, some nice fur niture goes with this place. Large lot. 100x250 M. O. HUMPHREYS At CO.. REALTORS 3035 Portland Road Ph. 7820 2286FairgroundsRqa(i Ph 2-4596 3 BEDROOM house north A garage house, part of house At garage tented, income $50 per mo. Close to stores Ai bus. Large lot. $5500. Can assume $2000 loan. C. J. JACKSON. 341 State St . Salem VERY"NICEJ bed R house, living room, nice kitchen At nook, smsll base ment Ac front room, garage. 2 nice lots, corner location, both streets paved. W. Salem. 86800. Immediate posses sion, cash. C. J. JACKSON, 341 State St., Salem G. I. SPECIAL New. modern 2 B. R. home. Lots of bullt-lns. Inlaid linoleum. Wall to wail carpet. Large lot. Family fruit. 100 G. I. appraisal. Call 25390. No a gents. 3-BDRM. Front rm, modern bath and kitchen. Large garage attached. Nice. You can move right In. Make reason able offer. Five bedroom home in better part of Salem. Just redecorated in and out. Full basemt. sawdust furn. Has extra large lot facing east. Double garage Come In and make us a reasonsble offer. NORTH OF MARKET ST. Pre-war built. Modern design. 2 bed room home. Nice living room arching Into dining room. H.W. floors through out. Coved ceilings. Well arranged kitchen. Ven. blinds, full deep base ment. Automatic oil furnace. Good lot Nice shrubs. Attached garage. Let us show you this place and you make an offer. R. E. Meredith, Realtor 178 S. Commercial Phone 9841 FOR efficient and effective sales service call the Salem Realty Co NOW' BY OWNER: B.H. Mod. home. N. Good resale, location. Phone 3817. 1 For SaiW-Xleal Estalo 1 Sell See Delfel MODrRN HOME ON ,AC, 'j 3 bdrms, living room, dining room,' kitchen, laige breakfast nook, I' seres. 30aM bain, pig prn. chlx hie., double garage. While picket fence, lawa, nlcw appearance. Close to city limjts. ,911, 000. Sal I4S 3 BEDROOM HOME Living room, dining loom, kitchen with lets of bullt'ini. Hiied for elect., ranee, elect, wat-r lank, cement fruit imm. ri r t n t .i mi . or. a ta.t. room, good lawn, flowers.' shiubs. 88500. Sal 1J8X. . . SMALL BEAN ACREAGE . 5 A. tMllihed for beam, ungated City water main on land, No buildings. 3 miles from city limits, $1600. Sal 133. TAKE YOUR CHOICE 4 sawmills within racttus of 8 miles. 2 acres. 4 cultivated, all fenced 1HM; chicken house, good bam. good loom house This place could be developed for chickens, turkevs. berries, i trucks ' lmr.d?r.- Blchens csuaes sacrifice. $6500. fal 137. j 3 WAYS TO MAKE MOMY 116 A . 40 A. cult . 40 A. limber, t cows. Mlx52 ba4n. 48x16 hiotxler hse., with cement floors S Ml. S I. I tayton. 1 9 bedrm. house. $10KiU. Hal 141. GENERAL FARMING , 129 acres. 83 under cultivation. 19 acres In 2nd growtiv timber and pas ture. 3 bedroom house, glade A' I'arn. IT cows. 2 bulls, horses, chickens, John Deere tractor and utner equipment 1 mile N.W. of Ml. Angel. Sal Itf. $44,000. t-bone lime i 44) a. It a. cult., soma- Id growth fir. fam. arch.. 2-bodrrn. ur,fin. iv ablei. 6 -cow bai n. 3 cow . 3 horses. 1 Shorthorns, chickens, mower, lake, harrow, seeder, 21 plow. drk, separ ator. 2 Ions hay. equip Nr, Colton. 407. PICNIC BY THE C'RF.EK 2S't a., a. filberts so. 1 timber and patturc, well, pies svst... creek; fam. orch.. 5-bedrm. mod. furn td 10-row barn. 7 horse stall, chick. he., cow, heifer. 175 hens, drag. aw, tractor, I10. 000. SE Oregon City. 358, NATURAL SUBDIVISION 86 acres, alieady mnvrtrd for sub division. Ciom-fenced. VVater at 19 leel. 1 well now in Adjoining Ger air. $10 750. Sal 109 Inc;. AIRPLANE DEALERSHIP ' Flying set vice. of fleet. ! parts and equipment. A leal buv ana good fu lui. To be sold st list price. Sal 111 Inc. New Home ''et Salem 4 4 rim., nice floors, $62(10. Has rental in tear. Immediate possession. Soni ten. is H. I Grant, Realtor 457 Court OJiejrT44 ' WE HAVE a small, home on Mission Stiet which with a linie woik will make s good low pi iced home for someone. Make us in olfer. Ed Bvrkiti Realtor 3JjChemeketa Street Phone 8061 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $7401) -NEW 4 iwm lio'l.u. Jiwd. firs, elec Lent Call OMER. Huff Real Estate Company Realtots : 341 Oien.eketa Ft. Phone 2-1549 ? Eves. 2-KKII NEAR PEN 4 CORNERS GARAGE HOUSE 20x:!0 Double coni-li ueucn, conciete floor, good well. inlr. Snqwers. etc. Lot Sox 46 lii another ita:ir home: foun dation and floor 14x20 wl'.li material to finish. $3000. Reimann; Real Estate "Listings Skillful:- Handled" 201 S High PV.rme 3722 or 7839 Sun Ai eye. 2-411 Jr 362 1 SALE OR TRADE For apaitnient huute or house with rental, 2 bdrm loue with 's acre noith. S.MALL NEAT HOUSE $2(iO rash, balance by month, cloa HOUSat WITH RENTAL Model ri t lose-In north. $5(JO0, fcFVERAL RANCHES FINE LOCATION 2 small lursrh counleit, small. piles mift income, Lawrence Real Estate loans and Insuiance Phone 'bim 320 N. Higti $ 1 500 1OWN Vuvs tliisT B RluThUh. ed home. Intmed pot. IJOxluO lot. Call OMER, Huff Real Estate Com Tipany eketa St. Realtors 341 Chem Phone 2-1549 Eves. Z-Ml MONEY TO lX)AN on first moil gages 4 to 6V Call for details. Ed- Byrkit & Co. 339 Chemekcta Street Phone 8981 NEW 3 B Rm. unf. attic, fireplace. H.W. floors. Veteran onlv. WL W. Goodwin Phone 4109 with After 99719 T. A. Roberts. Realtor- $64004" BRT HOME near LeUie'HI. LB. DR. K Range At refrig. go. Terms Call OMER. Jluff Real E.tate Company Realtors 341 Chemekefa St. Phone 2-1549 Eves. t-5(l NEW T B RmTnome East. $8950 1 rn med. Pnea. W. W. Goodwin Phone 4109 with After 91711 f. A Robrrt,Ritor I8P50 NlCE 4 bdrn home'lV. near Catholic, sch. Llv. Rm. D Rm, Kit. .nook, nomt, furnace, fireplace. Call Mr. Waiters. Huff Real Estate Company Realtors 341 Cfemeketa fft, - Phono Eves. 3-9360 ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives Ward-Griffith Cop-oany, Ins. San Francisco Eastern AdvertUinf Representatives Ward-Griffith Company. In. Chicago. New York, Detroit. Boston, AUsnta Member Pacific Co.t Division ' Bureau of Advertising- Catered at Che Poetoffir at Sa lem, Orwpon as Strond CM as Mat ler. Pubhaked every morning r- -cept Mondav Buit-nttl ofic tl$ South Commercial Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mall Subscription Rates In Ad vance: Within Oregon i Dally and Sunday, Mo 64 cents: 9 moa, $3 25; 1 year. 96 SO Elsewhere Hi cents per mo. or $7 29 for I year to advaaca. Per copy 9 cents. By City Carrier. 7$ cents a month. 99 00 a year In advanca In Marion and adjacent counties. ,