The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 21, 1946, Page 8, Image 8

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    t The Statesman. SaUm. On.
Tea Honors
Visitor on
Mr. Stewart Johnson was hos
tess for an informal tea Wednes
day afternoon at her North Sum
mer street home for the pleasure
of Mrs. Bradford C. Collins of San
Francisco. Mrs. Collins and her
daughter, Robin Lee. are guests
this week at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry V.
Collins. They will return to the
bay city by plane on Sunday.
A' few of the honor guest's close
friends were invited to call at 4
o'clock. Mr. Ralph E. Purvine
presided at the tea urn and as
sisting were Mrs. James Walton
and Mrs. Robert Needham.
The tea table was centered with
a bronze and crystal epergne fill
ed with heather and fall greens
with an arrangement of fruit in
the lower bowl. White tapers in
bronze candelabras flanked the
centerpiece. Deep lavender chry
santhemums were used in the liv
ing room.
New Babies
T Mr anrf Mrs. JosCDh MatuJeC
(Marian Bretz) go congratulations
on the birth of a son, William
lanw hum on Wednesday after
noon at the Salem General hos
pital. The little boy. who weighed
eight pounds and eleven ounces,
is the grandson of W. H. Bretz of
Salem and Joseph Matujec of
Kansas City, Kansas.
The Rev. and Mrs. Clay Pom
eroy are the parents of a little girl
born on Wednesday at the Salem
General hospital. The baby has
an older sister, Mary Ellen.
OES Chapter Will
Meet for Dinner
Salem chapter. Order of East
ern Star, will meet for a covered
dish dinner Saturday night at the
Masonic temple at 6:30 o'clock.
The chapter will furnish the meat
and dessert.
Guests will be members of
Ada chapter. Independence; Victoria-
chapter. Turner; Euclid
chapter, Jefferson, and Gervais
chapter, Gervais. At the meeting
degrees will be conferred. The
committee includes Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Raynor, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Lucas, Mr. and Mrs. Her
bert Rasmus san, Mrs. Jsmes Mc
Fsrlsnd and Miss Doris Olson.
Cam put Casual
Sorority Dances
Highlight Week
-(Special)-Visiting alums at the
Oregon-Oregon State homecoming
football game on Saturday will
see "Puddles," the duck, the Uni
versity of Oregon mascot It
seems that "Puddles' was kid
napped from Eugene last week
and is being held captive by un
known Oregon Staters. Alumni
are also in line for a treat at the
beef barbecue Saturday, where
there will be plenty of prime beef
cuts, but that is for alums only.
Last weekend sorority pledge
dances were held by Alpha Chi,
Chi Omega, Kappa, Tri Delt and
Theta. Among Salem people at
tending the Kappa formal were
Forrest Simmons, Betty Manoles,
Bob Thompson, Mary Reimann,
Newell Williams, Mary Lou Mc
Kay. Joan Beaky, Dick Gahlsdorf
and Phyllis McGregor.
Delta Zeta pledges entertained
all sorority and fraternity pledge
presidents at a breakfast Sunday
morning. Among the D. Z host
esses was Mary Elizabeth Rein
hart. Other parties through the
week for pledge were given by
Kappa Delta and Kappa Alpha
Edlna Lane extension anit will
hold its monthly meeting Friday
at the home of Mrs. Frank Cas
petl. 610 Bieber street, at 10:30 a.
m. Subject for dicussion will be
"Care of tl.e Hair." A covered
dish luncheon will be served at
Yeuag Matrons club of the
YWCA will meet tonight at the
YW at 7:30 o'clock. Miss Lenore
Hedley of the Marion county
health department will speak and
show movies on work done in the
county for tuberculosis.
Mrs. George J. Smythe will re
turn this morning from Bur
lingame, Calif., where she went
to be with her sister, Mrs. Belle
Jewell, who has been ilL
Geld Star Mathers win meet
today at I p. m. at VFW halL
Thursday. Norombor 31. 1943
Angel Reyes, young Cu
ban violinist who will ap
pear Friday night at the
Salem high school audi
torium in a concert under
the sponsorship of the Cre
scendo club. The program
is set for 8:15, tickets are
to be on sale at the door.
Miss Bialy
To Marry
Miss Ann Bialy and Paul F.
Reidy have set Thanksgiving
morning as the date for their
marriage. The bride-elect is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. P.
Bialy of Mt Angel. The nuptial
mass will be performed at 10
o'clock at St. Joseph's Catholic
church by the Rev. Vincent Kop-
pert, OSB, of Ml Angel.
A reception at the home of the
bride in Division street will fol
low the rites.
Miss Bialy attended ML Angel
academy and is. now employed at
Hartman's. Her fiance attended
Sacred Heart academy and is a
graduate of Salem high school.
He served with the army in Eng
land and North Africa, and is
now employed by the state high
way commission.
Deaconess Group
Names Committees
The Deaconess hospital met
Monday. The Rev. Gene Cham
berlin was guest soloist, accom
panied by Mrs. Chamberlin, and
the devotional message was
brought by the Rev. Dudley Strain.
Mrs. W. H. Barber, president,
named the following committee
heads: program, Mrs. Mayme Hill;
hostesses, Mrs. A. W. Metzger; de
votions, Mrs. J. J. Wiens; aux
iliary room, Mrs. A. H. Wilson;
hospital needs, Mrs. W. E. Seam
ster; publicity, Mrs. C. W. Stacey;
sewing, Mrs. Frank Jirak.
The telephone committee was
announced as Mrs. Stanley Blume,
chairman; Mesdames Hugh Dowd,
O. L. Donaldson, Olive Hilmoe
and lone Dorcas. Mrs. L. F. Heup
erman, chairman of the member
ship committee, will have as her
assistants Misses Katherine Ad-
lard, Lois Ohmart, Mesdames P
W. Gaiser, Minnie Melvin, Chris
tine Simmons, J. J. Nunn, Nettie
Roberts, A. W. Metzger, Hugh
Dowd, W. E. Seamster, Stanley
Krueger and A. H. Wilson. Con
stitutional revisions were acted
on and dates for a rummage sale
were set as January 31 and Feb
ruary 1
At the tea hour, Mesdames A.
W. Metzger and W. H. Barber pre
Jayeeettes held a meeting an
Tuesday night in .the clubhouse,
concluding with a white elephant
sale. Sixteen members and guests
were present. Mrs. A. C. Newell
was auctioneer and Mrs. Elmo
Lindholm and Mrs. Howard Wal
ker were hostesses.
ui STweek Robert BakVf
Whittier. Calif., who will be the
guest of Tom Brand at the North
Summer street home of Judge and
Mrs. James T. Brand. The men
met while stationed in Japan. Mr.
Baker has just returned from
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Farrell
entertained with a housewarming
at their new home on South 12Ui
sireei aionaay nigru. in uic
group were Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Zc-h, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Morley,
Miss Ellen Morley and Marvin
The Alpha Xi Delta alamnae
will meet tonight at the home of
Mrs. Andrew Halvorson, 1790 S.
Winter street, at 8 o'clock. All
Alpha Xi Deltas in Salem are in
vited to attend.
The meeting af the SUvertan
high school alumni which was
scheduled for the home of W. C.
Crtwi, 341 North 19th t street,
today has been cancelled.
Mr. and Mrs. Carletea Rath
and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Neulin
ger have returned from a fort
night's stay in San Francisco, Los
Angeles and San Diego.
White Alert
Tie . . .
Wedge Heel
Elxes 3 to t
AAA to B Widths)
Music . . . .
Woman's Editor
Pioneer all-woman American Lesion
post, initiation, S pjn. . - -.-
Salem Council ei Women's organiza
tions meet at Chamber of commerce.
X p ja.
Havesvine Woman's club with Mrs.
William Brietzkc. CUxter Bead. 1:13
diss it, luncheon.
DAV auxiliary Joint meeting with
chapter. Salem Woman's clubhouse.
- Kincwood Garden club with Mrs.
Herbert Hilke. 1179 2nd st, 130 des
sert luncheon.
King-wood American Legion post and
auxiliary meet at Legion hall. West
Salem, S p. nv.
iMtwy Neighbors Garden club with
lira. M. C Black man. S3 I jnsing avc.
130 dessert luncheon.
Benefit Harvest Home tea. Old Peo
ple's home. 1625 Center st, I to i p. m.
DAV auxiliary bazaar sewing with
Mrs. Ralph Secor. route 3. box 99a,
ao-hoat luncheon at noon.
Keixer Ladies- sewing club all day
meeting, covered dish luncheon at
home ol Mrs. Ben Cla fett. route X.
Fedelis class, First Baptist church
with Mrs. J. B. Wilt, S70 N. Winter
St.. S p.m.
BPW executive board with Mrs. Ar
thur weddle. 133 Broadway. TM p.m.
Past Presidents. United S Danish War
Veterans auxiliary with Mrs. Gertrude
Wilson. 1S3S Reservoir, a pjn.
Salem chapter. OES. covered dish
dinner. Masonic . Terrible. S:30 D-m.
saiem woman's ciuo meeting. 1 :3a
p. m clubhouse, board meeting. 12:3a
p. m.
Oregon State mothers meet at YWCA.
2 p.m.
TUESDAY , i. . . .
Salem Navy Mothers no-host dinner,
YWCA. JO p.m.
Credit Women
At Breakfast
Eight members of the Salem
Credit Women's Breakfast club
motored to Portland Sunday to
attend the breakfast at the Heath
man hotel held in connection with
the Columbia River basin confer
ence of Credit Women's clubs.
Mrs. Henry Kayser of Salem pre
sided at the conference.
Attending were Mrs. Ethel Gal
linger, president of the Salem
club, Mrs. Lloyd Meyers, Mrs.
Gervaise Elliott, Mrs, Darrell
Walker, Mrs. Henry Kayser, Miss
Lillian Kayser, Miss Beverly
Hartzel annd Miss Marjone
To Attend the Game
Mr. and Mrs. Harland Pearson
and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Parker
will be among those attending
trie Oregon State-Oregon game in
Corvallis Saturday. The Pearsons
will visit their daughter, Patri
cia, a freshman.
Mr. and Mrs. Claybourne Dyer,
Mr. and Mrs.; William C. Dyer,
Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Bell of Portland will be among
those attending the game. Mr.
end Mrs. Roy H. Mills and Mr.
and Mrs. Alan'Siewert are among
others planning to see the game
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Miller
are the parents of a daughter,
Trudy Lynn, born Sunday at the
Deaconess hospital. The mother
is the former Dorothy Arthur.
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Arthur, Salem, Mrs
George Northern, Oakland, Calif.,
and Earl Miller, San Pedro.
Great grandmothers are Mrs
Irene Klingman, Salem, and Mrs
J. F. Miller, Boulder, Colo.
Eatin9 Season
Grocers5 Of fer Makings 'for Old Time
i Thanksgi ving Meal;
By Maxlne Baren
Statesman Woman's Editor
Polish up the kitchen stove, get out the recipe books and let's
get down to this business of holiday cooking.
Each time- I go into the grocer's there's more evidence that we
are slowly returning to the old way of gracious living. Sauces are
geiung DacK on the shelves, un
usual pickles and preserves are
; again appearing, condiments
j (though I found no pepper in one
; store are ever inrreasinrf in va
riety, assorted makings for hors
d'oeuvres have returned.
It's the necessities which still
stump us. For lack of sugar well
have to go easy on the cranberry
sauce, shortage of fate will in
spire budgeting of pies and cakes.
But with care, Thanksgiving
dinner can be just about pre-war
quality, and canned cranberries
are at some grocers.
We'll begin at the end and work
foreward in recipes. Here's a
For That Tharikscjivincj Turkey
Two Sizes . .
A Feic Timely Suggestions for the Early
Christmas Shopper-
Table Lamps
Floor Lamps
Bed Lamps
Pinup Lamps
Bridge Lamps
Boudoir Lamps
53 Pc Dinner Sets
It Pc. BrcKikiaat Sets
Fire Place Sets
Thermos Jugs gaL size
Echo Pressure Cookers
Are Now Available. Quantifies Limited.
The Home
Sector? Editor .
With the exception of large teas
the pre - Thanksgiving week is
marked with informal luncheons
and bridge gatherings.
Mrs. Floyd W. Sheoard was
hostess for an informal luncheon
on Wednesday afternoon at her
North Summer street home for a
group of newcomers in the cap
itaL Covers were placed for Mrs
Fred Langdon, Mrs. George R.
Kaye, Mrs. i Mark Astrup, Mrs.
Gregory Lancaster, Mrs. Ralph H.
Cooley and the hostess.
Mrs. F. W. Lehmer has invited
a few of her friends to luncheon
today at her Royal Court apart
ment before going on to the Salem
General hospital auxiliary tea. In
the group will be Mrs. James T.
Brand. Mrs. Floyd W. Shepard,
Mrs. George Alexander and the
Ta Honor dabs
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Parker will
entertain - members of their- club
at a dessert' supper and evening
of bridge Saturday night at their
Rose street borne. Members are
Mr. and Mrs. David Eason, Mr.
and Mrs. H. G. Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. George Aiken, Judge and
Mrs. George Rossman, Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. Sprague and the hosts.
Mrs. BJarne Ericksen will pre
side at a bridge luncheon this af
ternoon at her South Cottage
street home for members pf her
club. Additional guests will be
Mrs. Ralph Eggstaff and Mrs.
Lewis Clark.
Mrs. Stuart Lancefield will be
a bridge hostess tonight when she
honors her dub at her Fainnount
Hill home. A dessert supper will
precede several hours of contract.
Mrs. Frederick G. DeLano has
invited members of her club to a
bridge luncheon Friday afternoon
at her home. Mrs. A. A. Gueffroy
will be a special guest.
Extension Unit
Holds Meeting
The Lansing Neighbors home
extension unit met on Nov. 14
with Mrs. Ed Tobin for a dessert
lunch served by the co-hostesses,
Mrs. W. A. Marsh and Mrs. Ed
Mrs. V. E. Fitzgerald, chairman
appointed the following commit
tees: Membership, Mrs. L. W. Harm;
hospitality, Mrs. 'Ed Tobin; Asso
ciated Country Women of the
World, Mrs. W. A. Marsh; recrea
tion, Mrs. I. H. Sion; publicity,
Mrs. I. G. Lermon.
The unit will participate in a
state-wide project the considera
tion of a home economics coope
rative house on the Oregon State
college campus. Mrs. Tobin was
appointed chairman.
Project leaders, Mrs. R. H. Bal
lard and Mrs. I. H. Sion, present
ed the program "Care of the
The next meeting of the unit
will be held on January 9.
Remember Sugar
good standard pumpkin pie, not
too dark nor too light and with
mild, but adequate spicing:
14 cups pumpkin
1 egg slightly beaten
H teaspoon ginger
1 teaspoon cinnamon
teaspoon salt
Dust of allspice
1 cup sugar
1 cup milk
Mix, and bake at 450 for first
ten minutes, reducing heat to
complete cooking. Rub a piece of
butter over filling a few minutes
before done.
Croquet Sets
Step-on Garbage Cans
Sam son Fans
Poker Chip Sets
Playing Cards
Cocktag Sets
Tool Boxes
Tools '
Baseball Glares
Soitba&s . -
Hostesses to
Beck !
Mrs. Roy H. Mills and Iher
daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Hanson I
will be hostesses for an informal
party Friday night at the! for
mer's home on South Winter street
in ' compliment to : Miss . T h e o
Beck, December bride-elect.!
Guests have been invited: to a
dessert supper with an evening
of bridge following. Bouquets of
autumn flowers will be used for
decorating. - r
Honoring Miss Beck will be Mrs.
Joseph Beck, Mrs; Gilbert Davis,
Mrs. Samuel J. Butler, Mrs.' Leona
Johnson," Mrs. Robert Craig,) Mrs.
Wayne Dough ton, Miss -Eleanor
Trindle and the hostesses.
Birthday Banquet
For Hall Girls
"Birthday Blues" was I the
theme of the formal birthday ban
quet Wednesday night at Willam
ette university In the Lausanne
hall dining room, when women in
residence at the dormitory : hon
ored twenty of their number
whose birthdays were celebrated
between July and December..
Welcoming address to guests at
the affair was given by Sue Fer
guson with the response by Joan
Morgan, Joan Claudy was toast
mistress. Guests were Prof,- and
Mrs. Herbert . Rabe, Mr. and
Mrs. Maurice Brennen, Dean 'Olive
M. Dahl and Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
Bird. Mary Lois Cotton and Betty
Larson served as general commit
tee for the banquet.
Blended Muskrat
Diane Ellis, davghter ef Mr.
and Mrs. Dean Ellis, will celebrate
her fifth birthday at a family
party Friday night at the Ellis
home. Guests will be Mr. and Mrs.
William P. Ellis and Virginia
Ellis of Oswego and Mr. and Mrs.
Hal Wiley of Jefferson.
i r . i i . i
tmn t- CSTCiri
,J - v - L - 4 - , - J - - - L -- l-,-a.
At Shower .
Mrs. Milo" . Syverson was hon
ored with a shower on Tuesday
night by Mrs.' J. Elgin Thrush and
Mrs. Donald Muellhaupt. Pink
and white was used for the color
scheme. .Games were enjoyed
during the evening with refresh
ments served at a late hour. The
hostesses were assisted by Mrs.
Floyd McCarrolL Mrs. Ernest
Adams, Mrs. Clarence Stanley and
Mrs. Ivan BogarL
Those bidden were Mesdames
Milo Syverson, Robert Hauser, Er
nest Adams, Roy Farmer, James
Wilkinson. J. H. Hampton, Rich
ard StillweU, Gilbert Bates, Leo
Olsen, Stanley Stiffler, Gilbert
Anderson, Joseph Cray croft, Ray
Welch, Clarence Stanley, Emery
Petticord, Kenneth Taylor, George
Nopp, Charles Taylor, Walter
Greene, George Herberger, An
thony Fountinini, Joseph John
ston, Neal Van Hees, James Se
hon, Milton Beckett, Clarence
Weaver, George Newman, Jack
Schirnmberg. John Wesely, Ivan
Bogart, Harvey Bell, Sylvester
Schroeder, Stanley Nuens, Roy
Larson, Dempsey Sullivan, Art
Ritthie. Ted Morris, Delbert
Quinn, Floyd - McCarrolL Misses
Gladys Winnedahl, Betty Schie-
man, Lela Runcorn, Thelma
Strand, Dorothy Taylor, Doris
Lepley and the hostesses.
if? A? V
i ( l t )
21, -Hj; I I
We've shaped--compered --know
that nowhere wUI you fad such furs af
this Ward-low price! Tops In quality,
style, and popularity, yfhy the sav
bigs? Because we buy for less stR
for less pass the tavlngt on to you.,
See our whole- bio; fur cc8ction
priced to save you precJovt doRarsl
flAN. Onfy down, paf the balance ki convenient tocihfy
Insfoloiantj, plus corryinfl jchorgM..
Couple Feted
At Dinner
Miss Ellen Morley and her .fi
ance, Marvin ScheideL were hon
ored at a no-host dinner party
Tuesday night at the Spa. The
couple's marriage will be an event
of Friday night. A bouquet of aut
umn flowers centered the dinner
table. . ' ...
Covers were placed for Miss
Morley, Mr. SchiedeL Mr. and
Mrs. James Seitz, Mr. and Mrs.
John Seitz, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Zeh, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Far
relL Mr. and Mrs. Oswald H. Mor
ley, Mrs. Allan Hayeck of Iowa
and Tom FarrelL
Hospital Tea at
Eoff Home Today
One of the largest affairs on
the fall social calendar will be
the benefit tea for which the Sa
lem General hospital auxiliary
will be hostess this afternoon at
the Fainnount Hill home of Mrs.
Asel Eoff. The interested public
is invited to call and hours are
from 3 to 6 o'clock. Mrs. Taylor
Hawkins and Mrs. Ercel Kay are
co-chairmen of the event.
Presiding at the tea urns dur
ing the afternoon will be Mrs.
Claybourne Dyer, Mrs.' Richard
Chambers, Mrs. William H. Burg-
hard t, Mrs. Robert G. Brady, Sr.,
Mrs. Carl E. Nelson and Miss
Elizabeth Putnam.
In the receiving line will be
Mrs. Eoff, Mrs. Chandler Brown,
president of the auxiliary, and
Miss Lillian McDonald, superin
tendent of the hospital.
The little Garden clmh eg Sa
lem Heights met at the home of
Mrs. Carl Harris. Ernest luier
was the guest speaker and dis
cussed landscaping plans for good
design, color and charm with
easy maintenance. He also told
of his recent trip to Europe and
to - his homeland, Switzerland,
Special guests were Mrs. K.' L
2 wicker and Mrs. Carl McMahon
Friday is bazaar sewing day far
the Disabled. American Veterans
auxiliary : at the home of Mrs.
Ralph Secor, RL 3, box 598, with
Mrs. Ann Rickard and Mrs. CX XV
Rinehart co-chairmen. - - ' I
OSC Mothers to
Meet Monday
The November meeting of the
be an event of Monday afternoon
at the YWCA at 2 o'clock. All
mothers are being Invited through
the press to attend the meeting.
Mrs. Carl W. Emmons is presi
dent of the group.
Dean Beuna Maris Mockmore
of Oregon State college, will be
the guests peaker. The commit
tee In charge of arrangements In
cludes Mrs. Wolcott E. Buren,
chairman: Mrs. Hubbell Young,
Mrs. F. W. Poorman and Mrs. H.
will pour.
Lsssdry Serried-
Osdy a few eriers left
Call saday er brine ta
TS4 N. High Street
CaU Z-1I1S
V -v
234 N. Liberty SL
4 Ql Size
1230 State SL
Phone 4149
ConTenient Parking