The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 21, 1946, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 The Stat man. Salonx, Of-
pity's Basket
Loop Readies
I Annual Start Seen
; In Early December
I The annual city basketball lea
gue took definite snap last night
during meeting at Maple &
Keene'a when seven teams signi
fied entry and two . more sub
mitted quints waiting only for
! sponsors. The seven checked in
are Pace Woollens (Warren Page).
'Willamette university (Bill Han
, auska). Salem Steel (Bob Hamil
ton), Knights of Columbus ( Eu
1 gene Schmidt). Safeway (Bruce
IWeisner), Elfstrom'i (Wayne
Gregg) and Talbot Mintmen
and W. R. Strong are seeking
(Gordon Turnidge). Eugene Lowe
sponsors for teams.
The opening of the league is
tentatively set for early in Dec
ember, according to President
Howard Maple. All games will be
played at Leslie on Monday ani
Wednesday nights. The next
meeting will be held Wednesday
night, November 27, at which
time officers will be elected and
the schedule readied.
ea Instead ef one will
verdict sad It weal
be a draw whea Deaae (The
Darablc) Heag aad Saeeks La
eey collide la their lS-reend
Northwest featherweight fistic
reasatch aeraaible at the armory
aext Wedaesdajr eight. Nevem-
her 27. Matchmaker Tex Salkeld
aaaeaaeed yesterday. Salkeld
yielded these tidlags after de
livering complaints frem the
aegre te Sa
lem Bsilsf
C e mmissieaer
Harry Levy:
T w e Jodges
will be ap
pointed te as
sist Referee
Tacky McFar
laad in nam
ing the wln
ar la the re
match. And. la
response te diam hoag
Laeey's demands, the fight will
he awarded te either Heag er
Lacey If It gees the fall IS
By Jerrt
in j mniiL, li i
o -i
8taaferd 27. WSC 2: SL Mary's 2a. Saata Clara It singe, wot
a season offensively speakiag. Nowadays If a grid dab has rolled
p seven teachdewns Its full gotta worry abeat KICKING those
stra points. So ae wonder Oregon State's Warren Simas (who. kick-
ed fear eat of fear So tarda y against
eat of fear Saturday against
Early, et al. are sach Indispensable
ewa right. Aad incidentally, this
at Hood Elver high well,
great he's going te he If
.ll.... ik. ki.k ..Hkn f l m-till
ed this sessoa while spearheading
m iiatr4t ni ncrhana a iUU aren
te the records the kid caa de anything and he
drop-kicked sevea conversions against Ontario last
weekend. O'Lesry. Sounds Irish.
flghtla' Irish' are Interested? . . .
300 Hex?
We slept badly last night. We
hex oa a notable achievement while ap at Capitol Alleys Saaday
algal A rapable traadler by the name ef Park Thede bowling la
match pUy waa mightily near that dream' a Set game. The gay
had whipped la 1 eoasecative strikes whea we happened oa the
aeeae aad binge (with as watching fascinatedly) he hits a MUle
fan ea the 11th hall aad has te settle for a 2SS. What worries as Is
that in a similar situs ilea a eeaple ef months age we ALSO "lamped"
III Hamaa eat tf a 3.' ...
Lost Minute Nightmare
Willamette' Walt Ericksoa aad Salem high's Harold Hank suf
fer the same excruciating ageay of watching their hall clubs de
feated la the LAST minute of play. WelL that's football that's what
makes the game the sport It Is. Yep, ryea If It Is tough ea the
meaUrs' elgestlea aad disposition. ...
Oae fellow hereabouts theaght he had a good bet Saturday
whea he took Montana aad SS potato against UCLA. This individual
reasoned that the Ikes weald roll ap a three touchdown margin
aad then ase their reserves the remainder ef the game. Well. the.
Uses did JUST that they went te town In the Initial period where
upon second aad third stringers came In. Only the reserves proved
stronger than Montana's freat line forces. (1-7. Oh my! . . .
Hooper Shortage
Verne Gilmore and some ef the ether morals la the City Hoop
league have been running hither aad yea. attempting te flash pros
pective players for the circuit. Vera, now that he la carrying the
hail, gives te retrospection of the good old days when hoopers la
this elty were a dime a dosen. Yea had the Scales, the Kitchens, the
Headriee, el al, a few years bach bat-these worthies are somewhat
susceptible to aches and creaking bones ss they get no younger. Aad a
few of the gays who were fresh eat ef high school (aad who now
are ae longer benedicts) why they're content to linger before the
family fireside now. Here's hoping Vera and the ethers lack for
they've get a maa-tlsed Job minus tee maay rewards. . . . Taking
la the Leslie-rarrlsh mix ea 8weetlaad field Friday night leek for
teas ta sheer wild -eyed enthusiasm. Those junior high kids both
gals and hoys take It all te heart. . . .
Ferocious: The Springfield high grldder after the Millers had
tallied that last-second toachnowa last Friday night aad some gay
had leeched eff a firecracker Immediately afterward. Thinking: the
tilt was aver and thai the Springfield victory was la the hooks, this
kid rigured the entire city of Salem was robbing him and his pals
whea he learned there; were still aesoads left. WelL after all. see
'B' Football
Playoffs Set
PORTLAND. Nov. zO-GPVFtnal-lst
for the Oregon state football
championship class B style '
will emerge from weekend games
In southern and central Oregon.
Amity and Henley win play a
semi-final contest at Klamath
Falls Saturday, while North
Powder and Bandon will compete
at Prtnevillle. The winners will
battle for the state B crown
Thanksgiving day.
PORTLAND, Nov. 20-AVPlay
In eight leagues of the city's 11
. Portland basketball association
' opens tonight after 1000 -fans
packed Jefferson high gym; last
night for the annual jamboree.
TTtrnrodary-. flovornher 21. IMS
LESLIE GUAED: If Herb (Back) Williams (above), ragged Mis
sionary gnard. aaakea mt than, hat share ef the- tackles ta the
Leslie-rarrtsh Junior glgaatte ea Sweetlaad field Friday might he
will be ely delag what he did regmlarly during the Intramural
league campaign. Be was one .of the league's as est tstaadlng
'No Draw' for Fight
heam . there win he ae draw de-
The rartlaad hasaaaw
farmer llaxtfard. Ceaaw ne-
gre walleped eff last week what
the majority ef easterners
thought waa Laeey's fight la a
walk, hat Mcrarlaad called It
a draw. Laeey's handlers have
been pretesting ever since aad
all hat refased te ekeh the re
match, evea theagh It la for
Hoag's claim ea the feather haa
ble. If jadges weren't aasigaed
aad If the ae draw" elaase were
not added. A meeting ef Salkeld
and Commissioner Levy ekehed
Laeey's appeals.
Also, both fighters mast make
the UC-peead weight level for
the UUe re, according te Salkeld.
Hoag will make It easy enough,
says his manager, Larry Capato,
hat Lacey may have treahle.
The negro was la top fettle for
last week's mix sad weighed
12. He mast lop off another two
peends by Wednesday afternoon.
Hoag weighed 12S for the last
brawl also., hat has since drop-
California). Notre Dame's Jake
gents la their
kid Den OXeary
what a grid
he continues
Va -
the 'Ktvers' to ' - '
title. According I T
Wonder If the I i , ? J
feared we might have pat the
Vik Gridders
Dine Tonight
Salem high's associated stu- ,
dent body presents its annual
football .banquet tonight at
the senior high cafeteria m
honor of both the 194C varsity
and junior varsity Villa elea-.
ens and their coaches. The
spread is set for p. m. A
brief program will accompany
the banquet.
CHICAGO. Nov. 20 -UPV- Ed
Dudley of Colorado Springs, "Colo.,
and Augusta, Ga was reelected
president of the Professional
Golfers Association of America
today for his sixth consecutive
term. He was unopposed.
to 125. Beth fighters have
deahHag training efforts
signing, and from the Heag
stable has come the report that
"this , time 111 eateh him
knock him flat I knew hew
he fights
Nimrods Due
Better Shells
NEW YORK, Nov. 2HP)-High
speed photography, developed
during the war, has been utilized
to produce a shot gun shell that
will increase the hunters' effici
ency and which its inventors claim
is the greatest advancement in
shooting since the introduction of
the choke bore.
The new shell, announced today,
eliminates the cardboard disc
which covers or seals the present
day shell and replaces it with a
wafer-thin water-proofed paper
that breaks into segments adher
ing to the case when fired. The
shell's pellets thus have an unin
terrupted flight to the target.
High speed photography reveal
ed it wag the cardboard disc,
blown out of the barrel with the
pellets when; the gun was fired,
that produced "blown" patterns
by impeding, some pellets and de
flecting other from their true line
of flight
Texas' Layne
Chief trainer
NEW YORK, Nov, 20 HJPy- De
spite the fall of Texas from the
top ten, Bobby Layne, the Long
horns' passing ace. continues to
lead the nation's college gridmen
in total offense. If he can hold his
lead he will be the first south
western king since Davey O'Brien
in 1938.
With only one more game to
Play, against Texas Aggies
inanjugiving day, Layne probably
will be passed by two or three
rivals before the final returns are
in. However, after nine ball games,
his total of 1283 yards on 196 plays
is tops.
Humble Voted
No. 1 Lineman
NEW YORK. Nov. 20-P-Wel-don
Humble isn't humble when
ft comes to playing football guard
for Rice Institute at Houston. Tex.
He played his greatest game of
the year against the Texas Aggies
on Saturday, a performance that
earned him today the honor of
being "lineman of the week in
the weekly Associated Press polL
Muroock -
. 16t 1SS SOS 534'
19S 141 114 ass
aoo .3oe
ZM S 441
. 1S1 187 15S 60S
ZOO 174 178552
Keitk Brawl Co. (0)
KMcnen 150 US
Borteu i 230 1S7
Walters j 154 150
Scutes . ISO 173
Xing , , 301 10S
14 Ml
180 488
185 528
181 548
TsUey Motor Co. (i)
Prtco , a. 174 303
Nyers ; 184 17S
Nuber ; : . ISO 150
Phlppa , 148 15S
Page - i 17S 303
Cnueu's Tavern (1)
Olinger - 187 163
Foreman ; 187 171
rnj 145 14
Adoiph ,. - 178 157
Parker ; 134 133
301 5TJ
301 S44
ISO 503
313 o4
ISO 489
Salem Barevrars Co. (t)
ThoOo a. 303 173
Wt 304 213
Nelson 191 137
McTarlano i 188 174
feaman 173 305
Cuaoearu Caf (1)
146 171
153 178
153 137
183 188
16 173
158 490
CUns Cerfeo Shop 2)
Kartwell 194 192
Luts ; 180 174
Evans 212 135
CUno. Jr. . 214 .202
Keel . , ; 204 191
Cas4tol Begems Co. m
Poulin j 177 234 186599
Frteen 159 216 221596
Larson . 147 185 1
Karr , i- 147 . 164 1;
McQuskey s 153 306 16586
- .i " , . "
Juniors Name
Game StartCTSg
Coaches Bob Keuscher at-Leslie
and Bob Metzger , at Parrish,
a pair of hopeful gents these days,
announced yesterday their tenta
tive starting lineups for Friday
night's 1 17th "civil war" football
meeting on Sweetland field. And
If it's consolation to the South
erners it certainly '- isn't to the
Northern Pioneers Left Halfback
Jim Moore is listed on the Leslie
side. Moore is the 160-pound hard
running lad who was the standout
back in the : recent Intramural
league derby and led that loop in
yardage gained and in scoring.
Although the presence of the
long-injured halfback -will bolster
Missionary hopes, dopes tera refuse
to look upon the junior classic as
anything but a tossup. True, Les
lie will have her best chance - In
years for a city championship
prize never realized by the South
erners but the Pioneers will field
an aggregation just as - well
equipped with galloping backs
and stubborn linemen as will the
Leslies, r ' " r ":
Metzger has named his starting
eleven as follows: Ends Jim
Rock (co-captain) and Bob
Meaney. Tackles Gerald Ullman
and Bill Lebold. Guards Melvin
Taylor and Jack Layton. Center
Tom Sodeman. Quarterback
George Ftederickson. Left half
Dale Olson (co-captain). Bight
half Deb Davis. Fullback Gor
don Sloan. The line will average
14S pounds, ; the - backfield 137.
Keuscher's starters:! Ends Al
Kleinarhith and Don Brennan.
Tackles Richard ZeUer and Bill
Beard. Guards Duane Bowen and
Herb (Buck) Williams. Center
Wally Wengenroth. Quarterback:
Captain Gene Garver. Left half-
Jim Moore. Right half Billy
Amen. Fullback Burt Harp. Line
average, 148. Backs, 151.,
The Friday kickoff is set -for 8
p. m. and an overflow crowd is
expected to watch the Southern
ers try to capture their very first
title in the long series.
Dads' Football
Banquet Dated
Approximately 196 assort
ed football players and
eoaehea representing Leslie
aad Parrish junior highs, the
Salem high varsity and jun
ior varsity and Sacred Heart
academy will he banquetted
next Tuesday night. S:3t
o'clock, at the senior high
cafeteria by the Salem Dads'
clab. Tickets for the annual
feed are Sl.M each and may
he secured from any member
ef the elab or from Maple
Keene's. Oregoa State Coach
Lea Stlaer will he principal
speaker aad moving pictures
of the 1942 OSC-Dake Rose
Bowl game aad the 1945 Ore-gon-OSC
game will be shown.
SAN JOSE, Calif, Nov. 20-JP)-Luis
Castillo, 119, Mexico City,
California state bantamweight
champion, won a 2-1 decision over
Jackie Wilson, 125, Pittsburgh,
Pa., in the 10-round main event
of tonight s boxing card. In a
six-round semi-final, Bobby Volk,
159, Portland, Ore., decisioned
Cupid Gordon, 162, Oakland,
CHICAGO, Nov. 21 By
ron Nelson agreed today to emerge
from his semi-retirement and ac
cept the challenge of Dai Rees,
Britain s leading money-winner,
to a special golf match within the
next three months.
MEDFORD, Nov. 20 -(JP)- Med
ford high's football squad, with
28 players and Coaches Bill Bow
erman and Ed Kirtley, left to
night by train for Hood River for
the Friday night state semi-final
Joan Persholt, saovie star aad
the "Dr. Christian' of radio fame,
takes the role of Jacob RUs, Danish
bora Amerlcaa, la a- radio drama
tization about the first Christmas
Seal Sale la the United States. The
first Seal Sals, ta 1907, was Inspired
by aa article written by RUs.
MODI L EHxabeth ; Jarrey.
Clay gate. Surrey, England. . a
saember . ef the United sUar
aems Wseaea's AaxiUary Air
Force, was - ehesoa 9fW.
BMdel far TTAAF beaten. '
Big Came Dope: OSC Liked
(4-SeveB Oregon, Stats vanity m
regalars will be playtag . their
sast game for the Beavers there
Satarday la the anno! "Civil
War tassle
with Oregon.
Bidding fare
well te OSCs
football al
ferms .win. be
The e Ossew
skL right tack
le; Mart la
Chaves, r I g ht
guard; Bill Me
lanin, right
half: Boh Ste
vens, fallback;
Boyd Clement,
Martin pnaves
Portland Seeks Army,
f OSC ;forJ)an; :& fanie!
Well-Heeled Businessmen Eye Multnomah .
3Iix After Cadets y oted from Pasadena
PORTLAND, Ore Novi 20-JP)-A heavily financed sporta and
business groun here tonight announced plans were under way' to
invite the West Point Cadets to play Oregon State college in a game4
at Multnomah stadium herd on
'Rumors Are Flying'
Rumor: 'Hank'
Portland Boss
Bill Conlin, sports editor of the
Sacramento Union, wrote today
that he has been informed Hank
Greenberg of the Detroit Tigers
may become manager ' of the
Portland Beavers. Greenberg,
Conlin wrote, already has pur
chased the stock of Bill Klepper.
The sports editor added:
"Greenberg, according to ;my
usually well informed source, long
has wanted to enter the business
of baseball. He can well afford
the Portland flier since Henry
himself is not only wealthy in
the ordinary sense, but his wife
has multi-millionaire potentiali
ties as the daughter of , one of
New York's bfggest mercantile
Roodles Tourney
On Today's Menu
A nine-hole Roodles tourna
ment will be held today as the
regular Thursday Men's- club fea
ture outing at Salem goll course,
it has been announced. Play will
be over the outgoing" nine holes
and a banner turnout is expected,
weather permitting. Another 18
hole Men's tourney Is ' en the
ticket for Saturday and Sunday
Yankees' Health
Worries MThail
NEW YORK, Nov. 20-OFHPres
ident Larry MacPhail, president
of the New York Yankees, today
issued an edict that every one of
his players must be X-rayed be
fore spring framing. The order
followed the discovery that Joe
DiMaggio, Yankees star outfield
er, has bursitis in each 'shoulder
and an ailment in one of his heels.
DiMaggio is spending the off-season
here, taking treatments from
local doctor.
BELLINGHAM, Nov. 20 -(Pt-
The University of British Colum
bia, northwester champions of last
year, defeated Western Washing
ton College of 'Education 59 to 53
in the opening basketball game
here tonigfL The Canadians led
33-23 at the half.
.0 ... ... . . ...v. I
if V
' i - (
nESTAunAirr aiid lodgkig
Complete Ski shop Service at Valley Prices
Skis, poles, boots for rent
Northland, Splitkein, Groswold & Gregg ski; and all
ski accessories for sale.
Jantzen & Vhite Stag sweaters & parkas
Aim Surplus
it.--- .
left tackle: Lee Gastafson, left
half; aad Bob Praetor, right end.
Sporta ' depesters tallying the
statistics", sheets noted today 'a
slow, slogging field will- add
weight to the already favorable
odds en OSC The heavy state
.line is the answer.
la seven. games, Oregoa State
has scored 123 points while op
ponents netted O. Fear State
opponents "were held scoreless
while State ' has beea shot-out
: once. In ,' the!: same a umber ef
. contest,' Oregoa has gained 19
. points while ' opponents pushed
across 15. The aniversity has
been held scoreless four times,
held opponents scoreless twice.
New Year's day. Headed by Aaron
M, Frank, president of the big
Meier and Frank department store,
the committee of prominent Port
land civic leaders said the game
would be staged as a benefit for
the Shriners Hospital for Crippled
Children in-Portland.
1 "Everybody wants to see Army,
and Oregon State, after a slow
start, has developed into one of
the strongest clubs on the West
PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 29 UP)
Oregon State college officials
said tonight the proposal for a
New Year's day game between
Army and Oregon State was
highly unfeasible because of
Pacific coast conference rules.
C. V. Ruzek, Oregon State
commissioner and former pres
ident of the conference, said
the rales specifically forbid any
conference team playing In a
Bowl game the same day that
the Rose Bowl contest is stag
ed. Buxek added the rules also
forbid a FCC school participat
ing In a game in which a third
party is involved, such as the
Portland group who made the
Coast," Frank said in his an
nouncement. Frank added, "I be
lieve Army would come out
here, but declined a Hat asser
tion that Army authorities would
accept the invitation. He said he
understood the military academy
officials had been approached
and were interested in "the possi
bilities of playing in the North
west. The group organized quickly to
day after the Pacific Coast con
ference officials agreed to a five
year pact with the Big Nine
which shut out the possibility of
Army going to the Rose Bowl for
New Year's day classic.
Mouzon Seeking
Second Knockout
PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 20-UP)-Challenger
Wesley Mouzon is
"sick of hearing" his knockout
victory over Lightweight King
Bob Montgomery was ju5t a
stroke of luck and vows he'll
prove it this time with the chips
down. Next Tuesday's 15-round
bout at Convention hall "won't be
any different" from last August's
engagement, Mouzon said confi
dently, except that Montgomery's
Pennsylvania-New York version
lightweight crown will be at
Fern me Basketballers
To Convene Tonight
All Salem women interested
In forming a basketball team
are asked to be present for a
meeting tonight at the TMCA.
The meeting Is set for 8 p. m
and it Is hoped by a group
headed by Jamie Rath Deck
ard that a team can be or
ganised. The meeting Is open
to all Interested.
SF Wants 'Em, Too
The hope that army's "touchdown
twins," Felix (Doc) Blanchard and
Glenn Davis, might be persuaded
to play on the East team in the
annual East-West game here New
Year's day was suggested today
by William Coffman, managing
director for the game.
PORTLAND, Nov. 20 -(P)-Wayne
Bauer, Oregon City, has
been elected president of the
Oregon State Coaches and Offi
cials association for the coming
1 Army Surplus
$5 $6
Miffed Army; Offers No Conimentvon Pick ;
Assorted Howls. Hooraha Come from Coaches
BERKELEY Calif, Nov.; 2H-The tradition-rfch Rose Bowl
was staked ; out " as1 a . private preserve today of the western and
Pacific coast football conferences under a five-year exclusive occu
pancy pact amid disdainful sniffs from the, gridiron conscious south
and southwest and anguished howls from California sports editors. .
, The Immediate victim was Army's unbeaten eleven, the pee
pul's cherce of the Pacific; coast? and the" "eleven"; regarded most
likely to be Invited to. Pasadena beiore representatives of the two
conferences slammed the door on it today. . - . " i
Although southern California's two coast title contenders, USC
and UCLA, fought to invite Army next January 1. the coast repre
sentatives voted 6 to 2 for making the Big Nine pact effective immed
iately. Two coast schools Oregon and Oregon State left the con
ference before the' vote was taken." . .
Meanwhile, Army's reaction was a military-like "no comment.'
Only the Cadets knew how miffed they were. '
Southeast conference coaches, who have sent eleven colorful
elevens into the Rose Bowl, were quick to look to Dixie's own post
season bowls to fill the void left by the new Big Nine-Coast tieup.
uavii uciiuc asamac VI uuuuium vckaiv 1 v vt(cai I., m
the Rose Bowl ever made. The Sugar, Orange and Cotton Bowls
certainly have an opportunity now to take the traditional national
championship away from the Rose Bowl," be added. Moore's senti
ments were echoed by other grid mentors of Dixie's conference
Coach Frank Wickhorst of the University of California said the
new pact would go far toward preventing player "proselyting' by
schools aiming for the Rose Bowl. Both the Big Nine and Pacific
coast conferences have strict and similar eligibility rules.
The pact, announced early Wednesday after long deliberations
by the conferees, even caught Illinois in the embarrassing position
of having voted against the tieup' and now being in the position of
being the probable Big Nine Bowl winner. The Illini, however, ex
pected to adhere to "majority rule" in their conference " policy and
come west in the event .they get by Northwestern Saturday to
cinch the title.
Clinton W. Evans, general manager of the University of Cali
fornia, said: "Naturally, like a lot of other people here on the coast,
I would have liked to have seen Army in the Rose Bowl in . 1947.
However, since the background for this tieup was laid years ago, it
was expedient that we start as soon as possible.'
Not so gentle were the sports editors, particularly those of south
ern California. Paul Zimmerman, sports editor of the Los Angeles
Times, snapped: "The Pacific' coast conference has sold its Rose
Bowl birthright to the Big Nine for a bundle of high sounding
nhraM about athletic resDectibilitv. The Rose Bowl is dead, lone
live the Rose Bowl.-- 7? .
Terms of the new pact provide that Big Nine schools nominate
one of their own teams for the next three years. For the ensuing
two years, however, the western conference retains an option to
nominate any eastern team for the Bowl should it feel a more worthy
eleven outside the conference was entitled to represent the east.
OCE Shaping
Basket Squad
MONMOUTH, Nov. 20.-(Spec-ial)-Equipped
with three letter
men and 20 other aspirants. Coach
Bob Knox Oregon College of Edu
cation basketball team has been
working out the past two weeks.
Letter-men are Bob Crook, Mon
mouth junior; Bud Neale, Coquil
le, and Al Petersdorf, Mohawk.
The opening game is. next Tues
day With Vancouver JC here.
Knox plans to divide the squad
into varsity and freshman units
later, each to play separate sche
dules. Along with the trio men
tion, the team roster is at pres
ent made up of Bob Abrahamson,
Garibaldi- George McFarland.
Shedd; Walt Hamer, Eugene; Mel
Courter, Dallas; Glenn Hall. Mc
Kenzie; Leland Huggord. Thurs
ton; Neale Evenson, Rickreall;
Walt Baglien and Bill Mattison,
Woodburn; Stan Karejwa. New
York; Earl Jeans, Thurston: El
don Haley, Camas; Allen King,
Charles Bullock. Independence;
Powers; Harold Smith, Reedsport;
Dan Vanderwort, Solomon, Kas.;
Charles Hiebert, Dallas; Bruce
Hamilton, Salem; Tom Jones, Cot
tage Grove and Wes Nist, Falls
Church League
Season Ready
With 26 teams playing and
practice rounds scheduled for No
vember 21, 25 and 27, Salem
Church league basketball for
1946-47 swings into action on the
Leslie, Parrish and Deaf School
courts tonight from 7 to 10 p. m.
Regular season play will start De
cember 2 with games scheduled
each Monday and Thursday at
Parrish; Tuesday and Thursday
at Leslie; Wednesday at the
YMCA, and Thursday at the Deaf
School. The YMCA is sponsoring
the leagues again this year.
" 4. m. mmmmmr '.,
Complete With
Use Our Lay Aicay Plan
Bevos, Ducks
'Not Guilty'
PORTLAND, Ore., Nor. 2S
(Af Faculty representatives of
the University of Oregon and
Oregon State college reported
today they did not participate
in the voting of the Pacific Coast
conference to shut-out Army for
the 1947 Rose Bowl classic Ansa
Cornell, graduate manager of
Oregon and two faculty men,
Orlando J. Hellis of the ani
versity and C. V. Ruzek of Ore
gon State, were headed home
when the I to t vote was east
to make the five-year pact with
the Big Nine effective Jan. L
BUFFALO, N. Y., Nov.
Melio Bettina, Beacon. N. Y for
mer light-heavyweight champion,
hammered out a close but unani
mous decision tonight over Bill
Weinberg, Chelsea, Mass .. in the
10-round feature, bout of a pro
fessional boxing card before 5,12a
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