10 Thm Statesman. Solm. Ow To dor Nrrnbt 19. 135 i pOP Sale -Miscellaneous For Sale MiseeHaneoti For Sale Real Estate - For Sale--Rea. Estate For Sale Real EsUle For Sale ileal Estate Additional OaM.ified Ada on Page 9 Auctions Sudteirs Community 1 Auction Wed . Nov. 20th at It a. ra. and 7 p. m. Corona typewriter ( like new I. Cole iuii oil circulator (3 room bod complete, coil print, chest of draw ers, chairs. table, orssstrs. 1 Bnscher lOophww, excellent condition.; new lex-oleums. 912.' 11x12. 7x9. REMEMBER OUR FURNITURE SALE AT 7 P. M. MANY USEFUL ARTICLES. GOOD CROWDS. COME I Midwest garden cultivator with disc and plow attachments, sprint tooth harrow, other machinery. i Feeder and wearier .pigs. sows, boars, fat hogs, chicken, ducks, turkeys, rabbits. 14 head of springer and middle milking cows, springer hetiers. year ling heifers, many carves and veal Block, bulls, bees' stork. SALES ARE CONDUCTED BY AUCTIONEERS OF EXPERIENCE. LOTS OP EXPERIENCE MEANS EX PERT SERVICE FOR YOU. Lane SudtelFs Community Auction Phone MM. 1 ml., east of Faircrounds On Siivertoa Rd., Salem. Ore. Help Wauled Male Airline Mechanics UNITED Air Lines has permanent iotas at its San Francisco Operations baa for mechanic. All types: line service, overhaul machine shop, sheet metal, etc ine A a E licenses re quired). Single men only. Transporta tion to San Franctaeo furnished. Apply 110 Ferry St.. Salem. ELEVATOR Operator a bell boy for abort shift, over It years of age. Marion Hoe WANTED: Single man on dairy farm, one who la experienced and likes dairy farming. (100.00, board and room. Phone I7IU. Help Warned Female WANTED Experienced waitress. Pedes Coffee Shop. 1241 Slate St. HOUSEKEEPER For man in trailer bouse. Must be able to travel, going south next week. Write Box 112. care Statesman. WANTED: Housekeeper for man. 7 miles in country Rt. 3. Box 040. LADY to care for children. Room, .board and wages. Ph. 42C 1 . " STENOGRAPHER wanted at State Dept. of Education. State Library building HOTEL Maid ' good wages, steady position. Marion Jtotel. USHERETTES: Have openings for Iris over It on full time rchedule. Apply in person. Grand Theatre. TELEPHONE OPERATORS wanted No experience, necessary. High pay right at the start (29 for a 40-hr week while learning. Frequent scheduled Increases three the first year. Safe, wholesome surroundings . . vaca tions with pay. A real opportunity for young women who are looking to the future who want a lob that is pleas ant, interesting and profitable. Do not delay-Inquire NOW I Experience! Operators Let us tell you how much you can earn. Ask for Mrs Goodwin. Pacific Telephone Telegraph Co. 740 State treet , GIRL who is exp in lumber Invoic ing Ph. 7001 or 355 N. Liberty. Teague Lumber Co. Salesmen Wanled 2 FARMERS WANTED INCREASE IN business warrant 2 more salesmen. Must be thoroughly familiar with farms. .Ex-farmers pre ferred. Experience in selling not nec essary, we will tra in. Call la person, please Charles Delfel. Realtor. 015 N. Capitol St. Situation Wanted HIGH School boy would like Sat urday work. Ph. 0420. IRONING Bv hour in your home. 10 am. to 5 Dm. Call 5400 10 am. to 0 p.m. 1 TOPPING and taking out trees. Con tract work. Ph. 7678 42S S. 20. WILL Care' for lor 2 children, no vminger than 2'i. in my home. Ph. WOODWORK-Aiindowicleaned Floors cleaned and waxed. For prompt service call 2-554 for estimate, by lob or month. Herb's Window Clean ing a Janitor Service. P. O. Box 04. Salem. PRACTICAL Nurse Prtvate duty Mrs. Pearl Johnson. Gen. Del, Cot tage Grove, Orrson ROOFING We specialise in Repair Work. Call 2702. LADY experienced in general office work desires position in office of doctor or dentist Permanent resident of Salem. Ph. 7302 ever WANTED. BY reliable lady, ironing or other light housework. Also care f children eves Call at 345 Kearney St. Salem Wanted housewo"rk m chr- tian home in country. Home more thaa ten. Write Box 000. Statesman. VET "WANTS full" time clerking job. Ph 0722 "GENERAL HOUSECLEANING "by husband and wife. Write Statesman. Boxtl 1 . Standard Cleaners 4 Dyers Rug and drapery cleaning. Pickup and Del. Service Phone 1770 Spray Painting Roofs - Barns'- Houses Basements Phone 2524 CUSTOVT- Plowing. Ford Ferguson System. Ph.5tF15. HEAVY Hauling any time, any place. anywhere. Ph. 24270. "BRICK Mi'on." flues foundations Call before 0 A.M. or after 5:15 P.M. Ph. 0282. MARRIEDMan interested in farm ing on shares or salary. Also exper ienced dairvmain. Plenty of refer-, ences. Koks Kimberlin. 1100 East Val ley Rd . Santa Barbara. Calif. CARE of children, mv home, day or evenings. 515 Ford St. BILL'S GARAGE General auto repairing 4V welding. blk S.of Pen 4 Comers Ph. 8233. BRICK Cement' work Fireplaces also repair Work. C. Goodenough. Pbone7665. . FOR Prompt Moving and Delivery work call 7085. Salem Moving and Delivery Service. Veteran Owned and Operated. BCILT-tN-CabineU. Anything wood repaired or replaced. Masterwonds Cabinet Shop. 104 S. Com I. Ph. UM. Located with Math is JSroa. Roofing. DRESSMAKING' a alterations at j55 N. River Rd. Ph. 22502. GfNtitAL. C E Wf TTT contracting Stanley Fagg. Ph 2-3045 SPRAY PAINTING Basements, garages, industrial and eommercial. Ralph Alsman. Ph. 2434. U W. CAUDLE, spravtng. pruning. , Rooertsrre. Ph. 7000. PAINTING ai Paparhanging W G Crow ly, 057 Shipping Phone 0513 LAAM'S Waxing and Polmhins.: of fice and residence floor wax. Janitor ivies, window cleaning, yard rakans. - putting in wood, lawn mowing. Insur ed and bonded Phone 2-5504. VAN BUREN well drtllert. Ph. 2Q3C Interior Decorating Our specialty Better homes, offices and apartments One la five mea available. Dick Orey Painter and Decorator Phone 25444 or Q3W " ALL WcIRX guaranteed Windows rk c leaned FVoora wax- yieoning SeisHe Plwut 4407 ProSchool Playschool 131 Stats l-O. part or all day. Pkv 04JS. For Sate ; Miscellaneous ONI Suit. grey, sis 3. Two sport coats. JB. pearly . new. t-n. ziss. 2 WHEEL trailer T ft. I 4 ft I W. Inn. 2261 Hazel Aw, Cottage . CRAY Tailored overeoat six 40. O. K. Cleaners. 114S Capitol. 12 FT. wcU built boat like new. Pa MPS. ; WINTER Apple. aU kinds. Imlah Fruit Famt. ( mile on Wallace Rd. Ph. 22326. , ; ; LAWN Mower, good cond.. $1X80. 2 new steel block a tackle, each has 17S ft. of new l'a in. rope. $30 ea. 3 700x17 ply truck tires. 2 700x15 truck tires. 4 ply. good cond. Sell one or all. G. I. Snethen. 1550 Lan caster Dr., 1 mile N. Krueger Groe. Ph-21 345 Mom,oreve4 MUSK RAT fur coat, also black seal dyed Coney sua 14. Ph. 21143. 2 BIRD Cages? Phono 21442 before 10 A M. ROUND walnut pedestal table and many interestma things for Xmas prevents. See at Upstairs Antique Shop. 430 Court. g- TABLE SAW. Call f72. 12x20 SHACK. PH. 7324. COMBINATION RADIO. Ph. C3T7. GAS Hot water healer and tank, wood heater, play pen and pad. baby buggy, baby car bed. safe, and h.p. air compressor. Inquire 1003 Ertxon St.. Salem. RADIOS. Table and console. 10 mod els from which to select. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255N.Libertyr 1 SINGLE Booth with masenite ta ble. 2003 N. Capitol ARE You getting poor radio recep tion Then try the powerful tube Tropic Master. Standard broadcast and shortwave bands. Ideal for locations where reception k ordinarily poor. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETI MIX. AND FILL DIRT ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Bulldozing Commercial Sand and Gravel "Co. PH 2-1968 2-3100 SEE Us for Christmas Gifts. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty INDIRECT Floor lamps and torchiers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty STEAM Iron. limited" quantity. $1X85 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty "KROMEX cake covers $2795: YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty AUTOMATIC Electric grill. 10x30 inches with double thermostat. Ideal for small restaurant or club house. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty . TWO Slice electric toasters $2.10. 4 lice S3 S5 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 2S5 N Liberty ""Kitchen and "industrial exhaust fans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty WE ouy and sell lurniture,, toots stoves, dishes, motors radios. Electric aopliances. household goods KLIG MAN'S JOS N Cormrtercial Ph O0S STOVE It Dtesel Oils Prompt met ered delivery service Any tune LARRY'S FUEL OIL Ph 2-l17 anl N of Pen 4 Comers GUARANTEED Forever, flashlights requiring no batteries. 2 and 3 cell flashlighls YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty MTRRAPIANOS from $395. Terms. See these beautiful spinnet style pianos with the tone of a baby grand i hifh prices. SMALL pressure cookers, i types. . YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 25J N. Liberty DOBF.RMAN Pinscher miniature pup pies. Males and females. Salem Veter inary Hospital Portland Rd. CUTLERY And table ware. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 254 N . Liberty "CETJARTisfs 7 ft. long, ""diamet er. Del. in lots of 200 or snore. Ph. C P. Younger, 0072. TABLE And pin-it-up lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 258 N. Liberty THULTZ Piano $150 Ph. t313. HEAT Your home electrically. It's convenient, clean, economical. See us for free- estimates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. . 254 N. Liberty DECORATIVE' And lighted house numbers. i YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty METAL Aid plastic bed lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Electric deafc. mantle and wall clocks YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 3S5 N. Liberty EXPER1 wasnina mac nine service and wringer rolls all makes See Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros Furniture Sor IIS N Uhertv RAILROAD Type lanterns YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 1o3 N Liberty HEAVY Bronze" smoking rtands. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. JiS N. Liberty Eola Lumber Co. Rt. 4. Salem Lumber. Red Cedar Shingles and building supplies. T C iTed) Muller Phone Salem 2-1190. Yd. 5 ml. west of town on Salem-Dallas Hwy WILL BUY for can. seU or trade runs, pistols ammunition boats or trailers Don Madison 900 No High COFfEE Maker sets. 4 to 0 and 0 cup coffee makers wtth stoves. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Concrete Buildings Blocks and Bricks BOOCK BUILDING BLOCK CO. South River Rd. Phone 5900 ELECTRIC Pants pressers,' curling and- soldering Irons. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty FLOURESCENT Desk lamps. Ideal for student cr off ice. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N.Jjberty COAL Or briquet circulating heater., new wood range. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Unfinished Furniture Salem's exclusive unfinished rumi ture large assortment or made to or Per Pickett Furniture 13th and State WATER Heaters for immediate de livery. 40 gallon Collins $90.23. V) gallon Went in chouse $115.00. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 256 N. Liberty KLXCTEIC Room heaters, flan, steam, and reflector types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 25 N. Liberty FIGURINES "And small rift Items. YEATER APPLIANCX CO. 1 255 NLiberty ALUMINUM Sauce pans, well and tree platters, trying pans, cookie sheets, clothe namoers. YEATER APPLIANCE! CO. . 255 N. Liberty Registered a k c Irish setter puppies. CaU 7073 after P.M. or Sat. and Sun. . WALL Typo can openers, citrus fruit Juicers. YEATER APPLIANCE: CO. 255 NIjbertyj POTATO E"S $1 f 0 pit hundred pounds, you dtg. Paul A. Lard on. Sa lem. Rt. 0. Box 360. , TWO"Way and mercoensn teJaphono YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 259 N. Liberty AHIWAYnush button 1 tube radio and stand. Also vacuum cleaner. Ph. 0014. ATTRACTIVE Ahiminunv kitchen steal ladders and step on rsruas caeav YIATTR APPLIANCE CO. 233 N. Uberty David Bradley FARM TRAILERS All tee) 14 gauge. 1500 lb. capacity. ft. long. B0 In. wide. 12 in. deep, with new 0:00-11 tires. 1150-03. SEARS FARM STORE 173 S. Liberty. Ph. 0333 at llT Kitchen and bathroom light fixtures Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 25 N. Liberty " T0X Terrier pupa 93J& each. 534 N. Winter. rOR'Your recreation room we have a radio (The Rumpus Master I that can really reach out and wUI stand ,bu" "yeater appliance CO. 25a N. Liberty tLECTRlC Chimes, long and short tubes, motor- driven, and mechanical chimes YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty R EATING' Pads (electric). Plastic clothe lines, ironing pads and covers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty FULLER" brushes? 1745 Grant P 0357 "ORDER BETTER HOMES ANBrGAR DENS and American Home at the pres ent low price of 3 yrs . 13 00 Made moiselle, one yr . BJ tn. issa. ir Paul H. Ha user, 023 Saginaw St. "SMOOTHIES For perfect Ice cream YEATER AFPUAflLB t-U- 255 N. Liberty -ALWAYS a "his stoca ' Woodrv's Furniture Mkt Ph $110 AUTOMATIC" Electric sioearm water heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty "A rt Hi o"AaONHmst 505 Center St STOVE repairtns parts Woodnrji Mkt 1005 N Summer St "SALEM WASTE paper Co. We buy magazines and news papers. Cardboard sheets and boxes, any size, for rale 1790 N. Front. . SUN Lamps (ultra violet and Infra red I portable and stand models with timers YEATER" APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty . lCaf Cream freezer. Mills 0 quart with 40 gal-' blower type cabinet. Latest model, like new. Saving Cen ter. Portland Road. AUTOMATIC Electric record p'ay- YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 25 N Liberty SINGLE And two burner hot plates YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty 3 MONTHS old Cocker a Terrier pup $3.00 for good home. Ideal pet for child. Phone 25403. PLASTI-Kote. the durable paint with the celoph arte-like finish. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 25 N. Liberty TRAILER 0X3 with ft. sideboards. 000x10 tires. Good for farm use. Rt. 4. Box112A. Pringle Road. Salem. NEW child's airplane car. 2060 S. Coml. WALNUT finish knee hole desk, fireplace screen, 3 pr. drapery cranes. S04 N. 14th. "BEAUTIFUL MAHOGANY-EXTEN-SION TABLE. Inlaid stripes on mar gin and edge, and on dividing pedestal leg. 54 inches wide. 4 feet closed, rully extended. 12 feet. 10 extra leaves IS matched. 5 plain). Cloth covered folding asbestos top protectors for daily use match each section for en tire length. A bargain for $105 com plete. An ornament to any home. DARK OAK SIDEBOARD. Body 40" x 21" high: with 3 drawers At 2 cab inets. Back top 79" high, with 3 bevel plate mirrors and 2 pedestal shelves for vae. Only so LIGHT OAK OFFICE DESK. Flat top 42"x31". 3 drawers and slide-out type writer support. Only $37.50. GLOBE-WERN IKE BOOK CASE, dark oak. Four book units In stack 34' wide, 11 deep. 59" high. Top fin ish unit, and drawer in base. Disap pearing glass door. $30 MAHOGANY "TALKING-TABLE." Columbia Grafonola. With 104 old fa vorite records: many "Red Seals" Table 45" x 29". 29'" high Drawers and cabinets for records. Only $50. I DARK OAK HALL SEAT, with high back and storage compartment 52" x 19 ". and wall hat rack 52" x 27" with ornamental bevel plate mirror 30" x 17": complete for $40. Address States man Box No. 010. AVERAGE Size baby crib in good cond. $15. 1975 N. Church. Ph. $407. HOLLAND coal furnace, good cond.. auto, controls. 944 Leslie. ' NEW DAVENOS. children's chairs. STATE ST. FURNITURE 1900 State Phone 7590 DUCK boat, cheap. 991 S. Liberty. STORE Fixtures, including hardware cabinets, display tables -and glass show rase? Salem Hardware Co. COCKER Spaniel pups, small breed. 50c. K. L. Berry. 230 Salem Height aye. . MAN'SBKrvcle. 2 10 in wheels wtth tires, rabbit hutch. 2275 Broadway. SEWING Machine, refrigerator. 3 cu. ft. apt. size. 1620Ferry. Apt. 7. " MAN'S Wrist watch, food as new. Ph. 0124. "NEW Table model Philco record player and radio. $73.00. Leaving city. 727 Center st Steven?. 2 WHEEL, Trailer. 7x4 bed. also Portable alec, phonograph. Ph 2S457. ALL WOOL rue and mat 9x12. $37.56; rocking chair $7 00, at 1025 2nd ft.. West Salem. BABY Bassinette like new. Phone 25150. "WESTINGHOUSE Dec. range $05. 2106 N. 4th. BEDS and springs, new mattresses, garden hose, sewing machines, ranges. baby beds and mattresnes. davenport and chair, gas range. 3 burner coal oil stove, vacuum cleaner, dinette rets. Jce box. 2440 Fairground rd. OLDER Model Westinghouse elec. range, white teddy bear coat size 10, boys' 3 piece winter suit size 2 yrs. Ph. 5074. FREE WheeUn hvdraulic hoit ca pacity 5 tons. Walter Scheefe. RC 7. Box 40EK. " MONT AGW ood circulator, in good eonditin.8VN. Winter. "40 GAL. Hot water tank, galvanized, wrapped. Ph . 24278 4 PC. inlaid walnut and buryl bed room set. Ph. 24870 or call 1015 N. 5th eves. "DOES Your roof leak? Use-! asphalt shingles. Unharmed by any weather, rain or shine. Fireproof. In stalled by experienced men. For FREE eztimate phone 7177. Western Auto Supply Co. MAPLE Finished living room and dining room groups, kitchen table and cabinet, wood circulator and miscel laneous chairs. Ph. 0154. REGISTERED Red bone coonhound pups. Over 3 months old. Excellent cold trail tree hound. Satisfaction guar anteed. M. 8. Hooker. Moody ave.. just off Park Ave. NAILS. 0. 10 and 20. Also some soil pipe and fittings. Ph. 21413 eves POULTRY Founts. Oil heater!, gal vanized. 5 and 7 gal sizes. Reduced at Ward's farm Store, Trade A High Sts. " , Snooker Table 8x10. la good condition, complete wtth 12 cues and balls. $400. Phone 3255. eves., 2141X ; WESTINCHOUSE radio with auto, record player. Elec. or battery fence control. Rt. 2. Box 413, west of Che mawa. John Tolmaoff. FLORESCENT Kitchen fixtures and single tube brackets for use near your mirror. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 250 N. Uberty WOOD furnace and sawdust burner wtth ail attachments including i not air pipes, price $150. Clifford Harold. 405 Center. Phone $487 Res. phone 8498. Salem. Ore. . ; SAVE 822.00 ea a farm wagon by buying thm faU. Wards have severs sixes im onrhard trailers awd hay wae ona reduced to clear. Buy now an save. Ward's Farm Store, Trade - c mm . - j - ' CIRCULATOR Beater. chair. 3a gal. not water tank, wainu buffet. 700 N. 17th. 3 PIECE tuxedo suit sue 44. Print 20. Phono 0490. ELECTRIC washing machine. Easy pindryer, excellent condition. Phone 22. 2423 Center St. BRUNSWICK sewing machine with lttachments. excellent condition. (40. 123 N. Coml. Ph. 24145. NEW- 42iOKrc;ilkab Bby buggy. Reasonable. Ph. 0774. ' " FOR "SALE: Practically new large Duotherni oil circulator heta wh 'an and drum. Call after 0:30 P.M. UOO Edewater. Woil Salem KEEP Out the cold this winter. Wire base glass substitute makes ex cellent storm doors and windows. A ood supply now at Ward's Farm Store. Trade High Sts. IVORY bed springs and dresser, fireplace screen, eiec. iron, child's wan.Prieed low. 1321 N CaprtoL L. C SMITH-typewriter, good con dition. 045 Tamarack. MANX'S blue "suit, rain coat, under wear part wool, all state 30. almost new. 1027 Oak. downstairs, after 0 P.M. or Sun. "ROYAL Sarouk Oriental rug 9x1 $875. 3065 D St. Trade Miseellsneous LOT and enough lumber and plumb ing to build about S1200 24x20" trailer house, for trailer house. Ph. 0030. Wanted Furniture WANTED: Furniture. Mason's Fur niture. 2440 Fairgrounds Road. Phone 2-4505. Wanted M iseellanous WANTED: Skill saw. 0 to t inches. 220 W. Su per lor . Phone 3345. WANTED: A male Collie or shepard dog a yr. or older. Rt. 5. Box 104. Ph. 22941. Theo. Francisco. ; ls TON flat bed truck part time. To be used locally, no long hard trips. Ph.59b0. WANTED: 10x12 or 12x14 linoleum. 1721 ChemOketa. USED FURNITURE Phone 3110 WANTED: Ued washing machine, any condition. Ph 5098. WHY TAKE less for your furniture? SeeRuss Brig nt Ph 75 1 1 Wills Music Store 432 fitate S. DISHES over 25 yrs old Upstairs Antique Shop 39 Court Ph 3 1443 USED FURNITURE Ph 1185 WANT 6 Buy Used cameras A ene McEwan Photo Shop 435 State CASH for used olano & othet mu steal instruments Call 4041 days of 0537 evenings or send description ts laquith Music Co. 191 S High CASH (or your used furnltuie Ph !S96 State St Furniture 1900 State AUTO oa inline lust a shade bettei" oy Ray ETTER CaU Shrock Motor Co 0502 M isrel laneou WOULD Like to buy al) kinds of burlap and cotton bags. Willis Kelley, 2860 S. Com l St. ' AUBURN Women's Club rummage sale. Nov. 19th and 20th over Green baum's. Good clothing. dishes etc. ATMORAYS. Ozone. Good health. Rent-sell. H. C. Pugh, 004 N. 17. 4692. Tree Surgery Trimming, topping, removals. Phbne 2-4030. Insured workmen. Rawlins Music Studio Piano and violin. Phone 2-5027. MAKE your ovan dresses, suits and coats while learning to sew. Enroll in Singer's morning, afternoon or evening classes. A complete course slO. SINGER SEWING CENTER 142 S.High Ph. 3512 CHARIS CORSETTIES. Guaranteed fitting Nice linedresses. Ph- 9495. BULLDOZING. EARTH moving & drainage, ditches dug Ph. 4047. MODERN Piano and boorie woogie instruction Private leseons. Guaranteed results. '.. J. Edferton Studio. 1820 N. Cottage. Ph 9502. SALEM ELECTRIC brings to Salem area lowest rate in United States. HOUSEMOVING KAY SIMMONS 2235 Trade St. Ph. 3147 CUSTOM pork curing service, sugar cured hams and bacon tc per 4b. Smoked with oak wood. McDowell's Market, 171 S. Commercial. Ph. 8757. GUITAR STUDIO. BANJO Mandolin, Etc. Phone 7S69 WATER WELL drilling Domestic or irrigation Duffield Bros Rt 4. Box 00 Phone 2-1313 WEATHER strips Pullman Ph 5965 DRAWING and designing house plana. Phone .8621 . HEAVY Hauling. Excavat on and Koad Building Land Clearing Dozei Work Ditching Basement Excavation Sand Gravel Crushed Ruck Mason Sand Concrete Mix Cement Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 1405 N Front St Salem Oregon Phone 9408 or 21924 MEN'S HATScleaned and blocked 75c LES SPRINGER. 464 Court St Dental Plate Repair TWO ROUS SERVICE Di MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates tor Repati DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bdg State Or Com Ph 331 1 Septic Tanks Cleaned K F Hamei 1143 8th. West Salem Phone 7404 Mattresses. Capital Bed. Co. P. 4060 Monev to Loan Personal Makes Loans Proof that we try to make EVERY loan 4 out of 5 who ask for a loan here get It! Loans of $25 to $300 or more made on signature, furniture or auto $500. No outsiders involved. Come in or phone, today. Open Mon. thru Frl. 9-5. Closed Sat- Evenings by appointment. See E Galunger. the YES MAN. at Personal Finance Co. of Salem 91$ State St.. Rm. 125 Phone 3191 Lie S-122: M-105 $ MONEY t REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contracts. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS Lie. S-210 M-222. 153 S. High St. FARM and 71TY LOANS 4', and 5 Your own terms or repayment with in reason Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIiS CO $07 Pioneer Trust Bids Phone 103 General Finance Corp. offers money at once on cars, trucks furniture, trailer houses, livestock, farm marchiaery: contracts refinanced and additional money advanced - No co-signers. General Finance is locally owned and officered: was organized in 1827 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans made by phone 138 South Commercial Sts. Salens Phone: 9100 Licenses S-138 & M-33S Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M 18 Financial YOUR SURPLUS MONEY WILL EARN YOU PER CENT INTEREST BUY A REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE. EXAMINE THE SECURITY YOUR SELF. MORTGAGES .AVAILABLE IN MOUNTS OF $500 TO $7500. ; WX OLLrCT air INTEREST AND PAY TENTSv FOR THE INVKSTORS.! NO XTRA, CHAAGg-' I - JTATX FINANCE C& W 8. High St. McKILLOP'S "For the Best" i $5000 It's only on year old. clean, and maaaaaiOM. 1 tuc. oath, Law Dinette, Venetian Blinds. This n very cute place. $0300 Brand New 2 Bedroom home with bath, LB, Kitchen, gas cook stove and hearting stove goes. Garage. See this. $0800 It's not often that you can find a 2 Bedroom home, w th hardwood floors, and plastered for this pric. Cement foundation, oil heat and electric cooking and water heating. Better hurry en this one. T8400 English Style 3 Bedroom home with Immediate Possession. This place will pay for itself as it baa two apartments which rent for $120 per moi-th. Apts have a ranges, stoves and floor coverings., $9000 Completely Furnished 4 Bedroom home, with basement, '2 car garage, 4 lots, included Good terms csn be arranged. 110,500 This is a lovely home witn acre of ground with Hardwood floors, full basement, cozy fireplace. Automatic Oil Furnace, garage attached to house. 2 BR. bath. LR, DR, kitchen, Venetian Blinds. This home is only year old It's a beauty. $14.500 4. Bedrooms, double plumbing, basement. .Fireplace, floors HW.; Style Dutch Colonial Very desirable location. Very nicely arranged and lo cate within 8 blocks of State Capitol North. $21.000 Extra larre lot close in with lovely 3 story home. 3 apartments with $110 Income private entrances I. Fireplace, Hardwood and fir floors 2 story 2 car garage. Automatic Oil heat, apartments are furnished, $5000 worth of Imported shrubs. Each Apt has LR. BR, Bath, K, Call 5-1 -3-1 for Appointment. $32,000 Beautiful 4 Bedroom home overlooking city and mountain, hardwood floors, and doors, full double plumbing, fireplace in living room and In party room downstair. Automatic oil Heat, very large lot. 2 car garage. Venetian Blinds. This home must be seen to be appreciated and will, be shown by appointment only. McKillop Real Estate Agency 169 South High St. Phone 3-1-3-1 Phone evenings 4937 - 0901 7183 For Rent Rooms SLP. Rm. for gentleman. Ph. 8448. WELL Furnished room for gentle. numonly. l52N.13thst. Ph. 4741. NICELY Furnished sip. rm. Employed couple prefei red. Ph. . 300. MODERN Room, vets only. 84.50 week. 1930 Laurel ave. CapUola bus line. - ' SLEEPINGrooro. 778 S. 13th. SLEEP." Rm. close "in. gentleman pre ferred. 354 N. Winter. Room and Board WILL care for elderly people In my home. 195 S. Knox. Ph. 500. Monmouth. HAVE room, to board 4 more chil dren day and night. Ph. 4518 or 1125 Norway. For Rent Apartments WILL Exchange apt. in Beaverton for one in Salem. T. V. Rvan, 1001 S. E. Franklin. Beaverton. Ore. For Rent Houses UNFURNISHED Cabin for rent. 1543 Broadway st. Call at back door. For Rent PAINT SPRAYER. POWER CEMENT MIXER 100 HANSEN AVE. SAVE Time with our " latest type electric hammer. 310" to 1" star drills now at Howsers Rnt-A-Tool. Phone 3040. GOOD Used Piano H L Stiff LIGHT trailer 960 N Com! FLOOR SAN DEM foi rent Mont eomerv .Ward CHECK These Items to save time: Paint sprayers, Skilsaws. mitre boxes, drills, disc and belt zanders, plumbing snakes, die seta and tools, chain hoist;,' car tools etc" at Howsers Rent-A-Tool. 1132 Edgewater. Phone 3646 for Infor mation rHAU.tMi toi rent Mmv pel Bl Woodrv Mkt ISPS N Summer TRUCKSl foi rent You drive Mc Cune gr Lrivell Phone 0600 U-DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blanket f urn 197 S Liberty PI. 9062 HIGH Speed floor edger and pol isher for rent at Howser's Rent-A- Tool. 1132 Edgewater.Ph. 3640 FLOOR Sander, elec floor polisher and lawn roller. Rawlins Hardware the Marshall Wells Store Ph 0877 Wanted to Rent VETERAN, Wife and baby wish house or apt. TJrgent. References avail able. Ph. 24106. WANTED Furnished Apt. Close in by local business man & wife. Call daily from 8:00 - 6:00 ; 2-1995. EX-SERVICE man wants to rent 3 bdrm. house in town or country. Could exchange 3 rm. apt. close in. Ph. 9653 after 6 P.M. 12 CANS OF SPRY shortening re ward for information j leading to suit able apt. or small house for rent. No child rem or pets Veteran Box 048 VETERAN, wife ft 3 yr .old son de sire (urn. or unfum. house. Refer ences. Excel, care. Ph. 8658. SMALL 2 or 3 rm. furn. or unfurn. apt. for veteran and wife. Ph. 21028. FURNISHED 2 bed room house -of apartment. Will consider buying fur niture if nricad reasonable. E. M. Perman. Gen. Del., or Castle Hall Courts. Cabin 1. Rt. 4. Box B3. STATE Empld. cple. need furn. apt Ref. 4732 after 0:00 KM. CAPTAIN, lust released from army. and wife derire furn. or unfum. house or apt. Ph. 7033. BY DECEMBER 1st Permanent employe of The States man needs two-bedroom house or apartment, furnished or unfurnished, by Dec. 1st. Call Bus. Mgr. Statesman. For Sale Real Estate To Buy or Sell, see The Real Estate Market 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 ONLY $1000 DOWN Buys a Fifteen acre tract about nine miles out on pavement. Very fair 2 bed room home, small barn, poultry house (about 500 bird capacity), other outbuildings. The full price is $6500. Salem Realty Company C. W. Bartlett, Realtor 140 N. High SL Phone 7660 "List with Salem To Sell 'Em" SEE THIS at once. 4 rm house al most completed. Will finish. Nice show er, etc . gas. electricity and city water. Wiee place and location. This is a good buy. $3750. Terms and possession. M. D. Looney. . with Wm. ,E. Moses 331 i State Phone 4993 MONEY TO LOAN on first mbrt gagea. 4 to 8. Call for details. Ed Byrkit & Co. 339 Chemeketa Street Phone 5981 IRON Mountain Beacn. Just north of Newport. "Thevmort beautiful sub division on the - Pacific Coast. All oversize lots: all fully restricted; all sold on easy terms. Buy now. F. F. Angelo or Art Turner, AT, 7171. 328 SW Washington. Portland. Oregon Frank L. McGutre, SAVE $900. direct from owner, new 3 bed room, flawless Plan, construc tion costs are going up fast, best of materials 8c workmanship. Englewood disc Around $18,000. 200$ N. 18th or call at 362 State. FOR efficient and effective - sales service can the Salem Realty Co. NOW FOR SALE BY OWNER- 9 rm. house 3 bdrm. ' new roof, dble garage, woodshed, fruit rm. Cor ner lot. garden "spot, shrubs, trees. stationary tune, .prefer to sell com oteterv furnished. Elec - range, water htr, refrig, washer, living rm. -set. coffee ana ena tanies. uoor lamp, ex tra chair, oil burner, two SxlX rugs, linoleums, dinette set., china cabinet. Singer sewing snach. x comoiete rxlrm sets: Insurance, paid up. for 3 yrs. on 'louse and furm. WiH sell unfurn. 586 Tth St- Indeoe nde nee . Ore. "' BY .OWNER:' 1 lot Hollywood Dist. raone asst or o. completely furnished, with Immediate For Sale- Real Estate Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS BUY NOW BEFORE you buy. see this home de signed for real living. 2 spacious bed rooms large living room with fireplace, dining room. den. The kitchen a cook's delight. Wall to wall carpet. Automatic heat. Attached garage. Unusually well landscaped yard. View property. See it to appreciate it. $13,000. Terms. ATTRACTIVE VALUE NEW 3 bedroom home, attached ga rage. Lot about 60x200. Ready to be moved into. Price $7050. Part terms, READY ABOUT DEC. 1st BRAND new lovely S room. Attached garage. Automatic heat. Large lot. In now growing section. Call us to tee It Price $8000. FINE COUNTRY HOME l'i acres beat of well drained soil few miles North on good road. New 4 room shake house. Large garage: fruit and well house. Drilled well with electric pump. A real buy for $4000. LIST YOUR property with us. Our 30 years' service to home owners speaks for itself. Call K. N. VOORHEES or JAMES B. HARTMAN with Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. . Phone $261 FOR SALE by Owner: 3 bed room house, electric pump. h.w. heater, good deep well, new barn ft chicken house, fruit house, double garage, young family orchard, berries. Ce ment sidewalks all around place. 1'2 acres all fenced, with privilege to buy half acre adjoining, lots of flow ers and shrubs. 225 Hollywood Ave. $13.000 FOR A NEW 3 bedrm. house in a good new district. This l",i story house has a fireplace, large rooms and elect, heat, is well insulated. Call Jack Henningsen with State Finance Co., Realtors Phone 4121 , Evening 7277 $2850 New garage house. 3 rms., comer lot, well, near 4 corners. Olson' & Reeve, Realtors 945 S Coml. Phone 4590 . Eyes. 9536 NRTH SIDE.' Walking Distance of Downtown. 4 Bedroom home. Spacious Living room, connecting into nice din ing room. Full basement. Automatic heat. Hardwood floors. Fireplace. Dou ble plumbing. Prime location. $12,500. 2 Bedroom modern home. H.W. Floors, large lot. extra building site. Garage, own well and electric water system. Priced for quick sale. $6850. Terms. R. E. Meredith, Reatlor 176 So. Commercial Phone 8841 35.500 - - $7,500 WE NEED seven two or three bed room houses for cash buyers. Forkner-Bourne Realtors Phone 3031 1853 N. Capitol PRICED for Quick Sale, by owner: New 2 bed room home, double con struction, attached garage, utility rm. with laundry trays, new gas auto water heater, range and circulator in cluded, wired for elect, range, lawn ready to seed. School, bus. store, 1 block. Immediate possession. $5850, terms. 2041 N. 5th. Salem. . Vacant In Excellent Condition Move Right In All hardwood floors. Double plumbing. Sprinkling System. Automatic Heat. 555 Rose St. Reimann Real Estate 201 So. High Ph. 3722 or 7836 Eves. & sun. 36Z1 ThE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIG BUSINESS 815.750 New and strictiv mod 2 B. R. home, all hwVl. floors, oil fur nace, double gar. Well built home. xu.BW New 2 B R. home. a acre. S9500--3 B.R. mod. furn. home. $9000 New 2 B.R. home. $8950 4 B.R. mod. close in. $7500 3 B.R .home, base., but. $45001 BR. furn. home. C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 5838 Hollywood Business Prop erty - EXCLUSIVE LISTING, excellent business location in Hollywood dis trtct, fireproof building, room for ad ditional building 43 frontage on main highway 110 deep, 812,500. No phone information please. Forkner-Bourne Realtors Phone 3031 1853 N. Capitol $6250 Full Price 2 bdrm. house located north. Imme diate possession. Gas range goes Large lot. M. 0i Humphreys & Co. Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 7820 2286 Fairgraund Rrl. ' Ph. 24596 HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT 3 bedrm. house with large lot, older type but In good condition. Full price $6800. One 4 bedrm. house. Completely ren ovated. Large lot. Immediate posses sion. Full price $10,500. One 3 or 4 bedrm house with ,. acre of ground. Full bath. Older type house in livable condition, ssaoo. $9850 3 bedrm house close in. paved street. Close to school, immediate possession Double ; garage. Full bsrnt. Completely renovaleo. l erms. M. 0. Humphreys & Co 3035 Portland Rd. Phone 7820 2288 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2-4596 . NEW . COTTAGE, generous 3 rooms plus laundry, bath, garage. Oil fur nace, electric water heater. Lot 133x140 In scenic Glen View tracts only l'a miles from business district. Price $4800. Veterans only.. Phone 6214. 88950.00 MODERN 4 B. R. HOME, close in. south. Kavdwood floors, fireplace. Ven etian blinds, auto, water beater, base ment, furnace, garage. This is a good buy. i - - Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 SKgh SL -?i Ph. 4121 Evenings Z5561 OWNER LEAVING offers this "line home; Large living room & dining room. Den. 3 bedrooms, sawdust ZUX saec ' fireplace. 2 lots with fruit, on bus: Reasonably Priced at $100. Terms. i ' ' ti. 3. LINDGREN - ED. D. POTTER Realtors 215 S. Hath Sf : Phone 3630 BY OWNER": 7 room house, re decorated throughout. Gas and Etoe. $8869, , 1240 South,' Corruwercial St. To Buy or Charles HOMES . . 1 4 BLOCKS TO STATE HOUSE , MOVING TO DALLAS ! Corner lot. 0 rm. house. 3 bedrms. We have a 4 bedrm. homos partly main floor. Basement, sawdust fur-, furnished. Located 3 blocks from bust nace. 89500. Sal 124X. ness dist. Close to school. $7200. Sal 125X. FARMS FRUIT AND DIVERSIFIED 40 acres. 30 A. cult. Berries 40 acres. 30 A. cult. Berries and grain.' loam soil, partly fenced. 9 rm. hse., 3 bed- rms.. nara. garage, cnicxen nouse. hog house. 2 miles from Shaw. $6000. sal lis. EVEN THE DOG GOES 80 A.. 35 cult. 2 good houses. S barns. 9 cows, tractor, harrow, fresno, drag saw. small tools. 300 good prune tree3 20 tons hay. all seeded, orchard cover crop in. 7 chickens and even the dog included for 80000. Nr. Falls City. Sal 116. - TURKEY OR GENERAL FARMING 48 acres. 2" bedroom house, barn. machine shed, other smaller buildings. Turkey range equipment. 50 or more large shade trees, in barn yard and around house. Good buy, fine location. $10,600. Sal 11$. THERE'S A BULL TO SLING HERE 15 A. all cultivated, good pasture., large chicken house, garage. 10 caws, purebred . Jersey Bull, double unit milking machine, winter supply of wood. $9500. Sal 121. MORE FUN THAN ANYBODY 1 A. rabbit farm tn Kelzer district, net income $550 per mo. New 3 room house. 12x110 rabbit shed. Rabbits and additional equipment available. $7500. Sal 123. ROOM FOR' CHILDREN HERE 35 A 29 cult.. 6 A. pasture,. 4 A. strawbenies gomg in this spring. Good 4 bdrm. hse. 30x42 bam. chick hse., hog hse.. 18x30 hay shed. 5 mi. east of Capitol bldg. on school rate. $18,000. Sal 142. INCOME GROCERY BUY KILROY WAS HERE Central location in Salem. About $640 per mo. net income from this $2700 inventory, meat case, ice cream 3 pump service station complete with refrig.. 2 scales, cash register, adding garage, lube room, ice house. Quick machine, meat grinder, coffee grinder, charger and about $2600 stock. Good Good lease. $5200. Equipped. Sal 102 location in Portland. 850O. Sal 10$ Inc. Inc. NEW CAR AGENCY DON'T SLEEP IN THE PARK In small Willamette valley town. Here's a place to live AND an in- Good location, new building with parts come. 6 unit apartment house, fur- dept... show room. etc. Price com nished. $236 monthly Income, good plete. $45,000. Sal 113 Inc. location. $18 000. Sal 104 Inc. LARGE GROCERY. MEDIUM HOUSE. TAKE YOUR CHOICE SMALL. TOWN 4 sawmills within radius of 4 miles. Owner says over $6000 yrly. net. 29 acres. 24 cultivated, all fenced. 18x 60 chicken house, good bam. good, 6 room house. This 'place could be de veloped for chickens, turkeys, berries, truck garden. Sickness causes this sac rifice. $6500. Sal 137. CHARLES DELFEL, Realtor 615 N. Capitol St. - Phone 7002 MONEY TO LOAN on first mort gages 4 to 6. Call for details. Ed Byrkit & Co. 339 Chemeketa' Street Phone 5981 Reimann Real Estate 2 Bdrm tow cost housing on paved street. acre ground. $4000. 2 Bdrm vacant, neat & clean, move right in. $4350. Call McCIauflin. 4 Bdrm on one floor, concrete, foun- ' dation, north, close to bus ( school. Call Spreadborough. 2 Bdrm Exclusive basement. fire place.' auto heat, all rooms car peted. North 19th. Call Ruberg. 2 Bdrm New cove ceilings, hdwd floors, auto oil , neat, attached saraee. $9750. 2 Bdrm Hdwd floors, fireplace. Guest cloak room. Rosedale Dist. $11. 000. Call Connally. 3 Bdrm full basement., hdwd' floors. double garage, excellent loca tion. $12,000. Call Ruberg. Homes up to $40,000, call and ask our salesmen.- Reimann Real Estate 201 So. High Ph. 3722 or 7836 2-4113 or 3621 Eves. Ac Sun. Furnished House 8 ROOM FURNISHED house. large lot 100x144. zoned for business, quick possession and good terms. $8,500. Forkner-Bourne Realtors Phone 3031 1853 N. Capitol Dan, the Real Estate Man City homes, lots, small or large suburban acreages and farms. Open evenings. A. E. Danielson, Realtor 168 No. 12tb St. Ph. 24483 BUY Now and give Her a real Xmas present, new 3 bed room lovely home. perfect plan direct from owner, save 5. on North 18th, the prettiest street of homes in town. Construction costs are going up fast with controls lifter Around $18,000. 2005 N. 18th or call at 362 State. G. I. Opportunity A NEW 2 BEDROOM home ill on 1 floor with a three room apt. in addi tion for rental purposes, or could be used for extra bedrooms, large win dows, near bus. schools snd shopping district, 13 minute ride from Salem. $8,000. Forkner-Bourne Realtors Phone 3031 1853 N. Capitol $3200 Full Price 3 rm. house north. See H. E. Corey. $7500 9 rm house close to business district, can't be beat for income property. Rents are in demand. See H. E. Core". $5000 buys good 4 rm. house north. Practically new and in good location. M. 0. Humphreys & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Phone. 7820 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2-4596 Open Sundays for your convenience. This Won't Wait! 2 bedrm. riome, new roof, all floor coverings. W.' Salem. Fruit, and shrub bery. Only $5200. With nearly all new furnishings. $5850. Something to Be Thankful For Especially nice. 3 bedrm home. En- plewood Dist. Newly painted, hdw. floors, good basement. Everything to be desired in a nice home. Recom mended as a good buy at $11,500. Joe Hutchison Realtor , 455 Court Phone 7696 Salesmen: Mvles Henderson. Res. 2-4682 "Habby" Habemicht , 1 Brand New ' ' 2 bdrm. house. North. Cement foun dation. Garage, wired for range, elec. water heater, large lot. Possession im mediately. $5250 full price. M. 0. Humphreys & Co. Realtors 303S Portland Rd. Ph. 7820 Ph. 24596 2286 Fairground Rd. 69 ACRE farm. 40 ac. tillable incl. 18 ac boysen berries ready for 1st year production, and unusually attractive fully modern farm home, very good dairy barn equipped with steel stan chions, water piped to all bldgs. from good perm, spring, incL a good hen house which will accommodate 1000 producing hens. Equipment, 150 N.H. hens, i Jersey cows. 2 calves, t new John Deere tractor, on tracks, new h.d. e orchard disc. ' practically new milk cooler and milk snach ine. 30 tons baled hay and ether equip. With or without equipment. Owner must sell because of ill health RAWLINS REALTY , A INSURANCE CO. 2018 lalrgrounda Rd. Ph. 7819 , Evas. 4870 Sell See Delfel DAIRY FARM 83. A. ' near Turner, all cultivated. Has creek, large bam. family orchard, good income. $10,500. Equipment avail- able. - bal 127. Orchard and gram farm. 48 A. prunes. walnuts. gooseberries and blackcaps. Oats and vetcu. L bedroom house. Price includes tractor and ma- i Chinerv. $13,000. Sal. 129. LITTLE PUDDING RIVER 15i A. 5 mi. east on- Garden ' Rd. A. cXiltivated. Soil good for bulbs and flowers. A steal at 04000. Sal 1X1. BUTTER $1.00 LB. , f Eggs 75c dor.. milk47c qt. Raise your own ana oe 13 minutes from Salem. 20 A.. 4 room house. 12x32 chicken house, good road. $6500. Sal 136. NORTH OF GERVAIS 28 A. all cult. Modern 3 bdrm. hse.. lots of shrubs, family orchard. 30x40 barn, chicken hse'.. brooder hse.. . 3 garages. 2 cows and feed. $11,506. Sal 138. 10 ACRE ORCHARD 25 cherry. 60 good petite prunes. 20 , good apple trees. Soil has been dyna mited, has had cover crop for past -SO years. $3150. Ssl U0. Clow in. GENERAL AND STOCK FARM . Bordering open range. About 40 head cf sheep. I2'i A- S3 under ruK ti ration, has 2 creeks and some timber. . Could fee subdivider. Kice 4. room house. $14,000. Sal 125. GENERAL: FARM 25- Acres. 20 cult-. sma!l amount of timber, sandy-black loam all fenced. Elect, and phone. mile from Sunny side. $7500. Sal 108.. Store 50x90 on Main St.. Falls City. Price includes 6 room house 100 yds. from grade school. 1 mile from high school. Grocery has large stock, good .equipment, little competition: $13,700. Sal 112 Inc. - Good Home : & Income - Property - 2 FURNISHED 3 RM. "apts. at one 4 rm. partially furnished. Oil fuel, fur nished bv tenants: small cot. close in, between Liberty & Cob'U north. $&500, Art Madsen 1326 State St. Ph. 5580 $8950 00 MODERN B. R. HOME, close In on State St. Fireplace, hardwood floors. Auto, water heater, basement, furnace, garage. CaU Stanley Brown with State Finance Co.. Realtors 153 S. High St. Ph. 4121 Evening 25561 $6400 2: . BEDRM. home with large attic room. Near Leslie Jr. HI. near bus. Call Mr. Walters; Huff R.nl Ft-it fn M. M. S-a aV A'4-'Ba Ba-vJ M (a-m a-W Realtors Ph. 3793 341 Chemeketa St. Eves.. 25260 Lots Nr. Englwd Sch. $750 up. Easy terms. Phone 7808. $4650. TERMS" NEW 3 rms. A bath. Wired for elee, range, 2 automatic elec. heaters. Iuilt- lns. launary iray, eiec. water mr- linoleum in each room. Approx. " pump, lge. pump hse. Cement drive, wav Will ll furnirtinp PiwwctJiHt in one week. Will take trailer house a part payment. Go out Market St. to Swegle school, turn right and go approx. 1 block, then turn left on Swegle Rd. a, go about 1 mi., turn right at the first gravel road, 2nd house on right. H. W. Baker, Rt. 0, Box 315-D. Evenings. All day Sat. Sun. i 8 RM. house, cor. lot 104 x53'. Quiet street, good neighborhood, near stores and schools. Walking distance to cap-, itol and universitv. Newly decorated inside and out. Elec. 85 gal. water heater. Wired for range. Large new furnace. House can be made Into apts. Available now. Shown by ap pointment. Call 8888 except Sunday. ox kj crv . c n. nse. in excel, cond.. fireplace, ven. blinds, full bsmt furnace .water htr., 2 bias, from grade A high sch. Lot 55x173. 1190 Nebraska. PARTLY FURNISHED $55004 ROOM home. Nice neigh borhood. Immed: poss. Call OMEB, Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Ph. 21549 341 Chemeketa St. Eves.. 25091 SEE THIS ! HOLLYWOOD" BRICK" 2 B. R. MODERN ALL BRICK KOMI LOCATED ON 100x100 LOT ONLY t BLK. FROM CENTER OF HOLLY WOOD. FIREPLACE. BASEMENT, WITH AN EXTRA ROOM. FURNACH HEAT. DOUBLE GARAGE. LOVELY SHRUBS A TREES, ALL ADD, UP TO A REAL BUY AT $11,000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 So. Com'l. St. ! Ph. 8389. eve. 7440 CHOICE Lot. northeast corner of Pearl and Baker Sts.. Rosedale addi tion, size 41x100.; make cash offer, ht rffr rmivMl Hv - rw. t loij accepted. Contact Ray A. ' Schanta, U-S. Veterans- Hospital. Vancouver. Wash. Rickreall A NEW MODERN home, all on one floor, three nice size bedrooms, neai schools and shopping . facilities. Im mediate possession, . $8,000. Forkner-Bourne Realtors Phone 3031 1853 N. Capitol ij)itfion0tatesmaii ADVERTISING Western Advertising; Representatives Ward-Griffith Company. Ine, San Francisco Eastern Advertising nc)nc3ciiuiuvcs Ward-Griffith Company. Ine. Chicago. New York. Detroit. Boston.- Atlanta Member Pacific Coast Division Bureau of Advertising Entered at the Postofftee at So lem. Or coon as Second Class Mat ter Published every normng . tr. cept Monday Bustnesi office 22J South Commercial Street. , SUBSCRIPTION RATES 'stall Subaertpttoo Bates tn Ad. vancsu! Within .Oregon: Daily and Sunday. Mo, 00 cents: 6 moo, $3 25; "1 year. $6 00. Elsewhere 80 cents peg -mo. or $7 20 for 1 year tn advance Per copy- S cents By City Carrier. 73 cents a month. $0.00 year , in advance) ka atarioal