4 Thm Sli ilaa i. Sqlom. Qwy. Smxkry. Hot nbr IT. 1S43 Additional QaMined I ; Ada on Page 13 i Tor Sale r Blicellaacoa David Bradley TRAILERS All steel -- 14 gauge. ISO lb. capacity. ft- kmc. M la. wide, IS In. deep, with Mw SOO-IO Urea, SIMM. SEARS FARM STORE 173 S. Liberty. Ph. CM At I1W TRAILER 8x5 with a ft sideboard. DOxlS tires. Good for farm ue. Rt 4. Boa 113A. Pringle Bow. Sk. NEW- child's- airplane ear. 2SS0 ft. Com I. a rrrCr.io drUL'Goo? rood . tra tor hitch. Ed Dtmbat, Rt X Boa 3. Turner. ' mi. S. of PnnfW school. . ""WALKUT finish knee hole desk, fireplace screen. 1 pr. drapery cranes. SO N. 14th. . SWHEEL trailer 1 ft- x 4 n x is-. IiM. t2alHarel Ave . Cottage 1. GHAT Tailored overcoat al 40. O. K. Cleaners. 114eCapitol. well built boat lika nw. Ph SJUB STOVES, mull aiz. porcelain enam el ranges. 2 ahat Iron beating stoves. excellent cond. 171 N. 13th. PORTABLE-Kerosene heater 4. radio (11. oU heater $33. hi -chair $4, bicycle. 744 M UL . A if ERICA reference library. 10 big vol.. 114.00. Modern bustneaa texts. 34 vol. by Alexander Hamilton Institute. 1300. Call 3731. CI-ITS-Hawthorne bicycle. Boy's World bteycle. Hot water car heater. Lady's coat sise la. 3340 Cherry Ave. Don't call after 2 Sunday. WINTER Apples, all kinds. Imlah Fruit Firm. mile on Wallace Rd. Ph. 22324. LAWN Mower, food cond.. $12 50. 3 new steel block tackle, each has 173 ft. of new l'i in. rope. (JO ea. 3 700x17 ply truck tires. 3 700x13 truck tires, 4 ply. good cond. Sell one or all. G. I. S net hen. ISM Lan caster Dr, .1 mile N. Kruegcr's Groc. Ph. 21343 Morn. or eye. . 3 MONTHS old Cocker Terrier pup (3 00 for good home. Ideal pet for child. Phone 25403. MUSK RAT fur coat, also black seal dyed Coney sue 14. Ph. 31143. UNIVERSAL, wood range, excellent cond.. $33. Ph. 7303. 2 BIRO Cages. Phone 21443 before 10 A.M. ROUND walnut pedestal table and many Interesting things for Xmas presents. See at Upstairs Antique Shop. 433 Court. 100 WOOL. OA BAR DINE, size 40 41. long. Ph. 7331. 4 TABLE SAW. Call $73. MAN'S WINTER overcoat, packing trunks, man's traveling bag. suitcase, wooden chest, folding screen, wicker chair. Ph. Iltrr. ALPACUN A OVERCOAT, excel, cond. Size 40. Ladies A i men's riding boots. Ph. 24703. AUTOMATIC GAS. elec. and side arm water heaters for imm. delivery. NELSON BROTHERS FURNITURE 313 N. LIBERTY BOY SCOUT uniform complete, size 13 Ph. 21473. 12x20 SHACK. PH. 7334. SINGER SEWING machine, vacuum cleaner, elec. iron. 1 burner elec. plate. Bissels sweeper. 744 Marlon. COMBINATION RADIO. Ph. 4377. GIRLS FULL sise bicycle, excellent cond. L F. Remington. Rt. 7. Box 200. Portland highway. GAS Hot water heater and tank, wood heater, play pen and pad. baby buggy, baby car bed. safe, and h.p. air compressor. Inquire 1083 Erixon St.. Salem. 2 NEW RECAP 400x14 tires, perfect Table model radio Picked apples, lie a box. Bring boxes. Ph. 4037 or 1 10 N Winter No 2 L. C. SMITH 4i Bros, type writer. In good cond. 333 N. ltth. RADIOS. Table and console. 10 mod els from which to select. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 235 N. Liberty 1 SINGLE Booth with maeonite ta ble. 3003 N Capitol. ARE You getting poor radio recep tion? Then try the powerful 3 tube Tropic Master. Standard broadcast and shortwave bands. Ideal for locations where reception is ordinarilv poor. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 233 N. Liberty River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX. AND FILL DIRT ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Bulldozing CoYnmercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 3-1804 - 1-3100 4 tff. Soil fittings. Limited quan tity. Capital Bargain House. 143 Cen ter. BALLOON Tired bicycles. Capital Bargain Houre. 145 Center. -SEE Ua for Christmas Gifts. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty INDIRECT Floor lamps and torchiers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty STEAM Irons, limited quantity. IIS. 35. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty KROifEX cake-covers$2" YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty- AUTOMATIC Electric grilL Ux34 Inches with double thermostat. Ideal for small restaurant or club houses. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty SEWING mech . wood heater, aatl que dresser. 10" circulating fan. baasi iette. 445 Ferry St. afternoons. TRICYCLE, scooter, wagon, aoll high chair, desk blackboard, roc Icing chair. Chris' Barber Shop. 2545 Port land Rd rrnr PRACTICALLY new 45 cubic foot Koch commercial electric refrigerator, five compartmenlat white porcelain throughout. Can be purchased at ron tsderabl discount. Capitol Of flew Equipment Co.. 531 Court St. ; River Silt MASON SAND FILL DIRT PIT RUN GRAVEL KEIZER SAND & GRAVEL CO. Phone 2-1740 TWO Slice electric toasters $210. 4 slice $3 35. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty WHMTNlY baby carriage" In good cond. Ph. atSS. NEW deluxe twin Evenrude motor 33 h p. Call at boiler room on Church .Mill, i ROCTR'S Toledo scales $54 Ph. 3131s. . "Kitchen and Industrial exhaust tana. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ' 355 N. Liberty WE buy and' sell turmture. bimms. atuvea. dashes, motara, radios. Electric a oo lances houaahakt goods KLIO MAN'S 235 N Commercial Ph 0045 STOVaTeOieeel Oila Prompt met ered delivery service Any time). LARRY'S FUEL OIL Ph. 3-1S17. ta woL M. af Pwa 4 Coraers FARM ! I For Sadf Misellaneoo. ' BEAUTirCL, MAHOGANY EXTEN SION TAB1X Inlaid stripes on mar- K. and edge, and on dividing pedestal . 44 mrhee wide. 4a feet closed. rUy extended. 13 feet. 14 extra leaves IS matched. 3 plain). Cloth covered folding asbestos top protectors for tally use match each section for ee Ure length. A bargain for 10S com plete. Aa ornament to any borne. DARK OAK SIDEBOARD. Body T. x 31" high; with S drawers' S cab inets. Back top 7f high, with S bevel plate mirrors and S pedestal helves for vases. Only $5S. UCHT OAK OrnCE DESK. Flat top 4x3-. S drawers and slide. out type writer support. Only $37 J4. GLOBIW13WUUf BOOK CASE, dark oak. Four book units In stack 34" wide. 11" deep. ST high. Toe fin isn unit, and drawer m baae. Disap pearing glass doors. $30. MAHOGANY "TALKING-TABLE." .Columbia Grafonola. With 144 old fa vorite records: many "Red Seals" Table 45" 2S". ,," high. Drawers and cabinets for records. Only $30. DARK OAK HALL SEAT, with high bock and etorage compartment $3" x If, and wall hat rack U X XV with ornamental bevel plate mirror 34" x 17": complete for $44. Address States man Box No. S10. 2 TWI Inner spring mattresses, al- si new. ass pr. a rose ciwdiiw spreads, twin sue. $13. Fruit Jars. 33c per dee. Revolving clothes dryer $7 JO. Galvanised water tank $10. Coal oil heater $3. 1 odd mattress, twin. $10. The Alirma AuteL 3433 Portland Rd. AVERAGE Size baby crib hi good cond. $13. 1373 N. Church. Ph. 3407. Portland coal furnace, good cond. auto, controls. $44 Leslie. NEW DA VINOS, children's chairs. STATE ST. FURNITURE 1300 Slate Phone 7304 OFFICE DESK, flat top. 84x-. 7 drawers. 3 ai mi sets, linoleum top. $73. Also office table 40x33". 3 draw ers. $33. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3355 or 24479 DUCx"boat. cheap-1 aCXlberty. STORE Fixtures, including hardware cabinets, display tables and glass show cases. Salem Hardware Co. NEW modern $ pc. walnut dining rm set. or will sell buffet only. Call BOY'S Bicycle, good condition. 3405 Broadway. HOT POINT elec. range, never used, to trade for light pick up. 112$ S .12th. WOOD furnace and sawdust burner with all attachments including hot air pipes, price SI 54. Clifford Harold. 443 Center. Phone 5447 Res. phone MM. Salem. Ore. 3 PIECE tuxedo suit six 44. Price $30 Phone 4494. ELECTRIC washing machine. Easy spindrver. excellent condition. Phone 5523. 3425 Center St. WESTINGHOUSE radio with auto, record player. Elec. or battery fence control. Rt. 2. Box 413. west of Che ma wa. John Tolmsoif. PRACTICALLY new Bigelow rug t-12. dinette set. new oil circulator, half bed. full fixed bed. Irving rm. suite, chairs and wood range. All in rood cond. Call after t 3D A.M. 1344 Hoyt. SKILL SAW. radial saw. Comp. table saw with motor. N. W. corner of 12th a. Vista. BRUNSWICK sewing machine with attachments, excellent condition. 340. 23 N. Com l. Ph. 34145. J NEW 442 50 Krollkab by buggy. Reasonable. Ph 4774. FOR SALE: Practically new larre Duotherm oil circulator heate- wth fan and drum. Call after 4:30 P.M. 1144 Edgewater, West Salem. IVORY bed springs and dreset. fireplace screen, elec iron, child's wagon.Priced low. 1321 N. Capitol. L. C. SMITH typewriter, good con dition. 045 Tamarack. TRACE Ac. near 4 Cor. for rmall tractor or heavy duty garden tractor with attachments. C. E. Flet cher. Rt. 5 .Box 305B. WESTINGHOUSE Elec. range, smooth top. full enamel, walnut poster bed. chest, box springs and mattress. Phllco cabinet radio with phonograph at tachment, high grade davenport suite. : maple and walnut finish chest of drawers, steamer trunk. Fashion Flow mahogany 5 pc. . dining suite, fare 1 screen and andirons, haarocks. drop I leaf breakfast table. Woodry Fumi- ' ture Market. 1405 N. Summer St. The home of Salem's best furniture buys. ' GOOD Daveno. suitable for slip ' cover. 427 50. Woodry Furniture Mar- ; fcct. 14P5 N. Summer St. , ITS HERE The new Wesro un pa in ted hardwood furniture 'inc. including chests, desks, i night stands, tables, etc. See these I well built low priced Items st the i Woodry Furniture Market. 1406 N. ! Summer St. Park at our door. i MAN'S blue suit, rain coat, under- wear part wool, all size 38. almost I new. 1027 Oak. downstairs, after 4 i P.M. or Sun. j ROYAL Sarouk Oriental rug 0x12'. j $875. 3S45 D St I BREAKFAST Set. Can be reen af- ' ter 5 P.M. at SIS S. High. Trde Miscellaneous LOT and enough lumber and plumb ing to build about $1200 24x26' trailer house, for trailer house. Ph. M30. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED: West Coast resident buy er of fir plywoods. Personal current contacts with good mills necessary. Will pay according to ability to pro duce. Commission basis desirable. You state your terms. State all qualifica tions and references. Can handle trfr mendous output. MIDWEST LUMBER COMPANY. 15400 Wyoming. Detroit 21. Michigan. WANTED: 10x12 or 12x14 linoleum. 1721 Chemeketa. WANTED: Piano, storage or rent. Ph. 24474 eves. US tlTTURS ITURC Phone 5110 FIR Logs 24-40 ft long Highest prices paid. Mr. Linn. 40 Second St lnde pendence, Ore. USED washing mach any cond. Ph. 5522 WANTETil HOUSES" Tt5 WRECK. Cash paid. Ph. 2-4840. W ANTEDl Used washing machine, any condition. Ph. 5004. WHY TAKsTless-for voar furniture 1 See Rws Bright Ph 75 11 WANTED PIANOS Will pay cash Wills Music Store 433 State St "DISHES over 25 rrs old DpsUirs Antique Shop 43S Court Ph 2-1443 USED FURNITURE Ph $15 WANT TO Buy Used cameras A eases McEwaa Photo Shop 43S Slate WOULD Like to buy all kinds of burlap and cotton bags. Also have bur lap and cottons for sale Willis Kelley 2800 S Com'L St. CAM for used etano 4i other mu K-ai UMtruments Call 4041 days at 0537 evening or send description to laqarth Music Cs- 131 S High CASH-for your used fumltuTe" PS r504 State St Furniture 1900 State AUTO painting lust a shade bettet v Ray CTTER Call Sbrock Motor Ca 8MS Miscellaneous ATMORAYS, Ozone. Good health. Rent-sell. H. C. Pugh. 484 N. 17. 4092. Tree Surgery Trimming.' topping, removals. Phone 2-4C30. Insured workmen. Rawlins Music Studio Piano and violin. Phone ; 3-5027. MAKE your own drissrs. suits and coats while learning to sew. Enroll in Singer's morning, afternoon'' or evening classe. A complete course $10. SINGER SEWING CENTER 142 S. High Ph. 3-IS CHARIS COKiETTIES. Guaranteed fitting Nice line dresses. Ph. 04O5. BUlXbOZfS'G. EARTH moving-I drainage; ditches dug Ph. 4047. MODERN Piano and boofie woogit instruction. Private lessons. Quarmnteed results. L J. Edeertoa Studio. 120 N. Cottage, Ph. Soitt. lHs)eell-ueots SALEM ELECTRIC brings to Salem area lowest rate In United States. FoUSTMbVTNCj ' . KAY SUMMONS EPS .Trad St. Phi 3147 CUSTOM 'pork curing service, sugar cured haras and bscsw . 4e per lb. Smoked with oak wood. McDowell's Market, 171 S. Commercial Ph. 17S7, GUITAR STUDIO. BANJO I Mandolin. Etc. Phone 7563 -WATER U ELL drilling Domestic or imgaOoa Duf field Brno Rt -4. Boa 30 Phone 3-1313 WEATHER strips Pullman Ph faa DRAWING . and designing bouse plans. Phone $031. ' HEAVY Hauling. ExcavaLoa and Koad Building Land i Clearing Duset Work Ditching Peas an at ExravaOoa Sand. Gravel. Crushed Rack Mason Sand. Concrete Mix Cement Salem Sand f Gravel Co. 1403 N Front St Salem Oregon . Phone 44O0 or 3114 VfEN'S HATS-cleaned and blocked 73c LES SPRINGER. 444 Court St. Dental Plate Repair TWO HOUR 9ERV1CS Of MOST ' CASES Bring or Mall Yooi ptataa Oar Repair DR UARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adntph BWl Stele 4 rww - PH 3311 Septic Tanks Cleaned F. Ha met. 1143 3th. Salem Phone $404 Mattresses Capital Bed. Co. P." Money to Loan Personal Makes Loans Proof that we try to make EVERY loan 4 out of I who ask for a loan here get ttl Loans of $25 to 300 or more made on signature, furniture or auto $500. No outsiders involved Come in or phone today. Open Mon. thru Frt $-5. Closed Sat Evenings by appointment. See E Gailinger. the YES MAN. at Personal Finance Co. of Salem ill State St.. Rm. 123 Ph one Jill Lie 51-2: Mlfj $ MONEY $ REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contracts. STATE FINANCE CO, REALTORS Lie. S-214 M-222. 153 S High St. f ARM and tITY LOANS 4', and Your own terms of repayment with la reason Cash for Real E-tate Con tracts and Second Mortaafea CAPITOL SECURITIES CO SOT Pioneer Trust Bklg . Phone 7143 General Finance Corp. offers money at once on ear, trucks firniture. trailer houses, livestock i arm marchlnery: contracts refinanced and additional money advanced No co-signers General Finance Is locally owned and officered: was Organized In 1027 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans made by phone 134 South Commercial St. Salem Phone: $10 Licenses S-134 tt M-33S Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M 130 Financial YOUR SURPLUS MONEY WILL EARN YOU 5 PER CENT INTEREST BUY A REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE. EXAMINE THE SECURITY YOUR SELF. MORTGAGES AVAILABLE IN AMOUNTS OF $500 TO $7500 WE COLLECT ALL INTEREST AND PAY MENTS FOR THE INVESTORS. NO EXTRA CHARGE STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S. High St. For Rent Rooms SLEEPING room. 778 S. 13th. SLP. Rm. for 2 working "men. Close in 790 N.Church. LARGE sip. rm. ftn N. Dberty. Ph. 21574. CLOSE IN heated sip. rm. for Gen tleman. 097 S. Liberty. SLEEP. Rm. close in. gentleman pre ferred. 354 N. Winter. SLP. Rm. for lady. 407 N. Com! Ph. 4331. Room and Board WANTED: Good home for high school girl in exchange for household duties. Contact me by mail. Box 72E Rt. 4. Mrs. Anderson. WILL care for elderly people in my home. 195 S. Knox. Ph. 504. Monmouth. HAVE room to board 4 more chil dren day and night. Ph. 4S1S or 1125 Norway. For Rent" Apartments 4 RM. Apt. Adults. Ph. 25497. WILL Exchange apt. In Beaverton for one m Salem. T. V. Ryan. 1001 S. E. Franklin. Beaverton. Ore. For Rent Houses MOD. $ BR. home. Adults only. Ph. USO. FOR R -NT: 7Toom house furnished, front suitable for business, close in. car lot space adjoining. Write Box Ml Statesman. For Rent Farms FOR RENT: 395 acres, 190 under plow. Close Salem. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High - 5838 For Rent PAINT SPRAYER, POWER CEMENT MIXER. 100 HANSEN AVE. GOOD Used Piano H L Stiff "TIGHT txaUeT 960" N. Coml. FLOOR SANDER to rent Moot ornery Ward Trailers rot rent sac pet "ir Woodrv't Mkt lOOS N Summer TRUCKS for rent You dnva Me Cun 4r Lovell Phone 98O0 O-DRIVE TRUCK- FOR RENT Blankets fura 197 S Liberty Pi. 9042 FLOOR' Sander, elec. floor polisher and lawn roller. Rawlins Hardware, the Marshal Wells Store. Ph 4877 Wanted to Rent EX-SERVICE man wants to rent- 3 bdrm. house in town or country. Could exchange 3 rm. apt. close In. Ph. 9633 after P.M. 13 CANS OF SPRY shortening re ward for information leading to suit able apt. or small house for rent No children or pets Veteran. Box 948 ELDEJRY employed lady wants small apt or room with cooking privileges. Close to bus lines. Phone 7108. VETERAN, wife I 1 rr old son de sire fur, or unfurn. house. Refer ences. ExceL care. Ph. 9854. SMAl-3or S rm. furn. or unfurn. apt for veteran and wife. Ph. 21028. FURjJlSHETJ 2 bed room house or apartment Will consider buying fur niture if priced reasonable. E. M. Perman.- Gen. Del. or Castle Hall Courts. Cabin I. Rt 4, Box S3. SATE- furnished house or apart ment Jan. 12 to Mar. SO. S couples: Drooer care of premises assured . ref ere noes. Jt A. Bennett. T1S Amcr. Bk. BMg Portland STA"TEEmpld. cple. need rum. apt Ref. 4733 after S:00 P.M. i VXTERAN' Wife and baby need small house or apt Phone 34715. CAPT lust released from army. and wife desire turn, or unfurn. house or apt Ph. 7033. 'BY- DEClfi&ER ' 1st Permanent employe of The States man needs two-bedroom house or apartment furnished or unfurnished, by Dec 1st Call Bus. Mgr. Statesman. For. Sale Real Estate DOWN birrs ttis vr. c Bdna home eat 03x11 .. NE. Call Ray Davia I j Hnff Real Estate Co.! Realtors Phone 3793 341 Cherneketa St. t Eves. 0441 To Buy or Sell, see The Real Estate Market 433 N. High St. f Phone 34793 ONLY ' $1000 DOWN T Buy a Fifteen aero tract about nine miles out ad pavememL Very lair ; 2 bed room borne, small bam. pouttry house tabout 500 bird 'capacity), other outbuildings. The full price la $6500. Salem Realty Company. C W. Bartlett. . Realtor 14S N. High St. Pbon 7444 '4List with Salem To Sell Tm SEETTHIS Tt once. 4 rm house 1 most completed. WiU finish. Nice show er, etc , gas. electricity and city water. Nice place and location. This is a good buy. $3750. Terms and possess ion. M. D Looney. with . . , Wm. E. Moses 33m State Phone 4993 ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT SUJMO Immed poas. LRro. DRm. 3 Bedrma. Hwd floors, fireplace. V. Blinds, fun bsmt with parry room. utility, sawdust heat. Call Mrs. Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3793 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 9441 MONEY TO LOAN on first mort gages. 4 to tm. Call for details. Ed Byrkit & Co. ; 339 Chemeketa Street Phone 5981 IRON Mountain Beach. Just north of Newport. "The mort beautiful sub division on the Pacific Coast." AM oversize lots: all fully restricted: all sold on easy terms. Buy now. F. F. Angelo or Art Turner. AT. .7171. 33S SW Washirgton. Portland, Oregon Frank I McGulre. r SEE THESE GOOD BUYS! 3 BEDROOM PLASTERED home, utility room, deep well, new pump. 1 acre of ground. On bus line. .Near good school and stores. 9 miles from Salem. Possession within 2 weeks, ft, 000. terms. For $11,300.00 you can buy a fine 4 bed room home, fireplace, oil fur nace, electric water heater, large kit chen and breakfast nook, plenty : of built -ins and closet space. All rooms large and spacious. Near good grade and parochial schools. Close to bus line. North. Garden space. Early ppss. Good terms. Appraisal rating high. A fine 5 acre farm, near the city limits, on main highway, northeast. 3 bedroom home. barn, garage, chicken house, brooder house, implement house and pump house with almost new pump Installed. All good soil. Milk and bus route by the door. Stock and tractor with tractor equipment go with this price. Nut and fruit trees, garden space, grapes. See it! $12,000.00. Pos session within 30 days. Let us sell your property for you. Efficient and courteous service at all times. Call us at all times. McFarlane & Rawlings REALTORS LOANS INSURANCE Phone $732 2115 State St ENGLEWOOD ADDITION 411.500 LRm. DRm. Nook. 3 Bedrms. Hwd floors, furnace. N. frontage. Call Mrs. Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3793 Eves. 9441 SAVE $900. direct from owner, new 3 bed room, flawless plan, construc tion costs are going up fast, best of materials Ac workmanship, Englewood dist. Around 314.000. 2005 N. 18th or call at 382 State. ' FOR efficient and effective sales service call the Salem Realty Co. NOW! " Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS BUY NOW BEFORE you buy, see this home de signed for real living. 2 spacious bed rooms large living room with fireplace, dining room, den. The kitchen a cook's delight. Wall to wall carpet Automatic heat. Attached garage. Unusually well landscaped yard. View property. See it to appreciate it. $13,000. Terms. ATTRACTIVE VALUE NEW 3 bedroom home, attached ga rage Lot about 40x200. Ready to be moved into. Price $7950. Part terms. READY ABOUT DEC. 1st ; BRAND new lovely 5 room. Attached garage. Automatic heat. Large lot.. In now growing section. Call us to see ft. Price $8000. FINE COUNTRY HOME la acres best of well drained soil few miles North on good road. New 4 room shake house. Large garage: fruit and well house. Drilled well with electric pump. A real buy for $4800. LIST YOUR property with us. Our 30 years' service to hbme owners speaks for itself. Call K. N VOORHEES or JAMES B. HARTMAN with Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9281 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $5500 4 room home furnished. Call OMER. Huff Real Estate Co Realtors Phone 2-1549 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 2-5091 HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT ; 3 bedrm. house with large lot. older type but in g pod condition. Full price $6800. One 4 bedrm. house. Completely ren ovated. Large lot. Immediate posses sion Full price $10300. One 3 or 4 bedrm house with "i acre of ground. Full bath. Older type house in livable condition. $5500, $9850 3 bedrm house close In. paved street. Close to school. Immediate possession. Double garage. Full bsmt Completely renovated. Terms. M. O. Humphreys & Co. 3035 Portland Rd. Phone 7830 Z286 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2-4594 $2850 If you are looking for low priced living quarters let us show you this: South 3 rm. house, not mod em, on s acre, few minutes drive from Salem. Roaedale dist Salem Realty Company C. W. Bartlett Realtor : 14S N High St. Phone 7660 Exclusive Agents "List With Salem to Sell 'em" Pick One Out ,i Acre. 3 rm. hse. not modern S2S50. 2 Bdrms. Modern hse. family fruit north, deep lot $4900.00. S Bdrms. -L.R. DR. Kitch. Newly painted. Close to school $4400.00. West Salem. 3 bdrms. oak floors. Ve netian blinds. Attractive property . $7000.00 Salem Realty Company C. W. Bartlett. Realtor 14S N. High St Phono T660 "List with Salem I To Sell 'Em NEW COTTAGE, generous 3 rooms plus laundry, bath, garage. Oil fur nace, electric water heater. Lot 133x144 in scenic Glen View tracts only 1 i miles from business district Price $4800. Veterans only. Phone 4214 $4950.00 MODERN 4 B. R. HOME, close in. south. Hardwood floors, fire place, Ven etian blinds, auto, water baa ter, base ment, furnace, garage. This is good buy. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S. High SL Evenings 23541 Ph. 4121 For Sale Real Estate 1 McKlLLOFS For the $5000 It's only ana pear old. dean, and completely furofohed. with Immediate Possession, 1 BR. bath, LR. XHpette. Venetian Blinds. This is a very cute place. 'i- ! SCJO--Brand New S Bedroom home wtth bath. UL Kitchen, gas cook stove and heating stove goes. Garage. See that. - - i $600 It's not often that you can lind a S Bedroom borne, with hardwood floor-. and plastered for this price. Cement foundation, ail beat and electric cooking and water heating. Better hurry ear this one. $4400 Eneltsh Style 3 Bedroom home with Immediate Possession. This place will aay for itself as it has Jfwo apartments which rest for $120 per month. Apt have gas ranges, stoves and floor coverings. $8000 Completely Furnished I Bedroom home, with basement, 2 car garage Iota, incladed. Good terms can be arranged. $14,500 This is a lovely home with acre of ground with Hardwood floors. full basement, coey fireplace. Automatic Oil Furnace, garage attached . to house. S BR. bath. LB, DR, kitchen. Venetian Blinds. This home is only S years old it's a beauty. $14.500 4 Bedrooms, double plumbing. 'basement. Fireplace, floors HW. Style Dutch Colonial Very desirable location. Very nicely arranged and lo- catee) within S blocks of State Capitol North. $21.000 Extra larre lot close in i with, lovely S story home. 3 apartments with $110 Income (private entrances). Fireplace.. Hardwood and fir floors. 2 story S car garage. Automatic Oil heat, apartments are furnished. $5000 worth of Imported shrubs. Each Apt has LR. BR Bath. K. Call 5-1-3-1 for Appointment. i . $32,000 Beautiful 4 Bedroom home overlooking city and mountain, hardwood floors, and doors, full double plumbing, fireplace in living room and in party room downstairs. Automatic oil Heat, ver large lot. S car garage. Venetian, Blinds. This home must be seen to be appreciated and will be shown by appointment only. MeKi Hop Real Estate Agency 109 South High SL Phone evenings NELSON Apparently m large variety of things from Norway are to be displayed at the "Norway Fair" to be held at the Women's Club House next Wednesday night Norway has one of the most efficient public school systems in the world. Paupers and millionaires are almost unknown. That is probably one of the reasons for the resourcefulness of its people. In spite of the fact that its tillable land area is only about 14 of the tillable area of Oregon there were, before the war. more horses, more cattle, more sheep and more hogs in Norway than In Oregon. Sixty-six out of every 100 farms consist of 5 acres or less. With the development of the Willamette Valley Project and the Increased use of irriaation which will follow the Willamette Valley with a much longer growing season than prevails in the agricultural areas of Norway can in time surpass Norway's production per square mile. "Well selected Willamette Valley land is one of the best Investments in the United. States today. Let our farm and acreage department tell you about prop erties now available. NELSON Sl NELSON Chet I. Netso : Theo. G. Nelson i REALTORS Rm. 300-2 Masonic Bldg.. 499 State St. Ph. 4419 or 4C22. Eve. 2-1350. Farms 2-5547 Hollywood Lot, $1,000 50x125. Paved street Ac sidewalks. Good home. Location close to store At churches Ac school. Phone 7445. HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT $12.000 LRm. DRm. 3 Bedrms. fire place, Hwd floors, party room In. base ment. Call Mrs. Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3793 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 9441 $5950 New Well Built Home Open for inspection 2 till p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Lovely Living Rm.. Dinette. Spacious Bedroom. Hard wood floors. Bath. Excellent Kitchen. Utility Rm. Plastered. Wired for Range. Auto. Elec. Hot Wtr. Htr. 1985 Oxford Street Out So. ltth to Oxford or out Mis sion to 2Dth. Call "Elmer" Amundson Burt Picha, Realtors PH. 3210 or 5811. 337 N. High St. $4900 5-Rm. hse- 2 bdrms. Lg. garage and utility bldg. Lot 158 ft. deep, Attrac tive lot with plenty flowers, shrubs, etc. Some raspberries and a pear tree. Small garden space. Excellent location, north: A buy! Salem Realty Company C. W. Bartlett, Realtor 149 N. High St. Phone 7660 Exclusive Agents "List With. Salem Jo . Sell W rnrrv psnPfHTY $85002 BR home At unf. attic. LR. DR with hwd firs, frplc. full bsmt. Call OMER. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 2-154S 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 2-5091 aXl-LWl dhts MODERN LATE built 2 B. R. home close in. Completely furnished. Fire place, auto water heater, auto, oil fur nace, attached garage. Immediate pos session. Call Stanley Brown wtth - State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S. High St. Ph. 4121 Evenings 2556 1 BUY THIS $57507 TERMS 4 BEDROOM HOME. FURNISHED including Elec Range. HW Heater, Elec Washing Machine. Only $1750 Down Payment. The Real Estate Market 433 N. High St. Phone 2-4793 WE DARE YOU TO FIND a cleaner, better equipped restaurant than this at the price. HAS EVERYTHING TO A 5 YEAR LEASE. Located on highway in West Salem, close to several industrial and busin ess places. Low overhead. Seats over 30 people. 2 rm. living quarters avail able. All for only $6000. Salem Realty Company C. W. Bartlett, Realtor 149 N. High St. Phone 7680 "List with Salem to Sell 'em SUMMER ST. $12.450 Stately 4 bedrm home in one of the nicest locations in Salem. Large living rm. DRm. fireplace. Hwd floors, sawdust heat Call Mrs. Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3793 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 9441 OPEN HOUSE 555 Rose St. 2 to 5 SUNDAY 2 BEDROOMS. DOUBLE plumb ing. Auto, heat All hardwood floors. Sprinkler system. Owner. Phone 3621. Hollywood Business rxt-I-IIsrVE LISTING, excellent business location in Hollywood dis trict fireproof building, room for ad ditional building 43 frontage on main highway 110 deep. $12,500. No phone information please. Forkner-Bourne Realtors Phone 3031 1833 If. Capitol $11.000 SPACIOUS 4 bdrm homo over looking the city. Located in a nice district. S A of walnuts and cherries. This hi a real home for someone, who takes rtde In owning property that i exclusive. Shown by app. only. $10.450 3 bdrm home South. Nice lot Plenty of trees Ac shrubbery. Hdwd firs, fireplace, full bsmt Very clean. Immed. poaa. Own er leaving state and must sell. $14.000 Prewar built 2 bdrm home. Lo cated North on corner lot Oil heat, hdwd firs, dbl garage and full bsmt Immed- poos. $8000 J. new 2 bdrm home, NE. .Large lot, very nice location. Will be completed soon. $50001 bdrm home NE. A nice home for the couple who ' wants to beat that rent problem. Inuned. Ahrams and Ellis, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone S510 Insurance Mortgage loans For Sale Real Estate Best" 4937 - 4901 7143 Phone 4-1-3-1 NEWS MONEY TO LOAN on first mort gages 4 to 4. Call for details. Ed Byrkit & Co. 338 Chemeketa Street Phone 5981 Reimann Real Estate 2 Bdrm low cost housing on paved street, 'j acre ground. S4000. 3 Bdrm vacant, neat St clean, move right in. $4350. Call McGlauflin. 4 Bdrm on one floor, concrete, foun dation, north, close to bus At school. Call Spread borough. 2 Bdrm Exclusive basement. fire place, auto heat, all rooms car peted. North 19th. Call Ruber 2 Bdrm New cove ceilings, hdwd floors, auto oil heat, attached garage. $9750. 2 Bdrm Hdwd floors, fireplace. Guest cloak room. Rosedale Dist $11. 000. Call ConnaUy. 3 Bdrm full basement, hdwd floors, double garage, excellent loca tion. $12,000. Call Ruberg. Homes up to $40,000, call and ask our salesmen. . Reimann Real Estate 201 So. High Ph. 3722 or 7834 Eves. Sc Sun. 2-4113 or 3621 Furnished House ROOM FURNISHED house, large lot 100x140. zoned for business, quick possession and good terms, $8,500. Forkner-Bourne Realtors Phone 3031 1853 N. Capitol Dan, the Real Estate INJan City homes, lots, small or large suburban acreages and farms. Open evenings. A. E. Danielson, Realtor 168 No. 12th St. Ph. 24483 SPECIAL $10.650 Lovely LR. DR. 3 BR. Hwd firs. Frplce. Bsmt. furnace. Near Les lie Hi. CaB OMER. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors ? 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 2-1549 Eves. 2-5091 BUY Now and give Her a real Xmas present, new 3 bed room lovely home, perfect plan direct from owner, save 5. on North 18th. the prettiest street of homes in town. Construction costs are going up fast with controls lifted. Around $18,000. 2005 N. 18th or call at 362 State. STOP! LOOK! A truly fine home reasonably priced In Englewood district. Five blocks to Hi School. 2 lg. bdrms. down. 1 up. unfinished. Has Elec. heat., elec. cook ing, elec. water heating. Fireplace. V-Blinds. 9 new house and very good. Attractive, fenced in back yard. You can't go wrong on this property at $13,000. Salem Realty Company C. W. Bartlett Realtor 149 N. High St. Phone 760 "List With Salem to Sell ' .i em G. I. Opportunity A NEW 2 BEDROOM home all on 1 floor with a three room apt. in addi tion for rental purposes, or could be used for extra bedrooms, large win dows, near bus, schools and shopping district. 15 minute ride from Salem, $8,000. Forkner-Bourne Realtors Phone 3031 1853 N. Capitol $3200 Full Price 3 rm. house north. See H. E. Corey. $7500 rm house close to business district, can't be beat for income property. Rents are in demand. See H. E. Corey. $5000 buys good 4 rm. house north. Practically new and in good location. M. O. Humphreys & Co., Realtors 3033 Portland Rd. Phone 7820 2284 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2-4594 Open Sundays for your convenience. LARGE Lot. North, in Good Dist rict. Trees. 43x150. 4800. GENERAL REAL ESTATE CO. Ph. 777a Ladd A Bush Bldg. This Won't Wait! 2 bedrm. home, new roof, all floor coverings. W. Salem. Fruit, and shrub bery. Only $5200. With nearly all new furnishings. $5850. Something to Be Thankful For Especially nice. 2 bedrm home, En glewood Dist. Newly painted, hdw. floors, good basement, Everything to be desired In a nice home. Recom mended as a good buy at $11,500. Joe Hutchison Realtor 45$ Court Phone 7696 Salesmen: Mytes Henderson, Res. 2-4682 ' "Habby" Habernicht 49 ACRE farm. 40 ac. tillable incl. IS ac. boysenberries ready for 1st year production, and unusually attractive fully modern farm home, very good dairy barn equipped with steel stan chions, water piped to all bldgs. from good perm, spring, incl. a good hen house which will accommodate 1000 producing hens. Equipment. 150 NM. hens. S Jersey cows. 2 calves. 1 new John Deere tractor on tracks, new h.d. tt orchard disc, practically new milk cooler and milk machine. 30 tons baled hay and other equip.'With or without equipment Owner must sell because of 111 health. . j. RAWLINS REALTY I 4t INSURANCE CO. -2015 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph- 781S 4BT to Jr. A Sr. Hi. walking dist State Bldgs. Willam ette. $1000. Walter Socoiofsky. Real Estate. Ph. S83S. For; Sale Real Estate To Buy 6rj5eU See Charles Delfel HOMES -"j- - . j- I i YOUR DREAM . : Cls3njrT downrng,roorlri roomffire! J 7 jV Tt'- " !. place, bathroom, full basement, ail hot water: tank, lots Of built -ins and furnace. Lawn, shrubs, flowers. Excel- inlaid fin. Near Four Corners. Sal lent Shown by appointment only. $13.- 122X. $C30S. -' . . . 09, Sal 127X. , FARMS " - GENERAL FARM ' 29 acres. 2 cult, small amount of tim ber, candy-black loam all fenced. Elect and phone. 4 mile from Sunnyside. $7500. Sal 109, EVEN THE DOG GOES 60 A.. 35 cult. 2 good houses. 3 barns, drag saw, small tools. 300 good prune trees. 20 tons hay. all .seeded, orchard cover crop in. 7 chickens and even the dog Included for $9000, Nr. Falls City. Sal 114. . NEXT DOOR TO SALEM 44 A. 38 A. cultivated. 40 walnut trees. 10 acres in - profitable cherries. IS acres prunes. Fine room farm home. 32x44 barn. $14,500 or $23,000 with furniture and all equipment Sal 118. TURKEYS ARE PROFITABLE AGAIN You are all set to go on this fine ranch of 54 A.. 52 in cult Fam. or chard. S room home. S turkey brooder houses. An A No. 1 farm. Nr. Jeffer son. $25,000. Sal 120. THERE'S A BULL TO SLING HERE 13 acres, all cultivated, good pasture, large chicken house, garage. 10 cows, purebred Jersey bull, double unit milk ing machine, winter supply of wood. $9500. Sal 121. SMALL BEAN ACREAGE S A. trellised for beans. Irrigated. City water main on land. No buildings. 3 miles from city limits. $1600. Sal 133. MORE FUN THAN ANYBODY 1 ' acres rabbit farm in Keixer dis trict, net income $550 per mo. New 3 room house. 12x119 rabbit shed. Rab bits and additional .equipment availa ble. $7500. Sal 123. TURKEY OR GENERAL FARMING 48 acres. 2 bedroom house, barn, ma chine shed, other smaller buildings. Turkey range equipment, 50 or more . large shade trees in barn yard Ac around house. Good buy, fine location. $10,600. Sal 119. INCOME GROCERY BUY Central location in Salem. About $2700 inventory, meat case, ice cream refrig., 2 scales, cash register, adding machine, meat grinder. Good lease. S52O0. Equipped. Sal 102 Inc. KILROY WAS HERE $640 per mo. net income from this 3 pump service station complete with garage, lube room, ice house, quick charger and about $2600 stock. Good lo cation in Portland. $8500. Sal 10S Inc. 8', YEAR LEASE on comb, service sta.. garage, grocery. 2 cabins Ac trailer space. Includes some tools, furniture, sta. equip., inven. of groceries and 2 welders. Good loca tion. $8975. Sal 105 Inc. AIRPLANE DEALERSHIP Flving service, office parts Ac equip ment. A real buy and a good future to be sold at list price. Sal 117 Inc. CHARLES DELFEL, Realtor 615 N. Capitol St. - Phone 7002 - Good Home & Income -- Property - 2 FURNISHED 3 RM. ants. Ac one 4 rm. partially furnished. Oil fuel, fur nished by tenants; small cot. close in between Liberty Ac Cob'l.. north. $8500. Art Madsen 1326 State St. Ph. 5580 $16,508. NEW HOME. S months old. 7 large, beautiful air-conditioned rooms, dbl. plumbing, everything is perfect. Good terms. Call, Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. 341 Chemeketa Ph. 3793 or 25260 $8950 00 MODERN 3 B. R. HOME, close In on State St. Fireplace, hardwood floors. Auto, water heater, basement, furnace, garage. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., - Realtors 153 S. High St. Ph. 4121 Evenings 25561 Lots Nr. Englwd Sch. $750 up. Easy terms. Phone 7805 . $4650. TERMS NEW 3 rms. A bath. Wired for elec. range; 2 automatic elec. heaters, built ins. laundry tray, elec. water htr., linoleum in each room. Approx. 'i A. Deep well, 6" casing. 1 -horse Jecuzzi pump, lee. pump hse. Cement drive way. Will sell furniture. Possession in one week. Will take trailer house as part payment. Go out Market St. to Swegle school, turn right and go approx. 1 block, then turn left on Swegle Rd. It go about 1 mi., turn right at the first gravel road. 2nd house on right. H. W. Baker. Rt. 6. Box 315-D. Evenings. All day Sat. A Sun. S RM. houre. cor. lot 104 x68. Quiet street, good neighborhood, near stores and schools. Walking distance to cap ital and universitv. Newly decorated inside and out. Elec. 85 gal. water heater. Wired for range. Large new furnace. House can be made into. apts. Available now. Shown by ap pointment. Call 8888 except Sunday. BY OWNERTHFB. R. hse. in excel, cond.. fireplace, ven. blinds, full bsmt.. furnace .water htr. 2 blks. from grade A high sch. Lot 55x175. 1190 Nebraska. SEE THIS ! HOLLYWOOD BRICK 2 B. R. MODERN ALL BRICK HOME LOCATED ON 100x100 LOT ONLY 1 BLK. FROM CENTER OF HOLLY WOOD. FIREPLACE. BASEMENT. WITH AN EXTRA ROOM. FURNACE HEAT. DOUBLE GARAGE. LOVELY SHRUBS A TREES. ALL ADD UP TO A REAL BUY AT $11,000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 So. Com'l. St. Ph. 8389. eve. 7440 4 Bdrm. Home, Ph.f7805 1 blk. to high sch. Auto repair sboo In rear. $12,500. Without shop. $9000. Terms RealtyService.419 S.W. Stark. 2 ACRES Keizer Dist. 4 room house with bath. New Elec. water system. Best W. I. and peat soil. Price $5800. Good terms. Good S room partly furnished house E. Salem. Double plumbing. 3 lots. Fine court site. Price $8400. Possession now. 4 A. - South near new highway, lavs perfect. Price $950. Terms. VALLEY LAND CO. 370', State St. CHOICE Lot. northeast corner of Pearl knd Baker Sts.. Rosedale addi tion, size 41x100. make cash offer, best offer received by Dec. 1. 1946, accepted. Contact Ray A. Schantx. US. Veterans Hospital, Vancouver. Wash. BUY AND BUILD Lot 100x100 N .East, zone 4. $2100. ' Choice bldg. site SOxlSOf oak trees, paved road, city water, bus. school, $1573. ' 2 A . rich soil. Keizer school. $1250. C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High. - 5838 $6150.00. NEW. Highland- District. 2 bed room modern house. Nice living room. Wired for range. Elect water heater. 2 new stoves. Worth the money. $7950.00. NORTHEAST. New 3 bed room modern style home. Lovely liv ing room. H. W. floor, attached ga rage. li acre land. Terms. jt. Mi. we.nr.in i xi, nuu. i un 17$ So. Commercial Ph. 8841 G. I. ONLY NEW S rms. Spacious A light Ex ceptionally nice kitchen. Utility rm., rWi?AMETT: REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 7113 Rickreall A NEW MODERN home, all on one floor, three nice size bedrooms, near schools and shopping facilities. Im mediate possession, $4,000. . Forkner-Bourne Realtors Phone 3031 1S33 N. Capitol f For SsJcH-Real Estate SET UP AND READY TO GO IS A. 3'a cult, black loam soil, fine 2',s A. orchard. Elect. - water svst. 4 room house, lawn Ac shrubs. 20x214' feed At brooder house. 20x34 tile m cubator he.. double garage- 3 ' miles of Salem. $16,400. Sal 122. .-" DAIRY FARM S3', A. near Turner, all cultivated. Has creek, large barn, family orchard., good income. $14,508. Equipment avail able. Sal 127. IN THE RED HILLS" Orchard and grain farm. 40 A. prunes. walnuts. gooseberries and blackcaps. Oats and Vetch. 1 bedroom house. Price includes tractor and ma chinery. $13,000. Sal 129. WILL YOU BE THE LUCKY ONE? 43 acres. 4 miles south of McMinn ville. Can be bought for $8000. Neat 9 room house. Call us for details. Sal 124. S A. PRUNES Ac WALNUTS No buildings, 2 Mi. south City lim its. Loam soil. $1100. Sal 134. TAKE YOUR CHOICE -4 sawmills within radius of miles. 29 acres. 24 cult., all fenced. 18x60 chicken house, good barn, good 6 room house. This place could be developed, for chickens, turkeys. berTies. truck garden. Sickness causes this sacrifice. $6500. Sal 137. 3 WAYS TO MAKE MONEY 116 A.. 40 A. cult. 40 A. timber. 7 cows, 50x52 barn. 48x16 brooder hse. with cement floors j 5 mi. S.E. of Stay ton. S bedrm. house. $10,000. Sal 141. ' BEEF. LAMB Ac LUMBER Plenty of room for stock, plus 1 million boa,rd feet of timber on thia 505 A ranch 25 mites from Salem. 100 Ai cleared pasture, over 10O A. grazing in the timber. 4 rm. house, large barn, cabin, brooder. . hen house, 2 good roads. $16,000. Sal 122. DO NT SLEEP IN THE PARK Here's a place to live AND an in come. 6 unit apartment house, fur nished. $236 monthly-Income; good, lo cation. Sal 104 Inc. $18,000. Sal 104 Inc. LARGE GROCERY. MEDIUM HOUSE. SMALL TOWN . Owner says over S6000 yrly. net. Store 50x90 on Main St. Falls City. Price in cludes 4 room house 100 yds. from grade school. , mile from high school. Grocery has large- stock, good equip ment, little competition. $13,700. Sal 112 Inc. MECHANIC NEEDED $700 monthly net for able man In this service sta. garage. 5-room house. 2 rm. hse. unfinished. 2 welding mach all shop tools. Good location. $24,000. Terms. Sal 115 Inc. FOR SALE by Owner: 3 bed room houe. electric pump. h.w. heater, good deep well, new barn A chicken house, fruit house, double garage, young family orchard, -berries. Ce ment sidewalks all around place. l', acres all fenced, with privilege to buy half acre adjoining, lots of flow- ' ers and shrubs. 225 Hollywood Ave. 3 ROOM HOME 'a acre close in with furniture, city water, bath. Price $3800 W. G. Krueger, Realtor 147 N. Com'l. Phone 4738 $13,000 FOR A NEW 3 bedrm. house in a good new district. This l'j story house has a fireplace, large rooms and elect, heat, is well insulated. Call Jack Henningsen with State Finance Co., Realtors Phone 4121 Evening 7277 $2650 New garage house. 3 rms.. 'corner lot. well, near 4 corners. g Olson & Reeve, Realtors 943 S Com. Phone 4590 Eves. 9534) NRTH SIDE. Walking Distance of Downtown. 4 Bedroom home. Spacioua Living room, connecting into nice din ing room. Full basement. Automatic heat. Hardwood floors. Fireplace. Dou ble plumbing. Prime location. $12,500. 2 Bedroom modern home,' H.W. Floors, large lot, extra building site. Garage, own well and electric water system. Priced for quick sale. $(850. Terms. R. E. Meredith, Reatlor 176 So. Corr.rr.erctal Phone 8841 $5,500 - - $7,500 WE NEED seven two or three bed room houses for cash buyers. Forkner-Bourne Realtors Phone 3031 1853 N. Capitol 3 BDRM. suburban home. den. hwd. floors, storm windows, full bsmt. auto, heat and hot water, wired for range. 2 acres, fruit, nuts. View. Near but line and good school. Ph. 6154. GOOD 2 BEDROOM home at 1041 Jefferson, priced to sell at $5100.00. im mediate possession. Call t State Finance Co., ' Realtors 153 South High Phone 4121 PRICED?or Quick Sale, by owner: New 2 bed room home, double con struction, attached garage, utility rm. with laundry trays, new gas auto water heater, range and circulator in cluded, wired for elect range, lawn ready to seed. School, bus. store, 1 block. Immediate possession. $5850, terms. 2041 N. 5th. Sa em. Vacant In Excellent Condition Move Right In All hardwood floors. Double plumbing;. Sprinkling System. Automatic Heat 555 Rosa St. Reimann Real Estate 201 So. High Ph. 3722 or 7S30 Eves. Ac Sun. 3621 ADVERTISING f -Western Advertising ' Representatives Ward -Griffith Company. Ine, ' . San Francisco Eastern Advertising Representatives ; Ward-Griffith Company. Ine. Chicago. New York. Detroit. Boston. Atlanta Member Pacific Coast Division Bureau of Advertising: Entered at the Portoffie at 5s Itm. Ortgon ma Second Class Mat ter. Published every -morning er cept Monday. Businesi oic 11$ South Commercial Street. j SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mail Subscription Rates in Ad vance: Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday. Mo 60 cents: mot. $3 25; 1 year, $6 00. Else where SO cents per mo. or $7 .20 for 1 yearjka advance. Per copy cents. By City Carrier. 73 cents a month. $S00 a year la advance in Mar ion and adjacent counties.