10 Thi Slotman.- ScrUm. OfThartdcrf. Vcrwttbmr 14j'l83 Now York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Nov. IJ.HiFr-Todajr ' closing quoUtions Al Chem & Dye. 163 t3en Foods 44 1 Radio Corp American Can 87 Gen Motors Am Pow ic 1A 134 Goodyear Ti Am Tel & Tel l44iGt North Anaconda 39' Atchison 88 HI Bendix Avia 3P.I Beth Steel 914 Boeing Br 21 Canadian Pac 124 Calif Peck 30V- Case J I 34 Chrysler 85 Comwlth Sou 3H Cons Edison 2?V Cons Vultee 17 Conl Ins 47 Crown Zel 29 Curti-s Wf 6. Douglas Ah- 71 I Dupont Du Ne ..1734 Gen Electric 37 HI Long BU Maytaf 30',! Miami Copper - 13'alStew-Wgrner dont Ward Xash Kelvin Vat Dairy NY Central Vorth Am Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Noe. 13 I API Butterfat -r l tentative. subject to im mediate change) Premium quality, maximum r 33 of I per cent acidity, delivered m Portland 91-92e: first quality 9e-91c lb., second quality -(,'c: vall'T routes and country points 3e Vra than first or 88-88 lb. Butter iwholeaaU.- fa.b . bulk 44) . tubal A A. S3 score BO-41c: A. acore 79-80 h . B. 90. acore 73-79e lb.: C. ft acore 73c lb Cheeae Oregon singles. SS-SSc: Or iim loaf. $I-41e: triplet. 4',38c-. Potatoes Deschutes, No. I. 2.43-2 71. Eggs A trade, large. 8,-e: medium. $3(-4c: B grade Urge. "MPun-Kawa from farmers: Cur rent receipts. S4-3Sc: buyers pay 3 S'rC doa. below wholesale quotations mi graded basts for bet hennery ees Dressed turkevs Turkey market nominal and unsettled. Dressed chickens Sell to retailers: Spring broilers. 3 lbs and up. 53c: col ored hens. 37c: Leghorn fowls. 33c; old rooster and itags. 2Sc Uve chickens No. 1 Leghorn broil ers. 1 to I lb. 3S-3SC lb: fryers. 3 to 3 lbs. 37-38c: 3 to 4 Iba. 37-3SC lb: roaxlers. 4", lbs and over. 37-38: fowl. Leghorn, all wt . 21 -23c: fowl, col ored, all wts. 27 -28c; roosters and tags. 13-17c lb m Rabbit Average to reUllers. 50c tb; dressed prices to producers. 45c. fryers. Uve. white. 4 to lbs . -37c lb Onlrnii- Washington White. No 1. $100-126: Oregon, yellow. No. 1. $1.23 1 SO; green, bunched. aO-SOc: Idaho white globes $130-140: Urge. 1 $3: yel low Spanish. I 20-1.23. Potatoes Washington RusaeU 3 50 a3: 50 lbs No. 2. 90-110. local long white 2 55-145: Klamath Russets No. I. 2 45-2 75: Deschutes No. 1. 2.75-3.00; bakers 100-3 25. Veal Best Quality. 24-27C lb.; B. 23-24c. c. 21 -22c: cull. 1S-20C lb. Hogs block butchers. packer tyle. 153-213 lbs. 33-A4c: over 213 Iba. 33c; sows, all weights. -3c lb. Lambs AA. 34 -35c: A. 33c; B. 27-28r; C. 25c: mutton 12-14r lb. ac cording to quality and weight. Beef Best quality. 3 -32c; B. 25 34c: C. 22c: canner and cutter ll-20c; bologna bulls 25c. Cancara bark Green -e; dry 20c. Wool Valley, coarse and medium grades 45c lb. Mohair 40c lb. on 12-month growth. Hay Wholesale shipment: Alfalfa. No. 2 or better. 32 00-33.50 ton: No. 1 timothy 33 50-3S 30 ton. oaU and vetch, mixed hav. vallev growers asking price 2200-23.50 ton: clover hay. un certified 2150-23 30 baled on Urmi Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. 13 (API Wheat: No futures. Ca-h grain: Oats No. 2 3S lb white 43. Barley No. 2 45 Ih. B W. 44. Corn No. 2 C.Y. shipments 42. No. 1 flax 7.23. Cash wheat imdi: Soft white 1 M: oft white (excluding Bex I 188; white club IS, western red 1 88. Hard red winter: Ordinary 1 S; la per cent IM; 11 per cent 14: 12 per cent 2 03. Hard white Baart: 10 per cent 2.28: 11 per cent 2 30- 12 per cent 2 32. Todav's car receipts: Wheat 12. bar ley 3. flour 1. corn 3. oats 2. hay 2. millfeed 4 Iirltanl Uvrslock PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. 13 I API MTSOAl Cattle salable 2hS. total 3no; salable and total calves 50: mar ket active, steady-strong: common medium steers 14 00-17 50. Including few stockers and feeders at 15.00-14 00; common - medium heifers 1150-15.00: eanner and cutter cows 5O-10 50; few 11 00: fat dairy type cows up to 12 00 and above; medium - good beef cows 13 00-14 JO: good young cows up to 15 00; medium-good sausage bulla I3.2S.14J0: good vealers 17.00-50; choice salable to U 00; common-medium calves and vealers 12.00-14 50. culls down to S 00. Hogs salable C3 total 1000: market active, steady with Tuesday's dose: good-choice 190-240 lb. truck-ine 2500: good 410-470 lb. sows 23.00; choice feeder pigs quotable up to 22 IM. ' Sheep salable 400. total 300: market falrlv active and steady but some in terest less aggressive: good - choice horn wooled lambs 20 00: few wooled lam ha to 2100: one lot choice 14S Jb. 2150: equal to previous extreme high; common - medium lambs 14.00-17 00; light feeders down to 11 00; good 94 104 lh yearlings 13.50: good ewe; a v-7 op Salem Market Quotations rUJTTERFAT premium No. 1 - No 3 . . BUTT fat PRINTS Wholesale Retail roGS-Beylag pnee Extra Large Medium .. 89 88 84 .83 M 58 54 JO .44 40 J3 27 34 3S . 1700 13 54 .4 On . 11.00 . 13.50 SUndards Wholesale. Urge Medium Standard POILTRY Colored hens No 1 No 3 Frvers t.rVCSTOCR (By Valley Pack) Top lamb .. Yearling lank '. Ewes Dairy cows Dairy bulls Veal . . . 14 00 Hoe or ices 35c per hundred under Portland prices for each particuUr class. Stags bought subiect. Victim of Recent Fire Given Shower Thursday FALLS CITY A shower was even for Mrs. Ed Williams by rs. G. E. Wilson. Mrs. W. O. Powers and Mrs. Chet Burfoank Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE: t heifers Just fresh. 1 heifer milking $ months. 1 Cuiiimr cow fresh 14 weeks, several heavy springers. Rt. 4. Box 121. Salem. 2 ml E. of Pen 4 Corners. Dont call Friday. ' FOR SALE: Christie N H babe chicks every Wed. Boylngtona. 2714 State St. Phone 494$. V ANTES Beef as canoet bulla and veals Will rail at farsa E I Snethen I3M Lancossev Drive pH ylS4 Mm MS ae eve WANTtD: All klnOs of fat llve- tock Valley Packing Co WANTED Fat anal Date sssssrn kails rs basil Fat hogs. sow, stags boars Market sx-tre t, C McCanOltsh rt aos 973 pH 0147 aero from bsW park S 25th BABY CHICKS. eekiy nalcoes Mamprhire tlktl arte t has Pis 12S41 Lee'S Wgtcnerv L'Uvruu drsaslna ax chickena punsber Prompt servsta Dressed trr a-2S4L Lee s aatchery M Si'i Rayonier 55!Rayonier pfd pfd 47 4' Reynolds Met 32 69 I Safeway - 24 '4 Jears Roeb 37T 128 i, Sinclair Oil 154 4S7 So Pacific 45 21 iStan Brands 38 A 11', Stan Oil Cal 54 635tudebaker .. 147. Sun Mining . 35 4 Union Oil 164!Jn Pacific Co 27 ;Jn Airlines 22 19 34 13i 21 123i 214 126' Northern Pac 21 !Un Aircraft U4 Pac Am Fish .. IPs! J S Steel 72 V Pac Gas Elec ... 40jWarner Bros 17 P T Ac T .127fclWest. El mff 23 Pan American 13 ! Wool worth . 48 Penny J,C .. . 45! at the I.O.OJ. hall Thursday. Mrs. Williams' ;wme was destroy ed by fire several weeks ago. Auctions Salem r Community Auction Every Saturday io jo a.m. 3410 SUverton Rd. Several Urge eonsignmenU of new and used. mdse. including new fx 12 linoleum, table Umpa. chenille spreads, sheet, blankets, towels etc. Also new . Inch rope. General Electric hand vacuum, jthild s table ez chair, dressers. Simmons bed complete. Dinette sets, circulator heaters. Forge, anvil, bicycle, shallow well. A Urge assortment of farm produce. LIVESTOCK A good selection of Dairy Cows. Heifers. Calves, also some beef stock. Milk goaU and ducks. Hoes Poultry Rabbits SALEM COMMUNITY AUCTION 4 mile east State Fairgrounds The place to Buv and Sell Phone 2-4074 Miller, manager. Alderman. A net. Help Wanlrd WANTED IOTATO PICKERS We will start digging today, tc per half sack. Only 21, ml. from fair grounds. Herr 3c Riensche. Rt. 7-40S iSilverton rd Middle Grove school). Phone 2-1363. "CLERKS. TYPISTS STENOGRA PHERS. CASEWORKERS: Many va cancies in State government positions in Salem and Portland. State Civil Service provides security of tenure, paid vacations, sick leave, promotions. For information call or write the Stale Civil Service Commission. 444 Center Street. Salem. WANTED: Experienced Clerical Per sonnel: Bookkeeping. Cashiering. Stock Records. Montgomery Ward. Salem. Oregon. WANTED IMMEDIATELY: Cook at ski lodge. Write or apply SantUm Lodge. Sisters. Oregon. Help WautMl Male? WOULD LIKE to employ a good farm salesman. Prefer an elderly man that knows farms & also knows the Willamette Valley. Call Huff Real Estate Co. Phone 37S3 WANTED: Expert floor covering mechanic Apply Woodry Furniture Co . 474 S. Com"!. WANTED: SanU Claus. to be em ployed from Nov. 30 to Chrismas hours noon to 5 P.M N. Com' I. Inquire 130 WANTED: Single man on dairy farm, one who is experienced and likes dairy farming. $140.00, board and room. Phone 47F15. Help Wan led Female WANTED: Girl for office work. Must have knowledge of typing and insurance Ph. 3314. Burt Plena. Real tors. 337 N. High St. WANTED: Experienced stenogra pher. Gkts Heat Inc. Ph. 344S. ' MIDD'.E Aged lady 'to do light housew k. Ph. 45I GIRL who is exp in lumber Invosr- g. Ph. 7001 or 355 N. Liberty. Teague tng Lumber Co CHAMBERMAID: Experienced pre ferred, full time job. Box BOO SUtes man. WOMAN to teach home dressmak ing. Prefer woman trained in home economics or with 4-H club. Perm. Apply Mr. Wilkinson, Singer Sewing Center. 443 S. High. . WANTED: Woman for cleaning and ironing. 4 hours a week. Ph. 3137. HOUSEKEEPER.- General housework. 2 adults. Stay nights 495 N.Liberty TELEPHONE OPERATORS wanted No experience necessary High pay bright at the start 429 for a 40-hr. week while learning, rrequent scneflulea increases three the first year. Safe, wholesome surroundings . . . vaca tions with pay A real opportunity for young women who are looking to the future who want a job that is pleas ant. Interesting and profitable. Do not delay Inquire NOW ! Experienced Ojerator8 Let us tell you how much you can earn. Ask for M rs. Goodwin. Pacific TeleDhone A Telegraph Co.. 740 SUte Street. Salemen Wanted WANTED: Experienced Men's Cloth ing and PumBhirnes salesmen. Montj gomery Ward. Salem. Oregon. Situation Wanted SECRET A RIAL position, take short- L hand. Well experienced. Ph. 3-1283 after 3: JO f.M. WILL Care for elderly Udy In my home Mrs. S. M. Petersen, Turner. Ore P O 41 CURTAINS washed and stretched, also private laundry. 393 S. 22nd 4 Mill St. . "BUILT-IN Cabinets. Anything wood repaired r replaced Masterwoods Cabinet Shop. 144 S. Com L Ph. 5594. Located with Mathia Bros. Roofing. DRESSMAKING a' alterations at 3155 N. River Rd. Ph. 22542. rfc3tPERIENCED Woman wishes housec leaning. Box 797 Statesman . GENERAL C E M"E N T contracting. Stanley Faeg. PJv. 2-3443. ODD'JOBS for boyf Ph. 7074. KAMPSTRA'S Garage, any repair ing, elec. welding, acetylene welding. Rt. 4. Highway 99 South. . past 12th St. cutoff. DRESS and suit making. 1040 N. 17th. SPRAY PAINTING Basements, garages, industrial and commercial. Ralph Alsman. Ph. 24248. L. W. CAVdLE, spraying, pruning. 130 Roberts ave. Ph. POINTING A Paparhanging W G Crowly. 857 Shipping Phone 9513 LAAM'S Waxinsj and Polishing, of fice aad residence floor wax. Janitor serviee. window cleaning, yard raking, putting! in wood. Uwn Blowing. Insur ed and bonded. Phone 2-5544. VAN 'BUREN "well drWer."PT toL WELDING BLACKSMTTHTNO BODY AND FENDER WORK We specialize m trailer hitches. 3964 East SUte. Pea t Comers Interior Decorating Our specUIfy Better homes, offices aad apartments On to five anew avaiUbW. Dick Orey Painter and Decorator Phooe 25444 or 6263 PLASTERING. 34 yrs experience Rt 1. Boa 107 A. Jeff Sairs. North Dallas. ALL WORX guaranteed Windows walks. Situations TTanteo! 1 PreSchMi Playschool I3S1 State Ages t-4 Part ae aM day . Pit 3434 . For Salo- .Mia4rrIlanrou iii i j CIRCULATING wood coal heater, like new. Urge size. Mark Lewis. Tut ner Ph. 454. - 25 YOUNG breeding does-New2-land Whites, good stock. 2433 S. 12th. Gall after :00 P.M. 1 IRRIGATION system used'less than 40 hrs com. with 3 h .p. motor, 440 ft. aluminum pipe. 13 gal. Stout sprinklers, priced to se!L Also John Deere tractor buck rake. M. Chx toffcrson. P.O.' 22. Chernaws. GIBSON-Refrigerator. Ph. JB3j FOR SALE: Eureka vacuum cleaner, sweeps good. $15. Also Rockhill Ever bearing Strawberry plants. 173 Me Gilchriat St, Salem. ; J 4 'IN. Soil fittings. Limited quan tity. Capital Bargain House, 143 CeaW ter. SKILSAW, radial saw. floor model drill press ( ri.pt motor: Skilsaw; Craftsman band saw with or without , hp. motor a stand: heavy duty flexible shan with sender : chuck a buffer. Reuben Paschke. Rt. 4. Box 421. Orchard HeighU Road. BALLOON "Tired bicycles. Capital Bargain Hour. 145 Center. t BLACK Skunk fur coat. Phone 24329 after 4 P M- 1 LOVELY Occasional chairs, dav eno. tier top and tables. 4x12 Tkandia flax, all like new, used 3 months. Call 250M. GENUINFfCriinese oriental rug stee T'.tf. like new. cost $194, sell $173. Large folding ironing board $3. Pair of new hip boots CbtUge. Ph. $502. size S. $7. 1C20 N. USED drag saws. CapiUl Bargain House. 145 Center. BEAUTIFUL white fur cloth 'coat size IS. $15. Ph. 2-2111.' . .1 ICE Cream freezer. Mills $ quart wilk 44 gal. blower type cabinet Latest model, like new. Saving Cen ter. Portland Road. BABY Bed and Kant Wet mattress. Good cond. $1S. 2050 N. 18th K SNOOKER TABLE 5x10. like new. complete withkaslls. 12 cues 4 rack. $400.00. Ph. 3256. Eves. 2141X . . 2 NEW barrel back chairs, floral design. 1395 Norway. Ph. 3951 after PM . NEW white enameled kitchen sinkai just received, limited quantity. Capi tal Bargain House, 145 Center. CtClCERSpanierpups. 900 Menroe Ave, N. of Pen 4 Corners. Electric desk, mantle and wall cloefcs YEA TER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Libertv 38-40 MARUN JW)N. Com 1. WATER Heaters for Immediate de livery 40 gallon Collins $98.25. SO gallon Westinghoice $115.00. YEA TER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty ELECTRIC Room heaters, fan. steam, and reflector types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty FIGURINES And small gift items YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty ALU: M Sauce pans, well and tree platters, frying pans, cookie sheets, clothes hampers. V EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty SEEUs for Christmas Gifts YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N, Liberty CXPtlH 1 washing machine service and wrtngef rolls all makes See Ed Ellis al Nelson Bros Furniture Store VI H Liberty RAILROAD Type lanterns YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Guaranteed Recap Tires XIZES 400x14. 450x4. 700x14. for sale at Will's Service Station, $37 S. Com 1 Ph. 7147. . HEAVY Bronze smoking rtands. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Eola Lumber Co. Rt. 4. Salem. Lumber. Red Cedar Shingles and building supplies. T C Tedl Muller Phone Salem 2-1194 Yd. 5 mi west of town on Salem -Dallas Hwv AUTOMATIC Electric grill. 19x34 inches with double thermostat. Ideal for small restaurant or cluh house. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty WILL BUY for casn. sell or trade guns, pistols ammunition boats or trailers Don Madison $90 No High COFFEE Maker sets. 4 to 4 andS Cup coffee makers with stoves. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty INDIRECT Floorlamps"and torch ters YEATER APPLIANCE CQ.N 255 N Liberty ; Concrete Buildingg Block.8 . , and iricks BOOCK BUILDING South River Rd. BLOCK CO. Phone 5968 GUARANTEED Forever, flashlights requiring no batteries: 2 and 3 cell fUshlights. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 Liberty MIRRAPIANOS from S395. Terms. See these beautiful spinnet style pianos with the tone of a baby grand at Tollman's, 399 S. 12th. A mile from high prices. LATE KING apples. 75c a bushel bring containers: also 4-yr old fil berts. 5Qc to 4 ft. 1.50. 2423 Brooks. SMALL pressure cookers. 3 types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N.Liberty STEAM Irons, limited quantity, $12.85. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty CAR RADIO $35Phone39425. "KROMEX cake covers $2 957 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty AUTOMATIC Electric record play ers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty MEN'S Suit size 39. 2 sports coats ixe 38. Dial 21489. SINGLE And two burner hot plates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty METAL And plastic bed lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty . i DOBERMAN Pinscher miniature pup pies. Males and females. Salem Veter inary Hospital. Portland Rd. CUTLERY "And table ware. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty . LARGC wood circulator like new. 195 Fisher Rd. . TABLE And pin-it-up lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty BEAR CATGarden Tractor. 4 mos. old. plow, cultivator, weeders. scrap er: 2 wheel factory made trailer, good tires: Sonotone vacuum tube hearing aid used 2 months. New condition. Call between 3 and 4 PM. James Lyke, R.D. No. 4. Box 445M. Garden Rd.. Salem. Ore. ELECTRICj PanU prssasrs. curling and soldering irons. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 359 N. Liberty ELECTRIC hot plaU. 2 burner,, used 3 weeks. Phone 3931. ATTRACTIVE, Aluminum, kitchen step Udders and step-on refuse cans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty "PHILCO radio, cabinet size, $44. Victrola A 18 records $20. 8x14 body Brussels rug $30. Eiler upright piano and stool $185. Dining rm. extension table and 9 chairs 85ft. Sideboard $14. Cabinet $10. Library Uble 74. Rocker $7. Call at 851 S. Liberty between S A 8 P-M. Tuee- Wed. A Thurs. TWO Way awdirjieornna telephone YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 235 N. Liberty RADIOS. Table aad console. 1$ mod els from which to select. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. . 23S N. Liberty ELECTRO Queen Mixmaster. Elec- trolux vacuum sweeper A attach ments. Electro-PatkBt home treatmeaL Ph. 2157. 2381 State. SHULTZ PUrto $150. Ph. 8313. REFRIGERATOR. Call 3192. WOOD CtrcuUtor, cast Iron. F. O Lutz. Rt. 2, Box 406. ' HEAT-Your home electrically. If convenient, clean, ecorwunical, See ts for free estimates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 253 N. Liberty CEDAR "Pcata 7 ft. loig.irfilUmet- er. Del. in lots of 208 oc snore. Pit. C. i Younger, 4VZ3. For. Sale- IMiscellarieous . , Buys at Brihts 1 -1 3 pe Walnut Waterfall bedroom , set complete with, spring 4c mattress , , w- sjiw.ia pc. Walnat dining; ran set ..4 3 pc Walnut bedroom set with spring and mattress , Dsjvcno m fine condition .. , Davenport and chair Mahogany S drawer flat-top 49.00 37 JSC desk I new) Bunk bed 'set complete with, springs AV mattresses ..: 7- oc Oak dining set with leather seats 4i square table -. 32 JO New $ pe Maple finished breakfast set 24 J4 Kitchen trash burner with copper coils Unfinished $ drawer Chests. 30 top Unfinished 4 drawer chests. 24" top . Folding hardwood chairs each . 36j09 13.73 10.75 1SS Bright - Furniture 453 Court Phone 7311 lSINGLEBooth with masonite' U ble. 2003 M. CapitoL 23 FT. Aluminum ridge role. 2 cop per roof stacks. 1 boy's bicycle, good cond. 1 -22 rifle. 3 aUrm clocks. 100 ft. Ekrkct fence, other misc. items. 43$ Jill St. ' ELEC. washing machine, recond. throohout.2425 Center. ARE Yougettmg poor radio recep tion? Then try the powerful S tube Tropic Master. Standard broadcast and shortwave bands. Ideal for locations where reception is ordinarily poor. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX AND FILL DIRT ALL KINDS Or GRAVEL, Bulldozing Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH. 2-1944 - 2-3100 FOR Your recreation room we have a radio I The Rumpus Master) that can really reach out and will stand abuse. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty VENEER Prioritv free." Ser vice Lumber Co. Ph. 2882. SUverton. Ore. DECORATIVE And! lighted house numbers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Rivei Silt MASON SAND FILL DIRT PIT RUN GRAVEL KEIZER SAND & GRAVEL CO. Phone 2-1749 TWO Slice electric toasters $2.10. 4 slice $3.85. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty WE buy and sell turniiure. tools stoves, dishes, molars, radios: Electric a enhances, household good KLIG MAN'S 285 N Commercial Ph 988S Kitchen and bathroom light fixtures. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty STOVE & DieseTOils. Prompt met ered delivery service Any time LARRY'S FUEL OIL Ph 2-1917 'i ml N of Pen 4 Corners ELECTRIC Chimes, iong and short tubes, motor driven, and mechanical chimes YEATER APPLIANCE CO. , 255 PN. Liberty ABSOLUTELY New brown inch winter coat, never worn, price $40. Inquire 1975 S .Cottage. HEATING Pads electric). Plastic clothes lines, ironing pods and cover. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty FULLER Brushes. 174 Grant P 8357 ORDER BETTER HOMES AND GAR DENS and American Home at the pres ent low price of 3 yrs.. $3.00. Made moiselle, one yr . S3.50. Ph. 7828. Mrs. Paul H. Hauser, 925 Saginaw St. SMOOTHIES For perfect Ice cream. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty COAL Or briquet circuUting heater, new wood range. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty PLASTI-Kote. the durable paint with the celophane-llke finish. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty FLOURESCENT Desk Umps. Ideal for student rr office. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty "ALWAYS a big Stocc Woodrv's Purniture Mkt Ph 3110 AUTOMATIC Electric (idearm wa ter heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty G H 877TAOON Hoist 505 Center St STOVE repairing A parts Woodrv 1 Mkt 1605 N Summer SI SALEM WASTE" paper Co We buy magazines and news papers. Cardboard sheets and boxes, any size, for tale 1790 N. Front- SUN Lamps (ultra violet and infra red! portable and sUnd models with timers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Unfinished Furniture . Salem's exclusive unfinished furni lure large assortment or made to or der Picket ts Furniture 13th and State FLORESCENT Kitchen fixtures and single tube brackeU for use near your mirror. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty REGISTERED" AK.C. Irish Setter puppies. Call 7473 after 5 P.M. or Sat. and Sun. WALL Type can openers, citrus fruit luicers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 55 N. Liberty NEW good quality topcoats reason ably priced. Masterjt-leaners. jw.!alem TYPEWRITER : " L. C. Smith 14" $75. Ph. 3255. 3365PortlandRd.; MAGIC Chef apt. size gas stove. All white enamel. Ph. 8009. 995 Highland Ave. 13 FT., 7 rib, factory built boat. Ph. 5309. AIRWAY push button 7 tube radio and stand. Also vacuum cleaner. Ph. 6914. WASHING Machine. 960 N. Com 1 650 TIRE, wheel and tube $12.00. CaU afternoons only. 1094 Wilber St. DINETTE set. Light oak with leather upholstery. $60. 1995 Ferry. Ph. 21561. WALNUTSpinet desk 4 blue over, stuffed arm chair. Both in good cond. Ph. 57,38. VELOUR davenport with matchine back, sturdy construction. $60: well built painted desk with cubby holes. 991 N. CotUge. PRACTICALLY new white enamel Round Oak range; 8 pee. dining rm. set; all enamel elec. separator, 800 lbs. John Totmsoff. Rt. 2. Box 413. Salem. West of Chemawa. COLD Spot refrigerator. MonUg clrcuUtor. Both good cond. 845 Monroe RANGE and tank. 20 ft. of in. gal. pipe. Also furniture. 194 N. 24. REFRIGERATOR, excellent cond"-. must sell st once. 970Shipplng. SAWDUST-burner ' a auto controls with thermostat. 1938 Hazel Ave. APPLES: Windfalls. 23c per box. you pick. Will consider selling the apples on the tree. If interested see Ernest Anderson. Orchard HeighU Rd. 1 mL offJWalUce Rd. Box 394. Kitchen and tndustrUl exhaust fans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 254 N. Liberty Wanted M itcellanroas USED FURNITURE Phone Silt WANTED: 3 Urge oak- trees for logs 9 feet long; and dear. 25 Inches through or more. : Also black walnut 25 inches through or more, logs can be shorter than 9 feet. If you haven't this size don't answer. .Write Box 803 Statesman FIB Logs 24-44"ft. long, ifignest prices paid. Mr. Linn, 84) Second SC. Inde- pendence. Ore. - WANTED: Sma llo 1 1 circulator . Write or see Joseph S. , Miller. RL 2. Box 10-B. Salem. WANT to bur Fry Shuttle carpet loom Write Wm. Lesley, 458 afiU St Saiem. Oregon w .Wanfeo-RXifBrenaneoixs USED washing . mach ' any . cond. Ph. 552, j ' WANTED: HOUSES TORECK Cash paid. Ph. 3-4840. WANTED: Used washing machine, any condition. Ph. 5488. ' WHY TAK4tlese tor your furniture See Ruas Brut-l PYi till t Y - GOOD "Elec" washing machine. ; Ph. 25570. i ! ; WANTED " PlANOS WU pa cash Wills Music Store 432 SUte it DISHES over 23 yrs osdTupatairs Antique Shop 3 Court Pa j 1-443 USED FURNITURE PR V140 WANT TO . Buy Used cameras A enses McFwan PnoUi Shop 438 SUte WOULD Like to buy all kinds of burUp and cotton bags. Also have bur lap and cottons for saU Willis Kelley 2840 S Com'l. St. ' ; - CASH fof used etanu A vthet. nnt steal instrumeau Call 4441 days, ot 9537 evenings or send deorripUnw lb laqurtk Music Co, 191 S High CASH ? I of your used rurnltuie Ph 594 State St Furniture 1900 Staff AUTO painting , lust a shade "betlei" ny Ray .ETTER CaU Shrock Motor Co 8502 Mpscetlaneou Tree Surgery Trimming, lopping, removals Pbone 2-400. Insured workmen. , Rawlins Music Studio PUno and violin. Phong 2-5027. MAKlTyour own dresses, suits and goaU while learning to sew. Enroll in winter's morning, afternoon, or evening classes. A complete course' $10. SINGER SEWING CENTER 142 S. High Ph. 3512 PORTABLE elec acetylene welding. Ph.9704.Ed s Service Station. CHARIS CORSETTIES. ' Guaranteed fitting. Nice line dresses. Ph. 9495. BULLDOZING. EARTH moving A drainage, ditches dug Ph.4047 MODERN Ptino and" boogie woogie instruction. Private lesFona. Guaranteed resulU. L. J. EdgerUm Studio. 1820 N. Cottage. Ph 9502. ; Professional Tree Surgeons Best local references, work guaran teed ind imured. Ph. 2-4030. SATJeM ELECTRIC brings 'to Salem area lowest rale In- United States. HOUSEMOVTNG KAY SIMMONS 22MTradeSJL Ph. 3147 CUSTOM pork curing service, sugsr cured hams and bacon 4c per Ih. Smoked with oak wood.: McDowell's Market. 17t S. Commercial!. Ph. 8757. GUITAR STUDIO. BANJO Mandolin. Etc. Phone 7569 SAND, gravel, silt, garden rand. fertilizer. Bosley-Meyer. Ph. 3044. 944 N. Com'l. . SEPTIC Tank and cess pools clean- eq. rh. 74a. WATER WELL drilling Domestic or irrigation Duf field Bros Rt 4. Box 80 Phone 2-1313 W EATH ER strips Pu liman Ph 5965 DRAWING and designing house plans. Phone 9621. HEAVY HsulingT Exeavat'on aTid Hoad Building Lnd Clearing Dozei Work, Ditching Basement Excavation Sand Gravel Crushed Rock Mason Sand Concrete Mix Cement Salem Sand & Gravel Co. " 1405 N Front St Salem Oregon Phone 94U8 or 21924 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked 75c LES SPRINGER. 444 Court St Dental Plate Repair TWO HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Vour Platea for Reoalt DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Artnlph RVtg State A Omi Ph S3H Septic Tanks Cleaned K F Hamel. 1143 8th West Salem Phone 7404 'Mattresses. Capital Bed. Co P 4089 Monev to Loan $ MONEY $ REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contracts. STATE FINANCE CO . REALTORS Lie. S-214 M-222. 153 S High St. FARM and ITY LOANS 4'., and 5 Tour own terms or repayment with in reason Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second -Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg Phone 7142 General Finance Corp. offers money at once oa cars, trucks, furniture, trailer houses, livestock. farm marcninery: contracts refinanced and additional money advanced No co -signers General Finance is locally owned and officered, was organized In 1927 and therefote knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans made by phone 136 South Commercial SU Salem Phone: 9168 Licenses S-13S A M-338 Auto Loan Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M 139 Personal Makes Loans Proof that we try to make EVERY loan 4 out of 5 who ask for a loan here get it I Loans of $25 to $300 or more made on signature, furniture or auto $500. No outsiders involved. Come in or phone today. Open Mon. thru Fri. 9-5. Closed Sat. Evenings by appointment. See E. Gallinger. the YES MAN. at Personal Finance Co. of Salem $18 State St.. Rm. 125 Phone 3191 Lie. S-I22; M-16S Financial YOUR ' 'PLUS MONEY WILL EARN YO- . PER CENT INTEREST BUY A RLAL ESTATE MORTGAGE. EXAMINE THE SECURITY YOUR SELF. MORTGAGES AVAILABLE IN AMOUNTS OF $500 TO $7500. WE COLLECT ALL INTEREST AND PAY MENTS FOR THE INVESTORS. NO EXTRA CHARGE STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S. High St. For Rent Rooms SLP. RM. Ph. 6490. IARGE newly furn. sip. rm. only. 722HighlandAve. ROOM : Business gentleman 745 N. Capitol. Ph. S323. pref Room and Board HAVE room to board 4 more chil dren day and aught. Ph. 4518 or 1125 Norway. For Rent House TRAILER house $12 mo. Ph. 4294. HAVE house to rent in Corvallta in exchange for rental of 3 room apt. in Salem. Call R. F; Miller, 5987. 9:30 A.M. to z:ao yj. 3 MO. free rent in exchange for about 1 weex s carpenter work, a ran. semi-modem house fca Turner. Box 798 Statesman. For Rent PAINT SPRAYER. POWER CEMENT M3XEK. 100 HANSEN AVE. GOOD Used Piano H L Stiff LIGHT trailer 960 N Comf FLOOR SANDEtt to rent Mont epmerv Ward TRAILaUti (of rent Mkt 10nS N SutntVetst TRUCKS foi rent You drive 'W A Lowell Phone aans Me U-DKIVE TRUCK'S f5S BENT Blankets furn 197 S Liberty Pt. 9062 : FLOOR Sander, dee. floor poUshei and Uwn roller. Rawlins Hardware the Marshall WeDs Store. Ph. C87T. Wanted to Rent . STATE Empld. cple. need rum. apt. Rcf. 4732 after 4:00 P.M. VETERAN desperately sn need of a X bedrm. rum. or partly furn. house. Phone. 7010. DavU. -. HOUSE or Apt furn. or unfurn.. veteran with family, 18 months child. Please contact Lt. Col. R. C. Alver son. Senator Hotel or Telephone Co. AfeMALLTnoLse or apt. partly furn by elderly coupie. Ph. 4422. EMP. mother with girl aged 10 needs turn. apt. or would share apt. - or small he. l067S. 13th. "URGENT!-Responsible adult family needs unfurn. house or apt., not over 875. Careful, considerate. Ph. 7936. E3sERVICEMAN. wife a 1 yr. old need furrdrhed apt. or house. Prefer Highland school Dist. Neither smoke nor drink. Call 24 ICS. Mrs. Grant Saunders. or RU HOUSE with bid. for cow. Not more than 12 mi. from Sa lem, Write Statesman. Box 792. . PERMANENT state employe, wife and daughter want small unfurn. house. Box 785 S La t eaman. WORKIN5Lady desperately needs S or 3 bdrm. house. References and best of care.Ph. 21768. " VETERAN. Wife andbabv need smal I houseor a pt. Phone 247 15; CAPTAINT'jtist released 'from army, and wife desire furn. or unfurn. house or apt. Ph. 7033. BY-DECEMBER 1st Permanent employe of The States man needs two-bedroom house or apartment, furnished or unfurnished. by Dec. 1st. Call Bus, Mgr. Statesman. 12 CANS OF SPRY shortening re ward for information leading to suit able apt. or smal) house for rent. No children or peU Veteran. Box 948 For Sale Real Estate NEW COTTAGE, generous 3 rooms plus laundry, bath, garage. Oil furnace-, electric water heater. Lot 133x144 in scenic Glen View tracts only Hi miles from business district. Price $4800. Veterans, only. Phone 6214. FOR SALE beautiful new home, newly furnished, completely. Ph. 6424 or 9255. Immediate possession. BY OWNER: Spacious 4 bdrm plas tered house on one floor. Close In. For quick sale $6700. 507 N. 19th SI. ONLY $1000 DOWN Buy a Fifteen acre tract about nine miles out on pavement. Very fair 2 bed room home, small barn, poultry house (about 500 bird capacity), other outbuildings. The full price Is $6500. Salem Realty Company C. W. Bartlett. Realtor 149 N. High St. Phone 7660 List with Salem To Sell 'Em" Not New But Nice! 2 bedrm. home, nice fireplace, good basement. Excel, location. Priced right t $8250. Call "Habby-' Habernicht Joe Hutchison, Realtor 455 Court Phone 7696 i Special $5,500, New, Furnished, Immed Poss. A nice new one bed room house with a Urge living room, furnished, paved street, bus. term, immediate possession Just right for a couple with a youngster. Act quick this will not last. Forkner-Bourne, Realtors Phone 3031 1853 N. Capitol $3000 DOWN buys this 5 yr. old 3 Bdrm home on 95x110 lot. NE, a nice one. CaU Ray Davis.. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3793 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 9441 OWNER: 1 bdrm. nook, shower. toilet, nearly new elect range, furni ture, neat, paved, sewer. Wuick poss. 812 Bartlett. SUverton. FURN. 4 B. R. home. Located on S. 20th. $1500 will handle. 2660 S. Com'l. Ph. 8015. SCENIC view home on banks of Willamette. 9 A. 2 BR. bungalow 8 yrs. old. 8 mi. Salem. Terms. $3850. 133 wander way. Bet. Z3rd a 24th so. of SUte. SEE THIS at once. 4 rm house al- most completed. Will finish. Nice show er, etc . gas. electricity and city water. Nice place and location. This is a good buy. $3750. Terms and possession. M. D. Looney. with Wm. E. Moses 331 ' State . Phone 4993 BY OWNER: 3 bdrm home, new dis trict in city limits, near bus. Hdw. floors, oil heat, garage and utility rm. attached, nice lawn. FHA home. 4 yrs old. Price $9500. 1870 N. 22nd St. Ph. 7667. ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT $13.500 Immed poss. LRm, DRm. 2 Bedrms. Hwd floors, fireplace. V. Blinds, full bsmt with party room. utility, sawdust heat. Call Mrs. Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3793 341 ChemekeU St. Eves. 9441 Beautiful New Movable Houses Well insulated and strongly built. 24 feet long. Can be moved as a trailer house. All fluorescent lighting. Wired for electric heating, cooking and hot water. Beautiful gum wood veneer in laid floors, mahogany veneer doors. LoU of cabinets, closets and window space. Priced very reasonable at $1650. Possibility of terms. Across trom wat ers ball park on South 25th ytreet MONEY TO LOAN on first mort gages 4 to Vm. Call for details. Ed Byrkit & Co. 339 ChemekeU Street Phone 5981 $4500. By Owner: Business location a 5 rm. hse. partly furn. On A. Bus at door. N. Pacific Highway 99E at Brooks. 2 blks. N. of Ramp k White Grocery. Rt. 1. Box 66. J. Ship ley. EXTRA NICE 4 bdrm. home, double plumbed, basement, fireplace. H.W. floors, elec. water heater. , acre, nice yard with flowers and shrubs. See Mr. GOODWIN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc., REALTORS Phone 4108 After 6 8715 $2,500 Down A new insulated home, pre war fixtures. Urge rooms, double plumb ing, double garage with floored attic, gardeners tool house. Urge lot with big fir and oak trees, paved street on bus line. Immediate possession. Forkner-Bourne. Realtors"! Phone 3031 1853N. Capitol EXTRA NICE 2 B.Rra. home N. 22nd St.. fireplace. H.W. floors, bsmt.. auto sawdust heat, reduced to $9950. See Mr. Good win with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. REALTORS Phone 4108 After 6 $715 IRON Mountain Beach, just north of Newport. The mort beautiful sub division on the Pacific ' Coast." -.All oversize lots: all fully restricted: : a'l sold on easy terms. Buy now. F. F. Angelo or Art Turner. AT. ' 7171. 328 SW Washington. Portland. Oregon Frank L. McGuire. MONEY TO LOAN on first mort- gages 4 to 8. Call for deUiU. Ed Byrkit & Co. 339 ChemekeU Street Phone 5981 SEE HUDKXNS FIRST $5950 S rooms A bath, utility room, circu lator neater A wood range. $1000 will handle. Shouldn't last long. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON SEE HUDKINS FOR HOMES T ROOM house furnished, front suit, able for business, close in. ear lot space adjoining. Writ Box 801 statesman. A REAL BUY $6850 3 Bedroom bouse, modern, garage and apt. Apt plastered, modern, L. trays, lot 100x130 ft. close to center of Salem. Price is only $6850. Exclusive listing. I HarderY Real Estate 968 Edgewster. West Sales. Pa. $980 For Sale-Tteal Estate j To Buy or Charles - HOMES II ' - 1" YOUR DREAM 4 BLOCKS TO STATE HOUSE 8 rooms. 2 bedrooms, 1 down, dining: , Corner lot. 8 rml house. 3 bedrm. room, living room, fireplace. 2 bath- main floor, .basement, sawdust fur room, full basement, ail furnace. Uwn. nace, 89500. Sal 124X. - i shrubs, flowers. Excellent. Shown by I' ' ! appointment only 813.800. Sal 127X, MOVTNO TO DALLAS ; COMPLETELY FURNISHED We have a 4 bedrm. home, partly 2 rm.. wired for elec. range. 44 gal. furnished. Located 4 blocks from bust hot water tank, lota of built-ins and ness dist. Close- tof school. $7200. Sal inlaid lin. Near Four Corners. Sal 122X. 125. I t - )': . FARMS - EVEN THE DOG GOES " " BEEF, LAMB St LUMBER $0 A.. 35 cult. 2 good houses. 3 barns. Plenty of room' ter stock, plus 1 mil- 5 cows, tractor, harrow, fresno, drag lion board feet of timber on this 309 saw. small tools, 300 good prune trees. A. ranch 25 miles from Salem.' 100 A. 20 tons hay. AU seeded, orchard cover grazing in the imber, 4 rm. house. Urge crop in. 7 chickens and even the dog barn, cabin, brooder, hen house. 2 good included for $9000. In Falls City. Sal roads. $16,000. Sal 134. 114. - WILL YOU BE THE LUCKY ONE? NEXT DOOR TO SALEM 43 acres. miles south of McMinn- 48'i A, 38 A. cultivated. 40 walnut ville. Can be bought for $8000. Neat S trees. 10 acres . in profiUbie cherries, room house. Call us for details. Sat 124. 14 acres prunes. Fine 8 room farm GUARANTEED TO PLEASE ' nome. jzxio Drn. ijoo or azj.ouu with furniture and all eouio. Sal 118. TURKEYS ARE AGAIN PROFITABLE You are all set to go on this fine ranch of 54 A, 52 in cult. Fam. or chard, 8 room heme, 8 turkey brooder houses. An A No. 1 farm. Nr. Jeffer son. SMjOOO. Sal 120. SET UP A READY TO GO 10 A, 3', cult, black loam soil, fine 2'a A. orchard. Elect, water syst. 4 I 1 . W A brooder house. 30x34 tile incubator hse.. double earage. 3 miles of Salem. $10 600 Sal 122 ooa TO- 5- DAIRY FARM - 114 ACRES . 83'i A. near Turner, all cultivated. 40 A. under cultivation. 40 acres fir Has creek, large barn, family orchard, timber ready to be loeged.- 3 bedroom good income. $10,500. Equipment avail- house with .bath. 30x52 barn.. 7 cows, able. Sal 127. 5 miles SE. of Stayton. $10,000, Sal 141. INCOME DO YOU WANT $100,000 YEARLY? Have excellent going business in en tertainment field. Confidential propo- sition. No telephone information. Ask for Mr. Benham or Mr. Nilsen. 84 YEAR LEASE on comb, service sta., garage, grocery. 2 cabins & trailer space. Includes some tools, furniture, sta. equip., inven. of groceries, and 2 welders. Good loca- tion. 1897 5. sal 105 inc. NATURAL SUBDIVISION ' 86 acres, already surveyed for subdi- vision. Cross-fenced. Water at 18 feet; 1 well now in. Adjoining Gervais. $10.' 750. Sal 109 Inc. CHARLES DELFEL, Realtor 615 N. Capitol St. - Phone 7002 LEO N. CHILDS. INC.. REALTORS HERE'S OPPORTUNITY: A lovely new 5-room home with hard wood floors and fire-place. PLUS a 4-room CotUge renting for $45. Large corner lot In newer sec tion of town. $11,000. NINE ACRES, BEST OF SOIL: Large 5-room home. Two poultry houses: brooder house: green house; five acres of prunes. A very beautiful place, walking distance to school, bus, shopping. Price $18,500. "30 YEARS OF DEPENDABLE SERV. ICE TO HOME OWNERS'" , Call or see K. N. Voorhees o James B. Hartman With Leo N. Childs, Inc., Realtors 344 State St. Ph. 9261 McKILLOP $4400 SmaU 2 BR. home with acre; of ground located in City limits. . Poultry house, garage, nouse not modern but livable A com- not modern but livable tc com pletely furnished. $5250 Located S.E. Salem in best of location modern 2 BR home close to bus and schools. Gas range and oU circulator goes. $5550 ExceptionaUy well furnished home with BR, bath. LR. kitch en. Dinette. Venetian Blind. very clean home only 1 year old. Immediate Possession. $6550 Comfortable 2 bedroom home with hardwood floors, fire- rlace. basement. Located South, lots. A good buy. 49450 Lovely Cape Cod style home 7 years old with Hardwood Floors. 2 BR. Venetian blinds, lot 50x150. Terms $2500 down, bal monthly payments. $11,950 New House. Double Garage. 2 BR. Hardwood floors, full basement, electric heat, be sure to see this a very nice home. $13.100 Englewood District, lovely 6 Room home 1 year old. with cozy fireplace, fully insulated, electric heat, utilety room, ga rage. Extra nice location. McKillop Real Estate Agency 169 So. Hieh St. Phone 5-1-3-1 Phone evenings 7163 4937 - 6901 Extra Special A really nice home, newly decorated, just outside city limits, bus at door. 3 bedrms.. l'j baths, full basement, glassed in sleeping porch. Floor cov erings, ven. blinds. 2 good lots, fine outdoor fireplace. Worth the price, $9850. Call Myles Henderson Joe Hutchison, Realtor 455 Court Phone 7696 Res. 2-4682 FOR SALE BY OWNER: pre-war built bungalow type modern home. Nice living room. Fireplace. H. W. floors, plastered walls, coved ceilines. Guest closet. 2 lovely bed rooms with lighted closets, well arranged kitchen with plenty of built-ins, wired for range, Elec. water heater, full base ment, built-in fruit room. Double ga rage, generous amount snruooery. 'a acre good dark soil, poultry house, berry patch, garden spot. Price $7950.00. appraised much higher. From S. 12th turn East at Hoyt St. to Rt. 5, Box 75-A. C. A. Loss ner. Sell or Trades Large 2 bed room home with living and dining room, full basement, auto matic oil furnace, good lot 50x150. apples, walnuts, cherries and prunes, paved street. a block to bus. Will trade for 1 bed room house or small er 2 bed room house, or sell outright for $8750. Forkner-Bourne, Realtors Phone 3031 1853 N. Capitol CREEK PROPERTY ' $85002 BR home A lint, attic. LR. DR with hwd firs, frplc, full bsmt. CaU OMER. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 ChemekeU St. Eves. 2-5091 Phone 2-1549 $8000 NEAT $ room home on S. Lib. St. Large corner lot. Garage. Close to bus and stores. $9000 acre in Keizer dist. 4 room neat attractive home, just 6 yr. old. Chiclren house, berries, fruit. $9750 New 9 room home east. OU floor furnace.-oak floors. Attached ga rage. Lot 75x150 with fruit and nut trees. $9950 5 yr. old 5 room modern home NX. Fireplace, basement. Attached garage. Immediate possession. $10.000 New 3 room home weU lo cated south on bus line. Oil floor fur nace. Oak floors. Attached garage. Ven. blinds. Lot 65'xl50 $11.000 9 room modern home . close in S.E. Basement, oak floors. firepUce. unfin attach- garage. State Finance Co- Realtors Call O. V. Hume with 133 .3. High St. Phone 4121 - IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $5500 4 room borne furnished. CaU OMER. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors' Phone. S-U4S Ml Chemeketa St. Even. Z-5C91 For SaleReal EsUtg SeH Sec Delfel p,rfect conditio ; -.n.n ioctiw. 6 acres. 4 bdrm. home. hdwd. floors, p'astered. Small ham. excellent house, patio. firepUce. Close in. terms. $19,000. Sal 128. 1 J- L1TTLE PUDDING RIVER ! 15', A. 8 Mi, East on Garden Rd. A. . cultivated. Soil 1 eood for bulbs Ac flowers. A steal at $4000. Sal 132. BUTTER $1.00 LB. , Eggs 75c dor., mine 17c qt. Raise your and be IS mintites from balem. 34) A - room house. 12x32 chicken bouse. LARGE GROCERY, MEDIUM HOUSE. SMALL TOWN Owner says over $6CC0 yrly. net. More auxsw on Main st.. rails cny Pi ice includes $ room houe 100 yds. from grade school. mile from high school. Grocery has Urge stock, good equipment. little competition. $13,700. Sal 112 Inc. NEW CAR AGENCY In small Willamette valley town. Good location, new1 building with parts dent . show room. etc. Price computed. $45,000. Sal 113 Inc. MECHANIC NEEDED $700 monthly net for able man In this service sta. gauage. 3-room house. 2-im. hse. unfinished. 2 welding mach. all shop tools. Good location. $24,000. Terms. Sal 115 Inc. , SPECIAL For Sale by Owner:- Creek property. garage, filbert trees, fi'h pond. Ire. im. 15x27. din. rm.. kitchen with new American white metal sink and cabi nets, breakfast nook, new' linoleum bath downstairs. 3 lge. and 1 small bdrms.. rm. for batii a store room upstairs, elec. heat, fireplace, dark blue carnetine In l-.v. rm. and hall. i v.hit wrwwiwnrlr 4hroii0hrMtt -eull n i ment basement painted white, wash trays, auto. elec. water heater. Apt 3 rms. and bath. elec. heat, inlaid linoleum, separate entrances, close to schools, bus and stores. Priced for quick sale. Call 25619 for appointment. " $6250 00New Home, 2 BR. bath A shower, LR. kitchen, cement found, clore to schools, gas range and heatmg circulator goes. Good terms can bo arranged. $6800.00. One year old 2 bed room plastered home. LR. K. Bath, electrie cooking and water heating, oil heat, cement found, hardwood floors. $7900.00. 4 bed rooms, fireplace, well i oca tea jve. urge lot. garage, electrie 0VTlF 00a terms. i . 8? " ,KBr.""d nZ'tr 1 J ;', -,;r , , . tro" .Immediate possession. lerms swjuuu.nu down, balance monthly. $14,000.00. Love 2 bed room noma well located on Glenn Creek Drive in West Salerh. home is only 2 years old, with Urge lot 122x160. Fireplace, hard wood floors, electric cooking, auto matic oil furnace. Good Terms cast be arranged. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 South High St. Phone 5-1-3-1 Phone evenings 4937-4901.-7163 SPECIAL $14.650 Lovely LR. DR. sf BR. Hwd iirs. rrpice. Bsmt. furnace. .Near lie Hi. Call OMER. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3-1549 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 3-5091 NORTHEAST Late ranch type house. 4 nice siaa bedrooms plenty of closet space mod ernistic designed kitchen and dinette lots of built-ins. comfortable living room, t-lectric range included. Double, garage. One acre of land, plenty of ber ries, garden. Bus by the door. Engle wood school - district. Excellent Inca tion. Less than $10,000. ti. t,. Meredith, Realtor 174 So. Commercial Ph. 8841 - BUY Now and give Her a real Xmaa present, new 3 bed room lovely homo, perfect plan direct from owner, cava 5",. on North 18th. the prettiest street of homes in town. Construction costs are going up fast with controls lifted. Around $1 8 .000. Phone 6062. HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT $12.000 LRm. DRm. 3 Bedrms. fire piace. mwu floors, party room in meni. jau Mrs. rlutf. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3793 341 rh.in.kri. 'Eves. 9441 By Owner Bldg. 20'x30. Cement floor. Lot 96z 110. Ideal for repair shop, or rebuild house. Also smaU bldg. AU for $2000. 75 Roberts Ave. Salem, Oregon -- NICE bunding' lot North 24th SL. 50 x200'. See Mr. GOODWIN with Hawkins & Roberts. Inc. REALTORS After 8 Phone 4108 ms SUMMER ST. , $12,650 SUtely 4 bedrm home in one. of the nicest locations in Salem.- Larg living rnii DRm. fireolace. Hwd floors. sawdust neat, call Mrs. Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 ChemekeU St. Phone 3793 Eves. 8441 ADVERTISING Western Advertising; Representatives Ward-Griffith Company. Inc. San Francisco Eastern Adtfertisirie; Representatives Ward -Griffith Comparrv; fne. uncage.- New York. Detroit. Atuma . Member Pacific Coast Division Bureau of Advertising Entered ef the Poatofflce mt Sav tew. Oreoosi as Second Class Me, ter PsMitllMl reerr nanrisa rz cept Monday Busfaes) office 11 Seat Commercial Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mail Subacriptlon Rates in Ad vance: Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday. Mo 44 cams: mos. $325; 1 year. $8 48 Elsewhere CO cenu pee ; mo or $7 24) for 1 rear fca advance, : Per copy-9 cent. i By City Carrier. 73 cents a month. 89 00 a year tm advance In Marios)