Now York Stock Quotations NTW YORK. Nov. Al Chem & Dye.. 164 American Can 87 ' k AmPow & Lt 13 'i Am Tel & TeLlMs H-CPJ-Todajr I Gen Foods uen aaoxors . 'Goodyear TL !Gt North pfd lint Harvest 'Int Paper pfd. Anaconda , Atchison ; Bcndix Avia Beta Steel Boeing Air . I Man vi lie Kennecott 39 89 32 V ls 21 i long Bell A Maytag Miami Copper. Mont Ward a.h Kelvin Nat Dairy Canadian Pac. Calif Pack Case J I Chrysler Com with Sou Cons Edifon 12!. SO 33 S4J 3,4 2T,k NY Central North Am Co .. Vortherji Pac Pac Am Fish... Pac Gas Elec... PT4 T Pan American Penney J C Com Vultee Cont Ins ... Crown Zel . Curti-s Wr Douglas Air . Dupont De Ne Gen Electric ... I'ortlaml l'roliicr PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. Is AP Butterfat I tentative. bct to Im mediate change! Premium quality, maximum of 35 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered in Portland 91-92c: first quality W-Mc lb.. econd quality 08 87c; valley routes and country points 3c leaa than tint or SS-aBc lb. Butter' t wholesale, f o b, bulk M lb. tuba) AA. M score 80-81c: A. tj core 7-SOc lo.. B. SO acore 7-79c Ho : C. SS acore 73c lb Cheese Oregon singles. S5-39c: Or egon loaf. S7-le: triplets. M'l-iWc. Potatoes Deschutes. No. 1. 2 65-2 73. Eggs A grade. large. 38i-59'2C: medium. S5's-56'ae; B grade Urge. 401 4ftr Ess, Purchases from farmers: Cur rent receipts. 54-53c; burs pay 3 3ltC dox. below wholesale quotations on traded basis for bent hennery ee Dressed turkevs Turkey market nominal and unsettled. Dressed ethic kens Sell to retailers Spring broilers. 3 lbs. and up. 52c: col ored hens. 3fJc: Leghorn fowls. 32c; old roosters and; stags. 28c ... Live chickens No. 1 Leghorn broil ers. 1 to 2 ilbs. 33-Mc lb; fryers. 2 to 3 lbs. 37-38c: 3 to 4 lbs. 37 -33c lb: roasters. 4'i lbs and over. 37-38; fowl. Leghorn, "all wts . 22-23c. fowl, col ored, all wts. 2728c; roosters and stars. 12-17c lb. Rabbits Average to retailers. 30c lb- dressed: prices to producers. 45c. fryers, live, white. 4 to 8 lbs . 23 -27c . Onions Washington White. No 1. 11 00-1 25. Oregon, yellow. No. 1. $1 15- 1 25 green, bunched. 70-75c: Idaho white globes f 1 50-1 60: lasge. 1 85: yel low Spanish. 1 20-1 25 Potatoes Washington Russets 2 50- 2 65 50 lbs No. 2. 80-110; local long white 2 55-2 63: Klamath Russets No. 1. 2 65-2.75; Deschutes fo. 1. 2 "5-3 00; bakers 3 00-3 25. Vesl Best quality. 26-27c lb : B. 23-24c: C. 21-22C cull. 18-20c lb. Hogs block butchers. packer Style. 135-213 lbs. 33-34c: over 213 lbs 33c: sows, all weights, 29-30c lb. Lambs AA. 3415c A. 32c: B. 27-2Sc: C. 25c: mutton 12-16c lb. ac cording to quality and weight. Beef Best quality. 30 32c; B. 25 26c: C. 22c: canner and cutter 1 8-20c : bologna bulls 25c. Casrara bark Green 8-8', c: dry 30c. Wool Valley, coarse and medium grades 45c lb. Mohair 40c lb. on 12-month growth. Hav Wholesale shipment: Alfalfa. No. 2 or better. 32 00-33.50 ton: No. 1 timothy 33 50-39 50 ton: oats and vetch, mixed hav. valley growers' asking price 12 00-23 50 ton: clover hay. un certified 21 '0-23.50 baled on farms. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. 12 APV W heat futures unquoted. Cash grain: Oats No. 2 38 lb. white 2 30. Barlev No. 243 lb. B W. 63.30. Flaxseed 7 25. Cash wheat (bid): soft white 188: soft white (excluding Rex 1.88; white elub 1.88: western red 1 88. Hard red winter: ordinary 1.88: 18 per cent 1 91; 11 per cent US: 12 "V cent 2 03. Hard white Baart: 16 per cent 2.29: 11 per cent 2 31: 12 per cent 2.33. Today's car receipts: Wheat 1: bar ley IS: flour 4: corn 4: oats 1: nay : ml II feed 3 I'orllanJ Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. 11 AP USDA Cattle: salable 400. total 600: calves salable and total 35: market less active, but generally steady with Mon day: few good steers 19 0O-2O.00: coro-moo-medium heifers 12 00-16 00; can ner ad cutter cows S0-ie,:0; shells down to 7.30: fat dairy type cows up to 12 00; medium-good beef cows 12.50 14 00; common-good sausage bulls 11.00 14 00; beef bulls to IS 00: good vealers 17 00-50. choice salable to 18 00; grass calves 13.300 down. Hogs: salable 150. total 1350: market uneven: one load good-choice 230-243 lb. steady at 25.30: good-choice 180 270 lb. truckms 13 cents lower at 23 00: few sows 22 00-23.00: lichtw eights 23 SO; choice feeder pigs 23.00. Shefcp: salable and total 300: market active, steadv at Mondav i advance: . good-choice lambs 19 SO-20 SO: includ ing shorn lambs at 2000: Best wooM lambs 21 00: common-medium 14.00 17 00: good ewes mostly 6.50: few 7.00; common down to 3 00, Salem Market Quotations BUTTER FAT Premium No. I No 1 ... BUTTER PRINTS Wholesale Retail ICtii Bayiag anc Extra Large Medium Standards Whotesale. large Medium Standard POULTRY Colored hens No 1 no. a S3 M 54 JM .64 SO JSi n Fryers LIVESTOCK (By Valley Pack) Top lamb - 17.00 Yearling lamb , 13 SO Ewea seas Dairy eows - 11.00 Dairy bulla . u 13.SO Veal - IS 08 Hog prices 35c per hundred" under Portland prices for each particular class. Stags bought subiect. Legal Notice NOTICE OP FINAL HEAJtlNO Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned Executrix and Executor have filed their Sixth and Final Account and Report in the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon for Marion County. In Pre bate, and that Friday, the 22d day of November. 1846. at ten o'clock A.M. at the courtroom of said court te the courthouse In galem. Oregon, has been set as the tune and place for hearing objections to said Final Ac count and final settlement of said es tate. First publication. October 23. 146; lost publication. November 20. 1840. MARGARET F. LACHMUND DONALD C. ROBERTS Executrix and Executor. Estate of Louis Lachmund. Decerned. ' O 23-JO-N 6-13-20 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE at hereby given that the ndersigned hag been duly appointed executrix of the Will and Estate o4 Anna Cooper, deceased. AJ1 persona having claims against said deceased are hereby required to present the same, with proper vouchers, to the under signed gt her residence in Jefferson. , Marion County. Oregon.! within sax snonths from the date hereof. . Dated and first published this SOth day of October. 1846. . DAISY FRANCES HUSTED Executrix of the Will and Estate . of Anna Cooper. Pace need. EDWARD E. SOX Albany. Oregon. Attorney for Cxocutrtx. - 0 30-N 8-U--0-Z7 174 48 i 29i 7 ! ... 74 .173 ... 37 U IX IMS closing quotations: 43 U I Radio Corp . . 10 . 19H 31H Rayonier - 99 - 47 i - 71 lavonier old 35 Reynolds Met 32 Safeway 25 Sears Rocb 384 1264 Sinclair Oil 1H 47H!So Pacific - 454 . 22 'si Stan Brands 39' ... 11 3e Stan. Oil Cal 54 i . 12i Stew-Warner 184 . 64'Studebaker 20 . 1$ !Sun Mining 13 . 35, Union Oil . If i Un Pacific . 27ciUn Airlines . 204!Un Aircraft . 11'iiUS Steel .. . 41 Warner Bros .165iiWest EI Mfg . 13 wooiwortn Buying Brings Rally in Wheat CHICAGO, Nov. 12WJ?-Buy-ing attributed to milling interests and commission houses with ex port connections brought about a rally in wheat figures today after general liquidation had depresesd the market more than 3 cents. The selling of wheat spilled over into the corn and oats pits, but corn rallied with wheat, in spite of a weak cash market. Oats failed to react to the advance in wheat as promptly as corn. At the close wheat was a high er to IV4 lower -than Saturday's finish, January $2.03 -Corn was to 1 cent higher. Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press November 13 STOCK AVERAGES 20 10 10 10 Rail Indus LMH Fore Tuesdav . 86 35 8 44 2 63 7 Previous day 87 4 36 2 44 6 64 2 Week ago . 88 9 36 3 45 4 65 2 Month ago 9 2 34 9 44 9 64 6 Year ago 93.3 43.6 5fcS 74.2 BOND AVERAGES 18 St Indus Rail Util Stocks .. 94 3 102 9 104.7 73.0 . 94 5 103.0 104 9 74.6 . 94 1 103 0 104 9 74 8 93 1 1028 1050 748 101.6 103 8 106 J 73.9 Tuesday . Previous day Week ago Month ago Year ago . ... Livestock and Poultry 23 HEAD good sheep. Ph. 1-2932. 6 7:30 m.or after tpm. FOR SALE: 1 'Guernsey cow. 3 yrs. old. S80L Rt ?. Box 276. FOR SALE: Christie N H baby chicks every Wed. Boyingtons. - 3710 State St. Phone 4968. WANTED Beef and cannei cows oulla and veals Will call at farm g I Snetnen 1330 Lancaster Drive Pn 8IS4S Morns oc evea WANTXfJ: All kinds of fat ifveT stock Valley Packing Co Phone 5935 WANTED Fat and cannei cows luf beef Dairy eows heifers bulls veal Fat bogs sows, stag-., boors Market once ft. C McCandiisb rt 9 boa 373 n at47 aeroos from ball park S tath BABY CHICKS.' wcetiy natcnes new Hampshire other varieties. Pk 12861 Lee's Hatchery CUSTOM dressing or chic sens any number Prompt service Dressed poul trv wholesale our specialty Phone 1-2881 Lee's Hatchery Auctions 4 . . SudtelFs Cominunity Auction Wed.. Nov. 1319 aim. Jt 7 p.m. Electric Refrigerator Beds Coil Springs Tables Chair Break fast 5cts Davenports Davenoa Chest Dressers Boys It Girls Bal loon tired Bikes Sheets Blankets Linens Towels Cook Stoves Heating Stoves Farming Equipment Spring tooth Harrow Implement Trailer Plows Wagons Elevator type Potato Digger Many weaner & feeder Hogs Chickens Ducks Turkeys. We have a good listing of Cows At Heifers. 1 Purebred Guernsey Bun. 18 mo. old. Several Heavy Spring Cows 4c Heif ers Beef Stock. IS Head yearling heifers. 30 Head sheep tt lambs REMEMBER IT'S SUDTELL'S TO BUY OR SELL This is a 100 consigned sale. Come. Lane Sudtell8 Auction l'a mi. East of State Fairgrounds on Stlverton Ha., Mm. ure. Stayton Auction Market Sales Every Thursday. 11 a m. Fresh St springer cows. Bull Sc calves. Heifers. Weaner At Feeder pigs. Sows. Hay. Grain. Potatoes.' Apples. Oil cir culator. Also coal oil circulator. Wood circulators, all sizes. One 610x14 tire. One 000x16 tire. Three Good Saddles. Saddle horse at work horses. Furniture At machinery. 40 head of Angora, goats. 4 wheel trailer. Motor bicycle, runs good. 1 buzz saw. 2 wheel. Bring In what you have to sell. The place where every consignment is welcome, large or small. Come in;, we will try to make you happy. Help Wanted WANTED POTATO PICKERS We will start digging today, sc per half sack. Only 2 mi. from fair grounds. Herr Sc Riensche. Rt- 7-408 SUverton rd Middle Grave school I. phone 2-1363. """CLERKS. TYPISTS. STENOGRA PHERS. CASEWORKERS: Many va cancies In State government positions in Salem and Portland. State Civil Service provides 'security of tenure. Kid vacations, sick' leave, promotions. it Information call or write the State Civil Service Commission. 444 Center Street. Salem.. " WANTED: Eipertenced Clerical Per sonnel: Bookkeeoing. Cashiering. Stock Records. Montgomery Ward. Saiiem Oregon. WANTED rMMEf)ITTXV : Cook at ski lodge. Write or apply Santiam Lodge, S asters. Oregon. Help Wauled Stale WANTED: Santa Claua. to be em ployed from Novt 30 to Gu-kcmas. hours noon to S P.M. Inquire 130 N. Com L Airline Mechanics UNITED Air Lines has permanent lobs at its San FTancsco Operations base for mechanics. All types: line service, overhaul machine shop, sheet snetaL etc no A K licenses . re quired). Single men only. Transporta tion to San Francisco furnished. Apply TIO Ferry . St Salem. NATIONAL MERCHANDISE org an nul Uon has limited number of openings for men aged 23-35. veterans prefer red, to train tor execuUve positions in both t operating and rnerch and tsting branches- College training or previ ous experience valuable but. not essen tial. -. Reply, giving age. education, previous experience, marital status and length of residence m Salem. Write Bos: 790. Statesman. ' ' BUILDING-Contractor to construct small theatre. Ph. lost. Frank. Wilson. Sox . Detroit. Org " Wdn clary, lfov. 22 tn L 18i 71 'i 23 H 49 Tfelp Wanted - llale WANTED: Single man set dairy farm, one who M experienced and lutes dairy farming. 8160.00. board and room. Phone g7F15. Help Wanted Female WANTED At One: Experienced of fice girl. Preferably with some knowl edge of bookkeeping, typing and post ing. Gaa Heat. Inc.. Salem. Oregon. Phone 3443. MIDDLE Aged !ad to 00 light housework. Ph. 4581. . GIRL, who is "exp. in lumber Invoic-Inr- Ph. loot or 3S3 N. Liberty, league Lumber Co. . ; ? CHAMBERMAID: Experienced pre ferred, full tamo Job. Box 800 States WOMAN to ' teach home d fang. Prefer woman tramed in home economies .or with 4-H club. Perm, Apply Mr. ; Wilkinson. Singer Sewing Center. 143 S. High. ; WANTED: Woman for cleaning and Ironing. 4 hours a week. Ph. 9137. HOUSEKEKHEH. General hou'ewsrk. ladults. Star nights. 893 N. Liberty. GIRL for light hse. work, also care tor children. Call S. Thede. 634. TELEPHONE OPERATORS wanted. No experience necessary. High, pay right at the stej-tr-829 for a 40-hr. week while learning. Freauent scheduled; Increases three the first year. Safe, wholesome surroundings . . . vaca tions with pay. A real opportunity for young women who are looking to the future who want a lob that is pleas ant. Interesting and profitable. Do not delay Inquire NOW! Exoenencetl Operators -Let us tell you how much you can earn. Ask for Mrs. Goodwin. Pacific Telephone it Telegraph Co. 740 State Street Salesmen Wanted WANTED: Experienced Men's Cloth ing and Furnishings salesmen. Mont gomery Ward. Salem. Oregon. SALESMAN for patented item. Used in offices, homes and schools. Non competitive field. Opportunity to make real monev. Exo-rience vnneccesary. Contact E. L. Konold. No. Saem Motel No. 14. 2673 No. Portland Hi way 99E. Situation Wanted SECRETARIAL position, take short hand. We't experienced. Ph. 2-1283 after 3:30 P.M. WILL Care for elderly lady in my home. Mrs. S. M. Petersen. Turner. Ore. P. O. 41. CURTAINS washed and stretched" also private laundry. 395 S. 22nd A Mill St. BUILT-IN Cabinets. Anything wood repaired or replaced. Maslerwoods Cabinet Shop, 164 S. Com'l. Ph. 5596. Located with Mathis Bros Roofing. DRESSMAKING k alterations at 3155 N. River Rd Ph 225S2. EXPERIENCED Woman wishes housecleaning. Box 797SUtesrnan. A GROCERY" job. Experienced? Yes. Stock room man. checker, or mgr. What have you? Box 787 Statesman. CENERAL CKMENT contracting. Stanley Fag. Ph. 2-3045 ODD "JOBS 'for boy. Ph. 7074. KAMPSTRA'S Garage, rsny repair ing, elec. welding, acetylene weldine. Rt. 4. Highway 99 South. ' past 12th St. cutoff. DRESS and suit making. 1040 N. 17th. WILL care for elder I v lady or bed patient in myhome. Ph.8713. BRICK A Cement Vork. also repair work. C. Good enough Ph. 7663. , ' SPRAY PAINTING Basements, garages, industrial and commercial. Ralph ATsman Ph . 24246. ROOFING Expert repairing Application. Call 3702. L. W. CAUDLE, spraying, pruning. 130 Roberta ave. Ph. 7900. PAINTING Ai Paparhanging W G Crowly. 857 Sh tpping Phone 9313 PreScnool PlavSchooL 1381 State Ages 2-8 Part or all day Ph 8430 ""EXAM'S-Waxing and "Polishing, of fice and residence floor wax. Janitor service; window cleaning, yard raking, putting In wood, lawn mowing. Insur ed and bonded. Phone 2-554. VAN "BUREN well driller. Ph 9636. WELDCNG.BLACXSMTTHTNG BODY AND FENDER WORK We specialize in trailer hitches. 3965 East State. Pen 4 Corners Interior Decorating Our specialty Better homes, offices and apartments One to five men available. Dick Orey Painter and Decorator Phone 25444 or 6-65 PLASTERING. 30 yrs experience Rt 1. Box 107A. Jeff A Sairs. North Dallas. ALL WORX guaranteed Window walla, woodwork cleaned Floors wax ed Insured workmen Professional OeaningService Phnne 4457 HEAVY and"lighrhauHng. Any time, any place, anywhere. Ph. 24270. For Sale .Miscellaneous Electric desk, mantle and wall clocks. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 NUberty 38-40 MARON. 960 N. Com'l. WATER Heaters for immediate de livery. 40 gallon Collins 896.23. 50 gallon Westinghouse $113.00. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255. N. Liberty NOTICE D. E. Decker of the Salem Watch Shop leaving Nov. 14 for 3 mo. vaca tion. All watches in the shop 30 days, not called for, will be sold for repair charges 2381 State St. Ph. 2-1957. ELECTRIC Room heaters, fan. steam, and reflector types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. J2S5 N . Liberty CABINET Sink 840.00. 3690 Sunny view Ave. FIGURINES And small gift items. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. JN.yberty USED accousticpn hearing aid. Ex cellent condition. Reasonable price. Phone 2-4000 . ALUMINUM Sauce pans, well and tree platters, frying pans, cookie sheets, clothes hampers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Uberty SEE Us for' Christmas Gifts. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Uberty EXPERT washing macfune service and wringer rolls all makes See Cd Ellis at Nelson Bros Furniture Store Jli N Libert v ; STOCK Trailer, new 18 Inch wheels: trailer 18 inch wheels; gas engine 3 hp. almost new. concrete mixer, gas engine 'i hp., restaurant booths and table. Rt. 4. Box 89CB. Ph. 21140. RAILROAD Type lanterns. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 2j5 N. Uberty AIRWAY vacuum sweeper with at tachments. Nearly new. 255 Center. Guaranteed Recap Tires SIZES 608x18. 630x6. 700x16. for sale at Will's Service Station. 837 S. Com! Ph. 7187. -. ' ; APPLES 2460 Cherry Ave, Ph. 7830. Callbetweea 19 a. m. and 2 JO p. m. M&W TRAILER, all steel frame. 600x16 tires, - plywood box. Also 'i H. P. repulsion induction electric mo tor, T4 Williams Ave, Stlverton road". Ph. 25124. --. HEAVY Bronze smoking standa. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. , 235 N. Uberty Eola 1 Lumber Co. ' Rt" 4. Salem. Lumber, Bed Cedar Shingles and , building stupplies. C. (Ted I MulJer. Phono Salem 2-1196. Yd. 9 ml, west of town on Salem-Dallas Hwy. ;- AUTOUATfC? Electric grill. 18x36 mches with double thermoatat. Ideal lor small restaurant or elub house. YEATER APPLIANCX CO, 235 N. Uberty ' WILL BUY lor caaa. sell or trade, guns, patois, ammunition boots or trailers Don' Medtsnn. 884) No High COFTXX Maker sets, 4 to and S cup coffee ! makers with stoves, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty y INDTRCT FVaor"uimps and torcbiers. x Jf EATER APPLIANCE CO.- - 255 N. Uberty T? For SaJe- liligseelTaneotia Concrete Buildings Block' and Bricks BOOCK BUILDING BLOCK CO. South River Rd. Phone 5961 GUARANTEED Forever, flashlight? requiring no batteries; - 3) and cell flashlights. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Uberty MTRRAPIANOS "from" 8395. Terms See these beautiful opmnet style pianos with the tone of o baby grand at Tallman's. 30O 8. 12th. A mile from high prices. LATE KING apples. 75e a bushel bring containers: also 4-yr. old fil berts. 50cto 6 ft. 1J0. 2623 Brooks. SMALL-pressure cookers. 3 types. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty STEAM 'Irons, limited quantity. $12.85 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N.Liberty cake covers 12 .95. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255N. Liberty AUTOMATIC Electric record play ers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255N. Liberty MEN'S Suit size 39. 3 sports coats size 38. Dial 21489. SINGLE And two burner hot plates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty METAL And plastic bed lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty DOBERMAN Pinscher miniature pup pies. Males and females'. Sa'em Veter inary Hospital. Portland Rd. CUTLERY "And" table ware. YEA TEH APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty LARGE wood circulator Tike new. 195 Fisher Rd. TART V ifiH UmM YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty BEAR CAT Garden Tractor. 4 mos. old. plow, cultivator, weeders, scrap er: 2 wheel factory made trailer, good tires: Sonotone vacuum tube hearing aid used 2 monthr. New condition. Call between 3 and 6 P.M. James Lyke. R D. No. 6. Box 445M. Garden Rd, Salem Ore. p ELECTRIC Pants pressors, curling and soldering Irons. 1 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty ELECTRIC hot plate. 2 burner, used 3weeks. Phone 393$ ATTRACTIVE. Aluminum, kitchen step ladders and step-on refuse cans YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 NlUbert'y PHILCO radio, cabinet size, $40. Victrola Ax 18 records $20. 8x10 body Brussels rug 830. Ejler upright piano and stool S185. Dining rm. extension table and S chairs S50. Sideboard 810. Cabinet 810. Library: table S8. Rocker 87. Call at 851 S. Liberty between 5 Ac 8 P.M. Tues, Wed. Ac Thurs. TWO Way and inercomm telephone sets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty RADIOS. Table and console. 10 mod els from which to select. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty ELECTRO Queen Mixmaster. Elec trolux vacuum sweeper Ac attach ments. Electro-Pathis home treatment. Ph. 21957. 2361State. SHULTZ Piano 8150. Ph. 8313. REFRIGERATORT"Call 5192. WOOD Circulator, cast iron. T. O. Lutz. Rt. 2. Box 406. HEAT Your home electrically. It's convenient, clean. economicaL See us for free estimates. YEATER APPLIANCE" CO. 255 N. Liberty CEDAR Posts 7 ft. long. 6" diamet er. Del. in lots of 200 or more. Ph. C. P. Younger. 6072. 28 FT. Aluminum ' ridge role. 2 cop per' roof stacks. 1 boy's bicycle, good eond. 1 22 rifle. 3 alarm clocks. 100 ft. picket fence, other misc. items. 458 MillSt. rt.rr" washing machine, recond. throughout.2425 Center. ARE You retting poor radio recep tion? Then try the powerful 8 tube Tropic Master. Standard broadcast and shortwave bands. Ideal for locations where reception ir ordinarily poor. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty River Silt MASON SAND. CONCRETE M XX. AND FILL DIRT ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Bulldozing Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH. 2-1966 2-3100 FOR Your recreation room we have a radio (The Rumpus Master) that can really reach out and will stand abuse. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Uberty VENEER s.xi 'Priority free." Ser vice Lumber Co. Ph. 288-, Stlverton. Ore. . THRIFTY MARSHALL strawberry plants. Grown on new land. $12.50 per thousand. 3640 Cherry Avenue (log cabin). U. ST SIGNAL CORPS portable phone and C. W. transmitter Ax re ceiver, 38: to 38 kilocycles. Complete with bower supply. Ready to operate. 8100. Ph. Z11Z3 COMB. SECRETARY and bookcase. 815. Ph. 7271. RADIO & ELEC. hot plate. 2 -burner. $10. ELMER ROBINS. Rt. 8, Box 321-B. ' mile S. Swegle Schl. VARIETY OF apples, some filberts Ax dry prunes. 404 S. 16th. Ph. 7251. DECORATIVE And Ugh ted house numbers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty f River Silt MASON SAND FILL DIRT PIT RUN GRAVEL KEIZER SAND & GRAVEL CO. Phone 2-1749 TUO Slice electric toasters 82.10, 4 slice 83.85. YEATER APPLIANCX CO. 255 N. Liberty WE buy and seU rurnilure, tools stoves, dishes, motors, radios. Electric aopliances, household goods KLIG MAN'S 283 N Commercial Ph 9089 Kitchen and bathroom light fixtures. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty STOVE as Diesel Oils. Prompt roet ered delivery service Any titne. LARRY'S FUEL OIL Ph 1-1917. 't mi. N. of Pen 4 Corners ELECTRIC Chimes, long and short tubes, motor driven., and mechanical chimes YEATER APPLIANCX CO. - 255 N. Uberty TCBlSOCUTX.YNew" brown Inch winter coat, never worn, price 840. imnjire isto s .Cottage. HEATTNG Pads i electric K Plastic eJotnes lines, ironing pads and covers. YEATER APPLIANCX CO. 255 N. Uberty rUllJR Brushes7l745"GraPt P 8357 ' HEAVY Gray top-coat, tailor-made. size 40. 823. O. K. Cleaners. 114 Capt. ORDER BETTER HOMES AND GAR DENS and American Homo at Use pres ent low price of 3 yrs.. 83.00. Made moisene. one yr, t3M. Ph. 7828. Mrs. Paul H. Hauser. 925 Saginaw St. psms av SpVtig , , pa Rocking chairs, as low as' 3.50 Breakfast set 8 JO Kitchen tables 3.00 Dining set. T piece 19.50 Men's suits. . L $5 and up Heating stoves as low as 1.0B Dresser , 3.50 Shoes as low as . . tM Old Dishes !fc Price MACS. 149 S. Church NEW Homo box type sewing ma chine. Good stitching. 823. 255 Center. SMOOTHIES For perfect Ice cream. YEATER APPLIANCX CO. 335 N. Uberty ICR SiC. 6ySwner7-P. S. Wick" upright piano end - wood circulator heater both good condition. Must seJ immediately. 471 Kingwood Ave, W For SafetftBceVLneaak Farm Master. Available every day of the year $18.95 per 100 Sears Farm Store America's most Complete Farm Store Salem. Ore. Phone .9194 COAL Or briquet circulating heater. new wood range. J YEATER APPLIANCX CO. y jl - 255 N. Uberty ' PLASTI-Kote. the durable paint with the celophane-like finish. YEATER APPLIANCX CO. 255 N. Liberty ; : FLOUR ESCENT Desk lamps. Ideal for student cr office. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255NJ:Ubertyj CHRISTMAS Cards with name 25 for 81.00 to 82.50. Also all occasion notes, everyday greeting cards 81 00. Mrs. Ed Satter. 3249 Center. Ph. 3254. ALWAYS a big St..- - WmKjrvs rum Mure Mkt Ph 5110 AUTOMATIC Electric cldearm water heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Uberty ; G H 57 GAl.ION Hoist 505 Cenier"ST sTUV k repairing At porta Woodrv Mkt J605N Summer Si SALEM-WASTE paper Co. We buy magazines and news papers. Cardboard sheets and boxes, any size, for tale. 1790 N. Front. SUN Lamps "(ultra violet and Infra red) portable and stand models with timers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Uberty Unfinished Furniture Salem's exclusive unfinished fuml Hire large assortment or made to or ier Picketts Furniture 13th and State fTOrISCENT Kitchen fixtures and single tube brackets for use near your mirror. - YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty j REGISTERED A.K.C. Irish Setter puppies. Call 7673 after 5 P.M. or Sat. and Sun. WALL Type can openers, citrus fruit tuicers. r YEATER APPLIANCE CO. i55 N Liberty CIRCULATING wood or coaf"heatef. like new. large size. Mark Lewi;, Turner Ph. 653. 25 YOUNG breeding does. New Zea land Whites, good stock. 2475 S. 12th. Call after 5:00 P.M. BRUNSWICK sewing machine and attachments, excellent condition, 840. 823 N. ComlPh. 2-4145. . USED Elec. washing machine, good condition. Phone 6344. 1 SINGLE Booth with masonite ta ble. 2003 N. Capitol. 1 IRRIGATION system used less than 60 hra.. com. with 9 h p. motor. 460 ft. aluminum pipe. 12 8 gal. Stout springier:, priced to sell. Also John Deere tractor buck take. M. Chris tofferson. P.O. 22. Chemawa. GIBSON Reffigerator:Ph. 22834. EL-5CTRIC range like new" dinette set. luggage, new Corona typewriter and misc. 1115 E. Rural. FOR' SALE: Eureka vacuum cleaner, sweeps good. SIS. Also Rockhill Ever bearing Strawberry plants. 87S Mc Gilchrist St . Salem. 4 IN. Soil fittings. Limited quan tity. Capital Bargain House. 145 Cen ter. . OQS Trumpet, never been used. Call 2-4457. : j SKILSAW, radial saw. floor model drill press ' h.p. motor: Skilsaw; Craftsman band saw with or without n.p. motor a stana: neavy auty flexible shaft with sender ' chuck a buffer. Reuben Paachke. Rt. 4, Box 421. Orchard Heights Road. BALLOON Tired bicycles. Capital Bargain House. 145 Center. BLACK Skunk fur coaL. Phone 24929 after 6 PM. 2 LOVELY Occasional chairs, dav eno. tier top and tables. 9x12 Tkandia flax. all like new, used 3 months. Call 25096. GENUINE Chinese oriental rug size 7'a'xr, like new, cost (196. sell 8173. Large folding ironing board 83. Pair of new hip boots size 9. 87. 1820 N. Cottage. Ph. 9502. USED drag saws. Capital Bargain House. 145 Center. LARGE Size cast iron circulator heater. Burns wood or coal. Used less than 6 mo. 84S. E. E. Brandt. Rt. 6 .Box 431. 6 ml. E. of Salem on Pratum Rd., Salem. BEAUTIFUL white fur cloth coat size 18. $15. Ph. 2-211L ICE Cream freezer. Mills 8 quart with 40 gal. blower type cabinet. Latest model, like new. Saving Cen ter. PortlandRoad. BABY Bed Slid Kant Wet mattres. Good cond. $18. 2050 N. 18th. SNOOKER TABLE 5x10. like new. complete with balls. 12 cues a rack, 8400.00. Ph. 3255. Eyes 21413. GENERAL Electric air compressor unit with h p. AC-DC motor, suit able for paint gun. and one Storm S. portable boring bar with two cutter heads, priced to sell. Residence 753 Mill St. (opposite Southern Pacific Depot). Sheridan. Oregon. 2 NEW barrel back chairs, floral design. 1593 Norway. Ph. 3951 after 6 PM. NEW white ename)edkitchen sinks. Just received, limited quantity. Capi tal Bargain House. 145. Center. COCKER Spaniel pups. 900 Monroe Aye.. N. ofPen4 Corners. APPLES: Windfalls: 23c per box. you pick. Will consider selling the apples on the tree. If interested see Ernest Anderson. Orchard Heights Rd. lmt off WallaceRd. Box 386; KITCHEN sink. Delta lathe, manure 2reader. perf. shape. Out Silverton d. Rt. 7. Box 393. MAN'S genuine sheep skin lined leather coat. 371 Union. . Kitchen and Industrial exhaust fans. YEATER APPLIANCX CO. 253 N. Liberty Trade Miscellaneous BUILDING SUPPLIES: New brick, plywood ,". firtex ceiling squares, new window Ax frame, 24x14 wtth glass, used galvanized furnace At tin pipe for 5 lengths. ." metal pipe Ac 10 Llengths soil pipe. Call 21970 or 25265. Wanted MiMnuo3ous WANTED: Small oil circulator. Write or see Joseph 8. Miller. Rt 2, Box 10-B. Salem. WANT to buy Fly Shuttle carpet loom. Write Wm. Lesley. 458: Mill St.. Salem. Oregon. USED washing mach any cond. Ph. 55ZZ HAVE EULDG. supplies to trade for IV metal pipe As soil pipe. Bldg. sup- W liJ . . - -& .4 Ok. 21979 or 25263. W ANTED: HOUSES TO WRECK. Cash paid. Ph. 1-440. ; WANTED: Used washing machine, any condition. Ph. 5698. WHY TAKXless for your' furniture? See Russ Brignt Ph. 7511. UED fURNITURE phono 8110 WANTED: PIANOS Will nay eaeh Wills Mosie Store 438 Itate St DISHES over 23vts ok! Upstairs Antlqoe, Shop 439 Court Ph 2-1443 USED FURNITURE Ph 9183 WANT TO" Buy. Used cameras At tonsH McEwan Photo Shop 433 State WOULD Uko to buy aB kinds of burlap and cotton bags. Also have bur Up and cottons for sale Willis KeUey -86O s. comx st. CASH for used otano At other tarn steal UMtrumenU Call 4841 days or 9531 evenings or send description so laoxnth music Co- 1SI a ; High CASH lee your used fumltuie Ph IBM State St Furniture -1900 State AUTO oeintlng, tust a shade bettet nv Ray ETTER Call Sbrock Motor Co 8503 Wanted -r-Furniture MASONTS . Furniture, 44S Fair grounds Rd. Ph. 24595. : 1 CHICKS . i . i r inaeILuMona Rawlins Music Studio Piano and ;trkUn.; Phono 3-5027. . MAKE your own dresses, suits ami coats while learning to sew. Enroll he dinger's morning, afternoon or evening classes. A complete course 810. ' SINGER SEWING CENTER 141 S. High Ph. 3312 PORTABLE elec. acetylene welding. Ph. 9706. Ed s Service SUtion. t . CHARTS CXIRSETTIXS. -Guaranteed fitting. Nice linedresses.Ph. 9495. BULLDOZING. EARTH, moving Z drainage, drtchea dug Ph. 4047. MODERN" Piano and boogie woogie instruction.. Private lessons. Guaranteed results. L. J. Edgerton Studio. 1820 N. CotUge. Ph. 95C2. Professional Tree Surgeons Best local references, work guaran teed and insured. Ph. 2-4030. EXPERT "Auto" Repairing. Motors re built. Tuneuo. Brake service. Work rua ran teed. Crestview Aito Service. Rt. 3. Box S35, 1st Door East Belcrest MemorlalPk. SALEM ELECTRIC brings to Salem area lowest rate in United States. r OtTSFMO VTVG KAY SIMMONS 2?35 Trsde St. . Ph. 3147 CUSTOM pork curing service, sugar cured hams and bacon 6e per lb.. Smoked with oak wood. McDowell's Market. 171 S. Commercial. Ph. 6757. GUITAR STUDIO. BANJO Mandolin. Etc. Phone 7569 SAND. graveL silt, garden rand, fertilizer. Bosley-Meyer. Ph. 3046 944 N. Coml. SEPTIC Tanks and cess pools clean ed Ph 8745. WATER WELL drilling Domestic or irrigation Outfield Bros Rt 4. Box 80 Phone 2-1313 WEATHER 'trips Pullman Ph 5963" DRAWING and designing house plans. Phone 9621. HEAVY Hauling. Excavat on and Hoad Bulletin Land Clearing Dozer Work Ditching Basement Excavation Sand Gravel Crushed Rnck Mason Sand Concrete Mix Cement Salejn Sand & Gravel Co. 1405 N Front Salem Oregon I Phone 9408 or 21924 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked 75c LES SPRINGER 464 Court St Dental Plate Repair TWO HOUR SERVICE IN MOS1 CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Reoati DR HARRY SEMl.ER DENTIST Aitolph R'rlg tate Mr rym - Ph 331 1 Septic Tanks Cleaned , K F. Hamel 1143 8th West Salem Phone 7404 Mattresses. Capital Bed Co P 4060 Money to, Ioan ' 8 MONEY 8 REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contracts. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS Lie. S-21 M-222 153 S H igh St. FARM and :ITY LOANS 4'., and Your own terms or reparment with in reason Cash for Real E-tate Con tracts and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg Phone 7163 General Finance Corp. offers money at once on cars, trucks furniture, trailer houses, livestock, farm maix-hinery: contracts refinanced and additional money advsnced No co-signers General, Finance is locally owned snd officered, was organized In 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans made by phone 136 South Commercial Sta Salem Phone: 9168 Licenses S-13S At M 338 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M 199 Personal Makes Loans Proof that we try to make EVERY loan 4 out of 3 who ask for a loan here get It! Loans of 825 to 8300 or more made on signature, furniture or auto 8500. No outsiders involved. Come in or phone today. Open Man. thru Fri. 9-5. Closed Sat. Evenings by appointment. See E Gallinger. the YES MAN. at Personal Finance Co. of Salem 818 State St.. Rm. 125 Phone 3191 Lie. S-122: M-165 Financial YOUR SURPLUS MONEY WILL EARN YOU 5 PER CENT INTEREST. BUY A REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE EXAMINE THE SECURITY YOUR SELF. MORTGAGES AVAILABLE IN AMOUNTS OF 8500 TO 87500. WE COLLECT ALL INTEREST AND PAY MENTS FOR THE INVESTORS. NO EXTRA CHARGE. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S. High St. For Rent Roomg LARGE Sip. rm. 1417 N. Liberty. Ph. 21576. WELL furn. sip. rm , close in. Man only. 737 Center. ROOM : Business gentleman pref. 74S N. Capitol. Ph. 5323. Room and Board HAVE room to board 4 more chil dren day and night. Ph. 4518 or 1125 Norway. For Rent Apartments 2 RM. furn. cottage, Elec. stove Ac oil heat. Adults only. Fir Crest Trail er Park. 3910 N. River Rd. For Rent Houses UNFURN. cabin. 1543 Broadway. Call at back door. 3 MO. free rent in exchange for about 1 week's carpenter work. 4 rm. semi-modern house in Turner. Box 798 Statesman. For Rent PAINT SPRAYER. POWER CEMENT MIXER. 100 HANSEN AVE. GOOD Used Piano H L Stiff LIGHT trailer. 960 N. ComTT FLOOR SANDER foe rent Moot- Ward . TRA-LXJtS tor rent 80c pot ar Woodrv's Mkt. 1695 N Summer TUnr-BCS tarn eent Vi drive Us- Cune Or Lovell Phone 9609 " U-DRTVX TRUCKS FOR" RENT Blankets furn 197 S Uberty PI. 9062 FLOOR Sander, elec. floor polisher and lawn roller. Rawlina Hardware, the Marsha V-ells Store. Ph. 8877. Wanted to Rent EMP. mother with girl aged 10 needs furn. apt- or would share apt. ' or small hse. 1067 S. 13th. "TTRflENTT'Responsible adult family needs unfurn. bouse or apt-, not over 873. Careful, considerate. Pb, 7936. EXSERVlCIMANTwlfe 1 yr. old need furnlrhed apt. or house. Prefer Highland school DisL Neither smoke nor drink. Call 24108. Mrs. Grant Saunders. or RM. HOUSE ' with bid. for 1. Not more than 12 mi. from Sa- len-i Wrrte Statesman. Box 79a. BY EMPLOYED middle-aged couple. 2 or 3 rm. turn. apt., permanent. Write Statesman. Box 7S3. PERMANENT state employe, wife and daughter want small unfurn. house. Box 783 Statesman. WORTUNGEady desperately needs J. or 3 bdrra. house. References and best of care. Ph. 21768. VETERAN. Wife and baby need -mall bouse or apt. Phone -4715. For Sale Real Estate 1 To JBuy or Charles HOMES i COMPLETELY FURNISHED 3 irms- wired for elect, range. 48 gal. hot water tank, lota of built-ins and inlaid lin. Near Four Corners. Sal 122X. - , , r MOVING TO DALLAS We have a 4 bedroom home, partly furnished. Located 3 blocks -from busi- ness dist. Close to school. 97200. Sal U9A FARMS GENERAL FARM 25 acres. 2 cult-, small amount of. timber, sandy-black loam all fenced. Elect, and phone. Mile from Sunny side, $7500. Sal 108. EVEN THE DOG GOES SO A. 35 cult. 2 good houses, 3 barns, drag saw. small tools. 300 good prune trees. 20 tons hay. all seeded, orchard cover crop in. 1 chickens and even the dog included for 29000. Nr. Falls City. Sal 116. NEXT DOOR TO SALEM 46s A.. 38 A. cultivated. 40 walnut tree. 10 acres in profitable cherries, 16 acres prunes. Fine 8 room farm home. 32x40 barn. 816.500 or 823.000 with furniture and all eouip. Sal 118. THIS ONE IS FOWL 48 acres, wheat, oats and barley, small house. Turkey range equipment. 810.600. Sal 119. TURKEYS ARE PROFITABLE AGAIN You are all set to go on this fine ranch of 54 A.. S2 in cult. Fam. or chard. 8 room home, 8 turkey brooder houses. An A No. 1 farm. Nr. Jeffer son.1 825.000. Sal 120. THERE'S A BULL TO SLING HERE IS acres, all cultivated, good pas ture, large chicken house, garage. 10 cows, purebred Jersey bull, double unit milking machine, winter supply of wood. 89500. Sal 121. t SMALL BEAN ACREAGE 5 ; A. trellised for beans. Irrigated. City water main on land. No bnild ing$. 3 miles from city limits. $1600. Sal' 133. INCOME GROCERY BUY Central location in Salem. About $2700 inventory, meat case, ice crea'n refrig.. 2 scales, cash register, adding machine, meat grinder. Good lease. $5200. Equipped. 102 Inc. KILROY WAS HERE $6-;0 per mo. net income from this 3 puir.p service station complete with garage, lube room, ice house, auick (-harper and about $2600 stock. Good location In Portland. $8500. Sal 108 Inc. 8', YEAR LEASE on comb, service sta.. garage, grocery. 2 cabins Ac trailer space. Includes some tools, furniture, sta. equip., inven. of graceries. and 2 welders. Good loca tion. $8975. Sal 105 Inc. CHARLES DELFEL, Realtor 615 N. Capitol St. - Phone 7002 . Wanted to Rent CAPTAIN. Just released from army, and wife desire furn. or unfurn. house or apt. Ph. 7033. - NEED, desperately, furnished apt. or house for veteran, wife and month old baby. Photic 21953. BY DECEMBER 1st Permanent employe of The States man needs two-bedroom house or apartment, furnished or unfurnished. by Dec. 1st. Call Bus. Mgr. Statesman. 12 CANS OF SPRY shortening re ward for information leading to suit able apt. or small house for rent. No children or pets Veteran. Box 948 For Sale Real Estate $8000 NEAT $ room home on S. Lib. St- Large corner lot. Garage. Close to bus and stores. $9000 acre in Keizer dist. 6 room neat attractive home, just 6 yr." old. Chicken house, berries, fruit. $9750 New 5 room home east. Oil floor furnace, oak floors. Attached ga rage. Lot 75x150 with fruit and nut trees. $9950 5 yr. old 5 room modern home N.E. Fireplace, basement. Attached garage. Immediate possession. $10,000 New 5 room home well lo cated south on bus line. Oil floor fur nace. Oak floors. Attached garage. Ven. blinds Lot 65 x150'. $11.000 S room modern home close in S.E. Basement, oak floors, fireplace, unfin. attach, garage. State Finance Co., Realtors Call O. V. Hume with 133 S. High St. Phone 4121 FOR SALE by owner: 2 bdrm. new house with bath. Attached garage, north, all furnished including new elec. range, refrig.. Maytag washer. Ready to occupy. For quick sale, $8750. Ph. 2-2362. . t NEW COTTAGE, generous 3 ': rooms plus laundry, bath, garage. Oil fur nace, electric water heater. Lot 133x140 in scenic Glen View-tracts only l'j miles from business4 district. Price $4800. Veterans only. Phone 6214. Not New But Nice! 2 bedrm. home, nice fireplace, good basement. Excel, location. Priced right at $8250. Call "Habby" Habernicht Joe Hutchison, Realtor 455Court Phone 7696 LOVELY 4 BR house in a real swell dist by Parrish A Hi ' school. It can be handle at bargain. LUSE REALTY. Oregon Bldg. 7952 OWNER : 1 bdrm. nook, shower, toilet, nearly new elect range, furni ture, neat, paved, sewer. Quick poss. 812 Bartlett. Stlverton. FURN. 4 B. R. home. Located on S. 20th. $1500 will handle. 2660 S. Com'l. Ph. IjOlS. SCENIC wevJ home on banks of Willamette. 9 A . 2 B R. bungalow 8 vrs. old. 8 mi. Salem. Terms. 83850. 135 Wander Way. Bet. 23rd A 24th So. of State. $7900 NORTH. Living room, dining room, 2 bedrooms, bath and kitchen. Full basement, furnace, garage. Lot 60x192 with fish pond and shrubbery. 89200 Attractive 5 room home. Oak Ac fir floors, fireplace, Venetians blinds. Upstairs unfinished. Double garage. $15.000 New 4 bedroom home in East Salem. Full basement, oil furnace. Hardwood floors, fireplace, , Venetian blinds. Garage. P. H. Bell, Realtor 810 Guardian Phone 4896 One of the Best. Homes in West Salem ! L. R DIN. RM- kit.. 2 bdrms . bath, utility rm- elec. heat. .elec. hot water heater, plastered, ndw. floors through out, garage, on good corner lot. Price 1124)00. M. O. Humphreys & Co. 228 Fairgrounds Rd. , Ph. 24596 3035 Portland Rd. ; Ph. 7820 , SEE THIS at once. 4 rm house al most completed. Will finish. Nice show er, etc . gas. electricity and city water. Nice place and location. This is a good buy. $3750. Terms and possession. M. D. Looney. with Wm. E Moses 831'- State - Phone 4993 BY OWNER: 3 bdrm home, new dis trict in city limits, near bus. Hdw. floors, oil neat, garage and utility rm. attached, nice lawn. FHA home, 4 yrs old. Price $9500. 1870 N. 22nd St. Ph. FOR efficient and effective sales service call the Salem Realty Co. NOW I rGOOD 7 rm. house $4500. $3000 will handle.1365 Waller. . TWILL TAKE" late model sedan in good spape on $ acres of river bot tom land, mostly orchard, also have good 16-ft. trailer, house, well fur nished for sale. H. C PRATT. 445 S. 21st For Sale Real Estate Sell See Delfel 4 BLOCKS TO STATE HOTT.C.E ' Corner lot. 6 rm. house. 3 bed r ma. main floor, basement, sawdust fur, nace. SvSOO. Sal 124XJ YOUR DREAM rooms, g bedrooms upstairs. 1 down, dining room, living room, fire- place, bathroom. Full baserrent. oil furnace, lawn, shrubs, flowers. Excel- lent. Shown by appointment.- 91300. aai Mix. MORE FUN THAN ANYBODY .14 acres rabbit farm in Keizer dis trict, net income $550 per mo. New t room house, 12x110 rabbit shed. Rab bits and additional equipment avail able. $7500. Sal 123. " BEEF. LAMB & LUMBER Plenty of room for stock, plus 1 million board feet of timber .on this 505 A. ranch 25 nvlesl from Salem. 100 A cleared pasture, over 100 A. graz ing in the timber. 4 'rm. house. Targe barn, cabin, brooder, hen house, 2 good roads. $16,000 Sat 124. SET UP Ac READY TO GO 10 A . 3", cult., black loam soil, fine 2 A. orchard. Elect, water svst. 4 room home. lawn Ac shrubs. 20x214 feed Ac brooder house. 30x34 tile ' in cubator hrc, roub'e "araje. 5 miles of Salem. $10,600. Sal 122. DAIRY FARM 83'i A. near Turner, a'll cultivated. Has creek, large barn, family orchard, good income. $10,500. Equipment avail able. Sal 127. IN THE RED HILLS Orchard and grain farm. 40 A. prunes, walnuts, gooseberries and blackcaps. Oats and vetch. 1 bedroom house. Price includes tractor and machinery. $13,000. Sal 129. WILL YOU BE THE LUCKY ONET 43 acres. 6 miles south of McMmn vil!c. Csl be bought for $8000. Neat room house. Call u for details. Sal 128. 3 A. PRUNES Ac WALNUTS No buildinrs. 3 Mi, south City lim its. Loam soil. $1100-. Sal 134. DONT SLEEP IN THE PARK Here's a place to live AND an in. come. 6 unit apartment house, fur nished. $236 monthlv income, good lo lation. Sal 104 Inc. $18 000. LARGE GROCERY. MEDIUM HOUSE, SMALL TOWN Owner says over $6000 vrlv. net. Store 50x90 on Main St.. Falls City. Price includes 6 room house 100 vds. from Rrac'e school. Mile from high school. Grocery has large stock, good equipment, little competition. $13,700. Sal 112 Inc. MECHANIC NEEDED $700 monthly, net for able man In this service sta. garage. 5-room house. 2 rm. hse. unfinished. 2 welding much., all shep tools. Good location. $24,000. Terms. Sal 115 Inc. - For Sale Real Estate Historic Country Home - Seven Rooms. 2 Fireplaces, beautiful site on the banks of the RickreaU river three miles west of Dallas. Adioining 15 ceres with old house can also bo purchased. Excellent place to keep saddle horses with many miles of hiU roads and trails available. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. .! Phone 2-479$ Beautiful New Movable! Houses Well Insulated and strongly built. 24 feet long. Can be moved as a trailer house. AH fir orescent lighting. Wired for electric heating, cooking and hot water. Beautiful gum wood veneer in laid floors, mahoeanv veneer doors. Lots of cabinets, closets and window space Priced very reasonable at -81650. Possibility of terms. Across from Wat ers ball park on South 25th street. ' MONEY TO LOAN on first mort gages 4 to 6. Call for details. Ed Byrkit & Co. 339 Chemckcta Street Phone 5961 $4500. By Owner: Business location A 5 rm. hse. partly furn. On 4 A, Bus at door. N. Pacific Highway 9SB at Brooks. 2 blks. N. of Ramp A Wh,ite Grocery. Rt., 1, Box 66J. Ship ley ! N. - EXTRA NICE 4 bdrm. home, doublo plumbed, basement, fireplace. H.W. floors, elec. water heater, sere, nice) yard with flowers and shrubs. See Mr. GOODWIN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc., REALTORS Phone 4108 After 8 8711 G. I. Special ' 2 bdrms with unfinished upstairs, elec. heat. hdw. floors, paved street, insulated. Full price $9500. Call for Mr. Isaak. New 2 Bdrm., North Cement floors in garage. cement foundation, large lot, imm. poss. Full price $4950. , Hollywood District 3 bedrms.. large lot. close to school and bus, in good cond. Full price $0800. Brand New . 2 bdrms east, large lot. close to bus, hdw floors, auto, oil furn., imm. poos. Full price $9750. Large house, close in. can be verted into duplex ivery easily. Modern apt. In addition, could rent for $50 per month. Enough room on lot to build another house. Joins creek. Full price. $14,500. ' M. O. Humphrey & Co., Realtors " , 3035 Portland Rd. I - Ph 7820 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-459$ EXTRA NICE 2 B Rm. home N. 22 n St.. fireplace. H.W. floors, bsmt . auto sawdust heat, reduced to $9950. Sea Mr. Goodwin with yT Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. REALTORS - I After $ $71$ Phone 4108 tfiong5.0tiittmatt ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives Ward-45r1ffMh Company. In. Eastern Advertising Representatives Ward-Griffith' Company. Inc. Chicago. New York. Detroit, ' Boston; Atlanta Member as iw . rXm Bureau of Advertising Entered e the Posfofftce at Sa lem. Oveposj as Second Class Uat ter. Published every rormo tr. cept Monday Buainesi office 21i South Commercial Street, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Ma a Subscription Rates tn AdV vance: Within Oregon: Daily andL Sunday. Mo. 80 cents: $ mos. $3 25; 1 year. $8 00. Elsewhere $0 cents per mo. or $720 for 1 year be advance. Per copy $ cents. By City Carrier. 73 cents a month. 89 00 a year to advance in Marion and adjacent counties.