10 Tha) Start man. Solm. OrC Additional Classified Ads on-Page p WANTED- rat MM eei-ier? eowa km Deirv cwws Heifers bulls, veal 9"s ega ann, Mac. aoers Market nr - C McCMMllMft rt T m Iran W rmrk ttt BABY CHICKS eei ilca new HefmpshMe ether varieties F pint Lee's Matcnerv 1 ? . CURIUM areas mi eni-sens Mmb Prmo itrwr Dnni pwH trv vMtuto out soeelsltv PHwne 9-res I I . Ha'enerv GOAT.ANCOA bucks from ton w'nn-ng fVrh at iUU (air. 119.99. P. H. BROWN, SU BL-MITY. ORE. rO BALK Chrle H ao Chicks ever Wad oymetone .3719 stsi st pimm tt t ar. Alarliocu ' IAIXM COMMUNITY "AUCTION Evei -r Saturday 19:30 AM Ml Sirverton Rd. Several Urn consignments of new and um4 nvdae. Including new 9x11 linoleum, table Lamp, chenille spreads, sheets, blankets, towels and etc. Also new . . , Inch rope. Dinette seta, circulator heater. Forre. anvil, bicycle, shallow well lectrlc pump comolete. A large tawrlimnt of farm produce. LIVESTOCK A food selection of Dalrv Cows. Heifers. Calve. a'o some beef stock. Hor Pourt rv Rabbit". SALEM COMMUNITY AUCTION mile east Stat Fairgrounds. rhe plere to Buv and Sell. Phone 3-4074. Miller manager. Aklerman. Auct Auction. Nov. 7. T,pm. Sponsored by the Brtish College Community for the School Hot Lunch program Salem Community Auction (louse 3S10 Silvcrton Rd. . at Lansing Ave. ' Nvlon hore. various sizes, new sheets. 4 ... aiul -fc. Ulha " r "I frttmr. Universal vacuum ele.-ner. with att hmcqU. tree roses, desk, apples. . I terns from the public sold on com- . afwiofl Emery Alderman. Auctioneer Help Wanted Help Wanted- CLERKSL TYPISTS. STENUS. C ASEWORKERS many va. eancies in State Government positions In balein and Portland. State Civil Service provides security of tenure, paid vacation, sick leave, promotion. For information call or write The Stale Civil Service Commission. 444 Center. Salem. WANTED Potato pickers now Close In. 2' mile past fairgrounds Herr-A Riensche. Rt 7-40 1 Middle Grove " pin 'setters wantedru'oToideT i Part time or steadv work. Capital Bowling Alleys. 4g Ferry St. WALNUT Picking at Skyline Orch ard paving 30c half bu. bos with e bonus. Turn right st Liberty Go four ml. on Skvune Rd. First drive to right after passing Prospect school. Hrtp WauleW Male YOUNG Man for part time work Mhts. See A J. Edwards in the pressroom of The Oregon Statesman after 10 PM in well established company Must ! have knowledge of bookkeeping snd acmtv to meet public Portland Gas C oke Co . 100 So. Com I. St. Ilrl vVantett Fentale WANTED Experienced bookkeeper who ran type Good waxes Apply SOS , First Natl. Bk. Bldg. Salem. Ore. Ph. 350 WOMATto teach home drrwmik tng. Prefer woman trained in home economics or with 4-H work. Apply Mr. Wilkinson. Mgr. (mornings only). 1 42 S. High. . GIRL for "light hse. work, also care lor children. Call S Thede. 4900. WE have a home, but motherless. Would tome kind goad woman help us. (or good wages and pleasant home' No dbjection to colored. Rt. 1. Box 92. .Ml Angel. Ore. TELEPHONE OPERATORS wanted No experience necearv. High pay right at the tart S29 for a 40-hr. werk while learning. FrrQitent scheduled increases dree toe first year. Safe, wholesorve iurroundm vaca tions with pay A real opportunity for young women who are looking to the f 11 tllT Kn art . i . . t i . nl..a. ant. interesting anrt profitable. Do not I delay inquire NOW! Experienced Operators Let us tell you how much you can earn Ask for Mr Goodwin. Pacific Telephone At Telegraph Co . 140 State treet Help Wanted Female Experienced altera t i o n women. Must have work ed in tailor rhop. Bet Wages CJteatlV Work. ' - Bernardtv, Tailor-Furrier Rm. 200, First National Bank Bldp. Pll. 2 1 995 . " PHOTOGRAPHER - Experienced . i . . ... wwiwa .uw aw v w. ii . 111 iv Studio. Phone 4522. Salesmen Wanted WOULD You like to earn $10 00 to $19 09 a day. No canvassing. Full or part time work. Requires a car and references. Write Statesman. Box 775. Situation Wanted WILL care for elderrv ladv or bed patient in y home. -Ph. 8713. BRICK Cement work. alo repair work. C. Coodenougtu Ph 7665 " SPRAY PAINTING B semen ts. garages.' Industrial and eommerctal.Ralph Alsman.Ph.24248. Expert repairing application. Call xiva I8-R, old senior wishes appren ticeship In greenhowae. mirs ry or florist shop. Sat. - eve. Full time summer Write Martin Wolfer, 570 Union St. ""GENERAL Auto k -Truck Repair, ph. 8235. 32Q S Lancaster Dr. FOR Prompt, reaao-able moving and liver work call lana. mwsi mov- tn k Dellverv Service. Veteran on- :jjnjr'yMT vrriiiw . . . - ... L. W. CAUDUE, spraying, pruning. 139 Roberts ave. Ph TSUO. i rtprjUDiCID Stenographer will rk for party locaUiui f urn reived apt. or small house for couple. Convenient, rloee In. Call7ST7 days. PATMTInG Jk Paparhanging W G Crowly. 957 Shipping Phone 9513 psoScfMMiv PiayScnMot. 1391 Stale Ares 1-9 Part or all dav Ph 4-W LXJH4' SW axing and Polishuig. of flce and resldeaee floor wax. Janitor service, window cleaning, yard raking, putting In wood, lawn mowing. Insur ed snd bondodPhone 1-5594. VAN"BUREN well drillers. Ph. 9609 " WELDING BLACK S MTTHTN G BODY AND FENDER WORK We specialise In trailer hitches. 1969 East State. Pen 4 cners Interior Decorating , Our specialty Bet ter homes, offices snd apartments One to five men vailsblo. Dick Orey Painter and Decorator phone 25444 or tzia SPRAT painting tour petal or ours Phone 4249 Ererly a Got ten berg PLATTERXNG. 39 yrs. experience. Rt 1. Bos 107 A. Jeff k Ssirs. North "-, " :. AU. WOM guoraniaeo w nimwi wails, woodw ed 1ursd TordaT. WorinbT 7,1948 Situations Wanted HEAVT and light hauling. Any time, any place, anywhere. Ph. 34279. For Sale Miscellaneous ' CLEANED grey eats and Willametle common vetch mixed 4ft. vetch at MS pee ton. Will deliver In ton See W. G. Hanaa. Tel. 2-2142. S ml So of Salem. 'aird. Cast Roberta Sta. MEDIUM size wood circulator 23S J. lata.. Ph. 2&M7altjer S. - GIRLS brown coat also 12-14, nearly new. Cheap. Ph. 9979. , BEAUTirULT snatched livtng room (roup. Montorey. consisting of daven port, two chin, coffee table lamp table. Lush tropical upholstery. Only 4 months pL See at ll2 N. 14th St. PTANO In good condition 13 00 Hollywood twist bed set with inner spring mattresses 99.75 Davenport and! chair set a. 75 3 pe sikurt bed set (very nice) complete wUth spring and mattress 4. 99.75 Beautiful 1 pc i walnut dining room act - . 4 - - 71.15 Pull sise spool bed complete , with spring and mattress 52 JO Simmons twin bed. spring and Inner spring ; mattress, all for 4S.75 Complete set of bunk beds with springs St mattresses J4.7S Twin beds complete with. sprinf and mattress ... It 73 Folding chairs, each - 15 Bright Furniture 453 Court Phone 7511 JXOURESCfcNT Desk lamps. Ideal for student cr office. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N... Liberty ALWAYS a Dia stove Wmidrv's Furnrture Mat Ph lilt A UTt5 MA TIC Electric tidearm water heaters. YEATER APPIJANCI CO. 255 N. Liberty "GH S7 G A LION Hott 505 Center St -STOVt. repaying part. SALEM WASTE paper Co -" sheeu and boxes, any size, for tale. L' N- rront. sun uamps lunra vioiei ana mira red 1 portable and stand models with timers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Unfinished Furniture Salem's exclusive unfinished fumi hire large assortment or made to or der Pickett Furniture 13th and State rLORlSCCxYTCitcnen fixtures and single tube brackets for use near your mirror. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty REGISTERED A K C. Irtah Setter pptea. Cail 7C73 after 5 P-M- or and Sun. , Concrete Buildings Blocks and Bricks BOOCK BUILDING BLOCK CO. South River Rd. Phone 56f GUARANTEED Forever, flashlight requiring no batteries: 2 and 3 cell flashlights. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 NLiberty MYRTLEWOOD Gifts. Pembertoa's. 190 s. 12th. TW O Wi, Vndrctxnm telephone ! YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty . . b, ,br,e"1 , .urt After P.M. 1195', N.J7tlv I adi aim pin-11-up umpi YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty CUTLERY And table ware. YEATER APPLIANCE CQa 255 N. Liberty J JUST Purchased new double breasted tuxedo, size 37 S35. Ph. 2-4915. METAL And plastic bed lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty RADIO Console. S tube, nice tone. 925 00 2155 Chcmcketa. Ph. 24S12. HAY" Oats tt vetch. S05 del Wheat. OaU. 970 a Ton. Ph.2-250U SINGLE And two burner not plates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty 1 21 NEW TWIN Bed box springs and mattresses, used two months until other furniture arrived. Call 3720. RAILROAD Type lanterns. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 2.i5 N. Liberty MIRRAPIANOS from 9395. terms. See these beautiful spinnet style pianos W:th the tone of a baby grand at Tailman's. 3S5 S. 12th. A mile from hirh prices. ATTRACTIVE, Aluminum. Kitchen ' '5r c"ra TER 1 if. ainl tl . MttWt S J j ELECTRIC Room" healers, fan. steam, and reflector types. YEATFR APPLIANCE CO. 255 N . Liberty SMOOTHIES For perfect ice cream. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty ORbERETTER HOMES AND GAR DENS and American Home at trie pres ent low price of 3 yrs.. 93.00. Made moiwllt, one yr . S3 50. Ph. S. Mrs. Paul H. Hauser. 925 Saginaw St. Electric devk. mantle and wall clocks. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty LATE KING apples. ISc a bushel ; bring containers: also 4-vr old fil- ! BroolSL7, I WALL Type can openers, citrus fruit '""""yeater appliance co. I -nrWERrvLtubeTropic Master j Overseas electric radio. Ideal for out- I door or coastal location. . . . . . . . . -u. I J cr r n.. 255 N. Liberty HEAT Your home electrically. It's convenient, clean, economical. See us for free estimates YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N; Liberty RADIOSTTable and console. 10 mod els from which to select. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 2SN.Libertyj TWO PAIR field (Lasses. 8x10 and 11x14 view cameras. Seveil different type lenses. Phone 2-1957. USED Brick 6 mi. south or call 4034 after I pin. E.p. Beckley. DECORATIVE And. lighted house numbers. YEAT-R APPLIANCE CO. 235 N. Liberty; DAVEKO" with lue slip cover. aH j "J k',0!, r?t.. BaX 1B second bouse E of Elma Ave. LADY'S New balloon tired bicycle. 1591 Broadway. j OIL Heater, trash burner with 40 ft. coil, davenport, small size. Mon tag wood range. 460Univerity. INDlRECTFloor lamps and torchiers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 1 255 N. Liberty PAINT Spray outfit complete with motor. 950 OS. Triplet signal generator and volt-ohm millimeter. 930 00. Cor- msaw 1754 ,ner . NEW Sea KHng outboard motor. 3 hp. 2050 S. Cottage. Call after 6. Phone 1481 "MONTAG Furnace and rawdust burn- er Good cond. Ph. 8607. PLASTl-Kote. the"d"urabe paint with the celophane-Uke finish. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty i OLD Style house doors. 1-3 .x7 panel door. 1 new small fruit press, ice ; skates size 7. boys sport coat size IX used suit 3s. 999 So. Summer st. 50B. ice box 912. 360 Richmond St. MONTAG Wood circulator, like new, brown enamel. 20 Beck ave, GOLF i Bag and clubs, nearly new. 2391 State St. Ph. 2-1957. Also Inner commun test ion s j stein. COAL Or" briquet circulating heater, new wood range. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty nretJNCTMas sport" coat size 39, dark grav ail wool suit 38. electric heater with fan, toaster, dishes, doilies and misc. items. 23-1 StteSt. Pn.JU9S7. YOUTH-Bed complete, childs uble and 2 enairs. All brand new. Call st 179S S. CapitlSt after P-m. DELUXE Thayerfo4din"g babv bug gj. practically new! Phone 2442. STOVE" Diesel "-lis Prompt met ered delivery service Any tune . LARRY- FUEL OIL Pb ' 9-1917 ta "i',W of Pen 4 Corners CHRISTfjTGTFTS. crochet, aprons, etc.. Bungalow Gift -bop. 1148 H CosaX Ooaed Wed. ? ITelp 7anted " Female ' WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESLADY In Women's Sportswear '?r " 7. Good Salary and WRITE BOX 767, For Sale Miscellaneous WOOD Circulating heater like new. 430J, 22nd. Ph. 7320. ' 1 ALCAZER kitchen gas range (oven 1 : 1 semi-heavy solid $7f oak round Uble k 3 extra leaves; I 3-burn-er hot plate. Silex type. 1 30-gal. waterjank. Ph.244f. STANDARD Roval typewriter. Good cpnd. 45.VV rite Ekxi782SUit-f man. SMALL size piano Im excel, cond. 1534 Sixth. W. Salem. FOUR -burner gas stove with oven. isoi fairgrounds na. WHITE porcelain wash bowl for two faucets. 1501 Fairgrounds Rd. NOTICE D. E. Decker of the Salem Watch Shop leaving Nov. 14 for 3 mo. vaca tion. All watches in the shop 30 days, not called for. will be sold for repair charges. 23S1 State St. Ph. 2-1957 CRAFTSMAN drill press chuck motor. Elec. fences. Skilsaw. Reuben Psschke Rt. 4. Box 421. Orchard Hghts. Rd . HAMILTON UDrTcht piano. Good conditton. Good tone. SI S3. Call 22S33 after 5 PM Rt. 6. Box WO. PCE. Mahogany din. ret. 1 china closet. One t c. ft. co-op refrigerator. 1; davenport a chair. One high-boy. 1 dressing table. 2 easy-do closets. 2360 Maple. CABINET Sink $40.00. 3890 Sunny view Ave i MAN'ST Brown suit, 100 wool. 40-42, perfect cond S32 50. PTiorve 2-3162 FIGURtNES And small gift Items. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty USED accou-sticon hearing aid. Ex cellent condition. Reasonable price. Phone 2-4000. . ALUMfNUM Sauce pans, well and JJlJlJ 000 heetS- YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX. ' . AND FILL DIRT ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL I Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH. 2-1960 - 2-3100 HEAVY Bronze smoking rtands. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ?55 N. Liberty EXPER7 washina machine service and wringer rolls all makes See Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros Furniture Sre 35 N Liberty Eola Lumber Co. Rt. 4. Salem. Lumber. Red Cedar SKmcles and building mpplies. T. C. iTedl Muller. Phone Salem 2-1196. Yd 5 mi. west of town on Salem-Dallas Hwy. AUTOMATIC Electric grill. 18x39 inches with double thermostat. Ideal for small restaurant or club house. V EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty SEE Us for Christmas Gifts. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty WILL BUY for cman sell or trade guns, pistols ammunition, boats or trailers Don Madison 5-0 No High mrrTr .-, ilTii .nrf I i cup coffee makers with stoves. YEATER ArrLiANtE t-U. 255 N. Liberty ELECTRIC Chimes, long and short tubes, motor driven, and mechanical chimes YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 2S5 N. Liberty The 3T R. Watkins Co. products. 1717 CenterSt.Ph5395. HEATING Pads (electric). Plastic clothes lines, trcmng pads and covers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 256 N. Liberty m FULLERBrushes . 1745 Grant P 835"1 ELECTRIC Pants pressers. curling and soldering irons. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. : 255 N. Liberty "TARPSfor truck or trailer. 960 N". Com I. " 8 INCH table saw. Al condition 930. Henry G. Kuper. Rt. 5. Box 80. Ph. 8782 after 6 P M. GRAPES 5c ib. Not damaged by ram or frost. King apples 75c and 35c per box. Ernest Anderson. Orchard Hgths. rid., one mi. off Wallace Rd. Bring Boxes. RADIOS from 99-75 to 912 50. STATE ST. 1900 State 95-915. Baby cribs FURNITURE Ph. 7596 River Silt MASON SAND FILL-DIRT PIT RUN GRAVEL KEIZER SAND GRAVEL CO. : Phone 2-1749 "T-WOv-Jlce electric toasters 92. 10, 4 slice 93 85. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty wk uv and sen lurnnure stoves, dishes, molars radios. Electric aopliances. household goods KLIG MAN'S 285 N Commercial Ph 9-95 EARLV American maple davenport, maple coffee table, overstuffed chair, comb, lamp table. 9x12 grey broad- loom rug. Ph. Turner 12. - 2 LEOPARD-hides, very beautiful. suitable for rugs or coat trimming. 2381 State St. Ph 21957. ' NEW lady's coat size 14. Ph. 476?. WOOD Circ. heater with coils and pjpe. 830Judson LEVER type aluminum orange juic er: pint size unbreakable thermos bottle:: child's good sturdy chair like new: tuxedo. English broadcloth, size 37-38; -4 rolls trou latin felt 4200 sq. ft.); 19 in. china platter just right for that Urgeturkey.Phone 5778. OVERCOAT size 40. good condition. O. K. Cleaners. 1140 North Capitol. MA HOG. dining rm. set, buffet. U ble and 6 chairs, high jrrade. like new 975. Hand crocheted bed spread, dou ble bed size 950. First hse. south of Liberty school, on right. HAND made quilts, table linen, cut rUss. jewelry and other articles. Mrs. Barker, 1190 N. Cottage. Ph. 3613. COLllE dog. Papers desired. 00 Monroe Aye, north of Pen 4 Comers. GARAGE Equipment: Air compressor unit, small volume up to 10OO lb. per sq. Ij AC-DC motor. 12 ton hydraulic bencfl :. press, storm portable cylinder boriner bar with 9 cutter heads. 753 Mill St-, ShTidsn. Ore. Opposite 8. Depots 1 USED Tbricks. coiled wood range and water tank, two 50 sal. oil dnns. Urge book care. Ph. 2-347. - ""BEAR Cat garden - tractor, bought new this summer and used very little. Phone 24354. Kitchen snd bathroom liaht fixtures YEATER APPLIANCE CO. u i . las N. LibertF - - Help Wanted Female and Accessory Store " Commission STATESMAN For Sale Miscellaneous . Farm Master CHICKS Available every day of the year $ 1 8.85 per 100 Sears Farm Store America's most Complete Farm Store Salem. Ore. Phone 9194 TWO 21 ft. aluminum ladders. In quire between 5 a 9 P.M. 245 S. 15th. OIL Circulator. Duotherm. good cond. 5125.00. 14 miles part Fairgrounds on Sil verton Highway. Rt. 7. Box 403K. PHILCO Radio. Cabinet size. S40. Vic trola and IS double records 920. Rugs. 9x12 Axminster 935. 9x10 body Brus. sets 930, 9x12 Woolton 935. Chesterfield (bed davenport 965. "Eiler" upright piano and stool 9185. D. R. Ext. table and 5 chairs 950. Sideboard 510. Cabi net 510. Library Uble 98. Rocker 97. Call at 851 S. Liberty between 5 and 8 P.M. Friday. Saturday or Sundav. NEW Universal one man chain saw ', 9350. Lester Mudgett. 15 Tess Ave. Block north of Park St. VACUUM "Sweeper '510. Ph. 9406. 2 BLUE snowsuits. rize 2: 2 pair white wool leggings size 3: 1 hi-chair: beige wool dress size 11: beige fitted coat size 12: lady's teal blue suit size 11-12: man's dark overcoat size 38-40. Call mornings or after 5 P.M. Ph. 4898. ""PUBLIC Address system double set. speaker, mike It ext. cord comp. Ph. 23F21. R.W. Johnson. Rt5. Box 189. ELEC. washing machine. 3 mi. W. on Dallas Highway. Box 469 ' SOLID Oak buffet 975: breakfast set. table and 4 chairs, 930: maroon spring filled chair 935. Ph. 2-2428. CHRISTMAS Cards with name 25 for 81.00 to $2.50. Also all occasion notes, everydav greeting cards $1 00. Mrs. Ed Satter. 3249 Center. Ph. 3254. REVOLVER, cal. 380. $r5. 3215 Port land Rd. ELEC. Range. L H ; Wood circu lators. Universal wood gas range. Rockers, chairs, tables. 50 lb. ice box. Men's suits. Asst. of Children's toys. MAC'S 145 S. Church UNIVERSAL chain saw. Box 15 Teas Ave. off Park Ave. j AUTOMATIC Electric record play ers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty SMALL New Emerson radio. 2 pairs white Chicago shoe skates, man's size 9' 2. ladies size 6'2 and skate case. All good condition. Call afternoons. 730 N. Com 1. apt. 3. J MAYTAG Washing machine, daven port and chair, rubber hose, dinette sets, gas hot water heater, ten. wood range, ice box. baby beds, che?t of drawers. Mason's Furniture. 2446 Fair gTounds Rd. WOOD Range, hot water tank. Crane deeD well system. 2275 Lancaster Dr. EASTMAN Kodak, postcard size, w"n ""er m two rolls oi mm lis 5271. VACUUM cleaner, similar to E'--trolux. like new. with every attach ment, extraordinary good cleaner. Phone days 8141. Water Heaters for Immediate de livery. 40 gallon Collins 996-5. 50 gallon Westinehouse 8115.00. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty MAKE YOUR OWN signs as you need them. Use Mittens Display Let ters. Call 6316. - Kitchen and industrial exhaust fans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Trade- Miscellaneous FOR SALE OR TRADE L. C. SMITH SUPER SPEED 11". WILL SELL OR TRADE FOR 5 HP JOHNSON OR EVNIRUDE OUT BOARD MOTOR. SEE AT 3365 PORT LAND RD. PH. 3255 DAYS. 2-4479. EVE. LOT' to trade for" car in good cond. Tall 24837 after 5:30except Sun. . WANT To trade modern gas range for modern electric range. 1240 S. 15th. Wanted M i-cellaneons HOME for kittens. Ph. 3723. LATE apt, size gas" range. Ph. 25471 . WANTED Daveno. bunk beds. : gar den tools, blower fan, wood heater. Phine 24948, WANTED One or two trained cat dogs. 594 N. 12th. Ph.6918. WANTED: Oregon "Code. Digest re ports and Annotations. Ph. 5811 or 3688. WANTED: Investment in Salem grow ing business. Box 779. Statesman. WANTED: 2 wheel stock trailer. 2 stanchion. 16 in wheels. Must be In A-l cond. Del Barber, Barbers Mar ket. Turner. Oregon. ; V? ANTED: HOUSES TO WRECK?. Cash paid. Ph. 3-4840. . 7 OR 9 in. electric table saw with or without motor. Ph. 25471. 2000 GOOD CHRISTMAS trees, stum page or delivered. Ph. 25140. .WANTED: Used washing machine, any condition. Ph. 5698. WHY TAKE less for your furniture? See Rusa Bngnt Ph. 1511 ; USED fUHMTUHE Phone 5110 WANTED: PIANOS Will pay cash Wills Music Store 433 State St DISHES over 25 yrs. old Upstairs Antique Shop 439 Court Ph 3-1443 USED FURNITURE Ph 9195 WANT TO Buy. Used cameras & tenses McEwan Photo Shop 435 State WOULD Like to buy all kinds of burlap and cotton bags. Also have bur lap and cottons for sale. Willis Kelley. 2860 S. ComT. St ; CASH for used Dia no & other mu steal instruments Call 4841 days or 9537 evenings or send description to faqurth Music Co. 191 S High CASH lor your used furnltuie. Pb T596 State St Furniture 1900 State AUTO painting, lust a shade better by Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Motor Co 8S0X Wanted Furniture MASON'S Furniture, grounds Rd. Ph. 24595. 244 Fair- Miscellaneous PORTABLE elec acetylene welding. in. 7PS. Hi service station. ; CHARIS CORSETTIES. Guarantee- fittmg. Nice line dresses. Ph. 9495. BULLDOZING. EARTH mov ing at drainage, ditches dog: u 44i. Miseenaneoas MODERN Piano and boofle woogie instruction. Private lessons. Guaranteed results. L J. Edeerton Studio. 1820 N. Cottage. Ph. 9502. Professional Tree . Surgeons Best local references, work garan- teeo sm inaureov rn. z-ojo. EXPERT Auto Reoairins. Motors re built, Tuneup. Brake aei vice. Work guaranteed. Crestriew Auto Service, Rt. aBox 535. 1st Door East Belcrest Memorial Pk. ' .SALEM ELTRlC brings to Satem area towet t. iT't-rt States. rOtiSEM6VMA KAY SIMMONS 2233 Trade St. ' Ph.. 3147 CUSTOM' pork curing service, suxar cured hams - and bacon 6c oer lb. Smoked with oak wood. McDowell's Market. 171 S. Commercial, ph. 9757. GUITAR STUDIO. BANJO Mandolin. Ete. Phone 759 A-fD. gravel, silt, garden rand, fertilizer. Bosley-Meyer. Ph. 304. 944 N .03rn l SftPTlt,' Tanks and cess pools clean ed. Ph. 8745. WATER 'WELL drilling Domestic or irrigation Duf field Bros Rt 4. Box 90 Phone 2-1313 WEATHER strips Pullman Ph 596? DRAWING and designing house plans. Phone 9621. : HEAVY Hauling. Excavat on and Huad Building Land Clearing Uuzei Work Ditching Basement Excavation Sand Gravel Crushed Rock Mason ?and. Concrete Mix Cement Salem Sand & Cravel Co. 1405 N Front St Salem Oregon Phone 9408 nr 21924 BEKINS Nationwide mov servT773 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked 75c LES SPRINGER. 484 Court St Dental Plate Repair TWO HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mad Your Plates for Recall DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTI3T A do 1 01 Ride tte Mr Cnm - Ph 9311 Septic Tanks Cleaned K. r. Hamrl 1143 8th. West Salem Phone. 7404 Mattresses. Capital Bed. Co. P 409 Monev to Loan 9 MONEY 9 REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contracts. STATE FINANCE CO . REALTORS Lie. S-216 M-222. 153 S. High St. FARM and -1TY LOANS 4a and 5 Your own terms or repayment with in reason Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg Phone 7162 General Finance Corp. offers money at once on cars trucks furniture, trailer houses. livestock farm marchtnery: contracts refinanced and additional money advanced No co-signers General Finance is locally owned and officered: was organized in 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans made by phtme 139 South Commercial Sts.. Salens Phone: 9168 Licenses S-138 M-339 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M 159 Personal Makes Loans Proof that we try to make EVERY loan 4 out of 5 who ask for a loan here get it! Loans of 925 to 9300 or more made on signature, furniture or auto 9500. No outsiders involved. Come in or phone today. Open Mon. thru Fri. 9-5. Closed Sat. Evenings by appointment. See E. GaUinger. the YES MAN. st Personal Finance Co. of Salem 519 State St.. Rm. 125 Phone 3191 Lie. S-122; M-165 Financial YOUR SURPLUS MONEY WILL EARN YOU 5 PER CENT INTEREST. i BUY A REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE. EXAMINE THE SECURITY YOUR SELF. MORTGAGES AVAILABLE IN AMOUNTS OF 9500 TO $7500. WE COLLECT ALL INTEREST AND PAY ME NTS FOR THE INVESTORS. NO EXTRA CHARGE STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S. High St For Rent Rooms ROOMS for university students . 2 blocks from campus. Shower. Study room. Private entrance. Phone 9821 after 5 P.M. For Rent Houses HAVE House to rent in Corvalliz In exchange for rental of house or apt in Salem. See R. F. Miller. 540 S Liberty St.. after 3 P.M. or call 5987 between 10 A.M. k 3 P.M. MODERN 4 room house, partly fur nished. 10 miles east SiXverton on Falls hiway. Phone 7F112. For Rent FOR RENT Soace for used cars on main Pacific Highway, faces three streets. An Meal location. 950 per month. Grabenhorst Bros., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 HOWSERS RENT-A-TOOL The cheapest and best way is with adequate tools We may be able to heln veu. Phone 3646. PAn3f"SPRAYR. POWER CEMENT MIXER. 100 HANSEN AVE. GOOD Used Atano H L 6t LIGHT trailer. 9C0 N. Com!. FLOOR SANDER for rent. Mont ornery ward TRAILERS tor rent 90c per I WoodrVs Mkt 1H05 N Summer TRUCKS tot rent You drive Mc fune Lovell Phone 9609 U-DRIVE ' TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets furn 197 S Liberty Pt. 9062 FLOOR Sander, elec. floor polisher and lawn roller. Rawlins Hardware. the Marshall Wells Store. Ph. 6877. Wanted to Rent NEED, desperately, furnished apt. or house for veteran, wiie ana mon i oia hib Phone 21953. VET needs furnished -apt. or house for family of three. Cell BHJiop iu dios. 5722. for game n-oop. rn5DL ; ssed couple from out of town must nave turn, or unxuxn. apt nr kniiBi Tux 781 Statesman. - ""ETPLOYTD -girls desire small fur- nished apartment, no drinkers. Call 9408daya. STATE em p. cpL need furn. apL up to 960 mo. Perm, resi rnia. nc a. Aim s-n P M "WAN'T'THoe to rent. Will lease for one year or more. ra. jwi sncr i HrTTRAN. Wife ' and baby need small house or apt, t-none iu., APT. By couple employed in West Salem. Call 9258 before pjn. eL a 4Mtlred. ') ""YOUNG Manager local business needs two-three room furnished apartment. Veteran. No children. Permanent resi dent. Call 9191. . HO&SE, furn. or unfurn. for veteran and narentK. Verv tireent. Box 778. EXPERIENCED Stenographer w iTl work lor party locating furnished apt. or small house for couple. Convenient. close in. Cell t7 days. TORN. Aot. desired by life insur a nee representative and wife. Box 768 Statesman. ' . HOUSC. or aDt. Bob Geddea. Stev ns 4s SonJewelers.Ph.U18. Eye. SZ18. rtTRS: emoloyedalem Gen, How. desires apt. or house ter . self and mother. Box 769 Statesman. -Wanted to Rent Three room furnished apartment for, local busi ness man and wife. Call from 8:00 A. M. to 6:00 P.'--M.-' fori- appointment. Phone 21995. . "T- BY-toECEMBER 1st ' Permanent employe of The States man needs two-bedroom house or apartment, furnished or unfurnished, by Dee. 1st. Call Bus. Mgr. SUtesman. CARPENTER wfll "do" remodeling; or repair for furnished on onf-rni-bed house or apartment. No children or pets. Write Box T74 State a. J--i k turn. apt. Vet. wwr injt cou ole. No drinking, children, or pets Ph United Air Lines. 5783. PERMANENT Salem resident desires 3 or 4 room unfurnished bouse with automatic . heat. Best of retei Call 7450 evenings. - 12 CANS OF SPRY shortening re ward for information leadmg to suit able apt. or small house for rent. No children or pets. Veteran. Box 948. i For Sale Real Estate IRON Mountain Beach, just north of -Newport "The mart beautiful sub division on the Pacific Coast. All oversize lots; all fullv restricted: all sold on easy terms. Buy now. F. F. Angelo or Art Turner. AT. 7171. 328 SW Washington. Portland. Oregon Frank L. McGulre. TO BUY OREL SEE THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 2-4793 FIVE ROOM HOME. Two bedrooms, liv. R.. fireplace. K. ai. 1 nook, base ment, automatic heat. elec. water heat er, l'i blocks from school, 1 blk. to bu-. Price $8500. Needham's Real Estate Ml State St. Room 4 ATTENTION cTl.: Nice lot. Walnut trees. Good location. Approved loan k priorities fur 4 rms, bath and dinette. Utility rm. in i basmt. Changes in plan to suit eligible G. I. Duyer. Ph. Z46SO. BUILDING Lots. Silvcrton Road. 60 x179 9400.00. See Mr. GOODWIN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. REALTORS Phone 4108 After 68715 Dan, the Real Estate Man City homes, lots, small or large suburban acreages and farms. Open evenings. A. E. Danielson, Realtor 168 No. 12th St. Ph. 24483 EXTRA Nice 2 B Rm. home N. 22nd St.. fireplace. H. W. floors, bsmt.. auto sawdust heat, reduced to 99950.00. See Mr. GOODWIN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. . REALTORS Phone 4108 After 8 9715 FOR efficient and effective sales service call the Salem Realty Co. NOW? LOT 56x105 FT. Pleasant home addi tion. Close to Leslie school. $700. Call Gardner Burt Picha, Realtors Phone 3210 337 N. High Street SPECIALS 96000 Modern 1 bedroom home. Southeast. $7000 Four bedroom home. North. $8750 Three bedroom home, good lo cation a good buy. $10.000 Modem 2 bedroom home on l' acres. $12.600 Modern home South. $6000 down. hal. 940 per mo. $12.750 Ultra modern home. West Salem. See this. We have a large modern apartment house, close in. Inquire about this. Morris Realty Co. 970 S. Commercial St. Phone 4217 $7800.00 New 2 BR home. All ma terial to finish except plaster. More land if desired. For more information call OMER. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Ph. 21549 341 Chemeketa St. . eves ZOUHI e r a v. .. .-. i im i v A c V,n.. 1 ,i T ct.vlnn S A viith r A woodshed. Elec and t nm. 1 1 - lie i ii. s iii i paved highway. Furniture inc. Price $4800. Call Stayton 635 or tee Ed Kreitrer. eve. Outstanding! 1 yr. old. 3 bedrm ranch style home. Careful planning., excellent design noticeable thruout. Party room and bedrm. in basement. Blk. to Bus. 3 Blk. to school. Everything to be de sired. Price $13,750. Call "Habby Habernicht Joe Hutchison, Realtor 455 COURT Phone 7696 $8750.00 BY OWNER Modern 3 bdrm. Home, Hdwd. firs.. full base., aut. heat. El. water heater. 2386 State. Phone 6203. ' LARGE ROOMS On cemented street. One of those extremely well built homes 15 years old. H W. floors, I ire place, a in in g room. 2 bedrooms on ground floor. 1 bedroom in basement. S. D. furnace. A real home for $9000. 'C" Kilgore Real Estate 423 S. 12th Eve. 21173 ' Ph. 4835 $3500 Full Price 3 rm. plastered garage house. large lot, located east. Paved road, elose to school. Call for Mr. Isaak. $5750 Partly Furnished 9 rm. house located In business xone. north. A coming district. Immedi ate possession. See H. E. Corey. G. I. Special Very nice new home located north. Large lot. $13,500. M. O. Humphreys 3035 Portland Rd. Phone 7820 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 24596 Ahrams and Ellis, Inc. PHONE 9519 9500- PRACTICALLY NEW Fur nished almost. Nice lot. Close to bus and schools, garage ana storage. - $7200 PRICE KJJULI f W ROOMS. living rm. dining rm. mod ern bath off hallway. Yard completely fenced. Wonderful place far the child and the puppy. ' . PRE-WAR BUILT. RANCH TYPE, four bed rooms, spacious living room, archway into dining rm, carpeted floors in both. Beautiful play room with fireplace, den. fruit rm, venet. blinds, patio fat back. Full brm. auto furn. beat. Double, garage attach ed to house, bus by the door. Priced for - immediate gait - for leas -., than Slnnm North. 97509 EXCELLENT CORNER LOT. 3 large bed, glassed in dining nn, patio in back, garage attached. Large shade trees. Close to bus and schools. - 96000 2 BED ROOM HOME and serve-yourself laundry. You can have a growing business right . at your home. - South. - $9000 NEW 2 BEDRM. HSE. Hard wood floors throughout. Can go G. L Abrams '& Ellis--.Inc. 4U Masonic Bldg. - INSURANCE1 Phone 9910 MORTGAGES' - Home and Income . 4 Blks from town. Two bdrm. home on deep lot. i Apt. m dock ox nouse rented. Basement With auto, furnace. Several fruit and nut trees on lot. At tractive fireplace. $3000 . win nanoie. Asking price $7950. Make an appoint' ment to see at your convenience. Salem Realty Company r W j BarUetL Realtor 149 N. High SL : I Phone 766C "List with Salem" to Sell 'Em For Sale Real Estate To Buy or Chkrles HOMES . ' - . ' , : COMPLETRLY FURNISHED 4 BLOCKS' TO STATE HOUSE 3 rms, wired for elect, range. 40 Corner lot. 6 rm. house. 3 bed rms gal. hot .water tank, lots of built-in- main floor, basement, sawdust fur and Inlaid lin. Near Four Corners. Sal nacc. 99500. Sal I24X-. f - ' 122X. 96300. YOUR DREAM - MOVTMO TO DALLAS ' - rooms 1 bedrooms upstairs. 1 'down. We have 4 B.R. home, partly fur- dining room, living room, fireplace. S nished. Located 3 blocks from busi- bathrooms, full basement, oil furnace, nees diat. dose to schooL $7300. Sal lawn, shrubs, flowers. Exec! lent. Shown 125X. FARMS EVEN THE DOG GOES - GENERAL AND STOCK FARM 90 A 35 cult. 2 good houses. 3 barns. Bordering open range. About 40 head S cows, tractor, harrow, fresno. drag of sheep. 129a A- S3 under curtrvation. saw. small tools. 300 good prune trees, has 2 creeks t some timber. Could be 20 tons hay. All seeded, orchard cover subdivided. Nice 4 room house. 114.000. crop in. 7 chickens and even the dog Sal 125. . included for $9000. In rails City. Sal . DAIRY FARM It. . 8i A. near Turner, ail cultivated. THIS ONE IS FOWL Has creek, large barn, family oWSard. 48 acres, wheat, oats and barley, good income. $10,500. Equipment avail small house. Turkey range equipment, able. Sal 127. 919.600. Sal 119. IN THE RED HILLS THERE'S A BULL TO SUNG HERE Orchard and grain farm. 40 A prunes, 15 Acres, all cultivated, good pas- walnuts, gooseberries and blackcaps, ture. large chicken house, garage. 19 Oats and vetch. 1 bedroom house cows, purebred Jersey bull, double unit Price includes tractor and machinery milking machine, winter supply of $13,000. Sal 129. . wood. 99500. Sal 121. LITTLE PUDDING RIVER MORE FUN THAN ANYBODY 15, A. 5 Mi. East on Garden Rd I Acres rabbit form in Keizer dis- 9 A. cultivated. Soil good for btbs dt tricL net income $550 per mo. New 3 flowers. A steal at 94000. Sal 132 room house. 12x110 rabbit shed. Rabbits. 3 A. PRUNES Ac WALNUTS '" rtii .HHitinnml Mlilinm.nl availahl. Ta . h. . . ,- $7500. Sal 123. INCOME GROCERY BUY NEW CAR AGENCY Central location in Salem. About In irna'l Willamette valley town, $2700 inventory, meat case. Ice cream Good location, new building with refrig.. 2 scales, cash register, adding parts dept.. show room. etc. Price co i- machine. meat grinder. Good laese. pleted. $45,000. Sal 113 Inc. $5200. Equipped. Sal 102 Inc. MECHANIC NEEDED DO NT SLEEP IN THE PARK $700 monthly net for able man ta Here's a place to live AND an in- this service sta. garage. 5-room bouse, come. 8 unit aoartment -house, furnish- 2-rm. hse. unfinished. 2 welding wiach ed. $236 monthly income, good Iocs- all shop tools. Good location. $24,000. tion. Sal 104 Inc. $18,000. Ter.i-s. Sal 115 I no EXCELIJENT LOCATION . FREE AIR Apartment house with 8 sleeping 2 pumps, lube equipment, wash rack, rooms and one 3 room apartment. Full "AH eouipment included., $35 month basement, gas furnace, elect, hot wat- T'n- 51000. Good SVi location. PUd. er tank. 3 blks. from Capitol and Cen- " ter St. Intersection. $20,000. Sal 106 Inc. NATURAL SUBDIVISION 86 acres, already surveyed for sub division. Cross-fenced. Water at 18 feet: 1 well now in. Adjoining Gervais. $10,750. Sal 109 Inc. MONEY IN MOTORS Auto reoair shop and gas station grossing $2000 month. Stall garage. 3 Price includes 6 room houie 109 vda. pumps, average 400 gal. Apartment from grade school. 1 , me from high rented in dwelling. 313.000. 100x100 schooL Grocery has large stock, good corner in good Willamette Valley small equipment, little competition. $13,700. town. Pltd 13 Bus. Sal 112 lac. CHARLES DELFEL, Realtor ' 615 N. Capitol St. - Phone 7002 9900. SMALL House 8'xl6 on lot I EXTRA Nice 4 bdrm. home, double 50x125. Has gas and lights. Water plumbed, basement, fireplace. H. W. piped onto lot. Some furniture. A cheap home at cheap price. Hume with Call O. V. State Finance Co., Realtors 1S3S High Ph 4121 2 BEDROOM house on North Win ter Street with large corner lot. Both streets paved. Handy to all schools. Nice fruit and nut trees. Immediate possession. A good buy for $4800. 3 bedroom house on North Church Street near Grant School. Part hard wood floors. This house is in excel lent condition. Price $9000. 3 bedroom plastered house located South. Basement with automatic oil furnace, wired for. range, electric wat er heater. A well constructed, dean houe. Price $7500. NE 6 room house, oil heat, gas cook ing, full bath. la acres of best soil: garage, chicken house, bam. Some fruit and berries. On bus line. Price $79C0. S acres, close in on Liberty Road. Some large . walnut trees, prunes, about 1 acre of young cherries and about 1 acre of fir timber. 2 bedroom house. - Price $5300. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. HOt'i N. Commercial St. Phone 3030 Eves. 8314 WHY PAY RENT? $257u will give rou possession of this acre tract j lj soil. 3 room hse 52 deep well. I "r'"-- '-''K. , " " . ' Ior ra"Be. riivu iiei, --wi i . ? i a : "-v!rl?i- V??L mPlK. P"" LET US SHOW -you this 4. acres of bulb land, has been approved as bulb land by 3 different bulb grow ers $6000. SUBURBAN HOME 'i acre with nice 9 room plastered hse. uots ot fruit, -nuts in good community east. $7350. ; Lawrence Real Estate, Loans and Insurance Phone 7506 ' 520 North High Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS Choose from these ATTENTION Mr. Handy man This 3 bedroom home needs a little work. Lot about 50x104 ft. Why pay rent? Priced at only $4500. ONE-HALT- ACRE. 2 year old 5 rooni modern house; garage, bam. and chicken house. Very close to town. All for $6000. - READ THIS--We offer this new home. Large living room with fire place, dinette, kitchen. 2 bedrooms, tile bath, automatic beat. PLUS a com fortable 4-room cottage renting for $49 per month. Both for S 11, two. HIGH ON THE hill. well ar ranged rooms all on one floor. Auto matic heat, large beautifully landscap ed yard. We recommend this one for $13,300. -. - 30 YEARS Or DErXNlJABUE SERVICE" CALL JAMES B. HARTMAN OR K. N. VOORHEES : .WITH Leo. N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St, - Phone261 . Acre Keizer, Dis t. Small livable house. Immediate possess ion. Price $2500. a u jo. ' v; Hum wiui State Finance Co.,Realtors 153 S. High, - Ph. 4X21 FOR Sale or trade for one bed room home: Two bed room home L. R. D. R kitchen, bath; full basement, elec hot water, automatic oil furnace, wired for elec range. Large lot on bus line. Near schools south. Write Statesman. Box 778. ; Want a Cute House? : This is It. 2 bdrms. Oak floors in living rm. and bdrms. El. cooking and water beating. In good West Salem lo cation. Truly a buy at $7000. - - Salem" Realty ; Company - C. W. BarUett. "Realtor i" 14 H. High St Phone 7660 List with -Salem to Sell 'Em" ' Ff'-WMUi:. ModTf sm. home.' Ph. 4373 Sirverton. Rt, 2, Box 37. SUverton. '.a E. to Salem Madison Street Special -LOVELY 3 BED ROOM HOME WITH FIREPLACE. - HARDWOOD FLOORS. AUTO. HEAT AND DESIRABLE LOT. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. $11,750. CALL, rUPPO. EVES. 3097. General Real Estate Co. Ph. rm. Km. 10 Ladd S Bush Bldg. LOT 6A x 138 FT. 4 bdQn. bouse.- Plastered "through out. Basement with, almost new xur nace. Newlv painted. Couldnt be bet ter for a large family. 97250 and worth t Sea tt today. Salem Realty Company C. W. BarUett. Realtor 140 N. High SL; Phone 7060 "List with Salem to SeU 'Em For Sale Real Estate . Sell See Delfel by appointment only. $13,909. Sal 127X.' Loam soil. $1100. Sal 134. BARGAIN IN BARGAINS Variety, new and used clothing. Grosses $8000 month. $20 month rent. Good SE shopping center. $4000. Ptid 66 Inc. LARGE GROCERY. MEDIUM HOUSE. SMALL TOWN Owner savs over SO0O rlv n4L Store 5Ox90 on Main st Fll rrr floors, elec. water h-ser. acre- nice yard of flowers and shrubs. See Mr . cxjuwi.N with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc., REALTORS Phone 4 KM After 8713 $765000 Reduced tor quick sale. LR. 'DR. kit. 2 BR. bath. Lge. lot oil furnace, bsmt Nice location. Will sell furniture. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors ' 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 21549 ; Eves 25m BY OWNER: 4 bdm. house, ideal for renting rms. or for s home, all on on floor, close in. 507 K. 19th St. $7000091 SEE THIS st once. 4 rm house al most completed. Will finish. Nice show er, etc.. gas. electricity and City water. Nice place and location. This is a good buy. $3750. Terms and possession. M. D. Loon cy. with Wm. E. Moses 331i, state Phone 4993 Special $78503 BR. home. North. Hard" wood firs, throughout. Large liv. rm. : din. rm. Utility witn 52 gal. hot water htr. Imm. poss Close to sch. Ax -bus. Easy down payment. 4?v interest. See Ralph Maddy. Olson & Reeve. Realtors 945 S. Com!. Ph. 4590 Eve. -109 fii.ooo.oo eng uraooD 3 BR home. LR. dinette, kit. bath, bsmt. sawdust pipe fur. Elec. W heat er. Best of location. Call Rav DavL Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3793 Eves 9441 Fine Home Bargains $4200. Ac mi. East with lovely l Bar. Home. LR. DR. Kit. Nook, V Blinds. Garage. IMM. POSS. $5250. NEW. IMM. POSS. 2 Bdr. Bath. LR. Kit. North. $SC00. IMM.' POSS. Fine S Bdr. Homo in W. Salem. LR. DR. Kit. Bath. Full Bsmt. G-arage. $7350. New, 2 Bdr. Bath. LR. Kit. Dinette. Att. Garage. North. Paved street. 1 blk. to bus. $8500. NEW Furnished. Excellent S Bdr. Home. LR. Dinette. Kit, Bath. Garage. Lge. lot. Call "ELMER All UNDSON. uuii x lciia. ixcaiiors PH. 3210 337 N. High Street Quick Possession 3 Bdr. home North on one fir. very close to Grade Hi. school. Oil fur nace. Elec hot. water. Wired for range. Weather stripped 4c in sulated. Largo lot. $8400. Call Gardner. - Burt Picha, Realtors PH. 3210 "'- - 33T N. High Street 2 B.Rm. with unfinished attic, full bsmt, sawdust heat, elec water heat, er. H. W. firs. Possession in 10 days. see Mr. OODWL: Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. REALTORS Phono "4100 After 6 8T19 .MONEY TO LOAN on first mort- gages. 4 to 6." Call for details. Ed Byrkit & Co. 339 Chemeketa Street Phone 591 BY OWNER: New 2 bed rm. hm. Turn. or unfurn., living rms-. kitchen. uineiie. caxn, eiec. wa:er neater, ven etian Minds, garage and uti'ity room. Large corner lot. Ph. 25198. Ortfion0tattsnau ADVERTISING Western Ad-erUsin Representative i Ward-Griffith Company. Inc. San Francisco Easiern . Advertising 1 Representatives Ward-Griffith Corrpany. Inc - Chicago. New - York. Detroit. Boston. Atlanta Member Pacific Coast Division Bureau of Advertising Entered at tke Poxtofffcn mt Sett lem. Orepoit as Second Class Hats ter. Psbiuked eoery rormng ex cept Monday. Bunnell office 2li. South Commercial Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES ' Man Subscription Bates tn Ad vance: Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday. Mo. 90 ce-nti: 9 not, S3S; 1 year. 99 CO. . Elsewhere 90 cents peg mo. or FT 9 for 1 year fas advances Per copy 9 ecu la. By City Carrier. TS cents a month.. 99.09 a year in adv nea fas Marion