6 The Statesman. Salem. Oregon. Tuesday. October 22. 19lf Rites Read m At Benson Home T- t.v-me 'f Mr anil Mr 1 IW-t.MXi v. tte k-tirtjt ' mrt, " i.f l.er ltet. ( " I) . :- Al-f..r Mix lll ! i( Swet-t Home. ihi of Mi. anil ) if S.lem. Sat- ; tghl. OtUibrr 19 at 7:30 H. ?! t . . M Tre Rev Dudley Stta.n ffi- c jr;uif ;r.e iirrpMrr wnicu vi tanked v. th palms, chtyv.ot ferru.ms arid tijIm. Mii lime j hth'.rti tte taMTs before t'-e l,-t,' ail Mr. John S h- j r . V. ;r. played the w e1 ling rv.4-.,- Tr-e b:.de. who wa given in. r.rn..r fc (rr father. (hie ! g .M 4; err ... iier su.t fashioned j with pii m i ra bdck and gold j Lwtt jt Her ht and irneiv.rin v ere t: o n and pinned to her I k..! nere brc wn orchid She I r-: ed a uh::e ptater book. i ! B-nsn w; her sister's f.r.'v aver dat.t and wore a forest ) e-n ii emker Mnt with I T ..j'criir.g (irfoii'i and larried m f;,-Ky i t roses and chiysan-; t'-rr. ..rr. Mr. Benson t..d with j te g m a let man. f At i e leiejjtion which followed j V , L-Yetie Dlkenberg and ?d H: urd Amorme assisted. A'"-r a ueddug trip to the coast ! t.e r rw lyweds will be at home in ! Vjrjx'!t. wlsere he ia attending W K! t college. The groom aer ie; -;th tl.e marines during the if ': Society Clubs Music The Home MAXINC BURET! 4 . JERYME f ENGLISH Women's Editor Society Editor "7 Tea to Fete Mrs. Lipp . How To Relieve Bronchitis CreonmlaVi reUeree promptly be cause U ewea ntt to tne seat of Uie trouble 10 hr.p loosen and expel rerm uvden pnjegra. and aid nature to aoocbe and heal raw. tender, in Camed bronchial mucous mem fcranea, Tell yeur druggist to aell you bott X CreomuUlon wlta tno un Cerstannc Tou must like tne way it cuirkJy allays the cougn or you are to nave your money bade CREOMULSION for Coufhs, Chest Colds, B ronchitis Miss Wood A Bride At a home wedding Sunday afternoon, October 20, at 4 o'clock. Miss t rances Wood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Pluntx of Salem, became the bride of Neil Dickman. son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dickman of Slayton. The Rev. Harms of Salem performed the double ring ceremony before memberi of the immediate family and a few close friends. The bride was given in mar riage by Lester Pluntz. For her wedding she wore winter white mit with brown accessories and a corsage of gardenias arid rose buds. Her only " ornament was a ; three strand string of pearls, a jgift of the groom. ; Mrs. Karl Prunk was her sis , ter's only attendant and Allen ' Swovods served as best man for j the groom. I A wedding reception followed immediately after the ceremony. after which the couple left on a trip. They will live at Slayton on their return. The groom served overseas in the Eighth army air force as an aerial gunner. Mrs. Faa! Hansen presided at a bridge luncheon Monday after noon . at her South Commercial street borne for members of her club. Mrs. Hansen will entertain her other club at luncheon and bridge FYiday afternoon. The American War Mathers will sew at the Iegion hall from 11 to 4 o'clock today with a covered dbh luncheon at noon. Sewers are needed to complete Red Cross wni k. Te Mr. and Mr. Kenneth Van Horn go congratulations on the birth of a daughter, Julia Anna, t the Salem Cleneral hospital Sunday night. CLUB CALENDAR Tl'IIDAT Sons of Union Veterans of Civil War and auxiliary social meeifiia. no-host upper. 6:30 pm.; with Mr. and Mrs. John Robins. 1747;; Broadway at. Theatre Arts (roup With Mrs. Chailes McEIhinny, JfciS Court St.. 1 P-tn. i WCDNESOAT '?; Kingwood Garden club with Mrs. Harry Bonner, 53 Piedmont St., 1:30 dessert luncheon. ' ) PIE and F club with Mr Ami Muncey C03 N. Winter i t.. 7 .30 p.m. Jason Lee Circles meet or dessert luncheon, 1 JO p.m. j Sunshine Sewing club ef Hazel Green with Mrs. F. O. Johnson, fit. 7. t p.m. North and Soultt Sections First Con (relational churdi all i day meeting. 10:30 a.m.. tack luncheon at noon. THIRSDAY ! j Sojourners dessert luncheon, 1 :1S p m.. Salem Woman's clubhouse. Town and gown program and tea meeting at Willamette Music hall and University house, Vj 2 :SW p m. SATMtuAY I Salem Woman's-1 club j covered luneaeon, 1 p.m.. board meeting a.m. , Marion County ; Federation of men's club meet at Union Hill. dish 11:45 Wo- BEAUTY..... ia fin sUatigs CreotKjnt or on esquinte IoelneM . . . our codec ton it infinitely oppeaU g. priced to fit your pwse. rCiS MCUM rtPCKAi TAX t ' $95 5 vW 7T If 7 i ' i 1 $250 fPi&NIFICP DIAMONDS ujflTCHey COURT T.J -TILV6RUJfiR6 Amaranths Hold Halloween Party Saturday n i h t Hajina Rosa Court, Order of th Amaranth, held its first party of the fall sea son at the Masonic temple. Dan cing and cards wre enjoyed with the Halloween motif! being used in the decorations. Guests present were Messrs. and Mesdames L. E, Fortsch, Lester Geer, Stanley Brown, Paul Gil-, mer, Arthur W. Cole land Gilbert Sternes. ti Refreshments fjwere served by the committee iti chrage composed of Messrs. and Mendames I. A. De France, Louts Anderson, Gor don Barker. Willis Hi own, J. B. Protzman and Mr.- J B. Patton. Mrs. E. S. Lipp will be honored on her 80th birthday Friday afternoon- at a delightful tea at the North 24th street home of Mr. and Mrs. Huwl E. Pratt. Hon ses will be Mrs. Pratt and M Lion's daughter. Mrs. Charles S Pratt. Friends of the honor guest are being invited through the press to call between 2 and 5 o'clock. Mrs. N. J. ; Lindgren and Mrs. John Scott will pour during the afternoon and assisting will be Mrs. M. P. Adams. Mrs. CharleH Prigge. Mra. Frank Perry and Mrs. ,E. L. Minar. Pink chrysan themums will provide the decora tive not about the rooms and on the tea table. Mrs. Lipp't son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Al len Of Stockton, Calif., and her sister, Mrs. Robert J. Bird of San Francisco, are arriving in the capital by plane Wednesday to be here for the occasion. Friday night Mr. and Mrs. Rus sel E. Pratt will be hosts at din ner at their home in honor of Mr. Pratt's grandmother. Covers will.be placed for Mrs.' E. S; Lipp, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Allen, Mrs. Robert J. Bird, Miss Olive Skipton, Mrs. Emil J. Roth, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Pratt and the hosts. Mrs. Lewis President Salem church women will be interested to learn that Mrs. W. L. Lewis has been elected state president of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Meth odist churches. Mrs, Lewis was elected at the state conference held in Portland Thursday and Friday at the First Methodist church. Mrs. Lewis has served as conference secretary of missionary education. Richard Nelson, son of the C. R. Nelsons, celebrated his seventh birthday at a party at his North Liberty street home. Games were in play with birthday cake and refreshments following. Honoring Richard were Raylea Tucker, Earle Eyre, Elana Smith, Joanne Stroht, Jon Hawkins. James Welss Margaret Bolt, Dick Oglesbee, Karen and Phyllis Stockbridgeii and Donald Jarrett. An Ilevoir Parly Mrs. Arnold JaiVis was a host ess for breakfast Friday at her home on ;Pearl street for Mrs. Leonard Gottfried and Mrs. H.tr old Muhs who are leaving for a three-week trip to New York. Present were Mrs. Dan Hamil ton, Mfs. Roy Farmer, Mrs. Paul Shafer, Mrs. LaVerne White, the honor guests and the hostess. 'Double Rites Solemnized At an interesting double wed- 1 ding on September 22 at the T. j S. Roberts studio a brother and sister duo were married at one o'clock : double ring ceremonies by Uie Rev. Wilmer Brown. Miss .Wanda1 Jean Gum became the lride of William H. Meithof and Miss Evelyn Owena Meithof was married to Cecil E. Gum. Their parents are Mr. and Mrs. Cecil S. Gum and Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Meithof, all of Brooks. The brides wore identical gowns of white satinr with long trains, long sleeves and fitted bodices with net yokes. Their veils were gathered to beaded coronets and each carried a white prayer book marked with white roses and blue streamers. Attending Miss Gum were Miss Rovena Stamper, maid of honor, Miss Ann Russell and Miss De loris Westling. bridesmaids. Ed win Wittenberg was best man for Mr. Meithof. , Mrs. ; Edwin Wittenberg was matron 'of honor for Miss Meithof and bridesmaids were Miss Betty Meithof and Miss Lola Faye Blakston. E. G. Wright stood with Mr. Gum as best man. The at tendants all wore pink blue dres ses and carried pink gladioluses. Ushers were Walter Westling and Homer Walters. Beverly Mei thof was flower girl. Bettie Sue Burks was soloist. At the reception Mrs. Sam Ramp cut the cake and serving were Misses Phyllis and Opal Hpwland. Misses Betty and Bev erly Meithof passed the guest book. Both ; couples took a wedding trip to Canada and for going away, the new Mrs. Meithof wore a steel grey suit with .black acces sories and corsage of white roses. Mrs. Gum chose a grey pin striped suit with black accessories and her flowers 'were white roses. Reception to Fete Artists The home of Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Hurlingham on North Mth street will be the scene of an in formal reception tonight follow ing the duo concert by Sylvia Weinstein Margulis and Lillian IVttibone of PortUinii Ht the Wil lamette university school ol mu sic. Hosts for the. I wept ion jit members of the Sulem bunch, Oregon Music Teachers' Associa tion, who are also .sponsoring the public conceit. Mrs. John Schmidt, jr.. will pre side at the punch bowl and Miss Helen Macllirnm will cut the cake. Mrs. Burlingham will greet the guests at the door. Hidden to meet the artists are members of the association and a few invited guests. State board of management of the state society of the Daughters of the American Revolution will meet Saturday, October 26 at 10 a.m. in the Marine room of the Marion hotel, Chemeketa chapter will be hotess. Luncheon reserva tions are to be made with Mrs. W. E. Hanson, 820 North Church street. Hoard ICiitrrtuiiiei! Women of Notary bond mem bers were entertained at lunch eon Monday afternoon at .the home of Mrs Holei t Kll.tttom. The next tegular meeting of the org:aiiat ion will Im Oi lolier 2K when Tom Swatfoid. piod'ntion manager of KGW, will e.k Covers vveie placed for Mes dames Homer Smith, ji , Aitliui Hay. .Willald liaitlett. Howard Maple. Hi in r S.iulilmn. iieloii Doiifchloll. I, O Aleiis, Mem Geist. Ivan 1 -1 1 . vtrlfaie intli mittee t han man. and Mm. Kll- strom. Visiting In Salem a few days are Min. Peter Buck and son, Billy, of I'oitland, wliojaie guest!, of her patents, Mr. aniljMi Will iam Mi ( lilt In tt. jr. ! The lour. sient tlie weekend at Agate Beai h Inn. j Delta Zeta alumnae meeting ' scheduled for tonight at the home I of Mrs. Harry Schenk has been postKined until the following Tuesday, October 29. j 0 t a . - w m If 1 NISTLI IA1Y HAII TRLATMtMf GAVI MI f ITT T CUILS There's nothing mot adurabla than soft curls and ringlets fram ing a chubby little face. An.! thanks to Nestle Baby Mrs. Roy II. Mills. Mrs. Ken- 1 neth Hanson and son. Charles, j ate visiting a few days in Camas, i Wash , with Mr. and Mrs. Elliott I state Liberty I Price. ' HW i Treatment, your bmby can nave lL0 lovly curl: Start h second growth of hair ia one iv lone- Commended by Parents Magasin. f 1.00 bottU suk-s full quart of treatment, I i U Metis Capiial Drog Store r. sin Money, Money,) Money! Mamma Pays, But It's Up tq Her to Cut Down oriSFbods to Balance the Budget .,: i- i f By Maxine Buren : Women's Editor, The Statesman Though Economy 'spelled with a capital E is the watchword for the whole family, it's usually up to mama to really put over balanc ing the budget Food makes the big hole in the income, and it's on food and little household things she must save, j; Let s review the poor woman's A number of Salem Daughter of Nile members will motor to Port land Wednesday to attend the ceremonial of Nydia Temple. Mrs. Paul Hale and Mrs. David Cam eron will take part in a negro minstrel show to follow and Mrs. Hale will present an Egyptian dance during the ceremonial. trials. We now have in this won derful post war i world of ours a shortage of sugar, cooking fats are almost nil, butler substitutes are "under the counter : items" and hard to find even there and al though butter is always on the shelf who wants to pay the price! There Is a shortage of soap, pa per items are almost forgotten ana certain canned goods is sel dom in market. J.And, in case you haven't noticed everything that's in" is very verjr "up". For all these things,! we Ameri cans don t very.orten starve, ei ther from lack p of food or the means to pay, but it's nice to try to get as much for as little as pos sible. l Let's see what to do. Now look at augai, or substi tutes therefor The woman who keeps house may have some sub stitutes in the shelves she's for-i gotten about. I have scouted around in the canning cupboard and found a dozen jars of pre serves long: since gone to sugar and the fruit mummified. A few minutes in my beloved little pres sure saucepan arid the dehydrated fruit has puffed bp with new vig or, the crystals dissolved, and presto! there's sweetening for pud ding sauces, irujt pies and even syrup for breakfast cereal. There's always molasses. and while It's sometimes a problem to find new usfsTior it, it ii sweet and mighty handy. Orange marmalade, which was the only of iU kind uvailable a couple of years ago is now en tirely off the list. I for one had two large jars which 1 wished for a year 1 had not bought, but which now are cherished. You can make a jam cake, nicely revisable to the use of marmalade. Cooking fats are hard to substi tute for, but many old world women used chicken fat for cook ies, frying and even spice cakes. Whenever a chicken does come into ; the home, not even a smidgeon should ever go out in the garbage can. The same's, true of bacon fat remember bacon? A Very thrifty woman taught me a soap trick, and it has come ia very handy these pasj few momns. sne never tnrows away a thin tail of soap. ' After the new cake has become soft and wet, the small pieces are also softened with water atid carefully pressed into the cake. When- dry they'll stick, and in a short time become incorporated into the larger one. With what you've saved, in about! ten years you can buy a pound of butter! CASTLE PEDIL WAVERS SIS 1st National Bank Bldg. Phone 3663 Machine Waves and Killing Kooler Waves. Ilalliwell Cold Waves . Experienced Operators Phone Your Appointments Now for STYLE.. ..for COMFORT... GLASSES from BORING OPTICAL E. E. Boring Sam Hughes II Dr. Dr. Registered Optometrist k 1 HI DMInctlv frme, tyled in the mot up-to-date manner ... lnrn correctly fitted to gite the jcreatettt Uual aid . 4 XT 7 I 7. r i Boring Optical Company IMione GaOb 383 Court Ht. for an sppolnlmeal Sihone r rome In st oif ronvrnlenrs. Helena rubinsteinsays: yoii have three faees! i Horo'o sensational now way. to clean silver in 10 seconds! - '" ,: I i.i ABSOLUTELY SATS FOR STXHUNQ OR PLATED ifL bot"lfly harmltn to silver. Dip silver in Oippo 10 seconds, rinse under cold water, wipe. Your stiver ill be as clean as the day you got it. Dippo costs little, prolongs the life of silver for years. Get Dippo today. In 10 seconds, with no mess, no rub bing, no pel' rung, Dippo mikes your tarnished stiver as clean at ne! Even liny crertcea, impovxhle to reach tth truth or cloth, will be ciean as the c 11 -known whistle. lbvraurt prove that Oippt is sale 4f. rr " ' -- ' ' ' Mille r Sr I! i The more faces, the more facets to your personality. Helena Rubinstein gives you three! The luminous look ... with TOWN COUNTRY MAXC-UF FILM. 1.50, 1.00 The glamorous look . . with CaiAM TINT FOUNDATION. 1.50 The young, young look . . With MIUC-TONl CAM MAKE-UP. 1.00 Even if you have a disturbed skin Helena Rubinstein's SNOW lotion (Medicated Foundation) provides a soothing, beautiful make-up base. 1.00 Choose your most flattering shade from her inspired palette. ss 'sv.-akwwAiM-.JI WOLETTS CAPITAL DnUG STORE Corner State and Liberty Phone 311S 1 1 1 Co X -'y cm (M) GETS CURV. fCl0 US... WITH CaVIL(S)KI i n 2-VAY GTRHTCri AND PANT IH WITH CORDTEX NON - ROLL WAIST What wonderfol things nylon does for your Pjwfe! Knit wiflt elaitic, cotton and rayon for me comfiett and mott fgwre-flortertnj 2-way stretch you've ever slipped Into. It has more strttch sideways. more stretch wp-ord-down. It's sheer ysl firm enough to scu'pture yot to lithe loveliness. Cordis non-roll waist assures a smooth At. dthef pantie or girdle style In smalt, medium and large sites. ' PS 7 e