The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 22, 1946, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 The Ski1oman, Salem. Oregon, Tu day. October 22. 1946
Mid-Wilhimelle Valley News
From Thr Stattmt' Cmmmmit? tlmrrvfmdrnt
Lincoln Mrs. Verle Wilkinson
v mi ted her brother. Ray Wilkin
son, in Weippe, Idaho for the first
time in 42 years this fall when
he accompanied the Fred Mr
Kinneys, Un. Alice Welsh, on a
trip. They had elk steaks while
in Idaho and v iited another
brother, Ralph Wilkinson at Pot
Jatch. Monitor Mr. and Mrs. ake
Ermton are caring for their Son,
Harvey's two rhildien while the
mother is recuperating frfitn a
major oiSeration in a hospital in
Coquille Bobby has entered the
Grassy Pond school.
Fruitland Woman's Circle
meets in the dining room of the
church Thursday. October 24 at
2 p.m.. AJ1 women of the neigh
borhood are imited.
Four Crsn Mrs. E. C. Sun-
oerlin of Auburn and Mrs. E. E.
Walker and Mrs. L. J. Stewart
f Rickey attended the 411 leaders
meeting at the YMCA Saturday
when plans for the 4H projects in
the "schools were di cursed. Mrs.
Sunderlin was elected ecretary of
the group, to complete the year.
Msaltsr Ray Davis has pur
ched the Ingral Edland Feed
mill and will take po!esion Oc
tober 21. Edland has been owner
manager of the mill for 18 years.
Dav is recently sold his interest in
the grocery store here.
FraJ llano Or 5 a Fagg is tecov
ermg from a recent illness.
Orchard Heights - Armon Mc-
Dtoald. son of the Roy McDon
alds has been taken a memtier of
V-6 naval reserve.
ropcorn Newly elected offi
cer for the coming year of the
Popcorn Community club are Mrs.
Cleo McMorris, president; James
Best, vice president; Mr. Stan
ley Boehmer. secretary-treasurer.
Mrs Willard Boehmet' heads the
program committee and Mrs.
George Wilson the supper commit
tee. Silverton Born to Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Kelli of Scotts Mills, a
daughter October 17, at Silverton
hospital. She is the first grand
child of Mr. and Mrs. .Raymond
Kelhs. Scotts Mills. The father is
former Silverton high school foot
ball player.
Stay ton Halloween social will
be given Wednesday. October 30,
at Foresters hall here by Sublim
ity council of Knights of Colum-
bus and Stayton court of Catholic
Daughters. It is to be a private!
dancing party for members of the
two organisations and their
friends. While costume dress is
cptional prizes will be given for
the best ones 'worn.
Orchard Heights James Mc
Dowell is in Kansas City for the
Future Farmers convention. He fcs
son of the Roy Mt Dowells and
cwke.of two Salem high school rcp
. reritties at the meeting.
Monitor Mr. and Mrs. William
Rider arrived home last week
from Sitka. Alaska where they
isited their daughter, Alta. Ex-
Eting to be back for hop pick
they were delayed in Alaska
and came home by plane.
Fruitland A second grade pu
pil. Jack Corbett will be hfwt
when the Ivan Corbetts move to
the Rickey district thif fall.
Martjuam The Beaver Lake
Ifothers club is planning a public
Halloween carnival at Marquam
ball Friday night, November 1.
Proceeds will be used to benefit
the club as a whole.
Aumsville School
Names Officers;
AH Classes Elect.
AUMSVILLE Student body
officers for the high school are:
president, Lyle Gilbert; vice pre
sident, Leroy Dalke; secretary,
Ramona Wat on; treasurer, Jean
ne Darbe; seigeant-at-arms, Jer
ry McDonald; gate keeper, Jim
Senior class officers: president,
Eugene Pennington; vice presi
dent, Lois Bales; secretary, Joyce
Whorton; treasurer, Doris Ben
Junior Has offirr- nrirlnt
Billy Wilkinson, vice president.
crwin 5peer; secretary, Betty
Mollet; treasurer, Lucile Jaquet;
sergeant-at-arms. Max Briles.
SODhomore class nffi-r- nr.
sident. Bill Oiler; vice president.
I'atricia wmard, treasurer, Lela
Freshman class officers: pre
sident. Albert Nixon: vice nrni.
dent, David Davenport; secretary,
Albert Cox: treasurer. Eva Coat-
sergeant-ait-arms, Chester Smel-
Keizer Fall Festival
To Be Held on Friday
Keizer grange will hold its an
nual fall festival Friday, October
23. Farm exhibits, cafeteria din
ner, bazaar, program and auction
will be features. Grange mem
bers and residents of the commun
ity are invfted to make exhibits
to be viewed during the after
Dinner will be followed by a
program of musical numbers.
George Durham, lecturer, is in
H. S. Keefer is master of the
grange. Margaret Mudge, home
economics chairman and Jane
Wolf, exhibits chairman.
Valley Obituaries
Francis Vernon Erickson
MARQUAM Funeral services
were held Weldnesday for Francis
Vernon Erickson, 33, who died
from food poisoning October 12.
Burial was in Valley View cem
etery east of Silverton. Survivors
are the Da rents. Mr. and Mr
Frank Erickson of Marquam; three
Dromers, two sisters, all of. Mar
quam and his grandparent, Mr.
ana airs, uie Kue of Evens Val
ley. 4
Erickson became ill October 11
while on a hunting triD with three
of his friends. Harold and Elmo
Ulsen and Charles Hern.
Jefferson Club
Begins Year's Work
JEFFERSON Twenty - ight
members of the Jefferson Womans
club attended the first meeting
in the library rooms. Mrs. Paul
Smith is president. j
Addie Libby, librarian, cave
the library report and its finan
cial condition. j
The committee named to buy
a piano includes Mrs. Marion
Looney, Mrs. Hal Wiley, Mrs.
Walter Kropp and Mrs. Gilbert
Looney. $ j
Mrs. Ernest Powell resigned as
vice presides t, and Marjorie Fon
taine succeeds her. I
Club officers are Mrs. Paul
Smith, president: Marjorie Fon
taine,; vice president; Mrs. Floyd
Cay wood, secretary; Mrs. Gilbert
Looney, assistant secretary-treasurer;
Mrs. ;.W. H. Sherman, Wi
torian. . i j
Committees include, public wel
fare and civics, Mrs. Marvin
Hutchlngs, Mrs. Hal Wiley, Myr
tle Myers, f Mrs. Walter Kropp;
library benefit. Mrs. Herbert
Looney, Marjorie Fontaine, Mrs.
William ! Walls, Mrs. George
Browri, Mrs. A. B. Hinz; pro
gram,! Mrs. J. G. Fontaine, Mrs.
Gilbert Looney, Mrs. L.L. Shields;
flowers, Mr$. G. C. Mason land
Miss Eleanor Looney. I
The library board includes, Mrs.
J. G. Fontaine, Mrs. C. J. Thurs
ton, Mrs. Fred Wied. Mrs Guy
Roland. Mrs. C. M. Smith, Sirs.
Paul Smith.; '
At the tea hour, Mrs. James
Pate poured and Miss Addie Lib
by cut the ices. Lavender flowers
and white f tapers centered the
serving table. Hostesses were
Mrs. A. B. Hinz, Mrs. Floyd Cay-
wood, land Mrs Hal Wiley.
Sarah J. Morrison
DALLAS, Oct 21 Sarah J.
Morrison. 83, died Sunday in
Dallas. Funeral services will be
held at 2 p.m. Wednesday from
iieriKie-ttoiiman chapel with the
ttev. t rel lowne in charge. Bur
ial at Bel crest
Survivors are a brother. P. J
Newbill. LaG range, 111.; a sister,
Mrs. Rea Craven. Dallas; four
grandchildren. Lloyd Morrison,
Wallport; Thelma Gribbin, Weiser,
inano; uma Thompson, Joy War
nock. Imnaha. Oregon.
Mrs. Morrison was born at Wil-
lamina in March 1863.
North Dakotans
Visit Jefferson
JEFFERSON Mr. and Mrs.
W. F. Halderman of Florence jare
spending the week at the home
of Harry Wll. I
Mrs.; A. Hj Haas of Cando, N.D.,
are here for ;a visit with Mr. nd
Mrs. Chariest Evensizer. !
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Evensizer
and son. Eddie, of Portland will
be overnight ! guests of their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Even
sizer .Thursday night, and arei to
vuit with Mrs. Haas.
Mr. and Mrs. George Vail ac
companied Mr. and Mrs. C. i M.
Sather and children, Marilyn and
Clifford of Portland, on a trip
Sunday to Newport. They stopped 1
in Toledo af, the home of Mrs. ;
VaiTs son, O.jW. Christensen. I j
Jim Amman, son of Mrs. Mary
Ammon. is M student at Oregon
State college t Corvallis. He com
mutes from hi home. j
The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. i
Bash ford accompanied four young
people of the Evangelical Youth
Fellowship to Twin Rocks Friday
to attend the? annual rally of the
EYF. In the. group are Bonnie
Campbell, Ruth Lyon, Betty Lin-
ville and Dorothy Lake. Mrs. Don
Davis planned to take several
more members to the rally in tier
car. i'J
Mrs. Georgia Mason left Monday
on an extended trip in which she
will visit herrthree daughters and
their families,) She will visit Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Jones in East
Cleveland. Ohio; Mr. and Mrs.
Riley Gilbert ;and twin daughters
in New Orleans. La.; and Mr. and
Mrs. John Doyle in Temple City,
Calif. ; ji
Catholic Mission Opens
At Silverton Church
SILVERTON, Oct. 21 A mis
sion is being held this week at
St. Paul's Catholic church, the
first in several years. It opened
Sunday morning,
? The Rev. Frank Fitzgerald. Re
demptionist priest from Portland,
is speaker and services are nightly
at 8 pjnj and non-Catholics are
invited to attend. Daily mission
mass at 8:13 with instruction fol
lowing. ' I
ITeen Kanteen Project
Opens in Four Corners
i: f
: FOUR CORNERS, Oct. 21 The
first Teen Kanteen" held at the
Community hall Friday night was
successful; with 38 teen-agers at
tending. I
! Dancing, games and refresh
ments were prepared and sold by
Explorer Post 64, sponsors of the
project. Due to a conflict In ac
tivities, several wbo were expec
ted were unable to come. Another
is planned for Saturday, Novem
ber 2 at the Community hall,
f Ted Miller is adviser, Terry
Gagnon, program chairman; Mrs.
Ernest Walker and Mrs. Ross
Chrisman were patronesses for
this first party. '
1 .
Rickey School Pupils
Come from Many Points
s four Corners New pupils
last week; at Rickey are Alan
Woodcock,! Vancouver, Wash.;
Norma Hammond from Minnesota
and Wanda Mayden, who attended
Bush school. -I
Fire chief Vic Withrow, visited
school Friday for fire drill in
struction. The sixth grade has
finished unit on Mexico, seventh
grade is studying antient Egypt 1
and the eighth, how the Europeans
acquired and held lands in the
new world. ,
I FootbalH seems to be the main
subject for art in the upper
grades. Jack and Gary Cartwright
and Jerry Brown have drawn1
some good action pictures,
Detroit Reports
Many Visitors
DETROIT Miss Myrtle Reeves
of Salem was a recent guest of
Mrs. Willard Goodman.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewie Johnson
of Sisters were here Sunday.
' Floyd White, son of L. A. White,
has been visiting here.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Evans of
Salem, former residents here, stop
ped over night recently on their
way to Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. William Harlan
and daughter, Mrs. Lee Smith,
were recent guests at the Max
Harlan home.
Mrs. Hilma Dickie and sons, Jim
Arley and George, and their fam
ilies, went to eastern Oregon on
a blunting trip. .
The .Willard Goodmans, who
sold their home here, are moving
to another residence owned by
them at Idanha.;
Plan Halloween Party
For Four Corners Boy
gan, son of Mr. nad Mrs. Harold
Colgan will celebrate his sixth
birthday with a Halloween party
Tuesday from 5 to 7 o'clock at his
home. Games will be played, mov
ies of the group taken and other
movies shown, followed by supper
and a big birthday cake. Friends
invited are Robert and Frederic
Rossner, Gail and Toni De Sart,
Stephen Randall, Marilyn Colgan,
Douglas and Dennis Colgan.
Wanted al Once
I Office Girl
Preferably with some
knowledge of bookkeeping,
typing and posting.
I Gas Heat, Inc.
Salem. Oregea Phone 3445
l ( 4
3 I
352 N. High Salem, Oregon
All Flavors, No
Limits, Qts. G
galea a4 West Sales
You can broadcast the
fact that we specialize ia
the careful cospoMdia
of prescriptions. Oar
stocks are ample, fresh
and poteaf. A ad oar
prices are uniformly fair.
Capilal Drug Slore
Cm. 8 lata A Liberty . Faaaa Silt
I L ; 1
i I 'I
!ifErtl (CLEfiiHCE I
-jr M ' ' - a a
i I
Use it aa a Dutch Ovep to Cook Iot Roasts, Stews
and Sotjp; Use it for Frying Chicken, or -as a
Casserole for Macaroni, Scalloped Potatoes. Made
of Thick Spun Aluminum with Snug Fitting
Cover tftat Helps Retain Delicious Food Flavors.
Cool Type PIasti Knob on Lid. Tested in a Lead
in g Domestic Science Laboratory. Diameter,
10 71 inches; Height to Top of Lid, 5 inches.
Deg. 4.79
484 Slale Si.
- j
If i4-'K
if r-t ?.rr c--
4 s
Again this ear The Jewel Box
is gift headquarters ice Christ
mas theppers. See our exclu
sive selection of diamond. The
Multi-Facet solitaires are
breathtaking because 43 extra
facets I around the "equatdr'
add beauty and brilliance!
These! facets help prevent chip
ping, too. Also come in and see
America's finest Jewelry gifts.
A small deposit reserves your
cnoice unui wanted.
or i
Jewel Box
A. Gorgeous bridal duet. II KL
geld snoantlngs. 1
I $75.00 !
B. lively 14 Kt. gald noaaUng
holds brilliant diamead.
C. Six diamond bridal ' ensem
ble. 14 Kt. geld.
w tSs w fir
D. Ladles' birth tone ; r I g .
BeasUal celered birth -stones
for all birth so oaths.
: $ 19.75 j I
saascallne si)
E. Heavy anascallne style
birthstone ring. Klrfcly en
graved, j
$27J0 !
F. Ladies' births tone with twe
gleaming aide diajaoads. "
$39.75 I
G. Folly J e w e I e d
for accuracy.
T I y . depend
IL Bnlova . . ; Dis
tinctive nsascn-
at - . i ..m.
line jic. win
ers at different
prices ... 17 and
21 jewels, j
$42.50 j
J. Beautifully! d e -sicned.
17 Jewel move
ment. $45.00 j
Alvln Sterling
NaUenal Sterling
- t
Limited quantities of:
1847 Rogers
Community Flats
1811 Sogers
Wna. Rogers
I flHH I
I Mi v - I