Public Affairs Speaker at Banquet Climaxing atiitie f the an nual IUj. m ami Professional Wimen' vrk. mfmbrri .of the local Hub entertained at a large formal banquet at the Marion ho tel Thursday niuht. Guests in cluded rrprejMrntative from worn fn'i club, civic group of the city, and out-of-town club. E. B. MacNauphton, president cf the Firt National Dank of Portland, was the guest speaker. I'sing the week's theme. "Let's work together for better commu nities" he touched on pfiibililie in improvement cf Salem's traf fic priblem. the need for an his torical MKiety here, and dtaruiced future growth of Salem. State and Clubs Society. . Music The Home MAXBTC BUREN Women's Cditot JERYME ENGLISH Society Editor Johnsons Hosts at Dinner Dr. and Mrs. Charles It. John- n were hosts for a smartly ar ; ranKed dinner party on Monday 1 nirhl ul lhir N.Hh talk 4 w federal problems alo came in h. mo in n-!,..,. t v,,. , ft r dicu5Mon. i Mr, Kloyd Byrd nrw Willamette opinion was inat parking ; university faculty members rmtcr and careful placement of j The dinner table was centered a new bri.itie may help solve the with a Umquet of pastel asters in iraiiic problem in me my wnn-c-ut danger 'of decentralization in the business area. lie lifted ihe need for more fi nancial support for " schools, for artful Mudy of the Town.end bill, and f r revision of state lax law. 1 'Labor mut have an intelli gent policy before real properity can be felt. The time will come when both sides will consider the public and when both capital and labor w ill work together Concluding, he expressed his a cut glass bowl. Bridge was in play following the dinner hour. C overs were placed for Pro fessor and Mrs. Floyd Byrd. Dean and Mrs. Melvin Geist, Dr and Mrs. Chester Luther. Dr. and Mri Egbert S. Oliver. Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Rahe and Dr. and Mri. Johnson. House Dances on Weekend Slate Tk!a .ut.lHJi I - a Vl.W 4fcte ave,.,,l1 tkaM ill " WrTr QCCSfflOn & H J IV Hint r 1 V ll'UMM T fcl 11 , m .. . I te a better world and harmony '''y. 1 t?artie" on th w.ll t.rvail ! "" " '' campus, as f'fk.c1fl flwwvaai Ota a.awa season's first house dances -Harvest" will be the theme of the Fredrickson hall informal f ports dance tonight, from 8 to Th. - !, ..r,. w -.v.n I.- Mr. ,"-"" riiwri lor IDC CarmeMte Weldle and the re sponse by Mayor I. M. Doughton. Jin Schmidt. Jr. accompanied by Mrs. Schmidt, sang two num bers. Mathilda (Jilles was general chairman for the public affairs banquet. Miss Bradtl Now Mrs. Elliott Al'ROHA The marriage of Mim Martha Frances llradtl. rliiufhter of Mr and Mrs. Kdward Frnet Hradtl of Aurora, to Geo rge Hernairl Flliott. mri of Mrs. Joeph P Flliott cf Denver, wai solrmued on October 12 at St. Patrick's Catholic church in Can- by at 10 am. The Rev. C. J. Shea ; m ad the double ring service at j ii. r ruiw-i mass vioiihj were 12. in the .recreation room of the girls' dorrrtVtory. Chi Ome& members and pledg es will entertain informally in a barn tonight, with a hay ride and old-time dancing as entertain ment Transportation to the barn, belonging to Dr. Kinley Adams of West Salem, will be provided at 7:30 p.m. for guests who assem ble at the chapter house on the corner of Capital and Court. Dela Gamma women and Kap pa Gamma Rho fraternity mem bers attended a waffle supper on Wednesday night from 6:30 to 8 at the sorority chapter house, first of a series of ;. firesides held by the sorority for campus .fraterni ties. Sixty were served, with dancing following the supper. lie.n-rd Smith of Wcaajburn and j OTY Filsinber tO Jin.1 s lMmnily ,he or Have birthday who was given in' iary fiisingye, son of Mr. and her father, wore a ! A,r"- ivennetn riUinger. will cele- orate rus third . birthday Tuesday afternoon at the home of his par ents. Games will be in play and at the refreshment hour a deco rated cake will be a feature of the table decorations. Bidden to wish Gary a happy birthday." are Ronald and Rita llulbert. Kenny and Dee Anna Moore, Judy Otte, Connie Cham bers, Terry Thompson. Dennis and Rodney Kuvaaa and Sherry Filsinger. Additional guests will be Mes dames Ed llulbert. L. Moore, a. . narry erne, rtobert Chambers. Trie bride mrri4:e by traditional white satin and mar iuiette gown Her fingertip leng tf.e veil fell from a headdress of seed S carried a shejwer tMiuquet of white ime and bou vardia centered with an orchid. Miu Ioiottea Klliott. iter of ti.e brirfgroom, fiew from Denver to be m-Hl cif honor. Mrs. WiMiam W. I.nur,iak. the bride's cousin, wa matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Mi-s Rhea Brandt and Mis,r,e F I a n e r y. Meredith James i.nd lana Smith were flow er girl- CLUB CALENDAB IAT11DAT Salem branch. AAUW meet at Car rier Room, rust Methodist church. i :ju p.m. MUM OAT United Spanish War Veterans and auxiliary meet at vrw hall. S p.m. social hour follow Ins. St. Anne's Ruild with Mrs. Carl Nel son. 360 West Lefelle St.. 2 p.m. Capital Unit. Amarlcan Legion auxil iary. Salem Woman's clubhouse. p.m Willamette Shrine No. 2, White Shrine of Jerusalem meet Masonic Temple, Bom. Javee-ettes dessert supper and In stallation. 2043 Maple ave. AAUW Drama sroup with Mrs. E. S Oliver. HS Marion st . I p.m. Tl'ESDA V Delts Zeta alumna with Mrs. Harry Schenk. 2UM Center St.. p m. Salem Navy Mothers meet at YWCA, s p m. Tl'ESDA Y Sons of Union Veterans of Civil War and auxiliary social meeting, no-host supper. s::i p m. witn Mr. and Mrs. John Robins. 1747 Broadway st. Theatre Arts group with Mrs. Charles McElhinny. 15 Court St.. 1 n m WrDMEIDAV Klngwood Garden club with Mrs. Harry Honney. 5S3 Piedmont st., 1J0 aeiiseM luncneon. THURSDAY Sojourners dessert luncheon. 1 :1S p.m., Sslem Woman's clubhouse. Rites "Read In Study At quiet ceremony in the study of the First Christian church Friday noon, Mrs. Monetada.Vhite. daughter Of Mrs. Nellie Williams and Charles E. Williams, became the bride of Earl R. Viesko. son of Mre M. H. Viesko. i The Rev. Dudley Strain officiated. Attending me couple were Airs. Gladys Edwards, sister of the bride, and Herman Viesko, broth er of the groom. The newlyweds left immediate ly after the service for a wedding trp to Victoria. B C. They will live in Salem, where he is In the contracting business. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Seolofsky. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Winslow, Walter C Wirtslow, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Page and Mr. and Mrs. George Schwarz will be among those in Eugene today i for -the Oregon-rWSC game. Dr. and Mts. Burton A. Myers will also motor down for the game and visit their coed daughter, Jeanne and Janice Myers, f Fred W. MeKechnle. jr., pub lisher Of the Red Bluff. Calif., Daily News, arrived here Thurs day to Visit hig cousin, Mrs. Ross II. Wood, her daughters and his aunt. Mrs. Hannah Evans. Miss Hertz Reveals Troth The engagement of Miss Fran ces Hertz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Hertz, and Fabian A Nelson, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Fabian A. Nelson, all of Salem, was anounced. Thursday night at a dinner party given by Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Rogers at their, home on Saginaw street. No date has been set for the wedding, i Miss Hertz, a 1944 graduate of Salem high school, is bookkeeper at the Smart Shop. Her fiance re cently was discharged as a first lieutenant Jn the army, and served in the South Pacific. He now is with the Firestone store in Salem. Officiat Here For Sorority The regular semi-monthly busi ness meeting of Beta Sigma Phi was held Tuesday at the Pricilla Wiltsey studio. The meeting was presided over by Miss Hazel Shutt, past president. Mrs. d Lewis was elected vice president. October 27 was the date set for a tea at the horn of Mrs. Loyal A. Warner and the pledging and initiation banquet, November 5. Meeting nishts were changed to the first and third : Wednesday of each month. Miss Aida Bidsaul of Casper, Wyo. chapter, now a resident of Salem, was present at the meeting. A special guest was Miss Eliza beth I. S prague, from the inter national offices of Beta Sigma Phi, Kansas City, Mo; She is here in the interest of widening the ac tivities of ; the local chapter. A reception and program, publiciz ing the work of the sorority is be ing planned for 'Nov. 30 at Not- mandy Manor. Ninth Birthday Party Today Patricia Irwin, daughter of the :. C. Irwins. will celebrate her ninth birthday at a party thi afternoon at the home of her oar ents. Games will be in play in the recreation room. A yellow ana aqua colon scheme win De car ried out in the decorations and favors and balloons will be given the guests. Patricia's guests will be Craie McEwen. Sharon Johnson, ban dra Johnson, Patty Kriescl, San dra Kav McMorris. Terry Salis bury, Wallace Castilloj Billy and Juni(H Drakelev. Kathleen SDonic. Joan Saling, Gary Riach, Harold Melby, George Kannier, uonna Casey, Gary and Larry Kanv, Ros and Diane Cooley. William VV. Dommiak wa tent Dean Thompson and Ingman Ku mn. l.her were K W. Smith. John D Elder and G. Randolph Frar.c i. A reception -was held afterward at the home of the bride's par ents Ptmr.nd and aiting were Medamrs Howard Kchutz, Del bert G. Clr-k. Clyde Schiedel. Michael Boehn, George L. Fran cis. K W Smith. John Elder, Wes ley Ueuner, Richard W, Soder teig, Mia Jean Ann Carver. Miss Patrici.l St hut. T. W. Smith, Bertha Lee, George L Fortune, Darold Salter. Max Doan, James SauUbury, Walter -Krus-e, Ralph D-et. Kenneth Stafford and Charles Patrick. The touple went to eastern and, southern Oregon un their wedding trip For travelling the brine wo. e a grey lrerruikei with grape coior acceMnes and orchid cor--ge The couple will live in Roe burg Ile guests f Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gormen thi week hae been his parents, Mr. and Mr E. H Gormen yf Spckane. ; imv lert rriday for a ntay at the and will return to Salem l-fre going north. Mrs. Guy Johnston af Asalea is i.tirK at the home of her son-in-lw and daughter. Dr. and Mrs Etill L. Brunk. vaas. V Ma. and Mrs. Edgar T. Pierce will be hosts for m listening party for the Oregon-WSC game this afternoon at their North Winter street home. A dozen of their friends have been invited to the get-together. The Pierre's daugh ter. Barbara, and Mr. and Mrs. Everett McNealy of Atoria, will be among those in Eugene today for the game and home coming festivities. The girls are Pi Beta Phi sorority sisters. THE PIIISON HOLLAND BULB FABII ; OF SILVERTON f OFFERS to the flower garden growers, selett and certified Croft - Easter Lily Bulbs. These large two-year-old bulbs, planted this fall will bear large beautiful blooms In early July. Group Ho. 1 Containing three No. 7 bulbs .1.45 Group Ho. 2 Containing three No. bulbs . aT W Group Ho. 3 Containing three No. 9 bulbs . 2.00 J . Phone Silverton 2403 4 Write Route 1, Box 150, Silverton ICE CHEAII All Flators, No Limits. M- SAVING CENTER Salem and West Salens For Thorough, Bcliahle Anio Body .hd Fender Work USE LODER BROS. SERVICE Von ran depend upon onr body hen to turn out work on sour ear that yon ean be nrend of. LODEB BBOS. OLDSMOBILC SALES AND SERVICE 4U Center RL - rh. C12S-54C7 ISth Year In Salens Just mm ji filT THE i i 1 1 1 ii ii ii ii it i iit i ' i "' - 2C9 PM -iE2EEPS UKE (BIB TYPE) - ' I I t m y Ideal for painling and dairy work. Well made, roomy, one large palch pocket. a NO UMIT WHILE TIIEY LAST (7 mm M ) Auxiliary Quilt Mrs. Jess Barnes opened her home Wednesday to members of the Carpenter's auxiliary for a covered dish luncheon and quilt ing party. Plans were made for the annual bazaar to be held Dec ember 5. Attending were Mrs. Gertrude Larkin, Mrs. Helen Haines, Mrs, Viola Carter, Mrs, Janett Pratt, Mrs. Billie Pratt, Mrs. Al Thomas, Mrs. Veda Maude, Mis. Orel Ethel and daughter, Mrs. Mary Gerkin, Mrs. Irene Smith and the hostess. Home from Chicago Home from a vesir's ttitv in Chi cago is Miss Ruth . Kellogg, who plans to remain in Salem with her mother. While in Chicago Miss Kellogg was employed with a mortgage company. , Before returning west the Sa lem maid enjoyed a 3500-mile boat trip on the Great Lakes and was joined by her sister, Mrs. 11. A. Pugh of Newport. The trip took them to Niagara Falls, St. Lawrence river. Thousand Islands, Toronto. Ouluth and Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Pugh preceded her sister home by several weeks, both returning to the coast by plane. Congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. Willard L. Kapphahu on the birth of an eight-pound, six ounce boy Friday morning at the Salem General hospital. The baby has been named Earnest Leroy, for his grandfather. His maternal grandmother is' Mrs. Nettie Sand ers of Richmond, Calif. Miss Sisson To Be Feted At Party Miss Mary Elizabeth Sisson, bride-elect of Ensign Charles N. Flitton, II, USN, will be the honor guest at a bridal party Sunday afternoon When Mrs. Don F'ox (Roberta Jean Yocom) entertains at her Portland home on Marquam hill. Guests have been invited to call at 4 o'clock and a miscel laneous shower will fete the bride-to-be. Attending from Salem will be Mrs. Benjamin Whisenand, Mrs. William McElhinny, Mrs. Warren DKlittle. Mrs. Stuart McElhinny, Miss Edith Moxley. Miss Marianne Iw, Miss Janice Nelson and Miss Helen Zielinski. Miss Sisson has been in Se attle the ptiKt week, as her fiance recently arrived in port. She will drive down to Portland Sunday morning, returning to Salem that evening. Mrs. Roy II. Mills presided al a bridge luncheon Friday after noon at her South Winter street home in compliment to . members of her club. Mrs. George Aiken was an additional guest. Judge and Mrs. Harry II. Belt have left for Gold Beach to be with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George .Belt and new grandson, Christopher Harry Belt. Mrs. Belt will remain In Gold Beach for several weeks. Thn Statnaman, Salom. Orncjon. Saturday. Octobor 18. 1948 3 Dr. and Mrs. Burton A. Myers had as their gutst on Thursday a cousin, Mrs. John F. Kessel nf Los Angeles, who was returning snulh after a visit in Tncoma with her daughter. Alibama was the Indian name of a tribe in southern Alabama. . Utah was named after the Utes, an Indian tribe. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Dyer. jr., are spendin thej week-end at Neskowin f j Chest Colds ttunmtetrt- y vju rub I STEAKS RARE PRIME RIBS OF BEEF SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN ! VIRGINIA BAKED HAM ROAST OREGON TOM TURKEY ; NEW ORLEANS JUMBO PRAWNS I Dancing Every Evening Except Monday I Wally Stand and Orchestra Phono 5585 xoken Yindous Uasfe Costly Let us Regime Your Sash I The Cost it Small The Fuel Saving Great Whitlow Glasn, Talile Tops I'late Gla : ( ifuel -! ( i Glass DopL 340 Court St OT0KDSE1 WflHSED Nighl shift. Working in Pears and Beeis Paulus Bros. Packing Co. "' Phone 6565 I In Cooperation with Salem Cannera Committee Going Full Blast! Shop Now and Say e! iv Y J nnnrDfy v i "'imZ, r 1 . atched :- SO LOOP PILE Rugs All innfasl, pre-shrnnk! 24" x 42" size 30" x 54" size 48" x 72" size 4.45 6.95 14.95 The kind you see in handsomely furnished homes everywhere I Use rhem to accent your fireplace, a sofa, or to dress up a hall I Use them in ensembles, in bedrooms, den . . . and odd that decorator touch to your own home I Finest qualify I loops are woven in, won't pull out. No cut ends to shed Washable, long - wearing I V DOWN for potxhaw over $10, balance In monthly paymenfg