For Sale Ileal Esta te For Sale Rel Estate LEE OHMART & CO., REALTORS 3 hU)H(MlM HOMt I C -1 tiuuM, aaapwlr da-rotated; In ami nl. tu tsaamta In all ; .ii w rib outaaite 4hiiiu and new e'e. Wt hMt Included Dug has. i tdl $Mr50 just outh or TOWN 1 arlf Of :!ltl With f tMIl lill la ti le ; f i" iruatMr He mm mi with wood fui ' !, fan sm. ctg wain Small thHii' Imium rhntr. walnut, (war i and fcpi'lt 1rjr Bo al dum 2 bli X t )d M bMI NORWAY STHEFT rt ) -4ti .forteMe , Iimw A very rtiti .forteMe 9 riMw house. la-a. uvtc0 rtHim ea4 daotng r'Hm 3 .- "ii y.rnm katctuAi utility r , i 4 tif -''Ijf " fwwiw ifl lOMtrte ant! out price t ih hnl Ifc-n ln wash ing mi tiiiw l-atge abade f i re in fi v t .. I ivttnl al 1 1 I Norway fct dowaa ft U RBAN HOME J. ii i . teal fui aate A fl bed i i,Hm . rKif ih Imni antral S ytia old Murrt w - t tr f, replace, garage I iinlfd I. fUm h from aetata,.!. Ml! iridtr arsd lull rlr Wt SUA' EH TON ROAD 1 acre, Mibuibtn hmn Attractive laid Good barn, boat alalia for two hiiim. Pasture City bua aervlce. Im mediate 4nwlon Owner nwivH 40 n. ilea awa. Ma want action $t939. Kri2rR DISTRICT Located jut north of the Keuer . I.ool A modern 3 rcMMn home. 3 large bedroom, part bwmcnt, fire place in living room, good utility loom, Over 1 acre of rich aotl 99500. LARGE HOME A wall built and very comfortable J tK-iIiram home, doubt plumbing, pari basement Mh oil lurnarr. wired lor lariat and elee water heater Double lot. loo 100. shade trees, garden apace, l urnar lot--$IO,54J - BEDROOM HOME Beautiful clerk property, l-arge lot. loom far other huuact, wall lanii4aped . Good c 4nfartable home, double plumb ing, fireplace, nuv clean basement with automatic ail furnace V ac n t now. out of town amirr. Priced at $11. WW. Terma. LEK OIIMAKT & CO., KKALTOKS 4T. txOl'RT ST Evetungs and Sunday Phone 3-3431 or 3W9 FIIONE MM OR 4039 3 UUrm he, unfinished cltv i wr aMl Ttiia aa livable (hin I OUm 4 Reeve. Realtors NELSON NEWS fi jai I riVene SasJ T.r 71HWI X ball in ItanKt III Klira; Dist i. 1 1 in. KlU ! Will. a lot of Ih, 'in Jt irJw, laige ia w" in tM'Vf all hiiKti of fruit -rm ,irfuil .aiMtaraamf I'lhrtl lil OImui tk Krrvr, Kealtors f S I it 1 I'hiHK 4'l 2H0 I Ml iaM i.a a luarth In ho-kI l a 1i . i iili rati a lot l Iw M ll 4 t.- InM lui tall M Ma-Mv for rt'- iiifio ti iff OImui & Krrvr, Kraltom i a .o. I PlMia txuw i r -at i ii Immimi f a' fn-.;ia Vr I -iinH ane I. i lo.ii. !'- , I mi Itiu t a 49014 li ate BDRM1., 94000 Ke I y t rdnui alrrl heuw, I. R . DR. Kit . 1 Ixlr in a, bath, on tat fir.. 3 tiditna up. 1 iua in, on creek. 1 blk. to bua. I'BK 1.11 RIGHT NEAR CAPITOI. Imd avail. J bdrm. hum, I blka. fi ram t attitial bldg . newly decoiated, A I roiKtitKHi, full baamt . aawduat heat. lai K gaia. convenient to tiool (lore At bua 9tM.'wf IIKAI'1lt;i. (NOIHAN C'REXK l1INta Mll. tly Iriixl 4 Ixlrtu. tioine. I. R . IH. Kit, bath, had f 1 1 . liUr, aire water tiealei. Iintml , fiiinaca. na tive limber kalting with year aiound 1 1 teli. family (Mtliard. OImui & Krrvr, Krallor : rHvu utat ion m. .hop w X mtmm-tkm mIII..H IiiIbI.m at. a I I I'lioaaa 4Xal ill ZiOtail 4'. t IWIimi Ixaana (ootn lor j $ 1 .of a tin ..)! ta m a vei ajanxl ' am a !' lion tuaai' 4 il oi fuUj laeaaieiit tail tart, all kind ot fiuit Ji. .,. v ...l I - b Hie tient i in h tSe h MaMtOji I'M mora In- faf 1 mi aa 1 OImio X Krcve, Kraltorn tHi t 1 f PtwMa iMW .r 7H4MI Mfa i Jaaa tuMna la.l villi 1 ai ti bwat f. ! V latlaxl oil lieai. i aiet Mavva ihia ran lae liati into! ,.' t 'wmi avitaa taarn OImui JL Krrvr, K rail or p4i .m. I PImmm Mit e lotHI I !' I4iiii, baa iKartli I, nil in. k IW'I .a f wllaa twuli ) iriln Via ' Ui aawduat tieai iiii- ei aavii.t lawn OImui A Krrvi?, Krallors ; pj K I ...1 I I'Immmi '! I've .'lnWl ttlin t.t.f t in taanrt liaa alnoi. hurt j fit !liaHal f I ru'axo. V Hlind. elea ajaa'ea aaiar. iota caf buiM-Jti tall , ! Na.Mlul Uit Joi ifitr-r Itrr I aava t. (a Ua givla and i la J K. Maal I .l itioia lli ( ' Mali j OImui & Krrvr. Kralturrt ' Iimnliatr VaeUm US t. ,ve ZKtw (. Thf l(,r, wr .rr,,, hue Ha-.a.ifiifn llail I-' a.t t P rnrlewaaaad diattKt . I.arga living room unarm urai laHJif w(, frQ,, nj,r dmmg nn. t i UU I'M l.-.Miri) I.AH. 1. ; kitclieti. full bawm'riit with futliara am tur aowtli. wiaoliln t tatte : rn li.d bach, yard wood landacapmg ii.wti to maka llvalaie , l I JIHI fj JM I'aififiiaf.ed naixlorn hmiia In if 11 -ad dl.Hl.1 tin, 1. an I III llin 1 1 A I f 1'OHTHMlOn Older tria liediixjirt plastered tinuiae 2 lieill laomt down, J up. Kcel lent location fiar high arhool. Junior high and Iha EnglawaMxl grade arhttol. Home ran have double plumbing, the building la uf encallent roniatruct tun and In atotad leoalr. but need paintmv. 1 "I tin w ill make aumeont a aplandid Himu aarvira atallon, lubt ItalKaai liooi ateam cleaning auto painting Ai Ixaily repair ajulpmnl, goaaal lmm, MliURHAN STORE A, HOME flie-ptnul bldg , auilabt for nrlgh ImtlKMad giatareiy with I bdrm. mad, Uying quartern, krrga under -ground naamltne attraga with pump, aenall Lain, chicken haniae. etec water ay lein. dbl gal age w ith livable attic, MS00 fiOtili 40 AC rAUM, AUMSVIIJ.r Olympir a W a ia I a aull. nearly all ran tie tmlUvafed, tin. Iiouae, 3OT30 bain. garage, waaod alaed. chletien Iiouae. bug itouee. 1 good apt Iriga. I ai. bei lea. ran tae made Into a Very fine mail dairy faint Pike etuon, If tlieae do not maaet your require ment tell ut.wliet you want. We proti ably have It -NKIaSON .X NKIaSON nirr 1 nelson .Tiiroo nelson REALTORS Rrn M l Maaonlg Htdg 4M Slat t Phona 441V or 44UC2. EvaM S-I3M Pgr ma S-M41 $ 4 Mali S4X if rnii,ri. buy ( all Hpira llH.i a.jgl i Ikii 1111 . rrnMb-rii, a'laa'lied garat lot ka 1 ill t all Ml - 1 iuaulirr. i) lUMn , taaaeioerit luinaie. e .r. rental , fl.MKl all. -. all Suf eaitaaa .auic.'i liv. rm . rtm . ' limiv hum or roukl br uied lor hwnr """ m. nauciiirni, w- ,.nd income property. It la reaaonably ruavl haat d.m t m... thia, i prirr1 m 1 an pt easitaor ouri r i tr $ 7 kSaia- l- r m niuderft laaiaea on 2 aariar ground. tented otliei, ixitiivd poaa Bay Cher 1 ) tree 1 4.1 tk.leig j l.ftayti laiiR i , hmna made for com 1.iar.,e living. grand yaid v:tn f j ut emiaj fui'nltuia. 1 all M (lauflm Utxo : .i KJtti. clow m on Irwr Counlrv Homr S mile from down town Salem. S tedrMHn hoiie. about 0 year nld Liv ing and dining room, large kilt-hen. wned f'M elartrlc range. Tile bath nuiiii Hirdaeye maple floor, full base ment, laundry tray, furnace, double caraae. electric water ayatem. fruit 1 .-a & 1 and nut treea. nice yard. S acrea of . w ill Jill inaiiru . . . . .vfeO valuable 01 ..lael tv n """" nwmi amuui, a)uaa.aa aaaa roM r. able terma ( alt Hai'm ion. elWteU gltOtay t, willi double .liin,l.- aaa ai lauiii'Kiiit lull, furnl laaie tari be txaaaglat III M 4 4411 11., al. .i it.iue. all halat fliaora liiaavn. Iioaeiiierit , fiaaeve liat IIMatfVI In. I II, 1 at. tVraadlaaaariatagli Ma otlaeia rati and tola to aaaan egaiai i Miin.a . caaaw-a lat, cloe to bir m an i iU Plieplaa-e Paved I wi a ab faron gaaltfati i l-orji.o Spaca-aua living and du.iria a t a r pa-led wall to wall la v aueUr lurm aflanaani In aleep lug pr,t-r Auto Ml lul n mrm in baae merr avi.ol'ta gal age aaid aiiiop lit I4aa a nr. acieaage rawi lie liougtit : in aabitr. 1 all Mcfilaullin ia.tery I ip l.aatate built for giacioo Iivirg Hulrnla f'Hiatain. lot of valu- Sie rii4l l-e I vrear In Haiem 5 faaaat ui tette for aiilidiv'idrrig Etreiatf.l tali.e foa tJd OOU Krimauii Krai Kntatr l killfiilly Haatadled ' gel . Plaone 3122 or la34 Fwti,i.f arid Sunday tdllJ or J7I A!1 aV nri.VN Mt'GRAVt $roo t um 9 I (KM) to $AHH) filfitialai t uaaneaa liata f ai 11 a key P ia--ity at a leal value price ST2H) - Imiiirtl. I')u(. I 1'iiiH.m p'.aateied Haatie Hdwd flor.ia faaily year old $1 4.000 ftrja.iwf oily wjaded gr nuidl, quiet gin ifnaia Iely laig' iiome. Pa nax I b iir !Mi iMeelMV I M ft . d r. ' fn attrben. den. batb 4W rri'a ai. 'rifintlad otafaii t 'lean , liaaairni with trayaj and aui nil fur- ! nai. j KinHooil llrilitr j Tr.e fi tea ? view r me. new home witr i I h a.filien ttmefie living I unn nue Dark Willi N Ira 1 baerra.t witli plastered lump'l room m 'Hr. tta A built -In bar Wired for fie eaec wti bti . aV air i-.r.: tuiiait I m ua abow it to you Prued at gr? fano Hrft Silrni Kraltv Co. i3 rrc;r water tr'eet PHONE SUM rNCLEWOOO (h lei aawrpping dial, and arhoola. I a re l ia. rrn. and din rn Cabinet n ode I t w t ht Wired fan range. Tla w iin auto aavd furn IMilltv poser I a ar garage 04 winter fne in (.a to meter" aTarnUv fruit H-.ii i a.n tliia en goaaaii Wea Uinuli a a. IM Ilrkit, Kraltor 2Jg ( inaakata 81 Phone H4I " rni 4 iM-iri ur.f itiired bouae a balh on P.aal II. J' eirl-of h t'liuirli HI nai cor net want Nack al kllveiton Beu .1 . I " aa-a at ion kuaaked on outside WHKiiai A nun aie tn.lallad I mk It aaver -f irtareted aee Norman Jenaen, r-r.ii,r. ba- Noitn of t' Otl tankf, ailirilr.'. rii.ama I OYF: Y 3 BR Home In Keirer dlt Th.i i a iw place tn A-l condition Priced to aetl Call Mr G .l ley with 111. K. MdHfH Mill Crrrk Homr 4 bedrraaatn. large living and dining room, kllitien and nook, full baaemenl. A l.o a 4 room large modern apt A beautiful large ronaer lot You ran am fiolilng In the creek from your back ard A fine family home with 1IMI ei month Income, near acbool and park Must bar aren to be fully appreciated Special $4000-$.500 4 bedroom with Income - a-tUUO. 5 bedroom Siouth 42.V 2 bedroome North with Income tSSOO Forknrr-IJournr. Realtors Jor Spitrlork, SalrHtnan 154 N Capitol PhoneS3! I.ARCr LOT TOR RALE S0aj2Vl ft . on paved t , with eat f-frrwif. Ceriieril walk. Inraletl north Price tlVtri gWHI down, be I 20: per mo. Hintable for rental unite. Cralirnlioritt Itron., REALTORS 134 Liberty at Phone 4111 '"NOT "A HOUSlTAOMlEt KP.IZER DI.HTt Newly pointed thru out g Yr t old S bedroom home. Glaaaed in back porch -a yard you'll be proud of Price MM Call My lea Henderson Joe Hutchison. Rraltor 4S Couit Phone TOM Mea. 2-44MI2 " NICE", yir oiifTioineTTtorlii nd St. nli-e room, hdwd floor, fireplace, full basement, auto aawduat heat, wat er liester Poaiaeaalnn In I day. See MR OOOOWIN with Haw kin X Robert"., Inc. REALTOR Phone 41 lag After - 7I5 WELL Hullt old type houae. 3 bed loom., living rm , din rm , Kit. Rath. Pari liavinl I'leatered Ixacated In heart ui M Portland 3110 S E. Ralmon. Imirvetl pnu M7M IM Ihrkit. Kraltor 341 , Fiatr M M r p .ildin go .Jim Phone 4803 lot North Jtth St p. .riding In lra MR (iCKIOWIN with Hawkiun S KoImtI. Inc., REAI.TORH Alter g 715 3.1 Cl.a-rneketa Si Phone M 11SOkOftTH. ifiedroaana. fuTaTaaee- irvent. garage. Corner lot. tlnt.NO New 2 bedroom. electrtcally heated, garage S acres t300 - Appro.. 1 aarre. 1 Badrooma. K tra land ran be bought extra. flO.OOn- Palrmount Hill. 3 Bedrooma. basenvent. rumpus room. I. H. Bell, Realtor 319 Guardian Rldg Salem, Org. Phone 4SB41 ItVXI-NrCE. CLEAN one WdTootn house located NE Earellent lo- ca t Ion eat boa line. Stovea go with the place IVVH) S acres In Liberty dlstrlrt with 2 bedroom houae. On paved naad and auhurban bua Una. Home timber, cherries, walnut pruneai. 7wai l, at res with good room house on Hollywood Drive. Oarage, chicken house and barn Some fruit and nuta. $10 000-1. acre with lata built. B room modern Engllah atyle house. t'nfinl.lied upttatra. Located NE on Chllds Ave. RoHtein & Ailolpli. Inc. 110', N. Commercial St. Phone 3030 E yea. S3 1 4 Sacrifice l bedrm house. Close In. large lot, $2ati down, balance S3S per month, till price tiKHI Csll for Mr. Iaaa4t M. O. Humphrey anil Co. 339 Portland Rd " Phone. Tg34 For Saler Real Estate For Sale -Real Estate GRABENH0RST SPECIALS SACRiriCB Modern tni. borne. English type, fireplace, hdwd. floor, auto-oll tteat, full basement, nook. dble. garage. Ige. lot, may tree, quuk pwaaewaon. Own er leaving city. Prlc 911.000. Call O. H. Uratienhorgt, Jr. CLOSE IN IIOME 4 bdrm. home, hicated on N. Sum mer St. Basement, furnace, fireplace, hdwd. floor, nice, yard.' wonderful family home. Price $14,200. Owner leaving city. Call Coburn L. Craben horst. N. SALEM SPECIAL 3 bdrm. Liigllsh type home, hdwd, f loots, fireplace, full basement, saw dust heat, t'omplebrlv rtHlaacotated In side A- wil. I'm HIM Call Rich aid E. UrabeMhoraL 4 BEDROOMS Cloae to BuaUi School, basement. V furnatte. Ige. . lot This Is a real in. vestment I't U-e 7SiKJ. Call Coburn L. Orabenhorat. ; S1LVEHTON ROAD FARM T rm, home, excellent condition, elec hot water healer. A aplendid family home. 33 acres of rich farm land, all under cult. Thla la truly a real buy at IS.IXJO Will also aell fully equipped. FOR DETAILS call Dale L. Shepherd. KINRWOOD HEIGHTS Modern 2 bdrm. home, hdwd. floor. t fireplaces, rumpus rm. Ige lot beau tiful view. SEE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. Call Dale L. Shepherd. HOME SPECIALS S7V00 buys this S rm. home, full base ment, furnace, fireplace, nice yard, good location . SEE THIS HOME. fttsttO buys -lilt 3 bdrm. home, base ment, aawduat heat, r e dec or a ted thru out I .or a ted rinse In. FOR APPOINT MENT call Richard E. Grabenhorsl. N. 21st STREET 3 bdrm. home, basement, auto-heat, hdwd, floors, fireplace, comer lot, re decorated thru-out. An excellent j fam lly home. Chase to arhoola. Pi ire $1 J,7iKJ Call Richard E. Grabenhorst. GRABENH0RST BROS., REALTORS j 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 413) Phone eve. 7772 - 2-24148 - 3-3334 - 4043 - 7S7S For pi ompt courteous service LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US For Sale -Real Estate See Theae! EXCELLENT S large rooms with den. carpeted, fireplace. Beaullfuoy land'caped. laovety alew. Automatlr oil boat; attached garage. Keatrtcted neighborhood. Ill born you want for only $13.oft M vFry t;x)0 :onditiok SMALL Cape Cod. I bed roawn. dou ble lot. fruit trees, garden. N ice loca tion Full price g0 t HFAUrfUL CREEK PROPERTY ? 22 Arte few mile out on good rcaad Pait timbered, little cleared Klecti icily ayallable. City water piped la . property. Ideal place to build a future home and have, park, boating and swimming and; I a lee flab. Price only $.ir0 Part ferine j t HOICF. HUILDINO SITE ? Well loraled Fait ftorlt lot S3 IDA lit Noith Salem oi i pgved etread. Prlga aanly t'lMl I ! K; N fKiRltrrs or i JAMM M HAM I MAN with laro N. CliihU, Inc. REALTORS 344 Slate Si. j Phk til HOW CLtnVM ARE YOUT A LI TTLE time, a LITTLE rrtonoF. a BIG rhamw to atop paying lent. New 3 room house. In Keurr diatrlct, on 1 g A. 13 nice Walnut trees, all for $25 Call Habtiy" Halreinlrht Jor HtJtrliiMHi, Realtor 4M Court Pho,. 7agg VirW Hume Beautiful ; home on; Klngwood lleiglil Ha ealra laige living loawn with beamed celling,' dining loaam. dam, S tied rooms down, unfinished but livable , upalait haul wood float, basement Willi fully automat U- Oil fuinace. wired faT lange .elerln wat er heater Very targe, :landcaped lot. Eil Byrkit, Realtor 33t Chenaeketa St. Phong MSI For Sale Farms IT'S IIARO TO BELIEVE 4'f A Eaceptional locatioTi for bus iness enterprise. Acre Part, bringing food Income, routd bring much more room houae, elec. 4 A LA Clover, A graile Milk houaa complete, good barn I3 T Ilayl, 10 crrwa. good greek, $71,000. Call llenfy Torvend, Joe Hlitt liiron, Rraltor 43 C ourt Phone 78M i ! Re, veJ 4 1 THE UTTIJC OFFICE Willi A BKi I1USIN F.SS 31 acres, fair home, tra good bain, milk lioune. Imp shed, spring, creek, good family .orchard, soma fir timber, elec. Only $7400. bo Acre S. C H or more tinder plow, aom timber, rrnal! houae. barn with 17 stanchion. Price 10.500. S-ll stock snd equturnant. I J" C. H. SANDERS,-.3311 N -H'h -T-JIM 12 Acre I'arni A nice' 12-scre farm close In an Garden Road. Good soil. Lota of front age. Modern 4 bedroom honae. Full basement, sawdust heat., wued for range, hardwood floors, good barrti 3 chicken houses . t acre fruit and nuta Thla place will not last Priced to aell. See us now. Morris Realty Co. 970 Si Commercial 970 Phone 4217 " '100 ACRE DAIRY am aee! fetm. Lots of hlway frontage. Suitable foi sub dlv. Close to Salem, j 2-atory modern 7-rtn. houae. Large dairy barn. Trac tor and equipment goes. Fine Irriga tion system. 3 A. eache. Family orchard. A good buy Only $230 per ere. r See Mrs. Isherwood Burt Picha, Realtors Phone 3210 or $F1I i 337 N Hlgr) St S" ACRES All In cultlatton ; House, barn, chicken house. 10 acres squash In field go at M.9O0: Sullivan Realty Co. 33S Portland Rd Ph 32S Eve J447S SCIO-ALLr PURPOSE FARM Dairy, grain or trunk, go acre, near limn 40 A bottom laaam lt of good timber. Year around pasture, api lug and cteek S room j borne, concrete foundatoiit. gleg, water syst. garage Good barrt and shed This Is all fiod soil, well drained. NOT gravelly. $3300 down, bal gSOOO at 4'. 100 ACRES LEVEL SILT LOAM Well located at edge of Mld-Willem-ette town. North, an pavement. Good he . elec; heat 1 H R. down. 3 up. unfinished, good barn, poultry he . garage iO peach tree. Other fruit and nuts A ral buy Terma $ 13.750 40 ACRES NEAR SALEM c Small 3 rm he newly papered, new well, year spring This Is good, well drained soil $00t) or $$00$ fof 40 A., no buildings, Iirseii Home & lxan Co. Exclusive Listings Perrfnal Service ISt S Coml St; Phone guts Eve 7440 " TURKEY RANCH '" l A. Only 3 min. from Salem. 3S I III brooder house 4 bed rm teal denre with base, and furnace. All for $tS00 GENFHAL REAL ESTATE CO Rml0, Ladd S Bush Bldg. Ph. 7770 "'rtfJOY A COUNTRY" HOME? Lasted near Wheatland Well build, modern 3 bedroom borne. Wired for range. Patio, shrubs and flowers. Appro, one-half acre. Attached garage. Only $6600. e Mrs. Isiierwood Burt Picha, Realtors Phone 32i0 or riFll 337 N. High St. A BUILDING 34'xIlO' construcled of cement and tile. Could be used for many businesses- At present It r a brooder house fully equipped with water, lights, ggs and all conveniences. Modern J room hm, basement. fur nace, trays. 19 acres ot land, berries and fruit trees. 1 0O' water svatem. Nice Torallon. gloae to Salem $1 Soo IS actea Feat Of Salem. S room home, garage, barn, tile chlrken houae. Small orrhaid.9l9.OU0 P. H. Bell, Realtor Phil Belt H A Umiwra H P. Uuatafson 910 Guardian J. 4SS4) : $47tTRF-SlirC1ackama county Foui miles northeast of Woodburn, 30 acres cultivated. 9 acres of this Chehalls Butte creek bottom land, balance W il lamette. . Abunctsiu-e of FREE Irri gation water f available from Creek. Family orchard and berrtes. S room. two story mndernlaed home. Barn In good condition. Ford Ferguson trac tor, with full riulpment $ acres good corn. Barn full of hay. S good Cows, I beirer and one rair. I oval price in eluding slock, equipment, growing crop snd hav in barn, gzi.avo. Part terms If desired. ' Sullivan Realty Co 334)3 Portland Rd. Vix. 3X34. Eve. 3447$ For Sale Farms 56 Acres $3000 Good aotl. Creek. Spring. Good Pas ture. - 34 Acres $5500 S acres in beans, IS ae. seeded to clover rye grass. S acres oak tim ber and paature, all year creek. I room home. Barn. 13 stanchions. Elec. pump. Irrigation equipment. 0 cows and hay ran be purchased. 14 Acres $16,800 I good hotaeaa. 3 large barns, family orrhaid. rreek, spring, ahaaut Si rn der cultivation, formerly In hope, bal ance paature and timber, well fenced. On paved road. THK RKAL ESTATK MARKET 433 N. High, luat North of Center St. Pti.He ?47wi Eve, ItYtfJ or 037,9- 60 Acre Farm Good farm mile of MUyton O'aod five-room house. Barn built In 1944, Ha f stanchions, room for more. 30 Ions of hay, 9 cow, team of horses and alt farm equipment goes. $IMX0. Morris Rrattv Co. 970 S. Commercial 970 Phone 1217 FARM nPM'IALS 43 ACRES A good loaalion and buy .for the handy man, building sie poor and need repair, considerable! Iru o lie from r-tieirles, prune, walnuts and berries Good Ieitiis-$VMMI 19 ACRES Bean and vegetable land. 3 room cabin, 9 A. In bean yard, located oir paved hlway near West RIyton -4iri4O0 A SET-UP tm POULTHY-MAN Irge laying houae, brooder house, calf barn, converted dryer Into S story laying house, suitable acreage tra move Uteee buildings onto. Now in bearing fruit and mil treea 9A200 31 ACRES-SMALL DAIRY 4 room older type home, elec, and water, dandy barn and poultry !iue. family orchard, year around creek with good bottom land for truck gar den or berriee. 23 A. grain land, good pasture. Term tlMM 39 ACRES Good dairy or poultry setup. S room modern older style houae, big barn, garage and other out buildings, rh-c. and spring water, 3 elec pump sys tem, several sere Irrigated, good term $ouo down, balance at 4"., total price---$m MW. 29 ACRES-NEW HOME Iicated near Aumavtlle, Ore , a 3 bedroom modern home, Juat complet ed, fireplace, land la new, recently cleared, level, gravelly clay loam, 'lo cated on county road, it miles from town. Term $9300. 129 ACRES Open land, east, $3 A. grain land, balance In pasture, oak and fir, 13 A.: seeded to bent grass, fenced and cross fenced-37 VW 149 ACRES STOCK AND GRAIN 140 acre in cultivation, older type fair improvements. Amity and Day ton soil, topography near level, well drained by creek, now leased and full crop seeded - 913 0O0 9M ACRES STOCK AND GRAIN RANCH -300 A In rultivstlon. 90 A pssture. 1 nested on Santtam River with creek thru place, older type buildings, 9 room house, light, large bsrn. poul try house and machine shed -914.000 149 ACHES-STOCK RANCH 49 A. In cultivation, all newly fenced, chase to arhaaol and market, older type 3 bedroom home. elec. water system and bath, large barn, poultry house, machine shed snd hog house, terms 919.500 See L. V. Shsfer. For Sale Real Estate F4r Sale Krai Estate "McKILLOP'S" - $157 J 00-Fireplace, pari hardwood floors, plasleied. t BR hath. I K, nook kill hen. Venetian blinds, electric rooking and water heating, basement, vei y clean house. Good terms can be arranged 9930 00 New 3 bedroom home. Keier dlstrli t. Electric range goes, also oil circulator, bath. LR, DR. kitchen, Venetian blinds, plastered Possession in 10 days. i $9830 00 Spanish style home with double plumbing. Fireplace, hardwood and fir floor Full basement. 2 Mr., LR . DR.. kitchen, nook, clean house. Lovely yard. Immediate possession. $11.300 00 3 bedroom home. English style. Hardwood floors, fireplace, balh. LR . DR . kitchen nook, full basement Electric rooking l-arvclv fenced in back yard. Electric range and electric refrigerator can be pui chased. Possession 20 day. i $23.000 00 l arge home located within 4 block of Mate rapitol Hardwood floois Fireplace automatic oil fuinace 2 car garage Large lot SOsJixl Also two completely furnished apartments iitrslalra with private entrance. Income fiom apt $110 00 pet month Tei in. 914.000 00 down bal. at 9V . MeKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY IBS SouUi High St. I 'lion 9-1-3-1. Phone evening 94)01 -7143 40.17 Acreage THE LITTLE OFFICE WITH A BIG BUSINESS choir bldg. sites about 90x130 with oak treea. paved road, on bus, city water, cloae school. 91373 each. 2 A. rich soil, close to Keier school $I2M. 3 A. rirh soli, cloae to Keirer school. 920O0. Acreage In thla diatrlct ailing for 9l2fNi per acre. C. It-, SANDERS - 2.11 N. High - 99.19 12 ACRES IN H AYSVILLE DISTRICT $ ACRFJi IN LARGE BEARING PEAR TREES, BALANCE IN OPEN LAND READY FOR CROP. ALL WI14.AMETTE SILT IN HIGH STATE OF CULTIVATION, THIS IS A RIAL BUY FOR $700 00 AN ACRE. Sullivan Realty Co. 339S Portland Rd Ph 3799, Eves 14479 ALMOST 39 Acres. If lls'goaad build, lug you tnuil hsve don't read this but If soil, location, iliuri-ti and school count heller see this place Close to low ai east. (ri bard surface road with K'mmI gravel road al aide, litigation well will eupply a barrel aer minute without toweling water level Ml mm walk to subulisil bua. Fled I Icily and gas Applies, chatties, filbert and Wal nuts. About . acre of strawberries. Old building! Owner leaving alale aays aell for 4IU,WMiuri Very easy terms I) A. FISH MM So. Com I Ph ftt24 $1S0I9 acre, fenced Nome timber unfinished house. On Battle Creek Rd C" iKikore Real Estate 4 S llth Open till P M 'h 4959 BY OWNERS; Immediate possession. 9 loom unfinished Engllah type home. A foot good drilled well. 10 aires, 9 acres under cultivation, balance lim ber and pasture. Young family orrh ard. aasorled fruit and nut Can lie made into love I v hoane Maame frunl lure available $Vxxmsi plume 302 ' $17 900 10 AC REM NORTH NEAR HAVF.H VID E HIKII, Very nice three HfllllOOM HOI'HF, II A It N AND f ITIIER BUILDINGS. THIS LAND IS WILLAMETTE SILT AND 'I'll F, FINEST STRAWBERRY GROUND IN OREGON JOINING LAND YIELDED 4', IONS PER ACRE, Sullivan Really Co. 3.MI3 Pott land Rd 111 3213 Eyes. 24479 $721X1-4 room house, double garage. 2' aires Willamette silt soil Ieep Well. Electric pump. Located on good lnwsy ruiee to Salem. "CM Kiliore Krai Estate 42.1 S l?th Open till I PM Ph Si1 NICE" HUILDINO lot on N Chinch HI Close to acbool and bua line Puce $771 . Call O V. Hume with Stntej Finance (o.-Kealtors 1.13 S. High Phone 4121 NEW 3 tied rrn"lie and 3 aeie Weather at r i raped and insulated. Eire trie heat 'F-lerlrtr luat water tank Dlile eataee F.lew waler ayatem: $itv.'0. tall Mr, Bishop GENERAL REAL ESTATE Rm 10. I .add A Hush Bldg Ph 7770 7 1rTtS ON PARK AVE ONLY " 912.1 DOWN. FIRST GETS BEST CHOICE. REIMANN REAL ESTATE "LISTINGS SKILLFULLY HANDLED" 201 S HIGH PH 3723 Oil 7930 EVF-S. A SUN. 34113 OH 32I Husiurss Opportiiuitirs AUTO COUHT On 8. Pacific Highway. Ground sire 73x300 ft.. 4 smsll units plus owner' quartet Building aie not fully com pleted, but includes practically enough material to complete same. Pure 9IWS0. GrahcnlioTht Bros. REALTORS 134 M Liberty hi Phone 4131 Exeliantfc- Ileal Estate Lee Ohmart & Co., Realtors 11 Court StPh9ao or4033; Cye7947 You Get Your Money's Worth Plus 3V0 ACRE STOCK FARM, with live yeor around stream. Electricity available 100 acrea In cultivation, 11 of which can be Irrlglaed Fair 9 room house. 30x30 bain. Wm. Bliven L. C. Cooney 42S Oregon Bldg. Phone 70Oft Evenings 0019 Acreage RICH BOTTOM LAND 17 acm, 2 comple'e set of bldg. f )ne a 4 bedroom house, fruit I in . home freeser, 3 acres strawberries and 4 rm. house and garage and mini Large Incutiif, APARTMENT HOUSE 0 apta , good income, located close In. north. Lawrence Real Estate Iaan and Insurance , 330 N. High Phone 7 SO $9900 Keiser district Good 3 lied -room home. 3 to 3 years old on I acre 100 ft. frontage. A nice home. Excel lent soli, mote land If desired "C" Kil-ore ReaL Estate 439 8. 1 3th Open ti II $P M, Ph 40a3 SUBURBAN NORTH i acre, modern Cape Cod. !'', story 3 bedroom home, living room, dinette, kitchen, balh. . utility, garage, large Insulated fruit room, water system. This Is a nice all plastered home 4 years old. for 99.4M. Sullivan Realty Co. 3393 port land Rd. Ph. 3333' Fives . 244 79 9 ACRES. $13,900 or ! acres, $9900 9 room house, good barn, 1mm. poas "C" Kil-ore Real Estate 429 S 12th Open till 9PM Ph 49.1.1 FAIRMOUNT HILL building site. Lot 74 x 90. Price $1900 Call O. V. Hum with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S. High Phone 4121 $95f 2 acre. nesT Middle Grove school. New 9-room house. Elec. heat. Immed la te posaesslon. - "C" Kilsore Real Estate 433 S. 12th Open till 9 P M. Ph. 4939 '$73 "AN ACRE 133 acres under cultivation. 90 acres pasture and timber. 9 springs, woven wire fenced and cross fenced. Livable hae. Fair barn, $5000 down GENERAL REAL ESTATE Rm. 10. Ladd A Bush Bldg. Ph.7770 "9 "ACRES. New 4 rimm house. 2", A. peaches. I', ml. out Wallace Rd. on River Bend Road. J. II. Bogoger. Rt. 1. Boa IMA. WIIX Trade new - 3 B R hae In Albany for one similar In Salem, either 2 or 3 B R. Ph. 9131. 4 ROOM HOUSE with bath, north Nice lawn' and ahtubbery. garage. Also Palace trailer houae, modern. On paved street One block to school, store snd bus Fnt . act cage with house nutslda city see this at nnce M I) IjMinev wltli Win. E. Mosrs SSI1. Slate Phone 404)3 BY OWNER "flood Innmia from nine rlran. . aparlous loaams dlvUlcal Inlo 3 apart men la. plua extra sleepliia rooan Fuel A atoiage basement. laundry traya at nice lawn. $7500. Will trade for 2 bed room home l cash Phone 24H3L or call at 730 Mill Street. Suburban $4900.-4 room suburban home. Part ly furnished including new ga range $21X10 down Call Mr. Wallet Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 341 Chemekela SI Ph 3791 Evea 23300 . NEAR SOE NORTH fine acie. vei y nice, 3 bed loom borne In cxielletit condition. Wired for range, hairfwood floor. In excellent condi tion. Lovely yard, excellent garden soli. Full price $911.10. Sullivan Realty Co. 3IH3 Portland Rd. Ph 3259. Eve 2-1103 $1750-1 room suburban hiMne on bua line Living room, k'rtrhen. noark, 3 Iwd loom, bath, fireplace, hat d wood lloois. Call Mr. Wallers Huff Real Estate Co. HF ALTO RS 341 Chemekela St. Ph 37M3, Eves 2120 BY OWNER ' Immediate possession. 4 rm. and batit. utility rrn . approxi mately l, acre, chicken house and double garage. Lots of ehruba and lawn, Venetian blinds $ 1 54X1 down, monthly payments xi Berk gve 91.100 I' at'ies 9 room moalem house. Close In. south Good terms. Call Dick Smith Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 341 Chemekela!. Ph. 31349. Eve. 272M DUPLEX SPECIAL Really a nice place and a light In vestment. Beautiful hardwood floor throughout Separate auto, heater, and hot water heater separata basement utility rooms. Also bsmt. apt. with separate balh. Two nlr ga range go. $13,500 Half down. Sullivan Realty Co. 3399 Portland lid Ph. 3239, Eve 1-9103 YOUR OPPORTUNITY! Tu own one of Salem' most modern downtown irolautant. Laige seating rapacity 4 year lease wilh 9 year option, esrellenl Irarallon Glossing ap proximately 9MNi a day. I re Ohmart tS Co., Krallors 477 Court,!. ph 9mii or 4134 FOR SALE 4 duck Hn alley complete A-l eon dltloei. Also Neon sign, seals, Cermel corn machine, sander. Coke machine. Priced to aell. Call Nyssa, Ore., 150 Evenings $11100 MO Net A real drive in and chicken fry. 3 can manage nicely $73.10 buy eulpmenl and leae with option Good return mi Invest menl 'CM Kilore Real Estate 42.1 S 7'h (ien fill 9PM Hi tljl WF HAVE A well equipped gaiege ami hlrkrmth shop with living mist ier on ' ai"re of land In a aniall town 4 mile of Salern. Tin plai e I doing a afnod busirie.a All equipment goes 9HXXI Morris Realty (lit. 970 S. Commercial 970 VUjmrten RESTAURANT FULLY EQUIPPED Fountain. Well located, large ca pacity, low tent, long lease Nice liv ing qlrs Illness leason for selling Rim k hot lorn pi Ire for quick aale $.1750 SERVICE STATION Ar WORK SHOP Good Irarallon on rorner in smsll town. North lang leae. low rent Living qtm available Stork al in ventory. $750 La r sen Home & foaii Co. Exclusive Listings - - personal Service 194 S Coml St phone SIS Eve 7440 SERVICE STATION. RESTAUR ANT and home on hyway 99E north. 3 bed room home, 9 years old, I1, bsth. One acre of land with large sewer system In handle aulo court or trailer park This ha real possibilities. Price I right at 970.000. Term. .Sullivan Realty Co. 3JA3 Portland Rd Ph 32.V1 34479 914.300 Furnished apt rliaae to state bldg. Ha basement with nil furnace Each apt. haa bath. Bringing In good income Call O V. Hume with State Financed)., Realtors 1.13 S High Phone 4121 $74X1 for Duple with Business In front Income 9ti per mat All fui lush ed Not th A good Investment Burt Picha. Realtors I'll 3210 3:17 N High Street Service Station $150 THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N High St Phone 2-4701 BEST BUSINESS SPOT IN SAl.EM 39 ft frontage, 33 ft deep Ha a very nice two bedroom home, ut re decorated 'Completelv furnished. In cluding elec. range, water healei , and refiltieraloi l)bl garage and shop All for 9I3.IXM at Vei y easy term Sullivan Realty Co. 3.1A9 Portland Rd Ph 37,lf 9bre 24479 300 A. DAIRY TfX'KFO AND EQUIPPED' SUPER SETUP A MONEY MAKER LARGE BARN milk house, nun. ETC. MODERN HOUSE Th) Slatsysman, gqUm. Of.. Wodnsyevdlcrf , Qdobsw H, tt4t It 27 COWS 10 HEIFERS I BULL 9 HORSES I SADDLE HORSE TRACT! )R MILKING MACHINE. MINDER. MOWER. FTC BEST LOCATION NEAR TOWN CITY WATER ELECTRIC LIGHTS Wanted Real Estate REAL ESTATE WANTED We -are urgent! in need of listings A phone call or card will bring us out Burt Picha, Realtor Phone 3210 ' 337 N High SI IF IT Is real estate. Insurance or loans you want aee-- Percv 1 1 II man OREGON HLlx; WE NEED LISTINGS We have buyer for all types of homes and farms. Prompt, coutteous attention given to all listing. Neetlhanrs Real Estate 341 Stale St Room 4 "7 HAVE CASH BUYERS for all types of tiity and suburban: property lor proimit and courteous set vice list your Property with LOYD VOLKEL ReaL Slale Broker 474 Court Phone 3it04 Business Opportunities " ONE BIX)CK OF ELKS' CLUB HEART OF BUSINESS HOUSE WITH ONE RENTAL APT. GIVE ME A BID LUSE REALTY. OREGON BLDG. 7j2 " TURKEY RANCH ll'a A. only 3 ml. from Salem. Mx 110 h'looder house. 4 bed rm re.idence with base and furnace. All for $10,900. GENERAL RITAL ESTATE CO Bin. 10. 4idd A Buait llldg. Ph. 7770 $15,000 IF YO IIWANT SOMETHING G(K)D SEE THIS AT ONI 'F CALKINS BROS. 7o3 1st HI PHONE 37M N F. W BERf a, ORE t COURTESY Tt BROKERSI $2000 down. $50 per moo lb buy Ibis rlean 2 bedroom home Living loom, dining loom, kitchen, fireplace, baae menl Also income from 2 room apart ment Call Omar. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 341 Chemekela SI Ph 21349 Eves 23091 GAS AND OIL BUSINESS Gas station, rrpair short fuel ml dis tributorship with two 40Mt gal stor age tanks, delivery truck. alo 2 B R. home and enough lumber for another All heavy equip Including welder, air compressor, drills and etc go Ha a real Income 923.OH0 Sullivan Realty Co. 339 Portland Rd Ph 3799, Fvea 34479 RriiiiMiiu Real Estate $ I fano- 9-PIIMP STATION, pumping 451X1 gal f month slso shop Call Sprearlltor ousli 9 2,450 - 3-pump alatloti, clow In. good equipment, tar washing and steam cleaning. good lease, semi living quarters. Call Ru ber g. $ $.000 -Plus Inventory, buy service station, shop snd restsurant. living qtrs . corner Iocs I Ion on hlghwsy. don't miss this. Call Spread borough. $19.900 -Aulo cnui I on 90 E. close! In. netting $000 a month, also 4 bdrm. house. Rrimann Rral Estate "Listing Skillfully Handled" 201 So. High Ph 3722 or 7439 Eve St Sun . 3021 lliiinms Opportiiuitirs MOTEL- THAII.r.H PARK SHE 20e fl frontage on ISiF lust rrnith of Halern city limit Lovtly setting In large liee. Ideal auto t our I or tiailei paik alte. Sullivan Realty Co. .1303 Portland Hr Ph uI.ia' Eve I.iMI for Lease Sprsre for used t ar lot .ran I'si ifu Highway at city limit. 9X1 per month Crahcuhorsl Bros. REALTORS 134 8 Liberty bt. Phone 4131 For Sal WwmI DRY 14' SLAB WOOD A FIHilNC.M IMM DEL I'll 34.14 FRESH 1tT SCREENED FIR SAW. DUST, I'll aVM.1 , 3 CORD I JOAD $l'irtl 11 lnrl alali wimm and edgings Phone aaaj . 14 IN DRY OAK 3 I II UIAIIH PH 240.11 $4 (HI A CORD 14" slab wood mi'l editing on eve ning deliver le Phone 'S I HONE DRY 14' led III slab Ph 2-40.11 DRV Stah wood A edging. limn del. Ph SMI3 19 IN f.AltfJK BIXX'K ant alah wiH $9 cord Ph 4 sail or slop at IxJ S I2H SCREENED Sawdust Ph. 714 J Wi'st Salrm Fuel (!o. 14 IN RED FIR SLAB WOOD SCREENED MAWDUhT RURAL DEI.IVFRIKS DIESEL AND STOVF fill, phone : Salem t-4131; Dallas 24 For Sale-rtJsrtl Cars SSELL HERE We Buy all Makes ami Motlcls Eisner Motors 943 N HIGH ft ALFM PbaaiMi 700$ Elmer Boje WfM-)D 10" mill block and heavy stah wood Can he burned now No aawdusl dirt ne edgings. Good clean woaad. Phono 9433 21179 South 2lh St, Salem, Or r HOICK, mill wood, 3 unit load no ph tM44 Highwse Fuel PSEsT 0-1.000 manufactured "and nld by Capital Lumber Co. North Cherry Ave Superior fuel for furnace circulator ranee and fireplace Phone Mali Immediate delivery - BONE DRY green mill wood green 19" slab for furnace Capital Lumber aV Fuel Co Pit 7721 a 974 DRY Or ft sen old fir I fl 14" and log end Ph. 9390. R M Aahcrgft, 944 Mill St. W cMM!a wing- woo D Sewlnf 9ts) 9lh, "too N. Com'l. Ph. 9ft 73 WOOD Iswlng. n h Ciosg PH IITI Lost and Found TO TRADE 141 fJMC. . t pit hup. equipped Willi vetov4 spring 4 saa-ed f r amsn.laaion arv$ aim k latk 54 t enter Si .easori abelO lafMT: Black Cocker Spaniel Child g pel Ana to name Wimov l a" 4i laOST allows billfoltl hr'sa1uaaaT(il1 Contains ttlrtuies arid keepaekea Keep moaiay Hefitin billfold anal content Phone 3423 1144 N llth 1rST Salandav or Sunday Yellow! gold Wedding 1 1 tig chipped diamond ' act os front Valued keepsake Re. ! watd Ph 24249 MIST l'l i oitimaiidei Arner ii an legion pin En caved W ,1 ai llun Smith newattl I'h 4twii REWARD for any infor mallorl, lead ing lo Ihe tea over y of a male f ;eirnan stiort hair Pointer, weigh! 70 lias , liver brown In color; while patch on cheat. Disepiaeeied ft rem vlaiaiily of East fke reaatrt Oat 4 Wtlte Ge. W. McCortnack, to East lke Resort, lupine, Oie LOST'.' Bt own billfold Paaea rm orient at E. W, Morgan. Reward h 1-1422. Personal AM'OIIOLH'S A man rmaeu PO bs 774 PDII tractor with noer i ait . a tow ins wtrsrti. Pull IW... mud guartls. Just like new. tale model Inirr rial iimal W30 liactor. Mounted m new tuhlrer l ump le-rumd New low. Imiv lype heavy duly eoutn New ttoo.JO rublaer. 94 (, MC tin. X 3', T 13 ft bed Excel rood llt Ford purr up Motor te-ennd (awtat ,b he I lilrd 7sset Co t 911 Wallace ; Rd. '33 V-9 Fairly good cond . Very clean good rublaer, 4 N. Finnl. Ph 7H04 ; Ft tit SALE or Trade s M,,, pukrrp New laaaa. If Pttnliac piakuo, 31 Pont lac raMape 'li wlieel trailer. IS wheels ''41'. 3 ton Dodse rn na,' 4inoo mllaaa Aumavilla 4.are. Aima. Vllle, Oie. '.... . ; III HI AND 1979 A ti ur k B -rS g.Hid cond 30 Robeiia ave i Itll MODEL A $121 , Rt" 9. Bog M IT T-rid Ihithan 9ve j 34 V-9 Truck, flat tied and pa to go with It. Also man's hu ir a Hai In -Ml shape. Rt. 4, Boa t J A. Rowland 1941 FORD' Truck, 19 fl " flat he-, aingia a set trailer, Moio i m. pla leig overhauled J. L, Rove. t.)nn i 144 PONTIAt" 9 sertanette. ratio and heater 9MI t berry ave TRAILER Houae, 14 ft 4ol fl 3"f. Silverton I IRAILFR Use Sleep 4 I.U . built lira sink g'Mad lira Proa $ ax at ltd Also lM fbev aed $141 MM Mt"t ran trOE A and L gataie 104 WI1J.VS Plrfcup a....l., fair' III, erettoanttel tl anepot I41 aaea, 44 Union Ph lal 1 19 IKHxTJE 4 dr eeden "run kay, rheap 940 Union Ph lieof 1 1930 CHEVROLET 4 dr, sedan, h.aier. giaod maal or, tires and body. Below1 celling 940 Union I'h flan? FfRI) V-l wilh4 new tue ' . lull b gnd brska. Ofi.e $1tVn rm tmr Si rode, Rt 9. Bos S4) Sal em .t bone east of 7esaeo oil plant on Ihe int4 side of Hoy I road ' 1 NASH 30 Ambassador' "Motor ri-.-uletely overhauled l I Manc. S4$ Filgewster, West Salem., t I ; ( a I aftet g p m 1 ISM PflNIIAC $ cylinder 1 dt sed.o. deitendable It a"taoi ta' laat faood rt.i ee and lues 44u Lnioei ph 7 1 S02 IMKI FORD I'Mkup fiol motot, jiea. onal'le D40 I'nton ph 7 1" 7 137 ORAIIAM avaliei g.t '..". Call at IJI t enter or ; lh 7'tnaf 2l FT. 'Coveted Wafod trailer Iwaaase, aleeia, 4 ' Earellent oil burner ard t atove New lire 9am 379 Vi.ia Ave-, 1 blk. iVMilh Noirtiandf Manot( 3o-9 house on left '30 DM IrXK Ford I dr sedan Mwat have trade In Bo 972 Staiesn aiO 'M ONTlAC sedan III l'h " , l19 ItUlf'K 4 dr 11. lad o r.ea'. er f me IIm k iulh pen 4 I r CARS NEEDED ANY'MAKF, OR Mofiri. if psit n si'.iir v WILL HUE II SIFVENS t li CARS, 979 S. Illh i Aiiloniohilrs) Rehuilt Fonl ami Plymouth Motors Like New All kinds of Auto Repairing 29 saving Amuntlson Carafe 900 Edgewoter SI West Mslem Phone 7113 FfR SALE f ne '34 Ford aluminum head. '31 Stud left side One left 34 rntd front tender. I wo '34 Ford roads ter running bosrd One 3. Fold fend ed akirt Two '37 Ford fender skills. 1929 Chemekela Ph. 1-1913 Wanted Used Cars Fold awaipe, Goaad cond. lot Trailrrs Evcrstiu Motor Co. 444 t enler vl Ituma Sail Tap cash prices. taid for factory built hiMi.e liallel. For ssle IS4I Vagabond Imuwli alter Sleep 4 tnelsl top. butane range, rati beat and new Inn 140 Universal house trailer 14 ft, lei-rs 4. rail heat new di-vrnai WllJ. Pay IJVIIXI cash for trailer house. Plume 247.1 2l Salem llyl ave H TT. Glidet trai'm house A good one 7 mile south on River rd al Hall Fei ry Inquire for Bank Jayhawk Trailer Co. "SAVE THAT RENT" MAINLINES. I UH1 IH-Wltll.M I Med Arrow. Alma. Spatlan house trailers One and twn-whtael luggaga rsrrier Tyson Camtieis 944 N CAPITOL ST Portland Rd Tan ground Rd Jinn lion ! HIGHWAY ) , j Pliartve 27F1 ot 17F1 N I '34 oe Ph ata WANTTO ',"" '14 or"lt O.ev""ot by vetersn I'h 31 WANTED: Goaad uses) ra.".T "iato model preferred Phone 4147 ' WANIFD: Car in good nun) i.mi Any kind but Would prefer 17, Js) or 24) model No deslet pleaei C. l after $30 PM. Norms Schrnvey, Ru 9 Bos If. Salem (out find ' I VETERAN need cor, any ryueief, must be priced reasonable Call ii'rr 9 PM or writ W. Radinger tit Simpson, Salem j ' WE PAY TOPS! j nt mwmr Imsi lauf fsi ls tss m Cash on the KarreMleatl : SHR0CK I SALEM'S latest independent u4 dealer N F oawer Ctiuir h t hecal Pn TtrTt WANTED ;. weed gar, '99 to '40 Phone IIVIJ , CASH FOR Lltilir CAR" Ph : -s4 WANTFD to Buy - Lae r.-e trucks: Pick tape, panel, flat: bed. logger nd so aan. Internal loesl pesler ! JAMES H M ADEN CI MP ANY 194 Silverton Road Phone 94113 IirOtlgCA MAI FM M)IK;E No 4. A F. A A M. Wed. Oat 14. F C, dearee. 7 ,141 ai m Paid'e badsa N.i VI A f A A M Staled i.ieet.o. F's'ay, Ortnlrer 4h, 1 94 P M. daily crossword rfmn AC'ROHM 1. Apartment S. Secular ff. Unsteady, Rlaring I'Sht 10. Old Norse works 12 Anxloug 13. Skillful 14. Olrl g nlcknarn IS Ahead 15. Klnnof J Uriah 17. Itellea let I res 21. HlMlcal city 22. Armed forceg ti. A regulation 29. Military cspa 27. Ventureg 2f. Mohimmt. dan priest 29 Male tata 30. I'rrgiillnf Klder labhr i 31 To make ready 34 For 34. A format I v vol 37. Hawaiian Mr. I 3ft Literary com petal tttn 40. Muscular atrenarth 43. Glrra nickname 44. Asalatsnt9 (mil ) 43 Frgf rant ointment 4t. Ureal deity (Phoenician! II l II 19 novt n Wage letter Tait of "to be" Thrtr a imu I Hloes Mum up Not Km A ansa II raae for rneilli Ins Trnn-lt (iareg AtMttindin( In ote Kind ot mulberry Ifee Nrat 20 Ty measureg 23. Slopini roadway 24 On iA I ho Ilea t a ( Astron I 25-A sea trout 24 Amertc9R Mt 27. Mm Is deer 29 Attempt 31 Coaled, aa ahlp hottom 32. A wheel on s a pur 3.1 ICKX-h9 33. Mountain of Thsaaaly VUW, t.V,J, o 9 !" . y v s I I mm IT 1 1 l i A 0 r C "! i i iriiiAi , - r sv. Ii. cUSL: Ssle4afa Aasoeg i 39. Ventilala 40 Kmin.ler of ; lUhttni 41 Nsrrov InUt ffeol 42 irl o namo -gr , t r WWW w , ggr- ii" 1 nr rtr n n tf xv a sr- ; . t- 3 a-1 V I