SCAFEE HTTIX MISSINtl No news of the whetMbouti of War1 E. HI son, S3, Orcein tUU penitentiary trusty, who nniml Friday, if known, state police said Jate )at niahL lilsn had served abut seen month of a three yenr term frr obtaining money by fale ptelen&es and ljrceny by bailee. KV 7, H We Buy j fV Diamonds Jj Fredou S tenet I m fl J.welrj 1 17 Cnult us for ap- 1 n praUals and assist- -J 4 anca with Jewelry A problems. itwttta .ee?eattftt 4 Mi Maneracf nrlng Jrwrari Diamond SelUnc Registration of Landlords at I OPA Here Slow Registration of landlord of Sa lem and vicinity continued at anatl'a pace Monday, local OPA officials in charge of the new rent control office announced. Officials said they now expected Utile improvement In the regis tration rate until the Injunction suit brought by Herman Koehter against the OPA U settled. They reiterated their reminders that until most of the landlords regis ter no adjustment can be made. Registration of 163 landlords yesterday brought to 2103 the to tal registration in the 10 days on which registration has been con ducted In the Salem armory since rent control became effective here October J. The 2105 land lords have reentered 2597 hous ing aecornmncfation. Including ho tel rooms, cabins and auto court apartments. ' ': ICE CnEAII All Flavors, No Limits, Qts. SAVING CEIJTEI1 Rales and Weal Salem 330 : OBl D A .BY MANOR (' STEAKS f RARE PRIME RIBS Or BEEF k SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN I VIRGINIA BAXED HAM ROAST OREGON TOM TURKEY I NEW ORLEANS JUMBO PRAWNS3 Dancing Etvry Evening Except Monday N Wally Steed ami Orchestra I Phone 5585 HOW BUYIIIG FILBERTS AIID WALIIUTS Hill again buy and receive at the Shryder Truck & Transfer from Monday to Thursday, inclusive. Fridays at the . Wood burn Fruit (irowers, Wood bum. No deliveries on Saturday. Phone 4966. H. IL Jones Buyer for Rotten berg Itron. A Co. 283 South Cottage Readers Digest Ed Speaks to Teacher Mdct "American education- la poking holes through the night of Ignor ance &nd bigotry, to make a free society.- Dr. Robert M. Griffin. Fleecier Digest -associate editor, told more than 200 members of the Salem Teachers association at the senior high school Monday af ternoon. He was Introduced by George HlrrelL, preadent of the association. There are 10.000,000 functionally illiterate adults in America, not able to cope with everyday re quirements of - citizenship," Dr. Griffin said and continued to ex plain that living in our modern civilisation requires more educa tion than living 30 or 40 years ago,'' it lie showed, by romnartvm, that the expense of properly educating a child was much less than the price of punishing him after lack of education has caused him to go astray. "We are facing a dynamic new culture aeeking the loyalties of American, tie wtd emphasising that developed reading can help Americans educate themselves to seek the proper loyalties.'; "At least 50 per rent of the reading problems could te cor rected in the lower classes," Dr. Griffin stated. He reiommendt-d smaller claes, stating that first grade clashes, for instance, should not have more than 20 person each whereas many have as high as 40 or more. Emergency Heating System 5 It) i f Call Out for Potato Pickers Potato pickers are needed in the Jefferson area, according to a re port from the Salem farm labor office. Transportation to the fields will be furnished with trucks lettering the farm latior office at 7 a.m. The crop Is said to he excellent and pickets are paid six cents per hill sack. Other large commercial riops are harvested or are not quite ready, fairn labor off ice i off trials said, but workers are needed daily for different general crop work. I vm Ma mm Cjai""" aaaC ami tt - foe YOUR home Ham ? ok Sa iuh aut af yu bao fort fOMftwa . . . my to motta your aiTcnan Iwme iwm . . fumt a taw ! tm lrTiewwia nmm Idmmt furnHil dohr n ltt Wni'i e mt TH CMaiSTIAM SCIIMCI MOMITO tw halp'ul Mm hs im valua" In tm dwly w.tptio tor m hm Ittot rou ! world ntol tnvpt f 0hm l HS impact an yaw an4 you ! CKtliM fcMnt PuhtHttmQ SacMty J Qrm. Norray Stmt, So I on 1). Mil Qch, H J eiMM anta wanol tntroductarv ubscHptiatt I Thm Owntton tewnca Mara or waaks IM kawatt tar $1 t I ! Vets Elinible For Payments Veleram who take part-time schooling; while regularly em ployed are now eligible for sub sistence payments under the re vised GI bill of rights, it was stat ed yesterday by Wayne F. Smith, Salemvtraining officer for, the vet eran administration. Subsistence payments in ratio to the veteran's amount of school ing require a minimum tf three credit hours in a recipient's schooling and earning of the vet eran below tliy a month if he is single or 9200 If married. NirrK'R or riNAt. nrAatNtt Kfl IWkr, arutor t t Ut at Atinia Barbara Barka, draaacl. Iim (ilvrt hs linal account mm aucli in Itia C Irruit Court of Otinn fnr Marlon County, and Navmihrr IJtN. ISaS at IS Od a m ham baaw appointed for hear. In of objerttona to mmI account and aettlamant tnaraof KAitt. a. necKC. Rarrutor. Paul H Hendrick. Alturnay. CXt IS. 12. it. Nor. ft J 3. b GfcVVV. a"rrf 1 TT.'STaJ r V' 1 OH Electric A uccess! Wifr. our distribution tystem nearly completed in West Salem, it arc noit asking your Sdem City Council to allow this government power agency opiortunity to place poles, or to have joint u of poles icith other utilities, on public streets, in order to bring you your wiivr, should you wish, at less than llonneville rates. f We ask tout Council to defy that powerful mono ply which would take fi ciin us our Bonneville and Grand Coulee and all that they represent. We who have, and enjoy, ask that the channels for this heritages be opened, to you also. We ask your councilman to dis continue mono ply and "exclusive" to big out-of-town interests the private monopolistic Interests that our congress and the courts hold "not for the public benefit and a menace to private en terprise." We ask (hat the Council not again fall for the old line of smooth propaganda, and that it thoroughly discontinue these railblrds of special privilege who have been sent to all council meetings for no good pur pose 20 (twenty) out of the 20.000 poles In our fair dry were grudgingly owed to our Salem Electric. We ask for the freedom and fair play that private business requires, and for which those councilmen. too. would fight were the) gales to free enterprise locked against them. We ask mat dlscriminlaHon be stop ped against us who pay our taxes, and who feel that the wonderful heritage of the Columbia should be made avail able to all, as did those who wrote) and passed the Public Power Acts of our Congress, wherein the people's public power distributing systems be come preferred agencies. We ask that we. regardless of race, color or creed, not be discriminated against, even though some ; council men may not see eye to eye with us. 1 i We ask only the opportunity and privilege so freely granted the mono polies, which advertised "Know How." and which today are stacking the cards against some In Marion county who wish to be rid of them. It takes highly convex ed glass to enable one to decipher Just who In PGCs most recent propaganda Is confessing father hood thereof. I i Harry Read, Manager SALEM ELECTRIC rid Advertise meat, ftalena Electric. Halem. Ore.) k t . .1 I I. ... . ji :rr'li rrTTNBt RO. Oct. 14 Workmen set up a IS -horse power steam Evry Kennedy Funeral Rites Set for Today service for Kvry If. fK. If.) Kennedy who died Satur day will be held at II o'clock (Ins molding in St. 1'iiul's hpi4op;il church, with the Urv. tieorge II. Swift of ru-iiillng. Kntomhment at Mt. Oet Abbey mausoleum will follow. The deceased wut president of the Oicgon Cleuiicis mid Dyer aocljtliii and operator of the Cherry City cleaning establish ment at 125 N. High st. and the Kennedy City Cleaning Works at 1245 SUite st. Both local cleaning shop.- will remain ( lotted tod.iy. lie was 54 when he suffeied his fatal lien it utlack Satuiday. The futiciiil iirritiiKcmenti weie niade by VV. T. ItiKdon company. bailer eutslde the t'nian Treat build int; here to pravlde heat far the It -a tar y bulldlnf. The plsnt Supplying heat was closed by a power strike that has lasted more than three-weeks. ( AP Wrlrphalo) tmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi "-.4 ' f j -j "J. L Mona Freeaaas and Terry Kllsern take te s tree In erder te get a better view af the hers destined te play se Important a part In their lives la "Black Beaatr." the ninslsaUen mt the elaaste beat seller, which opens tetnerrew at the Orand theatre. An Alaen pr deetlen directed by Man Noaaeek. and released by ?0lh Century -t'es.. "Black Beaety alae features KU-ha.rd Dannies. Kvelysi Ankers, Charles Evans, J. M. KerrUae and Mayna MacfllL VFW to KtMcive NatioiKil Cluirlr Tcinisht at Partv Ileav-er poat. Veterans of Kr rlgn Wmi, will rerrtve its nation al charter tonisht from the tte VFW itmmander. Kail l Meade of Portland, at the Salem VFW hall. Irvln Bryan. Ileaver rt commander, said Monday The ptmt, made up of nary veterans, will play hmt to reprenent.i lives of other Marion county VFW poata at the special occasion to be gin at a p.m., Bryan said. rFrio to Fare 'Flieft Charge in Portlaiid Three youths nppirhcnded by Salcrn mIici Similar nii(lit, will answer to i Ii.iikm of car theft In I'ortliirl. Milne here t - i t Taken Into custody lifter trvin,; to "lM-ut a hill" in a rant, they Weie icleased to tlie Multnoniah county hheiiff's olfice afler one f the ttio, Kichaid I. Shirley, 19, Met idiuii, Miw. sikuinI a coiifes.sioii iitatinc that he and F.ujlcne NelMin. 22. Seattle, im.t Kvu Jackson, aliak F.vh Hell Itcn lielt. Sexttle, stole an iiuto in I'oit- land and drove it to Salem. TRAIN liFKAII.IMi I NSI.VH Tin re Ikx c .irs of a SouUiei n I.i ifir fieiuht weie l-i ailed Just ninth of Chi'iii.ivva S.ittmiiy nicht in mi accii nl which In jured nobotly aiui only terriMt ar ily held up rail traffic. Cause of Hie derailment ha not been determined. Police Probe 2 Home Entries The Statesman. Salem, Oregon, Tuesday. October 15. 1313 7 TO NtOUCT IMJfrtll, INIIZtf 0 A hot U of Wks Vs-tro-not U mlgHtf liandy to have around th howaa a- ceuaa thta duubUHluty noaa drops... (peidJy EtCevtt anssiy. sniffle. ' ' stuff dlstressef Mm Klai iet of two homes In northern Salem Saturday night were reorted to city police Moth occurred while ieidenl weie en let taming gnent. ('aith, Jewetiy and mivellane otlt Items weie taken fioni tluee women's pluses at the home of Dr. It. A. (Jnl.l.n. P.1A Shipping St.. and Ahalt, 10 Jeffer son M?" Inveittiitalliig Mihce lixll cate Ixith burglar ie ociuned be tween 8:30 and 10:15 p ni. and that entrance was g.iined to ein h house through a bedioom window. Po lice did not place an enlimale on the value of stolen items. 7 Ve nted colds. Male brMthln Halpt Prevent nr raids frase ' ' 1 dayalaplni If a4 at the first warning' snia or anaaaa. This OoubU- Duty Noat Drops sbrmfcf save you much misery. Works Cae roUo dlrecUona In the pacta-. For Thorough, Reliable Aulo Body - and Fender Work USE LODER BROS. SKItVICK Vee ran depend apes eur bedy shap te turn tit werk en yeur ear that yee can be preed ef. LODER BROS. ()IJ)KMOItII.K RAI.KS AMI SKRVKT IIS Center St. - Vh. ISS-9lf7 Itth Year In Nalern I "During rush hours it may tcko a few extra seconds for tho Dial Tonor If you lift f lie ret civrr add hrsr the itcsJy hunv m-m-mnun" of the Dial Tone, go ahead and dtaj your call. Itut if you don't hear it at once . . pirate wti'c until the familiar humming sound comet through. Dialing without the tone results in a wrong number, or no number at all. Today, our equipment if carrying the heaviest load in its history . . . with more people making mors calls than ever before. ! We are speeding work on equipment needed to take rare of all waiting applicants and to provide better service than ever for all users. Meantime, please wait for the steady humrnrng . . . your dial telephone's way of faying "Number, please! Tht Pacific Telephone and Teltgroph Company c 74t Nlate Ntrert Malem. Oregon Phone 3101 ..'' Fluorescent, Commercial and Industrial Lighlint, Fixtures Vor Immediate Deliver) Salem Lighting and Apj'iance Co. Temeerarr I e alien, tSS N. liberty. Halem. Ore. Phena tl2 "Sure I'm Proud! Vm One of a...t aaaaeafcaaaear-as 1 1 nj iaeaaafasais - 'e mtwmmmm-wfmlm . , . u i i 1 t I No, it Isn't quite that easy . . . but almost. Aa a matter of fact, you will be pleasantly sur prised to learn how conveniently and inex pensively you can acquire the home of your choice through one of our Real Estate Loans, Consult men at this bank who know the answers . . . whether you plan to buy a home or refinance your present mortgage. D. W. lYtf. Vfea raiaW JACO FUMtCI. Aal. Caf W. S. WALTON. Vka ra4aar HO O. PA. Aitl. Cmhit aOY seaSQW. A. V fa.a,aa LA WICNCI . MSHil. A ul. C SMITH. AmI. Vka PraataW BX OtafON. Atl. Ataaaaae f 1 I av Great Nation-wide Family of Gasoline Dealers,' MIMlt NDIIAl DEPOSIT IMSWtAMCI COlfOIATIOM OMC tf TaatfUatS M mmmui momutu tuumu MM Veteran of tu o u otld uwr, Rmy Lopejay 9 feral et an up-to-date MoHlgas nation in Boiie. Prior to entitling in l'J42, he operated I bit $ame ttalion for many yeort. lie it married, bat one daughter, oum hit borne, and it one of the highly re garded butinett men of that city. ASK YOUR MOtilGAS DEALER EOR A f REE COPY Of 'TOUCH DOWN TIPS' EACH WEEK. at t'f somethlnt to be proud of... to have a small bun nest of your ova and ftill know you are part of a great nation-wide group of friendly service uauoa operatort ... owning their own but inef sea . . , selling top-quality products and equipped to give the best service. That's why it pays to drive in at the fign of the Flying Red Hart. There'f no ferret to our method. You caa'c buy a better gasoline than Mobilgn ...oe a better oil than Mobiloil. As owner of my bufinets I give you the kind of service I'd like to get when J drive into a service ksikms. With independent Mohilgas dealers every where backing up top-quality Mobil prod ucts with high grade service... we all benefit at you fprm the habit of driving in wherever you see the sign of the flying Red Hart. Ray Ijotejity, Boite, Idaho SOLO BY THOUSANDS Of INDCPCNDENT MOBtLCAS DCALEKS AT THE SICN OP THT FLYING RED HOSUC