1 i CSfly Mews DBtrtitBff s LFAIS 1)1 ATOMS Dismissed Monday from Salem .Deaconess fmspital with their in fant sons were Mii. William Hiu bard, 2350 W. Nob Hill St.. and Mr Oeorge Kisler, Independence. Mit John Haler, route 1. Salem, and Mi. Hellis Heynold. p.t effne box 1000, Salem, were dis missed with their daughters. Mm. Jack OR.urke. Newberg; Mrs. Joseph Wolf. Sublimity, and M,r. Thomas Ewtng. Brooks, with their sons, ant Mi. CJeorge Sharr. In dependence, with her daughter, were released Sunday. Tom Hill nl Frank Starr, origin atino of Wirnpy'-s now located at Valley Junction. Extend inv rtation to ail f i iend. DIVMlKMD BV OENERAL Mrs Paul HaTiiMTri. 3177 Sun nvview k e . with tier infant son. arid Mn Jamr Lucas. 2 1 Mi S. Summer t . with her daughter, were dimied from Salem Gen eral hospital Monday. Mr. Ernest Eldridge. Salem, was released, w ith her son. Sunday. Free mothproofing for your fur coat Store your coat and get your roat mothproofed. Price's, 135 N Liberty St Thona JAYCEEM TO tflEET Dr. Joseph M. Adams, pastor cf First B-ptiA church, will ad dress the Salem Junior Chamber f Commerce this noon on "Abid ing Principle of the Universe." The luncheon meeting will bt held t the Golden Pheasant restau rant. Furniture upholstered and re r. aired by expert workmen. Mc Alvln Top Shop. 543 N Church St. RKTt'RNM TO U.K. C 1 1 1 C A G O Raymond Elgin Brudshaw, seaman, second clar of 642 Edgewater at., Salem, Ore., has returned to the United State after serving for the last few months aboard the 35.000 ton air craft carrier USS Antietam. This the first trip th Antietam has made to the U. S. since the end of the war. The carrier visited the porta of Eniwetok, Guam. Saj pan. Hong Kong, Shanghai. Tokyo, and .Yokohama, on her Far East ern tour of dutv. i "New location Crnnise Studio. 439 Court St., over Smith flaking Co. AIRPORT CLEARANCE BEEN I feci si on on final release of the McNary field airport facility to the city of Salem, which during the war turned over the field as a military installation, is expected within two weeks, the war assets administration informed the Sa lem office of Rep. Walter Norblad Monday. It was reported that an investigation of national guard and reserve needs In this area mtist first be completed r Stevenson's Restaurant. 2535 Port land rd. will be open again for business Wed. morning from 5:30 a m till 1:00 'a m. Ched Mondays. NORWEGIAN MOVIES SET Movies entitled "Norwegian Sketches" and "Newcomer's Op portunity" will be shown to Trior lodge. Sons of Norway, at its 1 R p. m. Wednesday meeting in the Woman s clubhouse. Also to be shown are films of the recent Sons of Norway convention held at Vancouver. B. C, and of the su preme lodge conventions In 1930 and 1944. IGT. STRAWS' RECOVERS Sgt ftaymond Strawn, 1115 N. 13th rt , stationed here with the armv recruiting station, was re covering satisfactorily last night from an emergency appendectomy performed at Salem General hospital. Wedding pictures taken at church. B20 State. Ph. 6722, the FREEZKRS DEMONSTRATION Buying and construction of home freerer will be discussed here by M G. Cropsey, of the agricul tural engineering department Ore- Ion State college. Friday night at o'clock at the YMCA. The pub lic is invited to attend. Insured savings earn more than two tr cent at Salem Federal Savings Association. 130 South Li berty Street. HERRMX REPORTS THEFT Theft of a carton of cigarets, a flashlight and a pair of driving gioves from his unlinked paiked ear in Salem Sunday night was tepprWd to Salem police yesterday by ! L Herrell, route 4. Fauding and decorating. Ph. 7552. GO ON DEER III NT Mr. and Mis Hans llofstetter end son, Gordon, are leaving by tar today for the Likeview aita on a deer-hunting trip. Discharge service lapel buttons now available at Brown's Jewel ers and Opticians. Bring dis charge certificate Oliiiuary MINI, A l.r iriiilriiit. afc n.ula 3, s.lem. flUi 10. lierU.a !Ti Kins, at tHe aa uJ 21 rar ilr ol Jai. H Kn.fi of U.r IS iniy, i.uiclttcr of Mr and M' ft:! i'" Ki!i of n.ule 3 Saint. Hid siotri of Elliot Kilis ai.d Hi-ni Kit.. tiolii f times. Ore .r. J...i Kill ol Junction. J l "i - iM'k Kli of Hlit Station. Anna 3anr.r f f; rf i. Aii nt t'.1wtl W (,. W.l-.i si.il l.tt Aliic Kit. -nil tfifi H" '! 'i or toinr j. a- A r.i-.'.tj it "! f ;! l 'Ul l-i t U. W 7. HiKil.'ii tu.pan Fall bulbs, full selection, fine qual ity. Jary. Florist. 365 Court. MRS. BOOTH SPEAKER Agnen C. Booth, Marion county superintendent of schools, will be the speaker at Klwanis club luncheon meeting today. Her sub ject will be the basic school sup port measure to be voted upon at the November B election. Luti Flower Shoppe, 1271 N. erty. phone 9592. Lib- TAX ROTARY Rt'BJECT Harold Young of Oregon Busi ness and Research company will discuss "The Three Percent Trans actions Tax," at Rotary club Wed nesday noon. Justice Arthur Hay, who arranged the program, will introduce the speaker. River lilt top aotl fill dirt. Cnrnl. Sand & GraveL Ph. 21986 STI'IHES IN ARMY Pvt. Raymond E. Peters, route 1. Turner, recently was graduated from an army training course In typing and clerical work at Low ry field, Colo., It was" disclosed yesterday by the field's public re lation office. Free mothproofing for your fur roat Store your coat and get your coM mothproofed. Price's, 135 N. Liberty St Phone 9121. 29-St IEETS TONIGHT A memlership drive will be planned at 7:30 p m: Wednesday when the Salem 2U-30 ub meets at Nohlgren's restaurant. Stove A Diesel oil. Prompt deliv ery. George Cadwell Oil Co. ph. 97K8. LEGION TO MEET American Legion post 1.16 will meet at 8. o'clock tonight at the I eg i on hall. Births lr") WAIT Mis ;llth W;t 1 1510 Not in I'HIf li I liauinln, Mi ..! I t t. L-1 Ml I t it k i i !. i ii. ith ol t'ottUnd, t llie trilfiit-e Siiimvi.I l a I WImIp ol Sn A ltni..n of ai.il Mn.. J H Nn- t.ioll.rf. John i t-f A lr a. iiri;nn. a iii"ltl.iuKl.'rr, Mix lrH)tliv Wiutr of Salr-m Soliir" I ill l' Judv. itolr 15. si I :M j m . at tl.e c iougu-nan u cnu-i. 11 Kev W Hsrolfl l. tnan will if firiair ar.d ii'lfriiiml Mill txr in ri-t Mrmoiial park. MNMHV A tiir irlrni liul S. Inn WiS. Salrrn. txloltri 13. H v lllil r H I Krrnirl at llt- aitr ol Hituhaml of "!rr.a Krrn-d , bilhr of Ml I ht ioilr Haillr. lacotna. Wh . um lr tt Mn A. V Ymk and John f totds Jr. both of 'Ition.a. Wmh. MrrnUrr tf fcltiE tli hl.riiir. Anieiican 1 assort and iO t I Mrmtrr of St tul pic.pjl rliuic ti 'm ien will t hld at 11 am. Turoday. (H-totwr IS. at SI fan! ? pint opal i liut i h Willi ti Krv ;! H. SMift offiiiating I ntonribrirt at Mt C'rr-st Abtirv inau ttlrum. Directum W. T. HiS'lon cow pmny. SMITH In this Citv. Octoler 1J. the Infant n of Mr. and Mr Mritxrt V Smilli. tor.moutli Annwnrriwnl or service ter by W. T Misdon coniuaiiy. IASD At the residence at route ?. box 1S4. Ottober 13. Mrum Hand, at the afe of So ai Hiiktiand of Johunna I' Hand f -alen . fallier of Mis. Maisaret Dti- Cmu. Mm Theodora Smith and Way nd D Hand, all of lw Anselrs. arid Johanna Alice Foley of Salem; arid tr other of Mr Nelite Dester of Salt Lake City. Also survived by eiht j-iarwlrhlldirn ami , three firat siantl- hildren Amioumr mrnt of services later by the Wl T. Htfdon company. QM)GISB TMI NIW Of, anon Itnglepack A weaaerfal hear tas aM! Sasall! Ufkt etffctt Batteries aa4 tosasaaMler all la as. Nataisl la taaa. w 9 mi oorifT lass at MurvMse" tnartaa at Salens 44 t'aart fL rh. t-aaee I elaaaraaaaaoraaaaarlaal' , m m t n in MMOfcyw aaa m 9mm f'oj ! 1 1 a 4, Caw a, arfc far SS1I Seasa a a. a r,MO J IE NT ! a c a- m a ... I o. m.m j YOU j WYI If OGAN To Mr. and Mrn. W. E. Ilogun. 844 Mill st.. h daughter. i .Sunday.; October 13, at Salem ; General; horpilal. s RKiint In Mr. and Mis. Wil-l-it Iti-itT. Pratum, a d.itighter, Sundjy.l October 13, at S.ilern Dea iin' liint,il. IIOSKEN To Mr. ami Mrs. Unwind' l..kt ii, 1065 N. Cottage M , a daughter,- Monday, October 14. at Salem General ho(-pital. SONNEN To Mr. and Mrs. Juke Sonnen, Huhhard, a fan, Sunday, Oi toln'f 13, at Salem (ieneral hospital. Irflll TT To Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dellutt, totite 2, Salem, a son, Sunday, Octnler 13, at Salem (eneiul hospital. WEST To Mr. aixl Mrs. Theo doir West. 840 S. 2 1st at., a son. Mtmday, Octoljer 14, at Salem General hospital. WESLEY To Mr. and Mrs. Wesley. Holly, a daughter, Mon day, October 14, at Salem Dea coness hospital. M. J. GILfiON IN HOSPITAL Deputy State Fire Marshal Mer- vin J. . Gllson, who incurred a fractured skull in an auto accident reportedly caused by a blow-out Octobe 7 hear Portland, Js show ing continued improvement but probabfy will remain in Provi dence hospital, Portland, for sev eral weeks, his office in Salem re ported Monday. Air-Steamship tickets anywhere. Kueel. 7fUM. 73.1 N ranitol st REFUND MADE BY COUNTt The Marlon county court order ed that; a refund of $150 be mad to Henry. B. and Ida M. PritzlafT on the purchase price of Silver ton lots sold by the county. The re fund, as explained in the order, was made because city liens were not taken Into account in the or iginal purchase price of $2,725. Free mothproofing for your fur coat Store your coat and get your coat mothproofed. Price's, 13S N. Liberty St Phone P121. TWO STUDV ELECTRONICS I Among students at the navy's electronic technician's school at Great Lake, 111., are Hal W. Ste vens, S 1c, son of Mrs. Ruby St vens of Gates, and Pvt. Iticharrl L. Ilosley. a marine who is son of C. F. IJosley. Hubbard, accordiug to word) from the 9th naval dis trict. Tomatoes. , you pick. $1.25. L. If. Zielke. Near Roberts school. Ph. 22578. CAR IS RECOVERED A car, which had been pushed into an alley between 18th and 17th streets, and ransacked, was recovered by police Sunday night and returned to its owner. The j owner, inot Identified by police. said that the car's certificate of title and a spotlight were missing. Dr. Harold O. Schneider an nounces that his office Is no.w open. Room 707, 1st National Bank Bldg. Practice limited in internal medicine. Office tele phone 2-4949. Res. 7160. WILLIAMSON PROMOTED Aloysius P.' Williamson, 18. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Williamson. Salem, has been promoted to sea man first class aboard the heavy cruiser Ig Angeles in Pacific wa ters, it was disclosed in a navy press release yesterday. After listening to our president the OPA la dead as far as our business is concerned. We will be open for busine at 5 p.m.. Out 15. Bring your wreath. Chuck's Tavern. MOTOR SHOP NAMED ' Nicholas J. Donesley and Vera Donesley filed an assumed busin ess name certificate with the Mar ion county clerk Monday for I)on- esiey s Motor unnic at o8? N. Liberty 1st. r Carl Helmstedt Is now with Cal De Bow barber shop, 421 S. 12th, Bt'ILDEKS FILE NAME MaXirfce. Groves and James Mirj- ty, both of Salem, filed an assum ed business name certificate Mori day with the Marion county clerk for a building concern called Groves and Minty. r City Cleaning Works and Cherry City Cleaners will be closed all day Tuesday in reverence to the late E. H. Kennedy. JCMTICE COURT REOPENS Joseph B. Felton, Salem justice of the -peace, resumed ' duties hi justice fotirt after a week of ab sence, justice court cases wete heard brfofe Alf Nelson, Silvertqn justice tf the peace. Stevenson's Restaurant, 2535 Port land rtf. will be open again for business Wed. morning from 5:30 a.m. til) 1:00 a m. Closed Monday. MCRPliv ON TRIP County Judge and Mrs. Grant Murphy left Salem Sunday on a two-weeks' vacation to Califor nia. While in California the Mur phys will Visit their daughter. For sate by owner 5 nti. modern house, reasonable for quick cash sale. Cfwner leaving city. I'll. 5123. 'a ' I ! li .it jj it Mule-burgers and spare parts was the result ef a mute-car collision en the Wallace road about nine miles north of fUlem when a roupe pictured above, after the accident, driven by ft. ftgt, John Rel beck, Kalem, roll Med with a mule which ran In front of the ear about (:3a p.m. (Sunday, The mule was being herded beside the road by Its owner, Elmer N. Coombs, route 4, Malem. when the animal suddenly darted onto the highway directly In front of Relssberk'a ear, and was so badly Injured that It had to be shot. Riding with Rrlssbcrk were his wife, mother-in-law, and father-in-law, none of whom was Injured. Damage to the ear was estimated at 9350. (Statesman photo by Don Dill, staff photographer). TOM VERMILLION HELD Tom Vermillion. 20. a Silverton farmer, was bookeiPat the Marion county jail Monday on two char ges of violating the weights and measures act. Vermillion asked 24 hours In which la consider his plea, and was committer! to the county Jail by Silverton justice of the peace Alf Nelson upon failure I to post $250 bail for, each charge MAN'S WRIST CI'T Hill McFeison. 19. St. I-otii. Mo., was treated by the Sah-ni first aid crew early Sunday morn ing after his wrist had twen slashed, city police repoit. His four companions said he had Ix-cn hurt in a fall against a shaip ob ject In the room, according to po- Rototiller work. Phone 21208. Salem Tree Co. Experienced Ready -to-tvear SALESLADIES T7 ANTED! Apply at SALLY'S Court & Liberty o .TlLl 0 fri HDDE3) YOU KNOW? that: the amount of cold air that enters the ave rage home through the cracks around doors and windows is the same as leaving; one average size window wide open all the time? Slop Those Drafts Save on Fuel ' De Comfortable Ilex! Winter by Installing Ilelal Interlocking V7ealkersiripping Service Guaranteed for lifetime of your house Free estimates No obligation Campbell Rock Wool Co. ii oe iMalatlea USt Broadway Weatberslfipolog S4 GERLINC.ER FILES NAME E. "Ned" Gerlinger filed an as sumed business name certificate with the Marion county clerk Monday for the Apex Wod Prod ncts Co., at 705 N. Cottage t. Prefabricated gardengreenh6uses. hot beds, furniture and other wood products will be manufactured by the concern. Mefinlsh your own floors. Rent a floor sunder from Woodrows, 440 Center St. . LICENSED TO WED Licenses to marry have been is sued at; Vancouver, Wash., to Charles Staggs, jr., Birmingham. Ala., and Gladys Tom, Salem; Clarence Rostock and Ethel Juli an, both of Aurora. Air-Steamship tickets anywhere. Kugel. 7694. 735 N. (Tapitol st. LINE PERMITS GIVEN The Portland General Electric company was granted a permit to extend power lines on certain county and market roads In a Marion county court order. Dance to the music of Wally Speed every night except Monday at Nor mandy Manor. Steaks available. MILK DOLLY MISSING A milk case dolly (small hand truck) was reported to police as missing from the Meadows restau rant, 340 State St., since Satur day. GIRLS' BICYCLE FOl'ND A red, white and blue gills' Champion bicycle was found iii the 400 blink of Com I sheet by city ikiI ice Sunday night. It is held at the police station. Public Records rfCNICIPAL COt'RT Wilbirr Pursley, 244 Marion st., no drivers license, posted $5 bail. Mrs. Berths Hussey, 1241 Omit st., reckless driving, liquor involv ed. (Misted $?)() hail. ' F. C. Woodruff. 3fl Highland ave , illegal reverse turn, posted $2.50 hail. H. II. Lutz, Baker, violation of basic rule, posted $7.50 bail. D. A. Warner, Corvalhs. viola tion of basic rule, posted $25 ail. Jay N. - Lund, San Francisco, Calif., violation of basic rule, post ed $10 bail. C. F. Kmery, Seaside, violation of basic rule, fined $15. A. G. Kingeririg, Portland, vio- mas VIO oncGon motor gtagqo Ttl SHORT i ST 9 1 ST AM Ct HTWWt TW0 f0TS Hundreds ef business Arms mm steaen enable OrsorvHnoe ex prose service for all tfceir feet eaereos gssiemsuM between Willamette Valley ane! ceo4l oeints. THe ooet Is little the speed is gri Try OeeesUanef s-f rst Mrvise tki$ weekt CHECK WITH YOUR LOCAL AGENT FOR SCHEDULES AND LOW RATES CHAPWICK HOTEL COMPANY SENATOR HOTEL 515 COURT SALEM, OREGON m m mm r latlon of basic rule, posted $7.50 bail. George A. Shore, Eugene, vio lation of ttasic rule, posted $10 bail. II. A. Doler, Stay ton, violation cf basic rule, Mled $5 bail. It. Y. Human, route I, S io, fail ure to give right f way, fined $5. If. D. Heller, Eugene, reckless driving, posted $25 bail. J. E. Bradley. 200 Lility rd , Violation of anti-noise oidimuice, posted $5 hail. E. A. Ansljne, U50 Marion st.. Illegal reverse turn, posted $2.50 bail. Waldemar Sand in, Cckhi Bay, Violation of basic rule, driving with revoked driver's license, posted $50 bail. Ben B. Shargaa, Ios Angeles, Calif., excessive eed through an Intersection and falluie to stop, posted $30 bail. (iuy L. Lee, Springfield, viola tion of basic rule, fined $7.50. Hoy V. Collen, (150 I Pin aster dr.. Violation of basic rule, osted $5 bail. , Hichard V. Stewart, HH3 N. Cot tage st., violation of basic Mile, fined $7.50. Julius J. Hauck, 2178 N. Church St., void license plates, fined $5. Joseph M. O Hnert, )allas, vio lation of basic rule, fined $5. Harold It. Thomas, (170 S. IHth st , violation of anli-noise ordin ance, lined S3. I .eonu i dK. Zielke. 450 Division st., excessive sieed through inter section, fined $5. GeOrge lester Brady, Portland, violation of anti-noise ordinance, fined $5. PROBATE COt'RT I i rough A. Oyster estate: Ad minislrati ix' laind posted. Dorothy IaVelie Keene estate: Order author iirig sale of peisoiml Pfopei ty. Ann Klla Mi Kinney estate: Supplenieiital retiiin on sale of real proHrty filed. Stale Motors, Inc. vs Tel A. Wagoner and Cail L. Wngoner: Notice of lien upon chattels. John It. Macy etute: t)riler set ting Nnvcmler 8 for healing of objections. Henry J. Miller estate: Petition for administrator to be named. Carl G. Anthony estate: Order appointing Helen L. Anthony ad ministratrix. Alton C. Flcke. Toy II Fir ke. and Mildred F Fii ke, guardian ship estate: Final account of guaidian accepted and guaidian discharged Rasper Biitker estate: Order fining November IB for final hear ihg. CIRCl'IT C'OI'RT Shirley E. Thompson vs Vernon A. Thomiison and the Ferleral Ijind Bank of Spokane and Fed eral Farm Mortgage Corp : An swer by defendants Bruce E. Gamhill vs Donene J. The Slotesmon. Salem, Orocon. Tuoadoy, October 15. H4C 5 binid oveiloaid, fined $.10 sr. 'I i o Is. I guilty to Gamhill: Suit tor divrme lung ing desertion; manir-d Sept. I, IW3l, at Salem. Kada H Wimdrn vs Jixly L WiMMlen: Derice f divoite I e rloies maiden narne to plaintiff. Hoy lltiffm.iu vs Susie Dy Fiain: Older for Mm ion rooiity sheriff to take propei ty named in hen Into custody. Claude J. Connally anil Wayne Webster vs M. O. Ilnmphu s and Lucille W. Humphreys: Amended complaint. State of Oregon vs James Scolt nemmer: Older to leturn deposit made by defendant. Floydene Wallace vs Chat li s Karl Walline: A n vk er hy defend ant. MARHlAfiE I.ICENKE APPLICATION N Haymond I. Giiffin. 31, Ixh.K kee.ier, ami Murlha ('liases, 26, waitiess, lalh of Salern. Hoy A. McKUoy, 27. Ulx.iei, Salem, aral June A. MiF.lvoy, 23. cleik, Med ford. JI'KTICE C Ol'RT Kenneth Bent, Sublimity, com- YaS Mm key, pleale. laiteny ihaiye,f field In anr to grand jury, ' Ken I mi. nd Zerb, list 7th t . West Salrrri, no vthiile In fir, lined $1 arid null. i "i if Meavy EBuiy Step-on Can Odorless . Virrmirt Proof ; ' a a a . . a t Alumnird Mrel Inner I'ail ICE CREAM All Ha or si. No l.lmKa, qtM. SAVING CEIITEB Halem and West Kalem Lawn Sprinkling System by 1 C. S. Whltcomb and Co. free Estimates Ask aland our Special Winter Hates. We also have rnateilals. Phone 21619 ' I'nlnron Self-Seal 'as i . . 0... ..-V, 7i , - II WE URGE YOU TO SEE AND C0HPAI1E Jewelry work done In our own shop you wilt find Is modern, distinctive, high quality by expert craftsmen and faultless wotkmanshlp. Your diamonds will be safe guarded since they never leave our pieinlses. 4 Veterans Now Employed 1 Cf Ubersl allow. J I I sace oa roar U oil old mooatlng. f Diamond Retting by An Expert $7) jrWFI.RV MAM FACTl tl.Ri, I Where famous Bchemian" waters make ,possil)le the hrewing of world famous light fccer. Here, in the 13th Century, .monks discovered a "brew ing water still used tcday in making England's deli cious Burton Beer. BURTON ON TRENT, TUHWATER WASHINGTON t At Tumwater near Olym pia, Washington, Leopold F. Schmidt discovered a sub terranean brewing water the equal of Burtcn and Pilsen. ataWkbaat s mm In 1896 the first brew of the new Olympia Beer was placed on the market and almost over night became I 94 U-s- famous for its purity, rare flavor and light sparkling qualities. Today, as then, Olympia is recognized as an outstanding beer. mm Ith the Water' 1946 marks thififUeth (Golden) Anniversary ef 01ympiaMAxnir ica'i Original Light Tabli Beer." OiYMfU IRIWINO COM AMY Olymele.WoenU.I.Aa 5