2 Tho Statotmaa. Salem, Of yon, Tu day. Octobr IS. 1948 General Chorus of Approval Greets President's Address; (Comment Split on Party Lines By i ha Associated Pre I j fling of meat controls won a general chorus of approval last night, ttit the nature of congressional comment aplil largely along arty line. (Story aUo on psge 1). hrf ut iicans called President Truman's action a "confession of tir and "lucking the barn after the burse hat been taken to the I rTX4 rt-Is aUeauw! the presi dents declaration that repnd l.ility fr. The Mtoati.tn lies with t ' in n rigres 'In the nervlce if M-illi ir.leieata " AWw.g tr.jt line, Smulur Lucas (I)-lll) U.id a rtfMMlei. "I kw MHifFMxit the wr repeated eifU t vifek pihv contioU by th- m I'h -lfili m4vi That v. ar it i.'.arly true of the cuttle I .-f " I A... H.er. KtrUe j nri1 Illa4i A aVeav eaas.. - . Jr. a.r-eie.t,., cmt.r, M.rech ! P1"1 ' .lool lately all price controls on meat and livestock: Carroll Heece, republican na tional chairman: "It's too late. The damage has already been done. Truman Is locking the barn door after the horse has been taken to the butcher shop. John VV. liiicker. Ohio republl ! can nominee for U. S. senator: "If controls had been removed be fore, prices of meat would be less than they are now and there would in S-tle a few hir after the j -n lit ' a.Jdten. called lor a ' : ruyers' strike to hold r.'f urn phic inree-- th.t will i 'Uiwiw ((.me in meit and other I u e a !l f decoitiol pioiam j ' k-ialed I call for the elec- j 1 .fi tt a t r . resa which will fight ; f r a real OlA with Hiwrr to J r II fr ri( k nnl fund enough t. U4t tr,e lite " j Hl-it H Wsjkmi. president of . the lti(r)fcl HM-i it i hi of manu-j tuim, id: "Tl .i e dettt d.t i.ikii to take C;PA r.trf 1 off of met and live- , k torxi i ut them m the bureau- j ctat Ittul !ifle our economy was j 1 r.S Mf,i,.f " S ;!. r Taft Senator Cordon (K-Ore): "Mr, Truman has shadow-boxed with the facts since June and they have malty knocked him out. Now he blames everybody except his own administration which refused to accept what the congress and the American people recognized long ago. namely that wartime con trols won't work in peacetime." Reuther Scares "Trust" Hep. Clarence J. Brown, cam paign di ret tor republican national committee: "It (the president's ac tion) demonstrates Mr. Truman's unerring ability to do the right thing too late, x x x" Walter P. Reuther. president of the United Automobile Workers. IK), .f i T i t r (R-Ohio) com- "Now. for the second time in a mmied thfit removal of the meat I vei,r. w'" miracle be wrought. r-iiu.a i " what I've lvn urging , "ow which today do not exist, :i uttt.g " tomorrow- will he born, reared. , fulled, marketed, slaughtered, dis tributed and cut, and in 24 hours Reecr hat Tm l,ate" !- o mmrnt tn the pre.i deitls r inon to Heteae immnl- r - . Ends Today! Ray Mil land "The Lt Weekend' "Idea Cilrl" tomorrow: urmedy Co-Hit Ann Sat hern "UP COES MAIS IE- will be on shelves of your butcher shops. This miracle will come about because the great meat trusts have forged organized short age Into political club." i Valley Men Elerte! to Knights of Pythias Posts PORTI.AND. Oct. 14-P-The j Oregon Knights of Pythias elected uuy w. Jordan. Corvallis, grand chancellor at . the annual grand lodge session today. Among oth ers iMmed were Dr. A. F De IespinaKe. Hubbard, grand pre late, and Wurren Handle, Albany, grand Inner guard. Heirens Says He'll Try Suicide Again -' , .... 7 yS' . ' r- 'V ' ' ' r S ' - 1 " ' 1 . ' . m w ' 1 . i ! ' H ,. . 4 .X ' I I '': V V , '4.- .ill t Si ; CHICAGO, Oct It- William Heirens (center, faclnr camera), admitted slayer of Suzanne Degnan and two women tn Chicago.' tells reporters In the oflce of Warden Joseph Ragen. Joliet. III., peni tentiary, (rear, right) that he la still seeking an opportunity for suicide. "I'll try again." he said, com menting that he was "sorry" a guard didn't shoot him recently when he threw rocks at the man. (AP Wlrephoto). - Opinion Sets Sehool Costs Resi nonsihilitv i DINE DANCE noon shows S CI urit en L'.'nriav t i Leonard's Suppor Club Ooesi Every Night from r. M. iFxcept Stiilv No Cover Charge Before l:M r. M. All in the Family MEXICO CITY, Oct. 14.-(JP-Doris and Richard Hart of Miami. Fla . upet the highly favored California team of Margaret Os- : borne and Tom Drown in the j mi seil quarter-finals of the with j Panameiican tennis tournament Uxiay. The brother-sister combln- j atlon won 0-2, 7-5 4 BAROI DI WINS NEW YORK. N. Y., Oct 14.-(P) Sam Baroudi, 180. Akron. Ohio. was awarded a split decision over Hoi nun Williams. 100. Chicago, In the feature ten-round event at St. Nicholas arena tonight before a crowd of 2,742 which paid $0,447. Foe a Few More Day ... So That the Crowds Turned Away tr ocn tho Elalnoro Theatre Over the Wook-End Con Now 8m ThU Wonderful Plcturol Si in TECIINICOWH I I CO-FEATURE" freoton Foster INSIDE JOB" School : districts must shoulder responsibility of educating all chil dren within the districts, even though districts may be over crowded, Attorney General George Neuner ruled Monday. The, ruling related to the edu cation of children In the local airport farm labor camp. There are 150 children in the camp which is located in Marion county school districts 8 and 22. Neuner held that the state may provide financial assistance for the dis tricts jn event it desires to do so. Neuner said: , "School districts No's. 22 aipd 8 are . responsible for the educa tion of the children referred to. and if the county school superin tendent is unable to make approp riate arrangements she may refer the matter to the superintendent of public Instruction and the state board of education for further tn structlons as to her duties in the matter," . Neuner, In another opinion, he that the state brand Inspection fee of 10 cents per head applies to every animal inspected, regard less of j how many are in each lot. This opinion was asked by the state agricultural department. p ,, i AFPLIES FOR FOOD MART PORTLAND. Oct H.-WVEmll B. Govat, Independence, applied today to the civilian production administration for permission to gpend 2900 on a drive-In food market BAIL FOR HIIOCKEY SET Bail for Edward Shockey, Sali- no. Ok la., arrested Sdnday by city police on a larceny charge, was set at $750 yesterday in Salem Justice court. Police reports say that he admitted having pawned a watch and ring stolen from Pat E. Smith Shockey is in the Marion county Jan. i i ' ". .The rname Alaska Is derived from an Eskimo word meaning Great Country. Desirable ! Tenant Permanent in Salem Wishes to L;e a s c Unfurnished Court Apartment or Small Modern House with Auto matic Heat by No vember .30. Best of References Call 7450 Evenings H A I R - D 0 Actress Janla Carter wears a nod I fled Grecian hair -da with sleekly -molded sculptor curls. R. R. SIGNALMEN JOIN AFL CHICAGO. Oct. 14. - (A3) - AFL 1'reslucnl William ureen announ ced today the reaffiliation in the American Federation of I.abor of the Brotherhood of Railway Sig nslraen. The union has between 18,000 and 20,000 members. It had been suspended from the AFL in 1928. REALTORS HIT CrA PORTLAND. Oct. 14 ( Di rectors of the Portland realty board voted today to support the fight of Grants Pass realty board against civilian production admin istration controls on building. Attorney General Tom C. Clark, who terms the current upsurge in Juvenile delinquency "a vicious and increasingly perplexing na tional epidemic," has declared that Camp Fire Girls, Inc., and other recognized youth-serving agen cies, represent "the first line of attack" In combatting this prob lem. Camp Fire's membership march extends through Novem ber 30. Too IjUo to Claaalfy It GAUGE dbl. barrel ihoUun; lady's gey raincoat, aixa 14: oak dining tabi. I library table, buffet, ptano tool. Sea Allen June. 1st duplex rear, T7S N. C'oml. L U HI train YOU to become a dance instructor! Ages 2135. Two years collece or the equivalent of business training preferred, h Earning $10 to $100 Weekly I $1000 Worth of Training. FREE! I ARTHUR HURRAY STUDIOS 153 S. Liberty - Salem ' ENDS TODAY! Dane Clark - Janla Palg ; Zachary Scott In "HER KIND OF MAN" Also "HIT THE HAY Starts Tomorrow I ..II. a Hi - . lobert cummiNQS i CO-IIITl Action - Romance - Rhythm In Magnaeolor "HOME ON THE RANGE" -f- EXTRA! COLOR CARTOON LATE NEWS Lunilier Work KiIIh Mt;n, SayH Official PORTLAND. Ore., Oct. 14-P)-Doyle Pearson, union official, as serted today that the lumber In dustry is killing more men than the war did, and said a statevide safety program would be con sidered in the annual AFL lum ber and . sawmill workers state council meeting in Baker Thursday. Unit front Vancouver to House Portland Students WASHINGTON. Oct. i.-(A)- Senator Cordon (R-Ore) learned ! today the federal works agency I has approved moving buildings j from the Hudson housing project. ; Vancouver, Wash., to Portland, I Ore., for use as Portland univer sity extension classrooms. These will provide classrooms seating l 200 students, and a lecture hall for i 400. ' Failure of Meat Controls Laid To Selfishness (Story also on page 1) WASHINGTON, Oct. I4(VD There was just nothing else to do but take . price ' controls off live stock and meat. President Truman told the American people tonight. Pertinent quotations from Mr. Truman's speech follow: 1. "Who are the persons re sponsible for this serious condi tion? The reporisibllllty rests squarely on a few men In rongre who, In the aervice of selfish In terests, have been determined . . . to wreck price controls no matter . . . the cost." t. "Many buainess men have held on to the products they would normally Kell. The real blame. however, lies at the door of the reckless group of selfish men who, in the hope of gaining political advantage, have encouraged sell ers to gamble on the destruction of price control. This group Ik thinking In terms of millions of dollars instead of millions of people." I. "Representatives of the five- slock and meat Industry . . . have made the definite promise that the lifting of controls . . . would bring to market the meat whit h our people want, at reasonable prices. The American people will know where the responsibility rests if profiteering on meat raises prices so high 'the average American cannot buy it." 4. "This does not mean the end i of controls now. Some Items, like rent, will have to he controlled for a long time to come. As wc speed up the removal of price con trols, the iriniin ,f m uge con trols will also be act-elei uted. As the Mhuitages continue to disap pear, the inflationary pressuies will ease and the need for govern ment controls will past. No one is more anxious to get rid of these controls than I am." 5. "If industry should go on strike in any commodity and re fuse either to make the goods or to sell them freely . . . industry would be courting disaster. If la bor should slow down, or call un lawful or unnecessary strikes or carry on jurisdictional conflicts labor too wmild be inviting dis aster. Abundant production is the only sure and safe road to a free market." It -4 v. J V i ' r CONGRATULATION S.gosanno miverrrort ! enson, sculptor of Esst Norwalk, ( ms4 shskes Ike sw of her French noodle, new father of a litter of fourteen nooples. CIO AGENT FOR LOGGERS WASHINGTON. Oct 14 P The CIO international woodwork ers of America was certified by the national labor relations board today as bargaining agent for em ployes of the Snow Peak Ixgging company. Linn county. Ore. Dentil of Man Blamed on Poison Fooil OltKCON CITY. O. t 14 1) KinhI oioiiing was .llnne. I tixt.ty for the deuth of one man and the Illness of three others at Mar qiiam Francis V. Kiickaon. 33, diet Saturday night on letuin fjoin a hunting trip rut short by Illness a companion said followed a meal in Detroit. Dr. Willaid Stone, Marion county health officer, said he had turned over samples of tho f xl to the state sanitarian for analysis. OPENS :4S T. M. NOW! IIILARIOI'H FI'Nt Mhv pas? CO-FEATURE? Nlnl Foch 'MY NAME IM JI'I.IA ROUS" ENDS TOO ATI (Tt Fat O'ttrlen "THE IRON MAJOR" Tim Holt "ALONG THE RIO GRANDE' OPENS 41 r. M. TOMOKKOW! ; Gary Coooer fTTllTTilK I I ill l-oretla yyA f J 1 1 1 1 3 1 ' CO-tEATIHEt I Roster C'rabbe "LIGHTING RAIDIRS- FIIANTOM RUHR1 STARTIIIG TOIIORROW! rilONK S47 MATINEE DAILY FROM 1 P. M End Today I (Tuos) Tom Drake TalthJul in Mf rashlon" Lawronco Tlornoy "Slop by Elop," I 7ft rt 7WUUi f A V N 1 ( jrUn, kLxti'lk.- 1 vx vl f V . I Ml MMM NOKtM 1 - UMHM)tOS I M0NA FREEMAN RICHARD DENNING EVELYN ANKERS-CHARLES EVANS J.M. KERRIGAN- MOYNA MACGILL-TERRY KILBURN and HIGHLAND DALE as "BLACK BEAUTY". , MAX NOSSECK mm Paf kr ism ntrt qmmum hsmsm. m bm nms tr nhi ft- MYSTKKY CO-HIT! now v:;;,t i i r . ... HEA1JTIFUL! But Without a Hoart ... Irtk li0 Soul ... or Conacloncol T' PLUSI LATEST NEWSI Nasla Hoar Sentences I World Sorloa Baaoboll Open rl . . Nation's Football HlgKllahtot AND j Popoyo Carioon -RODEO ROMEO" '