The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 11, 1946, Page 9, Image 9

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Hank Program
Of Field Men
Held Valuable
Laundry, Sell-Service Style, in Quonset Hut
'i i
I.jvl I rft ' r- ir iflMl lif
I- ist l.ank i.f 1'
i iti ir.tii it luv. f.iltn
i rt:.ji fit gi . r 1 1 h.l -.titlih-lifl
) ii'j ifiiiacy in hi uitf
Ijiiii in i oiinth it tli- h.irik'.
: '.f. biink vn t- pi fkiti-tit In
'.'- : thix .-uti.jt.v
S'i! -,.v..r, vi!. he-f ir t.'thoiiKht
il Of p'i; v i ! if. tiV ri a I it'll
r : a S.ii-m pwllhi . 2'? year
Snii IH.itS wtii tin- Kirst
.,'. rial I i.i nk u rnt .into l.utiiii-sii
i-i 'In- ! i -v t tx k t'i 1 1 ti i r if Orc
a;"i. Ii.rlk IT-p. tut luve
!.!: -riijU t-il or: ttir- b.ilik Staff,
i ,! v. , wt i'f tt-lli'i'K the Salem
p. ! -!: of thfir value that Ste
tltitxii f'tKii c-nrv-idering the
rfitjilii o? similar service to
t'r gsein-i al fanning indu.-tiy of
t v alley, j
At hat time. 1SM4, an expanding
t ukrf rnin( iiidHstry had led
! bank mariai'-mt,nt to nter
the f if lit of seasonal f niantmg fur
luikejr irowrn, a phase of credit
l hh pievioiily hud been 6f
fietl by fe-d nValerf. and rnanu
1turei Mho rollei Bed for their
prHirti. anfl ! r-nti nil-. htiltllied
hiii:.g rt-e KtoAiliK reason, ajfter
tir iiirtfij nijikrtcd their biidt.
Wi-.ght of tins credit line bore
-l;e.ail on feed dealrts. Stephen
sjii tid. and they rli(iml the
fur.! National bar k"- offer to lake
. et the tiu if-:s. as did frtim-.
ei -
Stephenson employed 1.4-vvi C.
M sr. field man for it milling;
.;: r-t n to i op i --nt the bank,
li'h hi i'lMtini tuikey (iuwri
lo tf.en management plan and in
uftrfii.g financial counsel,
-Moie ket t.p In headquarters
in Albany. h:I lil cummer the
L:.k riip!iyed an asitant to
?.r .'. -f A M. Moot hnue. commer-
poiiltry glOAfl', who ha set
vi' t.: hettdci'.i.ii Xfi s in. the Salem
l! a III fi.
h o i; geneial gi uultui al field
tui i: t-oniplete tl:e .staff: Paul
S' a-paid. tf ernig tiie 1 1 h aM-
ultiiial teiriUiry around Snleni;
J y. Hliftkhom. Oregon City; l"red
.'i-tuiVe. IhiUboio. tn1 H K. Dav.
rV bet g . Ttie-e field men cover
thn iifHi on wheelo. in'.ei view
lug fainter in the patuief and
tie barn!oti and are ahmit for
ahfi.t term credit demand.
Alert a!si fi oi. ttanling aim
ing opei it ion-, the field men pats
word alof.g to the bank's piib
1 relatioiii department, ami news
frature. aie prepared for new
pa ;-! with ktate-wide inula-'
lion, r or example, a cranberry
grower who netted $15,(X)0 on a
b ' - ane lx lat year in the ("wit
15 jy air te ame the bat kground
i t a news j tn le which gae rer-
kiiition to i) expanding industry,
for another, an .inventive dairy
f aimer at Champiteg tirel of us
lg a pitihfoik in hit ttayfield,
Ix.'lt a new type of fijiy Ktoiage
lii'iv. , - i igged up a i hopper with
L '
These women are detng thetr family laaadrr In
quonset hut which offers self-servlca laundry
facilities en m pay-by-the hoar baOs. The six
washing machines and professional-type dryer
and mangle, operated at ISIS 8.3 12th at. by V. C.
Ubby. are popular with housewives of the veter
ans housing colony where no laundry facilities
re available. Shown running ; a tablecloth
through the' mangle (above) Is Mrs. Kussell
Tratt. 2St N. Capitol at., recently moved to ga
lea, from Roseburg. At right, using a washer, la
Mrs. K. J. Berry. 17J N. Capitol st who with her
husband came from Texas for a visit and decid
ed to stay. (Fhotos by Don lllt, Htatesman Mtaff
. , . , V
I ,' t -e '' V V"N-
J ' k: ,9 i
.: i ', ' - - ne
a pickup belt, fed the chopped hay;
into a blower, and sent It over
the top of the storage bin. And
this put away his hay without a
pitrhfoi k.
Shepard. at Salem, operate a
faim in hi own right in the Fola
Hills section. I '
Gas Company J
Adds Facilities
Several major items in Portland
(las & Coke company's 1848 con
strut lion budget of $1,500,000.
when completed early in Novemi
ber, will greatly enlarge facilities
to meet increasing demands for
gas and gas service in the Willam
ette valley area, according to Dis
trict Manager Leif Bergsvik of Sa
lem. In Salem an additional 300
tiorsepower compressor unit will
more than double the pumping ca
pacity of the company's station,
at Chemeketa and Water streets,
Bergsvik -said. -(
Another Heart Is - an additional
compressor unit in the company's
(I ranger station, he reported, lo
cated at the intersection of the
Granger-Independence road and
the Alhany-C'orvallis highway.
Increases Are
Recorded by
First National
The First National bank of Tort
land reached a milestone at the
cloe of September when its loan
totals emerged over the $100,000.
000 mark, as revealed In a report
to the comptroller of currency, a
$20,000,000 advance In the three
month: period between June SO
and September 310,
i First National deposits went to
$517,971,841 60. a gain of $12.
377,288 In the three months since
June 30. During that period, the
federal government withdrew
$18,500,000 in government f inds
Xrom deposit with First National,
which indicates an overall ad
vance of $30,877,288 In customer
depot &s.
The strong showing of the loan
department is a reflection of in
creased activity in loans to busi
ness, real estate morgage busi
ness and installment credit loan
transactions, according to O II.
Keller, vice president and cavhier.
.Marl fay Grange
Hears School Hill
MACLEAY Preston Doughton
of' Salem spoke on the school bill
to be on the ballot in Noembei,
at the October grange meeting.
New members received were Mi
and Mrs. CJeorge Boedigheimer,
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hodson, Ber-
nire Nash and
Names proposed
were Mr, and
During the lecture hour Mi
Floyd Fox, county grange deputy,
gave a short talk. Ardeu Parker,
accompanied by Mrs. Cyril Parker
sang, Mrs. Tony Koch gave a
reading and childhood anedntex
were given by grange members.
Uy the Rural Reporter
i'hi yeai's production of irl.
rlini'r M-cd in the United St. iti'
is expected to be the tfiird l.nxr .1
ever harvested, the Crop llepo't
ing Service showed Thur-day.
Ploriiiction it forecast Jit 2.007,200
bushel of thi eshei -i nil seed,
computed with 1.744.200 bushels
lii.nt ye;ir. The 15 per cent increase
over last year is attributed , en
tirely to the indicated ricirrl, ' a
yield per acre is exMcted to be
the Siime as last year. Il;irvet ol
red clover seed hi Oiejton
Septcmtter 17, but is by no niciim
Users of 2. 4-1). the new chemi
cal weed killer, need hot worry
over livestock being harmed from
grazing on plant thnt have lieen
sprayed, says O. .. Mikescll. Linn
county agent. Scientists with the
U. S. (department of agriculture
sprayed n pasture with alxtiit dou
ble the quantity recommended for
weed control in order to test it
effect "on cattle and sheep. No HI
effects develoed and examina
tion of slaughtered auimalu ic-
vesled no unuNiial couditioru.
The. value of crimson clover a
a green manure c iop is well dern- i
oust rated on the faim of J. K. i
Sttalford of Auroia, who icpoit
that, after plowing up a imp yaul j
last fall, he planted a portion of,
the field to ciimmi while the j
remainder of tiie field wa left j
open all winter. I,at spring the ;
clover . was tinned under, after
which the whole field wax seeded
to barley which yielded 38 bushels
per acre following the clover and 1
only 14 bushels wheie the i lo rr
wa.t iut used. The owner attii-'
butes the entire difference hi ,
yield to using crimson clover si j
a green manure. j
Pointers In building or buying ;
fro.en food lockers will be given
Circus Clown
f The SlaUiman, Salem. Proton. Friday, Oc to tsar . 1144-1
'New Report of (Moilfni (vxihiuv
I 'i' ; . ... 4 .1
IT C TJ . . ! I in iaimiiai
Ua . llclllllllill M- i if ,
Shows i-aiiis
The If u t I i d Stitc. N.ili.mal
' hank ha lii'.nn i i-.i I - I .in m
'i ie.ixe In loaiix .i.l i ( . i ii 1 1 1 1 . ,
in deposits In iti ii'piil tin'
conipl roller of tin i hi inn y .i
llf Sl'ptl-flllHM .'Wl ! W .is .11 1 1 H ii 1 1 I
I red .waturd.iy l J) V Kyi'-, n e
pi esident
j Isun .mil d i 'Cm i ii t in A
i $lo:i.o2(i.lov, .hi on n .f i'o .
; 0.'l7,H.r0 in tl'e 1 month h-iio
j Miu e the June Ill Hi. .ill
Total ii'Miini c! ini " ,;it
$r!i.KH,040. vvlioti in k.'li to. ' i
linn e Ih. in on Jin I ! il- UH2 V HI, 'tin .in u.iiiMse of
$18,007,4 11
"Tle i 1 1 1 i (. I i ini t to the
compji olli-i of tl.i- iniii'iicy iiai'ji
how j tin- I 'i .. St .u- N' itioii.i
h. ink j the le.idei ari'oug het;oi(i
li.iiks not onlv in (h-pisiti
and ii'Miini i' I ii 1 1 film in l''.nifi
and discount," If v i e i i iinfi i-u" d
SII.VKHKiV, . 10 M
Jlilli W, i t e ' , ( v i.f '
hi !(.. in M i . ioi,.i J . if
' i cj.'on va . eikrr ..I Urn V -
I Inn a n m I I ii ii'ilji I lilt,
lit plosi on at II. e r nt I I l hui i I. Toe it i y . j
Mi Joid.n, in " I 1
Cmi-.hIi' for tl e'Cln ii ,(! ,V., I
noli il ti e lin e of I i rm .t i
from S'-oli ii .. i , iJtrt . J .t ! i.
Id id ll.r- (i.imU i III iiH i.
tot tie critne In utt m I it, ,n f
1 1 i km i nno for ti e
Mm I 'a I I 5.e I.f, fM i It i f. f
M i Vet nt Mi h' v, sei t ii v, t i
tin led the In ii I loir. r .
Ann for He jrnf f'M t,l e I ml
gioiijl till- to he. $?V ft (I ! n l. i t
nd an avetage atteiuan e tit i,
m. I larIil ICihiji
HeaiU SIKrrlon
i'thl Seoul Work
Jerry 11 'ier
l.atntt (Iruntl 4 lumiitn
Rsndow the C lown, above. Is one l'4,rllttinl SllOII
of the many featured oerfor- ,
niers Ih the rolsrk Hrothers
cirrus now plavlng at the laslle
Junior - hlih auditorium. I'o
dav'ai matinee la at 4 a'rlaMk:
Saturday and Sunday matinees
are at 2:15 and evening per
formances nightly through
Tuesday are scheduled for 8:1$.
bv M (I Cropsey, ag engineer
f i oil i the state college. Ot folter 17,
8 pin . at the Albany mint house
('iupx'v hat imiiliii list i i ill
on thi- fiorii Iim kei piohlem for
seveial luontln and will fell of
"ieaih-in" and "walk-ins" built I
for ruial use at home, giv Uig com- '
parative null A ciosk section of
linker-will illiisttate tfie constiuc
lioo found most ! i able.
CI.)V.MIAI.K l.iiy Wipper.
12. stu o Mr and Mi- Kail Wip- ;
per came home fioin th Poillsmlj
I i.tei nat niiiiil .ietoik t. in It ion j
with several top, a a aids In the
411 club classes. He I a hiemltei
of the 'lo ei.l.iU 411 lull !
Voulig Wipper took gi.lltd I ham-
pion with a pen of H.iec south-'
down wether lamh. gt.uiii i Lam
pion with a soul lulu it cm e ImuiIi
srt olid nhlxtn u llll a itijle srMith-
ilnwn wether larnh and fouilit
place foi show m.tii'lni At ttie
sale, he got high pi li es for hit
Miiimal; the smgli" VAether lamb
briniaht tl 'IS a Hiimd and the'
pen of thiee BO ter Miimt J
Freddy Gilbert
for membeiship
Mis. Cornelius
WKST SAI.KM Tle annual
booster night of West Salem
IHsnge will be held on Tuesday.
Oit. 15. at 7 o'clock -in W. Salem
city hall when the evening pro
gram begins with a covered-dih
supper, the west tim com
munity and grangers are invited
to attend. Speakers are Walter
C. Iath. Polk county agent, ami
Mrs. Viola Shaffer, home demon
stratioii agent.
"Huitb inn coffoM'
y :
2 , -o
Flapjack Flour
Sperry Vhealhearls
Borden's Hemd Liquid ,
Chopped Ham
Vienna Sausage
12-oz. tin
Hixed Vegetables vT. r. m 180
Si -Tin
r v
A 7
H&D Sliced Beeis . 2h tin 150
Rellogg's Pep p. 110
Clam Chowder Snow' . la-oz. tin 270
Grapefruii Juice "uia 360
Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Dinners 32 0
Smith's Gigantic Peas up 200
Ilaraschino Cherries
15-oz. jrlasH
Peanut Butler ,'"r ''T.' .,,.
Frisk ie, cubes or meal
J .. ....; . 2-!b. Pkg.
Dog Food
Orange Juice Top Taste 46-o.
1 -lb. carton
l ib. pkg.
i i - - -. if
For Ileal lo Eal T7e Can'l Be Seal1
For Your Eatin I'Jeasure We Have
Vkz. of
r - - 18 I - .
2 North Capilolial Ilarkel
heat, cwtyfaswd aaUv
' "... ,..V
s , .to'l '
k '''1. i- r y- f
the V "Vr .
'Controller! Rtating,'
-cuuL wltiiv tt comcd
ibnatutUtq coffee,
milUVioi liawtht
niqkfc idea,
that's what takes
guesswork out of coffee roasting. Hy toasting, the hleml
m little at a fi'me . . . continuously . . . the automatic rout ml
of this exclusive Hills Bros, process insures an even roast
for every coffee leaii none overdone, none underdone.
And that means the atne matchless rtuvoi in every pound
of Hills Bros. Coffee YOU BUY!
Hills Bros Cofftt is packed In
both glass jars and cans
Simf mrUl supplirs sit still
liimlr.t. Ihrrr mmy In- oi aiMial
slioftaK't 'I'll Itro Ciillf ia
tans im yuui iiriglitMhii.
!I ,M
pi h.i. In,' M s
pi (-.I'll.', hit () t !f lit
ll, t fnl riiwtin if !u
till (illl Si wilt Vkitikrf
IIkIiiM I(ihii, Ui
It ii s p I I M ei ,
MIUV Ml l Mllt'HI j
Mrs. Ilrv jr ln-JWI ts nit
irtai y. Mil, Itipmi (. t,
mm imiiliii piriil'iH. Mn W
If. WimmI w ai f , Jr, area iiri-iy
Mini Ml riSli'rs rii.r-n. air
tiretiir atit a'1vlir f r h.iinl'fl.
'Ilia Silvritofi giiHjt vt:i mt
tt fllst Mowljjr rif ra 'i irt.m'h.
Append hf
Activf Orercn Crerpt
I siimg m I ! l(ija
tut K it src stittflv Ws4
lh Vh. SupptMi I w!
nastuif, I Ka Hrsim s .xl .
Irm mutt ha on a wus4 has
plsn. ira tKil.tisn wnt k
fora aa cihimmii p-
roiluniiv, Ha ii . '!
uaf ill msks I si fMm,H
f f alwtUn fJr icfc4
tlnmmf Prabtlams , . .
irnl sr iniiiJ ia )
Run StvMiHil auppiirt hill I
on ifButtt , . , nr ihilJiri
h gnnt aif H msnef iy
isirfully sJ l ihi m iha
ht sluiiiM ih.i ti 4i4 1f
our s 1im hnaiH t hlis .
- Mil ftr It.
ttfutfnt, tPrtnm f 0-ftn
Vhiml Hitsul nttthit la
tetei4 ia a niti.nniig ! it
a SiMta-l prtigiaitt v4 h.Ml
fiasming. Vv ( i
ntk long fsng plans. W rs Utt
I ha Hsim. SM .ifiMl hall.'
Ki ni O. t mints
t u f-rmuUt, ttretm
A t tin ttm pi Si Br4.
last Answer fee Isiveel
Plnsinclnf . . .
"lit HiH. V In m.I Support Wit,
shkll cniHoiiifi in ilia main I ba
At of tlistW (iiiisr ot i ha
MaS 1st ( uminiHHin, haw
Ixvs i lha twl aitnttrr d ihass)
piultlnt ihut fjr ftrlvi4 .
I Ins M. ! m. f'ft'-irmi,
fhrgtf I Jui mi mm A i '
Iqvad Chains fe Ivary
Orsgsn Chllsl . . .
"My i gjmMn hli that
very k Itirgon SvhtMl 4i
ii n ( it a blight tin i ha si!
Iwlitta I Ha t ( Oirgoa vh.U
sliotiM rtttivs in ua I ihir
V lrlir i ha l iha RiMv V hoiM
aippMl hill tll Itclp alMaia
lh ahi live "
- Hi.N4 I. J'i. PtfttJemt,
thfgim I tfi I I aaa.
A Oaai IskisatUn th
Rlaht f Ivary Chttst ...
' VA hrlirvt H n lha I
on Oirg til tin! I irgaijiata 4
his pUkS ! Ifi4rfx ! nui
a S'k1 ctlH siiitn. K ht,ta
thr Hatt VhKl Support al
ill help maka ih p.h "
- Mimiios lnwriini, f.i'
CCfi'il Sim Inmigf
last MethasJ sf Rstlslng
Schoal Revenue ...
"A a HieiiioJ fl r'K'g hil
irti-ma, H i ha Hint Vih.l
hill I lha hrl that hat Itf- J "
HftiHt of I ttmmmt.
Othmr ffsaWsers . .
A i. a I ! ia vaa
l.r-a SvtiMil aaa fiatumJ
St wamaa t laSa.
Ort aa ai laa-ir..l
(lia.aiianuai j
Ortaua rarfMatiwa W Vaat.a f l-aa
I raMi t.anK ! I mmmir.
Oiraoa Sraia Ukm a.aa
A immiiI'iii I ai iaia.
Vn.r.a. or frw,a lift, tara
aa.M al IhiiM.
ta ' s ki .i
i -oiairfM. a a s ..-
St Stag,. fwMaa4
, U.g