The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 11, 1946, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 The StaWsanan, Scdom. Ovqon. Friday. October II. 1948
"No Favor Sway lit. No Feat Shall A ice
Frees Frt Statesman. March ZS. I SSI
CHARLES A. SPRAtJUE, Editor and Publisher
: Mmbtr of the Associated rra
Tn AiMdtM rra to arlaslvely ntlU1 te the sue fer pebfJcsUesi
T alt mm taalcba credited U II r Ml Uirwta r edited la
ewpaaer. . "
The Air Won't Takr Everyone
Tim re are some items which speed cannot replace and one
of thn is the so-called romance of ocean travel. Air lines are
ma kmc a constantly-Increasing bid for the overseas trade, nd
aur.tMf ' rraft operators :in some instances are complementing I V
thir wrv;ces with new schedules via air. But nowhere is there M
ar.y titration that the luxury liners or pre-war yean are ex-pe-cted
to be displaced by. the skyliners of this developing era.
TiMf was, in the pioneer days of flying, when pilots stole
the entire show from the maritime skippers when it came to
the rular connotation of the word "romance." Flying cer-
ta tly answered Webster's definition of that word "picturesque P. he fissure will be wid-
ur.-.uailne?s." And an ocean flight certainly still is "pictures
quely unusual.' 'But when the word "glamour" also enters the
p: tiM it certainly does it is easily, apparent that water-
' bo mm ahip-s of the sea' don't have to take a back seat.
So-bathing on the lop deck, tea in the captain's quarters,
., nut-Unas in the moonlight, luxurious staterooms, deck walking.
Paul tlIallotTs
r.' ;'
(DUtrtaaUeo my Kmc rtttirN ym-
mtrmtm. ia)C. RrlrailrfMa ffu
! part Hetty rowHi,
WASHINGTON, Oct. 10.wRe-1
publican campaign manpulator
iiauecK maae some election claims
to reporters so modest they did not
get inio most newspapers. When
a republican claims an expected
repuoucan victory, it l not hews.
But privately Mr.
Hal leek had
mora sensational
views, expressing
a hunch he would
get a tremendous
sweep November
3 of lmr greater
scope than ex
pected, winning a
strong majority
,in the house and
Btisht Mhlrnl
' I n ' rn,t His
l LJv i e w was- that
lsl MUa that the demo
cratic party is
ened in: the voting, the party not
M - M . . 1. I
even geiung us usual union labor
support, which was its backbone
in the i last seven congressional
ejections. if!
The campaign has been so quiet
you could hear a Pepper drop or
a wanace rail. But padded rolling
shipboard dancing and swimming U II be some time before pins have been flying In the demo-
ah craft can compete with these. In the meantime, travelers pre-J cratic camp. The meat famine
to, rnmnlPlP nrivarv to the icrammo. coming ; atop the Wallace affair
... "7. - - -. " -y. naa spread a panic among demo-
a'.us oi a ruuman ana prolongs run iu we juuuch cmci 1 cratic candidates in eastern cities.
re into climes will settle for a few extra days of time. I They have been screaming .to Mr,
Cir.t'ination pasaenger-cargo ships apparently are the ship Truman privately and publicly for
line". Siuwer to the air lanes which assuredly will take a bit TZ
of the ' cream" from the top of travel patronage. Such ships are at least, before the voting starts,
being completed rapidlv. and older craft are being converted Indeed,; the republicans believe a
U..r,r, ,urh fmmi nrefixes as "President. rePrt "ey have heard from the
, ., T ' ... .. m l . , . ' democratic camp, that Mike Mon-
Santa. ' Alcoa. etc., they will offer faster schedules, a more roney. chairman of the democratic
van itir.erary, more personalized service than in pre-war congressional campaign commlt-
year Thtre apparently is a determined effort to equal the air J' P.1"" or tht Jobbecauae
in "romance" and far surpass it in "glamour." The nooks and ntZi
. . i i i : j .i i . I . . . "r - -
CTHiiuMt cl the woria win oe openea wiuer mmn evw uciur. jn need, Instead of for himself.
had to rush back to his home dis
trict In Oklahoma City on a well
concealed trip to mend his : own
Tli ere Are Other Attributes
The federal immigration service, more vitally important fences.
now tfean ever before, is encouraged because today's typical Campaign Speeches
Irr-nwiflnt i mure likelv to have cleaner habits.. to be better ThU much I know democratic
ed,caw and better supplied with money." It y-.l-o that m?Zn "speech,
imnuiirants arrive in far superior style and speaks dispa rag- in Kentucky. When a man of Bark
irsly of "the oklen dys steerage quarters with double-decker ley's official connection with the
Kii-k. nnrf no oartitions" and "with cattle, pigs, chickens and White IIoum, age and health, goes
. M J I.
go-Ls arrsea on an, , , 8 , , activity itnerely to save a demo-1 TEN REA80NM FOE VOTINQ
isui mere is a pgin. mai muuiun u u n i mile setkate seat and ierhsps a AGAINST TOWN8ENO TAX
cor. it iu plated -revamping of our immigration laws. It is this: 1 IjOuUylue congressman or two you I To the Editor:
U.'...i KK.l rM k vital tKliioattnn la to h dalrd "J w urr uw inner urniu rw-
yin lit vcrj uau
h:u r - I 1, - j
a. - 'Ttrj. . M
Russian Writers. Composers
W anted to Glori fy Soviet
Rr John M. Miditower
Associatel Brejti Diplomatic Reporter (
One of th soviet union 'm most fmoi allot t story writert fs a
resident of Iningrad nammt Mikhail 7.hrhenki. Hcrntly h wrote
a atory about a little monkey ft tint ftom a KuMlan loo by an air raid
bomb exploaion.
Tha little monkey had many hatrowirur MiMrlwiioa In ih. rr.l
outsida world trying to keep bily and xhiI together. Finally. mtXmr
g.-iuua-.a,. a a a m . . '
Apple (Sauce) for the Teacher
The Safety Valve
Tne i spots where the republl-1 .s.i ZiA
cans expect to gain moat Tre the luimoin .TV
large Industrial atatea like Massa- !""n' h?
and n.n-y is a tuhty handy thing to have in entering a new
country, the basic state f mind of a would-be citizen is tran
sc!vd't. TUe immigration service points out that in the last two
year 1073 stowaways, have been found, ranging in age from
6 to 146. Our immigretion laws do not permit the entrance of
sum way. It would hardly be possible to condone such a prac
tice u any event. Hut it certainly is possible that among these
sinvtfew a there in as much gocxi potential Americanism as
th-re i n any oth-r group. There are many factors to consider
Ir. ailou rnc imrniifratiuii whether the new citizen will become
a put4ar charge or s-lf -supporting; whether he has foregone " foutl MV fP1" ?vi fconomic caiastropne arrecting
The Townaend "something for
nothing people" of Oregon art at
Thtey are
ve at sev-
iiiw-vHf i s iiiej a v es asses. vi sva a , . .
Ohlootar. in which th. r,ir,rT. Y0 ' Oregon to approve Ue
hve been strongest. They cannot Vy. ' ,iMl u 10 ?y
i -n m..K tiiii- Pensions for all persona 60 or old-
or Indiana where they are already er- regardlese- of their need.
strong. In Illinois they might pick I ne approval oy uregon voters
up a district or two In Ed Kelley's the General Election on No-
Chicago, and in Indiana t h I r I vember S of the State old-age and
hopea are centered In the Gary disability pension fund initiative
district, where the foreign lang-1 measure would bring about
whether he will cherish and
his old political tie, prejudices
foster the spirit of dtmocracy
'Tbe f!rst-ce-ftrtservrd policy in accepting limited
irr.nj'r-.ticn ahMld ltt Ravened with careful screening, with
ha!U arul "cleater habits" a paramount item, but with excess
rnortry and for mi I education regarded as secondary attributes
to a Launch purpoae .a sincere appreciation of opportunity and
an uitf-lt rabie loyalty.
i ; i--
even extend to wild and woolly (whether they be laborers, profea-
wasnington, in wnicn tne unions I atonal people, farmers,, or busi
nave oeen aominani, ana to v an- i neasmen.
reports that "experienced
their bucks in the high
I'oor Deer Seat4ii
The Hikd liwllt tirj. published at
to ti liom the mulej deer country,
local hunters have bcn trying for
country and have not jleen finding them." It observes that the
n;mlr of deer in central Oregon is appreciably reduced from
fomr M'fonsvfr explanation it offers this word:
Hfuxn for the jirk of mule deer are not far to seek.
Tiwif m.iy be aerte lelate aa to the importance of the inroads
r nae rTedatf a. of jthe losoes roming about In winters of
hravy nu w. even an to the effetts of the open season on does
easn last year, but there can be no
e hunting has been on the increase.
titlg is in part due to quest for meat
e or meat from domestic livestock, also
to tlx- hunting by veterans home from the wars. The Bulletin
re -itfiM ndt: j
4irtive -nHttuurs. we would say, are definitely in order.
LfH hunting go mt for ia few jenrs more on the scope and in the
matift-r tf-t it has ltn going on last year and this and hunt-
,i?4C in .n tne way out; I his not said to alarm, but to warn.
I-i wild bfe aicu in other state have been restored;
(hey an be restorevl heie by appliratitMi of the same methods.'
Ti inot be reatorf I by inrreaning without limit the number
f larnn ia! unil by permuting wasteful destruction of
Martin vs Gaffty
Out of Pennsylvania they expect
to promote a new presidential ran
didacy In the sire of the majority
by which their Gov. Martin beat
Joe Guffey. Certainly Mr. Guffey
has been getting prominent demo
crats from outside the state to un
a nexus of roads leading d'k rV,iTn.t f,fnd
i Uou ing the eegMr
q'MiUn That tnteMiv
Tte intensive huri
i;ui of the ahortat4
He Is thoroughly CIO. but what
John Iewis miners may do to him
in the coal districts will be shown
only; byirthe counted votes.
The polls have been slow; and
inconslufive. Actually some of the
republican leaders are waiting to
near wrtat Mr. Gallup says. As he
never says much until the last
week before election, these repub
lican bigwigs, if not the nation,
will remain on tiptoe for a couple
or weeks yet.. Certainly, however,
the democrats have not bean able
to match the republican slogan
"Had enough!"
Democratic Alliance
The fundamental political situa
tldn frojn the republican jr any
other standpoint in my opinion Is
simply mis:
The Roosevelt regime managed
to perpetuate lUelf by an unreas
onable and (purely political alii
Ir.Mhrc .n.maU lance or aoutliern democrats, city
The nnw cwntniion, did try to hold down the hunting unl imd..cWy P"caI machines
, . . . . - I n me norm ana east, ana even
to three weeks, ibttt met such a storm of protest it added (the communists. This alliance was
anotlK Aek. Hisamxiintcd hunters this year may come to the maintained by the eenius of Mr
cor.ctuaKn that stricter! conservation measures are really needed
to irasttee future hcrd
Tbe Japaneae d it
ing war forever mav
tongwe in its cheek
of deer in , Oregon.
which approved a constitution renounc
have lacked a sense of humor or had its
but at least the action! constitutes one
rnnrtitiititftn is wordf
step whkh the Nippieo can't be accused of copying. If the
Roosevelt. Signs that It Is crack
ing are-unmistakable. The pres
sure of international and domestic
events pave forced open breaks
wider and wider in the coalition,
and it cannot be maintained much
longer, g s
Yet the machines of the citi
and unions are the best organized
to renounce war as a national policy political pressure groups in the
and 4nly to be reported to in the desperation of a homeland
d-?ri4-. the move innk s-ne, even though there are many
.ways m which omiiij'ution can le circumvented or changed.
At tr&ft. the actMon w;on t nxake deneral MacArthur unhappy
and its o fe gui4 that tire Japanese would like to keep the
ha cry genital as happy as possible.
Editorial Comment
From Oar
ItuMter MHrkittg d-rrj Into remote places, and it is not unlikely
Uiey ll tuitg mi murit rrpoiU of wreckel plane such as were
ifw rere ytaatatdity.; There have tM-rn a number of unsolved
! rttH.fjfrtmrmnt'fm (n the mid-roatt region over the years: the
bt 4a4e that t-r fae will finally be known Is that the wreck-I of the democrats, my election pre
ac ! roomd wy l.untei , diction Is this:
country A union may fine a mem
ber fort not voting. It provides
automobiles, pressure and Instruc
tion to get its vote recorded 100
per cent. The city machines do
fairly .well in this respect also.
The public at large is not or.
ganized If the vote of the middle
class, the white collar worker and
the average citizen is more than
80 per cent recorded. In an ' off-
year election, the movement to get
out the - vote will be considered
success. 'Only the bailout actually
cast win count.
Election Prediction
In view of the dismal condition
11 trerefere dfrurfable that hunters who discover wreckaae
ahoui.1 cr.rt It lBwn-la!ely and accurately, so that investigations
mv t nw! .The report should be made either to the state police
or uc nun in naval air statu n.
Nvy fficioU tell us
d tfwe things:
Kktem.rte the wreckage
Utat the hunter who firils wreckage should
The republicans will gain firm
control nt the house perhaps by
16 or It votes or more and will
come close to controlling theen
ato, perhaps within on or two
votes. It th split among the? un
ions eventuates at the polls,: the
carefully, in order to obtain the best
p -ki m ratification. Isptk for the bureau number, probably to be I scope of the victory will be en
fouiui the tail. Nte thf type of plane, number of motors, color, etc. J larged to the same extent as the
-f a careful note of the aeoirraohical location of the find. I spilt widens. In that ease, the re-
Cr.'. Ui.t is dMe. rt m,Jv be impossible far Investigators to find the J publlcane may win more than they
wrvtM.r vi rn?n tbey k
tr .Hit le -jliiecUng tht-m t-
rttJ.y, it siweil.l nut tir.aer with any
"i a t make crfu;
t i auttastrities. (KUnitlh
and the hunter himself may havec,a,m-
le fm gotten that there is still a possibility
trt MMter may own? ujpri Jap balloons which were released over
thi rrjKM-n in the war irrnid, Kc-membetiha what hnnnnt
wnn such a discovery wm made, no hunter
sit i ante mechani-tm he may find
PORTLAND. Oct. 10-JrVPort-land
can expect 25.000 to 30.000
visitors fat the Elks convention
The thing I next July. Charles! E. Rroushtnn.
taste of tlie location, and report this also I Sheboygan, Wis., jgrand exalted
rn neraia news.i I ruler or the order. aid tods v: :
I !
The following are ten para
mount reasons why Oregon voters
should vote 119 No against the
proposed law:
1. ThU raw would cause triple
income taxes. Oregon taxpayers
have all the taxes they can pay
now. '
2. Consumers would not have
as much money left to purchase
necessities, which would be higher
in price due to pyramiding taxes
added to the coat of producing or
manufacturing them.
S. Farmers would' have to take
th market price for their produc,
and they would thus hav to pay
th tax. They should be encour
aged to produce, not discouraged.
4. Th enactment of this law
would encourage wast and great
er consumption by those receiving
benefits under It, and discourage
longer hours of labor by the labor
ing men and greater production by
th manufacturer or processor.
9. The cost of this tax added
onto th cost of Oregon products
would put them in a position
where they could not compete
with 'the same products from
states not having this tax.
S. New industries would be
discouraged from coming to Ore
gon, and thua state employment
would be cut. Oregon would b
th only state with both a net and
a groas income tax.
7. This law would not b fair
to those who have been Investing
aavlngs in life insurance policies
throughout the years, because
a a .
iney wouia nave to pay a 3 per
cent tax on cash received there
from. Nor would this law be fair
to those who hav savings in the
bank er invested in property, be
cause auch aavings and profits
would not purrhas nearly so
much to th higher prices brought
about by this tax.
8. This tax would not b fair
to thoa holding mortgages nor
to thoa who must make paymenta
on tries mortgages. Th holder
would pay 3 per cent on Interest
received, and th person paying
interest and principal upon the
mortgage would b less able to
make payments on Interest and
principal when due.
9. Under this law, the aged
would not be assured of steady
regular payments of an amount
sufficient to pay all their living
routs during times of depressions
when others would not hav large
enough groas incomes to yield
enough taxes to finance such pay
ments. There would be no r
serv accumulated. Every penny
received would be paid out every
10. Finally, this law Is contra
ry to th laws of common sense of
man, and also to th laws of God:
"If any would not work, neither
should he eat . . . " 2 Th. 3 10:
Wherefore do y tend money
for that' which Is not bread? and
your labor for that which satis
fied not? ..." Is. 55 2; "... Who
is able to stand before envy?" Pr.
27.4. The supporters of this law
appear to me to be extremely lazy,
extravagant and envious of those
who toil and save.
I speak not as an economist or
as a person informed about com
plex financial matters, but as a
student working my way through
college. Being somewhat physi
cally handicapped, I was .not in
the service, so 1 do not come under
th G.I. Bill of Rights. However.
am sue I am expressing: the
views of nearly all veterans, oth
er college students, and success
ful laborers, professional people.
farmers, and businessmen, when I
say "Vote 313 No against the
measure to Create State Old-Age
Disability and Pension Fund."
Ronald E. Hoven,
being chased by dogs and rhildrei
and living a hand-to-mouth exist
ence, he was taken in by a small
boy who gave him a warm, com
fortable home.
A short time after this little
story appeared in ptttnt at Ivinn-
grad last summer, the wrath of
the communist patty fell heavily
UMin famous short story wtitei
Mikhail Zoshchenko. He was ac
cused of frittering away his tune
and falling to glorify the soviet
In the opinion of official Am
erican experts, on Russia, the lit
tie monkey hits lecome a symbol
of the freedom' pf creative artists
in Russia to writ mote or 1
what they please.
Writer Scored
One of Prime Minister Stalin's
bp llciitetiMnts, Andrei .Ixl.uiov,
blasted Zoshchftiko for Imiilvuia
that life in the soviet iniioti might
be better inside a zoo cage than
outside. If called on all creative
artists to beat the drums for the
soviet union and picture the great
ness of Its future.
Only a few days ago Russia's
moot fsmous composer, Dmitri
Shostakovich, drew a stern word
or two from the newspaiter Cul
ture and Life. This newspaper is
published by the agitation and
propaganda committee of the cen
tral committee of th communist
Ideology Needed
Shostakovich was accused of
wasting his tim composing high
ly stylized musical trifles devoid
of "warm Ideological convictions."
Poets, artists, musicians, writers,
all hav had their knuckles rap
ped. Zhdanov reminded them that
Stalin has said creative artists are
engineers of the human soul-
Zhdanov warned them eseia1ly
to disdain western Influences.
Western cult in picKiiinntily i
meaning Hi itish, r-'renrli, Ameri
can - - is bused on a "rollrn'' j
foumlrftloii, he said, and ImmmhI to
VI :
lasaa-aT --A4,i jA
AIDS VITS - Yi.i.i
Beyatea. Hark Laser, N. Y, Is ik
stew adyta for woae waa
vaUraa al vYaaadagtea, D. C.
Sewer Pine'
Price KaLsccl
(Continued from pag 1)
None of th mandated islands will
b returned to Japan. We shall
probably hold onto a few selected
islands for basea and may accept
a trusteeship for th remainder.
These Island- will b a constant
source of expense to us. even if
we do not us them as bases. The
inhabitants will be more or less
Civil Wa r in
North Dull.
China Holiday
SHANGHAI. Oct. 10 ik') Hands
pl.iyed and gay crowds Ihnmged
Shanghai and Nanking slieets to
day while Chinese fought Chinese
to ftie dentil in the bitttlefrorits on
this 35th anniversary of the Sun
)PA todoy granted six per rent
pi lie Inn ease, effective i tober
5. for vitrified clay aewer uioea
and allied products sold In Wi.h.
iiigton, Oiegoti, Idaho and M.n
tan. i.
The iiicieave will le pae on
to coiuiitnets, th agency said, si lesellft may letam then;
M-trriit.itfe margins a require.
by Ijm,
OPA said today's action will
restore I wise period earnings org.
-.ewer pie snd is aimed to main.
tain supply of th products which
It said at critically needed for
th housing program.
dependent on our bounty, for their Vat-Sen revolution.
ancient way of lifJhas been dis
turbed and they are not ant to
become self-supporting again.
I believe that th decision should
be geared to the new organization
of th United Nations, that even
for auch Islands as we may retain,
th declaration ahould b made
mat aa UN develops strength to
Celebration of the birth of
China's ' republic came on the
darkest hour since V-J day.
Genera I tskimo Chiang Kai-Shek,
re-elected today by a standing
committee of his government par
ty (Kuomingtang) to a somewhat
Indefinite teim as presutent, re
stored military consci lotion He
1-OMTI.AND. Oct. 10 (,!) Lewis
J Hiouaugh ended 4 years with
the district OIA today by reman
ing this pile board executive
lost to retuin to private law
pi a lire.
maintain peace ws shall be ready was quoted as saying he did so
to relinquish these islands to Its
trust. Meantime w should use
them for policing th Pacific.
Lions Hear
C r-7
Plani.iiir Plea
Rout I; Jefferson, Oregon.
By Lie lily
,ttP a A' S
"If you think the Willamette
valley ran't become as barren as
the Sahara desert, you're mistak
en," W. M. liarllett of the Ore
gon postwar readjustment and de
velopment commission declared
Thursday noon befor the Salem
I. ions club in his address em
phasizing the Importance of long-
range planning for communities.
states and nations.
Hi comment on th valley came
n his commendation of th work
if the Willamette valley project
which, h asserted, evry citlen
of this area ahould study and fol-
ow through In order to prevent
soil erosion end control flooda.
Th consulting engineer cited as
an example of th difference be
tween long-range planning and
"hodge podge" development the
existing difference In Salem be
tween the orderly wide city streets
of th first 12 blocks east of the
river and the patterns beyond.
Had the foresight of the original
planners been carried on, he In
dicatiHl, Salem growth might well
have followed a more regular pat
tern of streets.
I'lanmng ahead must- concern
social as well as economic fuc
tors, he added in stating that en
gineers are not the only profes
sion in which long-range plan
ning is necessary for the benefit
of any given region.
"lie's much worse, Doctor he keeps calling far a new car, a
dozen whit shirts and a coeple ef steaks!"
Election Board
Posts Vacant
Approximately 10 Marion coun
ty election board vacancies and
134 democratic and 100 republi
can precinct committeemen and
commit lecwomen vacancies are
yet to be filled. County Clerk Har
lan Judd repotted Thursday.
Two elecUon board mrmlwri
are lacking In rji ale wood Dir.
net, one each in Quinaby pre
cinct, Salem no. HI, Salem no. 12
and Union Hill, and two each In
Salem no. 33 and Salem no. 32,
Clerk Judd stated. The 234 com
mitteemen and commi t tee women
vacancies are scattered over th
county's 89 precincts.
Many precincts have no com
mitteemen o r mmmitteewomeii
filed, Judd said, indicating that
thte vacancies would have to tje
filled in the November election
by write-in candidates.
for military recount i net Ion arid
natural defense.
At Yenan. Chinese communUts
charged that he lacked tlte man
power for the replacements te
Miitedly demanded byi ln gen
erals on the scatleied ; civil war
. In this connection, as the com
munists claimed victo ie along
the Peiping-llankow railroad
south of Peiping. military
vers pointed out that th govern
ment apaiently was sacnficing
for the time leiiig a poition Of
that lin in favor of a quick cap
ture of communist -held Kalgau
northwest of Peiping. '
Frosts Moving
Over Mid w.est
CHICAGO, Oct. 10 (At Killing
frosts and sub fleering tempeia
tutes began moving in over wide
areas of the midwest tonight,
mat king th etid of the 1044 grow
ing season for garden vegetuhlea.
By Sunday morning, wetither
forecasters predicted, sub fleec
ing temiteratures would b re
corded in Minnesota, Iowa, Wu-T
cousin. upter Michigan and most
of northern Illinois. Killing floats
also were forecast for southern
Michigan and central Illinois.
The midwest's bumpef corn
crop Is mature and past danger
of damage, The soylean crop al
so was pronounced out of dsnger
from killing frost
(sVi'itiaii lY.HoiicrM
Riot at DariiiMlndl
KRANKKURT, Germany, Oct.
10 t7rV Heavily armed U. K. con
stabulary troops and field artil
lerymen quelled a riot tonigtit
among German piisonets In a
civilian Internee camp In Pat in
stant, the thud army said
The ptisoiieis tor down a
quarter-mile of luteiior feme. Th
situation was repotted under con
trol within SO minutes after th
American soldiets wet called (Hit
I-OltTi.ANli. Vt. .0H4)-Tl.e
fegoe of Oregon Cities, which
rcptewerit ISO of this state's 203
munii-ipaliOes, will hold Its list
anniversary convention her Oct.
relieve tJvfrtness, Invite
M nese Mils tap
. It's wonderful how tlttl Va-tro-ool
up each nostril reUsvea stuffy traoaient
cong ration. If you need rsllaf torUght.
try Ul follow dtrooUon In poaa.
Saw loss 16 feet or longer;
Will pay celling- price.
Hlumpage with 500.000 feet
or more In piece, on or
near f raveled road.
West Salem Lumber
West galea. Or. Th. fSfl
Where Diamond
Are Famou
141 s diamond woddlag pair.
In oaqalslt bowknol aa
tlf. An tsawsaally attrartlv
daetU. Settings ef Ilk fal
low gold. I !
Terms If Desired
lit CeeH U-o4
Commercial and
Lighting FixJnrcs
For Immediate Deliver
Salem Lighting
and Appliance Co.
Temporary I e a tie.
tit N. Liberty, Halem. Or.
Then flit