1 The Statesman. SaUm. Oregon Frtdary. Octob 11, IMS Tan Mair Sent - To Convicted Nazi Leaders NlirfcNBFJlU. Ormnv, t 1 . Jvtlirnun Carina's date U r.irigmai ut werk jtr- . t-"t1 tim from arret ing an in- t.iay U eOeot a propos el ler xhibitMMi br th rm r '.. r.'ty in IHiwMhI in the I: - -i future. : ! . ' TM ii.?ti wa one i'(mny c ' W t'er the niii'lf mnr (( t- 4t-mfcihrfl U rMving e rry j. itin eectM-ity ffieis 1is r! ed Mtc Fredee-: Trith. prion ury .ffiree. ad G-wring IhvmI a lette M'Ctled In tr.ty ut with a return address J- rn Mrwt sigwd "Crm Gu-r-:." af t a refill frfim someone tivng U 1 1 pear U lw- hi former v fe h ;r:n. wi lit (A N i-tlers f this .!' which a - mi I 1o upt hirrt ie given C ' Trirti Mi'l Tr : nty offi sti'l Goer- e n t rr..ng mol it incrriiitig i tm t.eig-s atMjf- 10 let tr a y m M l ( ;-ii. r . rt- tl rean an with Goering. "hain't had a "fan letter In weeks, Telch said, but for the past few days has been writ ing furiously, apparently to mem bers of a large family and friend. Jottrhim von Kibbentrop, ac rotding to Teich. ha written sev eral letters to -titled people" in Britain. In on of them he asked a former associate to give his eon a Job with hit former firm a"nd pressed regret that aoon all hi tie with the firm would be terminated. Terms of Adair Disposition Unrcvcalcd Exact term of the disposition of Camp Adair remain uncertain today, pending further word from Washington, but it appears likely that sale of property by the build in jt. with federal agencies getting I first priority, will be conducted, it was stated yesterday by C.'T. Mudge. WA A chief in Portland. Me said the earlier plan to dis mantle building and sell tha turn er has been abandoned. Just how the sale of buildings will be J--tri tu.',y but aptid most of conducted and to what extent the f r rtiy v-r.g flat, on his bun. buildings might be. mane avall--i.4iM.f a :ng llivirnn pipe and table to alleviate veterans' housing Frit Surkel, nf-be-l iled to dlt Truman Holds Resignations of WSB Officialls WAsjl!NGTOf. Oct. 10 The future the goverDRnent's pay control was up in the air to night as President Truman de layed Accepting the resignations of the two industry . members of the wage stabilization board. A. Col man. Barrett and Early N. Cannon, reported to be dis satisfied bacaua the board was bypassed m order to give mari time strikers more money than it was willing to sanction, asked that their resignations b made effective today. But Mr. Truman aaid at :a news conference that he had made no decision on whether to accept them. Barrett told reporters after the White llouse statement that he would attend a meeting of the board ached uled for tomorrow. But in a formal statement he add ed that "Mr. Cannon and I are of the opinion that all wage controls should be ended. We hope that the president will not deliberate too long in. accepting our resigna tion and ending ; all wage con trols." ; f rn ' aMBMBaHKi TONIGHT! UH i introducing Patricia ROC ritncnun 1 iWT civue suurr nous UOTO HIDCES FAT N016U I VKfOt (UTUI U tae DtMM lilt, U.aaBtRT . ssarf . v J i t U-tKAII Kl.: Tle ireat Dvvbte-OMi "Inside Job" H Ilk rrt Fitter ; Ann Rtllterferd ENDS TODAYI Itoanoa IHtrbin ( harlea lHtn la . "BECAUSE OF HIM" Alan "Wt.ind fireen Uht" TOMOICICOW! TORNADO IX CIT IM INT! rO-IIIT: ' Ian and Lawghter "HIT THE HAY" with J4y (hmci - Hunter KXTK ! Color MnUrat -NAt CiHTV NANKTTf khortagea, however, remain to be seen. Mudge aaid. Veterana with fill priority prob ably, will follow the federal agen cies.' small buiries and state and local governments in priority, WAA antirioate in Portland. Last month the League of Seven CJties, i tpatkrvi by Albany, made over ture to obtain Camp Adair build ! tng for a veter an'.housing colony at the camp aite. Keuorts frcen Washington, D. C-. lat night statetl that the Camp Adair land It .elf has been turned back to the farm credit adminis- t rat ion for sale to former owners j and other buyers. Associated Press said the 00,000 acres of Ore i gon land involvifd includes 55,498 acres at Adair and small acreages at Camp Abbott. Troutdale, Ma dras army air field and a site near Kugene. all used by the arm , ed forces during the war. Mat. Daily I rem I I. M. f NOW SHOWING! Hcf U m k ta such , , as yen aac seMfn sera I -. I f f . ,w'-W' ;aa ' W ff TumiP FLAMt.NO CO-HIT! r"w" -aaaBW-eaa-hsafc',J I !5 K P 4 " k -4 1 k - Li 1 LATEST FOX NEWSI KND3 TODAY! (TL) Derethy La men r A MKDAL FOR BENNY" a . Marguerite Chapman "ONE WAY TO LOVE" -i CO NT. FROM 1 P. M. TOMOHKOW! CO-FEATURE! II AWolkinthe rUH IAIA AIOIIWS Mrs. Mumm to Head Marine Lrcagne Group Mrs. Christine Mumm last:night was elected president of the Sa lem unit of the Marine Cor pa League? auxiliary when It met Jointly with the local Marine Corps league at Normandy Man or. ', 'l ; Othr new officers are ; Mrs. Emma t Powerj, senior vice j presi dent; Mrs. Lucille Jonsrud, junior vice presldentt Mrs. Margaret Mil lett. judge advocate; Mrs. Pearl Simkins, treasurer; Mrs. Billie Berger, historian; Golda Wheeler, captain of the guard, and Mn. Pro. chaplain. Commandant George Wilkinson announced to the league hat sale of I wo Jima buttons will feature the local observance of Iwo Jima day to' commemorate the marine corps birthday November 10. The league; also Is planning a no-hoxt dinner'' party at Normandy Manor November 14. with all marines and their families invited. Keaer vationg may be made by calling 5848.. .-i Must Return ft I 1111 " 1 -a 1 111 V " 'j mmm ""' " V"7 If- , , Wj l v V J il 1 II ! J t Vets Oppose CPA Defiance Defiance of housing regulations In Graft f Pass and elsewhere was scored; last night by the Marion County Federated Veterans coun cil In a resolution barking the national housing policy of Wilson WyatM ' The resolution was adofted by the representatives of major vet erans orgalnzations in the' coun ty, at .their meeting In the state library building, favoring fcom piying with the laws of the nation and directives and regulations of the CPA and the national housing expediter. Wilson Wyatt, In a tru ly democratic manner. In order that the intent of congress to provide housing for veterans of world twar II be achieved. No veterana are Involved Jn re ported violations of civilian pro duction adminstration regulations at GranU Pass, a letter front Nel son English, regional CPA direc tor, revealed to the council. Appointed to a constitutional committee by Chairman Dn Ooode were Allan Carson. Tyrone Gillespie, Paul Hendricks, Sam uel Harveaon and Perry T. Buren. The next council meeting will be held October 24. OPENi P. M- NOWf. SAVAGE THRILLS! i f . v i i i a i i crrrnT m ACTION CO-HIT! ROBERT MiTCIIL'M Zaae Greyts -NEVADA" Su$p ension o f Flights Lifted rnANKFURT, Germany. Oct. lO-iPf-An unexplained suspen sion of American plane flights over Csmhoalovakia and Russian-controlled Hungary, was lifted sud denly late today but a U. S. mili tary ban still remained on flights by either civil or military aircraft ever Romania. Officials in headquarters of U. S. forces In the European theater steadfastly refused to give any reason either for yesterday's orig inal suspension order or for the confusing removal, of the Czech and Hungarian bans. (Military officials fn Washington- expressed the private belief that the. temporary ban was due to maneuvers or other troop move ments), j, 'y- i ; SQI'ATTEAftt TOTAL MM LONDON, Oct. l&(;r-A: total of 39.535 person's are living as "squatters" in . 1,038 army camps in Britain. Minister of Health Aneurin Bevan told the commons today. ': Opeas 8:4 T. M. '-Feature Tbs Old Texas TroUT C ire car A Ca&S-7tf0?f 8 FII HSLIl 11350 NORFOLK. Va- Oct. If Chris tine Rklba (abeve). Zl. PelUh girl whs arrived at Nerfelk. Va as a alewawsy aboard the steam ship Robert W. Hart, has beea ordered returned te Poland by a Nerfelk Immigration beard en the ground of Illegal ertry. Im migration afflciais here said her claim ef marriage te Eugene Pax ton Canady ef Payneavllle. M. while the latter waa In the American army In Germany last February, la being Investigated. (AP YVIrephete) Greeni Re j ects British Bid for World Unions CHICAGO. Oct lOHflVAFL President William Green today flatly turned down a British bid to cooperate with the world fed eration of trade unions, a group Including the CIO . in Its member ship but tagged by Green as communist-dominated. Green told the American Fed eration of Labor convention he thought the British labor move ment's position was -contradictory" because it cooperated with Soviet Russia in the WFTU yet refused to accept tha communist party in the British labor party. The AFL leader spoke in re ply to a speech delivered to, the conventions by Thomas O'Brien, a fraternal delegate representing the British trada union congress and a member of parliament. O'Brien had asked the ( AFL, re gardless of whether it agreed with ail WFTU policies, to . cooperate in the Interest of a unified world wide trade unionism. . Short-Lived Revolt Staged In Portugal LISBON. Portugal. Oct. 10-i7P A young Portuguese army officer led a small group of cavalrymen and armored cars on a "march to glory to . conquer freedom" in northern Portugal in a short -lived revolt today, it was reported here. The; incident caused the gov ernment of Premier. Dr. Antonio de Oliveira Salazar to take ex traordinary precautions in the capital amj cut the city off from communications with most of Portugal and the world. An unofficial communique said the uprising began when a group of noncommissioned army officers entered a cavalry barracks, "dragged out 70 soldiers" and marched them southward. Subsequently the group Wa stopped by other soldiers and surrendered without fighting, the communique said, adding: "There Is complete calm throughout Portugal." The bulletin claimed that only one regular army offi cer took part In the uprising. A u t h o r 1 1 a 4 i v e 'diplomatic sources in London said reports had been . reaching the British government of opposition , to the -benevolent dictatorship" of Pre mier Antonio de Oliiveira Salazar and that "deep rumblings of dis contentment, if hot exactly a civil war" could be expected.) Boy Incurs Cut in Wreck Jackie Stubblefield, 9. of 504 Larson ave., incurred a gash an his right forehead at about 6:30 p m. Thursday when, riding a bicycle, he collided with a car driven by Harvey Page, 505 Fish er rd., at Silverton road and Lar son avenue, city 'police report. Police indicated that the boy was to receive treatment from his family physician, but he was not seriously injured. Page was cited by police for operating a motor vehicle with deficient brakes, causing an' acci dent He Is to appear In city court at 10 o'clock this morning. (lourt Pomler Parking Meter i'ane The Oregon supreme com I has liroirr Milviruniit tod.iy the rase of Morns vs. the city of S.ilem in which the right of the cily to install paring meters is at stake.- Final court decision Is not expected for about two weeks, it Was understood. Heating of the opposing attor neys' arguments closed Wednes day. The case had leen appealed by the city after a Marion county circuit court had held for the plaintiff. Reds Refuse To Register NEW YORK. Oct. 10 W4V The soviet consulate said today 11 citizens of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, who came here to attend the American Slav congress, had been ordered home by their government rather than comply with a Justice department order for them to register as agents of a foreign power. Ana to I Yakovlev. vice consul of the soviet consulate general, said scheduled appearance for the 11 persons at a Slav mass meet ing tonight in Gary. Ind , had been cancelled and that all of them would go home "as soon as arrangements can be made." All 17 were asked by the jus tice department to register as foieign agents. Yakovlev aaid he had no Information concerning what action might be taken by the aix rton-citizena of the USSR. MRM. GRANT RF.LF.AHFO Mrs. Julia Grant, 1599 State st . was released Thursday from Sa lem General hospital where she had been a patient since Incur ring a broken leg when struck by an automobile at State and 15th streets on August 18. I FIRKMF.N QUALIFIED Eight qualified firemen appli cants have filed for examinations for the (six positions open with the Salem fire department. City Re corder Alfred Mundt said yester day. Two others were disqualified because of failure to meet age and residence requirements, ha said CAPFlyinjr ClubOrganizcd The new flying club of Salem's civil air patrol was organized last night at the senior high school shops building, with Kermit Bur son as temporary president, non aid Bartlett was named tempor ary aecretary-treasurer. It was decided to conduct a contest to name the club and by-laws were adopted. Regular weekly meeting night was set at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, x with the shops building as meeting place. War Workers Get .$12 Million In Jobless Pay Oregon's war plant workers have received more than $12,000, 000 in unemployment compensa tion since V-J day, the state un employment compensation com mission reported Thursday. Benefit payments to former shipyard and aircraft plant work ers have droped from 80 per cent of the state's total a year ago to 60 per cent, and the amount paid to all war workers since Japan surrendered Is about half the amount paid -into the state trust fund by war-time industries in the last six months, the commis sion stated. About 20 per cent of the war time workers have left the state. the commission said. Of the 26.419 workers who exhausted their benefits this year, 17,346 were from the shipyards and other war industries. Oregon shipyards and aircraft plants paid $920,000,000 In wages in the- last six years, Ad ministrator Silas Gaiser said. The commission revealed that 12.484 of the 58,240 persons with valid 1946 claims have aked no bene Ma, and 8.000 additional workers were denied claims. The commission indicated that pay ments to former war workers may pass the- $13,000,000 mark before December 31. Slt'iinloff Sella Lamh for 2.40 lb. PORTLAND. O.t. 10 01 'Top price at the Pacific International Livestock Kxpoition open l.m fat stock auction today went to Washington State college, whose grand champion barrow sold at $2 0 a pound., Claude Stensloff, Salem, sold his grand champion fat lamb for $2.40 a pound. Washington St.ite college, alao winner of the fat steer championship, sold the champion Shorthorn for 50 cents a pound. Wlma McNaiiiara on legion Welfare Hoaril Velma McNamara, commander of Pioneer post, Salem all-woman American Legion poet, has been appointed to' the state child wel fare committee of the legion. She was the only woman among about ! 50 Oregon delegates to the recent national Legion convention at San Francisco. Opening Dance AT Silverton Oct 12th Dancing Every Sat, fiijht in th K. P. Hall Wayne Slrohan'i Orchestra SPONSORED BY LIONS CLUir VFW Heaver Fowl to del Charier Ttielay Beaver Post. Vetetans of For eign Wars, will get its charter at 8 o'clock Tuesdiy night. Com mander Irvin F. Bryan said last night. State Cimmaiider Karl C. Mead will speak and 'present the charter at the meeting In St ay ton Vrw hall. . MIMMFI) FROM HILLCRFHT Ruth Graw, 15. Is missing from Hillcrest school, authorities there reported to city police last night. ! AtJTOMOBILF.K COLLIDF. Cars driven by Jess McF.lhaney, Springfield, and Reva M. Brown, Cutler City, collided at Commer cial and Center streets at about 9:30 last night, police report. No one was injured. ran t u uuuu o Are Arriving in Larger Quantities Daily at LODEB BOOS. We specialize in repair of all General Motors makes and model particularly i - Oldsmobile For Fast, Competent, Friendly Service Bring Your Car to Loder Bros. 4S Center St. - lis. 47-Ul lSth Year in Salens Too Ijite to Classify Wanted- r.prin-i sie i.dv unrt.r 40 Must also dimt Si Siianga Stork rtrestons , 31 Msl HI. im'OAI. Ml barrels. AH kinds nl huok up fitting Phon 7ZOS. Lh'ie Dance Ftoor Shows 10-12 . THIS TrVEKK'S SHOW Rasty Celeman Presents Spanish Singing & Dancing Star Alice Huiett The Dancing Body Beautiful Dick Gardner Mimicry - Magic - Ventriliquist Abbe Green' Orch. Starring Jean Fontaiste Steaks - Chicken - Turkey Chinese Dinners Ne Cover Charge Before p.m. LEONARDS SUPPER CLUB Opea Every Night Kacept Sunday Daily thru Oclober 15 KIWAIIIS CIRCUS PROUDLY PRESENTS Kiwanis At Leslie Junior High 2 Shows Daily School Friday - Saturday - Sunday - Monday - Tuesday Friday Matinee 4 P.M., Saturday and Sunday 2:15, Monday and Tuesday 4 P. M. Night Shows ft:15 Each Day FKATURINO Kernade II. The Musical Wonder Horse. Polark Bre Famous High School Ilaraeff, Seney Moore's Dogs and Ponies. The Three D'a. Bar Fsperts. Black Bros.. Renowned Pantomime Comedians. The Three Sidneys. Bicycle and L'nlcyrle Experts. And Many Others r ThU Coupon and 40c will admit any child up to j 12 years of age at any performance. Any lady j 1 5 accompanying child admitted for 75. GSsftEsS! AY'S Will train YOU to become a dance instructor! Av.es 21-35. Two years college or the equivalent of business trmning preferred. Earning $W to $100 Weekly! $1000 Worth of Training, FREE! ARTHUR MURRAY STUDIOS 155 S. Liberty - Salem ! 1 u Seta Agents fef PensUr Remedies far Marten Ceanty Prescriptions Filled 1899.1916 Phone 5197-9723 11 M rntnmi-rri'ail St. " nnMT 11 V f AM K a m ssbs .siisi'iss ; Schaefer's Kidney and Bladder Pills Fee lasting relief frem burn ing pains and getting up sights 50 Hew Perfumes by Nelnon of Detroit. Kx eitlng; new odors: Apple IllosMom, Dew on Clover, Heck on. Rebel. In two gram ift vials. Only 50c Plus Tax 1 - v.rUriil Pile Ploe makes ap plication correct and easy. Schaefer's Pile Oinlnenl lor Files Ne relief ne say Cftf Seld the Sehaefer'Way W V W Tour iocior and Vou' Yu may have an idea thai your Doctor itives nome high priced service Hut did you ever hear of a Physician retiring on what he made practicing medicine? You may complain about Doctor Hills What d.H-s it really roat you to have the service of yirtir physician? Over a jcrind of years abtmt one-tenth as mucn as it does to run youtr car Yu complain alxut the price f pr-M i iptions Yet the average prescription costs you about as much as the average patent medicine of its sie H.KM IS A MKIHCAI. ANI IIOsriTAI. CKNTKR AN,,C1' ARF M'CKY Tt IIAVF TIIK Sr R VICK TIIAT Y ACC-FSH T II FRF. RFMKMBKR TIIAT lOI R HEALTH . M I THE Bl KINF.SS OF VOI R rilYMK IAN tYou have yur car overhauled' once a year but your health is never looked into until you are sick" Tor Preicriplion Filling See Ui Dial 9723 Prescriptions Are Onr Business This Is the efflclal Penslar Remedy Htere fer Marlon Cennly. Yew will find these preparatlens ef highest quality and guaran teed te be exactly fer what they are seld and represented te be. li ii Take care of your spraina and sore muscles with Nerve and Bone Linineni 50c and $1.00 Only at Schaefer's No Stain on the Skin! Hood's Poison Oak Lotion Only at Schaefer's Stop Pain Kills Poison Oak ! Safe, Kure. Quick 50c ..4 S1.00 Onchi Take care of those corns and they won't bother you. Use Schaefer's Corn Demedy 25c Ne Relief Ne ray Quick Relief I ' . ' :