1 The Nation's Top Comics -A TlAII.V-Ali:fTMIA V - - m r S . I i mV f f M. ' " -....M... ---in 1 : ' Vur Ilonic NoHpaper .:!lliillUli mm lilPBIIlli. npnBBjnnaammn: ; n uUmmml Mt .f? CTOALG 7 DEAR? . J (JJSJ&'j 4? VV, ( EVER KISS BLOND IZ I JLw X I FSTEP ON IT. FELLOWS. ItOl I I rOS. RSTAV RIGHT IM HERE TILL jfl I rM l V Wi GET TO YOUR Did TRACY r I'M CONG AQOUNO FRONT TO TALK TO MC KASKEY. I'LL SEE VOU AT HCAOOUAPTEPS IN ABOUT AKI MO UP, 7k YES. IV SUPEftttfTEMDEffT OF THIS BUILDING. AND I WANT TO KNOW WHO TOOK MV FLOWER BOX? SI M -GOODNESS CCACIOU 2F0- I NEVER SAW SO HANV lOvTLY FLOWERS N ALLHY WUtXE Ut?- 3 UTTLE ANNIE ROONTT u TWECE MUST BE MILLIONS am millions of tM - all TERRIBLE PCETTY ALL SMELUN SO SWEErAN' PERf LIMEY-AN' NOBODY tflNOBOOY SEES TMEM f '- u '.t:3f. -- -,.;. Iuj f FEEL KlNOA SOPRY FOR LOVELY UTFLE FLOWERS TtfAT GROW WMERE MO BODY KIN fflS TMEM-IT MUST MAKE rEM FEEL BAD ALL OVER - SEEMS LIKE A WiO WHO MAS OH A SWELL NEW PARTY DRESS WITM A GREAT Bid Pi NIC RIBBON ! IN HER HAIR- WMEQE NOBODY i KIM SEE HER AN NOBODY SEZ, rMYGOOOKlESS. AIM Mk ORAWD .. ! ,VV .V v" " ?MKvn Ml MO TUXT- DlOIS UCCX.HOl X Y ANO WE NAM I CUT T LIVS MO BKkAIHkJ , f ' :r;, VYSrJfwSlS maAu'T ShoA (outtUt wno Imers tky come no wi, liTiV IvvJ5 it UNOOOFFW ll STATES? -j5rjL AH 0.STY A0S FALUM3 N LOV1, THfi MAW Aj4. ' " BUZ2 8AWTES j jjy u i iiyi r-H. s . . occ rrCAY Z t ain-t MCAfelLL I quiet, r J tj7ZT 1 r ' MICKEY MOTJSS 4 V "sfC 1. r MOULD VOJ PO I VOU AS. J VOU hE SOME MCIEK(T5 IN TUP LOW MLC tCOMC MCACXOS WHO OAN TVClK HOME'S. MefT VOU? Ikcmt jj I yvu 1 I MCE. n I AKIZOMA I PUT IM AFkAmm I i It MIMn imnT vrai I ovt rv I rr uuOi in m II X7 v, I J X JPV I - vy ,- , 1 . -i-mj M HEALTH i OONSIPEKQ? V VX O I L "" l "I I I LOOK WHRT lUt I 1 OURN YORE HIDE !! 1 LOWI2IB!!GM4!!) QSl "J&& tf J?rrf U14 VEST IDDV ? !! what v6 mow, y J'C5 V A 1RAILIN M6 UP f Qzf K X D tL L V f 1 V r 10 NCW " ' t OOULPN'T- VOU SENO ONE OF TMEM TO THE AK170NA PESCirr TOR HIS PEItMAIseNTLV TO LOVE TO CERTAIN INTtVltniALS. eUT IM AFKAiP IT WOULD BE CONSIPEKEP UNETHICAL. rrs a joke. ooc. BUT TM REALLY CETTINC PESPBCATE 1 BARNEY GOOGLE eo. vour ixm WANT ANY MOLO A GON MORE FlGHTiN' IN ON M ROOM! NOW Gtr THIS STRAHT' I KNOW THAT MR. HMO WMB WE JOB OF BRIDGING THE GHOST CANYON! WEIL 00 ALL HE CAN TO KEEP ME FROM FINISHING THE BRJOGE LONZ BANCO IF VttNO 15 PAYING FOR AOpW3Ej 1 WN'TA KNOW fT?y KIPKilT'SYOUR JOB TO f NQ OUT J THAT MASK EO MAN'LL PAY FOR. MAK1N' ALL JW6TR0UBIL1 FORME r r7 "THE YOUNG IDEA" By Mossier Cr. Mt ! 'C'oaM you tell m where yon tot your Jeans? 1 need a new pair and I've looked high and low!" ntoqflnn) IPiyn)gDfflnmi Frl. KSLM KOIN KGW KEX RADIO (1IH k) i$T ae) (2 he) (lift k) - Nwa Nw Jumpln' Jarka Hulfr X ITlmekMper Wl SUrt lave Weal BuKler X :M -Orchratra IKOIN Kluck Kiwa. News Buiclrr X News Busier X 1'- News rrm Time IHoundup 1:1 iKlse 'n Shina News Airoiky T:M (News Bob Oarred The Old Songs' James Abbe t:4 'Severin Fact finder Nam Hayes I Stork Market Dr. Talbot lUser News ' Dr. Talbot ITrrd Bk :M Sllverlon Prog lOrand Slam :4 Ijndlahr iKomary IFred Waring Jack Berch James Abbe I Breakfast Club Brrakfait Club I Breakfast Club I Breakfast Club :IS 9 iC'amera Club ICoka Club I Pastor's Call 'Art Baker Kate Smith Aunt Jenny Helen Trent 01 Sunday Ore. Caravan iCIamour Kneasa, News lOlamour Star Parade I Brrnrman Mssl' Wire I Breneinan I M News I Bid Slater 1020 Time I Home Kditlon lt:l IBIna Sings I Ms Perkins Mi and Male Ted Malnne 1:M (Orchestra Dr. Malone True Story l:4 . (Orchestra IKoad of L.lfa G. Fletcher I True Story IIMt .Walts Time IMrs. Burton II tit (Day Dreams IPerry Maum ll:M IWueen for Day 1 1. one Journey ll:U Iviueen fur Day lAtt Baker Guiding Light I Mijsir Children I Melodies Women. Wliihe l.utenlng Poet Masquerade It'.thel. Albert N illymos IS :1s Newa IS:M lilillbllly U:4t (Variety Show l.ou Gillette Come Get It Wheeler Sing I Kneaas. News IJ B Kennedy Ma Peiklna I Stars Todav I Pepper Young 1 Hey. Motorist I Happiness Uant-r Band l:M INews IHotiie Party l:lt fl.um 'n Abner iToin Today l:J (Turner Prog. Newspaper t:4S ITurner Prog. I HackiUage Wife, Manhattan Stella Dallas I Manliattan liiirnzo Jones ! Galen Draka Wldder Brown I C. Edwards t: t:l iTell Neighbor I School of Air U. J. Anthony I j Desire Meet Missus I Desire I I Girl Marries IWhat's Doin' Portia. Life t Wliat's toin Uu.t IMaln BilltKav West rarreli IKav West aa i:l 1:M 1:4 Red Croaa V S Navy News 'four Corners Art Klikham r Winters Serenade I Kobert Ti out IKoad of l ife I David Harum lAunt Mary ll)i Paul I Bride. Groom I Bride. Gloom I Be Sealed lite Seated 4:11 :! 4:4S rulton I-wls iHex Miller IK. Johnson (Buck Rogers JPIaln Call lone For look Awhlla I Linger I Featuie This Woman irootllght News IN. W. Today I Life Beautiful 'Organ I Joyce Jordan I Term Jed 1 News I Knox Manning Stera Today I Pirate $ li fguperman iMuaic I News I Dick Tracy :M Capt. Midnlght News ISIng. America I Jack Armstrong 4 Tom Mix I Bob Gar red INews I Serenade a. HeatWr IGlnny Simms I People IKtng Cole (Orchestra I Newsletter :M .Rands I Durante I Welti! Time ITtie Sheriff fl:4S IBartds The Sheriff 7 tea INews- ISports Theatre ISxrts :ll (News Strange Srx.its . :J iCisco Kid iMaisle Sports IMulc T:4 Cisco Kid I Khythm Range Riders :M nor(e Do It H.. Thomas I Supper Club Music t:IS IGeorge Do It iJack Smith I l.awton (Music S:I4) 1 (Serenade ISparkle Time I Alan r Young Your FBI :4S Orchestra News I Your FBI t:M INews I Fanny Brlce I King's Men I Break the Bank t:IS IRex Miller I Goes to Town I Break the Bank :M jtiporta (Thin Man j Public Interest Cheery Song t:4 H. J. Taylor lOna Munson I News Dramas lt Fulton Lewis IS Star Final :New Flashes INews latlt News llgnotant Swtit IVarketies letM News I Orctiestra (Concert Hour t:4S Orchestra IText. Rangers IBaiwI Wagon (Conceit Hour ll'Oe Orchestra I Serenade INews I Conceit Hour 11:1 I Jan Gather I ' Orchestra I Concert Hour II M lOichestra lAlr-Flo !Rm Salt (Orchestra I lis Wews I Orchestra lis i News News t I? tae I Sign Off Silent ISign Off I X-Tia Hour t v.a. mam L. IA nA Mwa- tft IS F.S pec telly for Women; II 00 School of tle Air; litis lomtri . IX IS Noon Farm Hour. I 0" Hide F.m Cowboy; 1 :1S School of the Air: 1 :3l Melody Time; X IW The; Clubwomen's Half Hour; 1:30 Memory Book of Music; 3 00 News; 1:15 Music of the Meler 4 O0 Oregon Reporter; 4 IS Strlctlv jazz; :w viiiii - v". On the Upgeat; OO News; :I5 Week end In Town: 30 Music of Cwhi- lovakla: IM Fvenlng Farm tiour. Here's to Veterans; '! Youtn Tlielr Music: S News: BOO uir That Fndures" t 4! Fvenlng Meditations. 10 00 Sign Off I 00 and M Flying FarmcrH S?e Big Future For Ranch Plane "Iti my estimation, flying has more application on farms than In any other occupation." Hays Harold Steen. Milton, president of the Oregon Flying Farmers as aoriaUon, organl.el. late In Sep tember at a tri-htale meeting at Spokane sponsored Jointly hy the extension gervicea of the tate and the Northwest Farm Trio magazine. Eighty-eight Oregon farmers and other who either fly or are interested in flying attended the organization meeting. Forty flew their own planes to Spokane, and 53 were farmers and cattlemen. The Oregon delegate represented 19 cotintien, Umatilla leading with 23. Officers other than Steen, are Le llotliday, Klamath Falls, vice president; Garland Swanson, Lex ington, a e c r e t a r - treasurer; Worth Wiley, Dayton, Glenn Strome, Junction City; Palmer Torvertd. IlilUboro, (native of Sil vtron), and Gordon Gribling, El gin, directors. Among delegates from the mid WUlamette valley counties were Alva Brandt. Oregon City; Russell S. -Lehmnn, Dayton; Virgil Meyer. Tigard; Herbert P. Noble and Basil Weathers, Salem; ' Mr. and Mr Emery Tresham, Carlton. Clay lorter. also formerly of Silverton, attended from Pendleton. Stock Market Rallies Briskly NEW YOHK. Oct. 10-A') The Stock market rallied briskly at the tail-end of today's proceer lings aft er six declining sessions to new lows since early In 195. Brokers attributed the revival partly to the catching of numer ous bid "under the market" and to quick-turn purchasing on the idea the list had been oversold and was due for a substantial techni cal upswing. Demand became somewhat ur gent in the firtul In If hour and many favorites ended at the day's Injiit with advances of 1 to 6 ixmils 1 or so. Tra nfers of 2,220,000 shares compared with 2.020,000 Wednesday. CONTROL RATS IN FALL Hod S(uill powder has been Used auccessfiilly for a long time in the control of rats. One of the main precautions to take in using it is to see that it is mixed with the proper bait. The recom mended baits are fresh fish ground in a meat chopper, meat, cereals, fruits and vegetables. It is well lo remove all forms of food from the rats before placing the bait. Baits are best put in dark places and It is well to include several DRS. CHAN LAM Ur T.TjMjU.D Or O Cfcaa.N I CHINESE HERBALISTS 241 North Llbertr l' stairs Portland General KleclrH Co Office open itaturela only 10 a m to I p m . to T on Con ultatlon Blood pressure and urins 'eta are free ttt rrtara Prartieed inre II7 Th Statamcm, Solam, OwxyotL Ttidtrf. OctotW 11. 1148 IS New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Oct. 10-,h-Toda y's closing quotations: Al Chem & Dye 158 Gen FotkIs American Can 80itc;en Motors Am I'ow A Lt Am Tel A Tel Aii.m'iiikI.i AUhiMiu llendiK Ata .. Belli Steel Boeing Air . . Canadian Pac Calif Pack Case J I . ... . Chrysler ... Com with Sou . Cons Edison .... Cons Vultee .... Cont Ins Crown 7.el Curtiss Wr ... Douglas Air Duixmt Du Ne Gen Electric . Goodyear Ti H9i (it North pfd . 37 I lot llur kt . 82 lint PaiMT pfd . Manville , . . B5 iKennet-ott . 22";Ing Bell A .. . 12-VMHyUlC 31 Miami Copper . 341,4 Mont Ward . 82 si Nash Kelvin .. 31 Nat D.tuy . 25.1N Y Central . 19?; North Am Co . 47 I Northern Pjm . 27 jPac Am Fish . 5jPar Gms EleV . 76,P T A 17 ls Pan Asnerican . 36 ! Penney J C . 40 (Radio Corp WilKaynotfr 52Ts!Iiayonier pfd 42 4j Reynolds Met 71 I Safe war I7H 34 XSs 234 37 106'4'Sears Roe? 122 ISinclalr Oil 15 43 4 So Pacific 40 , . 17ljStan Brands 37 '4 4:SUn Oil Cal 52S . 10,;stew Warner US - 68a;studebaker .. . 20 . 13Ts'Sun Mining . 1 1 - 34,a:Union Oil 21 . 151. Un Pacific 117 25!Un Airlines .2t 18 fUn Aircraft 20S 104! U S Steel m 38,. Warner Brot 1T 125 IWest El Mfg 24 . 1 4 V Wool worth . 44 . 45 i I'ortlantl ,Grain Ap- so4 cutter. 10. 14; j C, ITlc. rmnntrr tKotn bulU. li 1 I tawara bark XOc mt in fi 1 graoe. sac lo Molksli nc lb on 13-enontn llav Vlhaieale fth iimkmii. a i t i. No 7 or better. Uo-Xt Lm- PDRTI.AMn f.rm rwi in Wheat futures' not quoted. Cash aralnt I Wool Valley No I flax 4 0)1 t aali wliest irKli' Soft wlitte la soil while IrirluilinK Km I S4 Willie i 1 1 1I1 t S4 - Hnlrtn refi I II Haiti led winter- Ordinary I St KliVmo", SO-XI tow. Oata and vetcts. per cent I N7. II per cent lt. j; "'ivfl niitiirr nrrtwtin ptir per cent 1 7 . II Si-23 Sl; clover hay. unrt,fte Hard white Heart 10 per cent I I 71 V1 7"' w haled on fsrrrvs II per cent 2 31. 12 pei cent 2 33 " ' " Today's car receipts Wheat S. hsr- I'tirllrtnil I JwM.fieLr ley 13. fljr 2. cts 2. mtllfeed 4. "mami UVrSIOTK forllaml I'riMlurr PORTlfD. Ore. Oct. IO -fAP Butterlat I Tentative! sublect to Immediate change! Premium Quality maximum of 33 of I per cent acidltv delivered In Portland S-J-t 14 lb : first quality S4 -tic lb . second quality 82-87c. valley routes and country points 2c leas than fir st or U-trfc Butter - (wholesale fob bulk. SS Ib tultsl AA. 3 score IV lb: A, tl score S4c lb : B. M score S3c lb ; C, M score 80c lb. Cheese Oregon singles S3-SSc: i Oregon loaf S4-S7c; triplets S3-S3c F.ggs - To wholesalers- A grade, large MM ,-)', c. medium. Ml-if',c; smell i I pullet l . 42i-43'ac. B grade, laige, I 4o',-4'c. ! Kggs -Purchases from farmers: Cir-I rent receipt. ftd-Mlc. buyers pav 3- ' 3'c doz below wliniesale quotation on graded basis for beat hennery egx. I Diesxed turkeys -No 1 torna. 41c lb: i hens. 4"-49c lb. Ilss kill and haul charges l Dressed chickens -Selling to retail ers: spring brotleis. 3 lbs up. ile; colored hens. 37c. lesluxn fowl. 32c. old rooatera and atags. 2Sc Live chickens Nr I qualitr broil ers. I to 2 lb. 3H-40r: fryers. 2 to 3 Kunda 4oc 3 to 4 Hunds 4 V- lb . colored hens all weight. 2ff-3uc lb ; leghorn hens 3'j lbs and over 34.2SC. under 3', lbs . 24-2Ac. riHitlrn and stags, tS-lc Kabblts Average to retalleia. 44-Soc lb. dreaaed prices to producers 40-4.V. fivers, live fryers, white 4- Itia.. 22-27c Onion Waahington Wbite. No I tl -! 2-V: Oresori. yellow. No I. tl 13- 1 23. green, bunched, 70-7ic; Idaho white gloves tl SO-1 5 large tl S3, yel. low Spanish. $ I 20-1 29. Oregon puk ling onions, 10c lb Potatnea - Washington Ruwt 2 50- 2 73 SO I lis No. 2. 90-tttc. local long Willie 2 81-2 75. KUnialh Ru-el No 1. 2 73-2 S3. Deschutes No I. 2 73.2 13 Dresaed Meats New celling prices: Veal AA. 22-22'c lb A 11-21', c lb . B. l'-l,c. C. IT'.-ISc: Cull. 15 l,c. Hogs Rlock butchers, packer style. 153-213 lbs. 23',c over 213 lls 22c shlpiier style. 173-2X1 lt. 21 I -4c; over 233 iba. 21c: sows, all welglits. 21c lb Umb-AA, 32VSC. A. 31', c. H. 27 ',c. C. 23c Mutton 12-ltc lb. according to qual ity and wight. Bees AA 23 8c: A. 2S.c: B. Ii,c; PORTLAND Ore. Oct IAP ItlSOA I -Salable end toiel cattle ITI calves 23; market rather stow hat noutlv steady to weak, oulud wers ufPon (ate market, few bimi (leers IS OO-ISM. slrkctl x'aoe steers quotable to Monday toat of 19 23- common - medium hetfera II on-14 25; common . cutter cows 8 0U-8 3O. shells down to 7 no fat aarry tpe rows I0 3O.I10D. overs to 1 1 SO medium - (nod cows I2 0O.I3 3O. mixed cows "" 14 23. odd uuuf bsua w uu. resv goott-enosce 17 no JUIable nogs 23. total 700. a sales steady: sows.-barrows I i n, celling: gnod-Chotcs quota hie to 21 00 Salable sheep 150. total 15S- tmt rarnos cenia lower, other steady; food -choice -la2 lb 18 00. good -choirs M lb shorn rso I pelts 173a. cradea 1 4 no-1 S OO yearnncs IZ OB-1 4 Oa. tmo yam wethers ton. (oo4 tsn 8 0vaa down to 4 00. Salem Market Quotations ra" and HtTTWIAT Premium . No. J No 2 ZH 'TTC PRINTS Wholesale) Retail ;.. rtaia frtra e.'stra large Medium Wholesale, large ZZI Medium Standard Retail, large Medium poii.rnr Colored hens. No 1 No. 2 Fryers l-IV STOC K (By VgHey Park! tows IOCS) to Dairy Cows 5 (at to Bu; 8 M to ljimts, top Veal UHU Kwe Yearling lambs Ilosjs. top. lt to 7t lt. Over 278 , , Sows at Si n M S.1 aT S3 ... 24 tl as, t M II M 14 im 1 as a tia is 79 M79 m -) Stocks and Bonds Coiapiled by the Associated Press Octotter 10 STOCK AVtRAOKI 20 18 10 18 Rail Indtrs Will Tom Thursday 83 1 32 0 42 8 0O 4 Previous day S20 3U9 42 3 SW4 Week ago M7 33 8 44 4 UD Month ago M7 3 7 43 3 Mil' Year ago . 97 3 44 2 49 4 73 BOND AVKK.stiKX 38 It 18 88 Indus Rail lltil Storks Thursday 92 0 102 8 1010- 74 9 Previous day 02 2 102 S l3 4 74 9 Week ago 93 2 10.1 1 U3 4 73 I Month ago 94 8 102 8 100 3 75 8 Year ago Hat 104 0 107 8 74 2 1948 high 108 8 103 2 100 3 79 0 IBIS low 92 0 IU?7 IIMII 74 9 New I 41 low Grain Futures Spurt Sharply CHICAGO. Oct v io Pi All grain ftitute spurted sharply to new hiphs on the tut t ent upward movement tod;ty following loner opening. Short-covering and moderate mill buying in wheat advanced all contracts of that urn in to new seasonal highs, sending the Jan uary option to the best level at tained by any bread cereal future since 1920. Strong demand for cash grains, a development riHitun.nl by the shortage of box cars to move grains from farms, was the major factor behind the corn and oats advance. Wheat cloned t-S's higher, January $2 06, corn was up 1T 3 cents, January $1 43'i-V, and oiits were ahead Ta-1. Novem ber 8f,a-a. A thin market was a factor in the Kharp advance for wheat, al though there was some pick-up in trading. Trade hopes that the ceiling price on floor will be in creaied IS rents a' hundred pounds created covering by previous short sellers. small baits. Bails equalling about one-quarter teaspoon aie of a gixid fcize. Additional Classified Ads IJyflork and Poultry TH .A' C Jersey heifers tuaC "-A. Wood bum Ore 14 mile rma of Salem on Sslem-Chsmporf Klm CUSIOM ar.aairm of m.sui aa" a umber Prompt servtce On a. ad poua- iT?s.Wh?'-,-0"JL PHasaa 1-281 Lee'a nateherr BABY CHICKS: si,K.trW - "";phtr I laar snetas Pis. 2WU tree's Hatchers - WAWTTO: All kmds 5TTiTIri5t. stork Valley Pack wgjC Phone 53S. WANTtDi fat and rainet rows Har heef Dairy cows heifers hulls ewe. Fat hoes. Sows, stags, boars Market, nrtce g C McCandiun rt 8 kaia JX Ph 8t4T aeroaa frora ball aark a bsj FOR SALst Chrwtte N It kaase chirks every Wad BoUrns 7i9 State St Phone 4a or ear 4 ANTIO ft- 7-aeeeWi. aulU and vesU WiU eall at tsM-ax. K 1 inlhM isaa l r il 9 BSC Help Uanlcd Male- tt WANTrO tat rUaa merhantrs per hotir time and a tmit mm. Uoura lltYKhoni Auto aerstre. arf N Church - Help WanlrtJ TCRKrY Pirhers report - seaak 8 M Mnndir nMrnrrur MARION CRrAMCRT POCLTRT CO. lit D SI PIANO Player wanted afterma,e rwlr Phone iloat WAITRrsS a dtahwaahW ihi nurL . ninm ie Uaratew, I SI', ft ti 10:15 g ( rsalit t re,-, ly J j K-S-L-Il i T WARDS PRESENT Art Baiter i AND HIS NOTStOOK ON KSLII s 9:4S A. M. M4y m) Friday Jt"'rT': ' 8 FII ESLII . 13:3